Form 30676 A3 30676 A3 Q_TreasOfs_Web_Browse_20150330 (2)

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Q_TreasOfs_Web_Browse_20150330 (2).xlsx

Mapping and Questionnaire Documents IA 30676 A3 (FS)

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Current Model Qsts
Current CQs
CQs (5-26-15)
CQs (5-22-13)
CQs (5-20-13)
CQs (5-7-12)

Sheet 1: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

Financial Stability Survey

MID: I54d1Yop5lJs1NU4Q9wV5A==

Partitioned (Y/N)? Y

Date: 4/16/2012

Financial Stability Survey
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Online Transparency (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Online Transparency - Disclose Please rate how thoroughly this office discloses information about what this company is doing.
Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)

Return How likely are you to return to this site?

Online Transparency - Quick Please rate your perception of how quickly information about this office is made available on this site.
Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Online Transparency - Access Please rate how well information about this office's actions can be accessed by the public on this site.
Satisfaction - Ideal How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)

Recommend How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of this site.

Primary Resource How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for obtaining information regarding the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)?

Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.

Trust (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree)

Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

Trust - Best Interests I can count on this office to act in my best interests.

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Trust - Trustworthy I consider this office to be trustworthy.

Content - Accuracy Please rate your perception of the accuracy of information on this site.

Trust - Do Right This office can be trusted to do what is right.

Content - Quality Please rate the quality of information on this site.

Content - Freshness Please rate the freshness of content on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Navigation - Organized Please rate how well the site is organized.

Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

Navigation - Layout Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

Navigation - Clicks Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.

Plain Language (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Plain Language - Clear Please rate the clarity of the wording on this site.

Plain Language - Understandable Please rate how well you understand the wording on this site.

Plain Language - Concise Please rate this site on its use of short, clear sentences.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

Site Performance - Errors Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Sheet 2: Current CQs

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE
Financial Stability Survey underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER
MID: I54d1Yop5lJs1NU4Q9wV5A== pink: ADDITION

blue + -->: REWORDING
Date: 5/19/15

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Labels
How often do you visit this site? This is my first time
Drop down, select one S Y
Visit Frequency


About once a week

About once a month

Every few months

What is your role in visiting the site today? Realtor B Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Academia /Student

General public

Banker or financial institution






Government oversight body

Government Agency (not oversight)

Press or media

Other A

LON0029752 A Please specify what your role is in visiting the site today.

Text area, no char limit
Other role
LON0029753 B Did you visit the Making Home Affordable website prior to coming to the Financial Stability site? Yes C Drop down, select one S Y
Visited MHA


LON0029754 C What type of information from the MHA site brought you over to Financial Stability?

Text area, no char limit
Info from MHA
Which section of the Financial Stability site did you primarily visit today? About TARP
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Section

TARP Programs

Housing Programs


Briefing Room/Newsroom

Doing Business with Financial Stability/Procurement

What is your primary reason(s) for visiting the site today? I want to know who received TARP funds
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

Check on the status of TARP investments

Learn more about TARP or the financial stability plan

Get help with my mortgage

Review the contracts awarded with TARP funds

Read press releases about TARP

Find reports about TARP

Get information on Executive Compensation restrictions

Other A

MCW0425 A Please specify your other reason for visiting.

Text area, no char limit
Other reason
What type of information are you interested in on this site? Daily TARP Update
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Data type

Monthly Report (105(a) Report to Congress)

Dividends & Interest Report

TARP Transactions Report

MHA Housing Report

Other Reports (Retrospectives, Citizens Report, Agency Financial Report etc.)

General TARP information A



Other Resources B

Executive Compensation information

JAC0084125 A What TARP information were you specifically interested in during your visit?

Text area, no char limit
TARP info interest
JAC0084124 B What other resources were you specifically interested in during your visit?

Text area, no char limit
Other Resources interest
Did you find what you were looking for? Yes - I found what I was looking for
Drop down, select one S Y
Find Info

No - I did not find what I was looking for A

I don't know yet, because I'm still looking A

MCW0429 A Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit
Info not found
How did you primarily navigate the site today? Left-hand Navigation Bar A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Method

Links within the Page A

Search B

MCW0431 A How would you primarily describe your navigation experience on the Financial Stability site today? Had no difficulty
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Navigation

Layout/organization of the pages is not intuitive

Too much text or clutter on pages, hard to select appropriate content

Links/labels are not clear A1

Links did not take me where I expected A2

Encountered broken links A3

Other C

JAC0084128 A1 Which links/labels were not clear?

Text area, no char limit
Unclear links
JAC0084127 A2 Which links did not take you where you expected?

Text area, no char limit
Links lead to unexpected
JAC0084126 A3 Which links/labels were broken?

Text area, no char limit
Broken links
LON0029761 C Please specify the other navigation difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other nav difficulty
MCW0432 B Please tell us about your search experience. Search results were helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Too many results

Not enough results

Results were not relevant

Other D

LON0029764 D Please specify the other search difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other search diff
What other information would you like to see added to the Financial Stability site?

Text area, no char limit
Other Info
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 3: CQs (5-26-15)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE
Financial Stability Survey underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER
MID: I54d1Yop5lJs1NU4Q9wV5A== pink: ADDITION

blue + -->: REWORDING
Date: 5/19/15

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Labels
How often do you visit this site? This is my first time
Drop down, select one S Y
Visit Frequency


About once a week

About once a month

Every few months

In what capacity are you visiting this site? What is your role in visiting the site today? Home Owner or Realtor B Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Academia /Student

General public

Banker or financial institution






Government oversight body

Government Agency (not oversight)

Press or media

Other A

LON0029752 A Please specify your other role or capacity you are visiting the site.

Text area, no char limit
Other role
LON0029753 B Did you visit the Making Home Affordable website prior to coming to the Financial Stability site? Yes C Drop down, select one S Y
Visited MHA


LON0029754 C What type of information from the MHA site brought you over to Financial Stability?

Text area, no char limit
Info from MHA
Which section of the Financial Stability site did you primarily visit today? About TARP
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Section

TARP Programs

Housing Programs


Briefing Room/Newsroom

Doing Business with Financial Stability/Procurement

What is your primary reason(s) for visiting the site today? I want to know who received TARP funds
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

Check on the status of TARP investments

Learn more about TARP or the financial stability plan

Get help with my mortgage

Review the contracts awarded with TARP funds

Read press releases about TARP

Find reports about TARP

Get information on Executive Compensation restrictions

Other A

MCW0425 A Please specify your other reason for visiting.

Text area, no char limit
Other reason
What type of information are you interested in on this site? Daily TARP Update
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Data type

Monthly Report (105(a) Report to Congress)

Dividends & Interest Report

TARP Transactions Report

MHA Housing Report

Other Reports (Retrospectives, Citizens Report, Agency Financial Report etc.)

General TARP information A



Other Resources B

Executive Compensation information

A What TARP information were you specifically interested in during your visit?

Text area, no char limit
TARP info interest

B What other resources were you specifically interested in during your visit?

Text area, no char limit
Other Resources interest
Did you find what you were looking for? Yes - I found what I was looking for
Drop down, select one S Y
Find Info

No - I did not find what I was looking for A

I don't know yet, because I'm still looking A

MCW0429 A Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit
Info not found
How did you primarily navigate the site today? Left-hand Navigation Bar A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Method

Links within the Page A

Search B

MCW0431 A How would you primarily describe your navigation experience on the Financial Stability site today? Had no difficulty
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Navigation

Layout/organization of the pages is not intuitive

Too much text or clutter on pages, hard to select appropriate content

Links/labels are are not clear A1

Links did not take me where I expected A2

Encountered broken links A3

Other C

A1 Which links/labels were not clear?

Text area, no char limit
Unclear links

A2 Which links did not take you where you expected?

Text area, no char limit
Links lead to unexpected

A3 Which links/labels were broken?

Text area, no char limit
Broken links
LON0029761 C Please specify the other navigation difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other nav difficulty
MCW0432 B Please tell us about your search experience. Search results were helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Too many results

Not enough results

Results were not relevant

Other D

LON0029764 D Please specify the other search difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other search diff
What other information would you like to see added to the Financial Stability site?

Text area, no char limit
Other Info
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 4: CQs (5-22-13)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE
Financial Stability Survey underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER
MID: I54d1Yop5lJs1NU4Q9wV5A== pink: ADDITION

blue + -->: REWORDING
Date: 5/21/2013

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Labels
How often do you visit this site? This is my first time
Drop down, select one S Y
Visit Frequency


About once a week

About once a month

Every few months

In what capacity are you visiting this site? Home Owner or Realtor B Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Academia /Student

General public

Banker or financial institution


Government oversight body

Government Agency (not oversight)

Press or media

Other A

LON0029752 A Please specify your other role or capacity you are visiting the site.

Text area, no char limit
Other role
LON0029753 B Did you visit the Making Home Affordable website prior to coming to the Financial Stability site? Yes C Drop down, select one S Y
Visited MHA


LON0029754 C What type of information from the MHA site brought you over to Financial Stability?

Text area, no char limit
Info from MHA
Which section of the Financial Stability site did you primarily visit today? About TARP
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Section

TARP Programs

Housing Programs


Briefing Room/Newsroom

Doing Business with Financial Stability/Procurement

What is your primary reason(s) for visiting the site today? I want to know who received TARP funds
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

Check on the status of TARP investments

Learn more about TARP or the financial stability plan

Get help with my mortgage

Review the contracts awarded with TARP funds

Read press releases about TARP

Find reports about TARP

Get information on Executive Compensation restrictions

Other A

MCW0425 A Please specify your other reason for visiting.

Text area, no char limit
Other reason
What type of information are you interested in on this site? Daily TARP Update
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Data type

Monthly Report (105(a) Report to Congress)

Dividends & Interest Report

TARP Transactions Report

MHA Housing Report

Other Reports (Retrospectives, Citizens Report, Agency Financial Report etc.)

General TARP information



Other Resources

Executive Compensation information

Did you find what you were looking for? Yes - I found what I was looking for
Drop down, select one S Y
Find Info

No - I did not find what I was looking for A

I don't know yet, because I'm still looking A

MCW0429 A Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit
Info not found
How did you primarily navigate the site today? Left-hand Navigation Bar A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Method

Links within the Page A

Search B

MCW0431 A How would you primarily describe your navigation experience on the Financial Stability site today? Had no difficulty
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Layout/organization of the pages is not intuitive

Too much text or clutter on pages, hard to select appropriate content

Links/labels are are not clear

Links did not take me where I expected

Encountered broken links

Other C

LON0029761 C Please specify the other navigation difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other nav difficulty
MCW0432 B Please tell us about your search experience. Search results were helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Too many results

Not enough results

Results were not relevant

Other D

LON0029764 D Please specify the other search difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other search diff
What other information would you like to see added to the Financial Stability site?

Text area, no char limit
Other Info
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 5: CQs (5-20-13)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE
Financial Stability Survey underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER
MID: I54d1Yop5lJs1NU4Q9wV5A== pink: ADDITION

blue + -->: REWORDING
Date: 5/14/2013

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Labels
How often do you visit this site? This is my first time
Drop down, select one S Y
Visit Frequency


About once a week

About once a month

Every few months

In what capacity are you visiting this site? Home Owner or Realtor B Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Academia /Student

General public

Banker or financial institution


Government oversight body

Government Agency (not oversight)

Press or media

Other A

A Please specify your other role or capacity you are visiting the site.

Text area, no char limit
Other role

B Did you visit the Making Home Affordable website prior to coming to the Financial Stability site? Yes C Drop down, select one S Y
Visited MHA


C What type of information from the MHA site brought you over to Financial Stability?

Text area, no char limit
Info from MHA
Which section of the Financial Stability site did you primarily visit today? About TARP
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Section

TARP Programs

Bank Programs

Credit Market Programs

Housing Programs

Auto Industry

American International Group (AIG)


Briefing Room/Newsroom

About Financial Stability

Doing Business with Financial Stability/Procurement

Contact Us

Executive Compensation

What is your primary reason(s) for visiting the site today? I want to know who received TARP funds
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

Check on the status of TARP investments

Learn more about TARP or the financial stability plan

Contact someone at Treasury

Get help with my mortgage

Do business with OFS

Learn more about the TARP funded programs

Learn what OFS does

Review the contracts awarded with TARP funds

Read or write a story concerning TARP/financial stability

Read press releases about TARP

Find reports about TARP

Get information on Executive Compensation restrictions

Other A

MCW0425 A Please specify your other reason for visiting.

Text area, no char limit
Other reason
Did you download any data? Yes A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Download Data


Not applicable

What type of information are you interested in on this site? Daily TARP Update Report (TARP Daily)
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Data type

Monthly Report (105(a) Report to Congress)

Dividends & Interest Report

TARP Transactions Report

MHA Housing Report

Other Reports (Retrospectives, Citizens Report, Agency Financial Report etc.)

General TARP information

Press Releases




Other Resources

Executive Compensation information

Did you find what you were looking for? Yes - I found what I was looking for
Drop down, select one S Y
Find Info

No - I did not find what I was looking for A

I don't know yet, because I'm still looking A

MCW0429 A Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit
Info not found
How did you primarily navigate the site today? Left-hand Navigation Bar A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Method

Links within the Page A

Search B

MCW0431 A How would you primarily describe your navigation experience on the Financial Stability site today? Had no difficulty
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Too many links

Too few links

Layout/organization of the pages is not intuitive

Too much text or clutter on pages, hard to select appropriate content

Links/labels are difficult to understand are not clear

Often could not determine the best link

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not get started or did not know where to begin

Encountered broken links

Navigated to general area but could not find specific content

Could not navigate back to previous information

Other C

C Please specify the other navigation difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other nav difficulty
MCW0432 B Please tell us about your search experience. Search results were helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Too many results

Not enough results

No results

Results were too similar/redundant

Results were not relevant

Not sure what words to use

Required too many refinements

Search speed was too slow

Other D

D Please specify the other search difficulty you encountered.

Text area, no char limit
Other search diff
What other information would you like to see added to the Financial Stability site?

Text area, no char limit
Other Info
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 6: CQs (5-7-12)

Model Instance Name: red & strike-through: DELETE
Financial Stability Survey underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

blue + -->: REWORDING
Date: 5/4/2012

(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Labels
How often do you visit this site? This is my first time
Drop down, select one S Y
Visit Frequency


About once a week

About once a month

Every few months

In what capacity are you visiting this site? Home Owner or Realtor
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Role

Academia /Student

General public

Banker or financial institution


Government oversight body

Government Agency (not oversight)

Press or media


Which section of the Financial Stability site did you primarily visit today? About TARP
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Section

TARP Programs

Bank Programs

Credit Market Programs

Housing Programs

Auto Industry

American International Group (AIG)


Briefing Room/Newsroom

About Financial Stability

Doing Business with Financial Stability/Procurement

Contact Us

Executive Compensation

What is your primary reason(s) for visiting the site today? I want to know who received TARP funds
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

Check on the status of TARP investments

Learn more about TARP or the financial stability plan

Contact someone at Treasury

Get help with my mortgage

Do business with OFS

Learn more about the TARP funded programs

Learn what OFS does

Review the contracts awarded with TARP funds

Read or write a story concerning TARP/financial stability

Read press releases about TARP

Find reports about TARP

Get information on Executive Compensation restrictions

Other A

MCW0425 A Please specify your reason.

Text area, no char limit
Other reason
Did you download any data? Yes A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Download Data


Not applicable

MCW0427 A What type of data did you download? Daily Report (TARP Daily)
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Data type

Monthly Report (e.g. 105(a) Report to Congress, Dividends & Interest, TARP Transactions, MHA Housing Report)

Other Reports (Retrospectives, Citizens Report, Agency Financial Report etc.)

Press Releases




Other Resources

Executive Compensation information

Did you find what you were looking for? Yes - I found what I was looking for
Drop down, select one S Y
Find Info

No - I did not find what I was looking for A

I don't know yet, because I'm still looking A

MCW0429 A Please tell us what you were trying to do or find.

Text area, no char limit
Info not found
How did you primarily navigate the site today? Left-hand Navigation Bar A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Method

Right-hand Navigation Buttons A

Links within the Page A

Search B

MCW0431 A How would you primarily describe your navigation experience on the Financial Stability site today? Had no difficulty
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Too many links

Too few links

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Often could not determine the best link

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not get started or did not know where to begin

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Navigated to general area but could not find specific content

Could not navigate back to previous information


MCW0432 B Please tell us about your search experience. Search results were helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

Too many results

Not enough results

No results

Results were too similar/redundant

Results were not relevant

Not sure what words to use

Required too many refinements

Search speed was too slow


What other information would you like to see added to the Financial Stability site?

Text area, no char limit
Other Info
If you could identify one improvement to the website, what would that improvement be?

Text area, no char limit

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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