2 State OMBudsmen Survey

Process Evaluation and Special Studies Related to the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program


State Ombudsman Interview Protocol and Survey

OMB: 0985-0055

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Write In Your Start Time: __________________________

Process Evaluation of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP) State Ombudsmen


NORC at the University of Chicago, with funding from the Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging (ACL/AoA), is conducting an evaluation of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. This survey is voluntary and is not part of an audit or a compliance review. The information you provide is confidential. We do not include names of respondents in any reports or in any discussions with supervisors, colleagues, or ACL/AoA. This survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Please complete and return this form using the pre-paid envelope, or by scanning and emailing it to ______, or by faxing it to: _____.

Please contact NORC at _____ or _____@norc.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Name of person completing survey __________________________

Position/Title __________________________

Phone number __________________________

Email address __________________________


  1. Background Information

  2. Structure and Resources

  3. State and Local Coordination

  4. Program Activities

  5. Program Quality Assurance

  6. Demographic Information


Burden Statement

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, we cannot ask you to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  The survey will be sent to State Ombudsmen. The average time required to complete the survey is estimated at 30 minutes. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this survey, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the _____. Do not send your completed form to this address.


We’d like to begin by asking you a few questions about your position and your experience prior to working for the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP).

  1. How long have you been working with the LTCOP as the State Ombudsman?

{enter number years} ___ ___

+ {enter number months} ___ ___

  1. What motivated you to work for the LTCOP? {Check all that apply}

1 Personal fulfillment (e.g., enjoyment in helping others)

2 Career development

3 Interest in the program’s mission

4 Family/relatives received long-term services and supports

5 Personal experience with the program

9 6 Other (Please specify): ______________________

  1. What was your job immediately prior to working at the LTCOP?


  1. Had you ever interacted with the long-term care ombudsman program or any other ombudsman program before being hired?

  1. Yes

If Yes, please describe: ____________________________________________________________

2 No


Next, we’d like to explore the organizational structure and resources of your state LTCOP.

  1. On average, how often does your office interact with representatives of your local Ombudsman entities (if applicable)? This interaction may take any form (i.e., communication in person, by phone, or by email).

1 Daily

2 Several times a week

3 Once a week

4 Twice a month

5 Once a month

9 6 Other (Please specify): ________________________

9 8 Not applicable (My program is characterized by a centralized structure.)

  1. During the last year, on what topics did your state office provide technical assistance or training to your state and/or local programs? {Check all that apply}

1 Case guidance

2 Systems advocacy

3 State mandates, regulations

4 Legal advice or consultation

5 Outreach to consumers and stakeholders

6 LTCOP financial concerns

7 LTCOP policies and procedures

8 Trends in long-term care that impact the program (e.g., growing aging population, nursing home use of psychotropic medication, etc.)

9 NORS reporting

1 0 Volunteer management

9 6 Other (Please specify): ________________________

9 8 Not applicable

  1. Are lines of authority and accountability clearly defined for representatives of the Office at the state level (state office staff)?

1 Yes

2 No

If No, why not? _________________________________________________________________

  1. Are lines of authority and accountability clearly defined for designated representatives of the Office at the local level (local office staff)?

1 Yes

2 No

If No, why not? _________________________________________________________________

9 8 Not applicable

  1. Overall, how would you describe the effectiveness of the LTCOP statewide?

1 Very effective

2 Somewhat effective

3 Neutral

4 Somewhat ineffective

5 Very ineffective

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Overall, how would you describe the relationship between the Office of the State LTCO and local Ombudsman entities (if applicable)?

1 Very effective

2 Somewhat effective

3 Neutral

4 Somewhat ineffective

5 Very ineffective

9 7 Don’t know

9 8 Not applicable (My program is characterized by a centralized structure.)

  1. Overall, how would you describe the relationship between the Office of the State LTC Ombudsman and Federal ACL/AoA?

1 Very effective

2 Somewhat effective

3 Neutral

4 Somewhat ineffective

5 Very ineffective

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Overall, how would you describe the relationship between the Office of the State LTC Ombudsman and your Regional ACL/AoA office?

1 Very effective

2 Somewhat effective

3 Neutral

4 Somewhat ineffective

5 Very ineffective

9 7 Don’t know

Program Resources

  1. Next, we have questions about your program’s resources. Which of the following resources sufficiently meets the program’s needs? {Check all that apply}

1 Fiscal resources

2 Legal counsel

3 # of paid staff

4 # of volunteers

5 # of volunteer hours

6 Data/information systems (e.g., computers, software, mobile phones to call from the

field, etc.)

7 Administrative support

8 Communication methods to share information with consumers and stakeholders

9 Training and technical assistance

9 6 Other (Please specify): _______________________

  1. Have any of the following activities not been carried out as fully as you would have liked because of a lack of LTCOP resources? {Check all that apply}

1 Complaint investigation and resolution activities

2 Quarterly nursing home facility visits, not in response to a complaint

3 Quarterly board and care facility visits, not in response to a complaint

4 Training for facility staff

5 Consultations to facilities

6 Information and consultations to individuals

7 Resident and family education at facilities

8 Resident and family council development and support

9 Community education activities

1 0 Legal assistance for residents

1 1 Analyzing and monitoring federal, state, and local law, regulations, and other government policies and actions

1 2 Research and policy analysis to inform systems advocacy work

1 3 Facilitation with public comments on proposed legislation, laws, regulations, policies, and actions

1 4 Volunteer recruitment and retention

9 6 Other (Please specify): _______________________

  1. Are you able to determine the use of the fiscal resources appropriated or otherwise available for the operation of the LTCOP at the state level?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Partially

  1. Where local Ombudsman entities are designated, do you approve the allocations of Federal and State funds provided to such entities (subject to applicable Federal and State laws and policies)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 8 Not applicable

  1. Does your Office of the State Ombudsman secure additional financial resources (e.g., grants) and/or in-kind contributions (e.g., donated office space) beyond the Federal and State funds allocated?

  1. Yes

If Yes, what kind? _________________________________________________________________

2 No

9 8 Not applicable – The office does not have the ability to secure additional financial resources or in-kind contributions.

Legal Counsel

  1. Where does your program get legal counsel to provide consultation and/or representation for the Ombudsman program? (e.g., for complaint resolution, systems advocacy) {Check all that apply}

1 Attorney General’s office

2 LTCOP employs in-house attorney(s)

3 State Unit on Aging has in-house attorney(s) available to serve the LTCOP

4 Contracts or other arrangements with private attorneys

5 Legal assistance developer

9 6 Other (Please specify): _______________________

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Who provides legal representation to the Ombudsman or any representative of the Office against whom suit or other legal action is brought or threatened in connection with the performance of the official duties? {Check all that apply}

1 Attorney General’s office

2 LTCOP employs in-house attorney(s)

3 State Unit on Aging has in-house attorney(s) available to serve the LTCOP

4 Contracts or other arrangements with private attorneys

5 Legal assistance developer

9 6 Other (Please specify): _______________________

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Where does your program refer residents for legal representation (e.g., related to a complaint)? {Check all that apply}

1 Attorney General’s office

2 LTCOP employs in-house attorney(s)

3 State Unit on Aging has in-house attorney(s) assigned to serve residents on behalf of the LTCOP

4 Contracts or other arrangements with private attorneys

5 Legal assistance developer

6 Legal services agencies (including those funded by Title IIIB legal assistance programs)

9 6 Other (Please specify): _______________________

9 7 Don’t know

9 8 Not applicable

  1. Does the legal counsel assigned to, or contracted by your program also provide counsel to designated representatives of the Office at the local level (if applicable)?

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t know

9 8 Not applicable

  1. What is the scope of this legal assistance at the state level (i.e., for the Office of the state Ombudsman program)? {Check all that apply}

1 Represent individual residents in legal matters

2 Consultation on legal issues related to complaints (e.g., public benefits, guardianships)

3 Consultation on complaints against State/local ombudsmen

4 Civil remedies (e.g., injunction)

5 Representation in the event of a lawsuit

6 Requests for information (e.g., response to a subpoena, litigation discovery request,

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request)

7 Legislative or regulatory advocacy

8 Administrative appeals

9 Whatever issue that I need to consult about

9 6 Other (Please specify): _______________________

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Have you ever requested and not been able to obtain timely legal assistance?

1 Yes

If Yes, why? ___________________________________________________________________

2 No

  1. Is the legal counsel assigned to your program knowledgeable about BOTH ombudsman programmatic issues and long-term care issues?

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Overall, how effective is the legal assistance that your program receives?

1 Very effective

2 Somewhat effective

3 Neutral

4 Somewhat ineffective

5 Very ineffective

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Next, we have questions about program autonomy. {Please answer yes or no to each question}



  1. Has your program been unable to fulfill LTC ombudsman program duties due to legislative or regulatory restrictions?



  1. Does your program have the autonomy to carry out systems advocacy work?



  1. Is your program free to speak to the media?



  1. Is your program generally able to represent the interests of residents to state agencies involved in long-term care?




Next we’d like to understand your program’s relationships with other organizations.

  1. Below is a list of entities that have responsibilities relevant to the health, safety, well-being or rights of residents of long-term care facilities. For each one, please indicate if you or your state Ombudsman office staff have worked with or have coordinated efforts with that entity on a regular basis and then indicate the purpose of that interaction. {Please check “Yes,” “No,” or “Don’t know” in all four columns for each item}

Regular interaction?


Individual Resident Advocacy

Systems Advocacy




  1. Area Agency on Aging

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. Aging and Disability Resource Center

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. Adult Protective Services

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. Protection and Advocacy Systems

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. Facility and long-term care provider licensure and certification program

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. State Medicaid fraud control

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. Victim assistance programs (for people who have been victimized by a crime such as rape, assault, financial exploitation, etc.)

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. State and local law enforcement agencies

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. Courts

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. State legal assistance developer and legal assistance/legal aid programs

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

1 Yes

2 No

9 7 Don’t Know

  1. Overall, does the nature of the relationship that your program has with the following entities support enable you and your staff to meet resident and program needs?



Not Applicable

  1. Area Agency on Aging




  1. Aging and Disability Resource Center




  1. Adult Protective Services




  1. Protection and Advocacy Systems




  1. Facility and long-term care provider licensure and certification program




  1. State Medicaid fraud control




  1. Victim assistance programs (for people who have been victimized by a crime such as rape, assault, financial exploitation, etc.)




  1. State and local law enforcement agencies




  1. Courts




  1. State legal assistance developer and legal assistance/legal aid programs




  1. If you answered “No” to any of the questions above, what would help the relationship(s) to meet resident and program needs?




  1. Does your program work with any of the following entities not listed above? {Check all that apply.}

1 Managed Care Organizations (MCO)

2 Quality Improvement Organizations (QIO)

3 Centers for Independent Living

4 Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

5 Provider Associations

6 Consumer Advocacy Groups

7 Physician Groups

8 Veterans Administration – State

9 Veterans Administration – Federal

9 6 Other (Please specify): __________

  1. Please describe an example of a successful partnership that your office engages in.




  1. Overall how would you rate the effectiveness of your program’s relationship with the following types of facilities and providers?

A majority of the relationships are effective

Some of the relationships are effective

A few of the relationships are effective

None of the relationships are effective

Not Applicable

  1. Nursing homes






  1. Board and care homes and similar facilities*






*Board and care homes and similar facilities (residential care facilities, adult congregate living facilities, assisted living facilities, foster care homes, and other adult care homes similar to a nursing facility or board and care home which provide room, board, and personal care services to a primarily older residential population.

  1. Please describe the factors that went into your response above: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. Does your state program have the authority to serve consumers of in-home services?

1 Yes

2 No (Skip to next section on “Program Activities.”)

  1. Overall how would you rate the effectiveness of your program’s relationship with in-home service providers?

A majority of the relationships are effective

Some of the relationships are effective

A few of the relationships are effective

None of the relationships are effective

Not Applicable

  1. In-home service providers






  1. Please describe the factors that went into your response above: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Next we’d like to explore the role you play in your state LTCOP and the activities that you carry out.

  1. Does your state have minimum standards on frequency of visitation of long-term care facilities?

1 Yes

2 No (Skip to Q3)

  1. What are your state’s minimum standards for visitation?

1 Weekly

2 Less than weekly but at least once a month

3 Less than monthly but at least once every quarter

4 Twice a year

5 Once a year

9 6 Other (Please specify): _____________

  1. Does your program have a visit protocol or procedure to use when staff and volunteers visit facilities?

  1. Yes

  2. 1 Yes, some activities are required but others can be changed as needed.

  3. No (Skip to Q5)

  1. Thinking about this protocol or procedure, what topics are included? {Check all that apply}

1 Suggested duration of visit (for example, 1-3 hours)

2 How to obtain resident list (census)

3 Verification that the LTCOP poster is accessible

4 Visiting strategies in small personal care/adult family homes

5 Visiting strategies in large buildings

6 Meeting with residents

7 Ensuring privacy of visit

8 Meeting with family members or legal representatives (e.g., guardian or conservator)

9 Observing care provided to residents (while respecting resident privacy)

1 0 Observing a meal time

1 1 Observing a shift change

1 2 Observing a scheduled social activity

1 3 Walking around and looking into residents’ rooms (while respecting privacy)

1 4 Walking around and looking into common area rooms

1 5 Reviewing the posted activity schedule

1 6 Reviewing the posted meals

1 7 Keeping some “office” hours by being in a designated area

1 8 Talking with a facility administrator or lead staff

1 9 Talking with direct care staff

2 0 Talking with nurse(s), if applicable

2 1 Talking with social worker(s), if applicable

9 6 None of the above. If you selected this, please describe what your visit plan includes:



  1. Does your program have documentation standards (e.g., a standard form to be completed) for facility visits?

1 Yes

  1. No (Skip to Q7)

  1. Which of the following are included in your facility visit documentation? {Check all that apply}

1 Date

2 Name of facility

3 Duration of visit

4 Verification of accessibility of LTCOP poster/accuracy of information

5 NORS activities:

5 a Consultations to facility staff

5 b Information and consultations to individuals

5 c Complaints

5 d Attendance at family or resident councils

5 e Training of facility staff

6 Other general impressions regarding:

6 a Cleanliness

6 b Safety (e.g., clearly marked exits)

6 c Sufficient staffing (e.g., sufficient response time to resident calls)

6 d Residents are being treated with respect

6 e A current calendar of activities is available

6 f Residents appear to have freedom of movement

6 g Residents have access to use a telephone for private conversation

6 h Residents are able to send and receive mail/email privately

6 i Residents are able to have visitors including private visits with spouses

6 j Accommodation of individual preferences (e.g., wake up times, bed times)

7 Complaints raised by staff

8 Consultations requested by staff

  1. Concerns raised by residents, family, or legal representatives (guardian)

1 0 None of the above

  1. Is it your program’s practice to change the day of the week or time of day that your staff/volunteers visit in order to see different shifts, weekend shifts, or to be available to families visiting after their work days?

  1. Yes

2 No

  1. Do you personally visit nursing homes?

1 Yes

  1. No (Skip to Q11)

  1. What type of nursing home visit do you conduct: {Check all that apply}

1 Visit on a routine basis (not complaint driven)

2 Visit in response to facility problems and resident complaints

9 6 Other (Please specify): ___________________________

  1. How often do you typically visit nursing homes?

1 Weekly

2 Less than weekly but at least once a month

3 Less than monthly but at least once every quarter

4 Twice a year

5 Once a year

  1. Other (Please specify): _____________

  1. Please indicate the category of complaint that a) your program is most effective at resolving, b) your program finds most challenging to resolve, and c) takes up most of your program’s time with regard to nursing homes. {Select one in each column.}

Most effective at resolving

Most challenging to resolve

Takes up most of program’s time

Resident’s Rights

  1. Abuse, gross neglect, exploitation

1 Rectangle 8

2 Rectangle 7

3 Rectangle 6

  1. Access to information by resident or resident’s representative

1 Rectangle 4

2 Rectangle 3

3 Rectangle 2

  1. Admission, transfer, discharge, eviction

1 Rectangle 9

2 Rectangle 10

3 Rectangle 11

  1. Autonomy, choice, preference, exercise of rights, privacy

1 Rectangle 12

2 Rectangle 13

3 Rectangle 14

  1. Financial, property (except for financial exploitation)

1 Rectangle 15

2 Rectangle 16

3 Rectangle 17

Resident Care

  1. Care

1 Rectangle 18

2 Rectangle 19

3 Rectangle 20

  1. Rehabilitation or maintenance of function

1 Rectangle 21

2 Rectangle 22

3 Rectangle 23

  1. Restraints – chemical and physical

1 Rectangle 24

2 Rectangle 25

3 Rectangle 26

Quality of Life

  1. Activities and social services

1 Rectangle 27

2 Rectangle 28

3 Rectangle 29

  1. Dietary

1 Rectangle 30

2 Rectangle 31

3 Rectangle 32

  1. Environment

1 Rectangle 33

2 Rectangle 34

3 Rectangle 35


  1. Policies, procedures, attitudes, resources

1 Rectangle 36

2 Rectangle 37

3 Rectangle 38

  1. Staffing

1 Rectangle 39

2 Rectangle 40

3 Rectangle 41

Not Against Facility

  1. Certification/Licensing Agency

1 Rectangle 42

2 Rectangle 43

3 Rectangle 44

  1. State Medicaid Agency

1 Rectangle 45

2 Rectangle 46

3 Rectangle 47

  1. System/Others

1 Rectangle 48

2 Rectangle 49

3 Rectangle 47

Board and care home visits

Next, we have questions about board and care homes. Board and care homes and similar facilities include residential care facilities, adult congregate living facilities, assisted living facilities, foster care homes, and other adult care homes similar to a nursing facility or board and care home which provide room, board, and personal care services to a primarily older population.

12. Do you personally visit board and care homes?

1 Yes

  1. No (Skip to Q15)

  1. What type of board and care visit do you conduct: {Check all that apply}

1 Visit on a routine basis (not complaint driven)

2 Visit in response to facility problems and resident complaints

9 6 Other (Please specify): ___________________________

14. How often do you typically visit board and care homes?

1 Weekly

2 Less than weekly but at least once a month

3 Less than monthly but at least once every quarter

4 Twice a year

5 Once a year

  1. Other (Please specify): _____________

  1. Please indicate the category of complaint that a) your program is most effective at resolving, b) your program finds most challenging to resolve, and c) takes up most of your program’s time with regard to board and care homes. {Select one in each column.}

Most effective at resolving

Most challenging to resolve

Takes up most of program’s time

Resident’s Rights

  1. Abuse, gross neglect, exploitation

1 Rectangle 8

2 Rectangle 7

3 Rectangle 6

  1. Access to information by resident or resident’s representative

1 Rectangle 4

2 Rectangle 3

3 Rectangle 2

  1. Admission, transfer, discharge, eviction

1 Rectangle 9

2 Rectangle 10

3 Rectangle 11

  1. Autonomy, choice, preference, exercise of rights, privacy

1 Rectangle 12

2 Rectangle 13

3 Rectangle 14

  1. Financial, property (except for financial exploitation)

1 Rectangle 15

2 Rectangle 16

3 Rectangle 17

Resident Care

  1. Care

1 Rectangle 18

2 Rectangle 19

3 Rectangle 20

  1. Rehabilitation or maintenance of function

1 Rectangle 21

2 Rectangle 22

3 Rectangle 23

  1. Restraints – chemical and physical

1 Rectangle 24

2 Rectangle 25

3 Rectangle 26

Quality of Life

  1. Activities and social services

1 Rectangle 27

2 Rectangle 28

3 Rectangle 29

  1. Dietary

1 Rectangle 30

2 Rectangle 31

3 Rectangle 32

  1. Environment

1 Rectangle 33

2 Rectangle 34

3 Rectangle 35


  1. Policies, procedures, attitudes, resources

1 Rectangle 36

2 Rectangle 37

3 Rectangle 38

  1. Staffing

1 Rectangle 39

2 Rectangle 40

3 Rectangle 41

Not Against Facility

  1. Certification/Licensing Agency

1 Rectangle 42

2 Rectangle 43

3 Rectangle 44

  1. State Medicaid Agency

1 Rectangle 45

2 Rectangle 46

3 Rectangle 47

  1. System/Others

1 Rectangle 48

2 Rectangle 49

  1. Rectangle 50

Program Strengths and Challenges

  1. Are there any areas for which your program has specific expertise? {Check all that apply}

1 Providing advocacy in board and care facilities

2 Elder abuse (e.g., task forces, staff training/in services)

3 Culture change (e.g., person-centered service planning, dementia-competent

care, etc.)

4 Assisting residents in transitions out of facilities

5 Providing support during bankruptcy proceedings

6 Providing advocacy around inappropriate drug use

7 Supporting residents re: End of life care (e.g., advance directives, access to

hospice services, facility practices when someone dies)

8 Supporting residents re: Managing family conflicts, power of attorney

9 Supporting residents re: Involuntary discharge/transfers

1 0 Systems advocacy

1 1 Developing a volunteer program

9 6 Other (Please specify): ______________________________

  1. What challenges does your program face? {Check all that apply}

1 Insufficient funding

2 Insufficient program autonomy

3 Insufficient legal counsel

4 High turnover of paid staff

5 High turnover of volunteers

6 Difficulty hiring qualified paid staff

7 Difficulty recruiting volunteers

8 Working with facility administrators, corporate owners, and provider associations

9 Working with other organizations

1 0 Working with family members

1 1 Working with resident councils

1 2 Working with family councils

1 3 Offering peer-to-peer support to share what works and what does not

1 4 Receiving more training in areas where I need to be knowledgeable

9 6 Other (Please specify): __________________________________

  1. Does your program have particular difficulty serving any of the following populations? {Check all that apply}

1 People who live in rural areas

2 People who have disabilities including physical, intellectual or developmental, mental

health, or communication disabilities (e.g., deafness or blindness)

3 People with cognitive limitations, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and related diseases

4 People who speak a language other than English

5 People of diverse cultural backgrounds

6 People from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community

7 Veterans

8 Tribal elders

9 6 Other (Please specify): __________________________________


In this section, we focus on aspects of the program that are designed to ensure that high quality services are delivered, and that staff receive the training and technical assistance they need to carry out their work.

Training and Support

  1. What type of orientation, training, or support did you receive when you were first hired as the State Ombudsman? {Check all that apply}

1 Self-study (on-line training or reviewing materials provided by state program)

2 Self-study (on-line training or reviewing materials provided by the National Ombudsman Resource Center)

3 In-person classroom training

4 Mentoring/shadowing with State Ombudsman

5 Mentoring/shadowing with experienced staff

6 Training in a nursing home setting or board and care home setting

7 Attending a resident or family council meeting

8 NORC webinar for new SLTCOs

9 NORC in-person training for new SLTCOs

1 0 Introduction to key stakeholders in my state

1 1 Outreach by Federal or Regional ACL/AoA staff

1 2 Outreach by State Ombudsmen from the National Association of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (NASOP)

1 3 Training by legal counsel

1 4 None

  1. Other (Please specify): ___________________________

2. How effective was the orientation training you received in preparing you for your role as a State Ombudsman?

1 Very effective

2 Somewhat effective

3 Neutral

4 Somewhat ineffective

5 Very ineffective

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Not applicable (I did not receive an orientation training.)

3. Is there training that you did not receive during your orientation period that you think would have been helpful when you began in this role?

1 Yes

If Yes, please describe: ___________________________________________________________

2 No

Data Systems & Information Technology

  1. Is your program’s data collection system adequate for meeting ACL/AoA requirements for annual reporting?

1 Yes

  1. No

9 7 Don’t know

  1. Does your program use NORS data for any of the following purposes? {Check all that apply}

  1. Program planning

  2. 1 Program improvement

3 Examining trends for determining systems advocacy issues to focus on

4 Identifying issues of concern as well as promising practices

5 Comparing program performance against programs in other states

6 Advocacy purposes (e.g., present data to the Governor’s office, legislature, state officials and other stakeholders to convey the scope and depth of problems in the long-term care system)

  1. What other types of data do you collect?



  1. What other types of data do you not collect, but would be useful to you in your role as the State Ombudsman?



  1. What types of information technology does your program use to raise the visibility and awareness of the program and communicate its services to the public? {Check all that apply}

1 Website

2 Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

3 Email contact with clients

4 Alerts/other urgent electronic messaging to stakeholder groups

5 Electronic bulletin boards

6 Publications/brochures/newsletters in English

7 Publications/brochures/newsletters in other languages

96 Other (Please specify): ______________________________________________

National, State and Local Resources

  1. A number of entities are available to enhance the skills, knowledge and management capacity of program staff. How helpful have the following resources been to you or your program?

Very helpful

Somewhat helpful

Not helpful

Not applicable

  1. State Unit on Aging (SUA)





  1. National Association of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (NASOP)





  1. National Ombudsmen Resource Center (NORC)





  1. National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care





  1. National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD)





  1. Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging (ACL/AoA) – Central and Regional Offices





  1. Justice in Aging





  1. Support from other state agencies





  1. Other (Please specify):






  1. How often have you personally used the various resources available through the National Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC)?






    Support not available

    1. Phone/email advice or consultation







    1. Webinar







    1. Access to an expert







    1. Listserv







    1. Posted resource documents







    1. Program promotional materials







    1. Ombudsman Outlook quarterly e-newsletter







    1. Consumer Voice Conference







    1. Annual SLTCO Conference







    1. Other (Pease specify):








  2. In general, has the National Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC) been available at the point in time you needed it?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Never needed to use it

  1. What types of support have you needed in your state role in the past that were either not available or were insufficient for addressing your need/answering your question?



  1. How do you keep informed of developments in long-term care that may impact residents and/or program practices?

1 State Unit on Aging (SUA)

2 National Association of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (NASOP)

3 National Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC)

4 Administration for Community Living (ACL)

5 Other state agencies

6 National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care Conference

7 Other national organizations or associations

9 6 Other (Please specify): _______________________

  1. How satisfied are you with your job as the State Ombudsman?

1 Very satisfied

2 Somewhat satisfied

3 Neutral

4 Somewhat unsatisfied

5 Very unsatisfied

  1. To what do you attribute your satisfaction or dissatisfaction?



  1. Is there any topic or issue you expected us to cover that was not covered in this survey? Please describe the issue(s) and explain why you think it is/they are important.




The next several questions collect information about your characteristics, such as age, race, and education.

  1. In what year were you born? __________

  2. How do you identify your race? {Check all that apply}

1 American Indian or Alaska Native

2 Asian

3 Black or African American

4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

5 White

9 6 Other (Please specify): __________________________

  1. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

1 Yes

2 No

  1. With what gender category do you identify?

1 Female

2 Male

  1. What is the highest grade or year you completed in school?

1 Less than high school or GED

2 High school or GED

3 College coursework but not degree (may include community college coursework)

4 Associate’s degree

5 Bachelor’s degree

6 Some graduate work

7 Masters’ degree

8 Juris Doctorate

9 Doctor of Philosophy

1 0 Medical Degree

Thank you for your participation!

Please send your completed form to NORC using the enclosed postage paid envelope.

You may also return the completed survey by faxing it to:



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Last Modified ByWindows User
File Modified2016-12-16
File Created2016-12-16

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