Administration for Community Living


Federal Forms

OMB NumberTitle
0985-0082 ACL Generic Clearance for the Collection of Routine Customer Feedback
0985-0081 ACL Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Research and Assessment Data
0985-0080 ACL Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Research and Assessment
0985-0079 Administration on Disabilities Evaluation of Technical Assistance for Independent Living Grantees
0985-0078 Analysis of Senior Medicare Patrol Grantees’ Program Implementation
0985-0077 National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) Performance Management Support Evaluation
0985-0076 ACL Lifespan Respite Program Grantee Performance Measurement Reporting Tool
0985-0075 Office of Healthcare Information and Counseling (OHIC) Profiles at ACL
0985-0074 Process Evaluation of the Aging Network and its Return on Investment
0985-0073 Fidelity Evaluation of the Administration for Community Livings Evidence-Based Programs
0985-0072 State Performance Report for FY 2022-2025
0985-0071 The Inventory of State Adult Protective Services Practices and Service Innovations: APS Practice Survey
0985-0070 State Health Insurance Assistance Program Annual Sub-Recipients Report
0985-0069 Outcome Evaluation of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP)
0985-0068 Annual SMP/SHIP National Training Conference Survey
0985-0067 Study on the impact of COVID-19 on Adult Protective Service (APS) Programs
0985-0066 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) State Partnership Program
0985-0065 Adult Protective Services Outcomes Study
0985-0064 Application for Older Americans Act, Title VI Parts A/B and C Grants
0985-0063 One Protection and Advocacy Annual Program Performance Report
0985-0062 No Wrong Door System Management Tool
0985-0061 Centers for Independent Living (CIL) Program Performance Report (PPR)
0985-0060 National Center on Law and Elder Rights-Resource Support and User Satisfaction
0985-0059 Assessment and Evaluation of ACL's American Indian, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian Programs Older Americans Act Title VI; short title: Assessment and Evaluation of the Title VI Programs).
0985-0058 Protection and Advocacy for Traumatic Brain Injury (PATBI) Program Performance Report
0985-0057 SHIP-SMP Survey of One-on-One Assistance
0985-0056 SHIP-SMP Survey of Group Outreach and Education Events
0985-0055 Process Evaluation and Special Studies Related to the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
0985-0054 National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System
0985-0053 Application for Grants under Disability and Rehabilitation Research (1894-0001)
0985-0052 National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) Outcome Evaluation
0985-0051 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program -- Phase II -- Grant Application
0985-0050 Annual Performance Reporting (APR) System for NIDRR Grantees (RERCs, RRTCS, FIPs, ARRTs, DBTAC, DRRPs)
0985-0049 Annual Progress Report for the Access to Telework Program under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended
0985-0048 State Plan of Assistive Technology
0985-0047 Annual Progress Report for the Title III Alternative Financing Program Under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998
0985-0046 Annual Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) Program Performance Report, Form RSA 661
0985-0045 Assurances for the Protection and Advocacy for Assistive Technology (PAAT) Program
0985-0044 State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) for the State Independent Living Services and Center for Independent Living programs
0985-0043 Independent Living Services (ILS) Program Performance Report (PPR)
0985-0042 Annual Performance Report for the State Grant for Assistive Technology Program
0985-0041 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program-Phase I Grant Application (1894-0001)
0985-0040 State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) Client Contact Forms
0985-0039 Prevention and Public Health Funds Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Program Information Collection
0985-0038 The National Family Caregiver Support Program Process Evaluation
0985-0037 OAA Title III-C Evaluation of the Elderly Nutrition Services Program
0985-0036 Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Program
0985-0035 Evaluation of the Aging Disability Resource Center Program
0985-0034 Developmental Disabilities Protection and Advocacy Statement of Goals and Priorities
0985-0033 Developmental Disabilities Council Program Performance Report
0985-0032 Help America Vote Act (HAVA) Voting Access Annual Report and Application-States
0985-0031 Developmental Disabilities Program Independent Evaluation Project
0985-0030 Annual Report on Progress - University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service
0985-0029 Developmental Disabilities State Plan
0985-0028 Protection and Advocacy Voting Access Annual Report
0985-0027 Developmental Disabilities Protection and Advocacy Program Performance Report
0985-0026 Financial Status Reporting Form for Program of State Council on Developmental Disabilities
0985-0025 2010 Study of the Older Americans Act Provider Network
0985-0024 Performance Data Collection for SMP Program Outcome
0985-0023 National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants
0985-0022 Alzheimer's Disease Supportive Services Program (ADSSP) Data Collection
0985-0021 2005 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging
0985-0020 Third National Study of OAA Title III Service Recipients
0985-0019 AoA Nutrition and Physical Activity Campaign
0985-0018 ACL Funding Opportunity Announcement
0985-0017 2003 National Survey of Older American Act Participants
0985-0016 National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) 50-State Survey
0985-0015 National Family Caregiver Support Program Survey: Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children
0985-0014 National Survey of Older American Act Participants
0985-0013 Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States Program Evaluation Data Collection
0985-0012 Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grants to States Program Semi-Annual Report and Instructions
0985-0011 Operation Restore Trust
0985-0010 AoA Y2K Day One Report
0985-0009 Certification of Maintenance of Effort
0985-0008 State Program Report for Titles III and VII of the Older Americans Act
0985-0007 Title VI Program Performance Report
0985-0006 Performance (Progress) Report for AoA Grantees
0985-0005 State Annual Long-Term Care Ombudsman Report
0985-0004 Supplemental Form to the Financial Status Report for all AoA Title III Grantees

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