DoDDLA Loglines Magazine Readership Feedback Survey FCG IA number: 30802 |
Question Text |
Answer Text |
Brand new CQ |
Q1. Please provide your overall opinion of Loglines Magazine. |
Start rating ( 5 stars) |
Q2. I read one or more articles from Loglines Magazine: |
Every time a new issue is put out (every other month) |
In most issues of the magazine, but not every time |
Once or twice a year or less |
Never |
Brand new CQ |
Q3. The DLA topics I’m most interested in reading about are: |
Supply lines like MREs, uniforms, fuel, construction material, etc |
"Whole of Government" support - disaster relief, humanitarian assitance, firefighting, etc. |
Future developments - R&D, information technology, etc. |
Specific DLA programs |
Features on individual employees |
Things going on at specific DLA locations |
Support to specific weapons systems |
DLA support to military exercises |
History |
Other (Please describe) |
Brand new CQ |
Q4. What other topics would you be interestedin seeing in Loglines? |
(Open ended question) |
Brand new CQ |
Q5. With magazines in general, I read articles (online or in print): |
Every day |
A few times a week |
About once a week |
Once a month |
Rarely - a few times a year or less |
Never |
Brand new CQ |
Q6. I am: |
A civilian DLA employee (including military reservist) |
An active duty military service member |
A civilian employee of a DoD agency other than DLA |
An employee of a defense contractor or defense-related association |
An employee of a non-DoD federal agency |
An employee of a state or local public agency |
An employee of a nongovernmental organization (Red Cross, CRS, WorldVision, MSF, etc.) |
An owner of a defense-related business |
An owner of a business not related to defense |
A parent not employed outside the home |
Retired and no longer working full-time |
A full-time student or between jobs |
Other (Please describe) (Skip to Q7) |
Brand new CQ |
Q7. My highest level of academic education is: |
Some high school |
High school graduate or GED |
Some college |
Associate's degree |
Bachelor's degree |
Some post-undergraduate study |
Master's degree |
Doctoate or law degree |
Brand new CQ |
Q8. My age is between: |
18-29 |
30-39 |
40-49 |
50-59 |
60-69 |
70+ |
Q9. Optional: Are there any other comments or suggestions you have about Loglines? |