Form 30689 IRSv3_Web_Browse_20181107

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys


Mapping and Questionnaire Documents IA 30689 A5 (IRS) start from here

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Model Qsts
CQs (11-7-18)
CQs (9-15-17)
CUSTOM Qsts (9-14-17)
CUSTOM Qsts (7-10-17)
CQs (6-30-16)

Sheet 1: Model Qsts

Model Name: IRS v3
Red & Strike-Through: Delete

Model ID: MNctApFhltd0k9I0UoMFsA4C
Underlined & Italicized: Re-order
Partitioned: Yes 2MQ
Pink: Addition
Date: 2/29/2016
Blue: Reword

Element Questions
Satisfaction Questions
Future Behaviors

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the visual appeal of 16 What is your overall satisfaction with
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
19 How likely are you to return to
2 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on 17 How well does meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the readability of the pages on 18 How does compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
20 How likely are you to recommend to someone else?

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Please rate how quickly pages load on

21 How likely are you to use as your primary resource for tax information?
5 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on

6 Please rate how completely the page content loads on

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Please rate how well is organized.

8 Please rate the options available for navigating

9 Please rate how well layout helps you find what you need.

Information Browsing (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Please rate the ability to sort information by criteria that are important to you on

11 Please rate the ability to narrow choices to find the information you are looking for on

12 Please rate how well the features on help you find the information you need.

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

13 Please rate the thoroughness of information provided on

14 Please rate how understandable’s information is.

15 Please rate how well’s information provides answers to your questions.

Sheet 2: CUSTOM Qsts

CUSTOM QUESTIONS red & strike-through: DELETE

IRS v3 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MNctApFhltd0k9I0UoMFsA4C pink: ADDITION

Date: 11/2/2018 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special instructions CQ Label
I am visiting today as ... An individual taxpayer B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other A

MHM6185Q003 A Please specify what best describes your role today:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other role
LAB6185Q097 B Do any of these situations apply to you? (Select all that apply.) Standard 1040 Filer (Wage/salary receiving employee)
Check box, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Individual situations


Have self-employment income (1099)

Foreign National Living in the US

US Taxpayer living abroad

Parent acting on behalf of a child

Active duty military

Acting on behalf of a deceased person and/or estate

Disability recipients

Other AA

LAB6185Q098 AA Please describe your tax role/situation:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other Situation
What previous contact have you had with the IRS about the reason you visited the website today? (Select all that apply.) Received a notice or letter from the IRS
Checkbox, one-up vertical N
Previous contact

Called the IRS and spoke to a customer service representative

Called the IRS and used the automated phone system to get information

Visited a Taxpayer Assistance Center

Visited previously for the same reason

Have not been in contact with the IRS for this issue

What was your primary reason for visiting today? GET Tax forms, publications, or instructions G Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reason

FIND MY Refund status F

FILE a return

MAKE a payment or FIND OUT info about payments (how much I owe, etc.) M

GET A Tax transcript T

Other reason BB

LAB6185Q101 M What were you trying to accomplish with payments? (Select all that apply.) Make an online payment
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments

Seek information about payment options

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment or agreement

Check my account balance


LAB6185Q102 F What were you trying to accomplish with your refund status?  (Select all that apply.) Check status of refund
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund Status

Research more information about refund

Review refund FAQs


LAB6185Q103 T What were you trying to accomplish with a tax transcript today?  (Select all that apply.) Download a copy
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript

Order a copy in the mail

Find info about tax transcripts

Obtain my AGI from a previous year

Obtain my filing status from a previous year


LAB6185Q104 G What were you trying to accomplish with forms, publications, or instructions? (Select all that apply.) Download current year tax forms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Forms

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms


LAB6185Q105 BB What was that other reason for visiting today? Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Other Primary

Free File information

Tax Identification Number (EIN, PTIN, ITIN, etc.) ID

General tax information

Penalties P

Credits and Deduction Information

Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return

ID Theft

Report a tax scam

Other CC

LAB6185Q106 CC Please specify other reason for visiting:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic OE_Other Primary
LAB6185Q107 P What were you trying to accomplish with penalties? (Select all that apply.) Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations

Learn how to avoid a penalty

Learn how to compute a penalty

Learn about penalty relief criteria

Learn how to request penalty relief

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due

Make a payment


LAB6185Q108 ID What type of identification number did you want to request or find more information about? Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic ID Number

Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

FATCA Identification Number (FIN) or FATCA Entity ID

Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN)


I was able to complete the task(s) or find all the information I needed Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

It was easy to complete what I needed to do Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

This interaction increased my confidence in the IRS Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

Were you successfully able to log in to (or register for) any IRS application today? I did not have to log in or validate my credentials
Radio button, one-up vertical N Skip logic Log In

I successfully logged in/validated

I was unable to log in/validate DD

LAB6185Q114 DD What prevented you from validating yourself into an IRS application today? (Please don't provide any personal information in your response.)

Text area, no character limit N Skip logic Prevented Log in

How was your search experience today? (Select all that apply.) I did not use the IRS search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical N Mutually exclusive Search diff

Search delivered the expected results

Top recommendations were helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Unsure of search terms to use


 What difficulties did you encounter navigating the site? (Select all that apply.) Navigation worked as expected
Checkbox, one-up vertical N Mutually exclusive Navigation issues

Navigation terms were intuitive/easy to follow

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)


How frequently do you visit This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical N


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

About once a year

If you could change one thing about this website what would it be?

Text area, no character limit N
Change one thing
In general, I trust the IRS to fulfill our country's commitment to taxpayers Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical N




Strongly Disagree

Sheet 3: CQs (11-7-18)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS red & strike-through: DELETE

IRS v3 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MNctApFhltd0k9I0UoMFsA4C pink: ADDITION

Date: 11/2/2018 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special instructions CQ Label
Which best describes you for your visit to today? I am visiting today as ... An individual taxpayer B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other A

MHM6185Q003 A Please specify what best describes your role today:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other role

B Do any of these situations apply to you? (Select all that apply.) Standard 1040 Filer (Wage/salary receiving employee)
Check box, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Individual situations


Have self-employment income (1099)

Foreign National Living in the US

US Taxpayer living abroad

Parent acting on behalf of a child

Active duty military

Acting on behalf of a deceased person and/or estate

Disability recipients

Other AA

AA Please describe your tax role/situation:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other Situation

What previous contact have you had with the IRS about the reason you visited the website today? (Select all that apply.) Received a notice or letter from the IRS
Checkbox, one-up vertical N
Previous contact

Called the IRS and spoke to a customer service representative

Called the IRS and used the automated phone system to get information

Visited a Taxpayer Assistance Center

Visited previously for the same reason

Have not been in contact with the IRS for this issue

What was your primary reason for visiting today? GET Tax forms, publications, or instructions G Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reason

FIND MY Refund status F

FILE a return

MAKE a payment or FIND OUT info about payments (how much I owe, etc.) M

GET A Tax transcript T

Other reason BB

M What were you trying to accomplish with payments? (Select all that apply.) Make an online payment
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments

Seek information about payment options

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment or agreement

Check my account balance


F What were you trying to accomplish with your refund status?  (Select all that apply.) Check status of refund
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund Status

Research more information about refund

Review refund FAQs


T What were you trying to accomplish with a tax transcript today?  (Select all that apply.) Download a copy
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript

Order a copy in the mail

Find info about tax transcripts

Obtain my AGI from a previous year

Obtain my filing status from a previous year


G What were you trying to accomplish with forms, publications, or instructions? (Select all that apply.) Download current year tax forms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Forms

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms


BB What was that other reason for visiting today? Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Other Primary

Free File information

Tax Identification Number (EIN, PTIN, ITIN, etc.) ID

General tax information

Penalties P

Credits and Deduction Information

Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return

ID Theft

Report a tax scam

Other CC

CC Please specify other reason for visiting:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic OE_Other Primary

P What were you trying to accomplish with penalties? (Select all that apply.) Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations

Learn how to avoid a penalty

Learn how to compute a penalty

Learn about penalty relief criteria

Learn how to request penalty relief

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due

Make a payment


ID What type of identification number did you want to request or find more information about? Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic ID Number

Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)

Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)

FATCA Identification Number (FIN) or FATCA Entity ID

Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN)


I was able to complete the task(s) or find all the information I needed Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

It was easy to complete what I needed to do Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

This interaction increased my confidence in the IRS Strongly Agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y




Strongly Disagree

Were you successfully able to log in to (or register for) any IRS application today? I did not have to log in or validate my credentials
Radio button, one-up vertical N Skip logic Log In

I successfully logged in/validated

I was unable to log in/validate DD

DD What prevented you from validating yourself into an IRS application today? (Please don't provide any personal information in your response.)

Text area, no character limit N Skip logic Prevented Log in

How was your search experience today? (Select all that apply.) I did not use the IRS search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical N Mutually exclusive Search diff

Search delivered the expected results

Top recommendations were helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Unsure of search terms to use


 What difficulties did you encounter navigating the site? (Select all that apply.) Navigation worked as expected
Checkbox, one-up vertical N Mutually exclusive Navigation issues

Navigation terms were intuitive/easy to follow

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)


How frequently do you visit This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical N


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

About once a year

If you could change one thing about this website what would it be?

Text area, no character limit N
Change one thing

In general, I trust the IRS to fulfill our country's commitment to taxpayers Strongly Agree
Checkbox, one-up vertical N




Strongly Disagree

STE0105298 B Please specify your individual taxpayer role. Employee
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Individual taxpayer

Self employed

International taxpayer



Senior and/or retiree

Other C

STE0105299 C Please specify other individual role:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other taxpayer
Why did you visit today? Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return G1,G3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reason

EIN (Employer Identification Number) W

Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) W

Filing a return W


Free File information F1

Credits and deductions information F1

General tax information F1

Penalties P1

Received a notice/letter from IRS F1

News and events F1

Affordable Care Act information F1

Payments B1

PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) W

Refund status C1

Tax forms, publications, or instructions E1,F1

Tax transcript D1,D3,D4,D7

Other A,F1

Anchor answer choice
MHM6185Q005 A Please specify other reason for visiting:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other reason
MHM6185Q006 F1 Did you find the information you were looking for today? Yes F3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Tax Info
Found info

No F2

MHM6185Q007 F2 Please describe any difficulties that prevented you from finding what you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q008 F3 Please describe any confusion encountered in making sense of the information you found today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q009 B1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to payments? Make an online payment B5,B7 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments

Seek information about payment options B2,B9

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement B11,B7

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment or agreement B7

Other B4

STE0105300 B2 Which most closely describes the information you were seeking today? Options to pay online from your bank account
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Info Type

How to pay online by debit or credit card

How to pay via check

How to pay via cash or money order

Information about installment agreements or payment plans

Your balance due

Other B3

MHM6185Q011 B3 Please specify other payment information you are seeking:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other info type
MHM6185Q012 B4 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to payments:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other payments
MHM6185Q013 B5 Which type of payment did you attempt? Pay by Debit or Credit Card
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payment Type

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)

IRS Direct Pay

Other B6

MHM6185Q014 B6 Please specify other payment type attempted:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other type
STE0105301 B11 Which type of agreement did you set up or tried to set up? Monthly payments by mail
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Agreement type

Monthly payment via direct debit

Full pay within the next 4 months

Full pay today

MHM6185Q015 B7 To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) B8

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) B8

MHM6185Q016 B8 If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your payment task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Prevented task
MHM6185Q017 B9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Find info

No B10

MHM6185Q018 B10 If not, what prevented you from finding payment information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
No info found
MHM6185Q019 C1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your refund status? Check status of refund C3,C5,C7,C8 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund

Research more information about refund C9

Review refund FAQs C9

Other C2

MHM6185Q020 C2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to refund status:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other refund
MHM6185Q021 C3 How would you classify the ease of use for the refund status feature? Very easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Ease of use

Somewhat easy

Somewhat difficult C4

Very difficult C4

MHM6185Q022 C4 Why did you classify the usage of the refund status feature as somewhat or very difficult? Please provide specific details of your experience.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Difficult use
MHM6185Q023 C5 Did the refund status feature provide you with sufficient information/messaging about your refund status? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Sufficient info

No C6

MHM6185Q024 C6 Please specify what the IRS could do better in informing you about your refund status.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve refund
MHM6185Q025 C7 What other ways did you use to check on your refund status?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Other ways
MHM6185Q026 C8 How many times did you use the refund status feature during the tax season? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
# times used

2-4 times

5-9 times

10 or more times

MHM6185Q027 C9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Find info

No C10

MHM6185Q028 C10 If not, what prevented you from finding refund status information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
No info found
STE0105302 G1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your amended return? Check status of amended return
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return

Other G2

STE0105311 G2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to amended return:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other amended
STE0105310 G3 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return
Find info

No G4

STE0105303 G4 If not, what prevented you from finding amended return information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Amended return
No info found
MHM6185Q029 D1 What was your main reason for requesting a transcript today? Higher education/student aid
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript Reason

Mortgage related

Tax preparation


FEMA/Disaster related

State licensing

Small business loan

Housing assistance

State or local tax issue

Income verification

Health care

Other D2

MHM6185Q030 D2 Please specify any other reason(s) for requesting a transcript today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other reason
MHM6185Q031 D3 What type of transcript were you interested in? Tax Account Transcript
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript types

Tax Return Transcript

Record of Account (Account & Return Transcript)

Wage & Income Transcript

Verification of Non-Filing Letter

Not sure

MHM6185Q032 D4 Did you have any difficulty requesting a transcript today? Yes D5 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript
Encounter difficulty


MHM6185Q033 D5 What type of difficulty did you have when requesting a transcript today? There were technical difficulties with the application D6 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript difficulties

The information entered didn’t match IRS records D6

Received a registration error D6

Tax year needed wasn't available D6

Transcript type needed wasn't available D6

The system/application was down D6

Session expired too early D6

Other D6

MHM6185Q034 D6 Please specify any other difficulties you had when requesting a transcript today or you may give more details about the type you chose above.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other difficulties
MHM6185Q035 D7 What could the IRS do to make the Get Transcript application better in the future?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve transcript
RUS0172886 P1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to penalties? Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers P2 Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations P2

Learn about penalties for international issues P2

Learn about penalties for exempt organizations or employee plans P2

Learn how to avoid a penalty P2

Learn how to compute a penalty P2

Learn about penalty relief criteria P2

Learn how to request penalty relief P2

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief P2

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties P2

Learn about an ACA (health insurance) related penalty P2

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due P3

Make a payment P3

Other P1.1,P2

RUS0172904 P1.1 Please specify your "other" reason for searching penalties.

Text area, no char limit Y Skip logic Penalties
Other reason
RUS0172887 P2 Did you find all the penalties information you were looking for today? Yes P2.2,P2.3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties Find info

No P2.2,P2.3

RUS0172889 P2.2 Please describe any penalty information that you found to be unclear or needing further explanation.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Unclear penalties
RUS0172905 P2.3 Please describe any difficulties you encountered looking for the penalties information you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties difficulty
RUS0172888 P3 If you were trying to perform any penalty related tasks (view account information, make a payment, etc.), to what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all of my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s) P3.1

I was able to complete some of my task(s) P3.1

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) P3.1

RUS0172890 P3.1 What prevented you from accomplishing your penalty related task(s)?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties
Prevented task
MHM6185Q036 E1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions? Download current year tax forms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Forms accomplish

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures E2

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other E2

MHM6185Q037 E2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Forms
Other accomplish
MHM6185Q038 W To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Task accomplishment

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) X

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) X

MHM6185Q039 X If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Prevented task
How did you look for information on today? website search A,C Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Method

Advanced search A,C

Forms and publications area

Site navigation D

Links on a page D

Internet search engine (Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.)

MHM6185Q041 A How was your search experience today? Search delivered the expected results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Search diff

Top recommendations were helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Unsure of search terms to use

Other B

MHM6185Q042 B Please specify other search experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other search diff
MHM6185Q043 C What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Search terms
MHM6185Q044 D How easily were you able to navigate the website to find what you needed? Navigation worked as expected
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Navigation diff

Navigation terms were intuitive/easy to follow

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

Other E

MHM6185Q045 E Please specify other navigational experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other nav diff
What could we do to make our website better?

Text area, no char limit N
Which of the following devices would you consider using to visit Desktop or Laptop Computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y
Access preference

Mobile phone


No preference

Sheet 4: CQs (9-15-17)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS red & strike-through: DELETE

IRS v3 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MNctApFhltd0k9I0UoMFsA4C pink: ADDITION

Date: 9/12/2017 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

About once a year

Which best describes you for your visit to today? An individual taxpayer B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other A

MHM6185Q003 A Please specify what best describes you:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other role
STE0105298 B Please specify your individual taxpayer role. Employee
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Individual taxpayer

Self employed

International taxpayer



Senior and/or retiree

Other C

STE0105299 C Please specify other individual role:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other taxpayer
Why did you visit today? Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return G1,G3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reason

EIN (Employer Identification Number) W

Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) W

Filing a return W


Free File information F1

Credits and deductions information F1

General tax information F1

Penalties P1

Received a notice/letter from IRS F1

News and events F1

Affordable Care Act information F1

Payments B1

PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) W

Refund status C1

Tax forms, publications, or instructions E1,F1

Tax transcript D1,D3,D4,D7

Other A,F1

Anchor answer choice
MHM6185Q005 A Please specify other reason for visiting:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other reason
MHM6185Q006 F1 Did you find the information you were looking for today? Yes F3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Tax Info
Found info

No F2

MHM6185Q007 F2 Please describe any difficulties that prevented you from finding what you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q008 F3 Please describe any confusion encountered in making sense of the information you found today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q009 B1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to payments? Make an online payment B5,B7 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments

Seek information about payment options B2,B9

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement B11,B7

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment or agreement B7

Other B4

STE0105300 B2 Which most closely describes the information you were seeking today? Options to pay online from your bank account
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Info Type

How to pay online by debit or credit card

How to pay via check

How to pay via cash or money order

Information about installment agreements or payment plans

Your balance due

Other B3

MHM6185Q011 B3 Please specify other payment information you are seeking:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other info type
MHM6185Q012 B4 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to payments:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other payments
MHM6185Q013 B5 Which type of payment did you attempt? Pay by Debit or Credit Card
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payment Type

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)

IRS Direct Pay

Other B6

MHM6185Q014 B6 Please specify other payment type attempted:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other type
STE0105301 B11 Which type of agreement did you set up or tried to set up? Monthly payments by mail
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Agreement type

Monthly payment via direct debit

Full pay within the next 4 months

Full pay today

MHM6185Q015 B7 To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) B8

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) B8

MHM6185Q016 B8 If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your payment task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Prevented task
MHM6185Q017 B9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Find info

No B10

MHM6185Q018 B10 If not, what prevented you from finding payment information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
No info found
MHM6185Q019 C1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your refund status? Check status of refund C3,C5,C7,C8 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund

Research more information about refund C9

Review refund FAQs C9

Other C2

MHM6185Q020 C2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to refund status:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other refund
MHM6185Q021 C3 How would you classify the ease of use for the refund status feature? Very easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Ease of use

Somewhat easy

Somewhat difficult C4

Very difficult C4

MHM6185Q022 C4 Why did you classify the usage of the refund status feature as somewhat or very difficult? Please provide specific details of your experience.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Difficult use
MHM6185Q023 C5 Did the refund status feature provide you with sufficient information/messaging about your refund status? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Sufficient info

No C6

MHM6185Q024 C6 Please specify what the IRS could do better in informing you about your refund status.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve refund
MHM6185Q025 C7 What other ways did you use to check on your refund status?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Other ways
MHM6185Q026 C8 How many times did you use the refund status feature during the tax season? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
# times used

2-4 times

5-9 times

10 or more times

MHM6185Q027 C9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Find info

No C10

MHM6185Q028 C10 If not, what prevented you from finding refund status information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
No info found
STE0105302 G1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your amended return? Check status of amended return
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return

Other G2

STE0105311 G2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to amended return:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other amended
STE0105310 G3 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return
Find info

No G4

STE0105303 G4 If not, what prevented you from finding amended return information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Amended return
No info found
MHM6185Q029 D1 What was your main reason for requesting a transcript today? Higher education/student aid
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript Reason

Mortgage related

Tax preparation


FEMA/Disaster related

State licensing

Small business loan

Housing assistance

State or local tax issue

Income verification

Health care

Other D2

MHM6185Q030 D2 Please specify any other reason(s) for requesting a transcript today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other reason
MHM6185Q031 D3 What type of transcript were you interested in? Tax Account Transcript
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript types

Tax Return Transcript

Record of Account (Account & Return Transcript)

Wage & Income Transcript

Verification of Non-Filing Letter

Not sure

MHM6185Q032 D4 Did you have any difficulty requesting a transcript today? Yes D5 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript
Encounter difficulty


MHM6185Q033 D5 What type of difficulty did you have when requesting a transcript today? There were technical difficulties with the application D6 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript difficulties

The information entered didn’t match IRS records D6

Received a registration error D6

Tax year needed wasn't available D6

Transcript type needed wasn't available D6

The system/application was down D6

Session expired too early D6

Other D6

MHM6185Q034 D6 Please specify any other difficulties you had when requesting a transcript today or you may give more details about the type you chose above.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other difficulties
MHM6185Q035 D7 What could the IRS do to make the Get Transcript application better in the future?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve transcript
RUS0172886 P1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to penalties? Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers P2 Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations P2

Learn about penalties for international issues P2

Learn about penalties for exempt organizations or employee plans P2

Learn how to avoid a penalty P2

Learn how to compute a penalty P2

Learn about penalty relief criteria P2

Learn how to request penalty relief P2

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief P2

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties P2

Learn about an ACA (health insurance) related penalty P2

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due P3

Make a payment P3

Other P1.1,P2,P3

RUS0172904 P1.1 Please specify your "other" reason for searching penalties.

Text area, no char limit Y Skip logic Penalties
Other reason
RUS0172887 P2 Did you find all the penalties information you were looking for today? Yes P2.2,P2.3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties Find info

No P2.2,P2.3

RUS0172889 P2.2 Please describe any penalty information that you found to be unclear or needing further explanation.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Unclear penalties
RUS0172905 P2.3 Please describe any difficulties you encountered looking for the penalties information you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties difficulty
RUS0172888 P3 If you were trying to perform any penalty related tasks (view account information, make a payment, etc.), to what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all of my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s) P3.1

I was able to complete some of my task(s) P3.1

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) P3.1

RUS0172890 P3.1 What prevented you from accomplishing your penalty related task(s)?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties
Prevented task
MHM6185Q036 E1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions? Download current year tax forms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Forms accomplish

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures E2

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other E2

MHM6185Q037 E2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Forms
Other accomplish
MHM6185Q038 W To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Task accomplishment

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) X

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) X

MHM6185Q039 X If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Prevented task
How did you look for information on today? website search A,C Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Method

Advanced search A,C

Forms and publications area

Site navigation D

Links on a page D

Internet search engine (Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.)

MHM6185Q041 A How was your search experience today? Search delivered the expected results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Search diff

Top recommendations were helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Unsure of search terms to use

Other B

MHM6185Q042 B Please specify other search experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other search diff
MHM6185Q043 C What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Search terms
MHM6185Q044 D How easily were you able to navigate the website to find what you needed? Navigation worked as expected
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Navigation diff

Navigation terms were intuitive/easy to follow

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

Other E

MHM6185Q045 E Please specify other navigational experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other nav diff
What could we do to make our website better?

Text area, no char limit N
Which of the following devices would you consider using to visit Desktop or Laptop Computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y
Access preference

Mobile phone


No preference

Sheet 5: CUSTOM Qsts (9-14-17)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS red & strike-through: DELETE

IRS v3 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MNctApFhltd0k9I0UoMFsA4C pink: ADDITION

Date: 9/12/2017 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

About once a year

Which best describes you for your visit to today? An individual taxpayer B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other A

MHM6185Q003 A Please specify what best describes you:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other role
STE0105298 B Please specify your individual taxpayer role. Employee
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Individual taxpayer

Self employed

International taxpayer



Senior and/or retiree

Other C

STE0105299 C Please specify other individual role:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other taxpayer
Why did you visit today? Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return G1,G3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reason

EIN (Employer Identification Number) W

Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) W

Filing a return W


Free File information F1

Credits and deductions information F1

General tax information F1

Penalties P1

Received a notice/letter from IRS F1

News and events F1

Affordable Care Act information F1

Payments B1

PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) W

Refund status C1

Tax forms, publications, or instructions E1,F1

Tax transcript D1,D3,D4,D7

Other A,F1

Anchor answer choice
MHM6185Q005 A Please specify other reason for visiting:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other reason
MHM6185Q006 F1 Did you find the information you were looking for today? Yes F3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Tax Info
Found info

No F2

MHM6185Q007 F2 Please describe any difficulties that prevented you from finding what you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q008 F3 Please describe any confusion encountered in making sense of the information you found today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q009 B1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to payments? Make an online payment B5,B7 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments

Seek information about payment options B2,B9

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement B11,B7

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment or agreement B7

Other B4

STE0105300 B2 Which most closely describes the information you were seeking today? Options to pay online from your bank account
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Info Type

How to pay online by debit or credit card

How to pay via check

How to pay via cash or money order

Information about installment agreements or payment plans

Your balance due

Other B3

MHM6185Q011 B3 Please specify other payment information you are seeking:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other info type
MHM6185Q012 B4 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to payments:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other payments
MHM6185Q013 B5 Which type of payment did you attempt? Pay by Debit or Credit Card
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payment Type

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)

IRS Direct Pay

Other B6

MHM6185Q014 B6 Please specify other payment type attempted:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other type
STE0105301 B11 Which type of agreement did you set up or tried to set up? Monthly payments by mail
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Agreement type

Monthly payment via direct debit

Full pay within the next 4 months

Full pay today

MHM6185Q015 B7 To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) B8

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) B8

MHM6185Q016 B8 If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your payment task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Prevented task
MHM6185Q017 B9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Find info

No B10

MHM6185Q018 B10 If not, what prevented you from finding payment information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
No info found
MHM6185Q019 C1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your refund status? Check status of refund C3,C5,C7,C8 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund

Research more information about refund C9

Review refund FAQs C9

Other C2

MHM6185Q020 C2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to refund status:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other refund
MHM6185Q021 C3 How would you classify the ease of use for the refund status feature? Very easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Ease of use

Somewhat easy

Somewhat difficult C4

Very difficult C4

MHM6185Q022 C4 Why did you classify the usage of the refund status feature as somewhat or very difficult? Please provide specific details of your experience.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Difficult use
MHM6185Q023 C5 Did the refund status feature provide you with sufficient information/messaging about your refund status? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Sufficient info

No C6

MHM6185Q024 C6 Please specify what the IRS could do better in informing you about your refund status.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve refund
MHM6185Q025 C7 What other ways did you use to check on your refund status?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Other ways
MHM6185Q026 C8 How many times did you use the refund status feature during the tax season? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
# times used

2-4 times

5-9 times

10 or more times

MHM6185Q027 C9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Find info

No C10

MHM6185Q028 C10 If not, what prevented you from finding refund status information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
No info found
STE0105302 G1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your amended return? Check status of amended return
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return

Other G2

STE0105311 G2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to amended return:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other amended
STE0105310 G3 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return
Find info

No G4

STE0105303 G4 If not, what prevented you from finding amended return information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Amended return
No info found
MHM6185Q029 D1 What was your main reason for requesting a transcript today? Higher education/student aid
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript Reason

Mortgage related

Tax preparation


FEMA/Disaster related

State licensing

Small business loan

Housing assistance

State or local tax issue

Income verification

Health care

Other D2

MHM6185Q030 D2 Please specify any other reason(s) for requesting a transcript today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other reason
MHM6185Q031 D3 What type of transcript were you interested in? Tax Account Transcript
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript types

Tax Return Transcript

Record of Account (Account & Return Transcript)

Wage & Income Transcript

Verification of Non-Filing Letter

Not sure

MHM6185Q032 D4 Did you have any difficulty requesting a transcript today? Yes D5 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript
Encounter difficulty


MHM6185Q033 D5 What type of difficulty did you have when requesting a transcript today? There were technical difficulties with the application D6 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript difficulties

The information entered didn’t match IRS records D6

Received a registration error D6

Tax year needed wasn't available D6

Transcript type needed wasn't available D6

The system/application was down D6

Session expired too early D6

Other D6

MHM6185Q034 D6 Please specify any other difficulties you had when requesting a transcript today or you may give more details about the type you chose above.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other difficulties
MHM6185Q035 D7 What could the IRS do to make the Get Transcript application better in the future?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve transcript
RUS0172886 P1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to penalties? Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers P2 Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations P2

Learn about penalties for international issues P2

Learn about penalties for exempt organizations or employee plans P2

Learn how to avoid a penalty P2

Learn how to compute a penalty P2

Learn about penalty relief criteria P2

Learn how to request penalty relief P2

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief P2

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties P2

Learn about an ACA (health insurance) related penalty P2

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due P3

Make a payment P3

Other P1.1,P2,P3

RUS0172904 P1.1 Please specify your "other" reason for searching penalties.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties
Other reason
RUS0172887 P2 Did you find all the penalties information you were looking for today? Yes P2.2,P2.3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties Find info

No P2.2,P2.3

Some P2.2,P2.3

RUS0172889 P2.2 Please describe any penalty information that you found to be unclear or needing further explanation.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Unclear penalties
RUS0172905 P2.3 Please describe any difficulties you encountered looking for the penalties information you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties difficulty
RUS0172888 P3 If you were trying to perform any penalty related tasks (view account information, make a payment, etc.), to what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all of my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s) P3.1

I was able to complete some of my task(s) P3.1

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) P3.1

RUS0172890 P3.1 What prevented you from accomplishing your penalty related task(s)?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties
Prevented task
MHM6185Q036 E1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions? Download current year tax forms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Forms accomplish

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures E2

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other E2

MHM6185Q037 E2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Forms
Other accomplish
MHM6185Q038 W To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Task accomplishment

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) X

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) X

MHM6185Q039 X If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Prevented task
How did you look for information on today? website search A,C Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Method

Advanced search A,C

Forms and publications area

Site navigation D

Links on a page D

Internet search engine (Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.)

MHM6185Q041 A How was your search experience today? Search delivered the expected results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Search diff

Top recommendations were helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Unsure of search terms to use

Other B

MHM6185Q042 B Please specify other search experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other search diff
MHM6185Q043 C What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Search terms
MHM6185Q044 D How easily were you able to navigate the website to find what you needed? Navigation worked as expected
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Navigation diff

Navigation terms were intuitive/easy to follow

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

Other E

MHM6185Q045 E Please specify other navigational experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other nav diff
What could we do to make our website better?

Text area, no char limit N
Which of the following devices would you consider using to visit Desktop or Laptop Computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y
Access preference

Mobile phone


No preference

Sheet 6: CUSTOM Qsts (7-10-17)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS red & strike-through: DELETE

IRS v3 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MNctApFhltd0k9I0UoMFsA4C pink: ADDITION

Date: 7/10/2017 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

About once a year

Which best describes you for your visit to today? An individual taxpayer B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other A

MHM6185Q003 A Please specify what best describes you:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other role
STE0105298 B Please specify your individual taxpayer role. Employee
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Individual taxpayer

Self employed

International taxpayer



Senior and/or retiree

Other C

STE0105299 C Please specify other individual role:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other taxpayer
Why did you visit today? Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return G1,G3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reason

EIN (Employer Identification Number) W

Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) W

Filing a return W


Free File information F1

Credits and deductions information F1

General tax information F1

Penalties F1,P1

Received a notice/letter from IRS F1

News and events F1

Affordable Care Act information F1

Payments B1

PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) W

Refund status C1

Tax forms, publications, or instructions E1,F1

Tax transcript D1,D3,D4,D7

Other A,F1

Anchor answer choice
MHM6185Q005 A Please specify other reason for visiting:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other reason
MHM6185Q006 F1 Did you find the information you were looking for today? Yes F3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Tax Info
Found info

No F2

MHM6185Q007 F2 Please describe any difficulties that prevented you from finding what you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q008 F3 Please describe any confusion encountered in making sense of the information you found today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q009 B1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to payments? Make an online payment B5,B7 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments

Seek information about payment options B2,B9

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement B11,B7

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment or agreement B7

Other B4

STE0105300 B2 Which most closely describes the information you were seeking today? Options to pay online from your bank account
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Info Type

How to pay online by debit or credit card

How to pay via check

How to pay via cash or money order

Information about installment agreements or payment plans

Your balance due

Other B3

MHM6185Q011 B3 Please specify other payment information you are seeking:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other info type
MHM6185Q012 B4 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to payments:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other payments
MHM6185Q013 B5 Which type of payment did you attempt? Pay by Debit or Credit Card
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payment Type

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)

IRS Direct Pay

Other B6

MHM6185Q014 B6 Please specify other payment type attempted:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other type
STE0105301 B11 Which type of agreement did you set up or tried to set up? Monthly payments by mail
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Agreement type

Monthly payment via direct debit

Full pay within the next 4 months

Full pay today

MHM6185Q015 B7 To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) B8

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) B8

MHM6185Q016 B8 If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your payment task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Prevented task
MHM6185Q017 B9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Find info

No B10

MHM6185Q018 B10 If not, what prevented you from finding payment information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
No info found
MHM6185Q019 C1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your refund status? Check status of refund C3,C5,C7,C8 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund

Research more information about refund C9

Review refund FAQs C9

Other C2

MHM6185Q020 C2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to refund status:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other refund
MHM6185Q021 C3 How would you classify the ease of use for the refund status feature? Very easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Ease of use

Somewhat easy

Somewhat difficult C4

Very difficult C4

MHM6185Q022 C4 Why did you classify the usage of the refund status feature as somewhat or very difficult? Please provide specific details of your experience.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Difficult use
MHM6185Q023 C5 Did the refund status feature provide you with sufficient information/messaging about your refund status? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Sufficient info

No C6

MHM6185Q024 C6 Please specify what the IRS could do better in informing you about your refund status.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve refund
MHM6185Q025 C7 What other ways did you use to check on your refund status?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Other ways
MHM6185Q026 C8 How many times did you use the refund status feature during the tax season? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
# times used

2-4 times

5-9 times

10 or more times

MHM6185Q027 C9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Find info

No C10

MHM6185Q028 C10 If not, what prevented you from finding refund status information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
No info found
STE0105302 G1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your amended return? Check status of amended return
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return

Other G2

STE0105311 G2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to amended return:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other amended
STE0105310 G3 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return
Find info

No G4

STE0105303 G4 If not, what prevented you from finding amended return information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Amended return
No info found
MHM6185Q029 D1 What was your main reason for requesting a transcript today? Higher education/student aid
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript Reason

Mortgage related

Tax preparation


FEMA/Disaster related

State licensing

Small business loan

Housing assistance

State or local tax issue

Income verification

Health care

Other D2

MHM6185Q030 D2 Please specify any other reason(s) for requesting a transcript today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other reason
MHM6185Q031 D3 What type of transcript were you interested in? Tax Account Transcript
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript types

Tax Return Transcript

Record of Account (Account & Return Transcript)

Wage & Income Transcript

Verification of Non-Filing Letter

Not sure

MHM6185Q032 D4 Did you have any difficulty requesting a transcript today? Yes D5 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript
Encounter difficulty


MHM6185Q033 D5 What type of difficulty did you have when requesting a transcript today? There were technical difficulties with the application D6 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript difficulties

The information entered didn’t match IRS records D6

Received a registration error D6

Tax year needed wasn't available D6

Transcript type needed wasn't available D6

The system/application was down D6

Session expired too early D6

Other D6

MHM6185Q034 D6 Please specify any other difficulties you had when requesting a transcript today or you may give more details about the type you chose above.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other difficulties
MHM6185Q035 D7 What could the IRS do to make the Get Transcript application better in the future?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve transcript

P1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to penalties? Learn about penalties for individual taxpayers P2 Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties

Learn about penalties for small businesses or corporations P2

Learn about penalties for international issues P2

Learn about penalties for exempt organizations or employee plans P2

Learn how to avoid a penalty P2

Learn how to compute a penalty P2

Learn about penalty relief criteria P2

Learn how to request penalty relief P2

Learn how to appeal a rejected request for penalty relief P2

Learn about IRA additional tax penalties P2

Learn about an ACA related penalty P2

See what penalties I owe and/or the amounts due P3

Make a payment P3

Other P1.1,P2,P3

P1.1 Please specify your "other" reason for searching penalties.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties
Other reason

P2 Did you find the penalties information you were looking for today? Yes P2.2,P2.3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties Find info

No P2.2,P2.3

Some P2.2,P2.3

P2.2 Please describe any penalty information that you found to be unclear or needing further explanation.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Unclear penalties

P2.3 Please describe any difficulties you encountered looking for the penalties information you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties difficulty

P3 If you were trying to perform any penalty related tasks (view account information, make a payment, etc.), to what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all of my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Penalties
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s) P3.1

I was able to complete some of my task(s) P3.1

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) P3.1

P3.1 What prevented you from accomplishing your penalty related task(s)?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Penalties
Prevented task
MHM6185Q036 E1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions? Download current year tax forms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Forms accomplish

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures E2

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other E2

MHM6185Q037 E2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Forms
Other accomplish
MHM6185Q038 W To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Task accomplishment

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) X

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) X

MHM6185Q039 X If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Prevented task
How did you look for information on today? website search A,C Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Method

Advanced search A,C

Forms and publications area

Site navigation D

Links on a page D

Internet search engine (Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.)

MHM6185Q041 A How was your search experience today? Search delivered the expected results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Search diff

Top recommendations were helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Unsure of search terms to use

Other B

MHM6185Q042 B Please specify other search experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other search diff
MHM6185Q043 C What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Search terms
MHM6185Q044 D How easily were you able to navigate the website to find what you needed? Navigation worked as expected
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Navigation diff

Navigation terms were intuitive/easy to follow

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

Other E

MHM6185Q045 E Please specify other navigational experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other nav diff
What could we do to make our website better?

Text area, no char limit N
Which of the following devices would you consider using to visit Desktop or Laptop Computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y
Access preference

Mobile phone


No preference

Sheet 7: CQs (6-30-16)

CUSTOM QUESTIONS red & strike-through: DELETE

IRS v3 underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: MNctApFhltd0k9I0UoMFsA4C pink: ADDITION

Date: 6/28/2016 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

About once a year

Which best describes you for your visit to today? An individual taxpayer B Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Role

A business (corporation, partnership, small business, etc.)

A charity or non-profit organization (tax exempt entity, government entity, etc.)

A tax professional (accountant, attorney, bank trust officer, enrolled agent, tax consultant, tax preparer, etc.)

Other A

MHM6185Q003 A Please specify what best describes you:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other role
STE0105298 B Please specify your individual taxpayer role. Employee
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Individual taxpayer

Self employed

International taxpayer



Senior and/or retiree

Other C

STE0105299 C Please specify other individual role:

Text field, <100 char N Skip logic Other taxpayer
Why did you visit today? Amended tax return status or amend my previously filed return G1,G3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Reason

EIN (Employer Identification Number) W

Tools for tax professionals (e.g., e-services) W

Filing a return W


Free File information F1

Credits and deductions information F1

General tax information F1

Penalties F1

Received a notice/letter from IRS F1

News and events F1

Affordable Care Act information F1

Payments B1

PTIN (Preparer Tax Identification Number) W

Refund status C1

Tax forms, publications, or instructions E1,F1

Tax transcript D1,D3,D4,D7

Other A,F1

Anchor answer choice
MHM6185Q005 A Please specify other reason for visiting:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other reason
MHM6185Q006 F1 Did you find the information you were looking for today? Yes F3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Tax Info
Found info

No F2

MHM6185Q007 F2 Please describe any difficulties that prevented you from finding what you needed.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q008 F3 Please describe any confusion encountered in making sense of the information you found today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Tax Info
MHM6185Q009 B1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to payments? Make an online payment B5,B7 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments

Seek information about payment options B2,B9

Set up an installment agreement or online payment agreement B11,B7

Look-up, modify, or cancel an existing payment or agreement B7

Other B4

STE0105300 B2 Which most closely describes the information you were seeking today? Options to pay online from your bank account
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Info Type

How to pay online by debit or credit card

How to pay via check

How to pay via cash or money order

Information about installment agreements or payment plans

Your balance due

Other B3

MHM6185Q011 B3 Please specify other payment information you are seeking:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other info type
MHM6185Q012 B4 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to payments:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other payments
MHM6185Q013 B5 Which type of payment did you attempt? Pay by Debit or Credit Card
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payment Type

Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)

IRS Direct Pay

Other B6

MHM6185Q014 B6 Please specify other payment type attempted:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Other type
STE0105301 B11 Which type of agreement did you set up or tried to set up? Monthly payments by mail
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Agreement type

Monthly payment via direct debit

Full pay within the next 4 months

Full pay today

MHM6185Q015 B7 To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Accomplish task

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) B8

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) B8

MHM6185Q016 B8 If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your payment task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
Prevented task
MHM6185Q017 B9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Payments
Find info

No B10

MHM6185Q018 B10 If not, what prevented you from finding payment information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Payments
No info found
MHM6185Q019 C1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your refund status? Check status of refund C3,C5,C7,C8 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund

Research more information about refund C9

Review refund FAQs C9

Other C2

MHM6185Q020 C2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to refund status:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other refund
MHM6185Q021 C3 How would you classify the ease of use for the refund status feature? Very easy
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Ease of use

Somewhat easy

Somewhat difficult C4

Very difficult C4

MHM6185Q022 C4 Why did you classify the usage of the refund status feature as somewhat or very difficult? Please provide specific details of your experience.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Difficult use
MHM6185Q023 C5 Did the refund status feature provide you with sufficient information/messaging about your refund status? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Sufficient info

No C6

MHM6185Q024 C6 Please specify what the IRS could do better in informing you about your refund status.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve refund
MHM6185Q025 C7 What other ways did you use to check on your refund status?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
Other ways
MHM6185Q026 C8 How many times did you use the refund status feature during the tax season? This is my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
# times used

2-4 times

5-9 times

10 or more times

MHM6185Q027 C9 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Refund
Find info

No C10

MHM6185Q028 C10 If not, what prevented you from finding refund status information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Refund
No info found
STE0105302 G1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to your amended return? Check status of amended return
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return

Other G2

STE0105311 G2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to amended return:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other amended
STE0105310 G3 Were you able to find the information you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Amended return
Find info

No G4

STE0105303 G4 If not, what prevented you from finding amended return information?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Amended return
No info found
MHM6185Q029 D1 What was your main reason for requesting a transcript today? Higher education/student aid
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript Reason

Mortgage related

Tax preparation


FEMA/Disaster related

State licensing

Small business loan

Housing assistance

State or local tax issue

Income verification

Health care

Other D2

MHM6185Q030 D2 Please specify any other reason(s) for requesting a transcript today.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other reason
MHM6185Q031 D3 What type of transcript were you interested in? Tax Account Transcript
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript types

Tax Return Transcript

Record of Account (Account & Return Transcript)

Wage & Income Transcript

Verification of Non-Filing Letter

Not sure

MHM6185Q032 D4 Did you have any difficulty requesting a transcript today? Yes D5 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript
Encounter difficulty


MHM6185Q033 D5 What type of difficulty did you have when requesting a transcript today? There were technical difficulties with the application D6 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Transcript difficulties

The information entered didn’t match IRS records D6

Received a registration error D6

Tax year needed wasn't available D6

Transcript type needed wasn't available D6

The system/application was down D6

Session expired too early D6

Other D6

MHM6185Q034 D6 Please specify any other difficulties you had when requesting a transcript today or you may give more details about the type you chose above.

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Transcript
Other difficulties
MHM6185Q035 D7 What could the IRS do to make the Get Transcript application better in the future?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Improve transcript
MHM6185Q036 E1 What were you trying to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions? Download current year tax forms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Forms accomplish

Download prior year tax forms

Print current year tax forms

Print prior year tax forms

Better understand tax rules and procedures E2

Order tax forms

e-file my forms

Find examples of completed forms

Other E2

MHM6185Q037 E2 Please specify what you tried to accomplish with regard to forms, publications, or instructions:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Forms
Other accomplish
MHM6185Q038 W To what extent were you able to complete the task(s)? I was able to complete all my task(s)
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Task accomplishment

I was able to complete most of my task(s)

I was able to complete some of my task(s) X

I was unable to complete any of my task(s) X

MHM6185Q039 X If not, what prevented you from accomplishing your task?

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Prevented task
How did you look for information on today? website search A,C Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Method

Advanced search A,C

Forms and publications area

Site navigation D

Links on a page D

Internet search engine (Google, MSN Search, Yahoo! Search, etc.)

MHM6185Q041 A How was your search experience today? Search delivered the expected results
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Search diff

Top recommendations were helpful

Too many results returned

No results returned

Results irrelevant to search terms

Unsure of search terms to use

Other B

MHM6185Q042 B Please specify other search experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other search diff
MHM6185Q043 C What specific search term(s) did you use to find information on

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Search terms
MHM6185Q044 D How easily were you able to navigate the website to find what you needed? Navigation worked as expected
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic Navigation diff

Navigation terms were intuitive/easy to follow

First-level navigation was intuitive, but subsequent levels were less intuitive

Expected links were not present on Web pages

Links did not take me where I expected

Navigating through site and determining location on site was difficult

Encountered technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

Other E

MHM6185Q045 E Please specify other navigational experience:

Text area, no char limit N Skip logic Other nav diff
What could we do to make our website better?

Text area, no char limit N
Which of the following devices would you consider using to visit Desktop or Laptop Computer
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y
Access preference

Mobile phone


No preference

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