MT Results to date

Methodological Testing Results Summary Examples (4-27-18).pdf

Generic Clearance for the NASA Office of Education Performance Measurement and Evaluation (Testing)

MT Results to date

OMB: 2700-0159

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The Office of Education Performance Assessment and Evaluation Information Management
(PAEIM) Team conducted an internal assessment of information collections approved under
OMB Control Number 2700-0159 NASA Office of Education Performance Measurement
and Evaluation (Testing) to determine the outcome and results of the methodological testing.
Available documentation and testing technical reports provided the following example
summaries of results.
NASA Education STEM Challenges Impact Surveys (Student Baseline and Follow-Up
Instruments, and Educator Retrospective)
NASA Education STEM Challenges Impact Surveys Methodological Testing
Methodological testing was conducted with educator and student respondents in the
21st Century Learning Community Centers (21stCCLC)/NASA Phase 3 Collaboration.
In conducting the methodological testing analysis of our instruments, we included
several survey items to address: the amount of time to complete the surveys, if survey
questions were understandable, clarity of the survey instructions and if respondents
had any survey feedback.
Type of Validity and Reliability Assessment
We measured validity and reliability of the instruments. Instrument validity occurs
when the answers correspond to what they are intended to measure. There are four
types of validity:
1. Content – domain covered in its entirety;
2. Face – general appearance, design or layout;
3. Criterion – how effective are the questions in measuring what is purports to
4. Construct – how the questions are structured to form a relationship or
association (Bell, 2007).
Reliable instruments are assessments that produce consistent results in comparable
settings. For example, reliability is increased when there are consistent scores across
more than one organization that serves populations in a rural setting (Bell, 2007)
We examined the instrument items and its subscales. As such, we calculated
conventional measures of reliability for each scale. Cronbach’s α, which can be
interpreted as the average correlation (or loading usually denoted by λ) between the
latent dimension and the items measuring the latent dimension. The squared multiple
correlation (SMC), sometimes referred to as Guttman’s λ6, represents the proportion
of the variance in the true score explained by the items. For each item, we also
calculated the SMC and an examination of each item’s contribution to α by examining
α if we deleted the item.
Construct validity was used to identify questions that assessed students’ skills,
attitudes and behaviors toward STEM. The multi-scale measures described below are
from the PEAR Institute Common Instrument Suite Survey 3.0 (PEAR Institute, 2016).

The common instrument suite survey has been administered over 30,000 times to
students enrolled in informal science programs across the U.S., and it has shown
strong reliability in previous work (α> 0.85)
(, Allen et al, 2016).
Respondent Characteristics
Our sample consisted of 70 EDC sites chosen at random and all 12 GLOBE SRC pilot
sites. Together these 82 evaluation sites provided all the data (e.g., implementation
information collected from participation logs, educator feedback forms, and in-depth
interviews) for this evaluation.
From these sites we collected a total of 992 surveys from EDC students and 151
surveys from GLOBE SRC students at pre-test. During the post-test, 671 EDC students
and 81 GLOBE SRC students provided responses. This represents a retention rate of
68 percent for EDC and 54 percent for GLOBE SRC. High attrition rates are common
in OST programs; previous research has found that between 31 and 41 percent who
start such programs go on to finish them (Apsler, 2009; Weisman and Gootfredson
All 992 EDC participants contributed to our analysis, but we retained only 151 of the
159 participants from GLOBE SRC due to one school dropping out of the study prior
to post-test. Of the 992 EDC pre-test participants, 671 (or 68%) participated at posttest, where 321 were lost to attrition. An additional 183 participants provided data
only at post-test; however, these participants likely only had partial exposure to the
EDC program. As a result, we excluded this from our analysis. Considering
comparable numbers for GLOBE SRC, of the 151 pre-test participants, 81 (or 54%)
participated at post-test and 70 were lost to attrition.
Key findings from the performance assessment of the student and educator surveys and
analysis are as follows:
1. EDC and GLOBE SRC students required more than the projected average 10
minutes to complete the pre- or post-test surveys;
2. EDC and GLOBE SRC educators required more than the projected average 15
minutes to complete the post-test (retrospective) surveys;
3. Students responded that the pre- and post-test survey items were understandable and
that the instructions were clear;
4. Of those students who provided suggestions for improvement of the EDC and
GLOBE SRC pre- and post-test surveys, the most common suggestion was to add
more response options, followed by provide additional/more interesting questions;
5. Among educators, four responses/suggestions for improving the EDC and GLOBE
SRC educator surveys were to provide greater clarity to the questions, reduce the use
of reverse coding, that the retrospective reporting may have proved challenging for
some respondents, and more time was spent on open-ended responses;

6. Survey items and scales for each of the EDC and GLOBE SRC (pre- and post-test)
surveys, as well as the EDC and GLOBE SRC educator surveys (retrospective)
performed as expected and yielded acceptable reliability readings.
Based on the findings from the survey item and subscale analysis, and the methodological
testing survey item analysis, the contract evaluator made the following
1. Create a shorter (fewer questions) and simpler (language) version of the student
surveys to achieve a 10-minute survey experience for students, especially if the plan
in the future is to survey younger elementary school aged children (e.g., 4th grade);
2. Create a shorter (fewer questions) version of the educator surveys to achieve a 15minute survey experience for educators;
3. Consider modifying the student and educator instruments to be applicable for
older student populations (e.g., 9th and 10th grades) and include 9th and 10th grade
students in future evaluations to examine effects of 21stCCLC on older students;
4. Maintain separate EDC and GLOBE SRC student instruments (do not combine the
two instruments);
5. Conduct a comparative analysis with other available data on STEM attitudes and
6. Continue scaling the EDC and GLOBE SRC programs and use revised survey
instruments to collect student pre- and post-test data and educator post-test data;
7. Continue to collect and analyze student and educator data and contribute to the
research literature regarding successes and challenges of 21stCCLC programs
teaching engineering and science skills.

NASA Office of Education Undergraduate Internship Impact Surveys (Retrospective
and Traditional Development Surveys, Student Baseline Instruments No. 1 and Followup Instruments #1)
NASA Internship Expectations Post-Survey and Development Retrospective
Methodological Testing NASA International Internships (I^2)
• Deployed Spring 2016
• N=20
• STEM-related Outcomes Constructs of interest:
o Internship Expectations
o Development Outcomes: a dependent variable for student learning as well
as an additional construct to understand students’ intention to complete
their degrees and satisfaction with their programs. (Retrospective)

Success Story

Comprehensibility & Response Rate Results:
Table 1. Calculation chart to determine statistically relevant number of respondents

Table 2. Response rates for the NASA Internship Expectations Pre-Survey Summer 2016

Grit Results: Principal Component Analysis & Deployment June 2017
Rotation of the factor structure has realized three factors and variables loading highly on
two factors primarily, with two variables distinct and apart in the rotated solution and
presenting as a third factor.
What we learned and how it can be used:
• Statistical means to ensure population representation in testing and routine
• Certain of the auto-reminder/auto-send frequency pattern to ensure high,
representative response rates
• Retrospective survey format for attitude & behavior scales yields statistically relevant
STEM-related outcomes data
• Comprehensibility questions (2) will aid in OMB clearance reporting

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorGilmore, Richard L. (GRC-CE00)
File Modified2018-04-27
File Created2018-04-27

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