Model Instance Name: | ||||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | ![]() |
MID: | VgpBBYx9l8JxIFgJlY1Ikg4C | |||||||||
Partitioned No | Element rotation scheme has been added | |||||||||
FPI Included(Y/N)? | ||||||||||
Date: | 6/6/2013 | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | ||||||||||
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts | ||||||||||
ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction) | CUSTOMER SATISFACTION | FUTURE BEHAVIORS | FPI | |||||||
NOTE: All questions under each element are required. Element questions are partitioned among surveys. |
REQUIRED ELEMENTS (common to all websites) | ||||||||||
MQ Label | MQ Label | MQ Label | Y? | |||||||
Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | Satisfaction | Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | ||||||||
Site Information - Thoroughness | Please rate the thoroughness of information provided in this application. | Satisfaction - Overall | What is your overall satisfaction with this application? (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied) |
Recommend | How likely are you to recommend this application to someone else? | |||||
SiteInformation - Understandable | Please rate how understandable this application’s information is. | Satisfaction - Expectations | How well does this application meet your expectations? (1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds) |
Use Other Online Services (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | ||||||
SiteInformation - Answers | Please rate how well the application’s information provides answers to your questions. | Satisfaction - Ideal | How does this application compare to your idea of an ideal application? (1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close) |
Use Other Online Services | How likely are you to use other Social Security online services? | |||||
Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | ||||||||||
Site Performance - Consistency | Please rate how quickly pages load in this application. | |||||||||
Site Performance - Errors | Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page in this application. | |||||||||
Site Performance - Loading | Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages in this application. | |||||||||
Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | ||||||||||
Navigation - Organized | Please rate how well the application is organized. | |||||||||
Navigation - Options | Please rate the options available for navigating this application. | ![]() |
![]() |
Navigation - Layout | Please rate how well the application layout helps you find what you are looking for. | |||||||||
Navigation - Clicks | Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want in this application. | |||||||||
Plain Language (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | ||||||||||
Plain Language - Clear | Please rate the clarity of the wording in this application. | |||||||||
Plain Language - Understandable | Please rate how well you understand the wording in this application. | |||||||||
Plain Language - Concise | Please rate this application on its use of short, clear sentences. | |||||||||
Model Instance Name: | ||||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | ![]() |
MID: | Q0ExM1xNQRl9JJUR0M0JlA4C | |||||||||
Partitioned No | ||||||||||
FPI Included(Y/N)? | ||||||||||
NOTE: All non-partitioned surveys will NOT be imputed and the elements will be rotated as a default unless otherwise specified and approved by Research. | ||||||||||
Date: | 7/19/2013 | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | ||||||||||
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts | ||||||||||
ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction) | CUSTOMER SATISFACTION | FUTURE BEHAVIORS | FPI | |||||||
NOTE: All questions under each element are required. Element questions are partitioned among surveys. |
REQUIRED ELEMENTS (common to all websites) | ||||||||||
MQ Label | MQ Label | MQ Label | Y? | |||||||
Información del sitio de Internet (1=Mala, 10=Excelente, No sé) | Satisfacción | Recomendar (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente) | ||||||||
Site Information - Thoroughness | Por favor califique lo exhaustivo de la información presentada en este programa de computadora. | Satisfaction - Overall | ¿Cómo calificaría su satisfacción en general de este programa de computadora? (1=Totalmente insatisfecho, 10=Totalmente satisfecho) | Recommend | ¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que le recomiende a otra persona el que use este programa de computadora ? | |||||
SiteInformation - Understandable | Por favor califique lo comprensible de la información presentada en este programa de computadora. | Satisfaction - Expectations | ¿Con cuánta exactitud este programa de computadora satisfizo sus expectativas? (1=No llenó mis expectativas, 10=Totalmente satisfecho) | Uso de otros servicios del Seguro Social por Internet (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente) | ||||||
SiteInformation - Answers | Por favor califique lo adecuado de las respuestas que presenta este programa de computadora. | Satisfaction - Ideal | ¿Cómo se compara este programa de computadora con lo que se imaginaría que sería su programa de computadora ideal? (1=No se asemeja, 10=Se asemeja) | Use Other Online Services | ¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que use otros programas del Seguro Social de computadora por Internet ? | |||||
Rendimiento del sitio de Internet (1=Malo, 10=Excelente, No sé) | ||||||||||
Site Performance - Consistency | Por favor califique la rapidez con que suben las páginas en este programa de computadora. | |||||||||
Site Performance - Errors | Por favor califique la consistencia de la rapidez para moverse de una página a la otra en este programa de computadora. | |||||||||
Por favor califique la capacidad para subir las páginas sin que reciba un error en este programa de computadora. | ||||||||||
Navegación (1=Mala, 10=Excelente, No sé) | ||||||||||
Navigation - Organized | Por favor califique la organización de este programa de computadora. | |||||||||
Navigation - Options | Por favor califique las opciones disponibles para navegar este programa de computadora. | ![]() |
![]() |
Navigation - Layout | Por favor califique cómo el diseño de este programa de computadora le ayuda a encontrar lo que busca. | |||||||||
Navigation - Clicks | Por favor califique el número de clics que tuvo que hacer para encontrar lo que buscaba en este programa de computadora. | |||||||||
Simpleza del vocabulario (1=Malo, 10=Excelente, No sé) | ||||||||||
Plain Language - Clear | Por favor califique la claridad de las palabras usadas este programa de computadora. | |||||||||
Plain Language - Understandable | Por favor califique su comprensión de las palabras usadas este programa de computadora. | |||||||||
Plain Language - Concise | Por favor califique este programa de computadora basado en el uso de oraciones cortas y claras de este programa de computadora. | |||||||||
Model Instance Name: | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | ||||||||
MID: xZAAEQw81gIo1Vo4Noc1Rw4C | pink: ADDITION | ||||||||
Date: | 7/15/2011 | blue + -->: REWORDING | |||||||
violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST | |||||||||
QID | Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip To | Type (select from list) | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
BJL2231 | What type of benefits were you applying for? | Retirement | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Type of Benefits | ||||
Medicare only | |||||||||
Disability | |||||||||
Both Retirement and Disability | |||||||||
Spouse's | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
CAS0045242 | Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else? | Myself | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Applying for | ||||
Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend | |||||||||
Professional Helping a Client | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
CAS0045243 | How did you learn about applying for Retirement, Disability or Medicare online? (Select all that apply.) | Official Social Security website ( | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Learn about App | |||
Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) | |||||||||
A general web search (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
An online ad (Banner/Image) | |||||||||
An online video | |||||||||
Radio | |||||||||
Television | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine article | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine ad | |||||||||
An email from Social Security | |||||||||
My Social Security statement | |||||||||
A Social Security employee | A | ||||||||
A relative or friend | |||||||||
A community group or association | |||||||||
A billboard or other printed ad | |||||||||
Other, please specify | B | ||||||||
CAS0045244 | A | How did you make contact with a Social Security employee? | Called the national 800 number | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | SSA Employee Contact | ||
Called a local Social Security office | |||||||||
Visited a local Social Security office | |||||||||
At a Social Security sponsored event | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045245 | AA | Please describe how you made contact with a Social Security employee. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS SSA Employee Contact | |||
CAS0045246 | B | Please specify how you learned about this online application. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Learn about App | |||
CAS0045262 | Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | Reviewed my online Social Security Statement | A | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Prepare for App | ||
Reviewed the Social Security statement that was mailed to me | |||||||||
I used the Retirement Estimator or other tools on the Social Security website | B | ||||||||
I watched the instructional video | C | ||||||||
I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare | D | ||||||||
I used another resource to prepare to apply online | E | ||||||||
I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online | Mutually Exclusive | ||||||||
CAS0045263 | A | How helpful did you find the online Social Security Statement? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Statement | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045264 | B | How helpful did you find the estimator tools on the website? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate RE Tools | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045265 | C | How helpful did you find the instructional video? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Video | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045266 | D | How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Other Info on Website | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045267 | E | Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Prepare for App | |||
CAS0045247 | Did you start a new online application today or did you return to a previously saved application? | Started a new application | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | App Status | |||
Returned to work on a saved application | R1 | ||||||||
STE0123836 | R1 | Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number? | Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Access Saved App | ||
No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | R2 | ||||||||
No, I did not have my Reentry number | R2 | ||||||||
STE0123837 | R2 | If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application? | Yes | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Create New App | ||
No | |||||||||
CAS0045282 | Did you complete and submit your online application today? | Yes | B | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Complete App | ||
No, I plan to complete and submit it later | A | ||||||||
No, I do not plan to complete and submit my online application | A | ||||||||
RUS0199384 | B | During your visit today did you look for any additional information for any of the following? (Select all that apply.) | Medicare coverage | D | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Other Benefit Info | |
Other health insurance coverage | D | ||||||||
None of the above | Mutually exclusive | ||||||||
RUS0199385 | D | Was the information clear? | Yes | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Benefit info clear | ||
No | E | ||||||||
Did not find needed information | |||||||||
RUS0199386 | E | Please describe what was not clear. | Text box, no character limit | N | Skip Logic | How improve benefit info | |||
CAS0045283 | A | If you did not complete and submit your online application today, please tell us why. | I didn't have information I needed like names, addresses, or dates | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Not Complete App | ||
I didn't understand what the questions meant or how to answer | |||||||||
I wanted to use the Retirement Estimator to reconsider my retirement options | |||||||||
I needed to view my Social Security Statement and/or verify that my earnings record is correct | |||||||||
My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods | |||||||||
I had a limited amount of time/family demands that kept me from working on it for very long | |||||||||
I had technical problems, e.g.,an error message or a mistake I couldn't fix | |||||||||
There are too many questions | |||||||||
It takes too long to fill out | |||||||||
It's too complicated to complete without help | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045284 | AA | What is your other reason? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Why Not Complete today | |||
CAS0045248 | So far, how long have you worked on this online application? | Up to 15 minutes | Drop down select one | Y | Time Spent | ||||
16 minutes - 30 minutes | |||||||||
31 minutes - 1 hour | |||||||||
More than 1 hour up to 2 hours | |||||||||
More than 2 hours | |||||||||
CAS0045286 | How did you find where to create an application for Retirement, Medicare or Disability? | Used the Online Services link on the Social Security homepage | Radio Button | Y | Skip Logic | Arrive at App | |||
Followed a link from somewhere else on the Social Security website | |||||||||
Used Social Security's online search feature | |||||||||
Used a search engine (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
Followed a link from | |||||||||
Followed a link from another website (e.g., AARP, an attorney's website, etc.) | |||||||||
I clicked around until I found it | |||||||||
I had bookmarked the site | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045251 | A | Please describe how you arrived at this online claim application today. | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Arrive at app | |||
CAS0045249 | How easy was it for you to find the Social Security online application? | Very easy | Skip Logic Group | Find App | |||||
Somewhat easy | |||||||||
Somewhat hard | A | ||||||||
Very hard | A | ||||||||
CAS0045250 | A | Please tell us why it was hard to locate the claim application. (Select all that apply.) | Could not find where to start a new online application | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why hard to find | ||
The "Apply for Benefits" was not clear to me | |||||||||
Not clear where to go to return to my previously saved application | |||||||||
It was not clear to me where the links would lead | |||||||||
I had difficulty using a link on the Social Security website | |||||||||
The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner | |||||||||
I used the search feature but the results didn’t seem to apply | |||||||||
I tried to use the FAQ's, but couldn't find the online application link | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045285 | AA | Please explain the reason why it was hard for you to find the online claim application. | N | N | Skip Logic | OPS Hard to Find | |||
CAS0045252 | Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | I prefer to use online services as much as possible | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why Online | |||
I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website ( | |||||||||
A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I can't get to my local Social Security Office | B | ||||||||
A friend or relative recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security | |||||||||
I did not want to go to a local Social Security office | |||||||||
I did not want to apply over the phone | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045287 | A | Please specify why you choose to apply online: | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Online | |||
STE0123838 | B | What is the reason that you cannot get to your local office? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Local Office | |||
STE0123839 | After your visit today, what do you plan to do next? | Nothing, I submitted my claim | Radio button, one-up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Do Next Y/N | |||
I will return to check the status of my application | |||||||||
I will return to complete my claim | |||||||||
Browse the SSA website | |||||||||
I will call Social Security’s 1-800 number | |||||||||
I will visit my local Social Security Office | |||||||||
I do not know what I will do next at this time | |||||||||
CAS0045289 | What is your current marital status? | Married | Radio button, one-up vertical | N | OPS Group | Marital Status | |||
Significant Other/Partner | |||||||||
Separated | |||||||||
Divorced | |||||||||
Widowed | |||||||||
Never Married/Single | |||||||||
Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045290 | A | Other marital status | Text field, <100 char | N | OPS Group | OPS Marital Status | |||
CAS0045291 | Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online application. | Text field, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement |
Model Instance Name: | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | ||||||||
MID: xZAAEQw81gIo1Vo4Noc1Rw4C | pink: ADDITION | ||||||||
Date: | 7/15/2011 | blue + -->: REWORDING | |||||||
violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST | |||||||||
QID | Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip To | Type (select from list) | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
BJL2231 | What type of benefits were you applying for? | Retirement | Dropdown (Select-one) | Y | Type of Benefits | ||||
Medicare only | |||||||||
Disability | |||||||||
Both Retirement and Disability | |||||||||
Spouse's | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
CAS0045242 | Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else? | Myself | Dropdown (Select-one) | Y | Applying for | ||||
Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend | |||||||||
Professional Helping a Client | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
STE0123830 | How did you connect to SSA today? | Desktop | Radio button, one-up verticalb | Y | How Connected with SSA | ||||
Laptop | |||||||||
Smartphone | |||||||||
Tablet | |||||||||
STE0123831 | From where did you connect to SSA today? | At home | Radio button, one-up verticalb | Y | Skip Logic Group | From Where Connected with SSA | |||
In office/place of employment | |||||||||
A friend or relative's place | |||||||||
Public library | A | ||||||||
Social Security Office | |||||||||
Social Security Kiosk | B | ||||||||
Other agency | |||||||||
Other, please specify | C | ||||||||
STE0123832 | A | Did you connect through a unique Social Security icon featured on the computer's desktop? | Yes | Radio button, one-up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Use SSA Icon | ||
No | AA | ||||||||
STE0123835 | AA | How did you link to the SSA website? | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OE_How Linked to SSA (library) | |||
STE0123833 | B | Please describe the location. | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OE_Location of Kiosk | |||
STE0123834 | C | Please tell us how and from where you connected with SSA during your visit today: | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS_How Connected with SSA | |||
CAS0045243 | How did you learn about applying for Retirement, Disability or Medicare online? (Select all that apply.) | Official Social Security website ( | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Learn about App | |||
Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) | |||||||||
A general web search (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
An online ad (Banner/Image) | |||||||||
An online video | |||||||||
Radio | |||||||||
Television | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine article | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine ad | |||||||||
An email from Social Security | |||||||||
My Social Security statement | |||||||||
A Social Security employee | A | ||||||||
A relative or friend | |||||||||
A community group or association | |||||||||
A billboard or other printed ad | |||||||||
Other, please specify | B | ||||||||
CAS0045244 | A | How did you make contact with a Social Security employee? | Called the national 800 number | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | SSA Employee Contact | ||
Called a local Social Security office | |||||||||
Visited a local Social Security office | |||||||||
At a Social Security sponsored event | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045245 | AA | Please describe how you made contact with a Social Security employee. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS SSA Employee Contact | |||
CAS0045246 | B | Please specify how you learned about this online application. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Learn about App | |||
CAS0045262 | Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | Reviewed my online Social Security Statement | A | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Prepare for App | ||
Reviewed the Social Security statement that was mailed to me | |||||||||
I used the Retirement Estimator or other tools on the Social Security website | B | ||||||||
I watched the instructional video | C | ||||||||
I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare | D | ||||||||
I used another resource to prepare to apply online | E | ||||||||
I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online | Mutually Exclusive | ||||||||
CAS0045263 | A | How helpful did you find the online Social Security Statement? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Statement | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045264 | B | How helpful did you find the estimator tools on the website? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate RE Tools | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045265 | C | How helpful did you find the instructional video? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Video | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045266 | D | How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Other Info on Website | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045267 | E | Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Prepare for App | |||
CAS0045247 | Did you start a new online application today or did you return to a previously saved application? | Started a new application | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | App Status | |||
Returned to work on a saved application | R1 | ||||||||
STE0123836 | R1 | Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number? | Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Access Saved App | ||
No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | R2 | ||||||||
No, I did not have my Reentry number | R2 | ||||||||
STE0123837 | R2 | If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application? | Yes | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Create New App | ||
No | |||||||||
CAS0045282 | Did you complete and submit your online application today? | Yes | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Complete App | |||
No, I plan to complete and submit it later | A | ||||||||
No, I do not plan to complete and submit my online application | A | ||||||||
CAS0045283 | A | If you did not complete and submit your online application today, please tell us why. | I didn't have information I needed like names, addresses, or dates | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Not Complete App | ||
I didn't understand what the questions meant or how to answer | |||||||||
I wanted to use the Retirement Estimator to reconsider my retirement options | |||||||||
I needed to view my Social Security Statement and/or verify that my earnings record is correct | |||||||||
My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods | |||||||||
I had a limited amount of time/family demands that kept me from working on it for very long | |||||||||
I had technical problems, e.g.,an error message or a mistake I couldn't fix | |||||||||
There are too many questions | |||||||||
It takes too long to fill out | |||||||||
It's too complicated to complete without help | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045284 | AA | What is your other reason? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Why Not Complete today | |||
CAS0045248 | So far, how long have you worked on this online application? | Up to 15 minutes | Drop down select one | Y | Time Spent | ||||
16 minutes - 30 minutes | |||||||||
31 minutes - 1 hour | |||||||||
More than 1 hour up to 2 hours | |||||||||
More than 2 hours | |||||||||
CAS0045286 | How did you find where to create an application for Retirement, Medicare or Disability? | Used the Online Services link on the Social Security homepage | Radio Button | Y | Skip Logic | Arrive at App | |||
Followed a link from somewhere else on the Social Security website | |||||||||
Used Social Security's online search feature | |||||||||
Used a search engine (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
Followed a link from | |||||||||
Followed a link from another website (e.g., AARP, an attorney's website, etc.) | |||||||||
I clicked around until I found it | |||||||||
I had bookmarked the site | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045251 | A | Please describe how you arrived at this online claim application today. | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Arrive at app | |||
CAS0045249 | How easy was it for you to find the Social Security online application? | Very easy | Skip Logic Group | Find App | |||||
Somewhat easy | |||||||||
Somewhat hard | A | ||||||||
Very hard | A | ||||||||
CAS0045250 | A | Please tell us why it was hard to locate the claim application. (Select all that apply.) | Could not find where to start a new online application | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why hard to find | ||
The "Apply for Benefits" was not clear to me | |||||||||
Not clear where to go to return to my previously saved application | |||||||||
It was not clear to me where the links would lead | |||||||||
I had difficulty using a link on the Social Security website | |||||||||
The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner | |||||||||
I used the search feature but the results didn’t seem to apply | |||||||||
I tried to use the FAQ's, but couldn't find the online application link | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045285 | AA | Please explain the reason why it was hard for you to find the online claim application. | N | N | Skip Logic | OPS Hard to Find | |||
CAS0045252 | Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | I prefer to use online services as much as possible | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why Online | |||
I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website ( | |||||||||
A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I can't get to my local Social Security Office | B | ||||||||
A friend or relative recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security | |||||||||
I did not want to go to a local Social Security office | |||||||||
I did not want to apply over the phone | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045287 | A | Please specify why you choose to apply online: | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Online | |||
STE0123838 | B | What is the reason that you cannot get to your local office? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Local Office | |||
STE0123839 | After your visit today, what do you plan to do next? | Nothing, I submitted my claim | Radio button, one-up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Do Next Y/N | |||
I will return to check the status of my application | |||||||||
I will return to complete my claim | |||||||||
Browse the SSA website | |||||||||
I will call Social Security’s 1-800 number | |||||||||
I will visit my local Social Security Office | |||||||||
I do not know what I will do next at this time | |||||||||
CAS0045289 | What is your current marital status? | Married | Radio button, one-up vertical | N | OPS Group | Marital Status | |||
Significant Other/Partner | |||||||||
Separated | |||||||||
Divorced | |||||||||
Widowed | |||||||||
Never Married/Single | |||||||||
Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045290 | A | Other marital status | Text field, <100 char | N | OPS Group | OPS Marital Status | |||
CAS0045291 | Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online application. | Text field, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement |
Model Instance Name: | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | ||||||||
MID: xZAAEQw81gIo1Vo4Noc1Rw4C | pink: ADDITION | ||||||||
Date: | 7/15/2011 | blue + -->: REWORDING | |||||||
violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST | |||||||||
QID | Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip To | Type (select from list) | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
BJL2231 | What type of benefits were you applying for? | Retirement | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Type of Benefits | ||||
Medicare only | |||||||||
Disability | |||||||||
Both Retirement and Disability | |||||||||
Spouse's | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
CAS0045242 | Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else? | Myself | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Applying for | ||||
Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend | |||||||||
Professional Helping a Client | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
CAS0045243 | How did you learn about applying for Retirement, Disability or Medicare online? (Select all that apply.) | Official Social Security website ( | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Learn about App | |||
Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) | |||||||||
A general web search (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
An online ad (Banner/Image) | |||||||||
An online video | |||||||||
Radio | |||||||||
Television | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine article | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine ad | |||||||||
An email from Social Security | |||||||||
My Social Security statement | |||||||||
A Social Security employee | A | ||||||||
A relative or friend | |||||||||
A community group or association | |||||||||
A billboard or other printed ad | |||||||||
Other, please specify | B | ||||||||
CAS0045244 | A | How did you make contact with a Social Security employee? | Called the national 800 number | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | SSA Employee Contact | ||
Called a local Social Security office | |||||||||
Visited a local Social Security office | |||||||||
At a Social Security sponsored event | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045245 | AA | Please describe how you made contact with a Social Security employee. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS SSA Employee Contact | |||
CAS0045246 | B | Please specify how you learned about this online application. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Learn about App | |||
CAS0045262 | Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | Reviewed my online Social Security Statement | A | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Prepare for App | ||
Reviewed the Social Security statement that was mailed to me | |||||||||
I used the Retirement Estimator or other tools on the Social Security website | B | ||||||||
I watched the instructional video | C | ||||||||
I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare | D | ||||||||
I used another resource to prepare to apply online | E | ||||||||
I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online | Mutually Exclusive | ||||||||
CAS0045263 | A | How helpful did you find the online Social Security Statement? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Statement | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045264 | B | How helpful did you find the estimator tools on the website? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate RE Tools | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045265 | C | How helpful did you find the instructional video? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Video | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045266 | D | How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website? | Very helpful | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Other Info on Website | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045267 | E | Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Prepare for App | |||
CAS0045247 | Did you start a new online application today or did you return to a previously saved application? | Started a new application | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | App Status | |||
Returned to work on a saved application | R1 | ||||||||
STE0123836 | R1 | Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number? | Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Access Saved App | ||
No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | R2 | ||||||||
No, I did not have my Reentry number | R2 | ||||||||
STE0123837 | R2 | If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application? | Yes | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Create New App | ||
No | |||||||||
CAS0045282 | Did you complete and submit your online application today? | Yes | B | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Complete App | ||
No, I plan to complete and submit it later | A | ||||||||
No, I do not plan to complete and submit my online application | A | ||||||||
B | During your visit today did you look for any additional information for any of the following? (Select all that apply.) | Medicare coverage | D | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Other Benefit Info | ||
Other health insurance coverage | D | ||||||||
None of the above | Mutually exclusive | ||||||||
D | Was the information clear? | Yes | Radio button, one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Benefit info clear | |||
No | E | ||||||||
Did not find needed information | |||||||||
E | Please describe what was not clear. | Text box, no character limit | N | Skip Logic | How improve benefit info | ||||
CAS0045283 | A | If you did not complete and submit your online application today, please tell us why. | I didn't have information I needed like names, addresses, or dates | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Not Complete App | ||
I didn't understand what the questions meant or how to answer | |||||||||
I wanted to use the Retirement Estimator to reconsider my retirement options | |||||||||
I needed to view my Social Security Statement and/or verify that my earnings record is correct | |||||||||
My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods | |||||||||
I had a limited amount of time/family demands that kept me from working on it for very long | |||||||||
I had technical problems, e.g.,an error message or a mistake I couldn't fix | |||||||||
There are too many questions | |||||||||
It takes too long to fill out | |||||||||
It's too complicated to complete without help | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045284 | AA | What is your other reason? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Why Not Complete today | |||
CAS0045248 | So far, how long have you worked on this online application? | Up to 15 minutes | Drop down select one | Y | Time Spent | ||||
16 minutes - 30 minutes | |||||||||
31 minutes - 1 hour | |||||||||
More than 1 hour up to 2 hours | |||||||||
More than 2 hours | |||||||||
CAS0045286 | How did you find where to create an application for Retirement, Medicare or Disability? | Used the Online Services link on the Social Security homepage | Radio Button | Y | Skip Logic | Arrive at App | |||
Followed a link from somewhere else on the Social Security website | |||||||||
Used Social Security's online search feature | |||||||||
Used a search engine (e.g., Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
Followed a link from | |||||||||
Followed a link from another website (e.g., AARP, an attorney's website, etc.) | |||||||||
I clicked around until I found it | |||||||||
I had bookmarked the site | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045251 | A | Please describe how you arrived at this online claim application today. | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Arrive at app | |||
CAS0045249 | How easy was it for you to find the Social Security online application? | Very easy | Skip Logic Group | Find App | |||||
Somewhat easy | |||||||||
Somewhat hard | A | ||||||||
Very hard | A | ||||||||
CAS0045250 | A | Please tell us why it was hard to locate the claim application. (Select all that apply.) | Could not find where to start a new online application | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why hard to find | ||
The "Apply for Benefits" was not clear to me | |||||||||
Not clear where to go to return to my previously saved application | |||||||||
It was not clear to me where the links would lead | |||||||||
I had difficulty using a link on the Social Security website | |||||||||
The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner | |||||||||
I used the search feature but the results didn’t seem to apply | |||||||||
I tried to use the FAQ's, but couldn't find the online application link | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045285 | AA | Please explain the reason why it was hard for you to find the online claim application. | N | N | Skip Logic | OPS Hard to Find | |||
CAS0045252 | Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | I prefer to use online services as much as possible | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why Online | |||
I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website ( | |||||||||
A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I can't get to my local Social Security Office | B | ||||||||
A friend or relative recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security | |||||||||
I did not want to go to a local Social Security office | |||||||||
I did not want to apply over the phone | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045287 | A | Please specify why you choose to apply online: | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Online | |||
STE0123838 | B | What is the reason that you cannot get to your local office? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Local Office | |||
STE0123839 | After your visit today, what do you plan to do next? | Nothing, I submitted my claim | Radio button, one-up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Do Next Y/N | |||
I will return to check the status of my application | |||||||||
I will return to complete my claim | |||||||||
Browse the SSA website | |||||||||
I will call Social Security’s 1-800 number | |||||||||
I will visit my local Social Security Office | |||||||||
I do not know what I will do next at this time | |||||||||
CAS0045289 | What is your current marital status? | Married | Radio button, one-up vertical | N | OPS Group | Marital Status | |||
Significant Other/Partner | |||||||||
Separated | |||||||||
Divorced | |||||||||
Widowed | |||||||||
Never Married/Single | |||||||||
Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045290 | A | Other marital status | Text field, <100 char | N | OPS Group | OPS Marital Status | |||
CAS0045291 | Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online application. | Text field, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement |
Model Instance Name: | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 (Spanish) | underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | ||||||||
MID: | Q0ExM1xNQRl9JJUR0M0JlA4C | pink: ADDITION | |||||||
Date: | 7/15/2011 | blue + -->: REWORDING | |||||||
violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 (Spanish) CUSTOM QUESTION LIST | |||||||||
QID | Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip To | Type (select from list) | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
BJL2231 | ¿Qué tipo de beneficios estaba solicitando? | Por jubilación | Dropdown (Select-one) | Y | Type of Benefits | ||||
Solo Medicare | |||||||||
Por incapacidad | |||||||||
Tanto Jubilación y Discapacidad | |||||||||
Coomo cónyuge | |||||||||
Otro | |||||||||
CAS0045242 | ¿Es esta solicitud en línea para sí mismo o estás ayudando a alguien más? | Yo mismo | Dropdown (Select-one) | Y | Applying for | ||||
Cómo ayudar a un cónyuge / pariente / amigo | |||||||||
Profesional Ayudar a un cliente | |||||||||
Otro | |||||||||
CAS0045243 | ¿Cómo se enteró de la existencia de esta aplicación para presentar solicitudes en línea? (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan.) | En el sitio web oficial del Seguro Social ( | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Learn about App | |||
Medios de Comunicación Social (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc) | |||||||||
Una búsqueda web general (por ejemplo, Google, Bing, etc) | |||||||||
Un anuncio en línea (Banner / Imagen) | |||||||||
Un video en línea | |||||||||
Por la radio | |||||||||
Por la televisión | |||||||||
Un periódico o la revista | |||||||||
Un periódico o una revista de anuncios | |||||||||
Un correo electrónico de la Seguridad Social | |||||||||
Por mi estado de cuenta del Seguro Social | |||||||||
A través de un empleado del Seguro Social | |||||||||
A través de un familiar o un amigo | |||||||||
En un grupo o asociación comunitaria | A | ||||||||
Un anuncio impreso cartelera u otro | |||||||||
Otro, especificar | B | ||||||||
CAS0045244 | A | ¿Cómo se hace el contacto con un empleado del Seguro Social? | Llamado el número nacional 800 | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | SSA Emplyee Contact | ||
Llamado a la oficina local del Seguro Social | |||||||||
Visitado una oficina local del Seguro Social | |||||||||
En un evento patrocinado por el Seguro Social | |||||||||
Otro, especificar | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045245 | AA | Por favor describa cómo se hizo contacto con un empleado del Seguro Social. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS SSA Employe Contact | |||
CAS0045246 | B | Por favor, especifique cómo se enteró de esta aplicación en línea. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Learn about App | |||
CAS0045262 | ¿Ha usado alguna de las siguientes acciones para prepararse para aplicar en línea? (Seleccione todas las que apliquen.) | Comentado mi Declaración del Seguro Social en línea | A | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Prepare for App | ||
Revisé el estado de cuenta que me envió el Seguro Social | |||||||||
He utilizado el Retirement Estimator u otras herramientas en el sitio web de la Seguridad Social | B | ||||||||
Vi el video de instrucciones | C | ||||||||
Usé otra información en la página web de la Seguridad Social para preparar | D | ||||||||
Utilicé otro recurso que se preparen para aplicar en línea | E | ||||||||
No hice uso de los recursos para prepararse para aplicar en línea | |||||||||
CAS0045263 | A | ¿Qué tan útil ha encontrado el Declaración del Seguro Social en línea? | Muy útil | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Statement | ||
algo útil | |||||||||
Para nada útil | |||||||||
CAS0045264 | B | ¿Qué tan útil encontraste las herramientas estimador en el sitio web? | Muy útil | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate RE Tools | ||
algo útil | |||||||||
Para nada útil | |||||||||
CAS0045265 | C | ¿Qué tan útil le parecen la video instructivo? | Muy útil | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Video | ||
algo útil | |||||||||
Para nada útil | |||||||||
CAS0045266 | D | ¿Qué tan útil le parecen la otra información en el sitio web de la Seguridad Social? | Muy útil | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Other Info on Website | ||
algo útil | |||||||||
Para nada útil | |||||||||
CAS0045267 | E | Por favor describa lo otro recurso (s) que utilizó para prepararse para aplicar en línea. | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Prepare for App | |||
CAS0045247 | ¿Comenzó a preparar una solicitud en línea o regresó a una solicitud que había guardado anteriormente? | Comenzó una nueva aplicación | Drop down select one | Y | App Status | ||||
Volvió a trabajar en una solicitud guardada | R1 | ||||||||
STE0123836 | R1 | ¿Logró acceder a la solicitud que había guardado previamente usando su número de re-ingreso? | Sí, pude usar el número de re-ingreso que me facilitaron | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Acceso solicitud guardada | ||
No, no pude usar el número de re-ingreso que me facilitaron | R2 | ||||||||
No, no tenía mi número de re-ingreso | R2 | ||||||||
STE0123837 | R2 | Si no pudo acceder a la solicitud guardada, ¿creó una nueva solicitud? | Sí | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Creó nueva solicitud | ||
No | |||||||||
CAS0045282 | ¿Completó y envío su solicitud en línea hoy? | Sí | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Complete App | |||
No, planeo completarla y enviarla más tarde | A | ||||||||
No, no planeo completar y enviar mi solicitud en línea | A | ||||||||
CAS0045283 | A | Si no completó y envió su solicitud en línea hoy, díganos por qué. | Yo no tenía la información que necesitaba como nombres, direcciones o fechas | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Not Complete App | ||
No entendía el significado de las preguntas ni sabía cómo responder | |||||||||
Que quería utilizar el estimador de jubilación reconsiderar mis opciones | |||||||||
Que tenía que ver mi Declaración del Seguro Social y / o comprobar que mi registro de ganancias es el correcto | |||||||||
Mi condición de discapacidad me impide trabajar con una computadora por largos periodos | |||||||||
Yo tenía una cantidad limitada de demandas de tiempo / de la familia que me impedía trabajar en ella por mucho tiempo | |||||||||
Tuve problemas técnicos: por ejemplo, un mensaje de error o un error que no pude solucionar | |||||||||
Hay demasiadas preguntas | |||||||||
Toma demasiado tiempo llenarla | |||||||||
Es demasiado complicada para completarla sin ayuda | |||||||||
Otro, especificar | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045284 | AA | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Why Not Complete today | ||||
CAS0045248 | Hasta el momento, ¿cuánto tiempo le ha tomado trabajar en esta solicitud? | Hasta 15 minutos | Drop down select one | Y | Time Spent | ||||
16 minutos - 30 minutos | |||||||||
31 minutos - 1 hora | |||||||||
Más de 1 hora hasta 2 horas | |||||||||
Más de 2 horas | |||||||||
CAS0045286 | ¿Cómo encontró dónde crear una aplicación para solicitar beneficios por jubilación, Medicare o discapacidad? | Se utiliza el enlace de los servicios en línea en la página web de la Seguridad Social | Radio Button | Y | Skip Logic | Arrive at App | |||
Seguido de un enlace de algún otro lugar en el sitio web de la Seguridad Social | |||||||||
Usando el sistema de búsqueda en línea del Seguro Social | |||||||||
Usando un motor de búsqueda (Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
Seguido de un enlace desde | |||||||||
Siguiendo un enlace de otro sitio web (por ejemplo, AARP, el sitio web de un abogado...) | |||||||||
Saltando de un enlace a otro hasta encontrarla | |||||||||
Había marcado este sitio web anteriormente | |||||||||
Otro, especificar | A | ||||||||
CAS0045251 | A | Describa cómo encontró hoy esta aplicación para presentar solicitudes en línea | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Arrive at app | |||
CAS0045249 | ¿Hasta qué punto le pareció fácil encontrar la aplicación para presentar solicitudes en línea del Seguro Social? | Muy fácil | Radio Button | Y | Skip Logic | Find App | |||
algo fácil | |||||||||
algo duro | A | ||||||||
Muy difícil | A | ||||||||
CAS0045250 | A | Indíquenos por qué le pareció difícil encontrar esta aplicación para presentar solicitudes. (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan.) | No se pudo encontrar por dónde empezar una nueva aplicación en línea | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why hard to find | ||
El enlace para "Solicitar beneficios" no me pareció claro | |||||||||
No tenía claro adónde ir para volver al formulario de solicitud que había guardado previamente | |||||||||
No estaba claro para mí cuando los vínculos conducirían | |||||||||
Tuve dificultades para usar un enlace en el sitio web del Seguro Social | |||||||||
La información no parecía estar organizados de una manera lógica | |||||||||
Usé la función de búsqueda, pero los resultados no parecen aplicarse. | |||||||||
Intenté usar la sección de Preguntas frecuentes, pero no pude encontrar el enlace a la aplicación para presentar solicitudes en línea | |||||||||
Otra opción (indique cuál) | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045285 | AA | Explique por qué motivo le pareció difícil encontrar la aplicación para presentar solicitudes en línea. | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Hard to Find | |||
CAS0045252 | ¿Por qué eligió para aplicar en línea? (Seleccione todas las que apliquen.) | Yo prefiero usar los servicios en línea tanto como sea posible | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why Online | |||
Me enteré de la posibilidad de presentar solicitudes en línea mientras visitaba el sitio web del Seguro Social ( | |||||||||
Un empleado del Seguro Social recomienda que aplico en línea | |||||||||
No puedo llegar a mi oficina local del Seguro Social |
B | ||||||||
Un amigo o familiar recomendaron que aplico en línea | |||||||||
Yo sabía que si tenía alguna pregunta o problema la aplicación en línea, todavía podía recibir ayuda de la Seguridad Social | |||||||||
Yo no quería ir a una oficina local del Seguro Social | |||||||||
Yo no quería que la solicitud por teléfono | |||||||||
Otro, especificar | A | ||||||||
CAS0045287 | A | Por favor, especifique qué decide aplicar en línea | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Why Online | |||
STE0123838 | B | ¿Por qué motivo no puede ir a la oficina de su zona? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OE No ir a la oficina | |||
STE0123839 | Cuando finalice su visita de hoy, ¿qué planea hacer a continuación? | Nada, ya envié mi solicitud | Radio button, one-up vertical | Y | Próximo paso S/N | ||||
Volveré a comprobar el estado de mi solicitud | |||||||||
Volveré para completar mi solicitud | |||||||||
Navegaré por el sitio web de la SSA | |||||||||
Llamaré al 1-800 del Seguro Social | |||||||||
Visitaré la oficina del Seguro Social de mi zona | |||||||||
En este momento, no sé lo que haré a continuación | |||||||||
CAS0045289 | ¿Cuál es su estado civil actual? | Casado | Radio button, one-up vertical | N | OPS Group | Marital Status | |||
En pareja/ Compañero | |||||||||
Apartado | |||||||||
Divorciado | |||||||||
Viudo | |||||||||
Nunca contraje matrimonio/ Soltero | |||||||||
Prefiero no responder | |||||||||
Otro, especificar | A | ||||||||
CAS0045290 | A | Otro estado civil | Text field, <100 char | N | OPS Group | OPS Marital Status | |||
CAS0045291 | ¿Tiene alguna sugerencia para mejorar la aplicación en línea de la Seguridad Social? | Text field, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement |
Model Instance Name: | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 | underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER | ||||||||
MID: xZAAEQw81gIo1Vo4Noc1Rw4C | pink: ADDITION | ||||||||
Date: | 7/15/2011 | blue + -->: REWORDING | |||||||
violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC | |||||||||
SSA iClaim v3 CUSTOM QUESTION LIST | |||||||||
QID | Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip To | Type (select from list) | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
BJL2231 | What type of benefits were you applying for? | Retirement | Dropdown (Select-one) | Y | Type of Benefits | ||||
Medicare only | |||||||||
Disability | |||||||||
Both Retirement and Disability | |||||||||
Spouse's | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
CAS0045242 | Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else? | Myself | Dropdown (Select-one) | Y | Applying for | ||||
Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend | |||||||||
Professional Helping a Client | |||||||||
Other | |||||||||
How did you connect to SSA today? | Desktop | Radio button, one-up verticalb | Y | How Connected with SSA | |||||
Laptop | |||||||||
Smart Phone | |||||||||
Tablet | |||||||||
From where did you connect to SSA today? | At home | Radio button, one-up verticalb | Y | Skip Logic Group | From Where Connected with SSA | ||||
In office / place of employment | |||||||||
A friend or relative's place | |||||||||
Public library | A | ||||||||
Social Security Office | |||||||||
Social Security Kiosk | B | ||||||||
Other agency | |||||||||
Other, please specify | C | ||||||||
A | Did you connect through a unique Social Security icon featured on the computer's desktop? | Yes | Radio button, one-up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Use SSA Icon | |||
No | AA | ||||||||
AA | How did you link to the SSA website? | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OE_How Linked to SSA (library) | ||||
B | Please describe the location. | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OE_Location of Kiosk | ||||
C | Please tell us how and from where you connected with SSA during your visit today: | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS_How Connected with SSA | ||||
CAS0045243 | How did you learn about applying for Retirement, Disability or Medicare online? this online application? (Select all that apply.) | Official Social Security website ( | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Learn about App | |||
Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) | |||||||||
A general web search (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) | |||||||||
An online ad (Banner/Image) | |||||||||
An online video | |||||||||
The radio Radio | |||||||||
The televisionTelevision | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine article | |||||||||
A newspaper or magazine ad | |||||||||
An email from Social Security | |||||||||
My Social Security statement | |||||||||
A Social Security employee | A | ||||||||
Friend, spouse, relative, neighbor or acquaintance A relative or friend | |||||||||
A community group or association | |||||||||
A billboard or other printed ad | |||||||||
Other, please specify | B | ||||||||
CAS0045244 | A | How did you make contact with a Social Security employee? | Called the national 800 number | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | SSA Employee Contact | ||
Called a local Social Security office | |||||||||
Visited a local Social Security office | |||||||||
At a Social Security sponsored event | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045245 | AA | Please describe how you made contact with a Social Security employee. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS SSA Employee Contact | |||
CAS0045246 | B | Please specify how you learned about this online application. | Text box, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Learn about App | |||
CAS0045262 | Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | Reviewed my online Social Security Statement | A | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Prepare for App | ||
Reviewed the Social Security statement that was mailed to me | |||||||||
I used the Retirement Estimator or other tools on the Social Security website | B | ||||||||
I watched the instructional video | C | ||||||||
I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare | D | ||||||||
I used another resource to prepare to apply online | E | ||||||||
I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online | Mutually Exclusive | ||||||||
CAS0045263 | A | How helpful did you find the online Social Security Statement? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Statement | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045264 | B | How helpful did you find the estimator tools on the website? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate RE Tools | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045265 | C | How helpful did you find the instructional video? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Video | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045266 | D | How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website? | Very helpful | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Rate Other Info on Website | ||
Somewhat helpful | |||||||||
Not at all helpful | |||||||||
CAS0045267 | E | Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Prepare for App | |||
CAS0045247 | Did you start a new online application today or did you return to a previously saved application? | Started a new application | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | App Status | |||
Returned to work on a saved application | R1 | ||||||||
R1 | Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number? | Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Access Saved App | |||
No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me | R2 | ||||||||
No, I did not have my Reentry number | R2 | ||||||||
R2 | If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application? | Yes | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Create New App | |||
No | |||||||||
CAS0045282 | Did you complete and submit this your online application today? | Yes | Drop down select one | Y | Skip Logic | Complete App | |||
No, I plan to complete and submit it later | A | ||||||||
No, I do not plan to complete and submit the my online application | A | ||||||||
CAS0045283 | A | If you did not complete and submit this your online application today, please tell us why. | I didn't have information I needed like names, addresses, or dates | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Not Complete App | ||
I didn't understand what the questions meant or how to answer | |||||||||
I wanted to use the Retirement Estimator to reconsider my retirement options | |||||||||
I needed to view my Social Security Statement and/or verify that my earnings record is correct | |||||||||
My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods | |||||||||
I had a limited amount of time/family demands that kept me from working on it for very long | |||||||||
I had technical problems, e.g.,. like an error message or a mistake I couldn't fix | |||||||||
There are too many questions | |||||||||
It takes too long to fill out | |||||||||
It's too complicated to use complete without help | |||||||||
Other, please specify | AA | ||||||||
CAS0045284 | AA | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic | OPS Why Not Complete today | ||||
CAS0045248 | So far, how long have you worked on this online application? | Up to 15 minutes | Drop down select one | Y | Time Spent | ||||
16 minutes - 30 minutes | |||||||||
31 minutes - 1 hour | |||||||||
More than 1 hour up to 2 hours | |||||||||
More than 2 hours | |||||||||
CAS0045286 | Used the Online Services link on the Social Security homepage | Radio Button | Y | Skip Logic | Arrive at App | ||||
Followed a link from somewhere else on the Social Security website | |||||||||
Followed a link from | |||||||||
Followed a link from another website (e.g., AARP, an attorney's website, etc.) | |||||||||
I clicked around until I found it | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045251 | A | Please describe how you arrived at this online claim application today | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Arrive at app | |||
CAS0045249 | How easy was it for you to find this the Social Security online application? | Very easy | Skip Logic Group | Find App | |||||
Somewhat easy | |||||||||
Somewhat hard | A | ||||||||
Very hard | A | ||||||||
CAS0045250 | A | Please tell us why it was hard to find locate the online claim application. (Select all that apply.) | Could not find where to start a new online application | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why hard to find | ||
The "Apply for Benefits" was not clear to me | |||||||||
It was not clear to me where the links would lead | |||||||||
I had difficulty using a link on the Social Security website | |||||||||
The information did not seem to be organized in a logical manner | |||||||||
I used the search feature but the results didn’t seem to apply. | |||||||||
I tried to use the FAQ's, but couldn't find the online application link | |||||||||
AA | |||||||||
CAS0045285 | AA | Please explain the reason why it was hard for you to find the online claim application. | N | N | Skip Logic | OPS Hard to Find | |||
CAS0045252 | Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.) | I prefer to use online services as much as possible | check box one up vertical | Y | Skip Logic | Why Online | |||
I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website ( | |||||||||
A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I can't get to my local Social Security Office | B | ||||||||
A friend or relative recommended that I apply online | |||||||||
I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security | |||||||||
I did not want to go to a local Social Security office | |||||||||
I did not want to apply over the phone | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045287 | A | Please specify why you choose to apply online: | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Online | |||
B | What is the reason that you cannot get to your local office? | Text field, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | OPS Why Local Office | ||||
After your visit today, what do you plan to do next? | Nothing, I submitted my claim | Radio button, one-up vertical | Y | Skip Logic Group | Do Next Y/N | ||||
I will return to check the status of my application | |||||||||
I will return to complete my claim | |||||||||
Browse the SSA website | |||||||||
I will call Social Security’s 1-800 number | |||||||||
I will visit my local Social Security Office | |||||||||
I do not know what I will do next at this time | |||||||||
CAS0045289 | What is your current marital status? | Married | Radio button, one-up vertical | N | OPS Group | Marital Status | |||
Significant Other/Partner | |||||||||
Separated | |||||||||
Divorced | |||||||||
Widowed | |||||||||
Never Married/Single | |||||||||
Prefer not to answer | |||||||||
Other, please specify | A | ||||||||
CAS0045290 | A | Other marital status | Text field, <100 char | N | OPS Group | OPS Marital Status | |||
CAS0045291 | Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online application. | Text field, no char limit | N | OE_Improvement |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |