PAGES Participant-Level Baseline Data Collection (participants at non-Tribal grantees participating in impact study)

National and Tribal Evaluation of the 2nd Generation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants

Updated Instrument 1. PAGES Grantee- and Participant-Level Data Items List_8.4.15

PAGES Participant-Level Baseline Data Collection (participants at non-Tribal grantees participating in impact study)

OMB: 0970-0462

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Instrument 1: PAGES Grantee- and Participant-Level Data Items List

The HPOG Next Gen’s PAGES will collect both grantee- and participant-level data elements from all HPOG grantees that will contribute to grantee performance monitoring, the impact evaluation, and future studies. The system will be web-based and will include a login, welcome page and a user’s manual. When users first log in, they will see a screen that shows them a role-appropriate dashboard. The complete list of proposed data items is presented here.

Grantee-Level Data Elements

Data Item / Question

Response Fields / Formats

Value Description


Grantee Information

Program Name

Character field

Name of PAGES grant program

Chosen by grantee

HPOG number

Open numeric field

PAGES grantee number

Assigned to grantee

DUNS number

Open numeric field

DUNS number

Assigned to grantee

EIN number

Open numeric field

EIN number

Assigned to grantee

Federal grant number

Open numeric field

Federal grant number

Assigned to grantee

Grant Director last name

Character field

Last name


Grant Director first name

Character field

First name

Grant Director telephone

Open numeric field

Telephone number in 555-555-5555 format

Grant Director email

Character field

Email address in format of [email protected]

Authorized Certifying Official last name

Character field

Last Name

Authorized Certifying Official first name

Character field

First Name

Authorized Certifying Official telephone

Open numeric field

Telephone number in 555-555-5555 format

Authorized Certifying Official email

Character field

Email address in format of [email protected]

Grantee address 1

Character field

Grantee address part 1

Grantee address 2

Character field

Grantee address part 2

Optional field

Grantee city

Character field

Grantee city

Grantee state

Numeric field

Dropdown of states

Grantee zip code

Open numeric field

Grantee zip code


Vendor name

Character field

Vendor name

Vendor ID

Numeric field

Vendor ID code

Assigned for each new vendor

Vendor contact information

Open field

Phone number

Vendor contact information

Open field


Vendor contact information

Open field

Phone number

Type of organization


  • Postsecondary educational institution, non-profit

  • Postsecondary educational institution, for-profit

  • Community based organization

  • School district

  • Government agency

  • Tribal organization

Type of partnership

Numeric field


Formal contract


Basic Skills Training


Numeric field

Vendor name

Taken from list of vendors

Type of Training

Numeric field

  • Adult basic education

  • Adult secondary education

  • English language acquisition

  • College developmental education

Narrative description

Open text field

Narrative description of each training that populates to PPR

For each type of basic skill training used by grantee program

Program length metric (choose one)

Numeric field


Hours per week

If credits, number of credits for completion

Open numeric field

Number of credits

If hours per week chosen, hours per week

Open numeric field

Number of hours per week

Usual number of weeks of program length value

Open numeric field

Number of weeks

Delivery Mode

Numeric field

  • Prior to healthcare training

  • Concurrent with healthcare training

Basic skills training that is integrated into healthcare or other occupational training is listed under training in program information section


Numeric field




Numeric field



Healthcare Occupational Training Activities


Numeric field

Vendor Name

Taken from list of vendors entered above

Training ID

Numeric field

Training ID code

Assigned for each new training

Training location

Character field

Training location

Training occupational code

Numeric field

Standard occupational code

Taken from a list of occupational codes. After initial review of grantee applications, we may add subcodes to the SOC/O*NET codes to more precisely identify trainings.

Professional, state, or industry certification or license

Character field

Names of all possible professional, state, or industry certifications or associated with each training

From list of all possible certifications or licenses

Career pathway level

Numeric field

Entry Level



Specific definitions of these levels would be determined by ACF/evaluation team and grantee would assign trainings using these definitions. This information would be used to build reporting.

Interim milestone training

Numeric field



This is defined as a course of study which is longer than one semester or 12 weeks (whichever is longer). This indicator defines for which courses of training the progress marker “Completed half of (credits/weeks) for course of training” will appear.

Training type

Numeric field



If credits, number of credits for completion

Open numeric field

Number of credits

If non-credit, total hours

Open numeric field

Number of total hours

Usual number of weeks of program length

Open numeric field

Number of weeks

Integrated basic skills and healthcare training

Numeric field



Indicates basic skills training is integrated with occupational training in this training course

Blended learning model

Numeric field




Employer name

Character field

Employer name

Used to populate dropdown on employment tab

Employer location

Character field

Employer address

Healthcare employer

Numeric field



Employer ID

Numeric field

Employer ID

Assigned for each new employer


Academic Supports

Academic supports offered

Numeric field

List of academic supports offered; Choose from:

Case Management

Academic Advising



Peer Support

Post Eligibility Assessments

Training Related Costs Assistance (other than tuition)

Laptop for blended learning

Internet Access for blended learning

Grantee will choose from list what is offered in their program.


Numeric Field



For each academic support


Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

For each academic support

Narrative Description

Open text field

Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

For each academic support used by grantee program

Case Management only

Program required frequency for case management contact

Numeric field





If other, how frequently

Open text field



Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of the above

Participants have assigned case manager

Numeric field




Narrative Description

Open text field

Narrative description of case management that populates to PPR

Personal/Logistical Supports

Personal/Logistical supports offered

Numeric field

List of personal/logistical supports offered; Choose from:

Emergency Assistance

Non-Emergency Food Assistance

Child / Dependent Care Assistance

Transportation Assistance

Housing Support / Assistance


Grantee will choose from list what is offered in their program


Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

For each personal/logistical support

Narrative Description

Open text field

Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

For each personal/logistical support used by grantee program

Other skill development activities (non-occupational)

Other skill development activities

Numeric field

List of other skill development activities offered; Choose from:

Introduction to Healthcare Career Workshop

Work Readiness

College Readiness

Digital Literacy

CPR training

Mandatory Work Readiness with peer support

Other (specify)

Grantee will choose from list what is offered in their program


Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

For each other skills development activity

Narrative Description

Open text field

Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

For each other skill development activity used by grantee program

Employment assistance supports

Employment assistance supports

Numeric field

List of employment assistance activities offered; Choose from:

Job search assistance

Job placement assistance

Job retention assistance

Grantee will choose from list what is offered in their program


Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

For each employment assistance activity

Narrative Description

Open text field

Narrative description of each support that populates to PPR

For each activity used by grantee program

Work-based learning opportunities

Work-based learning opportunities

Numeric field

List of work-based learning opportunities offered; Choose from:

On-the-Job training

Work experience

Job shadowing

Unpaid Internship or externship

Grantee will choose from list what is offered in their program


Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

For each work-based learning opportunity

Narrative Description

Open text field

Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

For each activity used by grantee program

Possible Enhancements (if applicable)

Mandatory work readiness training combined with peer support

Program length metric (choose one)

Numeric field


Hours per week

This metric allows grantees to provide the length in a way that is meaningful for the specific training.

If credits, number of credits for completion

Open numeric field

Number of credits

If hours per week chosen, hours per week

Open numeric field

Number of hours per week

Usual number of weeks of program length value

Open numeric field

Number of weeks

Usual program length because it may vary by individual


Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

Acceleration, contextualization, and/or integration of basic skills and postsecondary education and training


Numeric Field




Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

Blended learning combined with in-home access to laptops and the Internet


Numeric Field




Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

On-the-Job Training (OJT)


Numeric Field




Numeric Field

HPOG grantee

HPOG partner organization

Referral to non-HPOG organization

More than one of above

Participant-Level Baseline Data Elements

Data Item / Question

Response Fields / Formats

Value Description


Participant Information

First name

Narrative field

Participant name

Last name

Narrative field

Participant name

Middle initial

Narrative field

Participant name

Date of birth





Numeric field

Not reported


Informed consent

Numeric field



A response of ‘No’ will not be an option during RA, and will be configured depending on site-specific needs.

Social Security Number



Kept private and required of all HPOG participants.

Personal Characteristics

Ethnicity of participant is Hispanic or Latino

Numeric field




Select one or more

American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

United States Citizen

Numeric field

  • Yes, born in the United States

  • Yes, born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Northern Marianas.

  • Yes, born abroad of U.S. citizen parent or parents

  • Yes, U.S. citizen by naturalization

  • Not a citizen of the U.S.

Pending additional outline of non-citizen program requirements, when “Not a citizen” is selected a warning will display to prompt user to ensure eligibility and additional questions covering such options will display (see below - including Refugee and other qualified alien definition etc.).

HPOG Qualification (if not citizen of the U.S.)

Numeric field

To be determined (refugee, legal resident, etc.)

This field displays only if “Not a citizen of the U.S.” is checked on previous question.

Relationship status

Numeric field

Currently married

Living with unmarried partner
Divorced or separated
Never married
Not reported

Head of household

Numeric field

Not reported

Number of people living in household at least half of the last year

Open numeric field

Number of people

Number of children under age 18 who live in household at least half the last year

Open numeric field

Number of children


For how many of these children are you or your spouse / partner the legal guardian

Open numeric field

Number of children

For each child in above question:


Text field

This information is necessary if additional child follow-up analysis is to be conducted. Information collected only of the children for which the participant or the participant’s spouse/partner is the legal guardian.

For each child in above question:

Date of birth

Numeric field


This information is necessary if additional child follow-up analysis is to be conducted. Information collected only of the children for which the participant or the participant’s spouse/partner is the legal guardian.

Participant or participant’s spouse/partner pregnant and/or expectant

Numeric field


Not reported

Special characteristics/status:

  1. Refugee

  2. Veteran

  3. Individual with disability

  4. Current Foster care youth

  5. Homeless individual

  6. Limited English proficiency

  7. Formerly incarcerated

  8. WIA/WIOA eligible

  9. Has a child with special needs

  10. Trouble with stable housing

Numeric field

Check all that apply
Not reported

One check box for each item, with additional “None” and “Not Reported” check boxes found below which apply to all options when checked.

Tribal Member

Numeric field



Not reported

If grantee is a tribal organization then these questions will be displayed.

Tribal Affiliation

Open text field

Tribal organization name

If grantee is a tribal organization then these questions will be displayed.

Lives on reservation

Numeric field



Not reported

If grantee is a tribal organization then these questions will be displayed.

Spouse of tribal member

Numeric field



Not reported

If grantee is a tribal organization then these questions will be displayed.

Current employee of a tribal organization

Numeric field



Not reported

If grantee is a tribal organization then these questions will be displayed.

Income and benefits

Approximate total earnings for individual participant from work, including tips and overtime pay during the past 12 months

Numeric field

$1 to $4,999
$5,000 to $9,999
$10,000 to $14,999
$15,000 to $19,999
$20,000 to $24,999
$25,000 to $29,999
$30,000 to $34,999
$35,000 or over

TOTAL household income including participant's earnings and other income and earnings and other income of all household members for the past 12 months

Numeric field

$1 to $9,999
$10,000 to $14,999
$15,000 to $19,999
$20,000 to $24,999
$25,000 to $29,999
$30,000 to $34,999
$35,000 to $39,999
$40,000 to $44,999
$45,000 to $49,999
$50,000 to $59,999
$60,000 to $69,999
$70,000 or over

Participant is receiving public benefits at intake (for each):

  1. TANF Cash Assistance

  2. Medicaid

Numeric field



Not reported

Anyone in household including participant is receiving public benefits at intake (for each):

  1. TANF

  2. SNAP

  3. WIC

  4. Free/Reduced Price School Lunch

  5. Supplemental Security Income

  6. Social Security and/or Social Security Disability Insurance

  7. Medicaid

  8. Subsidized Child Care / Voucher

  9. Section 8 / Public Housing

  10. Low-Income Heating Emergency Assistance Program

  11. Refugee Cash Assistance

  12. Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance

m. Alaska Permanent Fund

Numeric field



Not reported

Other sources of financial support received by anyone in household (for each):

  1. Alimony

  2. Child Support

  3. Workers compensation

  4. Support from family and friends not living in household

  5. Grants or loans for school

Numeric field



Not reported

Unemployment Insurance compensation recipient

Numeric field

UI claimant
UI exhaustee
Not a UI claimant or exhaustee

Not reported


Highest level of education completed

Numeric field

  • Grades 1 to 12 (no HS diploma)

  • High school diploma

  • GED/HiSET/TASC or alternative credential

  • Some college credit but less than one year of college credit

  • One or more years of college credit, but no degree

  • Associate’s degree

  • Bachelor’s degree

  • Graduate degree

  • Not reported

Ever received a professional, state, or industry certification or license?

Numeric field

Not reported

If yes to above, what is the name of the professional, state, or industry certification or license?

Open text field

Name of the professional, state, or industry certification or license

Received an occupational certificate or diploma, excluding any state, professional, or industry certification or license?

Numeric field

Not reported

If yes to above, what is the name of the occupational certificate or diploma?

Open text field

Name of the occupational certificate or diploma

Currently in school or training

Numeric field

Not reported

Currently enrolled in any classes, or enrolled but between terms, with an entity that is providing education or training

If yes to above, currently in a healthcare occupational training course

Numeric field

Not reported

If no or skipped above, ever taken classes to prepare for work in a particular occupation?

Numeric field

Not reported

If yes to above, ever taken classes to prepare for work in a healthcare occupation?

Numeric field

Not reported

Ever participated in following classes/educational programs? (ask each)

  1. Classes to improve basic reading/writing/math skills or prepare for a high school equivalency or college placement test

  2. English as Second Language

  3. Classes for college credit

  4. Occupational training not for college credit

  5. Classes in how to succeed at work class/workshop

  6. Classes in how to succeed at school

Numeric field

Not reported

Literacy assessed at 8th grade level or higher?

Numeric field

No assessment

Not reported

Numeracy assessed at 8th grade level or higher?

Numeric field

No assessment

Not reported


Ever worked for pay?

Numeric field

Not reported

If ever worked, ever worked in a healthcare occupation?

Numeric field

Not reported


If yes to above, specify most recent healthcare occupation?

Numeric field

Standard Occupational Codes


If ever worked, are you currently employed?

Numeric field

Not reported


If currently employed, participant employment in healthcare occupation?

Numeric field

Not reported

If yes to above, identify healthcare occupation

Numeric field

Standard Occupational Codes


If currently employed, the usual number of hours worked per week

Open numeric field



If currently employed, current hourly wage

Open numeric field

Numbers and Decimal Points


If currently employed, receives health insurance from your employer?

Numeric field

Not reported

Expectations (Answered only for Impact study participants)

Highest level of education expected to complete?

Numeric field

  • Grades 1 to 12 (no HS diploma)

  • High school diploma

  • GED/HiSET/TASC or alternative credential

  • Some college credit but less than one year of college credit

  • One or more years of college credit, but no degree

  • Associate’s degree

  • Bachelor’s degree

  • Graduate degree

Expect to receive a professional, state, or industry certification or license?

Numeric field (asked of those answering less than Associate’s above)


Expect to receive an occupational certificate or diploma, excluding any state, professional, or industry certification or license?

Numeric field (asked of those answering less than Associate’s above)


If selected to participate in HPOG, does the participant expect to be going to school full-time or part-time?

Numeric field




Does the participant expect to be working for pay in the next six months?

Numeric field


If yes to above, how many hours does the participant expect to be working in a typical week?

Open numeric field



In the past 12 months, please note how often each of the following situations interfered with the participant’s school, work, job search, or family responsibilities:

  1. Child care arrangements?

  2. Transportation?

  3. Personal illness or health condition?

  4. Alcohol or drug use?

  5. Another situation?

Numeric field, answer for each


Almost never


Fairly often

Very often

When it comes to careers, some people are more certain than others that they know where they are headed and how to get there. How strongly does the participant agree/disagree that the following statements reflect his/her career situation:

  1. I’m not sure how to accurately assess my abilities and challenges.

  2. I know how to make a plan that will help me achieve my goals for the next 5 years.

  3. I know how to get help from staff and teachers with any issues that might arise when I am at school.

  4. I’m not sure what type of job is best for me.

  5. I know the type of employer I want to work for.

  6. I know the occupation I want to be in.

  7. I’m not sure what kind of education and training program is best for me.

Numeric field, answer for each

Strongly disagrees

Somewhat disagree

Somewhat agrees

Strongly agrees

In general, some people have an easier or harder time with problems or difficulties. How true does the participant think are the following statements:

  1. I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough.

  2. It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals.

  3. I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events.

  4. Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen situations.

  5. I can solve most problems if I invest the necessary effort.

  6. I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my coping abilities.

  7. When I am confronted with a problem, I can usually find several solutions.

  8. If I am in trouble, I can usually think of a solution.

  9. I can usually handle whatever comes my way.

Numeric field, answer for each

Not at all true

Somewhat true

Mostly true

Entirely true

These statements are about how people approach various tasks in life. How strongly does the participant agree/disagree that the following statements apply to the participant:

  1. New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from previous ones.

  2. Setbacks don’t discourage me.

  3. I have been obsessed with a certain idea or project for a short time but later lost interest.

  4. I am a hard worker.

  5. I often set a goal but later choose to pursue a different one.

  6. I often have difficulty maintaining my focus on projects that take more than a few months to complete.

  7. I finish whatever I begin.

  8. I am diligent.

Numeric field, answer for each

Strongly agrees

Somewhat agrees

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagrees

The following contains a series of statements participants might use to describe their behavior, opinions, interests, and feelings. Some are quite general while others ask about their feelings at work or school. If they are not currently working or going to school, please ask them to think about how they would respond if they were. How strongly does the participant agree/disagree that the following statements apply to the participant:

  1. I'm not smart enough to do well on assignments.

  2. I have difficulties keeping up academically with my classmates.

  3. I am confident of my academic abilities.

  4. I can follow discussions about abstract academic topics.

  5. I'm intelligent.

  6. I achieve little for the amount of time I spend studying.

  7. I find it hard to pick out the main ideas in class readings.

  8. I need to work harder than others to get the grades they do.

  9. I am less talented than other students.

  10. I'm a fast learner.

  11. I have ranked in the top 20% on academic ability among my classmates.

  12. My nervousness interferes with my performance on tests.

Numeric field, answer for each

Strongly disagrees

Moderately disagrees

Slightly disagrees

Slightly agrees

Moderately agrees

Strongly agrees

How strongly does the participant agree/disagree with the following statements about his/her work preferences:

  1. I will take any job even if the pay is low?

  2. I only want the kind of job that is related to my education or training?

Numeric field, choose one answer for each

Strongly disagrees



Strongly agrees

How much must a job pay a participant per hour for it to make sense for him/her to take it?

Open numeric field

Numbers and Decimal Points

If participant is not selected to participate in HPOG, what are his/her plans for education and work? Does he/she plan to:

  1. Enroll in another occupational training program?

  2. Enroll in basic skills education training program?

  3. Complete a regular high school diploma?

  4. Enroll in a four-year or community college?

  5. Seek employment?

  6. If yes, in healthcare field?

Numeric field



Contact Information

Participant contact address 1

Narrative field

Physical street address

Participant contact address 2

Narrative field

Apartment and/or condominium

Optional field

Participant contact address 3

Narrative field

Complex or building name

Optional field

Participant contact city

Narrative field

Full city or town name

Participant contact state

Numeric field

State name

Participant contact zip code

Open numeric field

The initial code of 5 digits followed by the expanded code of 4 digits separated by a dash. Ex. 94591-6497

Participant Contact Phone 1

Open numeric field

Enter 10 digits. No dashes or parentheses.

Type of phone 1

Numeric field





Participant Contact Phone 2

Open numeric field

Enter 10 digits. No dashes or parentheses.


Type of phone 2

Numeric field





Can we contact you via text message?

Numeric field



Can we contact you on that number via automated text message?

Numeric field



Participant contact e-mail address

Narrative field

E-mail address

Facebook account name or email address associated with account

Narrative field

Account name or E-mail address

Twitter handle or ID

Narrative field


Best way to reach participant

Numeric field




Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter)

Alternative contact first name

Narrative field

Alternate contact first name

Alternative contact last name

Narrative field

Alternate contact last name


Alternative contact relationship to participant

Numeric field

  • Parent

  • Sibling

  • Extended biological family member

  • Partner

  • Friend / social support network member

  • Other


Alternative contact primary phone number

Open Numeric field

Enter 10 digits. No dashes or parentheses.

Alternative contact address1

Narrative field

Physical street address

Alternative contact address2

Narrative field

Apartment and/or condominium

Optional field

Alternative contact address3

Narrative field

Complex or building name

Optional field

Alternative contact city

Narrative field

Full city or town name

Alternative contact state

Numeric field

State name

Alternative contact zip code

Open Numeric field

The initial code of 5 digits followed by the expanded code of 4 digits separated by a dash. Ex. 94591-6497

Alternative contact e-mail address

Narrative field

E-mail address

Participant-Level Ongoing Data Items

Data Item / Question

Response Fields / Formats

Value Description


Eligibility Screenings and Assessments


Career inventory

Numeric field



Literacy test score

Open Numeric field

Test score

Name of literacy test

Numeric Field




If Other, specify:

Character field

Test name

Numeracy test score

Open Numeric field

Test score

Name of numeracy test

Numeric field




If Other, specify:

Character field

Test name

English Language Proficiency test

Numeric field



English Language Proficiency test score

Open Numeric field

Test score

Name of English Language Proficiency test

Numeric field





If Other, specify:

Character field

Test name


Screenings completed

(answer each):

  1. Drug screening

  2. Background check

  3. Physical

  4. Immunizations

  5. Other

Numeric Field



If Other, specify:

Character field

Screening Name

Basic and Other Skills Development Activities (non-occupational)

Basic Skills Training

Basic skills training course

Listing of basic skills training courses available by grantee

HPOG funds used to support tuition/training payment

Numeric field



Tuition/Payment waived by training provider

Don’t Know

Begin date


Begin date of training

Projected Completion Date


Expected completion date of training

Estimate of the date participant will finish the training course. Can be updated with additional information – purpose is to trigger reminders to user.

End date


End date of training


Basic skills training completion

Numeric field

  • Dropped out

  • Did not pass

  • Certificate of completion

  • High school diploma

  • GED/HiSET/TASC or alternative credential

  • Attained necessary skill level

Self-directed basic skills training

Numeric field

Check box

Checked off if student is not in a basic skills training course, but participating in self-directed basic skills activities. Not recorded as a basic skills participant in the PPR.

Other Skill Development Activities

Select a type

Numeric field

  • Introduction to Healthcare Career Workshop

  • Work Readiness

  • College Readiness

  • Digital Literacy

  • CPR training

  • Mandatory Work Readiness with peer support

  • Other (specify)

The exact list appearing will be specific to the grantee – entered in the program data section. See definitions appendix for definitions. Mandatory work readiness with peer support will only appear for participants who have been randomly assigned to this enhancement.

Begin date


Begin date of activity

Projected Completion Date


Expected completion date of training

Defined by expected length of activity and projected completion date.

End date


End date of activity

Other skill development activity completion

Numeric field

  • Dropped out

  • Did not pass

  • Certificate of completion

Healthcare Occupational Training

Prerequisites for healthcare training

Begin Date


Begin date of pre-requisites

Projected Completion Date


Expected completion date of training

Defined by expected length of prerequisites and projected completion date.

End Date


End date of pre-requisites

Health Occupation Training

Training Vendor

Numeric field

Vendors pre-defined at program level

Code for healthcare occupational training type

Numeric field

Occupational codes pre-defined for selected vendor at the grantee level

Codes based on ONET-SOC with additional details as necessary

HPOG funds used to support tuition/training payment

Numeric field



Tuition/Payment waived by training provider

Don’t Know

Was this specific course of training in progress at the time of intake into HPOG?

Numeric field



Don’t Know

Begin date


Begin date of occupational training

Projected Completion Date


Expected completion date of training

Defined by expected length of training and projected graduation date.

End date


End date of occupational training

Occupational training completion

Numeric field

  • Dropped out

  • Did not pass

  • Completed training course, no degree

  • Associate’s degree

  • Bachelor’s degree

  • Master’s degree

Professional, state, or industry certification or license

Numeric field

Available list pre-defined at the grantee level

Completed half of required course of training

Numeric field

Check box to indicate this has occurred

Half-way mark in number of credits or weeks for training course will also appear

Element only appears for occupational training courses indicated as “milestone training courses” in the grantee program section.

Enrolled in postsecondary education or attending training in a program that is not a part of HPOG

Numeric field



This refers only to education and training activities started at some point after enrollment in HPOG that are not part of the HPOG program


Job type

Numeric field

New job
Promotion or raise in current job

Job title

Narrative field

Name of job title

This is optional

Job start date


Job begin date

Job end date


Job end date

Employer name

Numeric field

Displays employer names pre-defined at the grantee level

Employment in healthcare occupation

Numeric field



Not reported


If yes, healthcare occupation code

Numeric field

Occupational codes

Dropdown list

Job is one of following: (check if yes)

Numeric field

Part of Registered Apprenticeship program

Cooperative education placement

Paid internship or externship

Work study job

Current wage per hour

Open Numeric field

Hourly wage to second decimal


Usual hours worked per week

Open Numeric field

Hours worked per week


Participant provided health insurance through job?

Numeric field



Not reported

Program Supports

Academic Supports

Type of Support


Case management

Academic advising



Peer support

Post-eligibility assessments

Training-related costs assistance (other than tuition)

Laptop for blended training participants

These questions will appear if a grantee offers blended healthcare training courses

Internet service access for participants in blended training

These questions will appear if a grantee offers blended healthcare training courses

Data Item / Question

Response Fields / Formats

Value Description


First date of support receipt


First date of support

If necessary for enrollment date calculation

Receipt in specific six-month period

Record for each six-month reporting period

Funding Source


HPOG funded

Non-HPOG funded


Don’t Know

One entry of this question per person per support type. Support referrals to be indicated only when the participant was verified as having acted on the referral and obtained support.

Participant has assigned case manager




Name of case manager

Open text


Only asked if yes to above

Case Management (Optional)

Case Management Meeting Date


Date of case management meeting

Case Manager

Character Field

Name of the case manager contacting the participant

Chosen from list of staff at grantee program level

Mode of contact

Numeric field

  • In person

  • Over phone

  • Email or Social Media

  • Other mode of contact

If other, specify:

Open text field

Other mode of contact

Who initiated contact

Numeric field

  • HPOG staff person

  • HPOG Participant

Type of Support


Personal/Logistical Supports

Emergency assistance

Non-emergency Food Assistance

This only includes non-emergency assistance

Child/dependent care assistance

Transportation assistance

This only includes non-emergency assistance

Housing support/assistance

This only includes non-emergency assistance


This will include supports entered at the grantee level that are not included in any of the above, that the user can check off

Data Item / Question

Response Fields / Formats

Value Description


Receipt in specific six-month period

Check box for each six-month reporting period

Funding Source


HPOG funded

Non-HPOG funded


Don’t Know

One entry of this question per person per support type. Support referrals to be indicated only when the participant was verified as having acted on the referral and obtained support.

First date of support receipt


First date of support

If necessary for enrollment date calculation.

Employment Assistance Supports

Type of activity


Job search assistance

Job retention services

Job placement assistance

Data Item / Question

Response Fields / Formats

Value Description


Receipt in specific six-month period

Check box for each six-month reporting period

Funding Source


HPOG funded

Non-HPOG funded


Don’t Know

One entry of this question per person per support type. Support referrals to be indicated only when the participant was verified as having acted on the referral and obtained support.

First date of support receipt


First date of support

If necessary for enrollment date calculation.

Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Type of activity


On-the-Job training

Work experience

Job shadowing

Unpaid Internship or Externship

Data Item / Question

Response Fields / Formats

Value Description


Begin Date


Begin date of activity

End Date


End date of activity

Activity Completion

Numeric field (select one)

Did not complete

Completed satisfactorily

Usual Number of Hours per week

Numeric Field (open)

User enters number of hours of participation in activity per week

Occupation code of job

Numeric Field

Occupational code (chosen from listing)

Funding Source


HPOG funded

Non-HPOG funded


Don’t Know

Hourly payment

Numeric Field


This would be asked for on-the-job training and work experience

Instrument 1: PAGES Grantee- and Participant-Level Data Items List pg. 14

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJennifer Lewis
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-20

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