State Program Report for Titles III and VII of the Older Americans Act

OMB 0985-0008

OMB 0985-0008

The Administration for Community Living’s (ACL) Administration on Aging (AoA) is seeking OMB approval to continue collecting data using the State Program Report after expiration on 12/31/2019. This is a revision request to the 2016 approved version of the Reporting Requirements for Title III and VII State Program Report Definitions. The currently approved version of the State Program Report (SPR) includes language intended for usage in FY 2023. Since these data elements are not required for usage until FY 2023, under the Paperwork Reduction Act ACL is required to update the information collection (IC) to contain only the language and requirements for collection years 2020-2023. Removing the proposed FY 2023 language from the currently approved SPR causes a revision to OMB 0985-0008. ACL intends to seek OMB approval under a new OMB control number for the FY 2023-2026 data elements allowing usage of 0985-0008 until the new IC is approved and ready for usage. The information submitted by Title III grantees is AoA’s principle source for data and information on programs and services funded under the Older Americans Act (OAA). The State Program Report (SPR) serves as the Program Performance Report for the state grantees to meet their annual grantee reporting requirements and includes the data required by the OAA to be reported in the AoA Annual Report to Congress. The data collection is summary data of services for seniors provided or managed by State Units on Aging (SUA) and Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). Data is submitted annually by the 50 states, four Territories (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands), and Washington, D.C. It includes information on the number of people served, the number of units of specific services, Title III expenditures, total expenditures, number of state and local staff, number of providers, and major accomplishments. Data from the SPR are a significant primary source for performance measures in the Congressional budget justification; the HHS Annual Performance Plan and Report as well as the Annual Report to Congress referred to above. AoA also uses the data to respond to inquiries from stakeholders, the public, the press as well as program and policy decision makers.

The latest form for State Program Report for Titles III and VII of the Older Americans Act expires 2022-12-31 and can be found here.

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