Cems Sorn

CEMS SORN 6 13 2018.pdf

Borrower Defenses Against Loan Repayment


OMB: 1845-0132

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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 13, 2018 / Notices
Dated: June 8, 2018.
Johnny W. Collett,
Assistant Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services.
[FR Doc. 2018–12718 Filed 6–12–18; 8:45 am]

[Docket ID ED–2018–FSA–0053]

Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Federal Student Aid,
Department of Education.
ACTION: Notice of a Modified System of

In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended
(Privacy Act), the Department of
Education (Department) publishes this
notice of a modified system of records
for the ‘‘Customer Engagement
Management System (CEMS)’’ (18–11–
11) to expand the CEMS system to cover
records that the Department previously
maintained in the Department’s system
of records entitled ‘‘Common Services
for Borrowers (CSB)’’ (18–11–16) to
carry out the responsibilities of the
Department to receive, review, evaluate,
process, and render decisions on the
eligibility of individuals for relief under
the borrower defense regulations and,
where requests for borrower defense to
repayment are successful, to determine
the relief that is appropriate to
borrowers under the circumstances as
well as to initiate appropriate
proceedings to require schools whose
acts or omissions resulted in the
successful defenses against repayment
to pay the Department the amounts of
the loans to which the defenses apply.
This modification also renames the
system of records, which was formerly
entitled the ‘‘Office of the Student Loan
Ombudsman Records.’’ The Department
previously created the system of records
entitled the ‘‘Office of the Student Loan
Ombudsman Records’’ for a number of
purposes related to the duties and
responsibilities of the Ombudsman,
including verifying the identities of
individuals; recording complaints and
comments; tracking individual cases
through final resolution; reporting
trends; analyzing the data to
recommend improvements in the
Student Financial Assistance Programs;
and assisting in the resolution of
DATES: Submit your comments on this
modified system of records notice on or
before July 13, 2018.
This modified system of records will
become applicable upon publication in

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the Federal Register on June 13, 2018,
unless the modified system of records
notice needs to be changed as a result
of public comment.
Modified routine uses (1), (3), (5), (7),
and (10) and new routine uses (8) and
(11) listed under ‘‘ROUTINE USES OF
USES’’ will become applicable on July
13, 2018, unless the modified system of
records notice needs to be changed as a
result of public comment. The
Department will publish any significant
changes resulting from public comment.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
or via postal mail, commercial delivery,
or hand delivery. We will not accept
comments submitted by fax or by email
or those submitted after the comment
period. To ensure that we do not receive
duplicate copies, please submit your
comments only once. In addition, please
include the Docket ID at the top of your
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
www.regulations.gov to submit your
comments electronically. Information
on using Regulations.gov, including
instructions for accessing agency
documents, submitting comments, and
viewing the docket, is available on the
site under the ‘‘help’’ tab.
• Postal Mail, Commercial Delivery,
or Hand Delivery: If you mail or deliver
your comments about this modified
system of records, address them to:
Ombudsman/Director, Ombudsman
Group, Customer Experience, FSA, U.S.
Department of Education, 830 First
Street NE, 4th Floor/MC–5144, Union
Center Plaza (UCP), Washington, DC
Privacy Note: The Department’s
policy is to make all comments received
from members of the public available for
public viewing in their entirety on the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at
www.regulations.gov. Therefore,
commenters should be careful to
include in their comments only
information that they wish to make
publicly available.
Assistance to Individuals with
Disabilities in Reviewing the
Rulemaking Record: On request, we will
provide an appropriate accommodation
or auxiliary aid to an individual with a
disability who needs assistance to
review the comments or other
documents in the public rulemaking
record for this notice. If you want to
schedule an appointment for this type of
accommodation or auxiliary aid, please
contact the person listed under FOR

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Joyce DeMoss, Ombudsman/Director,
Ombudsman Group, Customer
Experience, FSA, U.S. Department of
Education, 830 First Street NE, 4th
Floor/MC–5144, Union Center Plaza
(UCP), Washington, DC 20202–5144.
Telephone: (202) 377–3992.
If you use a telecommunications
device for the deaf (TDD) or text
telephone (TTY), you may call the
Federal Information Relay Service
(FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339.
Department is renaming the system of
records from the ‘‘Office of the Student
Loan Ombudsman Records’’ to the
‘‘Customer Engagement Management
System (CEMS).’’ The system of records
described in this notice maintains
records on individuals who are, were, or
may be participants in any of the
Student Financial Assistance Programs
authorized under title IV of the Higher
Education Act of 1965, as amended
(HEA) who request assistance, directly
or through a designated third party,
from the Department. The CEMS
maintains the information for a number
of purposes related to the duties and
responsibilities of the Ombudsman and
the FSA Enforcement Office, including:
Verifying the identities of individuals;
recording complaints and comments;
tracking individual cases through final
resolution; reporting trends; analyzing
the data to recommend improvements in
student financial assistance programs;
and assisting in the informal resolution
of disputes. In addition, the system of
records described in this notice
maintains records on individuals who
have asserted defenses to the repayment
of their Federal student loans, also
known as ‘‘borrower defenses,’’
pursuant to the Department’s
regulations at 34 CFR 685.206. These
records are maintained to carry out the
responsibilities of the Department to
receive, review, evaluate, process, and
render decisions on the eligibility of
individuals for relief under the borrower
defense regulations, which may include
the discharge of a William D. Ford
Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan)
Program loan and further relief as
determined by the Secretary, as well as
the initiation of appropriate proceedings
to require schools whose acts or
omissions resulted in successful
defenses against repayment to pay the
Department the amounts of the loans to
which the defenses apply.
The CEMS consists of a variety of
records that identify individuals’
complaints, requests for assistance, or
other inquiries. Records include, but are
not limited to: Written documentation



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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 13, 2018 / Notices

of an individual’s complaint, request for
assistance, or other comment or inquiry;
and information pertaining to a
student’s or parent’s student financial
assistance program account(s) under
title IV of the HEA, such as the
individual’s name, Social Security
number, date of birth, address,
telephone number(s), and FSA ID.
Additionally, records may include the
name, address, and phone numbers of
school(s), lender(s), secondary holder(s)
or lender(s), guaranty agency(ies),
servicer(s), and private collection
agency(ies), if applicable. The system of
records also contains loan level
information, and data submitted by
individuals who have requested relief
from Federal student loan repayment
under the borrower defense to
repayment regulations, as well as data
that may be submitted by schools or
other entities in connection with
individuals’ discharge requests.
The Department is modifying the
section of the notice entitled
OF THE SYSTEM’’ to include 20 U.S.C.
1087e(h), which is the Department’s
authority to collect records on
individuals who have requested relief
under the borrower defense regulations.
The Department is modifying the
section of the notice entitled
include the duties and responsibilities
of FSA to provide relief under the
borrower defense regulations, including
the receipt, review, evaluation, and
processing of requests for relief under
the borrower defense to repayment
regulations, the rendering of decisions
on the merits of such requests, and,
where requests for borrower defense to
repayment are successful, the
determination of the relief that is
appropriate to borrowers under the
circumstances as well as the initiation
of appropriate proceedings to require
schools whose acts or omissions
resulted in the successful defenses
against repayment to pay the
Department the amounts of the loans to
which the defenses apply.
The Department is modifying the
section of the notice entitled
include individuals who request relief
under borrower defense to repayment
regulations from the Department.
The Department is modifying the
section of the notice entitled
SYSTEM’’ to include individuals’
requests for relief and related records
under the borrower defense to
repayment regulations and to indicate

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that records may contain other loan
level data.
The Department is modifying the
section of the notice entitled ‘‘RECORD
SOURCE CATEGORIES’’ to include as
record source categories third parties
who provide data to the Department
under the routine uses set forth below.
The Department is also modifying this
section to clarify that in addition to
obtaining information from the
individuals (e.g., borrowers), the
Department also may obtain information
from the individuals’ counsel or
representatives, or from students or
their parents (if the individual is a
borrower and depending on whether the
individual is a parent or student). This
Section also has been revised by adding
that the Department may obtain
information from accreditors in addition
to the sources previously listed, which
were Federal agencies, State agencies,
schools, lenders, private collection
agencies, and guaranty agencies.
The Department is making several
modifications to routine use (1) entitled
‘‘Program Disclosure.’’ First, the
Department is including requests for
relief under the borrower defense
regulations as one of the types of
requests for which the Department may
disclose records and clarifying that the
Department may disclose records where
a request for borrower defense to
repayment is successful in order to
determine the relief that is appropriate
under the circumstances as well as to
initiate the appropriate proceeding to
require the school whose acts or
omissions resulted in the successful
defense against repayment to pay the
Department the amount of the loan to
which the defense applies. Disclosing
records where a request for borrower
defense to repayment is successful in
order to determine the relief that is
appropriate under the circumstances
was previously authorized by ‘‘routine
uses’’ published in the ‘‘Common
Services for Borrowers (CSB)’’ system of
records notice, see 81 FR 60,683–60,691
(Sep. 2, 2016), and the Department is
making this more explicit now. Second,
the Department is revising this routine
use to permit the Department to make
disclosures when further information
‘‘is relevant’’ to, rather than ‘‘is
necessary to,’’ the Department’s
resolution of the complaint, request, or
other inquiry. Third, the Department is
adding accreditors.
The Department is removing former
routine use (2) entitled ‘‘Disclosure for
Use by Other Law Enforcement
Agencies’’ because the Department no
longer intends to disclose any records
under this routine use.

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The Department is modifying routine
use (3) entitled ‘‘Litigation and
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Disclosure’’ to insert the word ‘‘person’’
in place of the word ‘‘individual’’ to
avoid any confusion to the public
because we did not intend the word
‘‘individual’’ to have the meaning of this
term as defined in the Privacy Act.
The Department is also modifying
routine use (5) entitled ‘‘Contract
Disclosure’’ to remove the reference to
‘‘Privacy Act safeguards as required
under 5 U.S.C. 552a(m)’’ to now require
that all contractors agree to maintain
safeguards to protect the security and
confidentiality of the records in the
system. The Department also has
clarified that such safeguards will be
agreed to as part of the contract, rather
than before the contract is entered into.
The Department is removing former
routine use (7) entitled ‘‘Research
Disclosure.’’ Consistent with our
commitment to protect personal data,
we do not anticipate releasing student,
borrower, or applicant-level data for
purposes other than program
The Department is modifying routine
use (7) entitled ‘‘Borrower Complaint
Disclosure’’ to include ‘‘processing’’ and
‘‘reviewing’’ of a complaint as a course
through which the Department may
disclose a record to better align with the
language of routine use (8) entitled
‘‘Borrower Defense to Repayment
The Department is adding routine use
(8) entitled ‘‘Borrower Defense to
Repayment Disclosure’’ to clarify that
disclosure of a record from this system
of records is allowed in the course of
reviewing, processing, investigating,
fact-finding, or adjudicating a request
for relief under the borrower defense
regulations or in the course of the
Department’s enforcement activity to:
Federal agencies, the student (if the
student is not the borrower), the counsel
or representative of the borrower or the
student, or the school whose conduct is
subject of the request for relief or the
school’s counsel or representative; a
witness; or a designated fact-finder,
mediator, or other person designated to
resolve issues or decide the matter. The
disclosure may only be made during the
course of the review, processing,
investigation, fact-finding, or
adjudication of the request for relief.
Pursuant to the requirements in Office
of Management and Budget
Memorandum M–17–12 entitled
‘‘Preparing for and Responding to a
Breach of Personally Identifiable
Information,’’ the Department is also
adding an additional routine use (11) in
order to permit the Department to



Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 13, 2018 / Notices

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disclose records from this system of
records in the course of assisting
another Federal agency or entity in
responding to a breach of data. Lastly,
the Department is modifying routine use
(10) (previously routine use (11)) so that
the routine use conforms with the
requirements set forth in OMB
Memorandum M–17–12 entitled
‘‘Preparing for and Responding to a
Breach of Personally Identifiable
The Department is updating the
section entitled ‘‘POLICIES AND
that the applicable Department records
schedule is being amended, pending
approval by the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA).
The sections entitled ‘‘RECORD
PROCEDURES’’ are modified to define
the ‘‘necessary particulars’’ needed to
access, contest, or be notified of a
The Department has also added a
section entitled ‘‘HISTORY.’’
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document in
an accessible format (e.g., Braille, large
print, audiotape, or compact disc) on
request to the person listed under FOR
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. You may access the official
edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations via the
Federal Digital System at: www.gpo.gov/
fdsys. At this site you can view this
document, as well as all other
documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Portable Document Format
(PDF). To use PDF you must have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site. You may also
access documents of the Department
published in the Federal Register by
using the article search feature at:
www.federalregister.gov. Specifically,
through the advanced search feature at
this site, you can limit your search to
documents published by the
Dated: June 8, 2018.
James F. Manning,
Acting Chief Operating Officer, Federal
Student Aid.

For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, the Acting Chief Operating
Officer of Federal Student Aid (FSA) of
the U.S. Department of Education
(Department) publishes a notice of a

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modified system of records to read as

Customer Engagement Management
System (CEMS) (18–11–11).

Salesforce Data Center, primary data
center in 44521 Hastings Drive Ashburn,
VA 20147. The system is accessible via
the internet to different categories of
users, including Department personnel,
customers, and designated agents of the
Department at any location where they
have internet access.

Ombudsman, Federal Student Aid,
U.S. Department of Education, 830 First
Street NE, Room 4111, Washington, DC

20 U.S.C. 1018(f) and 1087e(h).

The information maintained in this
system will be used for a number of
purposes related to the duties and
responsibilities of the FSA Ombudsman;
and, separately, to perform the duties
and responsibilities of the Department
to provide Federal student loan
repayment relief, and certain further
relief, under the borrower defense to
repayment regulations at 34 CFR
685.206. The information will be used
to: Verify the identities of individuals;
record complaints and comments; track
individual cases through final
resolution; report trends; and analyze
the data to recommend improvements in
student financial assistance programs;
and assist in the informal resolution of
disputes. The information will also be
used by the Department to receive,
review, evaluate, and process requests
for relief under the borrower defense to
repayment regulations, to render
decisions on the merits of such requests
for relief, and, where requests for
borrower defense to repayment are
successful, to determine the relief that is
appropriate to borrowers under the
circumstances as well as to initiate
appropriate proceedings to require
schools whose acts or omissions
resulted in the successful defenses
against repayment to pay the
Department the amounts of the loans to
which the defenses apply.

This system maintains records on
individuals who are, were, or may be

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participants in any of the Student
Financial Assistance Programs under
title IV of the Higher Education Act of
1965, as amended (HEA) who request
assistance, directly or through a
designated third party, from Federal
Student Aid Enforcement Office or the
FSA Ombudsman.


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This system consists of a variety of
records that identify the individuals’
complaints, requests for assistance,
requests for borrower defense relief, or
other inquiries. Records include, but are
not limited to: Written documentation
of an individual’s complaint, request for
assistance, request for relief under the
borrower defense regulations, or other
comment or inquiry; and information
pertaining to the individual’s or the
individual’s parent’s student financial
assistance program account(s) under
title IV of the HEA, such as the
individual’s name, Social Security
number (SSN), date of birth, address,
telephone number(s), and Federal
Student Aid ID (FSA ID). Records may
include the name, address, and phone
numbers of the individual’s counsel or
representative, school(s), lender(s),
secondary holder(s) or lender(s),
guaranty agency(ies), servicer(s), and
private collection agency(ies), if
applicable, and, may contain other loan
level data.

Information is obtained from
individuals (e.g., borrowers), their
counsel or representatives, or students
or their parents (when the individual is
a borrower and depending on whether
the individual is a parent or student),
Federal agencies, State agencies,
schools, lenders, private collection
agencies, guaranty agencies, accreditors,
and from other persons or entities from
which data is obtained under routine
uses set forth below.

The Department may disclose
information contained in a record in
this system of records under the routine
uses listed in this system of records
without the consent of the individual if
the disclosure is compatible with the
purposes for which the record was
collected. These disclosures may be
made on a case-by-case basis or, if the
Department has complied with the
computer matching requirements of the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended
(Privacy Act), under a computer
matching agreement.
(1) Program Disclosure. The
Department may disclose records to



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Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 13, 2018 / Notices

Federal agencies, State agencies,
accreditors, schools, lenders, guaranty
agencies, servicers, and private
collection agencies when further
information about the complaint,
request for assistance, request for
Federal student loan repayment relief
and other further relief under the
borrower defense to repayment
regulations, or other inquiry is relevant
to the Department’s resolution of the
complaint, request, or other inquiry,
and, where a request for borrower
defense to repayment is successful, to
determine the relief that is appropriate
under the circumstances as well as to
initiate the appropriate proceeding to
require the school whose acts or
omissions resulted in the successful
defense against repayment to pay the
Department the amount of the loan to
which the defense applies.
(2) Enforcement Disclosure. In the
event that information in this system of
records indicates, either on its face or in
connection with other information, a
violation or potential violation of any
applicable statute, regulation, or order
of a competent authority, the
Department may disclose the relevant
records to the appropriate agency,
whether foreign, Federal, State, Tribal,
or local, charged with the responsibility
of investigating or prosecuting that
violation or charged with enforcing or
implementing the statute, Executive
Order, rule, regulation, or order issued
pursuant thereto.
(3) Litigation and Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR) Disclosure.
(a) Introduction. In the event that one
of the parties listed in sub-paragraphs (i)
through (v) is involved in judicial or
administrative litigation or ADR, or has
an interest in such litigation or ADR, the
Department may disclose certain
records to the parties described in
paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this
routine use under the conditions
specified in those paragraphs:
(i) The Department, or any component
of the Department;
(ii) Any Department employee in his
or her official capacity;
(iii) Any Department employee in his
or her individual capacity if the U.S.
Department of Justice (DOJ) has been
requested to or has agreed to provide or
arrange for representation for the
(iv) Any Department employee in his
or her individual capacity where the
Department has agreed to represent the
employee; or
(v) The United States where the
Department determines that the
litigation is likely to affect the
Department or any of its components.

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(b) Disclosure to the DOJ. If the
Department determines that disclosure
of certain records to the DOJ is relevant
and necessary to litigation or ADR, the
Department may disclose those records
as a routine use to the DOJ.
(c) Adjudicative Disclosure. If the
Department determines that it is
relevant and necessary to the litigation
or ADR to disclose certain records to an
adjudicative body before which the
Department is authorized to appear, to
a person, or an entity designated by the
Department or otherwise empowered to
resolve or mediate disputes, the
Department may disclose those records
as a routine use to the adjudicative
body, person, or entity.
(d) Disclosure to Parties, Counsel,
Representatives, and Witnesses. If the
Department determines that disclosure
of certain records to a party, counsel,
representative, or witness is relevant
and necessary to the litigation or ADR,
the Department may disclose those
records as a routine use to the party,
counsel, representative, or witness.
(4) Disclosure to the DOJ. The
Department may disclose records to the
DOJ to the extent necessary for
obtaining DOJ advice on any matter
relevant to an audit, inspection, or other
inquiry related to the programs covered
by this system.
(5) Contract Disclosure. If the
Department contracts with an entity for
the purposes of performing any function
that requires disclosure of records in
this system to employees of the
contractor, the Department may disclose
the records to those employees. As part
of such a contract, the Department shall
require the contractor to agree to
maintain safeguards to protect the
security and confidentiality of the
records in the system.
(6) Congressional Member Disclosure.
The Department may disclose records to
a member of Congress from the record
of an individual in response to an
inquiry from the member made at the
written request of that individual. The
member’s right to the information is no
greater than the right of the individual
who requested it.
(7) Borrower Complaint Disclosure. If
a record is relevant and necessary to a
borrower complaint regarding
participants in any of Student Financial
Assistance Programs under title IV of
the HEA, the Department may disclose
a record from this system of records in
the course of processing, reviewing,
investigating, fact-finding, or
adjudicating the complaint to: Any
party to the complaint; the party’s
counsel or representative; a witness; or
a designated fact-finder, mediator, or
other person designated to resolve

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issues or decide the matter. The
disclosure may only be made during the
course of the review, processing,
investigation, fact-finding, or
(8) Borrower Defense to Repayment
Disclosure. If a record is relevant and
necessary to an individual’s request for
relief from repayment of a Federal
student loan or other relief under the
borrower defense to repayment
regulations, or the potential provision of
such relief in connection with the
Department’s enforcement activities on
any of the Student Financial Assistance
Programs under title IV of the HEA, the
Department may disclose a record from
this system of records in the course of
processing, reviewing, investigating,
fact-finding, or adjudicating the request
or in the course of the Department’s
enforcement activity to: Federal agency,
the student (if the student is not the
borrower), the counsel or representative
of the borrower or the student, or the
school whose conduct is subject of the
request for relief or the school’s counsel
or representative; a witness; or a
designated fact-finder, mediator, or
other person designated to resolve
issues or decide the matter. The
disclosure may only be made during the
course of the review, processing,
investigation, fact-finding, or
(9) Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) and Privacy Act Advice
Disclosure. The Department may
disclose records from this system of
records to the DOJ or Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) if the
Department concludes that disclosure is
desirable or necessary in determining
whether particular records are required
to be disclosed under the FOIA or the
Privacy Act.
(10) Disclosure in the Course of
Responding to a Breach of Data. The
Department may disclose records from
this system of records to appropriate
agencies, entities, and persons when: (a)
The Department suspects or has
confirmed that there has been a breach
of the system of records; (b) the
Department has determined that as a
result of the suspected or confirmed
breach, there is a risk of harm to
individuals, the Department (including
its information systems, programs, and
operation), the Federal Government, or
national security; and (c) the disclosure
made to such agencies, entities, and
persons is reasonably necessary to assist
the Department’s efforts to respond to
the suspected or confirmed breach or to
prevent, minimize, or remedy such
(11) Disclosure in Assisting another
Agency in Responding to a Breach of



Federal Register / Vol. 83, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 13, 2018 / Notices
Data. The Department may disclose
records from this system to another
Federal agency or Federal entity, when
the Department determines that
information from this system of records
is reasonably necessary to assist the
recipient agency or entity in (a)
responding to a suspected or confirmed
breach or (b) preventing, minimizing, or
remedying the risk of harm to
individuals, the recipient agency or
entity (including its information
systems, programs, and operations), the
Federal Government, or national
security, resulting from a suspected or
confirmed breach.

These records will be maintained in
an electronic database.

If you wish to gain access to a record
regarding you in the system of records,
contact the system manager at the
address listed above. You must provide
necessary particulars such as your
name, SSN, and any other identifying
information requested by the
Department while processing the
request to distinguish between
individuals with the same name. Your
request must meet the requirements of
34 CFR 5b.5, including proof of identity.

If you wish to contest the content of
a record regarding you in the system of
records, contact the system manager
with the information described in the
record access procedures. Your request
must meet the requirements of 34 CFR

Records are indexed by Social
Security number, name, date of birth,
and case tracking number.

All records are retained and disposed
of in accordance with Department
Records Schedule 052: Ombudsman
Case Files (N1–441–09–21) (ED 052). ED
052 is being amended, pending approval
by the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). Records will
not be destroyed until NARA-approved
amendments to ED 052 are in effect, as

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If you wish to determine whether a
record exists regarding you in the
system of records, contact the system
manager at the address listed above.
You must provide necessary particulars
such as your name, SSN, and any other
identifying information requested by the
Department while processing the
request to distinguish between
individuals of with the same name.
Your request must meet the
requirements of 34 CFR 5b.5, including
proof of identity.




Access to and use of these records by
Department employees and agents shall
be limited to those persons whose
official duties require access. This
includes staff members of the Office of
the Student Loan Ombudsman,
Enforcement Office staff members, and
other Department employees and agents.
All physical access to the site where this
system of records is maintained, is
controlled and monitored by security
personnel who check each individual
entering the building for his or her
employee or visitor badge.
The computer system offers a high
degree of resistance to tampering and
circumvention. This security system
limits data access to staff on a ‘‘need to
know’’ basis, and controls individual
users’ ability to access and alter records
within the system. All users of this
system of records are given unique user
IDs with personal identifiers. All
interactions by individual users with
the system are recorded.

The system of records notice entitled
‘‘Office of the Student Loan
Ombudsman Records’’ (18–11–11) was
published in the Federal Register on
December 27, 1999 (64 FR 72384,
72399–72400). The ‘‘Office of the
Student Loan Ombudsman Records’’
system of records notice was most
recently altered and republished in full
in the Federal Register on March 8,
2016 (81 FR 12081).
The records that will be maintained in
the CEMS system of records that are
about individuals who have asserted
defenses to the repayment of their
Federal student loans, also known as
‘‘borrower defenses,’’ pursuant to the
Department’s regulations at 34 CFR
685.206, previously were covered by the
system of records notice entitled
‘‘Common Services for Borrowers
(CSB)’’ (18–11–16), which was first
published in the Federal Register on
January 23, 2006 (71 FR 3503),
subsequently updated on September 12,

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2014 (79 FR 54685), and last altered on
September 2, 2016 (81 FR 60683).
[FR Doc. 2018–12700 Filed 6–12–18; 8:45 am]

Notice of Request for Information (RFI)
on Identifying Priorities for Reducing
Barriers to Deployment of Hydrogen
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Request for information (RFI).

The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) published a Request for
Information (RFI) on Identifying
Priorities for Reducing Barriers to
Deployment of Hydrogen Infrastructure
on EERE Exchange to gather information
on priority areas for reducing barriers to
deployment of hydrogen technologies,
with a particular focus on hydrogen
DATES: Responses to the RFI must be
received no later than 5:00 p.m. (ET) on
August 10, 2018.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are to
submit comments electronically to
EE.DOE.GOV. Responses must be
provided as attachments to an email.
Include ‘‘Deployment Barriers RFI’’ as
the subject of the email. It is
recommended that attachments with file
sizes exceeding 25MB be compressed
(i.e., zipped) to ensure message delivery.
Responses must be provided as a
Microsoft Word (.docx) attachment to
the email, and 12 point font, 1 inch
margins. Only electronic responses will
be accepted. The complete RFI
document is located at https://eereexchange.energy.gov/.
Questions may be addressed to
EE.DOE.GOV. Further instruction can be
found in the RFI document posted on
EERE Exchange.
posted on its website an RFI to solicit
feedback from industry, academia,
research laboratories, government
agencies, and other stakeholders on
critical barriers to deployment of
hydrogen infrastructure. The goal of the
RFI is to identify these barriers and
potential courses-of-action to address
them to reduce deployment time and
cost in implementing hydrogen
technologies and to support the
implementation of large-scale
applications. Deployment of hydrogen



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2018-06-12
File Created2018-06-12

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