NASA Office of Education Undergraduate Internship Impact Surveys - Follow-up Instruments #1

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NASA Office of Education Undergraduate Internship Impact Surveys - Follow-up Instruments #1

OMB: 2700-0159

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#6 Grit Outcome Scale Post‐Internship Scale 
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Confidentiality Statement: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C.
552a), you are hereby notified that this study is sponsored by the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) Office of Education (Education), under authority of the
Government Performance and Results Modernization Act (GPRMA) of 2010 that requires
quarterly performance assessment of Government programs for purposes of assessing agency
performance and improvement. NASA Education may use the information provided for statistical
purposes related to data collection instrument development and will hold the information in
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confidentiality, there remains a remote risk of personal data becoming identifiable. A nonidentifying code number will be assigned to participants’ data records, which will be stored in
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Introduction: This research seeks to support the mission of the NASA Office of Education by
asking you to take part in post-internship surveys pertaining to our interest in the ways in
which NASA project activities impact outcomes for participants. The information we collect will
help us to improve the nature of the project activity and the accuracy with which NASA
Education can report to its community about the project activities it offers.
Purpose of the Study: Determine the degree to which instruments accurately capture the ways
participant outcomes are measured by data collection instruments.
Description of Study Procedures: You are asked to complete a short collection of related
surveys accessed by separate Surveymonkey links presented to you in the introductory email
from the NIFS Director or your NASA internship point of contact.
Study Consent: There are no foreseeable risks to participants electing to participate in this
study. Your participation is completely voluntary. In no way does refusing participation in preinternship survey development preclude you from eligibility for NASA education project activities
now or in the future. If you agree to participate, please answer the following questions to the
best of your ability.
Estimation of Time Required: To be determined through the testing procedure. Please note
your start time at the beginning of each survey. At the end of each, you will be asked to
approximate the time it to you to complete that particular survey.
Contact Person: If you have any additional questions concerning the research, this passive
consent, or confidentiality of responses, please contact Dr. Lisa E. Wills, Senior Research
Associate, at [email protected] or call (202)258-6021.



#6 Grit Outcome Scale Post‐Internship Scale 

I. About you
Please note your start time. At the end of this survey, you will be asked to approximate
the time required to complete this survey.
The following questions ask about your personal beliefs about the importance of various
activities. At the end of this survey there is a place for you to add any additional
comments relating to your experiences.
Please indicate the level to which you
agree or disagree with each statement.

Drop down menu options are as follows:
Not at all
like me





A little
like me

Like me

much like

I often set a goal but later choose
to pursue a different one.
New ideas and new projects
sometimes distract me from
previous ones.
I become interested in new
pursuits every few months.
My interests change from year to
I have been obsessed with a
certain idea or project for a short
time but later lost interest.
I have difficulty maintaining my
focus on projects that take more
than a few months to complete.
I have achieved a goal that took
years of work.
I have overcome setbacks to
conquer an important challenge.
I finish whatever I begin.

1.10 Setbacks don’t discourage me.
1.11 I am a hard worker.
1.12 I am diligent.
Adapted from: Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., & Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit:
Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
92(6), 1087-1101.





#6 Grit Outcome Scale Post‐Internship Scale 

2. Please use this space to provide any additional feedback or comments
about your experience you’d like to share with us (500 characters with
3. Please provide a current email address and your NASA UUPIC number so
that we are able to connect your Pre-experience and Post-experience
surveys with your profile information in NASA’s database.
Email address: ______________________
UUPIC number: _____________________
I do not have a NASA UUPIC number:____
Please provide the following feedback on your experience completing this survey:
4. How many minutes did you take to complete this survey? (whole number

Thank you for participating!
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: This information collection meets the requirements of
44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do
not need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 2700-0159 and
expires 04/30/2018. We estimate that it will take 4 minutes to read the instructions and answer
the questions. Send only comments relating to this time estimate to: [email protected]




File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - No.6 Grit Outcome Post-Internship Scale-12.16.15
File Modified2016-01-14
File Created2016-01-14

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