EIA-871I Mall Building Questionnaire

CIPSEA Confidentiality Pledge Revision

2012 CBECS - Form 871I - Mall Building Questionnaire

CBECS (Voluntary) (OMB 1905-0145)

OMB: 1905-0211

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2012 Commercial Buildings Energy

Consumption Survey (CBECS)

Mall Building Questionnaire Form EIA-871I


The 2012 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) will be conducted using a computer-assisted interview programmed using a software called Blaise. A professional interviewer will administer the questionnaire to the building respondent using a laptop computer. The purpose of this paper representation of the questionnaire is to document the question text, fills, and skip patterns within the 2012 CBECS questionnaire.

PLEASE NOTE: All the question fills and skip patterns will be handled automatically by the software and will be transparent to the interviewer, so this document appears much more complex that the actual CBECS instrument.

Each question is formatted as follows:


Question name SASVAR



Question text



The black box (A1 here) contains a question number, followed by the Question name and the SAS variable (if applicable) in the same row. If the SAS variable area says “see below,” the variables are found within the Question text box.

The ASK line describes what needs to be true for a question to be asked.

The FILL line describes any question fills and the conditions under which each appears. If the fill appears as something such as “A6 [Square footage]” this means that the figure given in question A1 will be filled in.

The Question text box shows the question text, and any other elements for each question, such as Show Card indicators or instructions, and the answer choices for each question.

The RANGE line is only applicable to numeric questions. It shows the range of answers that will be accepted by Blaise.

The NEXT line details the routing for the next question. Follow these instructions in order. Once a true statement is reached, go to the question indicated by the arrow ().





All Mall Buildings


Some parts of this interview will be recorded for quality control purposes. I'd like to continue now unless you have any questions.

For FAQs, press [F1] - Help

1 Gives consent to record interview

2 Does not give consent to record interview


IF First time case started R2 [Worksheet 1]

IF Restart R4 [Respondent function]


Worksheet 1 R1WS1 – RXWS1


All Mall Buildings

Do you have Worksheet 1 with you and completed?

1 Yes

2 No


IF First time case started R3 [Respondent function]

IF Restart R4 [Respondent function]


Respondent function R1JOB


All cases on first start


 Take out the Show Card booklet or make sure the respondent

has access to them. It is very important to use

these cards, as some of them contain more information

than can be found on your CAPI screens.

Before we get started, we need to make sure that we have Show Cards available for some of the questions. Please turn to Show Card 1.

Looking at this list, please tell me which of these best describes your job function.

1 Operations, maintenance, or engineering

2 Property management

3 Store management

4 Mall management

5 Administration or company management

6 Energy or environmental management

7 Building owner

8 Business owner

9 Accounting, finances, or payroll

10 Executive official

11 School official

12 Religious official

13 Support staff

14 Other


IF Other R5 [Other job function]

Anything but Other R6 [Building boundaries]


Respondent function R2JOB – RXJOB


All restarted cases

ASK if interview is with a new respondent

If interview is with same respondent as previous interview, ENTER "0"


Before we get started, we need to make sure that we have Show Cards available for some of the questions. Please turn to Show Card 1.

Looking at this list, please tell me which of these best describes your job function.

0 Same respondent as previous interview

1 Operations, maintenance, or engineering

2 Property management

3 Store management

4 Mall management

5 Administration or company management

6 Energy or environmental management

7 Building owner

8 Business owner

9 Accounting, finances, or payroll

10 Executive official

11 School official

12 Religious official

13 Support staff

14 Other


IF Other R5 [Other job function]

Anything but Other R6 [Building boundaries]


Other job function R1JOBX – RXJOBX


IF R3 [Respondent function] = Other OR R4 [Respondent function] = Other

What is your job function?


 R6 [Building boundaries]


Building boundaries


All Buildings

The building that we’re going to be talking about today is…

EXP: [Describe the boundaries of the building as described in

the header. The amount of detail necessary will vary by the situation.]

ENTER “1” to continue


 A1 [Strip mall name]



Strip mall name BLDGNAM


All Mall Buildings

What is the name of this shopping center?


 A2 [Street address]


Street address ADDRESS


All Mall Buildings

Please tell me the address of the building, beginning with the street address.


 A3 [City]




All Mall Buildings

What is the city?


 A4 [State]




All Mall Buildings


What is the state?

ENTER the two letter abbreviation


 A5 [ZIP code]


ZIP code ZIP


All Mall Buildings

And what is the ZIP code?


 A6 [Square footage]


Square footage SQFT


All Mall Buildings



IF R has Worksheet 1 = “Please refer to Worksheet 1 for some of these next questions on general characteristics.”




What is the gross or total square footage of all the space in this building both finished and unfinished, including basements, hallways, lobbies, stairways, elevator shafts, and indoor parking levels?

DEF: [Total square footage = Length of building multiplied by

width of building multiplied by the number of floors.]

VERIFY number digit by digit


1 to 999,999,999


IF DK/RF A8 [Square footage category]

IF 1,000 square feet or less A7 [End of interview]

OTHERWISE A9 [Wall construction material]


End of interview


IF A6 [Square footage] ≤ 1000



IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.”

Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since we are only interviewing buildings that are larger than one thousand square feet. {CollectWorksheet}

Thank you for your time and help.





Square footage category SQFTC


IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF



I understand that it may be difficult to give an exact figure for square footage. However, the size of your building is very important in helping understand its use of energy.

Please look at Show Card A1 and tell me which category best describes the total gross square footage in this building. There are examples provided to help you estimate.

If respondent gives the category code,

VERIFY the response by reading the full answer

1 1,000 square feet or less

2 1,001 to 5,000 square feet

3 5,001 to 10,000 square feet

4 10,001 to 25,000 square feet

5 25,001 to 50,000 square feet

6 50,001 to 100,000 square feet

7 100,001 to 200,000 square feet

8 200,001 to 500,000 square feet

9 500,001 to 1 million square feet

10 Over 1 million square feet


 A9 [Wall construction material]


Wall construction material WLCNS


All Mall Buildings



Please look at Show Card A2 for a list of different types of construction materials. Which of these best describes the major type of exterior wall construction material used on this building?

1 Brick, stone, or stucco

2 Pre-cast concrete panels

3 Concrete block or poured concrete (above grade)

4 Aluminum, asbestos, plastic, or wood siding, shingles, tiles, or shakes

5 Sheet metal panels

6 Window or vision glass (glass that can be seen through)

7 Decorative or construction glass

8 IF VOLUNTEERED: No one major type



 A10 [Roof construction material]


Roof construction material RFCNS


All Mall Buildings



Please look at Show Card A3 for a list of different types of roofing materials. Which of these best describes the building's predominant exterior roof surface?

1 Built-up (tar, felts, or fiberglass and a ballast, such as stone)

2 Slate or tile shingles

3 Wood shingles, shakes, or other wooden materials

4 Asphalt, fiberglass, or other shingles

5 Metal surfacing

6 Plastic, rubber, or synthetic sheeting (single or multiple ply)

7 Concrete

8 IF VOLUNTEERED: No one major type



 A11 [Cool roof materials]


Cool roof materials RFCOOL


All Mall Buildings

Is the roof of this building designed to reduce solar heat gain, also known as a "cool roof"?

EXP: [Roofs with a highly reflective surface, a ballasted

roof system, a vegetated roof system, or any combination of these

technologies should be considered a “cool roof”.]

1 Yes

2 No


 A12 [Roof tilt]


Roof tilt RFTILT


All Mall Buildings


Looking at Show Card A4, please tell me which best describes the tilt or pitch of the roof of this building.

1 Flat

2 Shallow pitch

3 Steeper pitch


 A13 [Building shape]


Building shape BLDSHP


All Mall Buildings


Looking at Show Card A5, which of these shapes most resembles the floorplan of this building at ground level? This is sometimes called the "footprint" of the building.

1 Square

2 Wide rectangle

3 Narrow rectangle

4 Rectangle or square with an interior courtyard

5 "H" shaped

6 "U" shaped

7 "E" shaped

8 "T" shaped

9 "L" shaped

10 "+" or cross shaped

11 Other shape


 A14 [Percent exterior glass]


Percent exterior glass GLSSPC


All Mall Buildings


Which of the ranges on Show Card A6 best describes the percent of the exterior wall surface of this building that is covered with window glass or glass doors?

1 1 percent or less

2 2 to 10 percent

3 11 to 25 percent

4 26 to 50 percent

5 51 to 75 percent

6 76 to 100 percent


 A15 [Equal glass on all sides]


Equal glass on all sides EQGLSS


All Mall Buildings

Is the amount of glass about the same for all sides of the building?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes A17 [Number of floors]

IF No OR DK/RF A16 [Glass sides most sunlight]


Glass sides most sunlight SUNGLS


IF A15 [Equal glass on all sides] = No OR DK/RF

Do the sides receiving direct sunlight have more or less glass area than the sides that do not receive direct sunlight?

1 More glass area

2 Less glass area

3 IF VOLUNTEERED: About the same amount


 A17 [Number of floors]


Number of floors NFLOOR


All Mall Buildings


How many floors are in the tallest section of the building, including basements, parking levels, or any other floors below ground level, but excluding half-floors, mezzanines, balconies, and lofts?

PROBE for estimate if DK


1 to 999


 A18 [Floor-to-ceiling height]


Floor-to-ceiling height FLCEILHT


All Mall Buildings

What is the typical floor-to-ceiling height in this building?

 DEF: [Floor-to-ceiling height is the distance, in feet, from

the floor to the ceiling surface.]

 EXP: [If it varies by establishment, ask for the height of the

majority of the establishments.]


5 to 500


IF A17 [Number of floors] = 1 A23 [Year of construction]

IF More than one floor OR DK/RF A19 [Elevators]


Elevators ELEVTR


IF A17 [Number of floors] >1 OR DK/RF

Are there any elevators in this building?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes A11 [Number of elevators]

IF No OR DK/RF A21 [Escalators]


Number of elevators NELVTR


IF A19 [Elevators] = Yes

How many elevators are there?

PROBE for estimate if DK


1 to 999


 A21 [Escalators]


Escalators ESCLTR


IF A17 [Number of floors] >1 OR DK/RF

Are there any escalators in this building?

EXP: [“Moving sidewalks” should be included as escalators.]

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes A22 [Number of escalators]

IF No OR DK/RF A23 [Year of construction]


Number of escalators NESLTR


IF A21 [Escalators] = Yes

How many escalators are there? Count each one, for example, a pair of up and down escalators should be counted as two.

EXP: [“Moving sidewalks” should be counted as escalators.]

PROBE for estimate if DK


1 to 99


 A23 [Year of construction]


Year of construction YRCON


All Mall Buildings


What year was this building constructed? If there have been major additions, give the year the largest portion of the building was completed.


1600 to 2013


IF DK/RF A24 [Year of construction category]

IF 2012 A26 [Month ready for occupancy]

IF 2013 A25 [End of interview]

IF 1999 or earlier A27 [Renovations]

IF 2000 or later B1 [On a multibuilding complex]


Year of construction category YRCONC


IF A23 [Year of construction] = DK/RF



Please look at Show Card A7 and tell me which range best describes when this building was constructed.

1 Before 1920

2 1920 to 1945

3 1946 to 1959

4 1960 to 1969

5 1970 to 1979

6 1980 to 1989

7 1990 to 1999

8 2000 to 2003

9 2004 to 2007

10 2008 to 2012



IF 2013 A25 [End of interview]

IF Before 1999 A27 [Renovations]

IF 2000 to 2012 B1 [On a multibuilding complex]


End of interview


IF A23 [Year of construction] = 2013 OR A24 [Year of construction category] = 2013



IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.”

Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since we are only interviewing structures that were ready for occupancy before January 1, 2008. {CollectWorksheet}

Thank you for your time and help.

[F10] - Exit




Month ready for occupancy MONCON


IF A23 [Year of construction] = 2012


In what month of 2012 was this building first ready for occupancy?

1 January

2 February

3 March

4 April

5 May

6 June

7 July

8 August

9 September

10 October

11 November

12 December


 B1 [On a multibuilding complex]


Renovations RENOV


IF A23 [Year of construction] = 2007 or earlier OR

A24 [Year of construction category] = Any category (OR DK/RF) except 2008 to 2012



IF A23 [Year of construction] = 1990 or later OR A24 [Year of construction category] = 1990 to 1999, 2000 to 2003, OR 2004 to 2007 = “since it was constructed”

OTHERWISE = “since 1990”

Has any portion of this building undergone renovations {Since1990orConstructed}?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes A28 [What renovations]

IF No OR DK/RF B1 [On a multibuilding complex]


What renovations see below


IF A27 [Renovations] = Yes



IF A23 [Year of construction] = 1990 or later OR A24 [Year of construction category] = 1990 to 1999, 2000 to 2003, OR 2004 to 2007 = “since it was constructed”

OTHERWISE = “since 1990”


Please look at Show Card A8 and tell me which types of renovations have been done {Since1990orConstructed}.

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

1 Addition or annex RENADD

2 Reduction of enclosed floorspace RENRDC

3 Interior or exterior cosmetic improvements RENCOS

4 Interior wall re-configuration RENINT

5 Roof replacement RENRFF

6 Exterior wall replacement RENWLL

7 Window replacement RENWIN

8 HVAC equipment upgrade RENHVC

9 Lighting upgrade RENLGT

10 Plumbing system upgrade RENPLB

11 Electrical upgrade RENELC

12 Insulation upgrade RENINS

13 Fire, safety, or security upgrade RENSAF

14 Structural upgrade RENSTR

15 Other RENOTH


IF Other A29 [Other renovation]

OTHERWISE B1 [On a multibuilding complex]


Other renovation


IF A28 [What renovations] = Other

Please describe the other type of renovation.

RECORD in open box


 B1 [On a multibuilding complex]



On a multibuilding complex FACIL


All Mall Buildings


Is this building part of a multibuilding campus or complex?

DEF: [A campus or complex is a group of two or more buildings on the

same site that are owned or operated by a single organization or individual.

It may also be referred to as a multibuilding facility.]

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes B2 [Federal complex]

IF No OR DK/RF C1 [Government owned]


Federal complex FEDFAC


IF B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes


Is this campus or complex owned by the Federal government?

1 Yes

2 No


 B3 [Type of complex]


Type of complex FACACT


IF B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes



Looking at the list on Show Card B16, what is the primary business or function of this group of buildings as a whole?

1 College, university, or junior college

2 Primary or secondary school [GRADES K-12]

3 Other type of school

4 Office complex

5 Retail complex

6 Storage complex

7 Religious campus or complex

8 Hospital or other health care complex

9 Lodging or resort complex

10 Post office complex

11 Prison or correctional facility

12 Other type of government complex

13 Industrial complex

14 Transportation complex such as a terminal, depot, or airport

15 Other type of campus or complex


IF Industrial complex B4 [Manufacturing industrial]

IF Any other type C1 [Government owned]


Manufacturing industrial MANIND


IF B3 [Type of complex] = Industrial complex


Is it a manufacturing industrial complex?

DEF: [Manufacturing industrial complexes involve the production

or processing of goods, merchandise, raw materials, or food.]

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes B5 [Same owner as manufacturing]

IF No OR DK/RF C1 [Government owned]


Same owner as manufacturing MANFAC


IF B4 [Manufacturing industrial] = Yes


Does this building have the same owner and operator as the manufacturing campus or complex?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes B6 [End of interview]

IF No OR DK/RF C1 [Government owned]


End of interview


IF B5 [Same owner as manufacturing] = Yes



IF R has Worksheet 1 = “However, I would like to collect Worksheet 1 and any other worksheets that you may have completed.”

Thank you, that’s all the questions that I have at this time, since this study does not include buildings on manufacturing facilities. {CollectWorksheet}

Thank you for your time and help.






Government owned GOVOWN


All Mall Buildings



IF B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes = “For the rest of this survey, I will be asking you only about the building, not the entire campus or complex.”




Is this building owned by a government agency?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes C2 [Type of government]

IF No OR DK/RF C3 [Owner]


Type of government GOVTYP


IF C1 [Government owned] = Yes


Is it owned by the Federal government, a State government, or a local government?

1 Federal

2 State

3 Local


 C5 [Number of businesses]




IF C1 [Government owned] ≠ Yes


Looking at Show Card C1, please tell me which category best describes the owner of this building.

1 Real estate investment trust (REIT)

2 Other public or private corporation, partnership, LLC, or LLP

3 Individual owner(s)

4 Religious organization

5 Non-profit organization (other than religious or government)

6 Private academic institution

7 Other


IF Anything except Other C5 [Number of businesses]

IF Other C4 [Other owner]


Other owner


IF C3 [Owner] = Other

Please describe this other owner.

RECORD in open box


 C5 [Number of businesses]


Number of businesses NOCC


All Mall Buildings


How many tenant spaces are there in this building, including vacant spaces?


1 to 9,999


IF DK/RF C6 [Number of businesses category]

IF C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF C15 [Months in use]

OTHERWISE C7 [Owner occupies]


Number of businesses category NOCCAT


IF C5 [Number of businesses] = DK/RF



Please look at Show Card C2 and tell me which category best describes the number of tenant spaces in this building?

1 One

2 2 to 5

3 6 to 10

4 11 to 20

5 21 to 50

6 51 to 100

7 More than 100


IF C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF C15 [Months in use]

OTHERWISE C7 [Owner occupies]


Owner occupies OWNOCC


IF NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF)

Is the space in this building occupied by the owner, leased to tenants, or a combination of both?

1 Owner occupies

2 Leased to tenants

3 Combination of occupied and leased


 C8 [Owner operates]


Owner operates OWNOPR


IF NOT (C1 [Government owned] = DK/RF & C3 [Owner] = DK/RF)

Is the building owner responsible for the operation and maintenance of the energy systems?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes C9 [Owner has purchasing power]

IF No C11 [Nonowner operator]

IF DK/RF C15 [Months in use]


Owner has purchasing power OWNPPR


IF C8 [Owner operates] = Yes

Does the building owner also have direct input on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes OR DK/RF C15 [Months in use]

IF No C10 [Nonowner has purchasing power]


Nonowner has purchasing power NWNPPR


IF C9 [Owner has purchasing power] = No


Looking at Show Card C3, please tell me who does have direct input (on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment).

  1. Property management company or leasing agent

  2. Business owner or tenant

3 Facilities personnel employed directly by the building owner

4 Facilities or energy management consultant

5 Volunteer member of the organization

6 Manager with general supervisory duties

7 Other


IF Other C14 [Other with purchasing power]

OTHERWISE C15 [Months in use]


Nonowner operator NWNOPR


IF C8 [Owner operates] = No


Looking at Show Card C3, please tell me who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the energy systems.

  1. Property management company or leasing agent

  2. Business owner or tenant

3 Facilities personnel employed directly by the building owner

4 Facilities or energy management consultant

5 Volunteer member of the organization

6 Manager with general supervisory duties

7 Other


IF Other C12 [Other operator]

OTHERWISE C13 [Who has purchasing power]


Other operator


IF C11 [Nonowner operator] = Other

Please describe who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the energy systems.

RECORD in open box


 C13 [Who has purchasing power]


Who has purchasing power WHOPPR


IF C8 [Owner operates] = No

Who has the most direct input on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment - the building owner or the party who is responsible for the energy systems?

1 Building owner

2 Party responsible for building operations

3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Both (either they have equal input, or are the same person)



IF Other C14 [Other with purchasing power]

OTHERWISE C15 [Months in use]


Other with purchasing power


IF C13 [Who has purchasing power] = Other

Please describe who has the most direct input on decisions regarding purchases of energy-related equipment.

RECORD in open box


C15 [Months in use]


Months in use MONUSE


All Mall Buildings


Thinking of calendar year 2012, for how many months was this building in use?


0 to 12


IF Zero D1 [Heating]

IF 1-12 months OR DK/RF C16 [Percent occupancy]


Percent occupancy OCCUPYP


IF C15 [Months in use] ≠ Zero



IF C18 [Months in use] < 12 = “Thinking about the months that this building was in use in 2012, about “

OTHERWISE = 'In 2012, about '

{MonthsInUse} what percent of the total floorspace of this building was occupied? If occupancy varied, please provide an average percent occupancy."


0 to 100


 D1 [Heating]



Heating HT1


All Buildings



IF R has Worksheet 1 = “Please continue to refer to Worksheet 1 for some of these next questions on energy sources, uses, and equipment.”




For the next five questions, please tell me if energy was used in this building for any of these purposes during calendar year 2012.

Was any energy used for heating the building?

1 Yes

2 No


 D2 [Cooling]


Cooling COOL


All Buildings


(Was any energy used...)

For air conditioning?

1 Yes

2 No


 D3 [Water heating]


Water heating WATR


All Buildings


(Was any energy used...)

For heating water for purposes such as washing hands, dishes, or clothes?

1 Yes

2 No


 D4 [Cooking]


Cooking COOK


All Buildings


(Was any energy used...)

For cooking?

EXP: [If there is only minimal cooking, such as

microwaves, hot plates, or toaster ovens, answer "No."]

1 Yes

2 No


IF D1 [Heating] = DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF

& D4 [Cooking] = DK/RF D5 [Missing end uses]

OTHERWISE D6 [Manufacturing]


Missing end uses


IF D1 [Heating] = DK/RF & D2 [Cooling] = DK/RF & D3 [Water heating] = DK/RF

& D4 [Cooking] = DK/RF

INTERVIEWER: You have entered DK or RF for the four major end use questions.

This information is important for understanding how energy is used in this building.

You may need to find a new respondent at this point. Explain to the current respondent

that the remainder of the questionnaire contains technical information about energy use

and equipment and ask whether the respondent would want us to consult someone else in

the building for these questions.

ENTER "1" when you are ready to continue


 D6 [Manufacturing]


Manufacturing MANU


All Buildings


(Was any energy used...)

For manufacturing?

1 Yes

2 No


IF No & D1 [Heating] = No & D2 [Cooling] = No & D3 [Water heating] = No

& D4 [Cooking] = No D7 [Any energy used]

OTHERWISE D8 [Electricity generation capability]


Any energy used ANYEGY


IF D1 [Heating] = No & D2 [Cooling] = No & D3 [Water heating] = No & D4 [Cooking] = No

& D6 [Manufacturing] = No

I did not record any uses of energy for this building. Did this building use any energy in 2012 for other purposes, such as lighting or appliances?

1 Yes, some energy was used in 2012

2 No, no energy was used


IF Yes, some energy was used OR DK/RF D8 [Electricity generation capability]

IF No, no energy was used INTERVIEW COMPLETE


Electricity generation capability CAPGEN


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes OR D2 [Cooling] = Yes OR D3 [Water heating] = Yes OR D4 [Cooking] = Yes OR D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes OR D7 [Any energy used] = Yes, some energy was used OR DK/RF


Does this building have the ability to generate electricity, including for emergency backup?

1 Yes

2 No


 D9 [Energy sources used]


Energy sources used see below


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes OR D2 [Cooling] = Yes OR D3 [Water heating] = Yes OR D4 [Cooking] = Yes OR D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes OR D7 [Any energy used] = Yes, some energy was used OR DK/RF



Looking at this list of energy sources on Show Card D1, please tell me which ones were used in this building for any purpose in 2012.

EXP: [Include fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene if it was purchased or

delivered in 2012, even if it was not used during that time.]

EXP: [Do not include any fuels used in vehicles outside the building.]

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

11 Electricity ELUSED

12 Natural gas NGUSED

13 Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene FKUSED

14 Bottled gas, also known as LPG or propane PRUSED

15 District steam piped in from a separate building or utility STUSED

16 District hot water piped in from a separate building or utility HWUSED

17 District chilled water piped in from a separate building or utility CWUSED

18 Wood, coal, or solar

24 Other source or sources OTUSED


IF Fuel, oil, diesel, or kerosene D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

IF Wood, coal, or solar D11 [Wood, coal, or solar]

IF Other source or sources D12 [Other energy source 1]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes D15 [From central plant]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] ≠ Yes D20 [Purchase from offsite]


IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] ≠ Yes INTERVIEW COMPLETE


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D21 [Source for main heating]

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene FKTYPE


IF Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene IN D9 [Energy sources used]


VERIFY if volunteered in previous question

You mentioned fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene. Which of these were used (in this building in 2012)?

ENTER all that apply

1 Fuel oil

2 Diesel

3 Kerosene


IF Wood, coal, or solar IN D9 [Energy sources used] D11 [Wood, coal, or solar]

IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used] D12 [Other energy source 1]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes D15 [From central plant]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] ≠ Yes D20 [Purchase from offsite]


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D21 [Source for main heating]

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Wood, coal, or solar see below


IF Wood, coal, or solar IN D9 [Energy sources used]

VERIFY if volunteered in previous question

You mentioned wood, coal, or solar. Which of these were used (in this building in 2012)?

ENTER all that apply



3 Solar SOUSED


IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used] D12 [Other energy source 1]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes D15 [From central plant]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] ≠ Yes D20 [Purchase from offsite]


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D21 [Source for main heating]

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Other energy source 1 OTUSDX1


IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used]

What was the first other energy source used (in this building in 2012)?

ENTER the first energy source used


 D13 [Other energy source 2]


Other energy source 2 OTUSDX2


IF Other source or sources IN D9 [Energy sources used]

Were there any other energy sources used (in this building in 2012)?

ENTER the next energy source

[ENTER] if no others


IF Source entered here D14 [Other energy source 3]

IF No source entered here:

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes D15 [From central plant]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] ≠ Yes D20 [Purchase from offsite]


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D21 [Source for main heating]

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Other energy source 3 OTUSDX3


IF Source was entered in D13 [Other energy source 2]

Were there any other energy sources used (in this building in 2012)?

ENTER the next energy source

[ENTER] if no others


IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] = Yes D15 [From central plant]

IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water

& B1 [On a multibuilding complex] ≠ Yes D20 [Purchase from offsite]


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D21 [Source for main heating]

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


From central plant DHFRPL


IF District steam, District hot water, OR District chilled water IN D9 [Energy sources used]

& B1 [On a multibuilding facility] =Yes


Is the district steam, district hot water, or district chilled water piped in from a central plant that is part of the same campus or complex as your building?

1 Yes

2 No


IF No OR DK/RF D20 [Purchase from offsite]

IF Yes:

IF NOT District steam IN D9 [Energy sources used] D16 [Plant produces district steam]

IF District steam IN D9 [Energy sources used]:

IF NOT District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used] D17 [Plant produces district hot water]

IF NOT District chilled water IN D9 [Energy sources used]

D18 [Plant produces district chilled water]

OTHERWISE D19 [Plant produces electricity]


Plant produces district steam FACDST


IF D15 [From central plant] = Yes & NOT District steam IN D9 [Energy sources used]


Does the central physical plant produce...

District steam?

1 Yes

2 No


IF NOT District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used] D17 [Plant produces district hot water]

IF NOT District chilled water IN D9 [Energy sources used] D18 [Plant produces district chilled water]

OTHERWISE D19 [Plant produces electricity]


Plant produces district hot water FACDHW


IF D15 [From central plant] = Yes & NOT District hot water IN D9 [Energy sources used]


(Does the central physical plant produce...)

District hot water?

1 Yes

2 No


IF District chilled water IN D9 [Energy sources used] D19 [Plant produces electricity]

OTHERWISE D18 [Plant produces district chilled water]


Plant produces district chilled water FACDCW


IF D15 [From central plant] = Yes & NOT District chilled water IN D9 [Energy sources used]


(Does the central physical plant produce...)

District chilled water?

1 Yes

2 No


 D19 [Plant produces electricity]


Plant produces electricity FACELC


IF D15 [From central plant] = Yes


(Does the central physical plant produce...)


1 Yes

2 No


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D21 [Source for main heating]

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D5 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D7 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Purchase from offsite DHOFF


IF (District steam, District hot water, or District chilled water IN D9 [Energy sources used]

& B1 [On a multibuilding facility] Yes) OR D15 [From central plant] = No OR DK/RF

Is the district steam, hot water, or chilled water purchased from somewhere off-site, such as a commercial or municipal plant?

1 Yes

2 No


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes D21 [Source for main heating]

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D5 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D7 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Source for main heating see below


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes


{Ht1SourcesList} = List of all energy sources used

{Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank

{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3]

What was the main energy source for heating? (Was it {Ht1SourcesList}?)

DEF: [The main energy source for heating is the energy source used

to heat most of the square footage in this building most of the time.]

EXP: [Do not include electricity if it is used only to run fan motors.]

Only sources already selected are shown here

11 {Electricity} ELHT1

12 {Natural gas} NGHT1

13 {FuelOilType} FKHT1

14 {Bottled gas} PRHT1

15 {District steam} STHT1

16 {District hot water} HWHT1

18 {Wood} WOHT1

19 {Coal} COHT1

20 {Solar} SOHT1

21 {Other1} OTHT1

22 {Other2} OTHT1

23 {Other3} OTHT1

24 Some other energy source


IF Some other energy source D22 [Other source for main heating]

IF Anything but Some other energy source OR DK/RF:

IF More than one energy source used D23 [Which other sources for heating]

IF Only one energy source used D24 [Any other sources for heating]


Other source for main heating see below


IF D21 [Source for main heating] = Some other energy source

What was the other energy source used for main space heating?

11 Electricity ELHT1

12 Natural gas NGHT1

13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKHT1

14 Bottled gas PRHT1

15 District steam STHT1

16 District hot water HWHT1

18 Wood WOHT1

19 Coal COHT1

20 Solar SOHT1

24 Some other energy source OTHT1


 D23 [Which other sources for heating]


Which other sources for heating HT2 & see below


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & More than one energy source used


{Ht2SourcesList} = List of all energy sources used, minus the one used for main heating

{Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used (other than for main space heating), it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank

{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3]

Which other energy sources, if any, were used for heating? ({Ht2SourcesList})

EXP: [Do not include electricity if it is used only to run fan motors.]

Only sources already selected are shown here

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

11 {Electricity} ELHT2

12 {Natural gas} NGHT2

13 {FuelOilType} FKHT2

14 {Bottled gas} PRHT2

15 {District steam} STHT2

16 {District hot water} HWHT2

18 {Wood} WOHT2

19 {Coal} COHT2

20 {Solar} SOHT2

21 {Other1} OTHT2

22 {Other2} OTHT2

23 {Other3} OTHT2

24 Some other energy source

99 No other sources for heating


IF Some other energy source D25 [Other source for heating]

IF Anything but Some other energy source OR DK/RF D26 [Percent heated]


Any other sources for heating HT2


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & Only one energy source used

Were there any other energy sources used for heating?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes D25 [Other source for heating]

IF No OR DK/RF D26 [Percent heated]


Other source for heating


IF D24 [Any other sources for heating] = Some other energy source

OR D24 [Any other sources for heating] = Yes

What was the other energy source used for secondary space heating?

11 Electricity ELHT2

12 Natural gas NGHT2

13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKHT2

14 Bottled gas PRHT2

15 District steam STHT2

16 District hot water HWHT2

18 Wood WOHT2

19 Coal COHT2

20 Solar SOHT2

24 Some other energy source OTHT2


 D26 [Percent heated]


Throughout the rest of this questionnaire, there will be references such as “Electricity used” or “Natural gas used.” In addition to the energy sources that were given in D9 [Energy sources used], if sources are added along the way, such as in D22 [Other source for main heating] OR D25 [Other source for heating], those sources are then also considered to be used.


Percent heated HEATP


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes



IF A6 [Square footage] known = “A6 [Square footage]”

IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF = “floorspace”


What percent of the {SqFt} in this building was heated to at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit during 2012, including basements and indoor parking levels if they were heated to at least 50 degrees?

If heated square footage is known, but not the percent,

RECORD square footage in comments, then code DK

PROBE for estimate if DK


0 to 100


IF Zero D27 [Heated to less than 50 degrees]

IF Anything else D28 [Heating equipment types]


Heated to less than 50 degrees HTLS50


IF D26 [Percent heated] = Zero

Was any of this building heated to less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit?

EXP: [Areas may be heated to less than 50 degrees to prevent pipes from freezing.]

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes OR DK/RF D28 [Heating equipment types]

IF No:

IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Heating equipment types see below


IF D26 [Percent heated] > 0 OR D27 [Heated to less than 50 degrees] = Yes OR DK/RF



Looking at the list of heating equipment types on Show Card D2, please tell me which types are used in this building.

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

1 Furnaces that heat air directly, without using steam or hot water FURNAC

2 Packaged central unit (roof mounted) PKGHT

3 Boilers inside (or adjacent to) the building that produce steam or hot water BOILER

4 District steam or hot water piped in from outside the building STHW

5 Heat pumps (other than components of a packaged unit) HTPMPH

6 Individual space heaters, other than heat pumps SLFCON

7 Other heating equipment OTHTEQ


IF Furnaces D29 [Type of furnace]

IF Boilers D32 [Type of boiler system]

IF District steam or hot water D33 [Type of district heat system]

IF Other heating equipment D34 [Other heating components]

IF Packaged central unit D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Type of furnace


IF Furnaces IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Looking at Show Card D3, please tell me the type or types of furnace systems used in the building.

ENTER all that apply

  1. Packaged central unit (roof mounted)

2 Split system (residential-type furnace with DX cooling unit)

3 Duct furnace (installed in air distribution duct)

4 Individual room furnace (freestanding or floor-mounted)


IF Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace D30 [Classify furnace as packaged]

IF Individual room furnace D31 [Classify furnace as space heater]


IF Boilers IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D32 [Type of boiler system]

IF District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D33 [Type of district heat system]

IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D34 [Other heating components]

IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF More than one energy source used for heating D46 [Explain sources for heating]

OTHERWISE D47 [Heating ventilation types]


Classify furnace as packaged


IF Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

For the purposes of this study, I am going to refer to the packaged central furnace as a "packaged unit."

ENTER "1" to continue


IF Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace] D31 [Classify furnace as space heater]


IF Boilers IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D32 [Type of boiler system]

IF District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D33 [Type of district heat system]

IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D34 [Other heating components]

OTHERWISE D40 [Type of packaged heating]


Classify furnace as space heater


IF D29 [Type of furnace] = Individual room furnace

For the purposes of this study, I am going to refer to the individual room furnace as an "individual space heater."

ENTER "1" to continue


IF Boilers IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D32 [Type of boiler system]

IF District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D33 [Type of district heat system]

IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D34 [Other heating components]

IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Type of boiler system


IF Boilers IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Looking at Show Card D4, please tell me the type or types of distribution systems used with the boiler.

ENTER all that apply

1 Radiators BLRRAD

2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) BLRFNCL

3 Induction units BLRINDC

4 Water loop heat pump BLRWATR

5 Central air handler (hydronic/steam coils) BLRAIR

6 Packaged unit (hydronic/steam coils) BLRPKG

7 Duct reheat (hydronic/steam coils) BLRDUCT


IF District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D33 [Type of district heat system]

IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D34 [Other heating components]

IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat given here

OR Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Type of district heat system


IF District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Looking at Show Card D4, please tell me the type or types of distribution systems used with the district steam or hot water.

ENTER all that apply

1 Radiators DHRAD

2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) DHFNCL

3 Induction units DHINDC

4 Water loop heat pump DHWATR

5 Central air handler (hydronic/steam coils) DHAIR

6 Packaged unit (hydronic/steam coils) DHPKG

7 Duct reheat (hydronic/steam coils) DHDUCT


IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D34 [Other heating components]

IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat given here

OR Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Other heating components


IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types]


Looking at Show Card D5, please tell me if the other heating equipment includes any of these components.

ENTER all that apply

1 Heating coil or electric heat strip OTSTRP

2 Duct reheat or electric reheat OTDUCT

3 Powered induction units (PIU) OTPIU

4 None of these components


IF Any components:

IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] OR

Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace])

D35 [Classify other as part of packaged]

IF Boiler IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D36 [Classify other as part of boiler]

IF District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

D37 [Classify other as part of district]

OTHERWISE D38 [Classify other as packaged]

IF None of these components OR DK/RF D39 [Other heat specify]


Classify other as part of packaged


IF Any components given in D34 [Other heating components] &

Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] OR

Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

For the purposes of this study, I am going to consider the other heating equipment to be part of the packaged unit.

ENTER "1" to continue


 D40 [Type of packaged heating]


Classify other as part of boiler


IF Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

& Boiler IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

For the purposes of this study, I am going to consider the other heating equipment to be part of the boiler system.

ENTER "1" to continue


IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Classify other as part of district


IF Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

& District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

For the purposes of this study, I am going to consider the other heating equipment to be part of the district heating system.

ENTER "1" to continue


IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Classify other as packaged


IF Any components given in D34 [Other heating components] &

NOT(Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] OR

Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Boiler IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types])

For the purposes of this study, I am going to refer to the other heating equipment as a “packaged unit.” In the next couple questions I just need to verify some of the components of the packaged system.

ENTER "1" to continue


 D40 [Type of packaged heating]


Other heat specify


IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

& D34 [Other heating components] = None of these components

Please describe the other type of heating equipment.

RECORD in open box


IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D40 [Type of packaged heating]

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Type of packaged heating PKGHTTYP


IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components] &

NOT(Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] OR

Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Boiler IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types])



Please look at Show Card D6 and tell me if the packaged unit is a factory-assembled unitary packaged unit or a custom built-up unit?

1 Factory-assembled unitary packaged unit

2 Custom built-up packaged unit

3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Both factory-assembled and custom built-up packaged units


IF Any type given D41 [Packaged heating components]


IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]

OTHERWISE D47 [Heating ventilation types]


Packaged heating components


IF Any type given in D40 [Type of packaged heating]



Looking at the second list on Show Card D6, please tell me which heating components are part of this packaged system.

ENTER all that apply

1 Furnace PKGFURN

2 Heat pump PKGHTP

3 Heating coil PKGCOIL

4 Powered induction unit (PIU) PKGPIU

5 Duct reheat PKGDUCT


IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] D42 [Heat pump heating system]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]

OTHERWISE D47 [Heating ventilation types]


Heat pump heating system see below


IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Please look at the first list on Show Card D7 and tell me which heat pump systems are used for heating in this building.

ENTER all that apply

1 Packaged unit HPHPKG

2 Split system (residential-type) HPHSPLT

3 Individual room heat pump (packaged terminal heat pump or PTHP) HPHROOM

4 Ductless mini-split system HPHMINI

5 Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system HPHVRF


 D43 [Heat pump heating type]


Heat pump heating type see below


IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Looking at the second list on Show Card D7, which types of heat pumps are these?

ENTER all that apply

1 Air source heat pump HPHAIR

2 Ground source or ground water heat pump (geothermal) HPHGRD

3 Dual source heat pump (combination air source and geothermal) HPHDUAL

4 Water loop heat pump HPHWTR


IF Air source heat pump & Natural gas OR Bottled gas used for heating D44 [Heat pump backup]

IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D42 [Heat pump heating system]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Heat pump backup HPHBKUP


IF D43 [Heat pump heating type] = Air source heat pump

& Natural gas OR Bottled gas used for heating



IF Natural gas but not bottled gas for heating = “natural gas”

IF Bottled gas but not natural gas for heating = “bottled gas”

IF Both natural gas and bottled gas for heating = “natural gas or bottled gas”

{ NatGasBotGasList}

IF Natural gas but not bottled gas for heating = “Natural gas”

IF Bottled gas but not natural gas for heating = “Bottled gas”

IF Both natural gas and bottled gas for heating = “Natural gas or bottled gas”

Does the air source heat pump have electric resistance backup, is it a dual fuel heat pump with {NatGasBotGas} backup, or is there no backup source for the heat pump?

 DEF: [Air source heat pumps do not operate efficiently when outside

temperatures are sub-freezing for extended periods of time. An air source

heat pump may use electric resistance coils to provide supplemental heat.

Other air source heat pumps may use a natural gas or bottled gas furnace that

operates at colder temperatures (these are also known as duel fuel heat pumps)]

1 Electric resistance backup

2 {NatGasBotGasList} backup (dual fuel)

3 No backup source


IF Individual space heaters D45 [Type of individual heater]


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D42 [Heat pump heating system]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Type of individual heater


IF Individual space heaters IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Looking at Show Card D8, please tell me the type or types of individual heaters used in the building.

ENTER all that apply

1 Infrared radiant heater (permanent) SHRDNT

2 Baseboard heater (permanent) SHBBRD

3 Portable space heater SHPORT

4 Wall heater SHWALL

5 Individual furnace SHFURN

6 Unit heater SHUNIT

7 Heating element in package terminal air conditioner (PTAC) SHPTAC


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D42 [Heat pump heating system]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]

IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Explain sources for heating


IF ONLY Boiler, Furnace, OR District heat as heating equipment but more than one energy source used for heating



IF Boilers = “boiler”

IF Furnace = “furnace”

IF District heat = “district heating system”

{HeatSources} = list of the energy sources given for heating

I've recorded just one type of heating equipment - a {HeatEquip} - but more than one energy source – {HeatSources} - for heating. For clarification, will you please briefly explain how these sources are used for operating the {HeatEquip}.

RECORD in open box


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D42 [Heat pump heating system]

D47 [Heating ventilation types]


IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Heating ventilation types


IF Any type except Individual room furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D32 [Type of boiler system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D33 [Type of district heat system]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components]

OR Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D42 [Heat pump heating system]



Show Card D9 provides a list of mechanical ventilation equipment types. Please tell me which types are used with the heating system.

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

1 Central air handling unit(s) with constant air volume (CAV) control HTVCAV

2 Central air handling unit(s) with variable air volume (VAV) control HTVVAV

3 Underfloor air distribution HTVFLR

4 Dedicated outside air system (DOAS) HTVOAS

5 Demand controlled ventilation HTVDEM

6 None of these types HTVNON


IF None of these types D48 [Heating ventilation specify]


IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Heating ventilation specify


IF D47 [Heating ventilation types] = None of these types

Please describe the ventilation system that is used with the heating system.

RECORD in open box


IF More than one heating equipment D49 [Percent heated by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign it as Main heating equipment, THEN

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Percent heated by each type FURNP, PKGHP, BOILP,



For each equipment type given in D28 [Heating equipment types]



IF First equipment = “The next questions are about the percent of floorspace heated by the equipment you just mentioned. Please keep in mind:”



IF First equipment and D26 [Percent heated] ≠ 100 = “We are talking only about the heated portion of the floorspace, so these percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can heat the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.”

IF First equipment and D26 [Percent heated] = 100 = “These percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can heat the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.”



IF Furnaces that heat air directly IN D28 [Heating equipment types] = “furnace”

IF Packaged heating units IN D28 [Heating equipment types] = “packaged heating”

IF Boilers inside the building IN D28 [Heating equipment types] = “boiler”

IF District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types] = “district steam or hot water”

IF Heat pumps IN D28 [Heating equipment types] = “heat pump”

IF Individual space heaters IN D28 [Heating equipment types] = “space heater”

IF Other heating equipment IN D28 [Heating equipment types] = “other heating equipment”




What percent of the heated area in this building is served by the {Equipment}?

PROBE for estimate if DK


0 to 100


IF There are equal maximum percents OR DK/RF D50 [Main heating equipment]

IF There is an equipment with a maximum percent, assign that equipment as the Main heating equipment [MAINHT]. THEN:

IF Main heating equipment ≠ District steam or hot water & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Main heating equipment MNHTEQ


IF D49 [Percent heated by each type] has equal maximum percents OR DK/RF


{EquipmentList} = List of the equipments with equal maximum percents

{Furnace} – {Other heating equipment} = Each equipment with an equal maximum percent appears on this list; otherwise the line is blank

Which do you consider to be your main heating equipment – {EquipmentList} ?

Only equipment types with equal percentages are shown here

1 {Furnace}

2 {Packaged heating}

3 {Boiler}

4 {District steam or hot water}

5 {Heat pump}

6 {Space heater}

7 {Other heating equipment}


IF Main equipment NOT (District steam or hot water OR DK/RF) & (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)

D51 [Main heating replaced]


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Main heating replaced NWMNHT


IF Main heating equipment known & NOT District steam or hot water

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)



IF Main heating equipment = Furnace = “Has the furnace”

IF Main heating equipment = Boiler = “Has the boiler”

IF Main heating equipment = Packaged heating = “Has the packaged heating unit”

IF Main heating equipment = Individual space heater = “Have any of the individual space heaters”

IF Main heating equipment = Heat pump = “Has the heat pump”

IF Main heating equipment = Other = “Has the other type of heating equipment”

{MainHeatEquip} been replaced since 1990?

EXP: [If there is more than one of this equipment type and

at least one has been replaced, answer "Yes."]

1 Yes

2 No


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes D52 [Sources for cooling]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Sources for cooling see below


IF D2 [Cooling] = Yes


{CoolSourcesList} = List of all possible air conditioning energy sources used

{Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank

{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3]

Which energy sources were used for air conditioning? ({CoolSourcesList})

Only sources already selected are shown here

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

11 {Electricity} ELCOOL

12 {Natural gas} NGCOOL

13 {FuelOilType} FKCOOL

14 {Bottled gas} PRCOOL

15 {District steam} STCOOL

16 {District hot water} HWCOOL

17 {District chilled water} CWCOOL

21 {Other1} OTCOOL

22 {Other2} OTCOOL

23 {Other3} OTCOOL

24 Some other energy source


IF Some other energy source selected D53 [Other source for cooling]

OTHERWISE D54 [Percent cooled]


Other source for cooling see below


IF Some other energy source IN D52 [Sources for cooling]

What was the other energy source used for air conditioning?

11 Electricity ELCOOL

12 Natural gas NGCOOL

13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKCOOL

14 Bottled gas PRCOOL

15 District steam STCOOL

16 District hot water HWCOOL

17 District chilled water CWCOOL

24 Some other energy source OTCOOL


 D54 [Percent cooled]


Percent cooled COOLP


IF D1 [Cooling] = Yes



IF A6 [Square footage] known = A6 [Square footage]

IF A6 [Square footage] = DK/RF = “floorspace”


What percent of the {SqFt} in this building was cooled by air conditioning equipment during 2012?

If cooled square footage is known, but not the percent,

RECORD square footage in comments, then code DK

PROBE for estimate if DK


0 to 100


IF 1-100, DK/RF D55 [Cooling equipment types]

IF Zero:

IF More than just Individual space heaters IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

D73 [Regular HVAC maintenance]

IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Cooling equipment types see below


IF D54 [Percent cooled] = 1 to 100 OR DK/RF



Looking at the list of cooling equipment types on Show Card D11, please tell me which types are used in this building.

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

1 Residential-type central air conditioners, other than heat pumps, that

cool air directly and circulate it without using chilled water RCAC

2 Packaged air conditioning units, other than heat pumps PKGCL

3 Central chillers inside (or adjacent to)

the building that chill water for air conditioning CHILLR

4 District chilled water piped in from outside the building CHWT

5 Heat pumps for cooling HTPMPC

6 Individual room air conditioners, other than heat pumps ACWNWL

7 "Swamp" coolers or evaporative coolers EVAPCL

8 Other cooling equipment OTCLEQ


IF Packaged air conditioning units D56 [Type of packaged cooling]

IF Central chillers D57 [Type of chiller]

IF District chilled water D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

IF Heat pumps for cooling AND NOT Heat pumps for heating D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

IF Other cooling equipment D63 [Other cool specify]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D52 [Sources for cooling] OR

D53 [Other source for cooling] D64 [Cool source explanation]

IF Residential-type central air & D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] DK/RF

D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating]

IF Residential-type central air & (D1 [Heating] Yes OR D47 [Heating ventilation types] =DK/RF)

D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


IF More than one selected D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D70 [Economizer cycle]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Type of packaged cooling PKGCLTYP


IF Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Any components given in D34 [Other heating components] &

NOT(Packaged central unit IN D28 [Heating equipment types] OR

Packaged central unit OR Duct furnace IN D29 [Type of furnace]

OR Boiler IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR District steam or hot water IN D28 [Heating equipment types])



Please look at Show Card D6 and tell me if the packaged unit for cooling is a factory-assembled unitary packaged unit or a custom built-up unit?

1 Factory-assembled unitary packaged unit

2 Custom built-up packaged unit

3 IF VOLUNTEERED: Both factory-assembled and custom built-up packaged units


IF Central chillers D57 [Type of chiller]

IF District chilled water D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

IF Heat pumps for cooling & NOT Heat pumps for heating D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

IF Other cooling equipment D63 [Other cool specify]


IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D52 [Sources for cooling] OR

D53 [Other source for cooling] & Central chillers NOT IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D64 [Cool source explanation]


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] DK/RF

D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating]

IF D1 [Heating] Yes OR D47 [Heating ventilation types] =DK/RF

D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


Type of chiller see below


IF Central chillers IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]



Please look at Show Card D12 and tell me whether the chiller is air-cooled, water cooled, or an absorption chiller?

ENTER all that apply

1 Air-cooled CHLAIRCL

2 Water cooled CHLWTRCL

3 Absorption CHLABSRP


IF Absorption D58 [Heater chiller]

OTHERWISE D59 [Type of chiller system]


Heater chiller HTRCHLR


IF Absorption IN D57 [Type of chiller]

A “heater chiller” is a type of absorption chiller that can produce both chilled and hot water and can provide both cooling and heating. Does this absorption chiller have this capability?

1 Yes

2 No


 D59 [Type of chiller system]


Type of chiller system see below


IF Central chillers IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]



Please look at Show Card D13 and tell me which system or systems are used for distributing the water from the chiller.

ENTER all that apply

1 Central air handler (hydronic coils) CHLAIR

2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) CHLFNCL

3 Induction units CHLINDC

4 Water loop heat pump CHLWATR

5 Chilled beam CHLBEAM

6 Packaged unit (hydronic coils) CHLPKG

7 Duct reheat CHLDUCT


IF District chilled water D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

IF Heat pumps for cooling AND NOT Heat pumps for heating D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

IF Other cooling equipment D63 [Other cool specify]


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating]

IF D1 [Heating] Yes OR D47 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


IF More than one selected D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Type of district chilled water system see below


IF District chilled water IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]



Please look at Show Card D13 and tell me which system or systems are used for distributing the district chilled water.

ENTER all that apply

1 Central air handler (hydronic coils) DCWAIR

2 Fan coil units in rooms (or areas) DCWFNCL

3 Induction units DCWINDC

4 Water loop heat pump DCWWATR

5 Chilled beam DCWBEAM

6 Packaged unit (hydronic coils) DCWPKG

7 Duct reheat DCWDUCT


IF Heat pumps for cooling AND NOT Heat pumps for heating D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

IF Other cooling equipment D63 [Other cool specify]


IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D52 [Sources for cooling] OR

D53 [Other source for cooling] & Central chillers NOT IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D64 [Cool source explanation]

IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating]

IF D1 [Heating] Yes OR D47 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


IF More than one selected D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Heat pump cooling system see below


IF Heat pumps IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

& Heat pumps NOT IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Please look at the first list on Show Card D7 and tell me which heat pump systems are used for cooling in this building.

ENTER all that apply

1 Packaged unit HPCPKG

2 Split system (residential-type) HPCSPLT

3 Individual room heat pump (packaged terminal heat pump or PTHP) HPCROOM

4 Ductless mini-split system HPCMINI

5 Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system HPCVRF


 D62 [Heat pump cooling type]


Heat pump cooling type see below


IF Heat pumps IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

& Heat pumps NOT IN D28 [Heating equipment types]



Looking at the second list on Show Card D7, which types of heat pumps are these?

ENTER all that apply

1 Air source heat pump HPCAIR

2 Ground source or ground water heat pump (geothermal) HPCGRD

3 Dual source heat pump (combination air source and geothermal) HPCDUAL

3 Water loop heat pump HPCWTR


IF Other cooling equipment D63 [Other cool specify]


IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D52 [Sources for cooling] OR

D53 [Other source for cooling] & Central chillers NOT IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D64 [Cool source explanation]

IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating]

IF D1 [Heating] Yes OR D47 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


IF More than one selected D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Other cool specify


IF Other cooling equipment in D55 [Cooling equipment types]

Please describe the other type of cooling equipment.

RECORD in open box


IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D52 [Sources for cooling] OR

D53 [Other source for cooling] & Central chillers NOT IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D64 [Cool source explanation]

IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating]

IF D1 [Heating] Yes OR D47 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


IF More than one selected D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one selected, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Cool source explanation


IF Any source(s) other than electricity or chilled water reported in D52 [Sources for cooling] OR

D53 [Other source for cooling] & Central chillers NOT IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]


{CoolSources} = List of the energy sources given for cooling, other than electricity or chilled water

{IsAre} =

IF Only one cooling source in list = “is”

IF More than one cooling source in list = “are”

Among the sources for cooling, I have recorded that {CoolSources} {IsAre} used. Because it is somewhat unusual to use sources other than electricity or chilled water for cooling, will you please briefly describe how the {CoolSources} {IsAre} used with the cooling equipment.

RECORD in open box


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating]

IF D1 [Heating] Yes OR D47 [Heating ventilation types] = DK/RF &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


IF More than one cooling equipment D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Cooling ventilation same as heating


IF D1 [Heating] = Yes & D47 [Heating ventilation types] (No ventilation or DK/RF) &

Residential-type central air IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Packaged unit IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat IN D59 [Type of chiller system]

OR Water loop, Central air handler, Packaged unit, OR Duct reheat

IN D60 [Type of district chilled water system]

OR Packaged unit OR Split system IN D61 [Heat pump cooling system]

Is the ventilation system for cooling the same as the one for heating?

1 Yes

2 No


IF No D66 [Cooling ventilation types]


IF More than one cooling equipment D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Cooling ventilation types


IF D65 [Cooling ventilation same as heating] = No



Show Card D9 provides a list of mechanical ventilation equipment types. Please tell me which types are used with the cooling system.

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

1 Central air handling unit(s) with constant air volume (CAV) control CLVCAV

2 Central air handling unit(s) with variable air volume (VAV) control CLVVAV

3 Underfloor air distribution CLVFLR

4 Dedicated outside air system (DOAS) CLVOAS

5 Demand controlled ventilation CLVDEM

6 None of these types CLVNON


IF None of these types D66a [Cooling ventilation specify]


IF More than one cooling equipment D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D70 [Economizer cycle]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Cooling ventilation specify


IF D66 [Cooling ventilation types] = None of these types

Please describe the ventilation system that is used with the cooling system.

RECORD in open box


IF More than one cooling equipment D67 [Percent cooled by each type]

IF Only one equipment, assign as Main cooling equipment. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D70 [Economizer cycle]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]




For each equipment type given in D55 [Cooling equipment types]



IF First equipment = “The next questions are about the percent of floorspace cooled by the equipment you just mentioned. Please keep in mind:”



IF First equipment and D54 [Percent cooled] ≠ 100 = “We are talking only about the cooled portion of the floorspace, so these percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can cool the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more

than 100.”

IF First equipment and D54 [Percent cooled] = 100 = “These percents must add up to at least 100, but since more than one type of equipment can cool the same area, it is also possible for them to add up to more than 100.”



IF Residential-type central air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “central air conditioner”

IF Packaged air conditioning units IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “packaged cooling”

IF Central chillers inside the building IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “central chiller”

IF District chilled water IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “district chilled water”

IF Heat pumps for cooling IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “heat pump”

IF Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “room air conditioner”

IF "Swamp" coolers or evaporative coolers IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “swamp cooler”

IF Other cooling equipment IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] = “other cooling equipment”




Please look at Show Card D15. What percent of the cooled area in this building is served by the {Equipment}?

PROBE for estimate if DK


0 to 100


IF there are equal maximum percents OR DK/RF D68 [Main cooling equipment]

IF there is an equipment with a maximum percent, assign that equipment as the Main cooling equipment [MAINCL9]. THEN:

IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D70 [Economizer cycle]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Main cooling equipment MNCLEQ


IF D67 [Percent cooled by each type] has equal maximum percents OR DK/RF


{EquipmentList} = List of the equipments with equal maximum percents

{Packaged cooling} – {Other cooling equipment} = Each equipment with an equal maximum percent appears on this list; otherwise the line is blank

Which do you consider to be your main cooling equipment – {EquipmentList} ?

Only equipment types with equal percentages are shown here

1 {Central air conditioner}

2 {Packaged cooling}

3 {Central chiller}

4 {District chilled water}

5 {Heat pump}

6 {Room air conditioner}

7 {Swamp coolers}

8 {Other cooling equipment}


IF (Main equipment NOT District chilled water OR DK/RF) & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003

OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012) D69 [Main cooling replaced]


IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D70 [Economizer cycle]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Main cooling replaced NWMNCL


IF Main cooling equipment known & NOT District chilled water & (Main cooling equipment

NOT Packaged cooling if the Main heating equipment was Packaged heating)

& (Main cooling equipment NOT Heat pump if the main heating equipment was Heat pump)

& (A23 [Year of construction] < 1990 OR

A24 [Year of construction category] ≠ 2000 to 2003 OR 2004 to 2007 OR 2008 to 2012)



IF Main cooling equipment = Packaged cooling = “Has the packaged air conditioning unit”

IF Main cooling equipment = Central air conditioner = “Has the central air conditioner”

IF Main cooling equipment = Room air conditioner = “Have any of the room air conditioners”

IF Main cooling equipment = Heat pump = “Has the heat pump”

IF Main cooling equipment = Central chiller = “Has the central chiller”

IF Main cooling equipment = Swamp coolers = “Has the swamp cooler”

IF Main cooling equipment = Other cooling equipment = “Has the other type of cooling equipment”

{MainCoolEquip} been replaced since 1990?

EXP: [If there is more than one of this equipment type and

at least one has been replaced, the answer is "Yes."]

1 Yes

2 No


IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

D70 [Economizer cycle]


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Economizer cycle ECN


IF More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]


Does this building have any equipment that uses outside air for cooling, often called an "economizer cycle"?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes D71 [Type of economizer cycle]


IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling

IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] D72 [Cooling tower]

OTHERWISE D73 [Regular HVAC maintenance]


Type of economizer cycle ECNTYPE


IF D70 [Economizer cycle] = Yes


Looking at Show Card D14, is this an air-side economizer or a water-side economizer?

1 Air-side economizer

2 Water-side economizer


IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling

IN D55 [Cooling equipment types] D72 [Cooling tower]

OTHERWISE D73 [Regular HVAC maintenance]


Cooling tower CTOWER


IF Packaged air conditioning units OR Central chillers OR Heat pumps for cooling

IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]

Does this building have a cooling tower for the cooling equipment?

DEF: [A cooling tower is used to dispose of unwanted heat from

the cooling equipment.]

1 Yes

2 No


 D73 [Regular HVAC maintenance]


Regular HVAC maintenance MAINT


IF More than just Individual space heaters IN D28 [Heating equipment types]

OR More than just Individual room air conditioners IN D55 [Cooling equipment types]



IF Heating only = “heating”

IF Cooling only = “cooling”

IF Heating & Cooling = “heating and cooling”


Is there any regularly scheduled maintenance and repair for the {HeatCool} system?

1 Yes

2 No


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes D74 [Sources for water heating]

IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Sources for water heating see below


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes


{WatrSourcesList} = List of all energy sources used

{Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank

{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3]

Which energy sources were used for water heating? ({WatrSourcesList})

Only sources already selected are shown here

PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

11 {Electricity} ELWATR

12 {Natural gas} NGWATR

13 {FuelOilType} FKWATR

14 {Bottled gas} PRWATR

15 {District steam} STWATR

16 {District hot water} HWWATR

18 {Wood} WOWATR

19 {Coal} COWATR

20 {Solar} SOWATR

21 {Other1} OTWATR

22 {Other2} OTWATR

23 {Other3} OTWATR

24 Some other energy source


IF Some other energy source selected D75 [Other water heating source]

OTHERWISE D76 [Water heating equipment]


Other water heating source see below


IF Some other energy source IN D74 [Sources for water heating]

What was the other energy source used for water heating?

11 Electricity ELWATR

12 Natural gas NGWATR

13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKWATR

14 Bottled gas PRWATR

15 District steam STWATR

16 District hot water HWWATR

18 Wood WOWATR

19 Coal COWATR

20 Solar SOWATR

24 Some other energy source OTWATR


 D76 [Water heating equipment]


Water heating equipment WTHTEQ


IF D3 [Water heating] = Yes


Does this building have one or more centralized water heaters, one or more "point-of-use" water heaters, or both of these types (of water heaters)?

1 One or more centralized water heaters

2 One or more "point-of-use" water heaters

3 Both types


IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes D77 [Sources for cooking]

IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Sources for cooking see below


IF D4 [Cooking] = Yes


{CookSourcesList} = List of all energy sources used

{Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank

{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3]

Which energy sources were used for cooking? [ {CookSourcesList} ]

Only sources already selected are shown here

 PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

11 {Electricity} ELCOOK

12 {Natural gas} NGCOOK

13 {FuelOilType} FKCOOK

14 {Bottled gas} PRCOOK

15 {District steam} STCOOK

16 {District hot water} HWCOOK

18 {Wood} WOCOOK

19 {Coal} COCOOK

20 {Solar} SOCOOK

21 {Other1} OTCOOK

22 {Other2} OTCOOK

23 {Other3} OTCOOK

24 Some other energy source


IF Some other energy source selected D78 [Other cooking source]


IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Other cooking source


IF Some other energy source IN D77 [Sources for cooking]

What was the other energy source used for cooking?

11 Electricity ELCOOK

12 Natural gas NGCOOK

13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKCOOK

14 Bottled gas PRCOOK

15 District steam STCOOK

16 District hot water HWCOOK

18 Wood WOCOOK

19 Coal COCOOK

20 Solar SOCOOK

24 Some other energy source OTCOOK


IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Sources for manufacturing see below


IF D6 [Manufacturing] = Yes


{ManuSourcesList} = List of all energy sources used

{Electricity} – {Other3} = If a source is used, it appears in this list; if not, the line is blank

{FuelOilType} = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3]

Which energy sources were used for manufacturing? [ {ManuSourcesList} ]

Only sources already selected are shown here

 PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

11 {Electricity} ELMANU

12 {Natural gas} NGMANU

13 {FuelOilType} FKMANU

14 {Bottled gas} PRMANU

15 {District steam} STMANU

16 {District hot water} HWMANU

18 {Wood} WOMANU

19 {Coal} COMANU

20 {Solar} SOMANU

21 {Other1} OTMANU

22 {Other2} OTMANU

23 {Other3} OTMANU

24 Some other energy source


IF Some other energy source selected D80 [Other manufacturing source]


IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] ≠ Yes D87 [Any other sources]


Other manufacturing source see below


IF Some other energy source IN D79 [Sources for manufacturing]

What was the other energy source used for manufacturing?

11 Electricity ELMANU

12 Natural gas NGMANU

13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKMANU

14 Bottled gas PRMANU

15 District steam STMANU

16 District hot water HWMANU

18 Wood WOMANU

19 Coal COMANU

20 Solar SOMANU

24 Some other energy source OTMANU


IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes D81 [Energy for generation]

IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] ≠ Yes D87 [Any other sources]


Energy for generation GENR


IF D8 [Electricity generation capability] = Yes

Was any energy actually used for generating electricity in this building during 2012, even if just a small amount was used for emergency backup or for testing generators?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes D82 [Sources for electricity generation]


IF D9 [Energy sources used] = DK/RF INTERVIEW COMPLETE

OTHERWISE D87 [Any other sources]


Sources for electricity generation see below


IF D81 [Energy for generation] = Yes


{Other1} – {Other3} = Sources specified in D12 [Other energy source 1] – D14 [Other energy source 3]


Looking at Show Card D16, please tell me which energy sources were used for electricity generation.

 PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

12 Natural gas NGGENR

13 Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene FKGENR

14 Bottled gas/LPG/Propane PRGENR

18 Wood WOGENR

19 Coal COGENR

20 Solar SOGENR

21 {Other1} OTGENR

22 {Other2} OTGENR

23 {Other3} OTGENR

24 Some other energy source OTGENR


 D83 [Generation technologies]


Generation technologies see below


IF D81 [Energy for generation] = Yes


Looking at Show Card D17, were any of the technologies on this list used on-site for generating electricity?

 PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

1 Photovoltaic cells PVC

2 Fuel cells FUELCL

5 Large turbines LRGTRB

3 Microturbines MCROTB

4 Wind turbines WNDTRB

6 Reciprocating engines ENGINE

7 IF VOLUNTEERED: None of these


 D84 [Use of generated electricity]


Use of generated electricity GENUSE


IF D81 [Energy for generation] = Yes


During 2012, was the electricity generated in this building used: primarily for emergency back-up or testing, during periods of high electricity demand, or whenever electricity was used?

1 Primarily for emergency back-up or testing

2 During periods of high electricity demand

3 Whenever electricity was used


IF Primarily for emergency back-up or testing OR DK/RF D87 [Any other sources]

IF During periods of high electricity demand OR Whenever electricity was used

D85 [Cogeneration system]


Cogeneration system COGEN


IF D84 [Use of generated electricity] = During periods of high electricity demand

OR Whenever electricity was used


Is the electric power generating system also a cogeneration system? That is, in addition to producing electric power, does the same system simultaneously produce heat that is used in this or another building for space heating, water heating, or industrial processes?

1 Yes

2 No


 D86 [Deliver electricity to grid]


Deliver electricity to grid TOGRID


IF D84 [Use of generated electricity] = During periods of high electricity demand

OR Whenever electricity was used

Is the generation system interconnected with an electric utility so that it is able to deliver or sell electricity to the grid?

1 Yes

2 No


 D87 [Any other sources]


Any other sources


IF D9 [Energy sources used] was answered


{SourcesList} = List of all energy sources used

As a final check, were there any energy sources used in this building other than {Sources List} ?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes D88 [Other sources]


Check that every energy source given in D9 [Energy sources used] (other than electricity or district chilled water) was assigned an end use. THEN:

IF Yes:

IF Electricity used D91 [AMI smart metering]


IF Heating OR Cooling D92 [Energy management plan]

OTHERWISE L1 [Response effort]

IF No D90 [Missed {energy source} use]


Other sources see below


IF D87 [Any other sources] =Yes


{Electricity} – {Solar} = If a source has NOT been mentioned, it appears in this list; if it has, the line is blank

What other sources were used?

 PROBE for any others

ENTER all that apply

11 {Electricity} ELUSED

12 {Natural gas} NGUSED

13 {Fuel/Diesel/Kerosene} FKUSED

14 {Bottled gas} PRUSED

15 {District steam} STUSED

16 {District hot water} HWUSED

17 {District chilled water} CWUSED

18 {Wood} WOUSED

19 {Coal} COUSED

20 {Solar} SOUSED

24 Other OTUSED


 D89 [{Energy source} use]


{Energy source} use see below where {XX} is the energy source abbreviation


For each source selected in D88 [Other sources]



IF Electricity IN D88 [Other sources] = “electricity”

IF Natural gas IN D88 [Other sources] = “natural gas”

IF Fuel oil/Diesel/Kerosene IN D88 [Other sources] = “fuel oil/diesel/kerosene”

IF Bottled gas IN D88 [Other sources] = “bottled gas”

IF District steam IN D88 [Other sources] = “district steam”

IF District hot water IN D88 [Other sources] = “district hot water”

IF Wood IN D88 [Other sources] = “wood”

IF Coal IN D88 [Other sources] = “coal”

IF Solar IN D88 [Other sources] = “solar energy”

IF Other IN D88 [Other sources] = “other fuel”


Does not appear as a choice for Wood use, Coal use, OR Solar use

{Electricity generation}

Does not appear as a choice for Electricity use, District steam use, OR District hot water use

What was the {EnergySource} used for?

1 Heating {XX}HT1/HT2

2 {Cooling} {XX}COOL

3 Water heating {XX}WATR

4 Cooking {XX}COOK

5 Manufacturing {XX}MANU

6 {Electricity generation} {XX}GENR

7 Some other use {XX}OTH

8 Incorrectly recorded--source not used


Check that every energy source given in D9 [Energy sources used] (other than electricity or district chilled water) was assigned an end use:

IF Yes:

IF Electricity used D91 [AMI smart metering]


IF Heating OR Cooling D92 [Energy management plan]

OTHERWISE L1 [Response effort]

IF No D90 [Missed {energy source} use]


Missed {energy source} use see below where {XX} is the energy source abbreviation


For every energy source given in D9 [Energy sources used] that was not assigned an end use (other than electricity)



IF No end use for Natural gas = “natural gas”

IF No end use for Fuel oil = Type or types specified in D10 [Fuel oil, diesel, or kerosene]

IF No end use for Bottled gas = “bottled gas”

IF No end use for District steam = “district steam”

IF No end use for District hot water = “district hot water”

IF No end use for District chilled water = “district chilled water”

IF No end use for Wood = “wood”

IF No end use for Coal = “coal”

IF No end use for Solar = “solar energy”

IF No end use for Other = “another energy source” (second fill = “other energy source”)

{Heating}, {Water heating}, {Cooking}, {Manufacturing}

Do not appear as a choice for District chilled water use


Does not appear as a choice for Wood use, Coal use, OR Solar use

{Electricity generation}

Does not appear as a choice for District chilled water use, District steam use OR District hot water use

I have recorded that {EnergySource} was used in this building but not how it was used. What was the {EnergySource} used for?

1 {Heating} {XX}HT1/HT2

2 {Cooling} {XX}COOL

3 {Water heating} {XX}WATR

4 {Cooking} {XX}COOK

5 {Manufacturing} {XX}MANU

6 {Electricity generation} {XX}GENR

7 Some other use {XX}OTH

8 Incorrectly recorded--source not used


IF Electricity used D91 [AMI smart metering]


IF Heating OR Cooling D92 [Energy management plan]

OTHERWISE L1 [Response effort]


AMI smart metering AMIMETER


IF Electricity used

Does this building have advanced metering infrastructure, sometimes referred to as AMI or "smart metering"?

DEF: [An AMI or "smart meter" is a meter that records electricity

consumption in intervals of one hour or less. Daily data

are available to both the energy company and the consumer

through a web portal, display device, or other form of


1 Yes

2 No


IF Heating OR Cooling D92 [Energy management plan]

OTHERWISE L1 [Response effort]


Energy management plan ENRGYPLN


IF Heating OR Cooling

Does this building have a formal energy management plan in which energy targets are set and consistently monitored?

1 Yes

2 No


 L1 [Response effort]



Response effort REFFORT


All Mall Buildings

Just a few last questions before we finish. Including yourself, please tell me how many people were needed to compile the information for this interview.


1 to 99


 L2 [Green building certification]


Green building certification GRNCRT


All Mall Buildings

In the past 3 years, has this building been certified as a “green building,” such as Energy Star, LEED, or Green Globes?

1 Yes

2 No


IF Yes L3 [Type of green certification]


IF R2 [Worksheet 1] = Yes L5 [Collect Worksheet 1]

IF R2 [Worksheet 1] ≠ Yes L6 [Thank you]


Type of green certification see below


IF L2 [Green building certification] = Yes

Which type of certification did the building receive? Was it Energy Star, LEED, Green Globes, or did it receive some other green building recognition?

ENTER all that apply

1 Energy Star ENGYSTR


3 Green Globes GRNGLBS

4 Other OTCERT


IF Other selected L4 [Other certification]


IF R2 [Worksheet 1] = Yes L5 [Collect Worksheet 1]

IF R2 [Worksheet 1] ≠ Yes L6 [Thank you]


Other certification GRNCRTX


IF Other IN L3 [Type of green certification]

What was the other type of recognition received by this building?

ENTER the type of certification


IF R2 [Worksheet 1] = Yes L5 [Collect Worksheet 1]

IF R2 [Worksheet 1] ≠ Yes L6 [Thank you]


Collect Worksheet 1


IF R2 [Worksheet 1] = Yes

That completes our interview. Before I leave, may I please collect Worksheet 1? [This is the “Characteristics, Energy Sources, and Equipment” worksheet that you filled out before the interview.]

ENTER “1” to continue




Thank you


If R2 [Worksheet 1] ≠ Yes

That completes our interview. Thank you so much for your time and help.

ENTER “1” to continue



2012 CBECS Mall Building Questionnaire (EIA-871I)

Page 5

File Typeapplication/msword
File Title2003 CBECS Pre-Test Questionnaire
AuthorJoelle D. Michaels
Last Modified ByJoelle Michaels
File Modified2012-09-26
File Created2012-07-31

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