What are some accomplishments that have been achieved using the Puget Sound Tribal Capacity Program funding (PSTCP)?
The objective of the PSTCP is:
“The PSTCP funds are awarded directly to each tribe and consortium to cover basic activities to enable tribes to participate in the implementation of the Puget Sound Action Agenda and to allow tribes to fully participate in restoring and protecting Puget Sound.”
Is this objective consistent with tribal objectives?
Why or why not?
What are some areas of the PSTCP that could be improved?
How would you like to see these changes implemented?
Do you feel that the structure for participation provided by the PSTCP is effective in addressing the recovery needs in the Puget Sound Estuary?
Why or why not?
How would you define meaningful participation in the regional recovery effort?
Which of the eligible activities, if any, support the regional recovery effort? (table provided below)
Do you have any suggestions for additional eligible activities?
Is the level of EPA support in managing your grant appropriate?
Why or why not?
What changes would strengthen the level of support you receive in managing your grant?
Your feedback has been very informative. Before we transition into the second set of questions, is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with the PSTCP?
EPA Region 10 is interested in having strong and sustained tribal representation in regional recovery efforts. Is this something you are interested in, if not why?
In the past has leadership including tribal council been involved in developing the workplans?
If involved: What are the benefits or barriers to having tribal leadership involved in development and approval of workplans?
Do you feel that the access to capacity awards supports you the ability to address tribal priorities related to treaty/trust resources?
Why or why not?
How can the EPA support or align our services under the PSTCP to support treaty rights issues?
Thank you for your time and sharing your insight. Your feedback has been beneficial and will carefully considered. Before we conclude the interview, is there anything else you would like to share?
We plan on sharing the results of this project and wanted to know if you were interested in receiving updates and what would be the most meaningful way for you to receive the results?
Eligible Activity |
Participation in local watershed planning and management processes, providing monitoring data and collecting and providing information on salmon, shellfish and other resources. |
Participation in regional processes particularly those around the Puget Sound Action Agenda, coordination with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on endangered species recovery plans and the adaptive management process that is part of the Puget Sound Action Agenda. |
Participation in the Puget Sound Recovery Implementation Technical Team (RITT). |
Participation in the Puget Sound Action Agenda related meetings, planning efforts and efforts to update the plan periodically. This would include participation in updates to any salmon recovery plans. |
Participation in new workgroups to develop “Implementation Strategies” to achieve Puget Sound Vital Sign targets. |
Participation, presentation, attending, or coordination related to other Management Conference forums, such as the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program (PSEMP), the Puget Sound Science Panel, Ecosystem Coordination Board. |
Participation in the Planning Committee for the 2016 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference and/or to attend the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference. |
Activities to support administration of the PSTCP cooperative agreement including but not limited to documenting achievement of outputs and outcomes, regular FEATS reporting, coordination with tribal accounting and finance offices to ensure regular and timely drawdown of tribal capacity funds, check ins with EPA project officer |
Providing policy level input to all Puget Sound/Puget Sound Management Conference Processes |
Providing policy and technical input to all watershed-based processes. For example, updates to local planning processes (SMA, GMA / COAs, etc.). |
Input could include providing tribal data, analysis, assessments and priorities for the Action Agenda |
Compiling and providing tribal data research results, traditional knowledge and information to all of the PSP processes and products. |
Contributing to refinements and updates of the Action Agenda through evaluation of programs and strategies for inclusion in the Action Agenda |
Allowable activities also include those relating to Quality Assurance and STORET/WQX Requirements. Grantees must develop a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) prior to conducting any environmental measurements. Once approved by EPA, QAPP’s are valid for 5 years unless there are changes that require earlier updates. Grantees must review QAPPs annually; grantees must revise and submit QAPPs to EPA for re‐approval at least every 5 years |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Villa, Noelani E. |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |