NORS Burden Estimates

NORS Burden Estimates 01-08-2016.xlsx

State Annual Long-Term Care Ombudsman Report

NORS Burden Estimates

OMB: 0985-0005

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GS Pay Tables
A-1 sel info by St

Sheet 1: Calculator

Average Burden Hours Per State Notes

Closed Cases (FFY 2013) 123,666 See Tab "A-1 sel info by State"

Average Documentation Time (Minutes) 10 Based on average time required by early pilot states to document a case by computer

Documentation Time (Minutes) 1,236,660 Closed Cases X 10 Minutes

Documentation Time (Hours) 20,611 Minutes/60

AoA Report Documentation Time (Hours): 6,870.3 About two-thirds of the information entered for a typical case is for use at the state level and is not required for the AoA report

ORT Input Time (Hours) 832 A fair estimate for an average state is 2 days or 16 hours of staff time. Sixteen hours times 52 states totals 832

Total Hours 7,702.3 AoA Report Documentation Time (Hours) + ORT Input Time (Hours)

Average Burden Per State 148.1 Total Hours/52 (DC and Puerto are counted in addition to our 50 states)

Cost to Respondents Notes

Average Burden Per State 148.1 Total Hours/52 (DC and Puerto are counted in addition to our 50 states)

Est. Average Local Salary Hourly Rate $22.32 Based on a 2015 NORC salary survey

Est. Time per Local (Hours) 132.10

State Ombudsmen Hourly Rate $33.65 Based on a 2015 NORC salary survey

Est. Time Per State (Hours) 16 A fair estimate for an average state is 2 days or 16 hours of staff time. Benefits & Overhead Total by state
State Ombudsman Respondent Cost $538 State Ombudsman Hourly Rate x Est. Time Per State (Hours) 2 $1,076.80
Local Ombudsman Respondent Cost $2,948.47 Average Burden Per State x Est. Average Local Salary 2 $5,896.94

$3,486.87 Sum of Local Ombudsman Respondent Cost + State Ombudsman Respondent Cost Total State $6,973.74
Est. National Cost (Local) $153,321 Local Ombudsman RespondentWage Cost x 52

$153,321 Benefits & overhead 2 $306,641.09
Est. National Cost (State) $27,996.80 State Ombudsman Wage Respondent Cost x 52 2 $55,993.60

$27,996.80 Benefits & overhead

Total Annual Costs to All Respondents $362,634.69 Sum of Local Ombudsman Respondent Cost and State Ombudsman Respondent Cost Total All $362,634.69

Annualized Cost to Federal Government

GS Grade/Step* Quantity Percent Time Annual Costs Notes
GS 15-4 1 2% $2,777.42 Dropped to 2% from 5%
GS 13-8 1 5% $5,600.70
GS 13-4 1 10% $9,990.50 Increased from 5% to 10%

Contract Cost $172,500.00

*GS table used relates to DC-Baltimore-NOVA area
Annualized Cost to Federal Government $190,868.62 Sum of Annualized Costs

Sheet 2: GS Pay Tables

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
1 22560 23314 24064 24810 25561 26000 26742 27490 27518 28213
2 25364 25968 26808 27518 27829 28648 29466 30285 31103 31922
3 27675 28598 29521 30444 31367 32290 33213 34136 35059 35982
4 31069 32105 33141 34177 35213 36249 37285 38321 39357 40393
5 34759 35918 37077 38236 39395 40554 41713 42872 44031 45190
6 38747 40039 41330 42622 43914 45206 46498 47790 49082 50374
7 43057 44492 45927 47361 48796 50231 51666 53100 54535 55970
8 47684 49274 50864 52454 54044 55634 57224 58814 60404 61994
9 52668 54423 56178 57934 59689 61444 63199 64955 66710 68465
10 58000 59932 61865 63798 65731 67664 69597 71530 73462 75395
11 63722 65847 67971 70095 72219 74343 76467 78592 80716 82840
12 76378 78924 81471 84017 86564 89110 91657 94203 96750 99296
13 90823 93851 96878 99905 102932 105960 108987 112014 115041 118069
14 107325 110902 114480 118057 121635 125213 128790 132368 135945 139523
15 126245 130453 134662 138871 143079 147288 151496 155705 158700 * 158700 *

Sheet 3: A-1 sel info by St

State Cases opened Cases Closed/ Complain- ants Complaints Licensed Nursing Facilities Licensed Board & Care & Similar Facilities1 All Facilities Local Ombuds- man Entities Paid Pro- gram Staff Certified Volunteer Ombuds- men Total Program Expen- ditures Complain- ants per LTC Facility Bed Complaints per LTC Facility Bed Complaints per Com- plainant Number of LTC Facility Beds per Paid Program Staff (FTEs) Nursing Facilities Visited at least quarterly 2 Board & Care Facilities Visited at least quarterly 2 LTC Facilities Visited at least quarterly 2 Nursing Facilities Visited at least quarterly 2,3 Board & Care Facilities Visited at least quarterly 2,3
Number Number Number Number Beds Number
Number Beds Programs ( FTE's) Number ($000's) Number Number Number (Beds) Total Total Total Percentage Percentage Table of Contents
Total 2013 124,958 123,666 190,592 16,516 1,716,787 53,376
69,892 2,989,591 575 1,233 8,290 $92,502 0.04 0.06 1.54 2,424 11,589 15,710 27,299 70.2% 29.4%
2012 127,896 126,398 193,650 16,528 1,723,433 52,928
69,456 2,972,218 573 1,180 8,712 $90,777 0.04 0.07 1.53 2,518 11,173 13,470 24,643 67.6% 25.4%
2011 134,830 132,387 204,144 16,602 1,733,444 52,550
69,152 2,967,230 575 1,187 9,065 87,577 0.04 0.07 1.54 2,501 11,069 14,482 25,551 66.7% 27.6%
2010 143,062 139,296 211,937 16,639 1,736,645 52,681
69,320 2,948,660 578 1,166 8,813 87,840 0.05 0.07 1.52 2,529 12,231 20,262 32,493 73.5% 38.5%
2009 161,222 157,617 233,025 16,653 1,737,301 52,371
69,024 2,900,309 573 1,203 8,661 84,946 0.05 0.08 1.48 2,411 12,949 23,593 36,542 77.8% 45.0%
2008 184,591 182,506 271,650 16,749 1,740,115 50,116
66,865 2,870,978 572 1,293 8,771 86,867 0.06 0.09 1.49 2,220 13,357 22,957 36,314 79.7% 45.8%
AK 655 713 1,316 17 776 636
653 4,408 0 5.0 17 $729 0.16 0.30 1.85 882 1 0 1 6% 0%
AL 554 532 1,016 231 27,119 350
581 37,259 13 20.8 1 $1,568 0.01 0.03 1.91 1,791 231 299 530 100% 85%
AR 1,066 1,066 1,126 238 25,531 139
377 32,958 8 15.0 338 $942 0.03 0.03 1.06 2,197 238 139 377 100% 100%
AZ 2,260 2,260 3,714 146 16,370 2,086
2,232 48,910 8 23.0 74 $1,520 0.05 0.08 1.64 2,123 144 268 412 99% 13%
CA 30,592 30,964 39,661 1,271 121,188 7,571
8,842 296,002 35 112.2 856 $9,642 0.10 0.13 1.28 2,637 853 2,220 3,073 67% 29%
CO 1,961 1,961 3,678 203 20,158 569
772 37,876 16 31.5 26 $2,234 0.05 0.10 1.88 1,201 203 569 772 100% 100%
CT 1,264 1,317 2,353 234 27,126 189
423 36,368 9 9.0 31 $1,902 0.04 0.06 1.79 4,041 234 89 323 100% 47%
DC 555 522 1,198 19 2,766 136
155 4,510 0 9.0 37 $557 0.12 0.27 2.30 501 19 70 89 100% 51%
DE 439 528 630 50 5,135 104
154 7,363 0 6.0 32 $531 0.07 0.09 1.19 1,227 50 94 144 100% 90%
FL 2,752 2,926 6,480 682 83,342 3,397
4,079 170,093 17 24.0 366 $2,959 0.02 0.04 2.21 7,087 168 371 539 25% 11%
GA 2,618 2,459 4,271 372 40,866 2,590
2,962 74,559 13 47.3 7 $2,410 0.03 0.06 1.74 1,575 327 1,501 1,828 88% 58%
HI 62 53 99 50 4,300 1,638
1,688 12,074 0 2.0 40 $167 0.00 0.01 1.87 6,037 49 20 69 98% 1%
IA 731 711 1,174 447 31,482 408
855 54,123 8 12.0 6 $1,027 0.013 0.022 1.65 4,510 24 2 26 5% 0%
ID 984 992 1,746 78 5,960 287
365 15,295 6 17.5 54 $673 0.06 0.11 1.76 877 78 287 365 100% 100%
IL 4,629 4,478 7,085 1,068 105,348 510
1,578 136,768 16 68.3 149 $4,455 0.03 0.05 1.58 2,002 679 371 1,050 64% 73%
IN 1,025 986 1,345 517 51,596 270
787 70,000 17 20.1 24 $897 0.01 0.02 1.36 3,476 407 90 497 79% 33%
KS 1,763 1,684 2,099 350 22,170 442
792 35,386 9 9.5 119 $715 0.05 0.06 1.25 3,725 299 15 314 85% 3%
KY 4,184 3,991 5,947 310 27,687 214
524 34,000 15 36.3 109 $1,528 0.12 0.17 1.49 938 297 206 503 96% 96%
LA 769 731 998 283 34,905 99
382 40,093 7 16.5 5 $1,067 0.02 0.02 1.37 2,430 283 99 382 100% 100%
MA 4,360 4,376 6,036 431 48,503 80
511 50,978 24 38.3 308 $2,844 0.09 0.12 1.38 1,332 431 80 511 100% 100%
MD 1,555 1,578 2,873 233 27,843 1,389
1,622 48,270 19 36.2 94 $2,514 0.03 0.06 1.82 1,333 233 304 537 100% 22%
ME 753 649 1,211 106 6,977 251
357 14,103 0 8.2 62 $729 0.05 0.09 1.87 1,714 106 251 357 100% 100%
MI 1,930 1,732 3,566 447 46,870 4,637
5,084 95,933 14 20.8 58 $2,013 0.02 0.04 2.06 4,603 202 3 205 45% 0%
MN 1,262 1,320 2,693 375 29,871 2,275
2,650 131,096 16 21.0 49 $2,058 0.01 0.02 2.04 6,243 212 255 467 57% 11%
MO 4,820 4,740 5,545 529 56,073 622
1,151 78,327 8 17.8 231 $1,054 0.06 0.07 1.17 4,413 485 208 693 92% 33%
MS 1,599 1,402 2,118 211 20,104 190
401 25,784 10 18.5 5 $1,046 0.05 0.08 1.51 1,394 211 190 401 100% 100%
MT 536 534 1,062 128 7,556 198
326 12,974 9 16.3 1 $948 0.04 0.08 1.99 796 128 198 326 100% 100%
NC 1,670 1,630 3,058 444 50,335 1,261
1,705 91,345 16 37.6 1,050 $3,816 0.02 0.03 1.88 2,431 353 903 1,256 80% 72%
ND 634 626 835 118 6,715 141
259 11,197 6 4.6 50 $264 0.06 0.07 1.33 2,461 118 139 257 100% 99%
NE 530 546 827 226 16,651 287
513 28,327 6 4.0 54 $230 0.02 0.03 1.51 7,082 129 61 190 57% 21%
NH 323 194 431 82 7,522 154
236 12,780 0 6.0 23 $477 0.02 0.03 2.22 2,130 14 4 18 17% 3%
NJ 2,265 2,343 5,093 385 51,877 520
905 77,167 0 26.0 217 $2,755 0.03 0.07 2.17 2,968 267 0 267 69% 0%
NM 2,764 2,715 4,491 73 6,764 220
293 11,513 5 8.5 85 $700 0.24 0.39 1.65 1,354 73 172 245 100% 78%
NV 748 760 1,586 51 5,837 491
542 13,578 0 13.3 7 $1,180 0.06 0.12 2.09 1,025 51 360 411 100% 73%
NY 1,569 1,606 2,658 635 115,708 912
1,547 160,347 34 40.7 920 $2,614 0.01 0.02 1.66 3,938 500 408 908 79% 45%
OH 5,318 5,264 9,004 973 94,915 1,326
2,299 146,404 12 92.8 319 $7,848 0.04 0.06 1.71 1,577 612 536 1,148 63% 40%
OK 1,371 1,292 2,062 398 33,078 201
599 43,379 11 27.6 141 $1,942 0.03 0.05 1.60 1,572 128 56 184 32% 28%
OR 2,190 1,974 2,865 139 12,185 2,188
2,327 44,447 21 9.0 167 $1,154 0.04 0.06 1.45 4,939 72 307 379 52% 14%
PA 998 1,037 2,150 712 88,642 1,818
2,530 155,469 56 74.1 550 $4,908 0.01 0.01 2.07 2,099 684 1670 2,354 96% 92%
PR 1,447 1,389 3,722 12 716 765
777 16,686 2 11.0 0 $413 0.08 0.22 2.68 1,517 4 119 123 33% 16%
RI 670 677 862 90 9,152 60
150 13,380 0 9.4 14 $691 0.05 0.06 1.27 1,431 61 31 92 68% 52%
SC 3,814 3,628 7,908 274 22,848 1,297
1,571 42,649 10 22.2 26 $1,539 0.09 0.19 2.18 1,919 206 317 523 75% 24%
SD 321 268 351 110 6,933 172
282 11,162 9 6.0 0 $332 0.02 0.03 1.31 1,860 54 35 89 49% 20%
TN 1,457 1,431 1,780 327 37,349 353
680 55,125 9 13.0 324 $901 0.03 0.03 1.24 4,240 132 79 211 40% 22%
TX 13,003 12,623 15,460 1,192 135,339 1,794
2,986 193,493 28 62.0 675 $3,968 0.07 0.08 1.22 3,121 981 184 1,165 82% 10%
UT 907 911 1,290 115 8,605 183
298 14,537 12 10.9 11 $571 0.06 0.09 1.42 1,331 23 52 75 20% 28%
VA 1,625 1,614 2,370 279 32,072 543
822 64,520 21 26.7 88 $1,928 0.03 0.04 1.47 2,421 84 61 145 30% 11%
VT 385 422 583 39 3,212 124
163 6,387 1 5.8 11 $494 0.07 0.09 1.38 1,101 39 124 163 100% 100%
WA 2,991 3,149 4,835 252 23,704 3,286
3,538 69,038 13 17.6 347 $1,796 0.05 0.07 1.54 3,932 184 1827 2,011 73% 56%
WI 1,015 1,147 3,158 398 35,119 3,396
3,794 81,452 1 26.0 109 $2,133 0.01 0.04 2.75 3,133 64 0 64 16% 0%
WV 538 521 823 128 10,937 568
696 14,972 1 11.7 3 $855 0.03 0.05 1.58 1,285 126 27 153 98% 5%
WY 727 694 1,350 38 2,950 39
77 4,727 4 5.0 0 $265 0.15 0.29 1.95 945 38 39 77 100% 100%

1 Includes only those covered by the LTCOP

2 Numbers are for facilities (unduplicated) visited on a regular basis; not in response to a complaint."Regular basis" is defined as at least quarterly.

Numbers are for local projects except for those states in which the state office does more visiting.

3 Percentages are based on the local numbers reported (see footnote 2) and may slightly underrepresent the actual number of facilities visited for some states.

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