Table 1A
Homeless and Special Needs Populations
Continuum of Care: Housing Gap Analysis Chart
Current Inventory |
Under Development |
Unmet Need/ Gap |
Example |
Emergency Shelter |
100 |
40 |
26 |
Emergency Shelter |
Beds |
Transitional Housing |
Permanent Supportive Housing |
Total |
Persons in Families With Children
Emergency Shelter |
Beds |
Transitional Housing |
Permanent Supportive Housing |
Total |
Continuum of Care: Homeless Population and Subpopulations Chart
Part 1: Homeless Population |
Sheltered |
Unsheltered |
Total |
Emergency |
Transitional |
Number of Families with Children (Family Households): |
1. Number of Persons in Families with Children |
2. Number of Single Individuals and Persons in Households without children |
(Add Lines Numbered 1 & 2 Total Persons) |
Part 2: Homeless Subpopulations
Total |
a. Chronically Homeless |
b. Seriously Mentally Ill |
c. Chronic Substance Abuse |
d. Veterans |
e. Persons with HIV/AIDS |
f. Victims of Domestic Violence |
g. Unaccompanied Youth (Under 18) |
Optional Continuum of Care Homeless Housing Activity Chart:
Provider Name: Self-explanatory.
Facility Name: Self-explanatory.
HMIS: Enter one of the following three codes for each project concerning its participation in the Continuum of Care’s HMIS.
C=Currently entering client data into the HMIS; P-Month/year (P-4/04) = Planned month/year that the program will begin entering client data into the HMIS; and N=the program currently does not plan to participate in the HMIS.
Geo Code: Indicate the Geographic Area Code (Geo Code) for the project. Where there is only one geographic code for the Continuum, check the box and indicate that code in the first project only. If the project is located in multiple jurisdictions, select the jurisdiction where the majority of the provider’s inventory is located.
Target Population A: Select the code that best represents your project: SM= only Single Males (18 years and older); SF= only Single Females (18 years and older); SMF= only Single Males and Females (18 years and older with no children); FC= only Families with Children; YM= only unaccompanied Young Males (under 18 years); YF= only unaccompanied Young Females (under 18 years); YMF= only unaccompanied Young Males and Females (under 18 years); M= mixed populations. Only one code should be used per facility. If more than one group is served use the M=mixed populations code
Target Population B: Indicate whether the project serves these additional characteristics: DV= only Domestic Violence victims; VET= only Veterans, and AIDS= only persons with HIV/AIDS.
2010 Year-Round Units/Beds:
Family Units: Enter the number of units that the project set-aside for serving families.
Family Beds: Enter the number of beds that are contained in family units.
Individual Beds: Enter the number of beds serving individuals.
2010 All Beds (Emergency Shelters Only)
Emergency shelters are usually structures with year-round beds, but there are structures with seasonal beds that are made available to homeless persons during particularly high-demand seasons of the year, usually wintertime. In addition, projects may have overflow capacity that includes cots or mats in addition to permanent bed capacity that is not ordinarily available but can be marshaled when demand is especially great, for example, on the coldest nights of the year. Vouchers are to be identified under overflow beds. The total number of year-round, seasonal and overflow beds would provide a point-in-time snapshot of the housing inventory for homeless people at its highest point in the year.
Year-Round Beds: The number of family beds in (column “Family Beds”) plus the number of beds for individuals (column “Individual Beds”).
Seasonal Beds: The number of beds made available to individuals and families on a seasonal basis.
Overflow Beds: The number of beds, mats or spaces or vouchers that are made available on a very temporary basis.
Current Inventory: List all facilities and voucher programs that are currently operating.
Under Development: List all the projects that are fully funded but are not yet serving homeless people.
Using the format below, describe the fundamental service components of your Continuum of Care system currently in place, and any additional services being planned.
Fundamental Components in Continuum of Care System -- Service Activity Chart |
Component: Prevention Services in place: Please arrange by category (e.g., rental/mortgage assistance), being sure to identify the service provider. Services planned: How persons access/receive assistance:
Component: Outreach Outreach in place: (1) Please describe the outreach activities for homeless persons who are living on the streets in your Continuum of Care area and how they are connected to services and housing. (2) Describe the outreach activities that occur for other homeless persons. Outreach planned: Describe any planned outreach activities for (1) persons living on the streets; and (2) for other homeless persons.
Component: Supportive Services Services in place: Please describe how each of the following services are provided in your community (as applicable): case management, life skills, alcohol and drug abuse treatment, mental health treatment, AIDS-related treatment, education, employment assistance, child care, transportation, and other. Services planned: How homeless persons access/receive assistance:
Priority Need Level High, Medium, Low, No Such Need |
Unmet Need |
Dollars to Address Unmet Need |
Multi-Year Goals |
Annual Goals |
Elderly |
Frail Elderly |
Severe Mental Illness |
Developmentally Disabled |
Physically Disabled |
Persons w/ Alcohol/Other Drug Addictions |
Persons w/HIV/AIDS |
Victims of Domestic Violence |
Other |
Table 1C Summary of Specific Objectives
Grantee Name:
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (DH-1) |
Specific Objective |
Source of Funds |
Year |
Performance Indicators |
Expected Number |
Actual Number |
Percent Completed |
DH1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (DH-2) |
DH2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (DH-3) |
DH3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Suitable Living Environment (SL-1) |
SL1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (SL-2) |
SL2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (SL-3) |
SL3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Grantee Name:
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (EO-1) |
Specific Objective |
Source of Funds |
Year |
Performance Indicators |
Expected Number |
Actual Number |
Percent Completed |
EO1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (EO-2) |
EO2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (EO-3) |
EO3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Neighborhood Revitalization (NR-1) |
NR1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Other (O-1) |
O 1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Other (O-2) |
O 2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Table 2A
Priority Housing Needs/Investment Plan Table
Unmet Need |
0-30% |
Small Related |
31-50% |
51-80% |
0-30% |
Large Related |
31-50% |
51-80% |
Renter |
0-30% |
Elderly |
31-50% |
51-80% |
0-30% |
All Other |
31-50% |
51-80% |
0-30% |
Small Related |
31-50% |
51-80% |
0-30% |
Large Related |
31-50% |
Owner |
51-80% |
0-30% |
Elderly |
31-50% |
51-80% |
0-30% |
All Other |
31-50% |
51-80% |
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Elderly |
0-80% |
Frail Elderly |
0-80% |
Severe Mental Illness |
0-80% |
Physical Disability |
0-80% |
Developmental Disability |
0-80% |
Alcohol/Drug Abuse |
0-80% |
0-80% |
Victims of Domestic Violence |
0-80% |
Table 2A
Priority Need |
5-Yr. Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 1 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 2 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 3 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 4 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 5 Goal Plan/Act |
Renters |
0 - 30 of MFI |
31 - 50% of MFI |
51 - 80% of MFI |
Owners |
0 - 30 of MFI |
31 - 50 of MFI |
51 - 80% of MFI |
Homeless* |
Individuals |
Families |
Non-Homeless Special Needs |
Elderly |
Frail Elderly |
Severe Mental Illness |
Physical Disability |
Developmental Disability |
Alcohol/Drug Abuse |
Victims of Domestic Violence |
Total |
Total Section 215 |
212 Renter |
215 Owner |
* Homeless individuals and families assisted with transitional and permanent housing
Table 2A
Priority Housing Activities
Priority Need |
5-Yr. Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 1 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 2 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 3 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 4 Goal Plan/Act |
Yr. 5 Goal Plan/Act |
Acquisition of existing rental units |
Production of new rental units |
Rehabilitation of existing rental units |
Rental assistance |
Acquisition of existing owner units |
Production of new owner units |
Rehabilitation of existing owner units |
Homeownership assistance |
Acquisition of existing rental units |
Production of new rental units |
Rehabilitation of existing rental units |
Rental assistance |
Acquisition of existing owner units |
Production of new owner units |
Rehabilitation of existing owner units |
Homeownership assistance |
Rental assistance |
Short term rent/mortgage utility payments |
Facility based housing development |
Facility based housing operations |
Supportive services |
Other |
Table 2B Priority Community Development Needs |
Priority Need Level |
Unmet Priority Need |
Dollars To Address Need |
5 Yr Goal Plan/Act |
Annual Goal Plan/Act |
Percent Goal Completed |
Acquisition of Real Property |
Disposition |
Clearance and Demolition |
Clearance of Contaminated Sites |
Code Enforcement |
Public Facility (General) |
Senior Centers |
Handicapped Centers |
Homeless Facilities |
Youth Centers |
Neighborhood Facilities |
Child Care Centers |
Health Facilities |
Mental Health Facilities |
Parks and/or Recreation Facilities |
Parking Facilities |
Tree Planting |
Fire Stations/Equipment |
Abused/Neglected Children Facilities |
Asbestos Removal |
Non-Residential Historic Preservation |
Other Public Facility Needs |
Infrastructure (General) |
Water/Sewer Improvements |
Street Improvements |
Sidewalks |
Solid Waste Disposal Improvements |
Flood Drainage Improvements |
Other Infrastructure |
Public Services (General) |
Senior Services |
Handicapped Services |
Legal Services |
Youth Services |
Child Care Services |
Transportation Services |
Substance Abuse Services |
Employment/Training Services |
Health Services |
Lead Hazard Screening |
Crime Awareness |
Fair Housing Activities |
Tenant Landlord Counseling |
Other Services |
Economic Development (General) |
C/I Land Acquisition/Disposition |
C/I Infrastructure Development |
C/I Building Acq/Const/Rehab |
Other C/I |
ED Assistance to For-Profit |
ED Technical Assistance |
Micro-enterprise Assistance |
Other |
Grantee Name:
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (DH-1) |
Specific Objective |
Source of Funds |
Year |
Performance Indicators |
Expected Number |
Actual Number |
Percent Completed |
DH1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (DH-2) |
DH2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (DH-3) |
DH3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (SL-1) |
SL1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (SL-2) |
SL2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (SL-3) |
SL3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Grantee Name:
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (EO-1) |
Specific Objective |
Source of Funds |
Year |
Performance Indicators |
Expected Number |
Actual Number |
Percent Completed |
EO1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (EO-2) |
EO2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (EO-3) |
EO3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Neighborhood Revitalization (NR-1) |
NR1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Other (O-1) |
O 1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Other (O-2) |
O 2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Grantee Name:
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (DH-1) |
Specific Annual Objective |
Source of Funds |
Year |
Performance Indicators |
Expected Number |
Actual Number |
Percent Completed |
DH1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (DH-2) |
DH2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Decent Housing with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (DH-3) |
DH3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (SL-1) |
SL1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (SL-2) |
SL2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Suitable Living Environment with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (SL-3) |
SL3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Grantee Name:
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Availability/Accessibility (EO-1) |
Specific Annual Objective |
Source of Funds |
Year |
Performance Indicators |
Expected Number |
Actual Number |
Percent Completed |
EO1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Affordability (EO-2) |
EO2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Economic Opportunity with Purpose of New or Improved Sustainability (EO-3) |
EO3.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Neighborhood Revitalization (NR-1) |
NR1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Other (O-1) |
O 1.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Other (O-2) |
O 2.1 |
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 |
% % % % % |
% |
Table 3BAnnual Housing Completion Goals |
Grantee Name:
Program Year: |
Expected Annual Number of Units To Be Completed |
Actual Annual Number of Units Completed |
Resources used during the period |
Homeless households |
Non-homeless households |
Special needs households |
Total Sec. 215 Beneficiaries* |
RENTAL GOALS(Sec. 215 Only) |
Acquisition of existing units |
Production of new units |
Rehabilitation of existing units |
Rental Assistance |
Total Sec. 215 Affordable Rental |
HOME OWNER GOALS(Sec. 215 Only) |
Acquisition of existing units |
Production of new units |
Rehabilitation of existing units |
Homebuyer Assistance |
Total Sec. 215 Affordable Owner |
Acquisition of existing units |
Production of new units |
Rehabilitation of existing units |
Rental Assistance |
Homebuyer Assistance |
Combined Total Sec. 215 Goals* |
OVERALL HOUSING GOALS (Sec. 215 + Other Affordable Housing) |
Annual Rental Housing Goal |
Annual Owner Housing Goal |
Total Overall Housing Goal |
Table 4
Priority Public Housing Needs
Local Jurisdiction
Public Housing Need Category |
PHA Priority Need Level High, Medium, Low, No Such Need |
Estimated Dollars To Address |
Restoration and Revitalization |
Capital Improvements |
Modernization |
Rehabilitation |
Other (Specify) |
Management and Operations |
Improved Living Environment |
Neighborhood Revitalization (non-capital) |
Capital Improvements |
Safety/Crime Prevention/Drug Elimination |
Other (Specify) |
Economic Opportunity |
Resident Services/ Family Self Sufficiency |
Other (Specify) |
Total |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Table 1A Homeless and Special Needs Populations |
Subject | Table 1A Homeless and Special Needs Populations |
Author | HUD - CPD - Consolidated Planning |
Last Modified By | Urnell Johnson-Spears |
File Modified | 2015-03-25 |
File Created | 2015-03-25 |