1. Introduction
2. Summary of the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan
3. Evaluation of past performance
4. Summary of citizen participation process and consultation process
5. Summary of public comments
6. Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them
7. Summary
1. Describe agency/entity responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant program and funding source
The following are the agencies/entities responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant program and funding source.
Agency Role |
Name |
Department/Agency |
Table 1 – Responsible Agencies
Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information
1. Introduction
Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction’s activities to enhance coordination between public and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health and service agencies (91.215(I)).
Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness
Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards and evaluate outcomes, and develop funding, policies and procedures for the administration of HMIS
2. Describe Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process and describe the jurisdictions consultations with housing, social service agencies and other entities
Table 2 – Agencies, groups, organizations who participated
Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting
Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan
Name of Plan |
Lead Organization |
How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan? |
Table 3 – Other local / regional / federal planning efforts
Describe cooperation and coordination with other public entities, including the State and any adjacent units of general local government, in the implementation of the Consolidated Plan (91.215(l))
1. Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation
Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal-setting
Citizen Participation Outreach
Sort Order |
Mode of Outreach |
Target of Outreach |
Summary of response/attendance |
Summary of comments received |
Summary of comments not accepted and reasons |
URL (If applicable) |
Table 4 – Citizen Participation Outreach
Needs Assessment Overview
Summary of Housing Needs
Demographics |
Base Year: 2000 |
Most Recent Year: 2011 |
% Change |
Population |
Households |
Median Income |
Table 5 - Housing Needs Assessment Demographics
Number of Households Table
0-30% HAMFI |
>30-50% HAMFI |
>50-80% HAMFI |
>80-100% HAMFI |
>100% HAMFI |
Total Households * |
Small Family Households * |
Large Family Households * |
Household contains at least one person 62-74 years of age |
Household contains at least one person age 75 or older |
Households with one or more children 6 years old or younger * |
* the highest income category for these family types is >80% HAMFI |
Table 6 - Total Households Table
Housing Needs Summary Tables
1. Housing Problems (Households with one of the listed needs)
Renter |
Owner |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
>80-100% AMI |
Total |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
>80-100% AMI |
Total |
Substandard Housing – Lacking complete plumbing or kitchen facilities |
Severely Overcrowded – With >1.51 people per room (and complete kitchen and plumbing) |
Overcrowded - With 1.01-1.5 people per room (and none of the above problems) |
Housing cost burden greater than 50% of income (and none of the above problems) |
Housing cost burden greater than 30% of income (and none of the above problems) |
Zero/negative Income (and none of the above problems) |
Table 7 – Housing Problems Table
2. Housing Problems 2 (Households with one or more Severe Housing Problems: Lacks kitchen or complete plumbing, severe overcrowding, severe cost burden)
Renter |
Owner |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
>80-100% AMI |
Total |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
>80-100% AMI |
Total |
Having 1 or more of four housing problems |
Having none of four housing problems |
Household has negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Table 8 – Housing Problems 2
3. Cost Burden > 30%
Renter |
Owner |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
Total |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
Total |
Small Related |
Large Related |
Elderly |
Other |
Total need by income |
Table 9 – Cost Burden > 30%
4. Cost Burden > 50%
Renter |
Owner |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
Total |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
Total |
Small Related |
Large Related |
Elderly |
Other |
Total need by income |
Table 10 – Cost Burden > 50%
5. Crowding (More than one person per room)
Renter |
Owner |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
>80-100% AMI |
Total |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
>80-100% AMI |
Total |
Single family households |
Multiple, unrelated family households |
Other, non-family households |
Total need by income |
Table 11 – Crowding Information – 1/2
Renter |
Owner |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
Total |
0-30% AMI |
>30-50% AMI |
>50-80% AMI |
Total |
Households with Children Present |
Table 12 – Crowding Information – 2/2
Describe the number and type of single person households in need of housing assistance.
Estimate the number and type of families in need of housing assistance who are disabled or victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.
What are the most common housing problems?
Are any populations/household types more affected than others by these problems?
Describe the characteristics and needs of Low-income individuals and families with children (especially extremely low-income) who are currently housed but are at imminent risk of either residing in shelters or becoming unsheltered 91.205(c)/91.305(c)). Also discuss the needs of formerly homeless families and individuals who are receiving rapid re-housing assistance and are nearing the termination of that assistance
If a jurisdiction provides estimates of the at-risk population(s), it should also include a description of the operational definition of the at-risk group and the methodology used to generate the estimates:
Specify particular housing characteristics that have been linked with instability and an increased risk of homelessness
Assess the need of any racial or ethnic group that has disproportionately greater need in comparison to the needs of that category of need as a whole.
0%-30% of Area Median Income
Housing Problems |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 13 - Disproportionally Greater Need 0 - 30% AMI
*The four housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than one person per room, 4.Cost Burden greater than 30%
30%-50% of Area Median Income
Housing Problems |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 14 - Disproportionally Greater Need 30 - 50% AMI
*The four housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than one person per room, 4.Cost Burden greater than 30%
50%-80% of Area Median Income
Housing Problems |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 15 - Disproportionally Greater Need 50 - 80% AMI
*The four housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than one person per room, 4.Cost Burden greater than 30%
80%-100% of Area Median Income
Housing Problems |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 16 - Disproportionally Greater Need 80 - 100% AMI
*The four housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than one person per room, 4.Cost Burden greater than 30%
Assess the need of any racial or ethnic group that has disproportionately greater need in comparison to the needs of that category of need as a whole.
0%-30% of Area Median Income
Severe Housing Problems* |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 17 – Severe Housing Problems 0 - 30% AMI
*The four severe housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than 1.5 persons per room, 4.Cost Burden over 50%
30%-50% of Area Median Income
Severe Housing Problems* |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 18 – Severe Housing Problems 30 - 50% AMI
*The four severe housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than 1.5 persons per room, 4.Cost Burden over 50%
50%-80% of Area Median Income
Severe Housing Problems* |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 19 – Severe Housing Problems 50 - 80% AMI
*The four severe housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than 1.5 persons per room, 4.Cost Burden over 50%
80%-100% of Area Median Income
Severe Housing Problems* |
Has one or more of four housing problems |
Has none of the four housing problems |
Household has no/negative income, but none of the other housing problems |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 20 – Severe Housing Problems 80 - 100% AMI
*The four severe housing problems are:
1. Lacks complete kitchen facilities, 2. Lacks complete plumbing facilities, 3. More than 1.5 persons per room, 4.Cost Burden over 50%
Assess the need of any racial or ethnic group that has disproportionately greater need in comparison to the needs of that category of need as a whole.
Housing Cost Burden
Housing Cost Burden |
<=30% |
30-50% |
>50% |
No / negative income (not computed) |
Jurisdiction as a whole |
White |
Black / African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Hispanic |
Table 21 – Greater Need: Housing Cost Burdens AMI
Are there any Income categories in which a racial or ethnic group has disproportionately greater need than the needs of that income category as a whole?
If they have needs not identified above, what are those needs?
Are any of those racial or ethnic groups located in specific areas or neighborhoods in your community?
Totals in Use
Program Type |
Certificate |
Mod-Rehab |
Public Housing |
Vouchers |
Total |
Project -based |
Tenant -based |
Special Purpose Voucher |
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing |
Family Unification Program |
Disabled * |
# of units/vouchers available |
Table 22 - Public Housing by Program Type
*includes Non-Elderly Disabled, Mainstream One-Year, Mainstream Five-year, and Nursing Home Transition
Characteristics of Residents
Race of Residents
Program Type |
Race |
Certificate |
Mod-Rehab |
Public Housing |
Vouchers |
Total |
Project -based |
Tenant -based |
Special Purpose Voucher |
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing |
Family Unification Program |
Disabled * |
White |
Black/African American |
Asian |
American Indian, Alaska Native |
Pacific Islander |
Other |
*includes Non-Elderly Disabled, Mainstream One-Year, Mainstream Five-year, and Nursing Home Transition |
Table 25 – Race of Public Housing Residents by Program Type
Ethnicity of Residents
Program Type |
Ethnicity |
Certificate |
Mod-Rehab |
Public Housing |
Vouchers |
Total |
Project -based |
Tenant -based |
Special Purpose Voucher |
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing |
Family Unification Program |
Disabled * |
Hispanic |
Not Hispanic |
*includes Non-Elderly Disabled, Mainstream One-Year, Mainstream Five-year, and Nursing Home Transition |
Table 26 – Ethnicity of Public Housing Residents by Program Type
Section 504 Needs Assessment: Describe the needs of public housing tenants and applicants on the waiting list for accessible units:
What are the number and type of families on the waiting lists for public housing and section 8 tenant-based rental assistance? Based on the information above, and any other information available to the jurisdiction, what are the most immediate needs of residents of public housing and Housing Choice voucher holders?
How do these needs compare to the housing needs of the population at large
Homeless Needs Assessment
Population |
Estimate the # of persons experiencing homelessness on a given night |
Estimate the # experiencing homelessness each year |
Estimate the # becoming homeless each year |
Estimate the # exiting homelessness each year |
Estimate the # of days persons experience homelessness |
Sheltered |
Unsheltered |
Persons in Households with Adult(s) and Child(ren) |
Persons in Households with Only Children |
Persons in Households with Only Adults |
Chronically Homeless Individuals |
Chronically Homeless Families |
Veterans |
Unaccompanied Child |
Persons with HIV |
Table 22 - Homeless Needs Assessment
Data Source Comments: |
Indicate if the homeless population is: |
Partially Rural Homeless |
Rural Homeless Needs Assessment
Population |
Estimate the # of persons experiencing homelessness on a given night |
Estimate the # experiencing homelessness each year |
Estimate the # becoming homeless each year |
Estimate the # exiting homelessness each year |
Estimate the # of days persons experience homelessness |
Sheltered |
Unsheltered |
Persons in Households with Adult(s) and Child(ren) |
Persons in Households with Only Children |
Persons in Households with Only Adults |
Chronically Homeless Individuals |
Chronically Homeless Families |
Veterans |
Unaccompanied Youth |
Persons with HIV |
Table 23 - Homeless Needs Assessment
Data Source Comments: |
For persons in rural areas who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, describe the nature and extent of unsheltered and sheltered homelessness with the jurisdiction:
If data is not available for the categories "number of persons becoming and exiting homelessness each year," and "number of days that persons experience homelessness," describe these categories for each homeless population type (including chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth):
Nature and Extent of Homelessness: (Optional)
Race: |
Sheltered: |
Unsheltered (optional) |
Ethnicity: |
Sheltered: |
Unsheltered (optional) |
Estimate the number and type of families in need of housing assistance for families with children and the families of veterans.
Describe the Nature and Extent of Homelessness by Racial and Ethnic Group.
Describe the Nature and Extent of Unsheltered and Sheltered Homelessness.
Current HOPWA formula use: |
Cumulative cases of AIDS reported |
Area incidence of AIDS |
Rate per population |
Number of new cases prior year (3 years of data) |
Rate per population (3 years of data) |
Current HIV surveillance data: |
Number of Persons living with HIV (PLWH) |
Area Prevalence (PLWH per population) |
Number of new HIV cases reported last year |
Table 28 – HOPWA Data
Data Source: |
CDC HIV Surveillance |
HIV Housing Need (HOPWA Grantees Only)
Type of HOPWA Assistance |
Estimates of Unmet Need |
Tenant based rental assistance |
Short-term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility |
Facility Based Housing (Permanent, short-term or transitional) |
Table 29 – HIV Housing Need
Describe the characteristics of special needs populations in your community:
What are the housing and supportive service needs of these populations and how are these needs determined?
Discuss the size and characteristics of the population with HIV/AIDS and their families within the Eligible Metropolitan Statistical Area:
Describe the jurisdiction’s need for Public Facilities:
How were these needs determined?
Describe the jurisdiction’s need for Public Improvements:
How were these needs determined?
Describe the jurisdiction’s need for Public Services:
How were these needs determined?
Housing Market Analysis Overview:
All residential properties by number of units
Property Type |
Number |
% |
1-unit detached structure |
1-unit, attached structure |
2-4 units |
5-20 units |
20 or more units |
Mobile Home, boat, RV, van, etc |
Total |
Table 31 – Residential Properties by Unit Number
Unit Size by Tenure
Owners |
Renters |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
No bedroom |
1 bedroom |
2 bedrooms |
3 or more bedrooms |
Table 32 – Unit Size by Tenure
Describe the number and targeting (income level/type of family served) of units assisted with federal, state, and local programs.
Provide an assessment of units expected to be lost from the affordable housing inventory for any reason, such as expiration of Section 8 contracts.
Does the availability of housing units meet the needs of the population?
Describe the need for specific types of housing:
Cost of Housing
Base Year: 2000 |
Most Recent Year: 2011 |
% Change |
Median Home Value |
Median Contract Rent |
Table 33 – Cost of Housing
Rent Paid |
Number |
% |
Less than $500 |
$500-999 |
$1,000-1,499 |
$1,500-1,999 |
$2,000 or more |
Table 34 - Rent Paid
Housing Affordability
% Units affordable to Households earning |
Renter |
Owner |
30% HAMFI |
No Data |
50% HAMFI |
80% HAMFI |
100% HAMFI |
No Data |
Table 35 – Housing Affordability
Monthly Rent
Monthly Rent ($) |
Efficiency (no bedroom) |
1 Bedroom |
2 Bedroom |
3 Bedroom |
4 Bedroom |
Fair Market Rent |
High HOME Rent |
Low HOME Rent |
Table 36 – Monthly Rent
Is there sufficient housing for households at all income levels?
How is affordability of housing likely to change considering changes to home values and/or rents?
How do HOME rents / Fair Market Rent compare to Area Median Rent? How might this impact your strategy to produce or preserve affordable housing?
Describe the jurisdiction's definition for "substandard condition" and "substandard condition but suitable for rehabilitation:
Condition of Units
Condition of Units |
Owner-Occupied |
Renter-Occupied |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
With one selected Condition |
With two selected Conditions |
With three selected Conditions |
With four selected Conditions |
No selected Conditions |
Total |
Table 37 - Condition of Units
Year Unit Built
Year Unit Built |
Owner-Occupied |
Renter-Occupied |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
2000 or later |
1980-1999 |
1950-1979 |
Before 1950 |
Total |
Table 38 – Year Unit Built
Risk of Lead-Based Paint Hazard
Risk of Lead-Based Paint Hazard |
Owner-Occupied |
Renter-Occupied |
Number |
% |
Number |
% |
Total Number of Units Built Before 1980. |
Housing units built before 1980 with children present |
Table 39 – Risk of Lead-Based Paint
Vacant Units
Suitable for Rehabilitation |
Not Suitable for Rehabilitation |
Total |
Vacant Units |
Abandoned Vacant Units |
REO Properties |
Abandoned REO Properties |
Table 40 - Vacant Units
Describe the need for owner and rental rehabilitation based on the condition of the jurisdiction's housing.
Estimate the number of housing units within the jurisdiction that are occupied by low or moderate income families that contain lead-based paint hazards. 91.205(e), 91.405
Totals Number of Units
Program Type |
Certificate |
Mod-Rehab |
Public Housing |
Vouchers |
Total |
Project -based |
Tenant -based
Special Purpose Voucher |
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing |
Family Unification Program |
Disabled * |
# of units/vouchers available |
# of accessible units |
*includes Non-Elderly Disabled, Mainstream One-Year, Mainstream Five-year, and Nursing Home Transition |
Table 41 – Total Number of Units by Program Type
Describe the supply of public housing developments:
Describe the number and physical condition of public housing units in the jurisdiction, including those that are participating in an approved Public Housing Agency Plan:
Public Housing Condition
Public Housing Development |
Average Inspection Score |
Table 42 - Public Housing Condition
Describe the restoration and revitalization needs of public housing units in the jurisdiction:
Describe the public housing agency's strategy for improving the living environment of low- and moderate-income families residing in public housing:
Facilities Targeted to Homeless Persons
Emergency Shelter Beds |
Transitional Housing Beds |
Permanent Supportive Housing Beds |
Year Round Beds (Current & New) |
Voucher / Seasonal / Overflow Beds |
Current & New |
Current & New |
Under Development |
Households with Adult(s) and Child(ren) |
Households with Only Adults |
Chronically Homeless Households |
Veterans |
Unaccompanied Youth |
Table 43 - Facilities Targeted to Homeless Persons
Describe mainstream services, such as health, mental health, and employment services to the extent those services are use to complement services targeted to homeless persons
List and describe services and facilities that meet the needs of homeless persons, particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth. If the services and facilities are listed on screen SP-40 Institutional Delivery Structure or screen MA-35 Special Needs Facilities and Services, describe how these facilities and services specifically address the needs of these populations.
HOPWA Assistance Baseline Table
Type of HOWA Assistance |
Number of Units Designated or Available for People with HIV/AIDS and their families |
PH in facilities |
ST or TH facilities |
PH placement |
Table 42 – HOPWA Assistance Baseline
Including the elderly, frail elderly, persons with disabilities (mental, physical, developmental), persons with alcohol or other drug addictions, persons with HIV/AIDS and their families, public housing residents and any other categories the jurisdiction may specify, and describe their supportive housing needs
Describe programs for ensuring that persons returning from mental and physical health institutions receive appropriate supportive housing
Specify the activities that the jurisdiction plans to undertake during the next year to address the housing and supportive services needs identified in accordance with 91.215(e) with respect to persons who are not homeless but have other special needs. Link to one-year goals. 91.315(e)
For entitlement/consortia grantees: Specify the activities that the jurisdiction plans to undertake during the next year to address the housing and supportive services needs identified in accordance with 91.215(e) with respect to persons who are not homeless but have other special needs. Link to one-year goals. (91.220(2))
Describe any negative effects of public policies on affordable housing and residential investment
Economic Development Market Analysis
Business Activity
Business by Sector |
Number of Workers |
Number of Jobs |
Share of Workers % |
Share of Jobs % |
Jobs less workers % |
Agriculture, Mining, Oil & Gas Extraction |
Arts, Entertainment, Accommodations |
Construction |
Education and Health Care Services |
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate |
Information |
Manufacturing |
Other Services |
Professional, Scientific, Management Services |
Public Administration |
Retail Trade |
Transportation & Warehousing |
Wholesale Trade |
Grand Total |
Table 45 - Business Activity
Labor Force
Total Population in the Civilian Labor Force |
Civilian Employed Population 16 years and over |
Unemployment Rate |
Unemployment Rate for Ages 16-24 |
Unemployment Rate for Ages 25-65 |
Table 46 - Labor Force
Occupations by Sector |
Number of People |
Management, business and financial |
Farming, fisheries and forestry occupations |
Service |
Sales and office |
Construction, extraction, maintenance and repair |
Production, transportation and material moving |
Table 47 – Occupations by Sector
Travel Time
Travel Time |
Number |
Percentage |
< 30 Minutes |
30-59 Minutes |
60 or More Minutes |
Total |
Table 48 - Travel Time
Educational Attainment by Employment Status (Population 16 and Older)
Educational Attainment |
In Labor Force |
Civilian Employed |
Unemployed |
Not in Labor Force |
Less than high school graduate |
High school graduate (includes equivalency) |
Some college or Associate’s degree |
Bachelor’s degree or higher |
Table 49 - Educational Attainment by Employment Status
Educational Attainment by Age
Age |
18–24 yrs |
25–34 yrs |
35–44 yrs |
45–65 yrs |
65+ yrs |
Less than 9th grade |
9th to 12th grade, no diploma |
High school graduate, GED, or alternative |
Some college, no degree |
Associate’s degree |
Bachelor’s degree |
Graduate or professional degree |
Table 50 - Educational Attainment by Age
Educational Attainment – Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months
Educational Attainment |
Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months |
Less than high school graduate |
High school graduate (includes equivalency) |
Some college or Associate’s degree |
Bachelor’s degree |
Graduate or professional degree |
Table 51 – Median Earnings in the Past 12 Months
Based on the Business Activity table above, what are the major employment sectors within your jurisdiction?
Describe the workforce and infrastructure needs of the business community:
Describe any major changes that may have an economic impact, such as planned local or regional public or private sector investments or initiatives that have affected or may affect job and business growth opportunities during the planning period. Describe any needs for workforce development, business support or infrastructure these changes may create.
How do the skills and education of the current workforce correspond to employment opportunities in the jurisdiction?
Describe any current workforce training initiatives, including those supported by Workforce Investment Boards, community colleges and other organizations. Describe how these efforts will support the jurisdiction's Consolidated Plan.
Does your jurisdiction participate in a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)?
If so, what economic development initiatives are you undertaking that may be coordinated with the Consolidated Plan? If not, describe other local/regional plans or initiatives that impact economic growth.
Are there areas where households with multiple housing problems are concentrated? (include a definition of "concentration")
Are there any areas in the jurisdiction where racial or ethnic minorities or low-income families are concentrated? (include a definition of "concentration")
What are the characteristics of the market in these areas/neighborhoods?
Are there any community assets in these areas/neighborhoods?
Are there other strategic opportunities in any of these areas?
Strategic Plan Overview
Geographic Area
Table 52 - Geographic Priority Areas
1 |
Area Name: |
Area Type: |
Other Target Area Description: |
HUD Approval Date: |
% of Low/ Mod: |
Revital Type: |
Other Revital Description: |
Identify the neighborhood boundaries for this target area. |
Include specific housing and commercial characteristics of this target area. |
How did your consultation and citizen participation process help you to identify this neighborhood as a target area? |
Identify the needs in this target area. |
What are the opportunities for improvement in this target area? |
Are there barriers to improvement in this target area? |
General Allocation Priorities
Describe the basis for allocating investments geographically within the state
Priority Needs
Table 53 – Priority Needs Summary
1 |
Priority Need Name |
Priority Level |
Population |
Geographic Areas Affected |
Associated Goals |
Description |
Basis for Relative Priority |
2 |
Priority Need Name |
Priority Level |
Population |
Geographic Areas Affected |
Associated Goals |
Description |
Basis for Relative Priority |
3 |
Priority Need Name |
Priority Level |
Population |
Geographic Areas Affected |
Associated Goals |
Description |
Basis for Relative Priority |
Narrative (Optional)
Influence of Market Conditions
Affordable Housing Type |
Market Characteristics that will influence |
Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) |
TBRA for Non-Homeless Special Needs |
New Unit Production |
Rehabilitation |
Acquisition, including preservation |
Table 54 – Influence of Market Conditions
SP-35 Anticipated Resources - 91.215(a)(4), 91.220(c)(1,2)
Anticipated Resources
Program |
Source of Funds |
Uses of Funds |
Expected Amount Available Year 1 |
Expected Amount Available Reminder of ConPlan $ |
Narrative Description |
Annual Allocation: $ |
Program Income: $ |
Prior Year Resources: $ |
Total: $ |
Table 55 - Anticipated Resources
Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied
If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs identified in the plan
SP-40 Institutional Delivery Structure - 91.215(k)
Explain the institutional structure through which the jurisdiction will carry out its consolidated plan including private industry, non-profit organizations, and public institutions.
Responsible Entity |
Responsible Entity Type |
Role |
Geographic Area Served |
Table 56 - Institutional Delivery Structure
Assess of Strengths and Gaps in the Institutional Delivery System
Availability of services targeted to homeless persons and persons with HIV and mainstream services
Homelessness Prevention Services |
Available in the Community |
Targeted to Homeless |
Targeted to People with HIV |
Homelessness Prevention Services |
Counseling/Advocacy |
Legal Assistance |
Mortgage Assistance |
Rental Assistance |
Utilities Assistance |
Street Outreach Services |
Law Enforcement |
Mobile Clinics |
Other Street Outreach Services |
Supportive Services |
Alcohol & Drug Abuse |
Child Care |
Education |
Employment and Employment Training |
Healthcare |
Life Skills |
Mental Health Counseling |
Transportation |
Other |
Other |
Table 57 - Homeless Prevention Services Summary
Describe how the service delivery system including, but not limited to, the services listed above meet the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth)
Describe the strengths and gaps of the service delivery system for special needs population and persons experiencing homelessness, including, but not limited to, the services listed above
Provide a summary of the strategy for overcoming gaps in the institutional structure and service delivery system for carrying out a strategy to address priority needs
SP-45 Goals - 91.215(a)(4)
Goals Summary Information
Sort Order |
Goal Name |
Start Year |
End Year |
Category |
Geographic Area |
Needs Addressed |
Funding |
Goal Outcome Indicator |
Table 58 – Goals Summary
Goal Descriptions
Estimate the number of extremely low-income, low-income, and moderate-income families to whom the jurisdiction will provide affordable housing as defined by HOME 91.315(b)(2)
Need to Increase the Number of Accessible Units (if Required by a Section 504 Voluntary Compliance Agreement)
Activities to Increase Resident Involvements
Is the public housing agency designated as troubled under 24 CFR part 902?
Plan to remove the ‘troubled’ designation
Barriers to Affordable Housing
Strategy to Remove or Ameliorate the Barriers to Affordable Housing
Describe how the jurisdiction's strategic plan goals contribute to:
Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their individual needs
Addressing the emergency and transitional housing needs of homeless persons
Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the period of time that individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were recently homeless from becoming homeless again.
Help low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely low-income individuals and families who are likely to become homeless after being discharged from a publicly funded institution or system of care, or who are receiving assistance from public and private agencies that address housing, health, social services, employment, education or youth needs
Actions to address LBP hazards and increase access to housing without LBP hazards
How are the actions listed above related to the extent of lead poisoning and hazards?
How are the actions listed above integrated into housing policies and procedures?
Jurisdiction Goals, Programs and Policies for reducing the number of Poverty-Level Families
How are the Jurisdiction poverty reducing goals, programs, and policies coordinated with this affordable housing plan
Describe the standards and procedures that the jurisdiction will use to monitor activities carried out in furtherance of the plan and will use to ensure long-term compliance with requirements of the programs involved, including minority business outreach and the comprehensive planning requirements
Anticipated Resources
Program |
Source of Funds |
Uses of Funds |
Expected Amount Available Year 1 |
Expected Amount Available Reminder of ConPlan $ |
Narrative Description |
Annual Allocation: $ |
Program Income: $ |
Prior Year Resources: $ |
Total: $ |
Table 59 - Expected Resources – Priority Table
Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied
If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs identified in the plan
AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives - 91.220(c)(3)&(e)
Goals Summary Information
Sort Order |
Goal Name |
Start Year |
End Year |
Category |
Geographic Area |
Needs Addressed |
Funding |
Goal Outcome Indicator |
Table 60 – Goals Summary
Goal Descriptions
Goal Name |
Goal Description |
Funding Allocation Priorities
Program |
Goals |
Table 59 – Funding Allocation Priorities
Reason for Allocation Priorities
How will the proposed distribution of funds will address the priority needs and specific objectives described in the Consolidated Plan?
Distribution Methods
Table 60 - Distribution Methods by State Program
1 |
State Program Name: |
Continuum of Care Performance Program |
Funding Sources: |
Describe the state program addressed by the Method of Distribution. |
Describe all of the criteria that will be used to select applications and the relative importance of these criteria. |
If only summary criteria were described, how can potential applicants access application manuals or other state publications describing the application criteria? (CDBG only) |
Describe the process for awarding funds to state recipients and how the state will make its allocation available to units of general local government, and non-profit organizations, including community and faith-based organizations. (ESG only) |
Identify the method of selecting project sponsors (including providing full access to grassroots faith-based and other community-based organizations). (HOPWA only) |
Describe how resources will be allocated among funding categories. |
Describe threshold factors and grant size limits. |
What are the outcome measures expected as a result of the method of distribution? |
2 |
State Program Name: |
Funding Sources: |
Describe the state program addressed by the Method of Distribution. |
Describe all of the criteria that will be used to select applications and the relative importance of these criteria. |
If only summary criteria were described, how can potential applicants access application manuals or other state publications describing the application criteria? (CDBG only) |
Describe the process for awarding funds to state recipients and how the state will make its allocation available to units of general local government, and non-profit organizations, including community and faith-based organizations. (ESG only) |
Identify the method of selecting project sponsors (including providing full access to grassroots faith-based and other community-based organizations). (HOPWA only) |
Describe how resources will be allocated among funding categories. |
Describe threshold factors and grant size limits. |
What are the outcome measures expected as a result of the method of distribution? |
# |
Project Name |
Table 61 – Project Information
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved needs
Project Summary Information
1 |
Project Name |
Target Area |
Goals Supported |
Needs Addressed |
Funding |
Description |
Target Date |
Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities |
Location Description |
Planned Activities |
Will the state help non-entitlement units of general local government to apply for Section 108 loan funds?
Available Grant Amounts
Acceptance process of applications
Will the state allow units of general local government to carry out community revitalization strategies?
State’s Process and Criteria for approving local government revitalization strategies
Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and minority concentration) where assistance will be directed
Geographic Distribution
Target Area |
Percentage of Funds |
Table 62 - Geographic Distribution
Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically
One Year Goals for the Number of Households to be Supported |
Homeless |
Non-Homeless |
Special-Needs |
Total |
Table 64 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Requirement
One Year Goals for the Number of Households Supported Through |
Rental Assistance |
The Production of New Units |
Rehab of Existing Units |
Acquisition of Existing Units |
Total |
Table 65 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Type
Actions planned during the next year to address the needs to public housing
Actions to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management and participate in homeownership
If the PHA is designated as troubled, describe the manner in which financial assistance will be provided or other assistance
Describe the jurisdictions one-year goals and actions for reducing and ending homelessness including
Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their individual needs
Addressing the emergency shelter and transitional housing needs of homeless persons
Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the period of time that individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were recently homeless from becoming homeless again
Helping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely low-income individuals and families and those who are: being discharged from publicly funded institutions and systems of care (such as health care facilities, mental health facilities, foster care and other youth facilities, and corrections programs and institutions); or, receiving assistance from public or private agencies that address housing, health, social services, employment, education, or youth needs.
One year goals for the number of households to be provided housing through the use of HOPWA for: |
Short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to prevent homelessness of the individual or family |
Tenant-based rental assistance |
Units provided in housing facilities (transitional or permanent) that are being developed, leased, or operated |
Units provided in transitional short-term housing facilities developed, leased, or operated with HOPWA funds |
Total |
One year goals for the number of households to be provided housing through the use of HOPWA for: |
Short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to prevent homelessness of the individual or family |
Tenant-based rental assistance |
Units provided in permanent housing facilities developed, leased, or operated with HOPWA funds |
Units provided in transitional short-term housing facilities developed, leased, or operated with HOPWA funds |
Total |
Actions it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policies affecting land, zoning ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the return on residential investment
Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs
Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing
Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards
Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families
Actions planned to develop institutional structure
Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies
AP-90 Program Specific Requirements - 91.220(l)(1,2,4)
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Reference 24 CFR 91.320(k)(1)
Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in projects to be carried out.
1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before the start of the next program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed |
2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be used during the year to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the grantee's strategic plan |
3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements |
4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit
for which the |
5. The amount of income from float-funded activities |
Total Program Income |
Other CDBG Requirements
1. The amount of urgent need activities |
HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)
Reference 24 CFR 91.320(k)(2)
A description of other forms of investment being used beyond those identified in Section 92.205 is as follows:
A description of the guidelines that will be used for resale or recapture of HOME funds when used for homebuyer activities as required in 92.254, is as follows:
A description of the guidelines for resale or recapture that ensures the affordability of units acquired with HOME funds? See 24 CFR 92.254(a)(4) are as follows:
Plans for using HOME funds to refinance existing debt secured by multifamily housing that is rehabilitated with HOME funds along with a description of the refinancing guidelines required that will be used under 24 CFR 92.206(b), are as follows:
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
Reference 91.320(k)(3)
Include written standards for providing ESG assistance (may include as attachment)
If the Continuum of Care has established centralized or coordinated assessment system that meets HUD requirements, describe that centralized or coordinated assessment system.
Identify the process for making sub-awards and describe how the ESG allocation available to private nonprofit organizations (including community and faith-based organizations).
If the jurisdiction is unable to meet the homeless participation requirement in 24 CFR 576.405(a), the jurisdiction must specify its plan for reaching out to and consulting with homeless or formerly homeless individuals in considering policies and funding decisions regarding facilities and services funded under ESG.
Describe performance standards for evaluating ESG.
Appendix - Alternate/Local Data Sources
1 |
Data Source Name CoC Housing Inventory Chart |
List the name of the organization or individual who originated the data set.
Provide a brief summary of the data set.
What was the purpose for developing this data set?
How comprehensive is the coverage of this administrative data? Is data collection concentrated in one geographic area or among a certain population?
What time period (provide the year, and optionally month, or month and day) is covered by this data set?
What is the status of the data set (complete, in progress, or planned)?
Consolidated Plan |
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Here is some text |
Author | Rocio |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |