30688 Q_SSADisability_Web_AccountManagement_20181001_DOT

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys


Mapping and Questionnaire Documents IA 30688 A4 (SSA)

OMB: 1090-0008

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Sheet 1: Disability_v2_Model_Qsts

Model Instance Name:

SSA Disability v2


Partitioned No

Element rotation scheme has been added

FPI Included(Y/N)?

NOTE: All non-partitioned surveys will NOT be imputed and the elements will be rotated as a default unless otherwise specified and approved by Research.


SSA Disability v2
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Site Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of information provided in this application. 14 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this application?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
17 Recommend How likely are you to recommend this application to someone else?
2 SiteInformation - Understandable Please rate how understandable this application’s information is. 15 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this application meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Use Other Online Services (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 SiteInformation - Answers Please rate how well the application’s information provides answers to your questions. 16 Satisfaction - Ideal How does this application compare to your idea of an ideal application?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
18 Use Other Online Services How likely are you to use other Social Security online services?

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

4 Site Performance - Consistency Please rate how quickly pages load in this application.

5 Site Performance - Errors Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page in this application.

6 leann.hartka: Need label
Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages in this application.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Navigation - Organized Please rate how well the application is organized.

8 Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating this application.

9 Navigation - Layout Please rate how well the application layout helps you find what you are looking for.

10 Navigation - Clicks Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want in this application.

Plain Language (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

11 Plain Language - Clear Please rate the clarity of the wording in this application.

12 Plain Language - Understandable Please rate how well you understand the wording in this application.

13 Plain Language - Concise Please rate this application on its use of short, clear sentences.

Sheet 2: Current_CQs

Model Instance Name:
SSA Disability v2


Partitioned No


QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip To Required
Type (select from list) Special Instructions Labels
Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else? Myself A Y Drop down select one
Applying for

Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend

Professional Helping a Client


BUC0266068 A Were you able to create or log in to your mySSA account? Yes
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group Create or log into mySSA

No B

Don't know

BUC0266088 B Why were you not able to create or log in to your mySSA account? Did not have required information to create account
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Group Why not log in mySSA

Could not remember my password

Other BB

Don't know

BUC0266069 BB Please describe why you were not able to create or log in to your mySSA account.

N Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group OE_Why not log in mySSA
How did you learn about the Social Security online disability application? (Select all that apply) Official Social Security website (www.ssa.gov)
Y Check box vertical one up Skip Logic Learn about App

Online social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

A general web search (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.)

Traditional media (TV, radio, newspaper, etc.)

Social Security Statement

Social Security publication

Social Security employee A

Relative or friend

Doctor, social worker, attorney, or other professional

I saw the link while I was checking my online statements

Other, please specify B

CAS0045272 B Please specify how you learned about this online disability application.

N Text box, no char limit Skip Logic OPS_learned of app
Before visiting SSA.gov did you first try to accomplish your task in any of the following ways? Calling Social Security's 1-800 number
Y Checkbox, one up vertical
First try

Visiting my local Social Security office

Calling my local Social Security office

No, I visited SSA.gov first

Not sure

Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.) I used the Disability Benefits Checklist A Y check box one up vertical Skip Logic Prepare for App

I watched the instructional video C

I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare D

I used another resource to prepare to apply online E

I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online

Mutually Exclusive

CAS0045274 A How helpful did you find the Disability Benefits Checklist? Very helpful
Y Drop down select one Skip Logic Rate Statement

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045276 C How helpful did you find the instructional video? Very helpful
Y Drop down select one Skip Logic Rate Video

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045277 D How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website? Very helpful
Y Drop down select one Skip Logic Rate Other Info on Website

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045278 E Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online?

N Text field, no char limit Skip Logic OPS Prepare for App
Did you apply for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) today along with disability? Yes A Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic SSI Apply Today

No, I applied only for disability B

Not sure

RUS0199341 A Are you aware that additional information may be required to determine your eligibility for SSI (Supplemental Security Income)? Yes
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic SSI Criteria Aware


RUS0199342 B Do you intend to apply for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) in the future? Yes
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic SSI Apply Future


Not sure

Did the site clearly describe what you wanted to know about SSI (Supplemental Security Income)? Yes Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Clearly describe SSI

No C

Not sure/Was not looking for SSI information

RUS0199365 C Please describe what was not clear.

Text field, no char limit
OE_Not clear about SSI
Did you start a new online disability application today or did you return to a saved application? Started a new application
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic App Status

Returned to work on a saved application R1

STE0123750 R1 Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number? Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me R0 Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Access Saved App

No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me R2

No, I did not have my Reentry number R2,R3

BUC0266089 R0 Were you aware you could find your re-entry number in mySSA "Your Benefit Applications"? Yes
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic Reentry number aware


BUC0266090 R3 Do you have a mySSA account? Yes
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip logic Have mySSA account


Don't know

STE0123734 R2 If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application? Yes
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Create New App


Did you complete and submit your online disability application today? Yes
Y Radio button, one-up vertical Skip Logic Complete App

No, I plan to complete and submit later A

No, I do not plan to complete and submit the online application A

CAS0047730 A If you did not complete and submit your online disability application today, please tell us why. I didn't have information I needed like names, addresses, or dates
Y check box one up vertical Skip Logic Not Complete App

I didn't understand what the questions meant or how to answer

I needed to view my Social Security Statement and/or verify that my earnings record is correct

My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods

I had a limited amount of time/family demands that kept me from working on it for very long

I had technical problems like an error message or a mistake I couldn't fix

There are too many questions

It takes too long to fill out

It's too complicated to complete without help

None of the above

Other, please specify AA

CAS0047731 AA Please tell us why you did not complete and submit your online disability application today.

N Text field, no char limit Skip Logic OPS Why Not Complete today
RUS0250218 Do you plan to do any of the following as a next step? Call Social Security's 1-800 number
Y Radio button, one up veritical Skip Logic Group Do next

Visit my local Social Security office

Call my local Social Security office

Other (please specify) B

RUS0250219 B What do you plan to do next?

Text area, no char limit Skip Logic Group OE_Do next
So far, how long have you worked on this disability online application? Up to 30 minutes
Y Radio button select one
Time Spent

More than 30 minutes up to 1 hour

More than 1 hour up to 2 hours

More than 2 hours up to 3 hours

More than 3 hours up to 4 hours

More than 4 hours

How many times did you work on your online disability application? One Time
Y Radio button select one
Number of times

Two Times

Three Times

Four Times

Five or More Times

How did you locate the online disability application today? I used the Online Services link on the Social Security homepage
Y Radio Button Skip Logic Arrive at App

I followed a link from somewhere else on the Social Security website

I used Social Security's online search

I used a search engine (i.e. Google, Bing, etc.) to locate the online application

I had bookmarked the site

Other, please specify A

CAS0047686 A Please describe how you arrived at this online disability application today.

N Text field, no char limit Skip Logic Group OPS Arrive at app
How easy was it for you to find the link to apply for Disability online? Very easy
Y Radio, one-up Skip Logic Group Find App

Somewhat easy

Somewhat hard A

Very hard A

CAS0047735 A Please tell us why it was hard to locate the link to apply for disability online. (Select all that apply.) I could not find where to start a new online application
Y check box one up vertical Skip Logic Why hard to find

The "Apply for Benefits" was not clear to me

Not clear where to go to return to my previously saved application

I could not find the correct link to select

The link(s) did not work on the Social Security website

The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner

I used the search feature but the results didn’t seem to apply

I tried to find the application using the FAQs links

Other, please specify AA

CAS0047736 AA Please explain the reason why it was hard for you to find the online application.

N Text field, no char limit Skip Logic OPS Hard to Find
Once you found the application, did you have any difficulties completing it? (Select all that apply.) I did not have any difficulties
Y check box one up vertical Skip Logic Mutually Exclusive, Difficulties

Forms/questions were difficult to understand

Needed more room on form to include my information

Other, please specify AB

RUS0199367 AB Please describe your difficulty.

N Text field, no char limit Skip Logic OPS Hard to Find
Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.) I prefer to use online services as much as possible
Y check box one up vertical Skip Logic Why Online

I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website

A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online

I can't get to my local Social Security Office

A friend or relative recommended that I apply online

I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security

I am filing on behalf of another person

I did not want to go to a local Social Security office

I did not want to apply over the phone

Other, please specify A

CAS0045253 A Please specify why you choose to apply online

N Text field, no char limit Skip Logic Group OPS Why Online
What is your current marital status? Married
N Radio button, one-up vertical OPS Group Marital Status

Significant Other/Partner




Never Married/Single

Prefer not to answer

Other, please specify A

CAS0045255 A Other marital status

N Text field, <100 char OPS Group OPS Marital Status
What is your age? Under 18
Y Radio Button, One Up Vertical Age

18 - 29

30 - 39

40 - 49

50 - 59

60 - 69

70 or older

Prefer not to answer

Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online disability application?

N Text Area – no character limit

Sheet 3: CQs_(10-1-18)

Model Instance Name:
SSA Disability v2


Partitioned No


QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip To Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions Labels
Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else?
Myself A Drop down select one Y
Applying for

Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend

Professional Helping a Client


A Were you able to create or log in to your mySSA account?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Create or log into mySSA

No B

Don't know

B Why were you not able to create or log in to your mySSA account?
Did not have required information to create account
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group

Could not remember my password

Why not log in mySSA

Other BB

Don't know

BB Please describe why you were not able to create or log in to your mySSA account.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Why not log in mySSA
How did you learn about the Social Security online disability application? (Select all that apply)
Official Social Security website (www.ssa.gov)
Check box vertical one up Y Skip Logic Learn about App

Online social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

A general web search (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.)

Traditional media (TV, radio, newspaper, etc.)

Social Security Statement

Social Security publication

Social Security employee A

Relative or friend

Doctor, social worker, attorney, or other professional

I saw the link while I was checking my online statements

Other, please specify B

CAS0045272 B Please specify how you learned about this online disability application.

Text box, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS_learned of app
Before visiting SSA.gov did you first try to accomplish your task in any of the following ways?
Calling Social Security's 1-800 number
Checkbox, one up vertical Y
First try

Visiting my local Social Security office

Calling my local Social Security office

No, I visited SSA.gov first

Not sure

Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.)
I used the Disability Benefits Checklist A check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Prepare for App

I used the Disability Starter Kit B

I watched the instructional video C

I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare D

I used another resource to prepare to apply online E

I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online

Mutually Exclusive

CAS0045274 A How helpful did you find the Disability Benefits Checklist?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Statement

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045275 B How helpful did you find the Disability Starter Kit?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate RE Tools

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045276 C How helpful did you find the instructional video?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Video

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045277 D How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Other Info on Website

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045278 E Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online?

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Prepare for App
Did you apply for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) today along with disability?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic SSI Apply Today

No, I applied only for disability B

Not sure

RUS0199341 A Are you aware that additional information may be required to determine your eligibility for SSI (Supplemental Security Income)?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic SSI Criteria Aware


RUS0199342 B Do you intend to apply for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) in the future?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic SSI Apply Future


Not sure

Did the site clearly describe what you wanted to know about SSI (Supplemental Security Income)?
Yes Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Clearly describe SSI

No C

Not sure/Was not looking for SSI information

RUS0199365 C Please describe what was not clear.

Text field, no char limit

OE_Not clear about SSI
Did you start a new online disability application today or did you return to a saved application?
Started a new application
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic App Status

Returned to work on a saved application R1

STE0123750 R1 Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number?
Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me R0 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Access Saved App

No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me R2

No, I did not have my Reentry number R2,R3

R0 Were you aware you could find your re-entry number in mySSA "Your Benefit Applications"?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reentry number aware


R3 Do you have a mySSA account?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Have mySSA account


Don't know

STE0123734 R2 If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Create New App


Did you complete and submit your online disability application today?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Complete App

No, I plan to complete and submit later A

No, I do not plan to complete and submit the online application A

CAS0047730 A If you did not complete and submit your online disability application today, please tell us why.
I didn't have information I needed like names, addresses, or dates
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Not Complete App

I didn't understand what the questions meant or how to answer

I needed to view my Social Security Statement and/or verify that my earnings record is correct

My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods

I had a limited amount of time/family demands that kept me from working on it for very long

I had technical problems like an error message or a mistake I couldn't fix

There are too many questions

It takes too long to fill out

It's too complicated to complete without help

None of the above

Other, please specify AA

CAS0047731 AA Please tell us why you did not complete and submit your online disability application today.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Why Not Complete today
RUS0250218 Do you plan to do any of the following as a next step?
Call Social Security's 1-800 number
Radio button, one up veritical Y Skip Logic Group Do next

Visit my local Social Security office

Call my local Social Security office

Other (please specify) B

RUS0250219 B What do you plan to do next?

Text area, no char limit
Skip Logic Group OE_Do next
So far, how long have you worked on this disability online application?
Up to 30 minutes
Radio button select one Y
Time Spent

More than 30 minutes up to 1 hour

More than 1 hour up to 2 hours

More than 2 hours up to 3 hours

More than 3 hours up to 4 hours

More than 4 hours

How many times did you work on your online disability application?
One Time
Radio button select one Y
Number of times

Two Times

Three Times

Four Times

Five or More Times

How did you locate the online disability application today?
I used the Online Services link on the Social Security homepage
Radio Button Y Skip Logic Arrive at App

I followed a link from somewhere else on the Social Security website

I used Social Security's online search

I used a search engine (i.e. Google, Bing, etc.) to locate the online application

I had bookmarked the site

Other, please specify A

CAS0047686 A Please describe how you arrived at this online disability application today.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Arrive at app
How easy was it for you to find the link to apply for Disability online?
Very easy
Radio, one-up Y Skip Logic Group Find App

Somewhat easy

Somewhat hard A

Very hard A

CAS0047735 A Please tell us why it was hard to locate the link to apply for disability online. (Select all that apply.)
I could not find where to start a new online application
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Why hard to find

The "Apply for Benefits" was not clear to me

Not clear where to go to return to my previously saved application

I could not find the correct link to select

The link(s) did not work on the Social Security website

The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner

I used the search feature but the results didn’t seem to apply

I tried to find the application using the FAQs links

Other, please specify AA

CAS0047736 AA Please explain the reason why it was hard for you to find the online application.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Hard to Find
Once you found the application, did you have any difficulties completing it? (Select all that apply.)
I did not have any difficulties
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Mutually Exclusive, Difficulties

Forms/questions were difficult to understand

Needed more room on form to include my information

Other, please specify AB

RUS0199367 AB Please describe your difficulty.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Hard to Find
Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.)
I prefer to use online services as much as possible
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Why Online

I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website

A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online

I can't get to my local Social Security Office

A friend or relative recommended that I apply online

I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security

I am filing on behalf of another person

I did not want to go to a local Social Security office

I did not want to apply over the phone

Other, please specify A

CAS0045253 A Please specify why you choose to apply online

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Why Online
What is your current marital status?
Radio button, one-up vertical N OPS Group Marital Status

Significant Other/Partner




Never Married/Single

Prefer not to answer

Other, please specify A

CAS0045255 A Other marital status

Text field, <100 char N OPS Group OPS Marital Status
What is your age?
Under 18
Radio Button, One Up Vertical Y Age

18 - 29

30 - 39

40 - 49

50 - 59

60 - 69

70 or older

Prefer not to answer

Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online disability application?

Text Area – no character limit N

Sheet 4: CQs_(8-3-18)

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip To Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions Labels
Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else?
Drop down select one Y
Applying for

Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend

Professional Helping a Client


How did you learn about the Social Security online disability application? (Select all that apply)
Official Social Security website (www.ssa.gov)
Check box vertical one up Y Skip Logic Learn about App

Online social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

A general web search (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.)

Traditional media (TV, radio, newspaper, etc.)

Social Security Statement

Social Security publication

Social Security employee A

Relative or friend

Doctor, social worker, attorney, or other professional

Other, please specify B

CAS0045270 A How did you make contact with a Social Security employee?
Called the national 800 number
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic How Contact SSA employee

Called a local Social Security office

Visited a local Social Security office

At a Social Security sponsored event

Other, please specify AA

CAS0045271 AA Please describe how you made contact with a Social Security employee.

Skip Logic OPS how Contact SSA Employee
CAS0045272 B Please specify how you learned about this online disability application.

Text box, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS_learned of app

Before visiting SSA.gov did you first try to accomplish your task in any of the following ways?
Calling Social Security's 1-800 number
Checkbox, one up vertical Y
First try

Visiting my local Social Security office

Calling my local Social Security office

No, I visited SSA.gov first

Not sure

Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.)
I used the Disability Benefits Checklist A check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Prepare for App

I used the Disability Starter Kit B

I watched the instructional video C

I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare D

I used another resource to prepare to apply online E

I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online

Mutually Exclusive

CAS0045274 A How helpful did you find the Disability Benefits Checklist?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Statement

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045275 B How helpful did you find the Disability Starter Kit?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate RE Tools

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045276 C How helpful did you find the instructional video?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Video

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045277 D How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website?
Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Other Info on Website

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045278 E Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online?

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Prepare for App
Did you apply for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) today along with disability?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic SSI Apply Today

No, I applied only for disability B

Not sure

RUS0199341 A Are you aware that additional information may be required to determine your eligibility for SSI (Supplemental Security Income)?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic SSI Criteria Aware


RUS0199342 B Do you intend to apply for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) in the future?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic SSI Apply Future


Not sure

Did the site clearly describe what you wanted to know about SSI (Supplemental Security Income)?
Yes Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Clearly describe SSI

No C

Not sure/Was not looking for SSI information

RUS0199365 C Please describe what was not clear.

Text field, no char limit

OE_Not clear about SSI
Did you start a new online disability application today or did you return to a saved application?
Started a new application
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic App Status

Returned to work on a saved application R1

STE0123750 R1 Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number?
Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Access Saved App

No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me R2

No, I did not have my Reentry number R2

STE0123734 R2 If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Create New App


Did you complete and submit your online disability application today?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Complete App

No, I plan to complete and submit later A

No, I do not plan to complete and submit the online application A

CAS0047730 A If you did not complete and submit your online disability application today, please tell us why.
I didn't have information I needed like names, addresses, or dates
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Not Complete App

I didn't understand what the questions meant or how to answer

I needed to view my Social Security Statement and/or verify that my earnings record is correct

My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods

I had a limited amount of time/family demands that kept me from working on it for very long

I had technical problems like an error message or a mistake I couldn't fix

There are too many questions

It takes too long to fill out

It's too complicated to complete without help

None of the above

Other, please specify AA

CAS0047731 AA Please tell us why you did not complete and submit your online disability application today.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Why Not Complete today

Do you plan to do any of the following as a next step?
Call Social Security's 1-800 number
Radio button, one up veritical Y Skip Logic Group Do next

Visit my local Social Security office

Call my local Social Security office

Other (please specify) B

B What do you plan to do next?

Text area, no char limit
Skip Logic Group OE_Do next
So far, how long have you worked on this disability online application?
Up to 30 minutes
Radio button select one Y
Time Spent

More than 30 minutes up to 1 hour

More than 1 hour up to 2 hours

More than 2 hours up to 3 hours

More than 3 hours up to 4 hours

More than 4 hours

How many times did you work on your online disability application?
One Time
Radio button select one Y
Number of times

Two Times

Three Times

Four Times

Five or More Times

How did you locate the online disability application today?
I used the Online Services link on the Social Security homepage
Radio Button Y Skip Logic Arrive at App

I followed a link from somewhere else on the Social Security website

I used Social Security's online search

I used a search engine (i.e. Google, Bing, etc.) to locate the online application

I had bookmarked the site

Other, please specify A

CAS0047686 A Please describe how you arrived at this online disability application today.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Arrive at app
How easy was it for you to find the link to apply for Disability online?
Very easy
Radio, one-up Y Skip Logic Group Find App

Somewhat easy

Somewhat hard A

Very hard A

CAS0047735 A Please tell us why it was hard to locate the link to apply for disability online. (Select all that apply.)
I could not find where to start a new online application
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Why hard to find

The "Apply for Benefits" was not clear to me

Not clear where to go to return to my previously saved application

I could not find the correct link to select

The link(s) did not work on the Social Security website

The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner

I used the search feature but the results didn’t seem to apply

I tried to find the application using the FAQs links

Other, please specify AA

CAS0047736 AA Please explain the reason why it was hard for you to find the online application.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Hard to Find
Once you found the application, did you have any difficulties completing it? (Select all that apply.)
I did not have any difficulties
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Mutually Exclusive, Difficulties

Forms/questions were difficult to understand

Needed more room on form to include my information

Other, please specify AB

RUS0199367 AB Please describe your difficulty.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Hard to Find
Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.)
I prefer to use online services as much as possible
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Why Online

I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website

A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online

I can't get to my local Social Security Office

A friend or relative recommended that I apply online

I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security

I am filing on behalf of another person

I did not want to go to a local Social Security office

I did not want to apply over the phone

Other, please specify A

CAS0045253 A Please specify why you choose to apply online

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Why Online
After your visit today, what do you plan to do next?
Nothing, I submitted my claim
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Do Next Y/N

I will return to check the status of my application

I will return to complete my claim

Browse the SSA website

I will call Social Security’s 1-800 number

I will visit my local Social Security Office

I do not know what I will do next at this time

What is your current marital status?
Radio button, one-up vertical N OPS Group Marital Status

Significant Other/Partner




Never Married/Single

Prefer not to answer

Other, please specify A

CAS0045255 A Other marital status

Text field, <100 char N OPS Group OPS Marital Status

What is your age?
Under 18
Radio Button, One Up Vertical Y Age

18 - 29

30 - 39

40 - 49

50 - 59

60 - 69

70 or older

Prefer not to answer

Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online disability application?

Text Area – no character limit N
File Typeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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