NPRA Screener Questions

NSF Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities (NPRA)

Attachment H - Communications with Nonprofit Organizations of Unknown Eligibility

NPRA Screener Questions

OMB: 3145-0240

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Attachment H. Communications with Nonprofit Organizations of
Unknown Eligibility

NSF Letterhead
Contact 1: Unknown Prenotification [Letter] with e-mail
[Name of Nonprofit Organization]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Dr. /Mr. /Ms.] [Last Name]:
Why am I getting this letter?
We at the National Science Foundation (NSF) are contacting U.S. nonprofit organizations to identify
those who have invested in research and request their participation in a national survey. The NSF
Nonprofit Research Activities survey will collect information on the amount and types of research
spending within an organization during your fiscal year that ended in 2016. It also asks about the
number of personnel engaged in the research activities. A copy of the complete survey can be found on
NSF's website at
How do I know if my organization qualifies for the survey?
Please review the definitions and examples of research on the other side to determine if your
organization performs or funds any research activities. If you aren’t sure, please contact us.
What are you asking me to do?
Return the included information card using the business reply envelope letting us know whether or not
your organization performs or funds research.
 If your answer is no to both questions: We will remove you from our contact list.
 If your answer is yes: You will receive an invitation to the web survey in February. If you
would like to receive your survey log-in information immediately, please contact us toll-free
or e-mail us.
Who should I contact for more information?

ICF (NSF’s Survey Contractor):
Ronda Britt (NSF Project Officer):

844-592-6268 (toll-free) or [email protected]
703-292-7765 or [email protected]

Thank you for your help with this important effort.
John R. Gawalt
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation

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By research, we mean …
For the purposes of this survey, research includes research and experimental development.
Research and experimental development comprise creative and systematic work to:

Increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humankind, culture, and society OR
Devise new applications of available knowledge (including materials, products, devices, processes,
systems, or services).

Research activities must be …

projects that advance current knowledge or create new knowledge
projects focused on original concepts and hypotheses
project outcomes are unable to be completely determined at the outset
projects are planned and budgeted
Transferable/Reproducible: project methodology and results are transferable/ reproducible to
other situations and locations

Examples of projects that …
May meet the criteria for research

Most likely do not meet the criteria for research




Laboratory or animal studies
Clinical trials
Prototype development
Outcomes research
Development/measurement of new
methods to deliver/measure social service
Policy research
Humanities research
Research traineeships
Other experimental studies


Internal program monitoring or evaluation
Public service grants or outreach programs
Education or training programs
Quality control testing
Market research
Management studies/efficiency surveys
Literary, artistic, or historical projects, such as
films, music, or books and other publications
Feasibility studies, unless included as part of an
overall research project

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Screener Card

Note: The survey organization number (NPRA specific) will be
printed on the back of each card.

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Contact 2: Unknown Screener Reminder 1 [E-mail] Screener Card Non-responders

Primary contact e-mail
NSF Nonprofit Research Activities Survey
NSF Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities: Reminder to respond [ORG ID]

Dear [Dr. /Mr. /Ms.] [Last name]:
A few weeks ago we sent you a letter asking you to return a brief information card indicating whether
your organization performed and/or funded research in FY 2016. To date, we have not received your
If you have already returned the information card, thank you.
If you have not, we still need your response!
If your organization does not perform or fund research, please return the postage paid card or contact
us at [email protected] and we will remove you from our contact list. Please see the definition of
research at the end of this e-mail.
If your organization does perform and/or fund research, please return the information card using the
provided postage paid business reply envelope or contact us. If you would like to get a jump start on
your NPRA survey, contact us directly at 844-592-6268 or at [email protected] for your
survey log-in information. Otherwise you will receive an invitation to the NPRA web survey in
Thank you for your time and participation.
Ronda Britt
Project Officer, Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation
[email protected]

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Contact 3a: Unknown Follow-Up Calls (without e-mail address)
Call primary contact at unknown organizations without an e-mail address that have not returned the
screener card or contacted ICF. Issues to be highlighted during a telephone call to non-respondents of
unknown organizations are presented below.
Talking directly to the primary contact
1. Indicate that you are calling on behalf of the National Science Foundation regarding the Survey
of Nonprofit Research Activities.
2. Indicate they should have received a priority letter informing them of the survey and that it
included an information card to be returned. The card asked them to answer a few questions on
whether their organization funded or performed research in FY 2016 and send it back using the
business reply envelope.
3. Indicate we have not received any contact from them on whether they fund/perform so you are
following up to: 1) make sure they received the mailing and 2) find out if their organization
funded and/or performed research.
a. If the organization does not recall receiving the mailing, confirm the contact information
(primary contact, mailing address, and ask if there is an e-mail address we can have).
Record this information and proceed to finding out if the organization funded and/or
performed research in FY 2016.
b. [Only if respondent recalls receiving the mailing] Ask the respondent if their
organization funded and/or performed research in FY 2016.
i. If NO, record this information, thank the respondent for their time, and inform
them they will not receive further contact about this effort.
ii. If YES, record this information, and inform them they will receive an e-mail
invitation to take the Nonprofit Research Activities survey when it launches in
February. (If they would like to participate immediately, please inform ICF as
part of the daily report.) Obtain e-mail address. (If no e-mail is available,
confirm the mailing address and record that a mailed survey should be sent.)
Thank the respondent for their time and ask if they have any questions. Let
them know they can contact us at 844-592-6268 or by e-mail at
[email protected]. The primary contact can also still complete the
information card and return it with the postage paid business reply envelope.
Talking to a gatekeeper or other non-primary contact
Indicate that you are calling on behalf of the National Science Foundation regarding the Survey of
Nonprofit Research Activities and ask for the primary contact. If you cannot get the primary contact
immediately/gatekeeper is resistant or has questions:
1. Indicate the primary contact should have received a mailing informing them of the survey and
that it included a card with a few brief questions about their organization’s research
performance or funding activities in FY 2016. Inform them we have not received the card nor
any contact from the primary contact on whether they fund and/or perform research so you are

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following up to: 1) make sure they received the mailing and 2) find out if their organization
funded and/or performed research.
2. If the gatekeeper tells you the organization does not fund and/or perform research, read the
definition of research to confirm.
a. If the gatekeeper believes their organization seems to meet the definition, indicate you
would like to speak with the primary contact regarding the survey. If you cannot get the
primary contact on the phone immediately, leave a message for him/her to call us at
844-592-6268 or by e-mail at [email protected] or completing the information
card and returning it.
b. If the gatekeeper deems that the organization does not seem to meet the definition,
obtain the gatekeeper’s name and title if possible and record this information. Flag call
for ICF staff to re-contact and try and speak to the primary contact.
3. If possible when talking to the gatekeeper confirm the mailing address and obtain primary
contact e-mail address.
Leaving a message
1. If the respondent cannot be reached, leave a voicemail identifying yourself and the survey, the
purpose of the call, the date of the mailing referenced, and the action the respondent must
Voicemail example: “Hello, my name is [SSI staff], and I’m calling on behalf of the
National Science Foundation about the Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities. In midOctober we sent you a mailing about this survey and asking for you to return a card
indicating whether your organization funds or performs research. To date, we have not
received this information. We would appreciate your taking the time to complete this
card and send it back. You can also let us know by e-mail at [email protected]. If
you have any questions, please call us at 844-592-6268.
A similar message, with needed revisions, can be left with an administrative assistant or
2. During a call cycle, leave only one message but continue to try to contact respondents at
different times throughout the cycle.

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Contact 3b: Unknown Follow-Up Calls (with e-mail address)
Call primary contact at unknown organizations with e-mail address that have not returned the screener
card or contacted ICF. Issues to be highlighted during a telephone call to non-respondents of unknown
organizations are presented below.
Talking directly to the primary contact
1. Indicate that you are calling on behalf of the National Science Foundation regarding the Survey
of Nonprofit Research Activities.
2. Indicate they should have received a priority letter informing them of the survey and that the
mailing included an information card to be returned. The card asked them to answer a few
questions box on whether their organization funded or performed research in 2016 and send it
back using a postage paid business reply envelope.
3. Indicate we have not received any contact from them on whether they fund and/or perform so
you are following up to: 1) make sure they received the mailing, and 2) find out if their
organization funded and/or performed research.
a. If the organization does not recall receiving the mailing, confirm the contact information
(primary contact, mailing address, and e-mail address). Record this information and
proceed to finding out if the organization funded and/or performed research in FY 2016.
b. [Only if respondent recalls receiving the mailing] Ask the respondent if their
organization funded and/or performed research in FY 2016.
i. If NO, record this information, thank the respondent for their time, and inform
them they will not receive further contact about this effort.
ii. If YES, record this information, and inform them they will receive an e-mail
invitation to take the Nonprofit Research Activities survey when it launches in
February. (If they would like to participate immediately, please inform ICF as
part of the daily report.) Thank the respondent for their time and ask if they
have any questions. Let them know they can contact us at 844-592-6268 or by
e-mail at [email protected].
Talking to a gatekeeper or other non-primary contact
Indicate that you are calling on behalf of the National Science Foundation regarding the Survey of
Nonprofit Research Activities and ask for the primary contact. If you cannot get the primary contact
immediately/gatekeeper is resistant or has questions:
1. Indicate the primary contact should have received a mailing informing them of the survey and
that it included a card with a few brief questions about their organization’s research
performance or funding activities in FY 2016. Inform them we have not received the card nor
any contact from the primary contact on whether they fund and/or perform research so you are
following up to: 1) make sure they received the mailing, and 2) find out if their organization
funded and/or performed research.

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2. If the gatekeeper tells you the organization does not fund and/or perform research, read the
definition of research to confirm.
a. If the gatekeeper believes their organization seems to meet the definition, indicate you
would like to speak with the primary contact regarding the survey. If you cannot get the
primary contact on the phone immediately, leave a message for him/her to call us at
844-592-6268 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The primary contact can also
still complete the card and return it.
b. If the gatekeeper deems that the organization does not seem to meet the definition,
obtain the gatekeeper’s name and title if possible and record this information. Flag call
for ICF staff to re-contact and try and speak to the primary contact.
Leaving a message
1. If the respondent cannot be reached, leave a voicemail identifying yourself and the survey, the
purpose of the call, the date of the mailing referenced, and the action the respondent must
Voicemail example: “Hello, my name is [SSI staff], and I’m calling on behalf of the
National Science Foundation about the Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities. In midOctober we sent you a mailing about this survey and asked you to return the card
indicating whether your organization performs and/or funds research. To date, we have
not received this information. We would appreciate you taking the time to complete the
card and send it back. You can also let us know by email at [email protected]. If
you have any questions, please call us at 844-592-6268.”
A similar message, with needed revisions, can be left with an administrative assistant or
2. During a call cycle, leave only one message but continue to try to contact respondents at
different times throughout the cycle.

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NSF Letterhead
Contact 4: Unknown Screener Mailing Reminder 2 [Letter]
[Name of Nonprofit Organization]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Dear [Dr. /Mr. /Ms.] [Last Name]:
Why am I getting this letter?
Recently we at the National Science Foundation (NSF) tried to contact you to determine if your
organization invested in research in your fiscal year ending in 2016. Our goal is to document the
important research contributions that nonprofit organizations make to the U.S. economy through the
use of the Nonprofit Research Activities survey. A copy of the complete survey can be found on NSF’s
website at
How do I know if my organization qualifies for the survey?
Please review the definitions and examples of research on the other side to determine if your
organization performs or funds any research activities. If you aren’t sure, please contact us.
What are you asking me to do?
Return the attached information card or contact us toll-free at 844-592-6468 by February 13, 2018
letting us know whether or not your organization performs or funds research.
 If your answer is no to both questions: We will remove you from our contact list.
 If your answer is yes: You will receive an invitation to the web survey in February. If you
would like to receive your survey log-in information immediately, please contact us directly
at 844-592-6468 or [email protected].
Who should I contact for more information?

ICF (NSF’s Survey Contractor):
Ronda Britt (NSF Project Officer):

844-592-6268 (toll-free) or [email protected]
703-292-7765 or [email protected]

Thank you for your help with this important effort.

Ronda Britt
Project Officer, Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
National Science Foundation
[email protected]

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By research, we mean …
For the purposes of this survey, research includes research and experimental development.
Research and experimental development comprise creative and systematic work to:

Increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humankind, culture, and society OR
Devise new applications of available knowledge (including materials, products, devices, processes,
systems, or services).

Research activities must be …

projects that advance current knowledge or create new knowledge
projects focused on original concepts and hypotheses
project outcomes are unable to be completely determined at the outset
projects are planned and budgeted
Transferable/Reproducible: project methodology and results are transferable/ reproducible to
other situations and locations

Examples of projects that …
May meet the criteria for research

Most likely do not meet the criteria for research




Laboratory or animal studies
Clinical trials
Prototype development
Outcomes research
Development/measurement of new
methods to deliver/measure social service
Policy research
Humanities research
Research traineeships
Other experimental studies


Internal program monitoring or evaluation
Public service grants or outreach programs
Education or training programs
Quality control testing
Market research
Management studies/efficiency surveys
Literary, artistic, or historical projects, such as
films, music, or books and other publications
Feasibility studies, unless included as part of an
overall research project

Screener Card

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Note: The survey organization number (NPRA specific) will be
printed on the back of each card.

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Contact 5: Unknown Screener Final Reminder 1 [E-mail] Non-responders

Primary contact e-mail
NSF Nonprofit Research Activities Survey
Please respond! NSF Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities [ORG ID]

Dear [Dr. /Mr. /Ms.] [Last name]:
We are making our final attempt to screen organizations for participation in the National Science
Foundation’s FY 2016 Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities, which will begin in February. If your
organization does not conduct or fund research activities, please let us know by February 13 to be
taken off the survey mailing list.
Please reply to this email with answers to the following questions:
1. Did your organization perform research in FY 2016? (Yes or No)
2. Did your organization fund research performed outside of your organization in FY 2016? (Yes or
3. What is your title?
4. Is this your organization’s correct name? [org name] (Yes or No)
5. Is this your organization’s correct employer identification number (EIN)?: [org_ein] (Yes or No)
6. What is your telephone number?
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at 844-592-6268 or by e-mail at
[email protected].
Thank you for your time and participation.
Meagan Canali
Data Collection Manager
NSF Survey of Nonprofit Research Activities
Toll-free: 844-592-6268
[email protected]

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorBritt, Ronda K.
File Modified2017-11-30
File Created2017-11-30

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