HUD-2880 Applicant Recipient Disclosure Update Report

Indian Housing Block Grants (IHBG) Program Reporting

HUD-2880 Applicant Recipient Disclosure Update Report

Indian Housing Block Grants (IHBG) Program Reporting

OMB: 2577-0218

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Disclosure/Update Report

U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development

OMB Approval No. 2510-0011 (exp. 11/30/2018)

Instructions. (See Public Reporting Statement and Privacy Act Statement and detailed instructions on page 2.)
Applicant/Recipient Information

Indicate whether this is an Initial Report

1. Applicant/Recipient Name, Address, and Phone (include area code):

or an Update Report
2. Social Security Number or
Employer ID Number:

4. Amount of HUD Assistance

3. HUD Program Name

5. State the name and location (street address, City and State) of the project or activity:

Part I Threshold Determinations
1. Are you applying for assistance for a specific project or activity? These
terms do not include formula grants, such as public housing operating
subsidy or CDBG block grants. (For further information see 24 CFR Sec.

2. Have you received or do you expect to receive assistance within the
jurisdiction of the Department (HUD) , involving the project or activity in
this application, in excess of $200,000 during this fiscal year (Oct. 1 Sep. 30)? For further information, see 24 CFR Sec. 4.9




If you answered “No” to either question 1 or 2, Stop! You do not need to complete the remainder of this form.
However, you must sign the certification at the end of the report.

Part II Other Government Assistance Provided or Requested / Expected Sources and Use of Funds.
Such assistance includes, but is not limited to, any grant, loan, subsidy, guarantee, insurance, payment, credit, or tax benefit.
Department/State/Local Agency Name and Address

Type of Assistance


Expected Uses of the Funds

(Note: Use Additional pages if necessary.)

Part III Interested Parties. You must disclose:
1. All developers, contractors, or consultants involved in the application for the assistance or in the planning, development, or implementation of the
project or activity and
2. any other person who has a financial interest in the project or activity for which the assistance is sought that exceeds $50,000 or 10 percent of the
assistance (whichever is lower).
Alphabetical list of all persons with a reportable financial interest
Social Security No.
Type of Participation in
Financial Interest in
in the project or activity (For individuals, give the last name first)
or Employee ID No.
Project/Activity ($ and %)

(Note: Use Additional pages if necessary.)

Warning: If you knowingly make a false statement on this form, you may be subject to civil or criminal penalties under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the
United States Code. In addition, any person who knowingly and materially violates any required disclosures of information, including intentional nondisclosure, is subject to civil money penalty not to exceed $10,000 for each violation.
I certify that this information is true and complete.
Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)

Form HUD-2880 (3/13)

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2.0 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection information unless that collection displays a valid OMB control
Privacy Act Statement. Except for Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Employer Identification Numbers (EINs), the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) is authorized to collect all the information required by this form under section 102 of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development Reform Act of 1989, 42 U.S.C. 3531. Disclosure of SSNs and EINs is voluntary. HUD is authorized to collect this information under the
Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 42 U.S.C.3543 (a). The SSN or EIN is used as a unique identifier. The information you provide will
enable HUD to carry out its responsibilities under Sections 102(b), (c), and (d) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989,
Pub. L. 101-235, approved December 15, 1989. These provisions will help ensure greater accountability and integrity in the provision of certain types of
assistance administered by HUD. They will also help ensure that HUD assistance for a specific housing project under Section 102(d) is not more than is
necessary to make the project feasible after taking account of other government assistance. HUD will make available to the public all applicant disclosure
reports for five years in the case of applications for competitive assistance, and for generally three years in the case of other applications. Update reports
will be made available along with the disclosure reports, but in no case for a period generally less than three years. All reports, both initial reports and update
reports, will be made available in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552) and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 15.
HUD will use the information in evaluating individual assistance applications and in performing internal administrative analyses to assist in the management
of specific HUD programs. The information will also be used in making the determination under Section 102(d) whether HUD assistance for a specific housing
project is more than is necessary to make the project feasible after taking account of other government assistance. You must provide all the required
information. Failure to provide any required information may delay the processing of your application, and may result in sanctions and penalties, including
imposition of the administrative and civil money penalties specified under 24 CFR §4.38.
Note: This form only covers assistance made available by the Department. States and units of general local government that carry out responsibilities
under Sections 102(b) and (c) of the Reform Act must develop their own procedures for complying with the Act.

A. Coverage. You must complete this report if:
(1) You are applying for assistance from HUD for a specific project or
activity and you have received, or expect to receive, assistance
from HUD in excess of $200,000 during the during the fiscal year;
(2) You are updating a prior report as discussed below; or
(3) You are submitting an application for assistance to an entity other
than HUD, a State or local government if the application is required
by statute or regulation to be submitted to HUD for approval or for
any other purpose.
B. Update reports (filed by “Recipients” of HUD Assistance):
General. All recipients of covered assistance must submit update
reports to the Department to reflect substantial changes to the initial
applicant disclosure reports.

Line-by-Line Instructions.
Applicant/Recipient Information.
All applicants for HUD competitive assistance, must complete the
information required in blocks 1-5 of form HUD-2880:
1. Enter the full name, address, city, State, zip code, and telephone
number (including area code) of the applicant/recipient. Where the
applicant/recipient is an individual, the last name, first name, and
middle initial must be entered.
2. Entry of the applicant/recipient's SSN or EIN, as appropriate, is
3. Applicants enter the HUD program name under which the assistance is
being requested.
4. Applicants enter the amount of HUD assistance that is being
requested. Recipients enter the amount of HUD assistance that has
been provided and to which the update report relates. The amounts
are those stated in the application or award documentation. NOTE: In
the case of assistance that is provided pursuant to contract over a
period of time (such as project-based assistance under section 8 of the
United States Housing Act of 1937), the amount of assistance to be
reported includes all amounts that are to be provided over the term of
the contract, irrespective of when they are to be received.
5. Applicants enter the name and full address of the project or activity for
which the HUD assistance is sought. Recipients enter the name and
full address of the HUD-assisted project or activity to which the update
report relates. The most appropriate government identifying number
must be used (e.g., RFP No.; IFB No.; grant announcement No.; or
contract, grant, or loan No.) Include prefixes.
Part I. Threshold Determinations - Applicants Only

Part I contains information to help the applicant determine whether the
remainder of the form must be completed. Recipients filing Update
Reports should not complete this Part.
If the answer to either questions 1 or 2 is No, the applicant need not
complete Parts II and III of the report, but must sign the certification at the
end of the form.
Part II. Other Government Assistance and Expected Sources and
Uses of Funds.
A. Other Government Assistance. This Part is to be completed by both
applicants and recipients for assistance and recipients filing update
reports. Applicants and recipients must report any other government
assistance involved in the project or activity for which assistance is
sought. Applicants and recipients must report any other government
assistance involved in the project or activity. Other government
assistance is defined in note 4 on the last page. For purposes of this
definition, other government assistance is expected to be made
available if, based on an assessment of all the circumstances involved,
there are reasonable grounds to anticipate that the assistance will be
Both applicant and recipient disclosures must include all other
government assistance involved with the HUD assistance, as well as
any other government assistance that was made available before the
request, but that has continuing vitality at the time of the request.
Examples of this latter category include tax credits that provide for a
number of years of tax benefits, and grant assistance that continues to
benefit the project at the time of the assistance request.
The following information must be provided:
1. Enter the name and address, city, State, and zip code of the
government agency making the assistance available.
2. State the type of other government assistance (e.g., loan, grant,
loan insurance).
3. Enter the dollar amount of the other government assistance that is,
or is expected to be, made available with respect to the project or
activities for which the HUD assistance is sought (applicants) or
has been provided (recipients).
4. Uses of funds. Each reportable use of funds must clearly identify
the purpose to which they are to be put. Reasonable aggregations
may be used, such as "total structure" to include a number of
structural costs, such as roof, elevators, exterior masonry, etc.
B. Non-Government Assistance. Note that the applicant and recipient
disclosure report must specify all expected sources and uses of funds both from HUD and any other source - that have been or are to be,
made available for the project or activity. Non-government sources of
Form HUD-2880 (3/13)

funds typically include (but are not limited to) foundations and private
Part III. Interested Parties.
This Part is to be completed by both applicants and recipients filing update
reports. Applicants must provide information on:
1. All developers, contractors, or consultants involved in the application
for the assistance or in the planning, development, or implementation
of the project or activity and
2. any other person who has a financial interest in the project or activity
for which the assistance is sought that exceeds $50,000 or 10 percent
of the assistance (whichever is lower).
Note: A financial interest means any financial involvement in the
project or activity, including (but not limited to) situations in which an
individual or entity has an equity interest in the project or activity,
shares in any profit on resale or any distribution of surplus cash or
other assets of the project or activity, or receives compensation for any
goods or services provided in connection with the project or activity.
Residency of an individual in housing for which assistance is being
sought is not, by itself, considered a covered financial interest.
The information required below must be provided.
1. Enter the full names and addresses. If the person is an entity, the
listing must include the full name and address of the entity as well as
the CEO. Please list all names alphabetically.
2. Entry of the Social Security Number (SSN) or Employee Identification
Number (EIN), as appropriate, for each person listed is optional.
3. Enter the type of participation in the project or activity for each person
listed: i.e., the person's specific role in the project (e.g., contractor,
consultant, planner, investor).
4. Enter the financial interest in the project or activity for each person
listed. The interest must be expressed both as a dollar amount and as
a percentage of the amount of the HUD assistance involved.
Note that if any of the source/use information required by this report has
been provided elsewhere in this application package, the applicant need

not repeat the information, but need only refer to the form and location to
incorporate it into this report. (It is likely that some of the information
required by this report has been provided on SF 424A, and on various
budget forms accompanying the application.) If this report requires
information beyond that provided elsewhere in the application package,
the applicant must include in this report all the additional information
Recipients must submit an update report for any change in previously
disclosed sources and uses of funds as provided in Section I.D.5., above.
1. All citations are to 24 CFR Part 4, which was published in the Federal
Register. [April 1, 1996, at 63 Fed. Reg. 14448.]
2. Assistance means any contract, grant, loan, cooperative agreement, or
other form of assistance, including the insurance or guarantee of a loan
or mortgage, that is provided with respect to a specific project or
activity under a program administered by the Department. The term
does not include contracts, such as procurements contracts, that are
subject to the Fed. Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (48 CFR Chapter 1).
3. See 24 CFR §4.9 for detailed guidance on how the threshold is
4. "Other government assistance" is defined to include any loan, grant,
guarantee, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax benefit, or
any other form of direct or indirect assistance from the Federal
government (other than that requested from HUD in the application), a
State, or a unit of general local government, or any agency or
instrumentality thereof, that is, or is expected to be made, available
with respect to the project or activities for which the assistance is
5. For the purpose of this form and 24 CFR Part 4, “person” means an
individual (including a consultant, lobbyist, or lawyer); corporation;
company; association; authority; firm; partnership; society; State, unit
of general local government, or other government entity, or agency
thereof (including a public housing agency); Indian tribe; and any other
organization or group of people.

Form HUD-2880 (3/13)

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