Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 04/30/2018 |
PRA: This information is required by 24 C.F.R. 880.612, 24 C.F.R. 884.224, 24 C.F.R. 886.130, 24 C.F.R. 891.450, and/or the Regulatory Agreement. The public reporting burden for this collection is based on the size of the project and the level of compliance and is estimated to average 8 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The information is used by HUD to evaluate the quality of project management, determine the causes of project problems, and devise collective actions to stabilize projects and prevent defaults. The information is gathered and recorded during a review of project operations. HUD does not ensure confidentiality to respondents. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number
PURPOSE: To assess management and oversight of multifamily housing projects.
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be completed by HUD staff, Performance Based Contract Administrators (PBCA), Traditional Contract Administrators (CAs) and Mortgagees of Coinsured Projects (Mortgagees). The Management Review form consists of three parts: Desk Review, On-site Review with Addenda, and Summary Report. All reviewers of subsidized projects must complete Addenda (A, B, C, & D). Reviewers of unsubsidized projects must complete Addenda B & C only. If any questions on any given form are not relevant to the program under review or if the information is not available, notate with “N/A”. FHEO staff provide MFH staff a list of requests for documents and special observations each year. Additional guidance regarding the management process can be found in HUD Handbooks 4350.1, REV-1 and 4566.2.
Prior to On-Site Review
Part I – Desk Review
To complete the Desk Review worksheet prior to the on-site visit, review the project files, system reports, and other documents, and contact the HUD representative for any unavailable information needed to complete the desk review. Fair Housing/Civil Rights review requirements are all in Addendum B. This portion of the review will assist the reviewer in identifying potential problem areas. Owner must complete Addendum B, Part A, and send it to Multifamily Housing. HUD staff must complete the entire Desk Review for subsidized projects. For unsubsidized projects, HUD staff/mortgagees must complete all applicable sections. CAs must complete the entire Desk Review except where noted “This question applies only to HUD Staff/Mortgagees.”
Schedule a date for the on-site review with the owner/agent and confirm the review date in writing. The owner/agent should be given at least a two-week notice in writing and notified of the documents that need to be available the day of the review, as specified in Addendum C. Addendum C provides a list of documents notated by the reviewer that the owner/agent must have available during the on-site review. Addendum C and Part A of Addendum B must be forwarded to the owner/agent with the letter confirming the scheduled on-site review. The reviewer may request additional items as necessary.
Conducting the On-Site Review
Part II – On-Site Review
On-Site Reviews will be completed as follows:
HUD staff and Mortgagees must complete all applicable questions in Part II.
CAs must complete all questions in Part II except where noted “This question applies only to HUD staff/Mortgagees.”
HUD staff completing a review of a project which is also reviewed by a CA will only complete questions not applicable to CAs.
In accordance with Part D, bring back all information requested by FHEO.
Use additional sheets as necessary to complete applicable questions.
Upon completion of the on-site review, the reviewer will hold a close-out session with the owner/agent to discuss observations and conclusions.
C. After On-Site Review
The reviewer will record deficiencies, findings and corrective actions. Findings must include the condition, criteria, cause, effect and required corrective action. The condition describes the problem or deficiency. The criteria should cite the statutory, regulatory or administrative requirements that were not met. The cause explains why the condition occurred. The effect describes what happened because of the condition. The corrective action provides what the owner/agent must do to eliminate the deficiency. The corrective action must include a requirement that the owner determine and correct not only the discovered errors and omissions, but also describe to the reviewer how and what systems, controls, policies and procedures were adjusted or changed to assure that the errors and omissions do not reoccur. In completing the Report of Findings, the reviewer should also indicate the target completion date.
The reviewer retrieves Addendum B and forwards the completed form to FHEO, along with the approved initial or updated Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plans in accordance with “General Operational Procedures for the Civil Rights Front-End and Limited Monitoring Reviews of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Projects”, which may be found on FHEO’s web site.
Complete Summary Report as follows:
Based on the Report of Findings, the reviewer will assess the overall performance for each applicable category. The reviewer must indicate A (Acceptable) or C (Corrective action required) and include target completion dates (TCD) for all corrective action items. For those items not applicable, indicate “N/A” in the TCD column.
For each of the seven major categories (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G), rate each category by entering a score between 1 and 100. If a category was not reviewed, enter a score of zero (0). After rating the individual categories, an overall rating must be assessed. This rating will be based upon the ratings assigned in categories A through G. CAs will rate all categories except Category D. Category D is for HUD staff and Mortgagees only. Additional guidance for ratings can be found in HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1.
Distribute the Summary Report and cover letter as follows:
Project Owner (original)
Management Agent (copy)
HUD office for PBCA reviews rated below average or unsatisfactory
HUD office for all traditional CA reviews
*A copy of the completed Management Review Report, form HUD-9834 and supporting documents must be maintained in the project file.
If a below average or unsatisfactory rating is determined, the owner/agent must be afforded an opportunity to appeal. Guidance on appeal procedures is provided in HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1.
All Secure Systems users must document all required data in the Integrated Real Estate Management System (iREMS).
D. Management Review Deficiency Follow up:
Reviewer must conduct follow-up activity until all corrective actions as required in the Summary Report have been completed. Enter applicable close-out dates in iREMS.
Housing reviewers will forward all completed FHEO checklists and attachments to FHEO within five (5) business days of their own on-site reviews or within 5 business days of receipt of the checklists from the CA, as applicable. Follow-up instructions may be found on FHEO’s web site.
NOTE: The Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) checklist has been included as part of this management review form; however no determination of compliance with applicable Fair Housing laws and regulations is included in the summary report. CAs must forward the original checklist (Addendum B) to HUD staff. HUD staff must maintain the original checklist in the project file and forward a copy to the Office of FHEO in the appropriate jurisdiction for review.
HUD-9834 (11/2012)
Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook 4566.2
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Date of On-Site Review: |
Date of Report: |
Project Number: |
Contract Number: |
Section of the Act: |
Name of Owner: |
Project Name: |
Project Address: |
Loan Status: Insured
Contract Administrator: HUD CA PBCA |
Type of Subsidy: Section 8 Rent Supplement PAC RAP Section 236 PRAC Section 221(d)(3) BMIR Unsubsidized |
Type of Housing: Family Disabled Elderly Elderly/Disabled Other (please specify) |
each applicable category, assess the overall performance by checking
the appropriate column. Indicate A (Acceptable) or C (Corrective
action required). Include target completion dates (TCD) for all
corrective action items. For those items not applicable, place N/A in
the TCD column.
A. General Appearance and Security |
A |
C |
Enter a score between 1 and 100 for the General Appearance and Security Rating. If this Section was not reviewed, enter 0. is 10% of the overall score. This category is rated |
B. Follow-up and Monitoring of Project Inspections |
A |
C |
Enter a score between 1 and 100 for the Follow-up and Monitoring of Project Inspections Rating . If this Section was not reviewed, enter 0. is 10% of the overall score. This category is rated |
C. Maintenance and Standard Operating Procedures |
A |
C |
Enter a score between 1 and 100 for the Maintenance and Standard Operating Procedures Rating. If this Section was not reviewed, enter 0. is 10% of the overall score. This category is rated |
D. Financial Management/Procurement |
A |
C |
Enter a score between 1 and 100 for the Financial Management/Procurement Rating. If this Section was not reviewed, enter 0. is 25% of the overall score. This category is rated |
E. Leasing and Occupancy |
A |
C |
Enter a score between 1 and 100 for the Leasing and Occupancy Rating. If this Section was not reviewed, enter 0. is 25% of the overall score. This category is rated |
F. Tenant/Management Relations |
A |
C |
Enter a score between 1 and 100 for the Tenant Services Rating. If this Section was not reviewed, enter 0. is 10% of the overall score. This category is rated |
G. General Management Practices |
A |
C |
Enter a score between 1 and 100 for the General Management Practices Rating. If this Section was not reviewed, enter 0. is 10% of the overall score. This category is rated |
Overall Rating: Superior Above Average Satisfactory Below Average Unsatisfactory Overall Score: To calculate an overall score: Multiply the derived performance value by the assigned percentage of the overall rating for each category. Once all tested categories have been calculated based on the performance indicator and performance indicator values, the total calculated points is divided by the total percentage of overall rating and rounded to the nearest whole number. For convenience, a utility is included with this form which will perform all of the necessary calculations. |
and Title of Person Preparing this Report: (Please type or print):
and Title of Person Approving this Report: (Please type or print):
form HUD-9834 (11/2012)
Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook 4566.2
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
For each “C” item checked on the summary report, reference the appropriate citing, and target completion date. Findings must include the condition, criteria, cause,
effect and required corrective action:
The condition describes the problem or deficiency
The criteria cites the statutory, regulatory or administrative requirements that were not met
The cause explains why the condition occurred
effect describes what happened because of the condition
actions are required for all findings.
Finding |
Target Completion Date |
form HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook 4566.2
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
I Desk Review
reviewer must complete this section prior
to the on-site review using all relevant information in project files
and HUD database systems. Questions on the desk review, which include
category references, are linked to the on-site review. Category
references on the desk review that relate to the on-site review must
be considered when determining the category rating. Category
references are marked following the applicable question (i.e. B3,
If any questions on any given form are not relevant to the program under review or if the information is not available notate with “N/A”.
What is the most recent Physical Assessment Subsystem (PASS) score? B3
Enter PASS Score Date of REAC inspection
If required, has the project filed a certification that all items listed on the previous REAC inspection have been completed?
If more than one inspection is of record, does the reviewer note repetitive defects?
Exigent Health and Safety (EH&S) conditions cited in the report?
all latent defects been corrected? This
question applies only to newly constructed projects within the last
24 months.
This question applies only to HUD Staff and
If not, list depository and amount of any construction escrows remaining.
4 through 6 only apply to subsidized family properties or elderly
properties housing children under the age of six that were
constructed prior to
1978. If the lead based paint inspection
has been conducted and the information was documented on a previous
management review, proceed to question 7.
the year of construction for Lead-Based Paint compliance.
Obtain this information from the Physical Condition/PASS screen in iREMS Open the REAC Inspection Report, then open the PASS Physical Inspection Report.
The year of construction can be found under Buildings/Units.
Date of Construction If construction occurred after 1977, proceed to question 7.
What were the results of the Lead-Based Paint Inspection/Evaluation: 4B
If yes, is there a HUD approved lead hazard control plan? Yes No N/A
question applies only to HUD Staff.
8. What
was the most recent Financial Assessment Subsystem (FASS)
score? Score
question applies only to HUD Staff
financial reporting is not required, determine why; and record the
reason in reviewer comments below.
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Desk Review (Continued)
the following reports been consistently submitted on a timely basis?
(Look at multiple periods) Check the appropriate box for reports
received, and indicate
whether or not the report was received timely.
This question applies only to HUD Staffand Mortgagees
Date last
report was due:
Date last report received:
Excess Income Report (HUD-93479, 80, 81) Yes No N/A
Quarterly performance report for projects on flexible subsidy, modification, workout, etc. Yes No N/A
If the reports have been submitted, were they received in acceptable form? Yes No
t he owner corrected all findings on HUD financial and/or Inspector
General audits? Yes No N/A
question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
List findings outstanding and determine whether remedial action is required to assure correction within established goals:
question applies only to HUD Staff. D10
Indicate latest OPIIS rating and check problem areas flagged by OPIIS.
use OPIIS to conduct an expense comparison with other similar
annual financial analysis or FASS printouts indicate that project
is free of actual or potential financial problems?
For each
of last 3 years, enter Profit (Loss) before depreciation (from the
Statement of Profit & Loss).
the owner/agent has taken unauthorized distributions,
reimbursements, or supervision fees, have these been repaid?
If no, indicate amount due to the project. $
question applies only to HUD Staff.
15. Based on the last FASS submission, are accounts payable reasonably current? Yes No
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees. D12
the amount of accounts payable more than 60 days old $
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 2 of 6
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Desk Review (Continued)
question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
If no,
explain how deficit will be funded.
If security deposits are invested in an interest-bearing account, is interest passed through to tenants or transferred to project account?
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees. Yes No
Have the owner and managing agent executed and submitted an appropriate Management Certification (form HUD-9839A, B, or C) to HUD?
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees. Yes No
If yes, please enter date of certification.
question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
Has the owner and management agent executed a management agreement in accordance with the management certification?
the management agreement reflect HUD’s regulations and
guidelines? Yes No N/A
question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
Date of the management entity profile
Do the Management Entity Profile and Management Certifications clearly describe the relationships and responsibilities of the owner and agent?
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees. Yes No
Determine if management is by an identity-of-interest contractor, and compare the contract arrangement to the annual financial report. Comments:
question applies only to HUD Staff.
a list of all current principals and board members and check for
HUD-2530 approval.
25. Is the agent charging the project for expenses which the agreement requires the agent to pay? Yes No
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Desk Review (Continued)
26 –29 apply to OAHP restructuring. If not applicable proceed
to question 30.
If there is a use agreement, does it require any owner certifications? Yes No
If owner certifications are required, have they been submitted timely? Yes No
If applicable, has work required under the Rehabilitation Escrow been/is being completed according to schedule?
Is the owner eligible for incentives? Yes No This question applies only to HUD Staff.
If yes, has the owner calculated those incentives correctly? (i.e., Capital Recovery Fee (CRF) and/or Incentive Performance Fee (IPF))
the HUD billing statement (HUD-92771) indicate timely and accurate
payments toward the Mortgage Restructuring Note?
This question applies only to HUD Staff. Yes No
If an owner is in non-compliance with HUD business agreements, has the owner been notified by HUD within the required timeframes?
This question applies only to HUD Staff Yes No
Questions 30 through 33 apply to Section 236 projects. If this is not a Section 236 project proceed to question 34.
question applies only to HUD Staff.
This question applies only to HUD Staff. D13
This question applies only to HUD Staff. D13
Are there any delinquent excess income payments due HUD? Yes No
This question applies only to HUD Staff. D13
If yes, is there a payment plan? Yes No
rent increase requests submitted to HUD promptly when
needed? Yes No
question applies only to HUD Staff.
Review the timing of the last three rent increase requests and the results of the requests (approval, denial or modification to requested amount), and whether the rents are comparable to other neighboring properties. If a wide disparity exists, determine the cause of the difference.
Does owner/agent generally provide sufficient documentation for rent increases? Yes No
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Desk Review (Continued)
chart below. (This
question applies only to HUD Staff/Mortgagees)
Name of Reserve |
As of |
Held in Interest Bearing Account? |
Total |
Per Unit |
Monthly Deposit |
Replacement Reserve |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Yes No |
General Operating Reserve (Co-ops) |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Yes No |
Residual Receipts |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Yes No |
Other |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Yes No |
Do balances in replacement or general operating reserve accounts appear adequate to meet future needs? Yes No
If not, what action is recommended?
Are repairs consistently paid from the appropriate operating expense account, and eligible items reimbursed from the reserves?
Has the owner/agent performed an analysis to determine future Reserve for Replacement needs when submitting a budget based rent increase?
If there is a utility allowance, what was the effective date of last utility allowance adjustment?
What was the date of approval?
is the effective date of the last rent adjustment?
question applies only to HUD Staff.
44. Is the owner/agent transmitting data for Section 236 and Section 221(d)(3) BMIR tenants to TRACS as required by the automation rule?
Yes No N/A
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Desk Review (Continued)
What is the term of the subsidy contract? Date the contract term
vacancy activity for the past twelve months, and indicate the
number for each month. C6.
review of the EIV reports listed below include information that
needs a resolution or explanation by the owner/agent? E18b
Discrepancy Report? Yes No
Hires Report Yes No
EIV Pre-Screening Report? Yes No
Verification Report (Failed the SSA Identity Test)? Yes No
Tenant Report? Yes No
Subsidy Report? Yes No
there a Neighborhood Networks Center for the project? (Check iREMS
or other available source) Yes No N/A
no, answer “N/A” and proceed to 50.
If yes
to question 48, does the Neighborhood Networks Center have a
Strategic Tracking and Reporting Tool (START) Business Plan?
Yes No
If yes,
date HUD approved:
If no,
when will a START Business Plan be completed?
date for START Business Plan:
there any unresolved findings from previous management reviews? If
yes, specify in the comments section.
Yes No
information can be obtained from the TRACS Voucher Detail Summary.
Provide a general description below and attach applicable documentation. G25
form HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook 4566.2 Page 6 of 6
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
II On-Site Review
General Appearance
Based on observation, are the project’s exterior and common areas (i.e., grounds, landscaping, parking lots, playgrounds, hallways, laundry room, elevator, garbage
If no,
provide location and describe condition(s).
whether any of the events below have been documented in the last
twelve months, and the frequency of the event(s).
Event |
Frequency |
Event |
Frequency |
Break-Ins |
Arrests |
Vandalism |
Drug Activity |
Auto Theft |
Other (please specify): |
Personal Assaults |
None |
Tenant Patrol Volunteer Organization Paid Car Patrol Paid on-site Guard
Police Patrol TV Monitor Drug Free Housing Plan Security Cameras
Motion Sensors Crime Prevention Plan Community Policing
Other (please specify) None
Based on the answers provided in questions a and b above, what corrective actions, if any, have been taken by the owner/agent? Comments:
If yes, indicate security measures taken.
3. Follow-Up & Monitoring of Project Inspections and Observations (Sampling is at reviewer’s discretion to respond to questions a and b below)
Based on a sampling, if EH&S items were identified have the deficiencies been corrected and documented according to the owner/agent’s certification for the most
recent REAC inspection? Yes No N/A
If no, provide an explanation.
Does the
analysis show any repetitive or systemic problems? Yes No
Based on a sampling of units and common areas, for all other deficiencies noted in the REAC inspection, as applicable, verify that corrective actions have been
If no, is there a schedule for correcting the deficiencies within a reasonable timeframe to comply with decent, safe, sanitary and good repair standards?
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
4. Follow-Up & Monitoring of Lead-Based Paint Inspection – The following questions only apply to subsidized family properties or elderly properties housing children under six years of age that were constructed prior to 1978. If constructed after 1977, check N/A for questions a and b.
Is there a certification on file documenting that the project has been certified to be free of lead-based paint or lead hazards?
If there is a certification, obtain a copy for the project file.
5. Maintenance a. Indicate below to confirm that there is a schedule for preventive maintenance/servicing for the items listed that are applicable.
Major Appliances Elevators Motor Vehicles Sewer lines Exterior painting Windows
Recreational equipment Landscaping maintenance Other (please specify):
Is there a satisfactory inventory system to account for tools, equipment, supplies, and keys (serial numbers, bar codes, etc.)?
Has the
owner/agent secured inventory items, such as appliances and tools,
to prevent theft? Yes No
If yes, review a copy.
Identify employee responsible for conducting the inspections: Name and Title:
Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annually Annually Move-In Move-Out Other (please specify):
are unit inspections documented?
Please Describe:
deficiencies are noted during a unit inspection, what is the
procedure for correction?
Please describe:
is the average number of days from move-out until the unit is ready
for occupancy?
If yes, review a copy.
If yes, describe the procedure:
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
If a backlog exists, indicate the current number of work orders:
Number between 1-3 days: Number between 4-7 days: Number more than one week:
Who is provided copies of completed work orders? (check all that apply.)
Is there documentation by unit that indicates the date of purchase, manufacturer, model, and serial number for appliance purchases (i.e., ranges, refrigerators,
furnaces, air conditioners, hot water heaters, etc.)? Yes No
6. Vacancy and Turnover
How many units were vacant on the date of the on-site visit?
of Vacant Units: Number Ready for Occupancy: Average Length of time
for unit turnover:
Walk through at least two vacant units that are ready for occupancy. Assess and document unit readiness.
of Units Visited: Number of Units Ready for Occupancy: Number of
Units Not Ready for Occupancy:
Based on the interview with on-site staff, are any of the factors listed below contributing to vacancy problems? (Below, indicate all that apply.)
Lack of Demand Tenant/Management Relations Applicants Do Not Meet
Screening Criteria
Other (please specify)
Bedroom Mix/Size (If yes, indicate which bedroom sizes are hard to rent)
d. Based
on the responses in questions a, b and c, what actions are being
taken by the owner/agent to resolve the issue(s)?
not applicable, proceed to question 7.
Please describe:
7. Energy Conservation
Has management attempted to reduce energy consumption? Yes No
(check all that apply.)
Caulking and weather-stripping Conversion to individual metering Storm doors and windows Consumer education
Water saver devices Extra insulation Assessment of Utility Rate Schedule Energy Efficient Lighting Energy Star Appliances
Written Energy Conservation Plan Other (please specify) None
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
(This Category applies only to HUD Staff and/or Mortgagees as indicated. CAs may proceed to Category E.)
8. Budget Management
Does the owner/agent’s staff have access to the current operating budget in order to monitor and control expenses?
Is an operating budget prepared annually and approved by the owner? Yes No N/A
If yes, obtain a copy of the current year’s budget.
Are monthly or quarterly reports prepared by the owner/agent indicating variances between actual income and expenses versus budgeted income and expenses?
this is a 202 or 811 project, does the owner/agent maintain a
current annual budget? Yes No N/A
question applies only to HUD Staff.
If yes, is it available on-site? Yes No
9. Cash Controls
the controls that are used.
Pre-numbered rent receipts Bank collections Safe Lock box |
Names and Titles:
Are all disbursement checks prenumbered, properly identified with account numbers and supported by vouchers or invoices?
Is the supply of unused checks adequately safeguarded, or under the custody of persons who do not sign checks manually, control the use of facsimile signature
plates, or operate the facsimile signature machine? Yes No
Are funds (receipts, disbursements, petty cash, etc.) periodically checked on a surprise basis by a responsible official, other than site employees?
g. Are bank statements reconciled promptly upon receipt by someone other than a check signer, and by one who has no cash receipt or disbursement function?
Yes No
10. Cost Controls
a. Are bills, including the mortgage payment, paid in sufficient time to avoid late penalties? Yes No
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Are operating expenses, including taxes and utilities, periodically
reviewed to assure that project is paying the lowest possible rate?
If yes, provide a recent example.
11. Procurement Controls
a. What
is the procedure used to obtain and award contracts?
contracts and determine if bids were obtained and, if the lowest
bids were not selected, determine the owner’s/agent’s
reasoning for selection.
Is there a written procedure for checking the quality of work performed by a contractor prior to authorizing payment?
Is there a procedure to assure that the individual authorizing contracted work or services is not the same individual authorizing payment?
is the responsible person charged with inspecting the quality of
work performed by contractors prior to payment?
provide the name and title:
Is there any indication that real or personal property has been subtracted from the mortgaged premises without the permission of the Department? Comments:
i. Below, check services currently contracted with outside contractors and provide the name of the contractor and annual amount of the contract. Indicate (by asterisk) whether there is an identify-of-interest relationship between the contractor and the owner/agent.
Service |
Name of Contractor |
Annual Contract Amount |
Elevator |
$ |
Exterminating |
$ |
Apartment Cleaning |
$ |
Heating and A/C |
$ |
Plumbing |
$ |
Security |
$ |
Trash Collection |
$ |
Decorating |
$ |
Grounds |
$ |
Other |
$ |
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Accounts Receivable/Payable
Complete the following as of end of last month.
Cash $ Accounts Receivable $ Accounts Payable $
Amount of receivables above is % of monthly rent potential.
Of this amount, $ is more than 30 days past due.
Has annual “write-off of tenants’ accounts receivable for the last two fiscal years been less than 1% of gross rent potential?
d. Are accounts payable reasonably current?
Indicate amount of accounts payable more than 60 days old:
What are
the owner/agent plans to reduce outstanding payables?
13. Accounting and Bookkeeping
Are books and records maintained as required by HUD Handbook 4370.2 (Chapter 4) and 24 CFR Part 5?
Check books of accounts that are maintained. Indicate where books may be examined.
O – owner’s office; A – agent’s office; P – project site
Cash Receipts Journal ( ) Cash Disbursements Journal ( ) Accounts Payable Journal ( )
Are all
required project accounts in the name of the project in a federally
insured institution? Yes No
Are operating funds, security deposits, reserve funds, and flexible subsidy funds maintained in separate accounts and properly secured for authorized use?
the mortgagor make frequent postings (at least monthly) to the
ledger accounts? Yes No
If applicable is owner adhering to HUD-approved repayment Plan? (loan from reserve for replacement, 236 excess income, capital improvement loan, etc.)
Yes No
Is centralized accounting used for disbursements? Yes No
If yes,
are only HUD-insured projects in the pool? Yes No
centralized accounting is used, has it been approved by
HUD Yes No N/A
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
If the trust account is part of a centralized disbursement account, are only HUD-insured projects in that account?
If yes, is the project’s balance transferred to the project account at least once monthly? Yes No
If there are automobiles and/or debit or credit cards charged to the project, are the titles kept in the name of the project?
If yes, do they have HUD approval? Yes No
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
E. LEASING AND OCCUPANCY (This Category does not apply to Mortgagees)
Application Processing and Tenant Selection
Does the application form contain sufficient information to determine applicant eligibility? Yes No
the application ask whether the applicant or any member of the
applicant’s household is subject to a liftetime state sex
offender registration
program in any state? Yes No
the application ask for a listing of states where the applicant and
members of the applicant’s household have resided?
form HUD-92006 “Supplement to Application for Federally
Assisted Housing”, an attachment to the application or part
of the application package?
Is there an arms length procedure between the person who denies an application and the application appeal reviewer?
Has the owner/agent leased a Section 8 unit to a police officer or security personnel who is over the income limits for the project?
Yes No
Does the owner/agent have a written tenant selection plan? Yes No
If yes, does the plan include all required criteria stated in Chapter 4, Handbook 4350.3 REV-1 and all applicable notices?
If no,
list the required criteria that the tenant selection plan does not
If yes,
does the list include all required elements stated in Handbook
4350.3 REV-1? Yes No
the applicants selected from the waiting list in the proper order,
recognizing applicable preferences? Yes No
Is documentation available to show that the owner/agent has leased not less than 40% of the Section 8 units that became available for occupancy in the previous fiscal
If yes,
please review and obtain a copy.
m. What marketing steps has the owner/agent taken to attract extremely low-income families? If not applicable, proceed to question n.
Please describe:
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
to see copies of advertisements.
15. Leases and Deposits
If yes, has the lease and or lease addenda in use been approved by HUD? Yes No N/A
This does not include lease addenda issued by HUD
from rents and security deposits, what other charges are assessed
(replacement keys, lockouts, etc.)?
List the
type and amount of any of these charges.
c If
other charges aside from rents and security deposits are assessed,
have they been approved by HUD? Yes No N/A
rents collected in accordance with the provisions of the
lease? Yes No
Is the
policy for late fee assessment in compliance with the Handbook
4350.3 REV-1 or with state/local requirements? Yes No
damages caused by tenants properly identified and charged to
tenants? Yes No
Eviction/Termination of Assistance Procedures Are
tenants notified of termination of tenancy or assistance in
accordance with HUD requirements? Yes No N/A
the owner/agent pursued eviction or termination of assistance for
all individuals subject to a lifetime sex offender registration
requirement who were erroneously
after June 25, 2001? Yes No N/A
eviction procedures initiated timely, when warranted? Yes No N/A
document the following:
of evictions completed during the last 12 months.
cost per eviction $
handled by: Owner/Agent Attorney on staff of Owner/Agent Attorney
on contract Attorney on call
Addendum D must identify any eviction during the last 12 months
which was due to a household member being subject to a state
lifetime sex offender registration requirement.
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Reason(s) for termination of assistance:
Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System Access and Security
to subsidized properties only
the EIV Coordinator(s) have an owner approval letter(s) authorizing
access to EIV?
Does the owner/agent and/or EIV Coordinator have:
An initial and currently approved EIV Coordinator Access Authorization Form (CAAF) on file
An initial and currently approved EIV User Access Authorization Form (UAAF) on file for each
Signed copies of the EIV Rules of Behavior for Individuals without access to the EIV system, who
there evidence that staff with access to the EIV system or to EIV
reports take annual security awareness training?
the owner/agent have security measures in place to limit access to
EIV information and reports to only those persons who have proper
the owner/agent have a procedure to review all EIV User IDs to
periodically determine if the users still have a valid need to
access EIV data?
Does the owner/agent terminate access promptly (within 30 days) of all users who no longer have a valid need to access EIV data?
the owner/agent have a procedure to document and report the
occurrence of all improper disclosures of EIV data?
Have any improper disclosures been reported to the owner/agent? Yes No
the owner/agent have a procedure to report any occurrence of
unauthorized EIV access or security breach to the HUD National Help
Yes No
Have any occurrences of unauthorized EIV access or security breaches been reported? Yes No
there evidence that the owner/agent or any of their employees are
sharing IDs and passwords? Yes No
k. Is EIV data being improperly shared with other entities (e.g., state officials monitoring LIHTC projects, RHS staff, or Service Coordinators not participating in the
re-certification process)? Yes No
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Does the owner/agent keep in the tenant file the Tenant Consent for
Disclosure of EIV Information, signed by the tenant and a third party
when a third party assists in
18. Compliance with Using EIV Data and Reports Applies to subsidized properties only. |
a. Does the owner/agent have policies and procedures describing the use of EIV employment and income information and the EIV reports?
If yes, do they comply with HUD’s usage requirements? Yes No N/A
Is the owner/agent using the following EIV reports, and taking
appropriate action to correct discrepant data in TRACS, and/or to
reduce improper subsidy payments and where applicable, retaining
documentation to support the action(s)?
New Hires Report Yes No
No Income Report Yes No
Failed EIV Pre-screening Report Yes No
Failed Verification Report (Failed the SSA Identity Test) Yes No
Existing Tenant Search Yes No
Multiple Subisidy Report Yes No
Deceased Tenant Report Yes No
TRACS Monitoring and Compliance (applies to subsidized properties
20. TRACS Security Requirements (applies to subsidized properties only)
Is the owner’s/agent’s completed annual TRACS “Security Training Certificate” current, on file and dated within 30 days of the date of the “Rules of Behavior”?
21. Tenant File Security
a. Are the tenant files, as well as other files that contain EIV reports, if applicable, locked and secured in a confidential manner?
Is documentation relating to an individual’s domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, kept in a separate file in a secure location from other tenant files?
Applicable to Section 8 only. Yes No N/A
access to tenant file information limited to only authorized
staff? Yes No
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
22. Summary of Tenant File Review |
This section applies only to subsidized projects and should be completed after the tenant file reviews (See Addendum A.) The minimum file sample should include review of tenant files of new move-ins, re-certifications (annual, interim, initial), at least one applicant reject file, and at least one terminated/move-out file. In order to review specific functions (EIV usage, utility reimbursement, pet rules/deposits, minimum rents, etc.) it may be necessary to target a portion of the files reviewed to specific tenant families. The reviewer should adjust the tenant file sample to meet the needs of the review. |
Number of Units |
Minimum File Sample |
100 or fewer |
5 files plus 1 for each 10 units over 50 |
101-600 |
10 files plus 1 for each 50 units or part of 50 over 100 |
601-2000 |
20 files plus 1 for each 100 units or part of 100 over 600 |
Over 2000 |
34 files plus 1 for each 200 units or part of 200 over 2,200 |
For each question, only answer “Yes” if the files reviewed are acceptable. Answer “No” if the files are not acceptable and note the number of files with deficiencies utilizing the tenant file worksheet, Addendum A |
Number of Files Reviewed = |
(Please note: There is no maximum number of files to be sampled) |
Tenant Files and Records
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
ii Do the files contain all documentation as required in Handbook 4350.3 REV-1, applicable HUD Notices, and any changes to the CFR?
Documents Missing from Files:
b. Application/Tenant Selection
Are the applications in the files signed and dated by applicant? Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Is screening conducted in accordance with the Tenant Selection Plan? Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Are the unit sizes appropriate for household composition at the time of this tenant file review? Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Do the tenant files contain signed acknowledgement(s) and/or copies as required of the following documents indicating receipt by the tenant?
HUD-9887 Fact Sheet Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Rights and Responsibilities Brochure Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
You Brochure Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Sheet How Your Rent is Determined Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Race/Ethnicity Form Yes No
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Certification/Re-Certification Activities:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
If the tenant disputed the EIV employment and/or income reported in EIV, was a third party verification obtained from the source?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Are appropriate actions being taken for income discrepancies reported on the EIV Income Discrepancy Report, and is the action documented?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
If tenants were granted a hardship exemption as part of the minimum rent, was the exemption applied correctly?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Are notices provided to tenants in accordance with HUD tenant notification requirements when their portion of rent has increased?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
If tenants are paying their own utilities, are the current certifications reflecting the correct utility allowances?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Are utility reimbursement checks distributed within 5 business days of receipt of the housing assistance payments?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Voucher Billing
Are there any deficiencies noted in the tenant file review that results in over payment or under payment of the subsidy?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
For the move-in/move-out tenant file review, does the owner/agent make appropriate voucher adjustments?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
f. Move-In Files
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
If the files contain move-in inspections, have the owner/agent and the tenant signed and dated the inspection?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Do the move-in files created after January 31, 2010 indicate that the owner/agent utilizes the EIV Existing Tenant Search for all
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
g. Move-Out Files
i. Do tenants provide written notice of intent to vacate in accordance with the HUD model lease? Yes No N/A
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Application Rejection Files
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
If applicant appealed an application rejection, was the appeal reviewed by someone other than person who made the original decision to reject?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
Were appeals processed and applicants notified of the appeal decision within 5 days of the meeting?
Number of Files with Deficiencies:
CATEGORY F. TENANT/MANAGEMENT RELATIONS (This Category does not apply to Mortgagees)
23. Tenant Concerns
Is there a written procedure for resolving tenant complaints or concerns? If yes, review a copy. Yes No
the procedure adequately cover appeals? Yes No
there an active tenant organization at this project? Yes No
tenant involvement in project operations encouraged? Yes No
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Provision of Tenant Services
a. What social services are provided by the project, or the neighborhood, which meet the tenants’ needs? Below, indicate services that are available, and identify the entity providing the service (i.e., city/county/state, church/school, community groups, etc.) and enter the cost to the project, if any.
Child Care
Health Care
Energy Conservation
Vocational Training/Job Training
Financial Counseling
Substance Abuse Counseling
Service Coordinator
Neighborhood Networks Center
Other (please specify)
If there is no Service Coordinator, proceed to question 24.f.
Does the Service Coordinator maintain a directory of service agencies and contacts, and make the information available to all parties?
there is a Neighborhood Networks Center as indicated on the Desk
Review, what is the status of operations?
there is no Neighborhood Networks Center, proceed to question 24.h.
Temporarily Closed – State the date the center will reopen:
Permanently Closed – State the date the center closed:
GED Adult Basic Education Computer Classes Job Training Job Placement
Homework Assistance English as a Second Language Other (please specify)
The Department allows owners and their agents to provide services related to renter’s insurance products. Does the owner/agent offer such services?
If the owner/agent offers no such service, proceed to question 25. Yes No
i. HUD
policy prohibits an owner/agent from evicting tenants for delinquent
renter’s insurance payments.
How does the owner/agent
deal with unpaid renter’s insurance?
explain the process:
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
Review the renter’s insurance information provided to tenants.
Does the information provided to tenants clearly indicate that
purchasing insurance is optional, and
25. General Management Operations
does the owner/agent implement HUD changes in policies and
Describe the process:
yes, indicate types of training used and the frequency.
Type |
Frequency |
Type |
Frequency |
On-Site |
Industry/Association Training |
HUD Seminars |
Local Colleges |
Energy Conservation |
Other (please specify) |
question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
h. List the current insurance coverages (property, liability, Directors and Officers, workman’s compensation, automobile). (Check to make sure that HUD is listed as an
additional loss payee, if applicable. Also, check to make sure that the insurance policy is in the name of the mortgagor entity.)
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
Type |
Basic Coverage |
Annual Premium |
Property |
Liability |
Other (please specify) |
Other (please specify) |
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
On-Site Review (Continued)
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees.
26. Owner/Agent Participation
This question applies only to HUD Staff and Mortgagees. CAs may proceed to question 27.)
a. If the project is owned by a cooperative or a nonprofit entity, does the Board of Directors meet regularly and record minutes?
Review copies of the minutes. Does a review of the minutes indicate compliance with HUD’s business agreements?
Does the owner/agent have a system or procedure for providing field supervision of on-site personnel?
27. Staffing and Personnel Practices
Has management made an effort to employ tenants or other qualified local lowincome or very lowincome persons in accordance
with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968? Yes No
List all on-site staff charged to the project. (Use additional sheets if necessary).
Person |
Date Hired |
of Time |
Annual Salary |
Unit Size |
Is the Employee Receiving Subsidy? |
Is the Employee occupying a Non-Income Producing Unit? |
/ |
% |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
/ |
% |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
/ |
% |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
/ |
% |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
/ |
% |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
c. Does the staffing chart above match Part D of the Rent Schedule, form HUD-92458 as it relates to non-income producing units?
HUD staff only. Yes No
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
File Review Worksheet
Tenant File Review Worksheet
Instructions: Review the appropriate number of tenant files and complete a copy of this worksheet for each file reviewed. Indicate the initial move-in date in the appropriate box. Indicate by marking the appropriate box (Yes, No, or N/A) for each document available in the tenant file. For move-out and applicant rejections files, reviewer should only complete the pertinent sections. |
Name of Reviewer: |
Certification/Recertification Corrections Other |
Type of Review: Applicant Rejection Tenant Move-In Tenant Move-Out Effective date of certification(s) reviewed: If this is a Certification or Recertification, check the certification type: Certification Type Initial Annual Interim |
Family Name: |
Unit Number: |
Move-in Date: |
Bedroom Size: 0 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 5 or more Bedrooms |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Applicable to move-ins after January 31, 2010 |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
This question applies only to a tenant file move-in review. |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
income? |
Low income? Extremely low income? |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Tenant File Review (Continued)
10. Is there an acknowledgement and/or signed document as required in the file indicating receipt by the tenant?
Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No Yes No |
Yes No N/A |
Multiple Subsidy report? |
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A |
B. VERIFICATION Have the following items been properly verified and documented? |
Comments |
EIV Summary Report in file to validate SSNs? Exemption from SSN disclosure? |
Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A |
Yes No N/A |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Yes No N/A |
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A |
Comments |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Yes No |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Tenant File Review (Continued)
If required, enter the amount here: $ |
Yes No N/A |
If required, enter the amount here: $ |
Yes No N/A |
Yes No N/A |
Annual unit inspections? |
Yes No Yes No N/A |
Comments |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Yes No |
Yes No N/A |
NOTE: If necessary, use additional sheets to complete applicable income information. |
Comments |
All reported income and deductions verified and calculated correctly? |
3rd Party Verification? |
Did income information on the 50059 agree with verified file information? If no, comment on discrepancies identified |
EIV Income Report Traditional 3rd party Other Not verified N/A |
$ |
EIV Income Report Traditional 3rd party Other Not verified N/A |
$ |
EIV Income Report Traditional 3rd party Other Not verified N/A |
$ |
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Tenant File Review (Continued)
Welfare/Public Assistance/TANF Child Support Pensions Other |
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A |
$ |
Checking Account Savings Account Certificates of Deposit 40lK/Keogh/Retirement Accounts Real Estate Other |
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A |
$ |
Cash Value $ $ $ $ $ $ |
Yes No N/A |
$ |
Dependent Allowance Elderly/Disabled Household Allowance Medical Expenses Disability Expenses Childcare Expenses |
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A |
$ |
Yes No N/A |
Yes No N/A |
Yes No |
Enter the reviewer verified amounts for the following: |
Amount Reported on the 50059 |
Did income information on the 50059 agree with the verified file information? If not, comment on any discrepancies identified. |
Utility Allowance $ Gross Rent $ Total Tenant Payment $ Tenant Rent $ Utility Reimbursement $ Assistance Payment $ |
$ |
Yes No N/A Yes No N/A |
Yes No N/A |
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Tenant File Review (Continued)
If yes, does the plan contain the required information? |
Yes Yes |
No No |
N/A N/A |
If yes, is the new employment income included in the reported annual income? |
Yes Yes |
No No |
N/A N/A |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
Move-out date |
Yes Yes |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Comments |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
N/A |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
Department of Housing |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Office of Multifamily Housing
for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP
Multifamily Housing (Housing) staff or Performance-Based Contract Administrators and Traditional Contract Administrators (CA) must complete this Checklist when conducting on-site management reviews of subsidized and unsubsidized multifamily housing projects. The questions on this checklist cover topics that the Housing staff or CA can be expected to answer and is not intended to cover the full range of civil rights concerns. NOTE: This document does not require the reviewer to make a determination of civil rights or Section 504 or ADA compliance. The Checklist is divided into four parts. Part A: Occupancy/Accessible Units/Program Accessibility – This section, along with instructions, must be forwarded to the owner/agent for completion prior to the on-site review. This document must be included with the Documents Reviewer Should Obtain from Owner. See Part D. Part B: Limited On-Site Monitoring Review – The reviewer must complete this section during the on-site management review of all projects. Part C: Section 504/ADA Review – The reviewer must complete this section during the on-site management review for all federally-assisted projects and projects that are a program or activity of a state or local government. Part D: Documents Reviewer Should Obtain from the Owner/Agent during the on-site management review. Please Note that a “No” response to any question does not necessarily mean there is a fair housing or civil rights or a Section 504 or ADA violation. |
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Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
FHA /Project Number:
Section 8/PAC/PRAC Number:
Partner Name: Management Agent Name:
Partner Address: Management Agent Address:
of Development:
Elderly/Disabled Family Other(Specify) |
Total Number of Units: Total Subsidized Units:
Type of Federal Financial Assistance (check all that apply):
Is the project a program or activity of a state or local government? Yes [explain]__________No_____
Number of Units of Each Size: 0 BR 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR 5 BR
Resident Manager’s Unit: Yes No
Date of First Occupancy:
Reviewed by: Housing PBCA CA Mortgagee |
Reviewer: Date: Phone: |
This Section is for Multifamily Housing Staff only: After a review of the information provided by the owner/agent in Part A, the following as been determined: The owner/agent is in compliance with Title VI, Subpart D of the Housing and Community Development |
Act of 1992. |
Possible noncompliance with Title VI, Subpart D of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992. Referred to the local Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity for additional review and appropriate action. |
Title VI, Subpart D of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 - Not Applicable |
Reviewed By: |
(Name and Title) |
form HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook 4566.2 Page 2 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (24 CFR Part 8)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (28 CFR Part 35).
Fair Housing Act/Title VIII Regulations (24 CFR Part 100.200)
Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) (24 CFR Part 40)
Regulatory Agreement
For this Part A, the reviewer must forward the form along with the instructions for completion to the owner/agent prior to the on-site review. For subsidized projects and projects that are a program or activity of a state or local government, the owner/agent must complete the project information above and the information in Sections I, II, and III below. (See attached instructions.) For unsubsidized projects that are not a program or activity of a state or local government, the owner/agent must complete the project information above and Sections I and II only. Section III consists of Section 504 and ADA compliance, which does not apply to projects that do not receive federal financial assistance that are not programs or activities of a state or local government. The reviewer will retrieve the completed form from the owner/agent during the on-site review.
1. |
This property was designed primarily for:
Exclusively Elderly
Elderly and Disabled Family |
2. Indicate the number of units currently occupied by client groups below Exclusively Elderly - |
Exclusively Disabled - |
Elderly/Disabled - |
Near-Elderly Disabled - |
Family - |
3. Is there a use agreement or any other document that indicates that this project must serve only elderly tenants? Yes No Unknown If yes, specify type of document: Effective Date: |
Please attach a copy of the document(s) indicated above. |
4. If this project is a “covered Section 8 housing project” (see instructions), is there an occupancy preference for the elderly in accordance with Section 651 of Title VI, Subpart D of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992? Yes No Refer to HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV-1. If No, proceed to question 5. |
If yes, please enter: a. the date of the elderly preference: |
5. Is there an occupancy restriction for the elderly in accordance with Section 658 of Title VI, Subpart D of the Housing and Community Development
Act of 1992? Yes No
6. Total Number of Units exclusively for the Elderly |
7. Total Number of Units exclusively for Persons with Disabilities |
8. Total Number of Units exclusively for Non-Elderly Persons with Disabilities |
I certify that this information is true and accurate. |
Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Convictions may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) |
Signature of Owner |
Date: |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 3 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
Distribution of all wheelchair and other accessible units in the project.
Bedroom Size |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Other |
Total |
*5. (Total Accessible Units) |
Total line 2 Total line 1 x 100) % |
Total line 3 Total line 1 x 100) % |
Total line 4 Total line 1 x 100) % |
* If a unit is both mobility accessible and vision or hearing accessible, count the unit only once in line 5.
I certify that this information is true and accurate. |
Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Convictions may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) |
Signature of Owner |
Date: |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 4 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
Section 504 Coordinator [24 CFR 8.53
Does the
recipient (as defined in 24 CFR 8.3) employ at least 15
employees? Yes No
Yes, answer Question 2.; if No skip to Question 3.
If Yes, provide the person’s name and telephone number below.
ADA Coordinator [28 CFR 35.107(a)]
Is the project a program or activity of a state or local government? Yes No
If yes, does the public entity employ 50 or more persons? Yes No
If yes, has the entity designated at least one employee to coordinate its ADA responsibilities? Yes No
If yes, provide the person’s name and telephone number below.
Name: ____
Telephone Number: ______
Program Accessibility Under Section 504, a federally assisted Housing Development, and under the ADA, a program or activity of a state or local government, is required to ensure that its program is usable by and accessible to persons with disabilities. This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining housing and non-housing facilities that are structurally accessible for persons with disabilities. The extent to which facilities must be structurally accessible depends in part, on whether they are new, altered, or existing. In addition, owner/agents are required to ensure that appropriate and effective communication methods are used while communicating with persons with disabilities.
NO |
6. Has the owner/agent taken steps to ensure effective communication using: |
Other (Describe): |
I certify that this information is true and accurate. |
Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Convictions may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) |
Signature of Owner |
Date: |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 5 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
General instructions: Complete the project name, FHA/project number, and section 8/pac/prac information in the form header for each page:
SECTION I - Owner/Agent must respond to all questions in this section.
Check the appropriate box that the project was designed to serve. (Check only one box. Do not leave blank.)
Exclusively Elderly - defined as a person 62 years of age or older. (This option is for projects that were designed to serve only elderly persons/families, i.e. Section 202 PRAC properties)
Exclusively Disabled – Refer to HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV-1, Figure 3-6 for the applicable definition of disability. (This option is for projects that were designed to serve only persons with disabilities, i.e., Section 202/8 Projects for the Disabled and Section 811 projects. Please note that Section 202/8 Projects for the Disabled were developed to serve only non-elderly persons with disabilities. However, the Section 811 Projects were developed to serve persons with disabilities regardless of age as long as the minimum age requirement (age 18) is met.)
Elderly and Disabled – defined as a property that serves the elderly and non-elderly persons with disabilities. (This option is for projects that were originally designed to serve only elderly persons/families, however the owner may have elected a preference under Section 651 of Title VI, Subpart D of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 ( Title VI Subpart D) to reserve a percentage of units for non-elderly persons with disabilities in accordance with the provisions of Section 652, Title VI Subpart D. See instruction 4 below for Section 651 definition.)
Family – defined as all persons regardless of age or disability. (This option is for projects that serve all families with no restrictions or preferences as long as the minimum age requirement is met. Please note that family projects may have some units that are reserved for persons with mobility/vision/hearing impairments which would require the applicant to meet the accessibility features of the unit.)
Enter the number of units occupied by each client group. (Please note that the term “near-elderly disabled” is defined as a person who is at
least 50 years of age and below the age of 62 with a disability as defined in HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV-1.)
Enter zero “0” if there are no units occupied by the listed client group – do not leave blank.
If there is a use agreement or other document requiring that the property must serve only elderly persons, answer “Yes”, in the space provided, and attach a copy of the document(s). If there is no use agreement or other document requiring that the property must serve only elderly persons, answer “No”. If you are unclear on the term “use agreement”, or are not able to locate the use agreement or other document that defines the occupancy of your project, the answer is “unknown”. Other documents include the regulatory agreement, loan commitment papers, financial documents, bid invitation, owner’s management plan, application for funding, and/or application for mortgage insurance. Please refer to HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV-1, paragraphs 3-17 and 3-18. If you do not have a copy of HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV-1, copies can be obtained from or the HUD Customer Service Center at (800) 767-7468.
Section 651 of Title VI Subpart D permits an owner to give preference1 to elderly families if (1) the project was originally developed to serve the elderly and (2) it is a “covered Section 8 housing project.” “Covered Section 8 housing projects” are projects that were constructed or substantially rehabilitated pursuant to assistance provided under section 8(b)(2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as in effect before October 1, 1983, that are assisted under a contract for assistance under such section.
Section 651 of Title VI Subpart D applies to the following programs:
The Section 8 New Construction Program, 24 CFR part 880
The Section 8 Substantial Rehabilitation Program, 24 CFR part 881
The State Housing Agencies Program, insofar as it involves new construction and substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR part 883
The New Construction Set-Aside for Section 515 Rural Rental Housing Projects Program, 24 CFR part 884
The Section 8 Housing Assistance Program for the Disposition of HUD-Owned Projects, insofar as it involves substantial
rehabilitation, 24 CFR part 886 subpart C
“Covered Section 8 housing projects” do not include those developed with funding under the following programs:
Section 202;
Section 202/8;
Section 202 or 811 PRAC;
Section 221 (d)(3); and/or
Section 236.
If an owner elects a Section 651 preference for the elderly, the owner must reserve a number of units for non-elderly persons/families with
disabilities. Title VI Subpart D requires that the owner review the occupancy records on January 1, 1992 and October 28, 1992, the date of
enactment for Title VI Subpart D, and determine the number of non-elderly persons with disabilities that occupied units on those two dates.
Compare the higher of the two numbers with 10 percent of total project units. The lower of the two resulting numbers must be reserved for non-
elderly persons with disabilities, or families with disabilities.
For example, an owner has a covered Section 8 project that consists of 100 units, and decides to implement an elderly preference
under Section 651. The first thing the owner must do is find the occupancy records for January 1992 and see how many units
were occupied by non-elderly personswith disabilities, or families with disabilities, on January 1. In this example, it was 10 units.
Then the owner must find the occupancy records for October 1992 and see how many units were occupied by non-elderly
persons/families with disabilities on October 28th, the date of the enactment of the Act. In this example it was 15 units.
“preference” allows an owner to give priority to elderly
persons when selecting tenants for occupancy.
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 6 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
obtain the number of units that must be reserved for non-elderly
disabled persons or families, the owner must take the higher
number of the two dates, which in this example is 15.
Then the owner will then compare that number 15 with a number that is 10 percent of the total project units In this example it’s 10.
Use the lower number for the number of units that must be reserved. Since 10 is less than 15, for this example the owner must
reserve 10 units for non-elderly disabled persons or families.
If an owner determines that there were no non-elderly persons or families occupying units on either January 1, 1992 or October 28,
1992, the required number of units to be reserved for non-elderly persons with disabilities would be zero (0). However, owners
are encouraged to exceed the number of reserved units for non-elderly persons with disabilities if a need exists in the community.
Answer question 4 as follows:
If there is an elderly preference in accordance with Section 651 of Title VI Subpart D, answer “Yes”. If there is no preference
provided to elderly families, answer “No”.
If yes, answer the following:
If there is an occupancy preference in accordance with Section 651, indicate the effective date of the preference.
If there is an occupancy preference in accordance with Section 651, indicate the total number of units that must be reserved for non-elderly persons with disabilities based on the two dates above.
If there is an occupancy preference in accordance with Section 651, indicate which date (see above) was used to determine the number of units that must be reserved for non-elderly persons with disabilities.
Section 658 of Title VI, Subpart D of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 ( Title VI Subpart D) permits owners of “other
federally assisted housing” to continue to restrict occupancy to elderly families in accordance with the rules, standards, and agreements governing
occupancy in such housing in effect at the time the housing was developed. If (A) the project was originally developed to serve the elderly and
(B) the project has continually served elderly tenants. These projects include:
Section 202 Direct Loans (prior to the Section 202 PRAC program)
Section 221(d)(3) BMIR properties (New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation)
Section 236 properties
Answer question 5 as follows:
If there is an elderly restriction in accordance with Section 658 of Title VI Subpart D, answer “Yes”. If there is no elderly restriction and
occupancy is not limited to elderly applicants, answer “No”.
If the property designates a number of units that can be occupied only by elderly persons, indicate the number of units. If the property does not have units that can only be occupied by elderly persons, enter zero “0”.
If the property designates a number of units that can be occupied only by persons with disabilities, indicate the number of units. If the property does not have units that can only be occupied by persons with disabilities, enter zero “0”.
If the property has units that must be occupied by non-elderly persons with disabilities, indicate the number of units. If the property does not have units that must be occupied by non-elderly persons with disabilities, enter zero “0”.
Self-Explanatory Must be signed and dated by the owner.
SECTION II – Owner/Agent must respond to all questions in this section.
the total number of units (by bedroom size) and enter total in the
”Total” column.
must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
the total number of units (by bedroom size) that are receiving
project based rental assistance.
must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
Enter the number of mobility accessible units by bedroom size, and enter the total in the “Total” column. A mobility accessible unit is one that is located on an accessible route, and when designed, constructed, altered, or adapted, can be approached, entered, and used by individuals with physical disabilities, including those who use wheelchairs. Although accessibility features include items such as grab bars, flashing fire alarms, widened doorways, entrance ramps, etc, this question should be answered by stating the number of subsidized units that, when constructed, are fully accessible in accordance with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) or the Deeming Notice, 79 Fed. Reg. 29,671 (May 23, 2014), which are used to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. UFAS was jointly developed by the General Services Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Defense, and the United States Postal Service, under the authority of sections 2, 3, 4, and 4a, respectively, of the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968, as amended, Pub. L. No.90-480, 42 U.S.C. 4151-4157. Copies of the UFAS are available from the Access Board , 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, D.C. 20004-1111, Telephone: (202) 272-0080, email address: [email protected]. If the property is accessible in accordance with Minimum Property Standards (MPS), indicate the number of units that are MPS accessible. Unsubsidized units should also be counted if they meet UFAS compliance requirements.
Totals must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
Enter the number of units, by bedroom size, that are accessible for vision or hearing disabilities and enter total in the “Total” column. Refer to
UFAS. See instruction number 3 above.
Totals must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
the units from rows 3 and 4 for each bedroom size, and enter the
total in the “Total” column.
must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 7 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
the number of persons currently on the waiting list for an
accessible unit, by bedroom size, requiring the features of the unit
and enter
total in the “Total” column.
Total must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
Enter the number of accessible units, by bedroom size, that are currently occupied by elderly or family tenants and enter total in the Total
Total must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
Enter the number of accessible units. by bedroom size, occupied by non-elderly tenants with disabilities requiring the features of the unit and
enter total in the “Total” column. These tenants must have a mobility impairment as defined above.
Total must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
Enter the number of accessible units, by bedroom size, occupied by elderly tenants with disabilities requiring the features of the unit and enter
total in the “Total” column. These tenants must have a mobility impairment as defined above.
Total must match numbers entered for each bedroom size.
Must be signed and dated by the owner.
must respond to all questions in this section.
This Section is not
applicable to unsubsidized projects that are not programs or
activities of state or local governments.
The Section 504 Coordinator is required if the owner employs 15 or more people in all its activities. This includes this project combined with other projects they may own and/or manage. Answer Yes or No. If Yes, proceed to question 2; if No, skip to question 3.
Answer Yes or No to this question. If Yes, please provide the name and telephone number of the coordinator for Section 504 related activities at the project, and go to question 3.
An ADA coordinator is required if the project is a program or activity of a state or local government, and if the entity employs 50 or more people. Answer Yes or No. If Yes, proceed to question 4; if No, skip to question 6.
Answer Yes or No. If Yes, proceed to question 5; if No, skip to question 6.
Answer Yes or No to this question. If Yes, please provide the name and telephone number of the ADA coordinator.
Answer Yes or No to each item and provide comments as necessary.
Must be signed and dated by the owner.
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 8 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
Authority: 24 CFR 5, 108, 110
Questions 1 through 5 apply to owners of subsidized and unsubsidized projects.
NO |
1. Was this project built or substantially rehabilitated after February 1972? (If NO, skip to Question 5.) |
2. Does the owner have an approved Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP)? |
3. If there is an approved AFHMP as indicated in question 2, is it available on site? |
4. Has the owner/agent reviewed the AFHMP within the last 5 years to ensure that the information is current and applicable? |
5. Date of last AFHMP Update |
Date: |
6. Does the project maintain Project Profile Data which shows the composition of the occupants by the following categories (24 CFR 121): |
7. Has the owner/agent developed and implemented a written Tenant Selection plan? |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 9 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
NO |
8. Does the management agent maintain a waiting list of applicants by: |
9. When a tenant/applicant notifies the owner/agent that he/she has been subject to unlawful discrimination, does the owner/agent provide the applicant/tenant with information about how to file a complaint with HUD? |
Unable to Observe |
10. Does the owner/agent maintain a record of fair housing complaints? |
11. Is there a local residency preference? |
If yes, was it approved by HUD? |
Date of HUD Approval: |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 10 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
The reviewer must complete this section to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Please note that unsubsidized projects that are not programs or activities of state or local governments are not required to comply with Section 504 or the ADA, therefore if the project is unsubsidized and not a program or activity of a state or local government, the reviewer may proceed to Part D.
NO |
If Yes, document date procedures were adopted: |
Date: |
telecommunications device for the hearing impaired (TTY)? |
If No, Is there an alternative method? Describe under “Comments” |
Describe under “Comments” |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 11 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
The reviewer will only bring back documents upon request from FHEO. If the reviewer receives a request from FHEO to obtain certain documents, indicate in column a. During the on-site review, request the documents and indicate the status in columns b,
c, or d. For items checked in column c, the reviewer must provide the owner/agent the FHEO address for forwarding the documents.
Document(s) |
a. FHEO has requested that the reviewer obtain the following documents: |
b. The document has been gathered and is attached to the Checklist |
c. The Owner/ Agent agrees to forward the checked document to FHEO within ten (10) business days. |
d. The document is not available. |
For Part A |
Accessibility, Sections I, II, and III (as applicable) |
For Part B: |
Newspapers/Publications |
Copy of Radio Ads and Announcements |
Copy of TV Ads and Announcements |
Photograph of billboards |
Letterhead |
Handouts |
Brochures and Leaflets |
Photograph and site signs |
Other (Specify): |
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 12 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Checklist for On-Site Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Reviews (Continued)
Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
Please Note: The information below only pertains to Section 504/ADA compliance. If this project is unsubsidized and is not a program of a state or local government, the reviewer should not complete this section. |
a. FHEO has requested that the reviewer obtain the following documents: |
b. The document has been gathered and is attached to the Checklist. |
c. The Owner/ Agent agrees to forward the checked document to FHEO within ten (10) business days. |
The document is not available. |
For Part C: |
FHEO requested that the reviewer observe the following:
The result of the observation is:
HUD-9834 (11/2012) Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook
4566.2 Page 13 of 13
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
Project Name: FHA/Project# Section 8/PAC/PRAC#
should place a check mark next to those items that must be available
for review. Included in this list are FHEO
staff instructions to provide MFH staff a list of requests for
documents and special observations each year.
General Documents
Tenant Files and records, including rejected, transfer and move-out
Current waiting list
` Last advertisement and/or copies of apartment brochures
HUD-approved Rent Schedule form HUD-92458
Procurement Files
Work Order Journals and Logs
Cash Disbursement Journal
Fidelity Bond
Property and Liability Insurance
Copies of the form HUD-52670 for the last twelve months, for each subsidy contract
Current annual budget
Quarterly budget variance reports
Reserve for Replacement component analysis
Copy of Rent Roll
Copy of Application form
Copy of lease, lease addenda and house rules
Copy of Pet Policy
Copy of Applicant Rejection Letter
Annual Unit Inspections
Fact Sheet “How Your Rent Is Determined”
Copy of the “Resident Rights & Responsibility”
Lead Based Paint Certifications
EH& S Certifications
All Operating Procedure Manuals
Documentation for Elderly Preferences Under Sections 651 or 658
Income Targeting and Tracking Log
List of all current Principals and Board Members
EIV Coordinator Access Authorization form(s) (CAAFs) – approved initial and current
EIV User Access Authorization form(s) (UAAFs) – approved initial and current
EIV Owner Approval Letter(s)
EIV Policies and Procedures
Rules of Behavior for individuals without access to the EIV system
Copy of TRACS Rules of Behavior, signed and dated
Copy of TRACS and EIV requested Security Awareness Training Certificate, signed and dated
Civil Rights Front End Limited Monitoring and Section 504, ADA, and AFHMP Review Documents
Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Tenant Selection Plan, including any approved residency preference Recent advertising Fair Housing logo and Fair Housing poster |
HUD-9834 (11/2012)
Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook 4566.2
Management Review for Multifamily Housing Projects |
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner |
OMB Approval No. 2502-0178 Exp. 02/28/2015 |
State Lifetime Sex Offender Statistics
FHA /Project Number:
Section 8/PAC/PRAC Number:
Instructions: Reviewers should record the below statistics on households that include a household member who is subject to a state lifetime sex offender registration requirement.
1. Number of households where, in accordance with the owner’s policies and procedures, a household member subject to a state lifetime sex offender
requirement was identified at re-certification.
Of the
households identified at re-certification:
How many were admitted prior to June 25, 2001, the effective date of the Screening and Eviction for Drug Abuse and Other Criminal Activitiy final rule, and who had a household member subject to a state lifetime sex offender registration requirement at the time of admission?
NOTE: These households (admitted prior to June 25, 2001) must not be evicted unless they commit criminal activity while living in the federally assisted housing or have other lease violations.
How many were erroneously admitted?
How many households include a member that became subject to a state lifetime sex offender requirement after admission?
Number of such evictions upheld in court.
Number of such evictions upheld in court.
HUD-9834 (11/2012)
Ref. HUD Handbook 4350.1, REV-1 and HUD Handbook 4566.2
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Gordon, Shira E |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-22 |