Buzzed Driving Concepts

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Buzzed Driving Year III:
Creative Refresh

Texts From Your Sober Self
Each vignette will start with an establishing shot of someone representing the
target audience in an environment with alcohol. The focus will be to set the
scene, while then panning to the person's phone screen as they receive texts
from “Your Sober Self.” One-by-one they will receive a series of comedic
texts. Shots of text messages will be intercut with reaction shots of the person,
always closing with a reminder to make sure to get a ride or call a car, leading
straight to an end card that reads “Listen to your Sober Self” then animating
into “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.”

1. Warning Sign: Overspending
Intro Scene: Tom, a young guy in casual clothes, settles

“Remember how we realized when we’re buzzed we

at a table for happy hour with coworkers in a dive bar.

literally become the ooonly one buying for the group?

Tom says, “Alright, drinks are on me!” His colleagues
respond enthusiastically as he receives a text and looks

Close-up on Tom’s face as he has his moment of

down at his phone:

realization that he’s buzzed. We apply a “buzzed epiphany”
treatment to the video (a zoom / freeze frame and “ding”

“Really…?!? I thought we weren’t going to do this again

sound effect) on Tom accompanied by text that reads


“Buzzed Warning Sign #6: Overspending.” The same
treatment could be enlisted across the entire series to

Cut to a tight shot of the drinks being clinked together in

signal the epiphany people get when they realize they’re

cheers. We hear the sound of a text notification and cut

buzzed. Example

back to his phone:
“Yup, there it is.”

1. Warning Sign: Overspending
Tom signs the check and slides his credit card into his

End Frame (VO): Listen to your Sober Self. Buzzed Driving

wallet. He mumbles to himself, “And away you go” (in

is Drunk Driving.

reference to his credit card).
ALT VO (to test):
“Atta boy, way to be strong 💪💪 Let’s keep those smart

If you see a buzzed warning sign, call for a ride.

decisions coming and call a ride later too.”

Buzzed driving is drunk driving.

In the background we hear a friend chant, “Next Bar!!

Know your warning signs. Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving

Playing off of the energy of the room, Tom adds, “So,
who’s trying to split a ride to the next bar?” His
coworkers hands shoot up in solidarity, he says “Alright
then, better order a couple.”





“Another one, eh? I thought
we weren’t going to do this
again man.”


Remember how we realized
when we’re buzzed we
become literally the ooonly
one buying rounds?


Yup, there it is.

Atta boy, way to be strong 💪💪
Let’s keep those smart
decisions coming and call a
ride later too.

2. Warning Sign: Trying to Sober up
Intro Scene: Blake is at a bar with a few friends. The

As we pan up from the phone, Blake is now in the

table has several empty glasses on it. He picks up his

bathroom and proceeds to splash water on his face. We

jacket, getting ready to go, and throws back an

hear his phone go off again.

aggressively large handful of nuts from the bar. We hear
his phone ping as he gets a text.

“Been here. Done this. It isn’t gonna work, man.”

“Ehem, we both know what you’re doing.”

Blake stops and looks at his phone. We apply the
“buzzed epiphany” treatment as he responsibly realizes

Blake shakes it off and downs a glass of water.

that he shouldn’t be driving

“You had a little more than you thought you would, and

“So shall I call the ride, or you?”

now you’re trying to quickly sober up to drive.”

2. Warning Sign: Trying to Sober up
Blake smirks as he goes to open the ride app from his
End Frame: Listen to your Sober Self. Buzzed Driving is
Drunk Driving.
ALT VO: If you need to do something to be okay to drive,
you’re not okay to drive. Buzzed Driving is Drunk






You had a little more than you
thought you would, and now
you’re trying to quickly sober
up to drive.

Ehem, we both know what
you’re doing.



Been here. Done this. It isn’t
gonna work, man.


So shall I call the ride, or you?

3. Warning Sign: Food Cravings
Intro Scene: Jack is at his buddy’s house, gaming with

“You’re also killing those chips. Remember how we

three friends. They all have controllers and are facing a

realized we get chip crazy when we’re buzzed?”

TV screen while talking and playing, surrounded by beer
and snacks. Suddenly everyone cheers, high fiving Jack

Jack looks down at the empty chip bag in front of him.

as he rewards himself with a bag of chips. We hear a

We apply our “buzzed epiphany” video treatment

ping as Jack gets a text message.

accompanied by Buzzed Warning Sign #7: Food
Cravings as he realizes that he’s buzzed.

“Killing the game 👊👊 Keep it up. ”
“That’s right. Ya buzzed, son.”
He goes to empty the full bag of chips in his mouth when
his phone pings again.

Jack turns to his mates and says, “Hey Sean, do you
mind if I leave my car here? I’m gonna call a car later.”

3. Warning Sign: Food Cravings
“Making good choices, proud of you”
Jack shakes his empty chip bag and says, “Also we
need more chips!”
“Well, mostly”
End Frame: Listen to your Sober Self. Buzzed Driving is
Drunk Driving.
ALT VO (to test): Buzzed driving is drunk driving. If you
see a buzzed warning sign, call a ride when the night’s

Sobering Up: Fails, Follies and
e enlist a storybook style and approach to revisit

classic remedies people have passed down and adopted
in an attempt to sober up.

VO / End Card will further reiterate messaging.
**note: Character illustrations will veer away from the
oft used Victorian / Monty Python character style (ex:

Hendrick’s Gin) in favor of a more contemporary
Framed as historical “buzzed stories”, excerpts will
include a catalogued story number and include both a
written description and treated illustration** of each
buzzed warning sign.
For this execution, each outlined method of attempted
sobriety is a clear and definitive buzzed warning sign in


Buzzed Story #218: Waterboy
We open on the cover of a classic, worn storybook

Text to left dissolves onto page in time with VO as 2d

entitled “Sobering up: Fails, Follies and Fables.”

animation of our character comes to life.

Our book magically opens, pages flutter and we land in
the middle of the open book on “Buzzed Story #8:

VO: “After a gathering of his work fellows at a local

Waterboy” with accompanying illustration of a

tavern, Young Lewis became aware that he might be

contemporary young man at an empty table laboring

unfit to drive home. Acknowledging he was indeed

over a pitcher of water - we see multiple glasses, some

“Buzzed,” he tried to remedy the situation with several

spilled, of varying aquatic volumes.

pitchers of cold water. Hydrated, bloated and still
buzzed, Young Lewis recognized this failed attempted
remedy as a warning sign, finally opting to forgo this
water torture in favor of arranging for transport home
when he pleased.
End Frame: If you need to do something to be okay to
drive, you’re not okay to drive. Buzzed Driving is Drunk

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitlePowerPoint Presentation
AuthorAllison Palmer Baum
File Modified2019-08-08
File Created2019-08-08

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