

Generic Clearance for Medicaid and CHIP State Plan, Waiver, and Program Submissions (CMS-10398)


OMB: 0938-1148

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SARs & Monthly Report Crosswalk
Final Report Crosswalk

Sheet 1: SARs & Monthly Report Crosswalk

Report Template and Changes
Page Number (SAR)/ Workbook Tab (Monthly Report) MACRA Cycle IV SAR Template Cycle V SAR Template Cycle V Monthly Report Template Cycle V Monthly Report Template Targeted Type of Change(s) from Cycle IV to Cycle V Description of Change from Cycle IV to Cycle V Burden Implications
Entire Report Page number "2" included on bottom right side of page 3, otherwise no page numbers included on pages of the report template page numbers on bottom center of each page except cover page N/A
Addition Page numbers of the report template added for Cycle V No burden implications
Cover page "Project title" "Full title of grant award" "Grantee Name"
Revision No burden implications A field is provided on the SAR cover sheet for grantees to provide a title of the award. This field text changed from "project title" for Cycle IV to "full title of grant award" for Cycle V. The new monthly report also has a similar field on the cover sheet tab, which says "grantee name". No burden implications
Cover Page and Instructions Tab "Start typing here" "Click here to add text" "Complete the boxes below. Select from drop-down menu where applicable." "Complete the boxes below. Select from drop-down menu where applicable." Revision Next to some of the fields on the cover pages where grantees need to add information, there are instructions for how to complete the fields. In the Cycle IV the instructions said "start typing here"; the Cycle V report says "Click here to add text"; the monthly report and monthly target vs other report cover sheet say "Complete the boxes below. Select from drop-down menu where applicable" No burden implications
Cover page "Click here to enter name"; no signature line for authorized certifying official "Type name in lieu of signature"; signature line for authorized certifying official; "add date" field added to signature lines N/A
Revision and addition There are two spaces at the end of the SAR cover sheets for authorized certifying officials and project officers to sign and date the document. The Cycle IV report instructions for this section stated "Click here to enter name" in the space where signatures were to be added; there was a signature line for project officers but no signature line for authorized cerityfing officials. The Cycle V insturctions say "type name in lieu of signature"; there are signature lines for project officers and authorized certyifying officials, and places on the signature lines to add dates. The monthly report does not have a space for authorized officials or project officers to add signatures. No burden implications
Page 1 " Reporting requirements - To meet congressional requirements, as expressed in the terms and conditions of your cooperative agreement, you are required to report on your strategies and outcomes—specifically, the number of enrollments and renewals in CHIP and Medicaid that resulted from your project. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will use awardees’ reports to monitor performance under the cooperative agreements, identify technical assistance needs, and prepare a report to the U.S. Congress.
The Report to Congress will describe awardees’ progress toward their CMS-approved goals—as a group and individually—and will highlight successful outreach and enrollment strategies, discuss common enrollment and renewal challenges and barriers, and present the lessons learned about strategies to increase coverage in Medicaid and CHIP among uninsured eligible children and their parents.
Completing the Semiannual Report -
Use this semiannual report template to describe and summarize the outcomes of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) Outreach and Enrollment programs.
The reporting period for this semiannual report is [Insert Date] to [Insert Date]. All information reported must be the result of project activities during this reporting period.
This semiannual report must be submitted to CMS through, as described in the special terms and conditions of your cooperative agreement.
This template is formatted for Microsoft Word software (.docx format), and the template must be returned as a Word document. Please do not send a PDF file.
 Some questions provide tables for entering numbers, as well as sections for providing brief narrative answers. These questions include specific instructions for entering the data. Please also provide an explanation of any data limitations that may help better understand the quantitative data reported in each table.
 Narrative should be entered in the template under each question, in single-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font. Length guidelines are indicated for each question; 600 words are equal to approximately one page of single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point type. Please aim for both clarity and brevity when writing your narrative responses.
 You may attach up to two pages of additional narrative, tables, graphs, or other documents that contain project information that is not covered by the questions in the template.
Upload the completed report into for review by your CMS Project Officer by [insert due date according to reporting period].
"Reporting Requirements -
Use this semi-annual report template to describe the progress of your Connecting Kids to Coverage Healthy Kids Outreach and Enrollment grant.
The reporting period for this semi-annual report is ___________. All information reported must be the result of project activities during this reporting period.
This semi-annual report must be submitted to CMS through, as described in the special terms and conditions of your cooperative agreement.
This template is formatted for Microsoft Word software (.docx format), and the template must be returned as a Word document. Please do not submit a PDF file.
 Narrative should be entered in the template under each question, in single-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font. Length guidelines are indicated for each question; 600 words are equal to approximately one page of single-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point type. Please aim for clarity when writing your narrative responses.
 You may attach up to two pages of additional narrative, tables, graphs, or other documents that contain project information that is not covered by the questions in the template.
Upload the completed report into for review by your CMS Project Officer by ___________. "
Deletion On page 1 of the SAR templates, there are general guidelines for filling out and submitting the report. The Cycle IV template included background information about the reports and certain requirements for reporting under the "Reporting Requirements" heading, and had an additional heading on page 1 "Completing the Semiannual report" with additional requirements. For the Cycle V template, the text under the Reporting requirements heading from the Cycle V template was removed, the heading "Completing the Semiannual report" was removed, and the text that was previously under the "completing the semiannual report" heading was moved up under the "reporting requirements" heading. No burden implications
Page 1 "Some questions provide tables for entering numbers, as well as sections for providing brief narrative answers. These questions include specific instructions for entering the data. Please also provide an explanation of any data limitations that may help better understand the quantitative data reported in each table." N/A Worksheet provided for state to complete quantitative portions of the report.
Deletion and addition On page 1 of the Cycle IV, the first bullet under the "completing the semiannual report template" heading had information about completing quantitative sections of the report that contain tables. This information was removed for the Cycle V template. A monthly report workbook was created to capture all of the quantitative portions of the report FOR Cycle V. Instructions for completing the workbook are in the "instructions" tab. Each data element has its own tab and specific instructions for each measure are provided in those tabs. Quantitative portions moved to newly created monthly report. Revised burden from 20 hours to 16 hours per response.
Page 1 "Please aim for both clarity and brevity when writing your narrative responses." "Please aim for clarity when writing your narrative responses." N/A
Deletion On page 1 of the Cycle IV, the second bullet under the "completing the semiannual report template" heading stated that grantees should aim for clarity and brevity in their narrative responses. "Brevity" was removed for the Cycle V report. No burden implications
Page 1 "Upload the completed report into for review by your CMS Project Officer by [insert due date according to reporting period]. "Upload the completed report into for review by your CMS Project Officer by ___________." N/A
Deletion and addition At the end of page 1 of the SARs, instruction is provided for grantees to submit their reports to the project officer by the specific date. The Cycle IV report does not include a line to add the due date but includes a note to "insert due date according to reporting period". The Cycle V report includes a line for a date to be added but does not include a note to insert the appropriate date. No burden implications
Page 3 " 1. What activities did your project undertake during this reporting period?" "1. What activities were performed with CKC funding during this reporting period?" N/A
Revision In the Cycle IV report question 1 asked about activities undertaken during the reporting period. The Cycle V report asks specifically for activities performed with CKC funds. No burden implications
Page 3 "a.       Please list the milestones from the work plan in your project application. Describe activities funded through this award and conducted during this reporting period that demonstrate progress towards each milestone. For example, you might describe any activities, trainings, or new community partnerships under this award that contribute to the goals of reaching your target population of uninsured, but eligible children (and parents if relevant)." "1a. Please list the milestones from the work plan in your project application. Describe activities that demonstrate progress towards each milestone as long as they were covered by CKC funding. For example, you might describe any activities, trainings, or new community partnerships under this award that contribute to the goals of reaching your target population of uninsured, but eligible children (and parents, if relevant). (400 words)" N/A
Revision Question 1a in the Cycle IV report asks states to document activities funded through the award and that demonstrate progress toward project milestones. Cycle V template asks specifically for grantees to describe such activities only if they were covered with CKC funding. The Cycle V template also includes a 400 word limit for responses to question 1a. No burden implications
Page 2 blank table cells under quesiton 1a where grantee needs to fill in information table under question 1a has "Start typing here" in all the cells under the "Milestone" and "Activities demonstrating progress" columns and "Type date or status update" in all cells under the "Date Milestone was achieved" column N/A
Addition The table for question 1a includes text in the cells that grantees need to fill out for the Cycle V report; in the Cycle IV report, these cells were blank. Instructional text provided to previously blank cells. No burden implications.
Page 3 1. a. b. c. 1. 1a. 1b. 1c. N/A
Revision Change in numbering covention for subquestions under question 1. No burden implications
Page 3 "Click here to enter text" "Start typing here" N/A
Revision Edit to instructions in the field where grantees provide response to question 1b No burden implications
Page 3 blank table cells under quesiton 1c where grantee needs to fill in information table under question 1c has "Start typing here" in all the cells under the "Milestone" and "Explanation" columns, and "Enter Date" in all cells under the "Original Date" and "Expected Date" columns. N/A
Addition The table for question 1c includes text in the cells that grantees need to fill out for the Cycle V report; in the Cycle IV report, these cells were blank. Instructional text provided to previously blank cells. No burden implications.
Pages 4-5 on Cycle IV, Page 4 on Cycle V "2. Data for identifying children potentially eligible for CHIP and Medicaid" Question 2 provides a list of 5 sources (including an other category) for grantees to check if they used it to identify potentially eligible children, and asks grantees to respond to questions about each source they check. "2. Identifying children who are potentially eligible for CHIP and Medicaid" Questions 2a and 2b are added which have an open-ended format. Question 2a aks grantees how they identified potentially eligible children and question 2b asks grantees to list sources they used if any, and how they used them, for data driven strategies to find potentially eligible individuals. N/A
Revision and deletion Cycle V report removes "data for" from question 2 text in Cycle IV report. Content and format of subsequent question and answer fields under question 2 were edited. No burden implications
Page 5-12 on Cycle IV, Pages 5-6 in Cycle V, Child data and parent data tabs "DATA ON CHILDREN WHO APPLIED -
3. How many children applied for CHIP/Medicaid as a direct result of your project activities?"
4. How many children were enrolled or renewed in CHIP/Medicaid as a direct result of your project activities? " "DATA ON PARENTS WHO APPLIED -
5. How many parents have applied for CHIP, Medicaid, or another insurance affordability program as a direct result of your project activities? " "DATA ON PARENTS WHO ENROLLED OR RENEWED -
6. How many parents were enrolled or renewed in an insurance affordability program as a direct result of your project activities?" "ENROLLMENT AND RENEWAL DATA EXPLANATIONS AND OTHER OUTCOMES -
7. Explanation of enrollment and renewal data 8. Other outcomes"

3. Explanation of enrollment and renewal data" "4. Outcomes other than enrollments and renewals in Medicaid, CHIP, and insurance affordability programs"
Child data tab: "1 - Number of children for whom a new application was submitted during the month" " 2 - Number of children for whom a renewal application was submitted during the month" "3 - total number of children applying this month" "4 - number of children newly enrolled to date" "5 - number of children renewed to date" " 6 - total number of children enrolled or renewed to date" Parent data tab: "1 - Number of parents for whom a new application was submitted during the month" " 2 - Number of parents for whom a renewal application was submitted during the month" "3 - total number of parents applying this month" "4 -number of parents newly enrolled to date" "5 - number of parents renewed to date" " 6 - total number of parents enrolled or renewed to date" Child data tab: "1 - Number of children for whom a new application was submitted during the month" " 2 - Number of children for whom a renewal application was submitted during the month" "3 - total number of children applying this month" "4- number of targeted children for whom an applicaiton was submitted during the month" "5- number of other children for whom an application was submitted during the month" "6 - number of children newly enrolled to date" "7 - number of children renewed to date" " 8 - total number of children enrolled or renewed to date" "9- number of targeted children newly enrolled or renewed to date" "10- number of other children newly enrolled or renewed to date" Parent data tab: "1 - Number of parents for whom a new application was submitted during the month" " 2 - Number of parents for whom a renewal application was submitted during the month" "3 - total number of parents applying this month" "4- number of parents of targeted children for whom an applicaiton was submitted during the month" "5- number of parents of other children for whom an application was submitted during the month" "6 - number of parents newly enrolled to date" "7 - number of parents renewed to date" " 8 - total number of parents enrolled or renewed to date" "9- number of parents of targeted children newly enrolled or renewed to date" "10- number of parents of other children newly enrolled or renewed to date" Revision, deletion, and addition In the Cycle IV report grantees were expected to report data on child (question 3) and parent (question 5) new applications and renewal applications; child (question 4) and parent (question 6) new enrollments and renewals for the reporting period into tables in the template. Questions 7 and 8 in the Cycle IV template ask about data explanations and other outcomes. Cycle V SAR does not include data tables and only includes the data explanations and information about other outcomes questions as items 3 and 4 in the template. The actual application, enrollment, and renewal data for Cycle V will now be reported in the monthly report and the monthly report targetvs other workbooks, on the child data and parent data tabs. Quantitative portions moved to newly created monthly report. Revised burden from 20 hours to 16 hours per response.
Page 11 in Cycle IV, Page 5 in Cycle V "Click here to enter text" "Start typing here" N/A
Revision Edit to instructions in the field where grantees provide response to questions 3a-3c and 4a-4e in Cycle V template, which were questions 7a-7c and 8a-8e in the Cycle IV template. No burden implications
Page 11 in Cycle IV, Page 5 in Cycle V " 8. Other outcomes -
Your project activities over the reporting period may have resulted in other positive outcomes besides enrolling and retaining children and parents in CHIP and Medicaid, and enrolling and retaining parents in other insurance affordability programs. If so, please describe these results in the relevant section below. (400 words total)" "
"e. Any other positive unplanned or unanticipated project outcomes."
4. Outcomes other than enrollments and renewals in Medicaid, CHIP, and insurance affordability programs -
Your CKC project activities over the reporting period may have resulted in other positive outcomes besides enrolling and retaining children in CHIP and Medicaid, and enrolling and retaining parents in insurance affordability programs. If so, please describe these results in the relevant section below. (400 words total)"
"4e. Any other positive unplanned or unanticipated outcomes as a direct result of your CKC funding."
Revision Question 8 heading from Cycle IV report was revised and included as question 4 heading in Cycle V report. Also, Questions 8 and 8e in the Cycle IV template ask about other positive unexpected project outcomes. These questions were revised for Cycle V and are now questions 4 and 4a, which ask about positive unexpected outcomes of CKC projects/ as a result of CKC funding specifically. No burden implications
Page 13 in Cycle IV, Page 7 in Cycle V "9. Strategies to educate families and increase awareness
1. Describe the strategy you considered most effective in increasing awareness of CHIP and Medicaid in your target population, and describe the components of the strategy you feel are critical to its effectiveness. (200 words)"
Click here to enter text"
5. Strategies to educate families and increase awareness
Describe the strategy you considered most effective in increasing awareness of CHIP and Medicaid in your target population. What were the critical components of the strategy? What evidence supports your conclusion that the strategy works? Please be specific. (200 words)
Start typing here"
Revision and addition Question 9 in the Cycle IV report is now question 5 in the Cycle V report. Part of question 9 in Cycle IV "…describe the components of the strategy you feel are critical to it's effectiveness" Was revised and added as new sentence in question 5 of Cycle V which asks "What were the critical components of the strategy?" Another new question was added under number 5 in Cycle V template - "What evidence supports your conclusion that the strategy works? Please be specific." Instructions to complete this question changed from "Click here to enter text" in the Cycle IV report to "Start typing here" in the Cycle V report. Reformatted previous instructional question. No burden implications.
Pages 13-14 in Cycle IV, Pages 8-9 in Cycle V "1. Describe the strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both." a.      Describe the your most effective strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both. N/A
Revision Question 1 under the strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 10 from Cycle IV was revised in Cycle V as question 6a under strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 6. "1. Describe the strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both." from Cycle IV was changed to "a. Describe the your most effective strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both." for Cycle V. No burden implications
Pages 13-14 in Cycle IV, Pages 8-9 in Cycle V "2. How did you determine that this strategy was effective in enrolling and/or renewing children in CHIP and Medicaid (e.g., through a data-tracking mechanism that allowed you to track enrollments to the strategy)? If available, please report the percentage of your numbers of new enrollments and renewals in this reporting period attributable to this strategy." b.      What evidence supports your conclusion that this strategy was effective in enrolling and/or renewing children in CHIP and Medicaid (e.g., through a data-tracking mechanism that allowed you to track enrollments to the strategy)? If available, please report the percentage of your numbers of new enrollments and renewals in this reporting period attributable to this strategy. N/A
Revision Question 2 under the strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 10 from Cycle IV was revised in Cycle V as question 6b under strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 6. "How did you determine that this strategy was effective in enrolling and/or renewing children in CHIP and Medicaid" from Cycle IV was changed to "What evidence supports your conclusion that this strategy was effective in enrolling and/or renewing children in CHIP and Medicaid" for Cycle V. No burden implications
Page 13-14 in Cycle IV, Pages 8-9 in Cycle V 10. Strategy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. Strategy a. b. c. d. e. f. N/A
Revision Change in numbering covention for subquestions under strategy 1 and 2 for "Most effective enrollment and renewals strategies" section of template. No burden implications
Pages 13-14 in Cycle IV, Pages 8-9 in Cycle V "4. What lessons did you learn about this strategy? What components of this strategy do you feel are critical to its effectiveness? " "d.      What components of this strategy do you feel are critical to its effectiveness? Why is this particular strategy effective?" N/A
Revision Question4 under strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 10 from Cycle IV was revised in Cycle V as question 6b under strategy 1 strategy 2 headings in question 6. "What lessons did you learn about this strategy" was removed from question 6b for Cycle V, and "Why is this particular strategy effective?" was a question added to 6b for Cycle V. No burden implications
Page 11-12 in Cycle IV, Pages 5-6 in Cycle V "Click here to enter text" "Start typing here" N/A
Revision Edit to instructions in the field where grantees provide response to questions 3a-3c and 4a-4e in Cycle V template, which were questions 7a-7c and 8a-8e in the Cycle IV template. No burden implications
Pages 13-18 in Cycle IV, Pages 7-16 in Cycle V "Click here to enter text" "Start typing here" N/A
Revision Instructions in the answer fields where grantees are expected to include narrative responses to questions on the specified pages of the template were changed. No burden implications
Page 15-16 in Cycle IV, Pages 10-11 in Cycle V 11. Strategy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Strategy a. b. c. d. e. f. N/A
Revision Change in numbering covention for subquestions under strategy 1 and 2 for "Least effective enrollment and renewals strategies" section of template. No burden implications
Pages 15-16 in Cycle IV, Pages 10-11 in Cycle V "1. Describe the strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both." "a.      Describe your least effective strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both." N/A
Revision Question 1 under the strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 11 from Cycle IV was revised in Cycle V as question 7a under strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 7. "1. Describe the strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both." from Cycle IV was changed to "a. Describe the your least effective strategy and specify whether it focused on new enrollments, renewals, or both." for Cycle V. No burden implications
Pages 15-16 in Cycle IV, Pages 10-11 in Cycle V "2. Explain why this strategy was less effective than others, including evidence showing how ineffective it was. Include any challenges or barriers to its effectiveness. " "b. Explain why this strategy was less effective than others, including evidence that supports your conclusion." N/A
Revision Question 2 under the strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 11 from Cycle IV was revised in Cycle V as question 7b under strategy 1 and strategy 2 headings in question 7. "2. Explain why this strategy was less effective than others, including evidence showing how ineffective it was. Include any challenges or barriers to its effectiveness." from Cycle IV was changed to "b. Explain why this strategy was less effective than others, including evidence that supports your conclusion." for Cycle V. No burden implications
Revision Change in numbering covention for subquestions under "Discontinued and new strategies" seciton of template. No burden implications
Page 16 in Cycle IV, Page 12 in Cycle V "12. 1. Have you (1) discontinued a strategy, or (2) sought approval from the CMS Project Officer to implement a new strategy in this reporting period? If so, please explain. (200 words)" "12. 2. Please list all strategies used during this reporting period that have not been captured in any of the previous questions above." "8a. Have you discontinued a strategy in this reporting period? If so, please explain. (150 words)" "8b. Have you sought approval from the CMS Project Officer to implement a new strategy in this reporting period? If so, please explain. (150 words) " N/A
Revision and deletion Part of question 12(1) from Cycle IV report (" Have you sought approval from the CMS Project Officer to implement a new strategy in this reporting period") was removed from question 8a. In Cycle V report and moved down to quesiton 8b. The word limit for this question was changed from 200 words in Cycle IV to 150 words in Cycle V for each subquestion (8a and 8b). Question 12(2) from Cycle IV report was removed and not included in the Cycle V template. No burden implications
Page 16 in Cycle IV, Page 13 in Cycle V "b. Enrollment and renewal challenges -
Discuss the two most difficult enrollment and renewal challenges you faced when implementing your project. These may include, for example, beliefs or attitudes that make people reluctant to enroll, such as stigma associated with public benefits; lack of transportation to application assistance sites; lack of awareness about CHIP and Medicaid; or complex eligibility rules and requirements that are difficult for families to understand and comply with. Consider challenges as they relate to the populations you targeted.
"9b. Enrollment and renewal challenges
Discuss the two most difficult enrollment and renewal challenges you faced when implementing your CKC project. These may include, for example, beliefs or attitudes that make people reluctant to enroll, such as stigma associated with public benefits; lack of transportation to application assistance sites; lack of awareness about CHIP and Medicaid; or complex eligibility rules and requirements that are difficult for families to understand and comply with. Consider challenges as they relate to the populations you targeted for enrollment."
Revision Question 13b from Cycle IV was revised in Cycle V as question 9b. The Cycle V version of the question adds "CKC" to the first sentence of the question, and adds "for enrollment" to the end of the last sentence of the question from Cycle IV. No burden implications
Page 17-18 in Cycle IV, Pages 12-13 in Cycle V 13. Challenge 1. 2. 3. 9. Challenge a. b. c. N/A
Revision Change in numbering covention for subquestions under challenge 1 and 2 for "CHALLENGES AND LESSONS" section of template. No burden implications
Page 17-18 in Cycle IV, Pages 12-13 in Cycle V "1. Describe the challenge and how it creates a barrier to enrollment and/or renewal." "a. Describe your biggest challenge in increasing the percentage of eligible children enrolled in CHIP and Medicaid in your state. How did this create a barrier to enrollment and/or renewal?" N/A
Revision Question 1 under the challenge 1 and challenge 2 headings in question 13 from Cycle IV was revised in Cycle V as question a. under challenge 1 and challenge 2 headings in question 9. "1. Describe the challenge and how it creates a barrier to enrollment and/or renewal." from Cycle IV was changed to "a. Describe your biggest challenge in increasing the percentage of eligible children enrolled in CHIP and Medicaid in your state. How did this create a barrier to enrollment and/or renewal?" for Cycle V. No burden implications
Page 18 in Cycle IV, page 16 in Cycle V 15. a. b. c. 11. 11a. 11b. 11c. N/A
Revision Change in numbering covention for subquestions in "Technical Assistance" section of template. No burden implications
Main activities tab N/A N/A 2 Tables included in this tab for grantees - 1 to document 1-6 main activities, achievements, and challenges they experienced during the reporting period. The second table is for grantees to document up to 6 items they need help with
Addition Two 2x6 tables with instructions for completing both are included in the main activities tab. Revised burden from 16 hours to 20 hours per response.
Child and Parent Dashboard tabs N/A N/A Child and Parent dashboard tabs each have shells for 3 graphs/charts to be populated with grantee application, enrollment, and renewal data Child and Parent dashboard tabs each have shells for 5 graphs/charts to be populated with grantee application, enrollment, and renewal data for targeted and other children served by the grant Addition In the child dashboard tab of the Cycle V monthly report, a template for a line graph to document children enrolled and renwed, a bar chart to document the number of children applying, and pie chart to document the cumulative percentage of the child enrollment/renewal goal has been met to date are included. In the parent dashboard tab for the monthly report, a template for a line graph to document parents enrolled and renwed, a bar chart to document the number of parents applying, and pie chart to document the cumulative percentage of the parent enrollment/renewal goal has been met to date are included. In the targeted vs other worksbook, the child and parent dashboard tabs have templates for for 2 line graphs - one to document cumulative number of children/parents enrolled or renewed by target/other status and month, cumulative number of children/parents enrolled or renewed by new/renew status and month; 2 bar charts - one for documenting child/parent application data by targeted status and one for documenting application data by new/renew status; one pie chart to document cumulative progress toward meeting parent/child enrollment and renewal goal for targeted group. Revised burden from 16 hours to 20 hours per response.
Cover sheet tab N/A N/A Fields provided for grantees to include basic information about the grant. Fields provided for grantees to include basic information about the grant. Addition The new monthly Cycle V workbook and Cycle V target vs other workbook have cover sheet tabs, including a table for grantees to document information about the project director, enrollment and renewal goals, grant start and end dates, and current reporting month. The tab also has three assurances with checkboxes for grantees to mark if they meet the assurance. Revised burden from 16 hours to 20 hours per response.
Instructions Tab N/A N/A General Instructions for completing each tab of the workbook, and definitions of certain terms used throughout the workbook General Instructions for completing each tab of the workbook, and definitions of certain terms used throughout the workbook Addition General Instructions for completing each tab of the workbook, and definitions of certain terms used throughout the workbook Revised burden from 16 hours to 20 hours per response.

Sheet 2: Final Report Crosswalk

Report Template and Changes
Page Number MACRA Cycle IV Final Report Addendum Cycle V Final SAR Template Type of Change(s) from Cycle IV to Cycle V Description of Change from Cycle IV to Cycle V Burden Implications
Cover Page "CHIPRA
American Indian and Alaska Native Round II Outreach & Enrollment Grant
Final Report Addendum"
"Connecting Kids to Coverage
Outreach and Enrollment
Final Semi-Annual Report Template
Revision Document title of Cycle IV final report addendum changed for Cycle V final report template. No burden implications
Cover Page "Grant Award Number
Name of Grantee
Person Completing Report"
"Project Title:
Funding Opportunity:
Report Due Date:
Cooperative Agreement Number: Start typing here.
State: Start typing here.
Name of Awardee: Start typing here.
Name and Title of Person Completing Report: "
Revision and addition Cover page on Cycle V Final SAR includes additional fields for grantees to fill out with basic information about the grant than asked for in the Cycle IV addendum, including funding opportunity, report due date, project title, and title of person completing the report. "Grant award number" from Cycle IV report is changed to "cooperative agreement number for Cycle V" No burden implications
Cover Page "Authentication -
I Certify the Accuracy of All Report Contents:

Authorized Certifying Official (Printed Name in Lieu of Signature)
"Authentication -
I certify the accuracy of all report content: ___________________________
Type name in lieu of signature Enter date
Authorized Certifying Official -(typed name in lieu of signature; add date)
CMS Project Officer Acknowledgement & Acceptance
I acknowledge and accept the content of this report: ____________________________
Type name in lieu of signature Enter date
CMS Project Officer (type name in lieu of signature; add date)"
Revision and addition Signature line for authorized certifying official to type name and enter date added to Cycle V template. Cycle V template also asks for the CMS project officer signature, and a line is provided for them to type their name and enter the date. In the Cycle V template, reviewers are also instructed to add a date in addition to typing their name in lieu of a signature. No burden implications
Page 2 (Cycle V template) N/A Tess Hines: Does this need to be more detailed, such as documenting exactly what text appears on the page, or is a summary sufficient? This page includes instructions for grantees about how to complete and submit the final semi-annual report. Addition New information is included on the second page of the Cycle V report with instructions for completing and submitting the report. The Cycle IV report did not have instruction information because it was added on to the last semi annual report. Instructional text provided. No burden implications.
Page 3 (Cycle V template) N/A Enrollment and Renewal Data Explanations Addition The Cycle V report includes a page with new questions (1, 1a, 1b) about changes the grantee has made to tracking applications and verifying enrollment and renewal data, and a question for additional details for explaining the data reported in the monthly workbooks. 300 word limit given for question 1a, 200 word limit given for question 1b. Revised burden from 16 hours to 20 hours per response.
Page 2 of Cycle IV template, page 4 of Cycle V template Most effective strategies Effective strategies Revision and addition The Cycle IV report had one question (question 1) about most effective strategies that the grantee would use to get children enrolled and renewed in coverage if they had limited staff and funds. The Cycle V report includes a similar question at 2.1 and also adds additional quesitons about effective strategies (2, 2.1 2.2). Cycle V questions (2.1) include examples of strategies, and asks for details about specific locations, events, and staff that were most effective. 2.2 is a new question that asks grantees to explain why they think the strategies are effective. Revised burden from 16 hours to 20 hours per response.
All pages Blank grayed out text box "Start typing here." Revision Spaces for grantees to provide narrative text responses to questions in the reports were indicated with a gray blank text box in the Cycle IV report, and in the Cycle V report, "Start typing here." indicates where the grantee should add their response. No burden implications
All pages (except cover page) No page numbers page numbers Addition The Cycle V report includes page numbers on the bottom center of each page except the cover page. The Cycle IV report addendum does not have page numbers. No burden implications
Page 2 of Cycle IV template Most cost-effective strategies N/A Deletion Question 2 from the Cycle IV report about the most cost effective strategies used for achieveing grant goals was not carried over to the Cycle V report. No burden implications
Page 2 of Cycle IV template, Page 5 of Cycle V template "Continuation of Strategies after the grant period" "Continuation of activities after the cooperative agreement period" Revision Question 3 from the Cycle IV report about strategies the grantee may continue after funding ends was revised in Cycle V to ask which activities will be continued after CKC funding ends. No burden implications
Page 2 of Cycle IV template, Page 6 of Cycle V template Lessons learned Lessons and challenges Revision Question 4 from the Cycle IV report about most important things the grantee has learned about identifying, contacting, and engaging eligible families to assist them with the application and renewal process for CHIP/Medicaid is question 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 in the Cycle V report. This question was revised in Cycle V report and now asks grantees to report the 3 most important lessons learned. The question in Cycle V also asks grantees if they would have done anything differently if they knew what they know now when they began. Cycle V report has a 300 word limit on responses to this question. No burden implications
Page 2-3 of Cycle IV report, Page 7 of Cycle V report "Question: Looking ahead over the next 3 years, what do you think are the key challenges in increasing the percentage of eligible AI/AN children enrolled in CHIP/Medicaid in your state?
Please discuss all types of challenges: state policies, cultural belief, language, transportation, administrative, and funding. Please discuss how these challenges relate to the children in your grant’s specific focus area.
For each challenge, what do you believe are the most effective approaches to overcome them?
"Looking ahead over the next year or two, what do you think are the two biggest challenges in increasing the percentage of eligible children enrolled in CHIP and Medicaid in your state? Please discuss any types of challenges: state policies, cultural belief, language, transportation, administrative issues, funding, or anything else you think important. For each challenge, what are the best ways organizations like yours can overcome it? (300 words)" Revision Question 5 in the Cycle IV report asks about key challenges in increasing the percentage of children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP in the grantee's state over the next three years, and what the most effective approaches are to overcoming each challenge. Question 5 in the Cycle V report asks about two biggest chanllenges for increasing percentage of children eligible for Medicaid and CHIP that are enrolled over the next one or two years. The Cycle V report breaks this out into 4 subquestions (5.1. - 1st biggest challenge, 5.2. - best way to overcome 1st challenge, 5.3. - second biggest challenge, and 5.4. - best way to overcome second biggest challenge). The Cycle V report has a 300 word limit for responses to these questions. Revised burden from 16 hours to 20 hours per response.
Page 3 of Cycle IV report Recommendations for Increasing the Percentage of Eligible Children Enrolled and Renewed N/A Deletion Question 6 in the Cycle IV report asks grantees to provide recommendations for other organizations that want to implement projects to increase the percentage of eligible children enrolled and renewed in CHIP/Medicaid based on their lessons learned. This question is not carried over into the Cycle V report. No burden implications
Page 3 of Cycle IV report Project Implementation and Management N/A Deletion Question 7 in the Cycle IV report asks grantees how they might change their approach to program implementation and management if they were able to access a future funding opportunity to help children enroll in CHIP and Medicaid. This question is not carried over into the Cycle V report. No burden implications
All pages Bolded black text for headings, italic black text for cover page information, italic blue text for report questions on subsequent pages orange border, blue heading text, purple sub-heading text, black text for report questions, question numbers bolded, questions not bolded, header - "Final Semi Annual Report Template for Awardees" Revisions and additions Additional formatting changes not otherwise noted above - border added to Cycle V Final Report, text color and style changes, addition of header No burden implications

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