Form 234 2019 234 Q_SSA-mySSA_Web_AccountManagement_JULY 2019

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2019 234 Q_SSA-mySSA_Web_AccountManagement_JULY 2019.xlsx

2019 234 Q_SSA-mySSA_Web_AccountManagement_JULY 2019

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Welcome and Thank You Text
Current CQs
v2 Model Qsts

Sheet 1: Guidelines

SSA My Social Security v2

Partitioned Yes
Questionnaire Management Guidelines


One consolidated document to track all model and CQ changes throughout the life of the project

Questionnaire always matches the live survey

Easy and error-free way to submit CQ changes

All changes tracked and reflected in one document (DOT will help)

Questionnaire Resources:

Questionnaire Design and Approval Process

Question Grouping Rules

OPS vs. Skip Logic Decision for "Other, Please Specify"

Model and Custom Question Checks_ SRA

Model and Custom Question Checks_ Team LeadManager

Model and Custom Question Checks_ DOT

Foreign Language Survey Instructions

Sheet 2: Welcome and Thank You Text

Model Instance Name:

SSA My Social Security v2

MID: Z5w0N58sJ5AkRkYUg4pVFg==

Partitioned Yes 2/8/2012

Welcome and Thank You Text


This welcome text is shown at the top of the questionnaire window and the thank you text at the bottom. This is a good place to mention the site/company/agency name so the visitor knows whom they are taking the survey for. Feel free to modify the standard Welcome text shown in the box below.


Welcome Text Example

Welcome Text

Thank you for visiting our site. You've been randomly chosen to take part in a brief survey to let us know what we're doing well and where we can improve.

Please take a few minutes to share your opinions, which are essential in helping us provide the best online experience possible.

Thank You Text Example

Thank You Text

Thank you for taking our survey and for helping us serve you better.

Please note you will not receive a response from us based on your survey comments. If you would like us to contact you about your feedback, please visit the Contact Us section of our website.


Sheet 3: Current CQs

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

SSA My Social Security v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



Partitioned Yes 1/11/2018
blue + -->: REWORDING

QID Skip Logic Label Question Text AnswerIDs (DOT) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How often do you access (or plan to access) your my Social Security account?
Once a year
Radio button, one up vertical Y
Access Frequency - NEW

Once every six months

Once every three months

Once a month

More than once a month

Not sure

What is your reason for visiting my Social Security today? (Check all that apply) CAS0045395A001 To get a Benefit Verification Letter B check box one up vertical Yes Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

To access my online notices (e.g., COLA) C1, C2,C4,N1,N2, N3,N4

To view my Benefits and Payment Details

CAS0045395A002 To enroll in or update my direct deposit

CAS0045395A003 To change my address with SSA

To print or view my online Social Security Statement A

CAS0045395A004 To make sure my earnings record is correct

CAS0045395A005 To replace my Social Security Card or get a new card M

To check the Status of my recently filed application for benefits

CAS0045395A006 To learn about the benefits to which I might be entitled

CAS0045395A009 To apply only for Social Security or Medicare Only benefits

CAS0045395A017 To report my wages Q

To request a replacement SSA-1099 (or SSA-10425) for tax purposes

To add Extra Security to my online account

CAS0045395A010 Just curious – wanted to see what information was contained in my Social Security account

CAS0045395A011 Other Reason for visiting today Z

RUS0280247 C1 How difficult or easy was it to access your Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) notice online? RUS0280247A001 Very difficult
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Ease of access COLA

RUS0280247A002 Somewhat difficult

RUS0280247A003 Neither difficult or easy

RUS0280247A004 Somewhat easy

RUS0280247A005 Very easy

RUS0280248 C2 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? I am comfortable receiving notices only online. RUS0280248A001 Strongly disagree
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Comfortable COLA online

RUS0280248A002 Somewhat disagree

RUS0280248A003 Neither agree or disagree

RUS0280248A004 Somewhat agree

RUS0280248A005 Strongly agree

RUS0280250 C4 Do you have any suggestions for improving our online notices?

text, no char limit N Skip Logic Group Improve Online notices

N1 If you owed us money, would you like the option to make a payment on line?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Pay online option


Don't know/Not applicable

N2 Are you aware that the communication delivery preference gives you the option to get your notices either electronically or by mail?
Yes A1 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Understand communication delivery preference


A1 How easy or difficult was it to change your communication delivery preference?
Very difficult
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Ease of changing communication delivery

Somewhat difficult

Neither easy or difficult

Somewhat easy

Very easy

Don't know/Not applicable

N3 Are you comfortable receiving notices electronically?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Comfortable receiving notices online


Don't know

N4 Would you recommend accessing notices online to your family and friends?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Recommend accessing notices online


Don't know/Not applicable

CAS0045407 A How often do you review your online Social Security Statement? CAS0045407A001 This is my first time AA check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Freq View Statement

CAS0045407A003 At least once a year

CAS0045407A004 Every 6 months

CAS0045407A005 Every 3 months or more frequently

CAS0045409 B For which Agency or program do you need a Benefit Verification Letter? (Check all that apply) CAS0045409A001 Medicare
check box vertical one up Y skip logic group Agency Need

CAS0045409A002 Medicaid

State or Local Department of Social Services

CAS0045409A003 HUD - Federal Housing Admin. (FHA) and/or Section 8 Housing

CAS0045409A004 USDA - SNAP (Food Stamps)

CAS0045409A005 Department of Veterans Affairs

CAS0045409A006 IRS

CAS0045409A007 Court

CAS0045409A008 Want a copy for personal use

Bank or financial institution



Healthcare signup and/or verification

Requesting a Retirement Visa from another country

CAS0045409A009 Other agency or program BB

CAS0045396 BB Which "other" agency or program requested your Benefit Verification information?

Text area, no Char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS_Other Agency
CAS0045397 Z Please tell us what your primary reason was for visiting today:

Text area, no Char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS_Primary Reason
RUS0172647 M For which purpose or program do you need a replacement SSN Card? (Check all that apply)
Proof of identity
checkbox vertical, one up Y Skip Logic Group Purpose for SSN Card

Tax purposes


Required for my job


Bank or financial institution

Income assistance

Other (Please specify) MM

RUS0172648 MM Please explain for which purpose or program you need a replacement SSN card.

Text area, no Char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS_Purpose Other
TAR0201664 Q Who are you reporting wages for?
Myself only

Y Skip Logic Group Reporting For

My spouse only Q2, R Radio button, one-up vertical

Myself and my spouse Q2, R

Myself and another individual (not spouse) Q1,Q2, R

Other relative only Q2, R

Other Q1,Q2, R

TAR0201665 Q1 What is your relationship to the individual you are reporting wages for?

Text area, no Char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Report For
BUC0233611 R What type of benefits does the person you are reporting for receive?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y skip logic group Benefit Type Reporting

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Both Disability and SSI

Don't know

TAR0201666 Q2 Was the person you wanted to report wages for listed?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y skip logic group OE_Relationship


TAR0201667 Q Was the employer listed?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Employer listed


TAR0201668 Q Are you reporting for more than one employer for the same person?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Reporting multiple employers


TAR0202213 Q Are you currently working?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Currently working


TAR0201669 Q How long did it take you to submit your wages?
5 minutes or less
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Time Submit Wage

6-10 minutes

11-15 minutes

More than 15 minutes


Did not submit wages

BUC0233612 Q Before today's visit, what other methods have you used to report wages?
Field Office
Checkbox, one-up vertical Y Skip logic group Other reporting methods





BUC0233613 Q Do you plan to electronically report additional wages in the future?
Yes Q3 Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip logic group Plan report electronically

No Q5

Don't know

TAR0201672 Q3 How do you plan to report future wages?

Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group How Report Again


Mobile Device

Don't know

BUC0233614 Q5 What method do you prefer to use to report your wages?
Field Office
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Preferred method reporting





TAR0201673 Q Were the instructions you received helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Instructions Helpful

No Q4

TAR0201674 Q4 How can we improve the wage reporting application?

Text area, no Char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Improve Instructions
Did you register for your my Social Security online or in person? CAS0045398A001 Registered online on my first attempt A Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group How Registered

CAS0045398A002 Registered online after prior unsuccessful attempts A

CAS0045398A003 Registered with in-person assistance from my local SSA office A,C

Registered using the SSA Express

CAS0045398A004 Not sure or don't remember

CAS0045399 A Please select the approximate length of time it took for you complete your registration CAS0045399A001 Less than 15 minutes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Reg Time

CAS0045399A002 More than 15 but less than 30 minutes

CAS0045399A003 30 minutes or more

CAS0045410 C Why did you decide to register in-person?
I was unsuccessful registering online and was required to do so in-person CC Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Reg In person

I preferred registering for a my Social Security account in-person at my SSA office CC

Employee offered the option for me to register for a my Social Security account CC

CAS0045401 CC Please describe your in-person registration experience.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_In-person Experience
Did you find the instructions for creating a username, password and registering a second factor to be clear? CAS0045413A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Instructions Understand

CAS0045413A002 Partially A

CAS0045413A003 No A

CAS0045414 A Please explain what was not clear about any of the instructions.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Instructions
Do you have any concerns about the security of the personal information contained in your my Social Security account? CAS0045424A001 No
Radio Button, One-up Y Skip Logic Group Security Concerns

CAS0045424A002 Yes A

CAS0045425 A Please describe your security concerns.

Text area, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OE_Security Concern

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about your interaction today: I am satisfied with the service I received from the Social Security Administration.
1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

This interaction increased my confidence in the Social Security Administration.

1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

My need was addressed.

1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

It was easy to complete what I needed to do.

1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do.

1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

Did the information obtained during your my Social Security account visit enable you to accomplish what you wanted to do? CAS0045422A001 Yes
Radio button, one up Yes Skip Logic Group Ability to Accomplish

CAS0045422A002 No

Did you contact Social Security during your online visit?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Contacted SSA


TAR0239305 A How did you contact Social Security?
Requested a Call Back
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group How contacted SSA


Chat with an Online representative B,C,D,E

TAR0239306 B How long was your wait to Chat with a representative online?
About what I expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Click to chat wait

Longer than I expected

TAR0239307 C Did the Chat representative answer your question?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Click to chat answer



TAR0239324 D Do you still have to call the 1-800 number or go into a field office?
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Click to chat Call


TAR0248887 D How satisfied were you with the Chat Service you received today?
Very Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Click to chat service


Not Satisfied

Very Dissatisfied

D How satisfied were you with the Chat Representative who assisted you today?
Very Satisfied
Radio button, one-up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Click to chat representative


Not Satisfied

Very Dissatisfied

TAR0239325 E Please share any other feedback with us regarding your Chat experience today.

Text area, no Char limit N Skip Logic Group Chat Feedback
Did you use the “Get Help” button or "Call Back" button during your visit today?
Yes, I used the "Get Help" button only
Radio button, one up vertical Y
Get Help Button or Call Back

Yes, I used the "Call Back" button only

Yes, I used both the "Get Help" button and "Call Back" button

No, I used neither

Did you view the "Message Center" section during your visit today?
Yes Radio button, one up Y Skip Logic Group Message Center

No B

STE0125912 B Do you plan to view the "Message Center" in the future?
Radio button, one up Y Skip Logic Group Use Message Center Future


Please select the category that includes your age:
35 and under
Radio button, one up N

36 to 50

51 to 61







68 to 70

71 or older

Prefer not to answer

Please enter your 5 digit ZIP Code:

Text area, 100 char limit N
Do you have any suggestions for improving the my Social Security registration process?

Text area, no char limit N
OE_Improve Reg
Do you have any suggestions for improving my Social Security's content and features?

Text area, no char limit N
OE_Improve Contents

Sheet 4: v2 Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

SSA My Social Security v2


Partitioned Yes

FPI Included(Y/N)?


SSA My Social Security v2
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of this site.
Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)

Recommend How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Look and Feel - Balance Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.
Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.
Satisfaction - Ideal How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)

Return How likely are you to return to this site?

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Use Web Channel Over Others (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)

Navigation - Organized Please rate how well the site is organized.

Use Web Channel Over Others How likely are you to use this site rather than seek information from other channels (i.e. local field office, call center)?

Navigation - Options Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

Navigation - Layout Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Site Performance - Loading Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

Site Performance - Consistency Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

Site Performance - Errors Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

My Social Security Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

My Social Security Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of information you viewed on this site today.

My Social Security Information - Quality Please rate the quality of information you viewed today.

My Social Security Information - Provided Answers Please rate how well the information viewed today provided answers to your questions.

Plain Language (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Plain Language - Clear Please rate the clarity of the wording on this site.

Plain Language - Understandable Please rate how well you understand the wording on this site.

Plain Language - Concise Please rate this site on its use of short, clear sentences.

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