Adult Protective Services Outcomes Study

OMB 0985-0065

OMB 0985-0065

APS programs are provided by state and local governments nationwide and serve older adults and adults with disabilities in need of assistance due to maltreatment, which can include: physical, emotional, and sexual abuse; financial exploitation; neglect; and self-neglect. APS is an important avenue through which maltreatment is reported to law enforcement or other agencies. Additionally, APS programs are often the gateway for adults who experience maltreatment to access additional community, social, health, behavioral health, and legal services to maintain independence in the settings in which they prefer to live. APS programs work closely with clients and a wide variety of allied professionals to maximize safety and independence, while respecting each client’s right to self-determination. APS programs provide a range of services to the clients they serve, including: • investigating reports of adult maltreatment; • case planning, monitoring, evaluating, and other casework; and • providing, arranging for, or facilitating the provision of medical, social service, economic, legal, housing, law enforcement, or other protective, emergency, or support services. The purpose of this information collection (“the study”) is to examine if and how APS programs make a difference in the lives of APS clients with regard to their self-determination, safety, well-being, and satisfaction with services. The design of the study was informed by key foundational activities, including a review of the literature and existing datasets, the development of a logic model and a theoretical framework, and guidance from ACL content experts and a technical expert panel (TEP), consisting of researchers, practitioners, and program leaders within APS.

The latest form for Adult Protective Services Outcomes Study expires 2023-01-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Adult Protective Services Outcomes Study

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Community and Social Services - Social Services

Form NAAPS Client Interview Fillable FileableForm and instruction
Form NAAPS Client Questionnaire Web VersionFillable FileableForm and instruction
Form NAAPS Client Questionnaire Fillable FileableForm and instruction

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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