235 2019 235 Q_SSAiClaim_Web_AccountManagement_2019_8_19

E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2019 235 Q_SSAiClaim_Web_AccountManagement_2019_8_19.xlsx

2019 235 Security Administration

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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v3 Model Qsts (EN)
v3 Model Qsts (SP)
v3 CQs (EE)
Current v3 CQs (SP)

Sheet 1: v3 Model Qsts (EN)

Model Name
SSA iClaim V4

Red & Strike-Through: Delete
Model ID

Underlined & Italicized: Re-order
Yes - 2 MQ

Pink: Addition

Blue: Reword

Label Element Questions
Label Satisfaction Questions
Label Future Behaviors

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)


Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Site Performance - Speed Please rate the speed that pages and content loaded for you. 16 Satisfaction - Overall What is your overall satisfaction with this application?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
19 Recommend How likely are you to recommend this application to someone else?
2 Site Performance - Completeness Please rate the consistency of complete loading of pages and content. 17 Satisfaction - Expectations How well does this application meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)

Use Other Online Services (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Site Performance -Responsiveness Please rate the responsiveness of the pages to your actions. 18 Satisfaction - Ideal How does this application compare to your idea of an ideal application?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
20 Use Other Online Services How likely are you to use other Social Security online services?

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

4 Look and Feel - Appeal Please rate the visual appeal of the pages that you visited.

5 Look and Feel - Spacing Please rate the spacing between items on the pages that you visited.

6 Look and Feel - Readability Please rate the legibility of the pages that you visited.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Navigation - Ease Please rate the ease of finding what you were looking for.

8 Navigation - Layout Please rate the page layout on displaying content and links where you could find them.

9 Navigation - Links Please rate the links on taking you where you needed to go.

Site Information (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Site Information - Relevance Please rate the relevance to your interests of the information that you found.

11 Site Information - Thoroughness Please rate the thoroughness of the information that you found.

12 Site Information - Readability Please rate the readability of the information that you found.

Account Management (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

13 Account Management - Simplicity Please rate the simplicity of account management on this site.

14 Account Management - Efficiency Please rate the efficiency of account management on this site.

15 Account Management - Essential Information Please rate the presentation of essential account information.

Sheet 2: v3 Model Qsts (SP)

Model Instance Name:

SSA iClaim v3


Partitioned No

FPI Included(Y/N)?

NOTE: All non-partitioned surveys will NOT be imputed and the elements will be rotated as a default unless otherwise specified and approved by Research.


SSA iClaim v3
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)



NOTE: All questions under each element are required.
Element questions are partitioned among surveys.

REQUIRED ELEMENTS (common to all websites)

MQ Label

MQ Label

MQ Label

Información del sitio de Internet (1=Mala, 10=Excelente, No sé)


Recomendar (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente)

Site Information - Thoroughness Por favor califique lo exhaustivo de la información presentada en este programa de computadora.
Satisfaction - Overall ¿Cómo calificaría su satisfacción en general de este programa de computadora? (1=Totalmente insatisfecho, 10=Totalmente satisfecho)
Recommend ¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que le recomiende a otra persona el que use este programa de computadora ?

SiteInformation - Understandable Por favor califique lo comprensible de la información presentada en este programa de computadora.
Satisfaction - Expectations ¿Con cuánta exactitud este programa de computadora satisfizo sus expectativas? (1=No llenó mis expectativas, 10=Totalmente satisfecho)

Uso de otros servicios del Seguro Social por Internet (1=Muy improbablemente, 10=Muy probablemente)

SiteInformation - Answers Por favor califique lo adecuado de las respuestas que presenta este programa de computadora.
Satisfaction - Ideal ¿Cómo se compara este programa de computadora con lo que se imaginaría que sería su programa de computadora ideal? (1=No se asemeja, 10=Se asemeja)
Use Other Online Services ¿Cuáles son las posibilidades de que use otros programas del Seguro Social de computadora por Internet ?

Rendimiento del sitio de Internet (1=Malo, 10=Excelente, No sé)

Site Performance - Consistency Por favor califique la rapidez con que suben las páginas en este programa de computadora.

Site Performance - Errors Por favor califique la consistencia de la rapidez para moverse de una página a la otra en este programa de computadora.

Por favor califique la capacidad para subir las páginas sin que reciba un error en este programa de computadora.

Navegación (1=Mala, 10=Excelente, No sé)

Navigation - Organized Por favor califique la organización de este programa de computadora.

Navigation - Options Por favor califique las opciones disponibles para navegar este programa de computadora.

Navigation - Layout Por favor califique cómo el diseño de este programa de computadora le ayuda a encontrar lo que busca.

Navigation - Clicks Por favor califique el número de clics que tuvo que hacer para encontrar lo que buscaba en este programa de computadora.

Simpleza del vocabulario (1=Malo, 10=Excelente, No sé)

Plain Language - Clear Por favor califique la claridad de las palabras usadas este programa de computadora.

Plain Language - Understandable Por favor califique su comprensión de las palabras usadas este programa de computadora.

Plain Language - Concise Por favor califique este programa de computadora basado en el uso de oraciones cortas y claras de este programa de computadora.

Sheet 3: v3 CQs (EE)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

SSA iClaim v3

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: xZAAEQw81gIo1Vo4Noc1Rw4C


Date: 9/10/2018 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC


QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip To Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions CQ Label

Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else? Myself Radio button, one-up vertical Y skip logic group Applying for

Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend

Professional Helping a Client


How did you learn about applying for Retirement, Disability or Medicare online? (Select all that apply.) Official Social Security website (www.ssa.gov)
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Learn about App

Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

A general web search (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.)

An online ad (Banner/Image)

An online video



A newspaper or magazine article

A newspaper or magazine ad

An email from Social Security

My Social Security statement

A Social Security employee A

A relative or friend

A community group or association

A billboard or other printed ad

Other, please specify B

CAS0045244 A How did you make contact with a Social Security employee? Called the national 800 number
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic SSA Employee Contact

Called a local Social Security office

Visited a local Social Security office

At a Social Security sponsored event

Other, please specify AA

CAS0045245 AA Please describe how you made contact with a Social Security employee.

Text box, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS SSA Employee Contact

CAS0045246 B Please specify how you learned about this online application.

Text box, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Learn about App

Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.) Reviewed my online Social Security Statement A check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Prepare for App

Reviewed the Social Security statement that was mailed to me

I used the Retirement Estimator or other tools on the Social Security website B

I watched the instructional video C

I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare D

I used another resource to prepare to apply online E

I used the Retirement/Medicare Checklist F

I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online

Mutually Exclusive

CAS0045263 A How helpful did you find the online Social Security Statement? Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Statement

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045264 B How helpful did you find the estimator tools on the website? Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate RE Tools

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045265 C How helpful did you find the instructional video? Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Video

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045266 D How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website? Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Other Info on Website

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

RUS0268228 F How helpful did you find the Retirement/Medicare Checklist? Very helpful
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Checklist helpful

Somewhat helpful

Not at all helpful

CAS0045267 E Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online?

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Prepare for App

How did you determine when to start receiving your benefits? (Select all that apply.) Online Statement
check box one up vertical Y
How determine

Picked one of the dates that was listed in the application

Retirement Estimator

Financial Planner

SSA Publications

Did you start a new online application today or did you return to a previously saved application? Started a new application
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic App Status

Returned to work on a saved application R1

STE0123836 R1 Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number? Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me R0 Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Access Saved App


No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me R2

No, I did not have my Reentry number R2, R3

RUS0268229 R0 Were you aware you could find your re-entry number in mySSA "Your Benefit Applications"? Yes
Drop down select one Y Skip logic group Aware find reentry


RUS0268230 R3 Do you have a mySSA account? Yes
Drop down select one Y Skip logic group Have mySSA account


Don't know

STE0123837 R2 If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application? Yes
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Create New App


Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.) I prefer to use online services as much as possible
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Why Online

I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website (www.ssa.gov)

A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online

I can't get to my local Social Security Office B

A friend or relative recommended that I apply online

I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security

I did not want to go to a local Social Security office

I did not want to apply over the phone

I saw the link while I was checking my online statements

Other, please specify A

CAS0045287 A Please specify why you choose to apply online:

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Why Online

STE0123838 B What is the reason that you cannot get to your local office?

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic Group OPS Why Local Office

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about your interaction today: I am satisfied with the service I received from the Social Security Administration. 1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

This interaction increased my confidence in the Social Security Administration.
1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

My need was addressed.
1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

It was easy to complete what I needed to do.
1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know





5=Strongly Agree

It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do.
1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y




5=Strongly Agree

Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online application.

Text field, no char limit N

Sheet 4: Current v3 CQs (SP)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

SSA iClaim v3 (Spanish)

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER



Date: 7/15/2011 blue + -->: REWORDING

violet (bold): SKIP-LOGIC

QID Skip Logic Label Question Tex - English Question Tex - SP Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Answer Choices - SP Skip To Type (select from list) Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
Are you applying online for yourself or are you helping someone else? ¿Está usted haciendo esta solicitud en línea para usted mismo o está ayudando a otra persona con su solicitud? Myself Para mí
Dropdown (Select-one) Y
Applying for

Helping a Spouse/Relative/Friend Ayudando a un cónyuge / familiar / amigo

Professional Helping a Client Profesional ayudando a un cliente

Other Otro

How did you learn about applying for Retirement, Disability or Medicare online? (Select all that apply.) ¿Cómo se enteró de la posibilidad de solicitar en línea beneficios por jubilación, por discapacidad o de Medicare? (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan) Official Social Security website (www.ssa.gov) En el sitio web oficial del Seguro Social (www.ssa.gov)
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Group Learn about App

Social Media (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) En las redes sociales (Blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

A general web search (e.g. Google, Bing, etc.) Usando un motor de búsqueda (por ejemplo, Google, Bing, etc.)

An online ad (Banner/Image) En un anuncio en línea (banner / imagen)

An online video En un video en línea (banner / imagen)

Radio Por la radio

Television Por la televisión

A newspaper or magazine article En un artículo de periódico o revista

A newspaper or magazine ad En un anuncio de periódico o revista

An email from Social Security Mediante un correo electrónico del Seguro Social

My Social Security statement En mi estado de cuenta del Seguro Social

A Social Security employee A través de un empleado del Seguro Social

A relative or friend A través de un familiar o un amigo

A community group or association En un grupo o asociación comunitaria A

A billboard or other printed ad En una cartelera u otro anuncio impreso

Other, please specify Otra opción (indique cuál) B

CAS0045244 A How did you make contact with a Social Security employee? ¿Cómo estableció contacto con un empleado del Seguro Social? Called the national 800 number Llamé al número nacional 800
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic SSA Employee Contact

Called a local Social Security office Llamé a la oficina del Seguro Social de mi zona

Visited a local Social Security office Visité la oficina del Seguro Social de mi zona

At a Social Security sponsored event En un evento patrocinado por el Seguro Social

Other, please specify Otra opción (indique cuál) AA

CAS0045245 AA Please describe how you made contact with a Social Security employee. Describa cómo estableció contacto con un empleado del Seguro Social.

Text box, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS SSA Employee Contact
CAS0045246 B Please specify how you learned about this online application. Especifique cómo se enteró de la existencia de esta solicitud en línea.

Text box, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Learn about App
Did you use any of the following to prepare to apply online? (Select all that apply.) ¿Usó alguno de los siguientes recursos para prepararse para su solicitud en línea? (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan) Reviewed my online Social Security Statement Revisé mi estado de cuenta en línea del Seguro Social A check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Prepare for App

Reviewed the Social Security statement that was mailed to me Revisé el estado de cuenta que me envió el Seguro Social

I used the Retirement Estimator or other tools on the Social Security website Usé el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación u otras herramientas en el sitio web del Seguro Social B

I watched the instructional video Vi el video instructivo C

I used other information on the Social Security website to prepare Usé otra información en el sitio web del Seguro Social para prepararme D

I used another resource to prepare to apply online Usé otro recurso para preparar mi solicitud en línea E

I used the Retirement/Medicare Checklist Utilicé la lista de Jubilación/Medicare F

I did not use any resources to prepare to apply online No usé ningún recurso para preparar la solicitud en línea

CAS0045263 A How helpful did you find the online Social Security Statement? ¿Qué tan útil le pareció el estado de cuenta en línea del Seguro Social? Very helpful Muy útil
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Statement

Somewhat helpful Algo útil

Not at all helpful Para nada útil

CAS0045264 B How helpful did you find the estimator tools on the website? ¿Qué tan útil le pareció la herramienta “Calculadoras” en el sitio web? Very helpful Muy útil
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate RE Tools

Somewhat helpful Algo útil

Not at all helpful Para nada útil

CAS0045265 C How helpful did you find the instructional video? ¿Qué tan útil le pareció el video instructivo? Very helpful Muy útil
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Video

Somewhat helpful Algo útil

Not at all helpful Para nada útil

CAS0045266 D How helpful did you find the other information on the Social Security website? ¿Qué tan útil le pareció la otra información en el sitio web del Seguro Social? Very helpful Muy útil
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Rate Other Info on Website

Somewhat helpful Algo útil

Not at all helpful Para nada útil

RUS0268228 F How helpful did you find the Retirement/Medicare Checklist? ¿Qué tan útil le pareció la lista de Jubilación/Medicare? Very helpful Muy útil
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Checklist helpful

Somewhat helpful Algo útil

Not at all helpful Para nada útil

CAS0045267 E Please describe what other resource(s) you used to prepare to apply online? Describa que otro(s) recurso(s) usó para prepararse para su solicitud en línea.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Prepare for App
How did you determine when to start receiving your benefits? (Select all that apply.) ¿Cómo determinó cuándo comenzar a recibir sus beneficios? (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan) Online Statement Estado de cuenta en línea
check box one up vertical Y
How determine

Picked one of the dates that was listed in the application Elegí una de las fechas que aparecían en la solicitud

Retirement Estimator Calculador de beneficios por jubilación

Financial Planner Asesor financiero

SSA Publications Publicaciones de SSA

Did you start a new online application today or did you return to a previously saved application? ¿Comenzó a preparar una solicitud en línea hoy o regresó a una solicitud que había guardado anteriormente? Started a new application Comencé una nueva solicitud
Drop down select one Y Skip logic group App Status

Returned to work on a saved application Regresé a una solicitud guardada R1

STE0123836 R1 Were you able to access your previously saved online application with your Reentry number? ¿Logró acceder a la solicitud que había guardado previamente usando su número de re-ingreso? Yes, I was able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me Sí, pude usar el número de re-ingreso que me facilitaron R0 Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Access Saved App

No, I was not able to use the Reentry number that was provided to me No, no pude usar el número de re-ingreso que me facilitaron R2

No, I did not have my Reentry number No, no tenía mi número de re-ingreso R2, R3

RUS0268229 R0 Were you aware you could find your re-entry number in mySSA "Your Benefit Applications"? ¿Sabía que puede encontrar su número de re-ingreso en la sección “Solicitudes a sus beneficios” en su cuenta de “my Social Security”? Yes
Drop down select one Y Skip logic group Aware find reentry

No No

RUS0268230 R3 Do you have a mySSA account? ¿Tiene una cuenta de “my Social Security”? Yes
Drop down select one Y Skip logic group Have mySSA account

No No

Don't know No sé

STE0123837 R2 If you were not able to access your saved application, did you create a new application? Si no pudo acceder a la solicitud guardada, ¿creó una nueva solicitud? Yes
Drop down select one Y Skip Logic Create New App

No No

Why did you choose to apply online? (Select all that apply.) ¿Por qué eligió completar su solicitud en línea? (Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan) I prefer to use online services as much as possible Prefiero usar servicios en línea tanto como sea posible
check box one up vertical Y Skip Logic Why Online

I learned about applying online while visiting Social Security's website (www.ssa.gov) Me enteré de la posibilidad de presentar solicitudes en línea mientras visitaba el sitio web del Seguro Social (www.ssa.gov)

A Social Security employee recommended that I apply online Un empleado del Seguro Social me recomendó completar la solicitud en línea

I can't get to my local Social Security Office No puedo ir a la oficina del Seguro Social de mi zona B

A friend or relative recommended that I apply online Un amigo o familiar me recomendó completar la solicitud en línea

I knew that if I had a question or problem applying online, I could still get help from Social Security Sabía que en caso de preguntas o problemas al completar la solicitud en línea, podría recibir ayuda del Seguro Social

I did not want to go to a local Social Security office No quería ir a la oficina del Seguro Social de mi zona

I did not want to apply over the phone No quería completar la solicitud por teléfono

I saw the link while I was checking my online statements Vi el enlace mientras comprobaba el estado de mi cuenta en línea

Other, please specify Otra opción (indique cuál) A

CAS0045287 A Please specify why you choose to apply online: Especifique por qué eligió completar su solicitud en línea.

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Why Online
STE0123838 B What is the reason that you cannot get to your local office? ¿Por qué motivo no puede ir a la oficina de su zona?

Text field, no char limit N Skip Logic OPS Why Local Office
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about your interaction today: I am satisfied with the service I received from the Social Security Administration. Indíquenos su nivel de acuerdo con las siguientes afirmaciones acerca de su interacción en el día de hoy: Estoy satisfecho/a con el servicio que recibí de la Administración del Seguro Social. 1=Strongly Disagree 1=Totalmente en desacuerdo
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree=5 Totalmente de acuerdo=5

This interaction increased my confidence in the Social Security Administration.
Esta interacción aumentó mi confianza en la Administración del Seguro Social. 1=Strongly Disagree 1=Totalmente en desacuerdo
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree=5 Totalmente de acuerdo=5

My need was addressed.
Mis necesidades fueron atendidas. 1=Strongly Disagree 1=Totalmente en desacuerdo
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree=5 Totalmente de acuerdo=5

It was easy to complete what I needed to do.
Me resultó fácil completar lo que tenía que hacer. 1=Strongly Disagree 1=Totalmente en desacuerdo
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know


2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree=5 Totalmente de acuerdo=5

It took a reasonable amount of time to do what I needed to do.
Me llevó un tiempo razonable completar lo que tenía que hacer. 1=Strongly Disagree 1=Totalmente en desacuerdo
Radio Button, Scale, No don't know Y

2 2

3 3

4 4

Strongly Agree=5 Totalmente de acuerdo=5

Do you have any suggestions for improving Social Security's online application. ¿Tiene alguna sugerencia para mejorar la aplicación en línea del Seguro Social?

Text field, no char limit N
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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