Attachment C Changes 2016-17

Attachment C Changes EDFacts 2016-17.docx

EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19

Attachment C Changes 2016-17

OMB: 1850-0925

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Paperwork Reduction Act Submission Supporting Statement

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary

Education Data through EDFacts

August 2016

Revised January 2017

Revised May 2017

Attachment C

EDFacts Data Set

Changes from Approved

SY 2016-17 OMB Package

OMB No. 1850-0925 v.2


This attachment lists the substantive changes to the EDFacts Data Set between the SY 2016-17 data set approved in February 2016 (OMB# 1850-0925 v.1) and the SY 2016-17 data set proposed for clearance in this submission (OMB# 1850-0925 v.2).

Items marked as Retired! in the Attachment B documents are no longer being collected in SY 2016-17 and are listed in this document.

Technical corrections from the previous package are marked as Revised! 60 (revised prior to the 60 day comment period) or Revised! 30 (revised prior to the 30 day comment period) in the Attachment B documents and listed at the end of this document.

The retired files and technical corrections are the only changes to the SY 2016-17 approved collection.

In order to see the comprehensive proposed collection, please review the B attachments.

This document is a supplement to assist reviewers; it should not be used as a substitute for reviewing the detailed attachments.

DELETIONS to the EDFACTS Data SEt (Data Groups)

office of elementary and secondary education/ office of sTATE SUPPORT PUBLIC SCHOOL CHOICE AND SUPPLEMENTAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

  • DG 544: Public school choice – transferred

  • DG 546: SES - received services

  • DG 574: Public school choice - applied for transfer

  • DG 575: SES - applied to receive services

  • DG 578: SES - eligible to receive services

  • DG 651: SES funds spent

  • DG 652: Public school choice funds spent

  • DG 679: Public school choice/SES 20 percent obligation

  • DG 680: SES per pupil expenditure

  • DG 700: Public school choice – eligible

  • DG 701: Public school choice implementation


  • DG 523: Discipline incidents table

  • DG 601: Firearm incidents table


  • DG 123: LEP students in LEP program table

  • DG 518: AMAO II ELP attainment

  • DG 569: AMAO I ELP making progress

  • DG 688: AMAO III AYP for LEP


  • DG 31: School poverty percentage

  • DG 32: AYP status

  • DG 381: Teacher quality in elementary classes table

  • DG 383: Teacher quality in core secondary classes table

  • DG 554: AMO mathematics status table

  • DG 552: AMO reading/language arts status table

  • DG 553: Reading/language arts participation status table

  • DG 555: Mathematics participation status table

  • DG 556: Elementary/middle additional indicator status table

  • DG 557: High school graduation rate indicator status table

  • DG 617: Alternate approach status

migrant education program

  • DG 515: MEP personnel (FTE) table

  • DG 625: MEP personnel (headcount) table


  • DG 730: Average scale score table

  • DG 737: Teacher evaluations table

  • DG 738: Principal evaluations table

  • DG 740: HS graduates postsecondary credit earned table

  • DG 751: Achievement percentile table

  • DG 760: Academic achievement in mathematics table – Flex

  • DG 761: Academic achievement in reading/language arts table – Flex

  • DG 762: Academic achievement in science table – Flex

  • DG 763: Assessment participation in mathematics table – Flex

  • DG 764: Assessment participation in reading/language arts table – Flex

  • DG 765: Assessment participation in science table – Flex

  • DG 766: Mathematics participation status table – Flex

  • DG 767: Reading/language arts participation status table – Flex

  • DG 768: AMO mathematics status table- Flex

  • DG 769: AMO reading/language arts status table- Flex

  • DG 770: High school graduation rate indicator status table – Flex

  • DG 771: Regulatory 4-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table – Flex

  • DG 772: Regulatory 5-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table – Flex

  • DG 773: Regulatory 6-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table – Flex

  • DG 774: Cohorts for regulatory 4-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table – Flex

  • DG 775: Cohorts for regulatory 5-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table – Flex

  • DG 776: Cohorts for regulatory 6-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table – Flex

  • DG 778: Reward schools

  • DG 779: State defined school status

office of elementary and secondary education/HOmeless: McKinney-Vento Homeless Program

  • DG 819: Homeless adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • DG 820: Cohorts for homeless adjusted cohort graduation rate table

See a description of Data Groups 695, 696, 697, 698, 755, and 756 in the Technical Corrections list below for more information on where this data is being reported.

DELETIONS to the EDFACTS Data SEt (Data categories)

  • Academic Subject (Scale Score)

  • Assessment Administered (Scale Score)

  • Achievement Percentile

  • Disability Status (Accountability)

  • Flexibility Subgroups

  • LEP Status (Accountability)

  • Staff Category (MEP)

  • Postsecondary Credit

  • Discipline Reason (Safe and Drug-Free)

  • Faculty/Admin Performance Level

OTHER changes to the EDFACTS Data SEt


The following Data Group has a revised definition, corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.

  • DG 326: Dropouts table Revised! 60

  • DG 684: MEP services table Revised! 30

  • DG 102: MEP students served 12-month table Revised! 30

The following Data Group has a revised title, definition, reporting period, and data steward corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.

  • DG 818: Young homeless children served (McKinney-Vento) table Revised! 60 Revised! 30

The following Data Groups have revised comment fields, corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.

  • DG 74: Children with disabilities (IDEA) school age table Revised! 30

  • DG 306: Graduates/completers table Revised! 30

The following Data Groups have revised data categories, corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.

  • DG 634: Migrant students eligible 12-month table Revised! 30

  • DG 635: MEP students eligible and served summer/intercession table Revised! 30, Final!

  • DG 655: Homeless students enrolled table Revised! 30

  • DG 670: Title I participation table Revised! 60

  • DG 681: CTE concentrators academic achievement table Final!

  • DG 695: Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table Revised! 60

  • DG 696: Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table Revised! 60

  • DG 697: Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table Revised! 60

  • DG 698: Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table Revised! 60

  • DG 755: Regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table Revised! 60

  • DG 756: Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table Revised! 60

  • DG 796: MEP students priority for services table Revised! 30

  • DG 102: MEP students served 12-month table Revised! 30, Final!

Migrant DGs have a revised Reporting Period to align with the Reporting Period title, “Performance Period MEP,” used in Attachment B-1. The revision is not marked in Retired MEP DGs. Revised! 30

  • DG 514: Consolidated MEP funds status

  • DG 684: MEP services table

  • DG 635: MEP students eligible and served summer/intersession table

  • DG 796: MEP students priority for services table

  • DG 102: MEP students served 12-month table

  • DG 634: Migrant students eligible 12-month table

The following Data Groups have revised permitted values corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions.

  • DG 662: Improvement status – LEA Revised! 60 Revised! 30

  • DG728: Interventions used Revised! 60

  • DG 34: Improvement status – school Revised! 30

  • DG 741: Persistently lowest-achieving school Revised! 30

  • DG 36: Persistently dangerous status Revised! 30

  • DG 24 Magnet Status Revised! 30

  • DG 514 Consolidated MEP funds status Revised! 30

The following Data Groups were assigned File Specification numbers since the publication of the previous packaged. See Attachment B-3 for details of these revisions. Revised! 60

  • DG 813: Direct Certification, is now assigned to File Specification 033

  • DG 814: Chronic absenteeism table, is now assigned to File Specification 195

  • DGs 825, 599, 826, 827, 828, and 829 for the Roster of Charter Management Organizations to File Specification 196

  • DGs 830, 831, and 832 for the Charter contract information to File Specification 198

Homeless graduation data was approved in the prior package. The corrections are to move the Homeless graduation data from discrete Data Groups (819 and 820) to existing Data Groups (695, 696, 697, 698, 755, and 756) as a new Category Set.


The following Data Categories have revised titles, corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-4 for details of these revisions. Revised! 60

  • Age/Grade category: Age/Grade (w/o 13 and BT2)

  • Age/Grade category: Age/Grade (w/o 13 and out of school)

The following Data Categories have revised definitions, corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-4 for details of these revisions. Revised! 60

  • Disability Category (IDEA)

  • Disability Category (IDEA) Exiting

The following Data Category has a revised or deleted comment.

  • Qualification Status (Teachers) Revised! 60

  • Migrant Status Revised! 30

  • Language (Native) Final!

The following Data Categories have revised permitted values, corrected from the previous package. See Attachment B-4 for details of these revisions.

  • MEP Services Revised! 60

  • Mobility Status (12 months) Revised! 60

  • Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence Revised! 30

  • Progress Level Final!

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleAttachment C
Author[email protected]
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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