National Science Foundation
2017 Survey of Science and
Engineering Research Facilities
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. However, your institution’s response is important. The information from this survey on individual institutions can be used by your institution and other institutions for decision- and policy-making. The data also describe science and engineering research facilities at the national, regional, and state levels.
Based on information collected in the FY 2013 cycle, responding to this survey typically requires 19 hours depending on how data are maintained at your institution. If you wish to comment on the burden of completing this survey, contact Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, NSF, via e-mail at [email protected] or call 1-703-292-7556. Or, you may write to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (OMB Number 3145-0101), Washington, DC 20503.
Expiration date: 8/31/2018
If you have a question, please contact Diana Crudup via e-mail at
[email protected]
or call
1-888-811-1838. The survey director at the National
Science Foundation’s National Center for Science and
Engineering Statistics is Mr. Michael Gibbons.
Please complete and send this survey to NSF on the web (according to the instructions on page 1) or return it by mail to:
ATTN: NSF Facilities Survey
1600 Research Boulevard
Rockville, MD 20850
Thank you for your participation.
This questionnaire is available electronically. Go to to access the survey. You will need
enter your institution’s ID and password.
Please report information for the institution named on the web survey questionnaire.
If you do not have exact figures for any part of this questionnaire, please provide estimates.
Information provided on research animal space (Questions 1 row i, 3, and 10F) and on the condition of S&E space (Question 7) will not be publicly available for individual institutions. In accordance with the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended, and other applicable federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form to anyone other than agency employees or authorized persons. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data.
Definition of Research has been updated to align the definition with the NSF Higher Education R&D survey. This definition mirrors the definition provided in the Frascati Manual 2015, an international document published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development that provides guidelines for collecting and reporting data on R&D. This update is not intended to alter the definition of space to be reported.
Fields of science and engineering (S&E): The disciplines of “Fishing and fisheries sciences and management” and “Forestry” have been moved from the S&E Field of Agricultural sciences to Natural resources and conservation in order to better coordinate field totals in national academic surveys.
Question 6: A new question about shared research space has been added. The goal of this question is to understand whether the space reported in question 2 is shared among fields or used for other purposes in addition to research.
New construction project start date: A more specific definition for start date has been provided. This is expected to make reporting of projects by fiscal year more consistent, which may help eliminate duplicate reports across cycles (Questions 10, 10B, and 14).
New construction completion costs: A sentence has been added to the definition to clarify that completion costs should be reported whether they occur before or after the project start date (Questions 10, 10D, and 14).
A reminder note has been added to the bottom of the “Individual Project Form for Question 10” indicating that a survey help desk is available.
Please use these definitions when answering all questions in this survey.
Research is all research and experimental development (R&D) activities of your institution that are separately accounted for. These R&D activities comprise creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge—including knowledge of humankind, culture and society—and to devise new applications of available knowledge. This research can be funded by your own institution, the federal government, a state government, foundations, corporations, or other sources.
Research space
is the net assignable square feet of space in buildings within which
research activities take place.
Research facilities are located
within buildings. A building
is a roofed structure for permanent or temporary shelter of
animals, plants, materials, or equipment. Structures should be
included if they are (1) attached to a foundation,
(2) roofed,
(3) serviced by a utility, exclusive of lighting, and (4) a source of
significant maintenance and repair activities.
Net assignable square feet
(NASF) is the sum of all areas on all floors of a building assigned
to, or available to be
assigned to, an occupant for a specific
use, such as research or instruction. NASF is measured from the
inside faces of
Science and engineering
(S&E) includes the following fields: agricultural sciences and
natural resources sciences,
biological and biomedical sciences,
computer and information sciences, engineering, health and clinical
mathematics and statistics, physical sciences,
psychology, social sciences, and other science and engineering
fields. See Question 2 on pages 5–7 for a detailed list of the
disciplines included in each of these fields.
Research space includes:
Research space does not include:
1. Please indicate whether or not your institution had each type of S&E research space listed below at the end of your FY 2017. See pages 2–3 for the definition of research space and fields of S&E.
Did your institution have this type of S&E research space at end of FY 2017?
(Mark one “X” for each row.)
wet or dry, including computer
laboratories, behavior
observation laboratories, etc.
support space, including autoclave rooms,
darkrooms, equipment
areas, storage areas for research
equipment and supplies,
laboratories that are also
used for
laboratories that serve other laboratories
space that is used for research
to the extent they
are used for research
used for research containing nonfixed
costing $1
million or more each, such as MRIs
space in a medical school that awards the M.D.
D.O. degree
animal space
Reminder: Please see page 1 for confidentiality of this item.
Laboratories and associated
support areas used for research
animals that are subject to
local, state, and federal government
policies and regulations
concerning humane care and use of
animals. Examples include
procedure rooms, holding rooms,
recovery rooms, animal
production colonies, and storage areas.
for housing research animals and associated maintenance
that are subject to local, state, and federal government
and regulations concerning humane care and use of
Examples include animal quarters, cage washing
rooms, feed
storage areas, isolation rooms, and exercise rooms.
space that is used for clinical trials
2. At the end of your FY
2017, how much net assignable square feet was used for
research (based on the definition
research space on pages 2–3) for each of the fields
of science and engineering (S&E) below? Please include any
research animal space in the relevant fields
of S&E. You
may provide estimates if you do not have exact
space is equivalent to functional category 2 (Research) for
facilities inventory systems based on the U.S. Department of
Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM
classification), the Western Interstate Commission for Higher
Education (WICHE classification), and the National Association of
College and University Business Officers (NACUBO classification).
animal space includes all departmental and central facilities,
such as laboratories, housing, and associated support areas, that are
subject to local, state, and federal government policies and
regulations concerning humane care and use of laboratory animals.
research space was shared among fields
or used for other purposes in addition to
research, report the portion
of space used for research
for each field below.
For example, if two fields
shared the space equally,
report half of
the space in one field
and half in the other.
Or, if an area was used
for research one-fourth of the time and for other purposes the rest
of the time, report one-fourth of the space as research space.
Field of S&E (Include research animal space.) |
Net assignable square feet of research space at end of FY 2017 |
a. Agricultural sciences |
Agricultural business and management Agricultural economics Agricultural production operations Animal sciences Applied horticulture and horticultural business services Food science and technology |
International agriculture Plant pathology and phytopathology, agricultural Plant sciences Soil sciences Agricultural sciences, other |
______________ NASF
b. Biological and biomedical sciences |
Anatomical sciences Animal biology Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biomathematics Biophysics Biotechnology Botany Cell biology Cellular biology Computational biology Ecology Epidemiology Genetics Immunology |
Microbiological sciences Molecular biology Molecular medicine Neurobiology Neuroscience Pathology Pharmacology Physiology Plant biology Plant pathology and phytopathology, biological sciences Population biology Toxicology Zoology Biological and biomedical sciences, other |
______________ NASF
c. Computer and information sciences |
Computer and information technology administration and management Computer science Computer software and media applications Computer systems analysis |
Computer systems networking and telecommunications Data processing Information science, studies Computer and information sciences, other |
______________ NASF
d. Engineering |
Aeronautical engineering Aerospace engineering Agricultural engineering Astronautical engineering Automation engineering Bioengineering Biomedical engineering Chemical engineering Civil engineering Communications engineering Computer engineering Electrical engineering Electronic engineering Engineering chemistry Engineering design Engineering mechanics Engineering physics Engineering science Environmental engineering |
Environmental health engineering Forest engineering Industrial engineering Manufacturing engineering Marine engineering Materials engineering Mechanical engineering Mechatronics Medical engineering Metallurgical engineering Nanotechnology Naval architecture Nuclear engineering Ocean engineering Operations research Paper science Petroleum engineering Robotics Engineering, other |
______________ NASF
e. Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences |
Atmospheric science Biological oceanography Earth sciences Geological sciences Marine sciences |
Meteorology Ocean sciences Physical geography Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences, other |
______________ NASF
f. Health sciences |
Advanced, graduate dentistry and oral sciences Allied health and medical assisting services Bioethics, medical ethics Clinical laboratory science/research and allied professions Clinical medicine research Clinical nursing Communication disorders sciences and services Dentistry Gerontology, health sciences Health and medical administrative services Health, medical preparatory programs Kinesiology and exercise science Medical clinical sciences Medical illustration Medical informatics Medical laboratory science/research and allied professions Medicine |
Nursing administration Nursing research Optometry Oral sciences Osteopathic medicine Osteopathy Pharmaceutical administration Pharmaceutical sciences Pharmacy Podiatric medicine Podiatry Public health Radiological science Registered nursing Rehabilitation and therapeutic professions Veterinary biomedical and clinical sciences Veterinary medicine Health sciences, other |
______________ NASF
g. Mathematics and statistics |
Applied mathematics Mathematics |
Statistics Mathematics and statistics, other |
______________ NASF
h. Natural resources and conservation
Environmental science or studies Fishing and fisheries sciences and management Forestry Natural resource economics Natural resources conservation and research |
Natural resources management and policy Wildlife and wildlands science and management Natural resources and conservation, other |
______________ NASF
i. Physical sciences |
Astronomy Astrophysics Chemistry |
Materials science Physics Physical sciences, other |
______________ NASF
j. Psychology |
Applied Psychology Clinical psychology Counseling psychology |
Research and experimental psychology Psychology, other |
______________ NASF
k. Social sciences |
Anthropology Archeology Criminology Demography Economics Geography and cartography Gerontology, social sciences International relations |
National security studies Political science and government Population studies Public policy Sociology Urban studies, affairs Social sciences, other |
______________ NASF
l. Other field of S&E |
Use this category when multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or other aspects make classification under one primary S&E field impossible. Please see pages 2–3 for the definition of S&E research and research space.
(Please describe.) __________________________________________________ |
______________ NASF
Reminder: Please see page 1 for confidentiality of this item.
3. At the end of your FY 2017, how much of the research NASF reported in Question 2 was used for research animals?
Research animal space includes all departmental and central facilities, such as laboratories, housing, and associated support areas, that are subject to local, state, and federal government policies and regulations concerning humane care and use of laboratory animals.
Research animal portion of the space
included in Question 2 (If none, enter “0.”) _____________ NASF
4. At the end of your FY 2017, how much of the research NASF reported in Question 2 was used for clinical trials?
Clinical trial portion of the space
included in Question 2 (If none, enter “0.”) _____________ NASF
5. If your institution had a medical school, how much of the research NASF reported in Question 2 was located in the medical school at the end of your FY 2017?
Medical school is a school that awards the M.D. or D.O. degree.
If your institution did not have a medical school,
this box and go to Question 6
Medical school portion of the space
included in Question 2 (If none, enter “0.”) _____________ NASF
6. For each field of S&E below, please indicate whether any of the space in Question 2 was (1) shared with any other field(s); and (2) used for purposes other than research (e.g., instruction) at the end of your FY 2017.
In Question 2, the instructions indicate “If research space was shared among fields or used for other purposes in addition to research, report the portion of space used for research for each field.” If you pro-rated the NASF in Question 2 according to these instructions, you should answer “yes” in column 1 and/or column 2 in the field(s) below that were pro-rated due to shared space.
Field of S&E (Include research animal space.) |
Mark “X” if no research space in this field |
(1) Was the space in Question 2 shared with any other field(s)? |
(2) Was the space in Question 2 used for purposes other than research? |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
a. Agricultural sciences |
b. Biological and
biomedical sciences |
c. Computer and information
sciences |
d. Engineering |
e. Geosciences, atmospheric
sciences, and |
f. Health sciences |
g. Mathematics and
statistics |
h. Natural resources and
conservation |
i. Physical sciences |
j. Psychology |
k. Social sciences |
l. Other field of S&E |
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Reminder: Please see page 1 for confidentiality of this item.
7. At the end of your FY 2017, what percentage of the research NASF reported in Question 2 fell into each of the four condition categories below? Include research animal space.
Superior condition Suitable for the most scientifically competitive research in this field over the next 2 years (your FY 2018 and FY 2019)
Satisfactory condition Suitable for continued use over the next 2 years (your FY 2018 and FY 2019) for most levels of research in this field, but may require minor repairs or renovation
Requires renovation Will no longer be suitable for current research without undergoing major renovation within the next 2 years (your FY 2018 and FY 2019)
Requires replacement Should
stop using space for current research within the next 2 years
FY 2018 and FY 2019)
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Field of S&E (Include research animal space.) |
Mark “X” if no research space in this field |
Percent of net assignable square feet |
(The percentages should sum to 100 within each row.) |
Superior condition |
Satisfactory condition |
Requires renovation |
Requires replacement |
Total |
a. Agricultural sciences |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
b. Biological and
biomedical sciences |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
c. Computer and information
sciences |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
d. Engineering |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
e. Geosciences, atmospheric
sciences, and |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
f. Health sciences |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
g. Mathematics and
statistics |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
h. Natural resources and
conservation |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
i. Physical sciences |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
j. Psychology |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
k. Social sciences |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
l. Other field of S&E |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
______ % |
100% |
8. Please provide the completion costs for repair and renovation of S&E research facilities that started during your FY 2016 or FY 2017. Include research animal space in the relevant fields of S&E. Include only projects whose prorated cost was estimated to be $250,000 or more for at least one field of S&E listed below. For multi-year projects, report the entire completion cost even if some work will occur in future years.
Start date is the date on which the physical work of the repairs or renovations actually began.
Repairs and renovations are activities such as fixing up facilities in deteriorated condition, capital improvements on facilities, conversion of facilities, and the building out of shell space. Include any repairs or renovations to existing space that are performed in combination with new construction projects. Do not report building additions since they are reported in this survey under new construction.
Completion costs include planning, site preparation, construction, fixed equipment, nonfixed equipment that costs $1 million or more, and building infrastructure such as plumbing, lighting, air exchange, and safety systems either in the building or within 5 feet of the building foundation.
If research facilities are shared by two or more fields, allocate the appropriate share of the costs to each field in order to determine which fields to report. For example, if a field will have one-fourth of the costs for a $300,000 project, do not report that field’s share, which is $75,000. If a $400,000 project will have two fields with the same costs, do not report either field’s portion, which is $200,000 each.
If research facilities are also used for nonresearch activities, report the S&E research portion of the costs for the fields listed below if the research portion is $250,000 or more. For example, if a facility is used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest of the time, report one-fourth of the completion costs for S&E research facilities.
If your institution had no repair or renovation
projects, check this box and
go to Question 10
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Field of S&E (Include costs for research animal space.) |
Completion costs for projects started in FY 2016 or FY 2017 |
a. Agricultural sciences $ _____________ |
b. Biological and biomedical sciences $ _____________ |
c. Computer and information sciences $ _____________ |
d. Engineering $ _____________ |
e. Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences $ _____________ |
f. Health sciences $ _____________ |
g. Mathematics and statistics $ _____________ |
h. Natural resources and conservation $ _____________ |
i. Physical sciences $ _____________ |
j. Psychology $ _____________ |
k. Social sciences $ _____________ |
l. Other field of S&E (Please describe.) $ _____________ |
_______________________________________________ |
9. If your institution had a medical school, how much of the completion costs for repair and renovation of research facilities as reported in Question 8 was located in the medical school?
Medical school is a school that awards the M.D. or D.O. degree.
If your institution did not have a medical school,
this box and go to Question 10
Medical school portion of the costs
included in Question 8 (If none, enter “0.”) $ _____________
10. Please provide the total number of new construction projects that included S&E research facilities that started during your FY 2016 or FY 2017. Include only projects whose prorated cost was estimated to be $250,000 or more for at least one field of S&E. Include research animal space in the relevant fields of S&E.
New construction is the construction of a new building or additions to an existing building.
Research facilities are defined on pages 2–3 of the survey questionnaire.
Project start date is defined as the first placement of permanent construction of a building or addition on site, such as the pouring of a slab or footing, the installation of piles, the construction of columns or any work beyond the stage of excavation. When determining project start date, please exclude planning, demolition, or other site preparation work.
Completion costs include planning, site preparation, construction, fixed equipment, nonfixed equipment that costs $1 million or more, and building infrastructure such as plumbing, lighting, air exchange, and safety systems either in the building or within 5 feet of the building foundation. Include such costs whether they occur before or after the project start date.
If facilities are shared for research and nonresearch activities, report only projects with completion costs of $250,000 or more for at least one field of S&E research. For example, if a $300,000 project involves space used for research only one-fourth of the time, this project of $75,000 for the research facilities should not be reported.
If facilities are shared by two or more fields of S&E, report the new construction project only if at least one field of S&E research has completion costs of $250,000 or more. For example, if two fields share the costs equally for a research project costing $400,000, neither field’s share of $200,000 meets the cost minimum.
If your institution had no new construction
check this box and go to Question 11
If your institution had one or
more new construction projects,
enter the number of projects
here and fill out a separate
Individual Project Form for each
one _____________
make additional copies of this form as needed.
Individual Project Form for Question 10
Page 1 of 4
Please complete this form for each new construction project that started during your FY 2016 or FY 2017. Include only projects that will cost $250,000 or more for at least one of the S&E fields.
10A.What is the name of this project? ________________________________________________
10B. During which of your fiscal years did the physical work of new construction begin for this project?
Project start date is defined as the first placement of permanent construction of a building or addition on site, such as the pouring of a slab or footing, the installation of piles, the construction of columns or any work beyond the stage of excavation. When determining project start date, please exclude planning, demolition, or other site preparation work.
10C. When this project is completed, what is (a) the entire project’s (research and nonresearch) gross square feet; (b) the entire project’s net assignable square feet; and (c) the S&E research facilities portion in net assignable square feet?For multi-year projects, report the space expected when the project is completed.
a. Gross square feet (GSF) for entire project (research and nonresearch) __________ GSF
square feet (GSF) is the floor area of a structure within the outside
faces of
the exterior walls.
b. Net
assignable square feet (NASF) for entire project
(research and
nonresearch) __________
assignable square feet (NASF) is the sum of all areas on all floors
of a building assigned to, or available to be assigned to, an
occupant for a specific use, such as research or instruction. NASF is
measured from the inside faces of walls.
If the entire project is S&E research, the answers for row b and
row c will be the same.
c. Net
assignable square feet for S&E
research facilities
(defined on pages 2–3 of the survey
questionnaire) __________
Research facilities are defined on pages 2–3 of the survey questionnaire, including examples of what areas to include and exclude.
If the research facilities are also used for nonresearch activities, adjust the amount of space based on the amount of time the area is used for S&E research. For example, if an area is used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest of the time, report one-fourth of the space as S&E research facilities.
If you have any questions about which projects to report or how to fill out
the Individual Project Form, please contact the Facilities Survey Help Desk
make additional copies of this form as needed.
Individual Project Form for Question 10
Page 2 of 4
10D. When this project is completed, what are the completion costs for (a) the entire project (research and nonresearch), and (b) the S&E research facilities portion of the project? For multi-year projects, report the costs expected when the project is completed.
Completion costs include planning, site preparation, construction, fixed equipment, nonfixed equipment that costs $1 million or more, and building infrastructure such as plumbing, lighting, air exchange, and safety systems either in the building or within 5 feet of the building foundation. Include such costs whether they occur before or after the project start date in Question 10B.
a. Completion costs for the GSF of the entire project (research and nonresearch) $ __________
b. Completion
costs for the S&E
research facilities
(defined on pages 2–3 of the survey
questionnaire) $ __________
If the research facilities are also used for nonresearch activities, adjust the completion costs based on the amount of time the facilities are used for S&E research. For example, if a facility is used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest of the time, report one-fourth of the completion costs for S&E research facilities.
If you have any questions about which projects to report or how to fill out
the Individual Project Form, please contact the Facilities Survey Help Desk
make additional copies of this form as needed.
Individual Project Form for Question 10
Page 3 of 4
10E. For
the portion of this project used for S&E
research facilities,
what are (1) the completion costs, and
(2) the net assignable
square feet, for each field listed below? For
multi-year projects,
report costs and NASF expected when the project is completed.
Report only fields with costs of $250,000 or more for research facilities.
If research facilities are shared by two or more fields, allocate the appropriate share of the costs to each field in order to determine which fields to report. For example, if a field will have one-fourth of the costs for a $300,000 project, do not report that field’s share, which is $75,000. If a $400,000 project will have two fields with the same costs, do not report either field’s portion, which is $200,000 each.
If research facilities are also used for nonresearch activities, report the S&E research portion of the cost and net assignable square feet for the fields listed below if the research portion is $250,000 or more. For example, if a facility will be used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest
of the time, report one-fourth of the completion costs for S&E research facilities.
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Research facilities |
Field of S&E (Include research animal space.) |
(1) |
(2) |
a. Agricultural sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
b. Biological and biomedical sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
c. Computer and information sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
d. Engineering $ ___________ |
___________ |
e. Geosciences,
atmospheric sciences, and ocean |
___________ |
f. Health sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
g. Mathematics and statistics $ ___________ |
___________ |
h. Natural resources and conservation $ ___________ |
___________ |
i. Physical sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
j. Psychology $ ___________ |
___________ |
k. Social sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
l. Other field of S&E (Please describe.) $ ___________ |
___________ |
_________________________________________ |
If you have any questions about which projects to report or how to fill out
the Individual Project Form, please contact the Facilities Survey Help Desk.
make additional copies of this form as needed.
Individual Project Form for Question 10
Page 4 of 4
Reminder: Please see page 1 for confidentiality of this item.
10F. How much of the completion costs and NASF reported in Question 10E are for research animal space?
Research animal space includes all departmental and central facilities, such as laboratories, housing, and associated support areas, that are subject to local, state, and federal government policies and regulations concerning humane care and use of laboratory animals.
Completion |
Net assignable square feet |
Research animal portion included in Question 10E (If none, enter “0.”) $ ___________ |
___________ |
10G. If your institution has a medical school, how much of the completion costs and NASF reported in Question 10E are for research facilities located in the medical school?
Medical school is a school that awards the M.D. or D.O. degree.
If your institution does not have a medical
check this box and go to Question 11
Completion |
Net assignable square feet |
Medical school portion included in Question 10E (If none, enter “0.”) $ ___________ |
___________ |
If you have any questions about which projects to report or how to fill out
the Individual Project Form, please contact the Facilities Survey Help Desk.
11. Please provide the completion costs by source of funding for repair and renovation and new construction of S&E research facilities that started during your FY 2016 or FY 2017 as reported in Question 8 and Question 10E.
Total costs reported in column 1 should match the sum of the costs for repair and renovation of research facilities reported in Question 8 on page 11.
Total costs reported in column 2 should match the sum of the costs for new construction as reported in Question 10E on all Individual Project Form(s).
Source of funding |
Completion costs |
(1) |
(2) |
a. Federal government $ ______________ |
$ ______________ |
b. State or local government $ ______________ |
$ ______________ |
c. Institutional funds and other sources
Examples: operating funds,
endowments, tax-exempt |
$ ______________ |
Total $ ______________ |
$ ______________ |
12. Please provide the estimated completion costs planned for repair and renovation of S&E research facilities that are funded and scheduled to start in your FY 2018 or FY 2019. Include research animal space in the relevant fields of S&E. Include only projects whose prorated cost was estimated to be $250,000 or more for at least one field of S&E listed below. For multi-year projects, report the entire completion cost even if some work will occur in future years.
Start date is the date on which the physical work of the repairs or renovations is scheduled to begin.
Repairs and renovations are activities such as fixing up facilities in deteriorated condition, capital improvements on facilities, conversion of facilities, and the building out of shell space. Include any repairs or renovations to existing space that are performed in combination with new construction projects. Do not report building additions since they are reported in this survey under new construction.
Completion costs include planning, site preparation, construction, fixed equipment, nonfixed equipment that costs $1 million or more, and building infrastructure such as plumbing, lighting, air exchange, and safety systems either in the building or within 5 feet of the building foundation.
If research facilities are shared by two or more fields, allocate the appropriate share of the costs to each field in order to determine which fields to report. For example, if a field will have one-fourth of the costs for a $300,000 project, do not report that field’s share, which is $75,000. If a $400,000 project will have two fields with the same costs, do not report either field’s portion, which is $200,000 each.
If research facilities will also be used for nonresearch activities, report the S&E research portion of the costs for the fields listed below if the research portion is $250,000 or more. For example, if a facility will be used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest of the time, report one-fourth of the completion costs for S&E research facilities.
If your institution does not
have planned repair or renovation
projects, check this box and
go to Question 14
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Field of S&E (Include costs for research animal space.) |
Completion costs for
planned repair/renovation projects to start in |
a. Agricultural sciences $ ___________ |
b. Biological and biomedical sciences $ ___________ |
c. Computer and information sciences $ ___________ |
d. Engineering $ ___________ |
e. Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences $ ___________ |
f. Health sciences $ ___________ |
g. Mathematics and statistics $ ___________ |
h. Natural resources and conservation $ ___________ |
i. Physical sciences $ ___________ |
j. Psychology $ ___________ |
k. Social sciences $ ___________ |
l. Other field of S&E (Please describe.) $ ___________ |
___________________________________________ |
13. If your institution has a medical school, how much of the completion costs for planned repair and renovation of research facilities as reported in Question 12 will be located in the medical school?
Medical school is a school that awards the M.D. or D.O. degree.
If your institution does not have a medical
check this box and go to Question 14
Medical school portion of the costs
included in Question 12 (If none, enter “0.”) $ _____________
14. Please provide the estimated completion costs and NASF for planned new construction of S&E research facilities that are funded and scheduled to start in your FY 2018 or FY 2019. Include research animal space in the relevant fields of S&E. Include only projects whose prorated cost was estimated to be $250,000 or more for at least one field of S&E listed below. For multi-year projects, report the entire completion cost even if some work will occur in future years.
Project start date is defined as the first placement of permanent construction of a building or addition on site, such as the pouring of a slab or footing, the installation of piles, the construction of columns or any work beyond the stage of excavation. When determining project start date, please exclude planning, demolition, or other site preparation work.
New construction is the construction of a new building or additions to an existing building.
Completion costs include
planning, site preparation, construction,
fixed equipment,
nonfixed equipment that
$1 million or more, and building infrastructure such as
plumbing, lighting, air exchange, and safety systems either in the
building or within 5 feet of the building foundation. Include such
costs whether they occur before or after the project start date.
If research facilities are shared by two or more fields, allocate the appropriate share of the costs to each field in order to determine which fields to report. For example, if a field will have one-fourth of the costs for a $300,000 project, do not report that field’s share, which is $75,000. If a $400,000 project will have two fields with the same costs, do not report either field’s portion, which is $200,000 each.
If research facilities are also used for nonresearch activities, report the S&E research portion of the costs and net assignable square feet for the fields listed below if the research portion is $250,000 or more. For example, if a facility will be used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest of the time, report one-fourth of the completion costs for S&E research facilities.
If your institution does not
have any planned new
construction projects, check this box and
go to Question 16
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Field of S&E (Include costs for research animal space.) |
Planned new construction scheduled to start in FY 2018 or FY 2019 |
Completion |
Net assignable |
a. Agricultural sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
b. Biological and biomedical sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
c. Computer and information sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
d. Engineering $ ___________ |
___________ |
e. Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
f. Health sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
g. Mathematics and statistics $ ___________ |
___________ |
h. Natural resources and conservation $ ___________ |
___________ |
i. Physical sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
j. Psychology $ ___________ |
___________ |
k. Social sciences $ ___________ |
___________ |
l. Other field of S&E (Please describe.) $ ___________ |
___________ |
______________________________________________ |
15. If your institution has a medical school, how much of the completion costs and NASF for the planned new construction of research facilities as reported in Question 14 will be located in the medical school?
Medical school is a school that awards the M.D. or D.O. degree.
If your institution does not
have a medical
school, check this box and go to Question 16
Completion |
Net assignable square feet |
Medical school portion included in Question 14 (If none, enter “0.”) $ ___________ |
___________ |
16. Please provide the estimated costs for any deferred repair and renovation projects of S&E research facilities that are needed for current research program commitments, but are not yet funded and not yet scheduled to start in your FY 2018 or FY 2019. Include research animal space in the relevant fields of S&E. Include only projects whose prorated cost was estimated to be $250,000 or more for at least one field of S&E listed below. Please estimate costs separately for projects included in your approved institutional plan and projects not included in this plan. Institutional plans usually will include goals, strategies, and budgets for fulfilling your institution’s mission during a specific time period.
Deferred projects are those that: (1) are not funded, and (2) are not scheduled for FY 2018 or FY 2019. Do not include projects planned for developing new programs or expanding your current programs.
Repairs and renovations are activities such as fixing up facilities in deteriorated condition, capital improvements on facilities, conversion of facilities, and the building out of shell space. Include any repairs or renovations to existing space that are performed in combination with new construction projects. Do not report building additions since they are reported in this survey under new construction.
Current research program commitments include current faculty and staff or those to whom offers have been made or grants awarded (whether or not research has actually begun) and programs which have been approved.
If research facilities will be shared by two or more fields, allocate the appropriate share of the costs to each field in order to determine which fields to report. For example, if a field will have one-fourth of the costs for a $300,000 project, do not report that field’s share, which is $75,000. If a $400,000 project will have two fields with the same costs, do not report either field’s portion, which is $200,000 each.
If research facilities will also be used for nonresearch activities, report the S&E research portion of the costs for the fields listed below if the research portion is $250,000 or more. For example, if a facility will be used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest of the time, report one-fourth of the completion costs for S&E research facilities.
If your institution does not
have deferred projects
for repair or renovation, check this box
and go to Question 18
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Field of S&E (Include costs for research animal space.) |
Estimated costs of
deferred |
For projects included in your institutional plan |
For projects not included in your institutional plan |
a. Agricultural sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
b. Biological and biomedical sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
c. Computer and information sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
d. Engineering $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
e. Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
f. Health sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
g. Mathematics and statistics $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
h. Natural resources and conservation $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
i. Physical sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
j. Psychology $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
k. Social sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
l. Other field of S&E (Please describe.) $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
______________________________________________ |
17. If your institution has a medical school, how much of the estimated costs for deferred repair and renovation of research facilities as reported in Question 16 would be located in the medical school?
Medical school is a school that awards the M.D. or D.O. degree.
If your institution does not
have a medical school,
check this box and go to Question 18
For projects included in your institutional plan |
For projects not included in your institutional plan |
Medical school portion of the costs included in Question 16 (If none, enter “0.”) $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
18. Please provide the estimated costs for any deferred new construction projects of S&E research facilities that are needed for current program commitments, but are not yet funded and not yet scheduled to start in your FY 2018 or FY 2019. Include research animal space in the relevant fields of S&E. Include only projects whose prorated cost was estimated to be $250,000 or more for at least one field of S&E listed below. Please estimate costs separately for projects included in your approved institutional plan and projects not included in this plan. Institutional plans usually will include goals, strategies, and budgets for fulfilling your institution’s mission during a specific time period.
Deferred projects are those that: (1) are not funded, and (2) are not scheduled for FY 2018 or FY 2019. Do not include projects planned for developing new programs or expanding your current programs.
New construction is the construction of a new building or additions to an existing building.
Current research program commitments include current faculty and staff or those to whom offers have been made or grants awarded (whether or not research has actually begun) and programs which have been approved.
If research facilities will be shared by two or more fields, allocate the appropriate share of the costs to each field in order to determine which fields to report. For example, if a field will have one-fourth of the costs for a $300,000 project, do not report that field’s share, which is $75,000. If a $400,000 project will have two fields with the same costs, do not report either field’s portion, which is $200,000 each.
If research facilities will also be used for nonresearch activities, report the S&E research portion of the costs for the fields listed below if the research portion is $250,000 or more. For example, if a facility will be used for S&E research one-fourth of the time and for instruction the rest of the time, report one-fourth of the completion costs for S&E research facilities.
If your institution does not
have deferred projects for
new construction, check this box and
go to Question 20
For Field of S&E definitions, see Question 2 on pages 5–7.
Field of S&E (Include costs for research animal space.) |
Estimated costs of deferred new construction |
For projects |
For projects not |
a. Agricultural sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
b. Biological and biomedical sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
c. Computer and information sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
d. Engineering $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
e. Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
f. Health sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
g. Mathematics and statistics $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
h. Natural resources and conservation $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
i. Physical sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
j. Psychology $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
k. Social sciences $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
l. Other field of S&E (Please describe.) $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
____________________________________________ |
19. If your institution has a medical school, how much of the estimated costs for deferred new construction of research facilities as reported in Question 18 would be located in the medical school?
Medical school is a school that awards the M.D. or D.O. degree.
If your institution does not
have a medical school,
check this box and go to Question 20
For projects included in your institutional plan |
For projects not included in your institutional plan |
Medical school portion of the costs included in Question 18 (If none, enter “0.”) $ ___________ |
$ ___________ |
20. Please add any comments below.
Thank you. This is the end of the survey.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | 8932.10.05: 2011 NSF Facilities Survey Part 1 |
Author | Eric Jodts |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |