Form 6 Process Evaluation Facilitator Survey

SMARTool Pilot Replication Project

Appendix E. Process Evaluation Facilitator Survey

Facilitator Survey

OMB: 0937-0207

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Appendix E. Process Evaluation Facilitator Survey

ID NO.: __________ Form Approved

Date: __ __/ __ __/2019 OMB No. 0990-

Exp. Date XX/XX/20XX


(e.g., REAL Essentials, Choosing the Best, represent®, etc.)

Facilitator Survey


Thank you for participating in this survey. This survey is part of a study sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) about the [SMARTool Pilot Replication Project]. It is designed to get your impressions of the curriculum and the students’ response to it. You have been asked to participate because you are a facilitator with experience teaching this curriculum.

The survey is being conducted by RTI International, under a subcontract to the MITRE Corporation. RTI is a not-for-profit research organization headquartered in North Carolina. MITRE has a contract with DHHS to conduct the study. MITRE is a not-for-profit company based in Bedford, Massachusetts and McLean, Virginia.

There are no risks or benefits to you personally for participating in this survey. Your participation is voluntary. You may decline to answer any question. Any information you share is confidential; we will never use your name in our reports or associate you with statements you make or information that you provide. The survey is designed to take about 25 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions or concerns about this study, please contact the RTI study director, Ellen Wilson (919-316-3337), the MITRE study leader, [NAME (PHONE NUMBER)] or the DHHS study leader, [NAME] ([PHONE).

Please use a black or dark blue pen.

Fill in the bubble for your answers, like this: 🌑 (Not thisor ✖).

Please print answers to open-ended questions.


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-xxxx . The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, to review and complete the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer

The following questions are about the [CURRICULUM] you taught this spring.

  1. To how many different groups (classes) of students did you teach the [CURRICULUM] this Spring? Please include all the classes you taught, including those not involved with the [SmartTool Pilot Replication Project] 🌟

___ ___

  1. Which school district(s) did your students come from? (Please check all that apply.) 🌟


  1. Of the total number of groups (classes) you taught this spring using this [CURRICULUM], how many of the classes were involved with this [SmartTool Pilot Replication Project]?

___ ___

  1. Including this year, how many years of experience do you have teaching sexual health curricula in general? 🌟

  • None

  • Less than 1 year

  • 1-2 years

  • 3-5 years

  • More than 5 years

  1. Do the secondary schools in your area provide information to students about sexual health topics through any means other than the [CURRICULUM]? (e.g., one-time assemblies)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know


  1. What other means do the schools use?


  1. Were you or was your organization involved with those other activities?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Were those other activities integrated in any way with the [CURRICULUM]?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Before you taught the [CURRICULUM] this spring, how many years of experience had you had teaching this curriculum?

  • None

  • Less than 1 year

  • 1-2 years

  • 3-5 years

  • More than 5 years


  1. If this was the first time you taught the [CURRICULUM], did you: 🌟

  1. review all the activities in the curriculum prior to teaching them?

      • Yes

      • No

  1. practice teaching most of the activities?

      • Yes

      • No

      • Not Applicable – this wasn’t my first time teaching the curriculum

  1. Have you ever received training on how to implement this curriculum? 🌟

  • Yes

  • No


  1. Did you receive training specifically related to this spring’s classes?

    • Yes

    • No


  1. Have you ever received training on the sexual risk avoidance (SRA) approach generally?

    • Yes

    • No


    1. Please describe the training you received:


  1. How helpful was the [CURRICULUM] training in preparing you to teach the topics covered in the [CURRICULUM]?

  • Very helpful

  • Somewhat helpful

  • Somewhat unhelpful

  • Very unhelpful

  1. How helpful was the [CURRICULUM] training in preparing you to effectively facilitate your classes? 🌟

  • Very helpful

  • Somewhat helpful

  • Somewhat unhelpful

  • Very unhelpful

  1. Do you want or need any additional training or support? 🌟

    • Yes

    • No


  1. In what areas would you be interested in obtaining more training? (Please choose all that apply.) 🌟

  • Specific skills related to teaching the curriculum (e.g., how to use specific methods such as group activities, question and answer, role play, and so forth)

  • Increasing comfort in discussing topics related to sexual health

  • Classroom management

  • I am not interested in attending any more trainings

  • Other (please specify): _______________________________________

  1. When you taught the [CURRICULUM] this spring, how comfortable were you talking about the following topics?

Very uncomfortable

Somewhat uncomfortable

Somewhat comfortable

Very comfortable

  1. the sexual topics in this program 🌟

  1. other topics in the curriculum 🌟

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree that you felt prepared to answer students’ questions about the topics taught in the [CURRICULUM]?

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree

  1. Think about the content of the [CURRICULUM]. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly agree



Strongly Disagree

  1. The [CURRICULUM] and teaching manual were written clearly. 🌟

  1. The organization and format of the lessons were easy to follow. 🌟

  1. The [CURRICULUM] provided enough time to promote understanding of key health concepts and practice skills.

  1. The [CURRICULUM] has materials that are culturally appropriate for the youth I taught.

  1. The content is relevant and applicable to students’ daily lives.

  1. The [CURRICULUM] is appropriate for teaching sex education to 9th and 10th graders. 🌟

  1. The materials provided for use with students were effective. 🌟

  1. The role-play situations were relevant and engaging. 🌟

  1. The other activities were relevant and engaging. 🌟

  1. Did the curriculum…

Did the curriculum…



  1. include links to additional information or other ways to obtain advice for special situations or populations?

  1. provide supplemental resources related to the subject matter you taught, such as accurate information about sex, relationships, contraception, adolescent development?

  1. provide FAQs for questions asked most often by youth?

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the [CURRICULUM]?


Strongly agree



Strongly Disagree

  1. is an effective way to prevent teen pregnancy.

  1. promotes earlier sexual involvement.

  1. is appropriate all youth, regardless of ethnicity, levels of sexual activity, or orientation.

  1. is an effective way to prevent STDs.

  1. prepares students to be more successful in life.

  1. is appropriate for youth who have already had sex.

  1. provides sufficient information about contraception.

  1. is an effective way to delay sexual debut among high school students.

  1. increases parents’ support for and engagement around sexual health education. 🌟

  1. How important is it that the following topics be included in school-based sex education?

Not at all important

A little important

Somewhat important

Very important

  1. waiting for sex until marriage

  1. sexual pleasure and enjoyment

  1. common rationalizations for teenage sex (e.g., both partners want to have sex; they use condoms to protect against STDs; they use effective birth control methods)

  1. how to use methods of contraception, including condoms

  1. sexually transmitted infections (STDs/HIV/AIDS)

  1. sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, coercion, and assault

  1. skills for healthy relationships, commitment, marriage

  1. how teen sex could affect the youths’ goals and opportunities

  1. There are many different teaching and learning experiences a facilitator can include in sexual health education programs. Think about the techniques used in the [CURRICULUM].

How effective were each of the following techniques for teaching the content covered in the curriculum?

Not at all effective

Somewhat Effective


Very effective

Not relevant-technique was not part of the curriculum

  1. Lecture

  1. Video

  1. Role playing

  1. Small group discussion

  1. Debate

  1. Homework

  1. Guest speakers

  1. Other (please specify): _______________

  1. To what extent to you agree or disagree that you were well prepared to use all the teaching methods that were included in [the CURRICULUM].

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree


  1. Which the teaching methods did you feel least prepared for?


  1. To what extent to you agree or disagree with the following statements:

Strongly agree



Strongly Disagree

  1. Students who are taught how to use contraceptives are more likely to become sexually active or, if already sexually active, to have more partners.

  1. Sex education should be taught in schools.

  1. It’s okay to have sex before marriage.

  1. The [CURRICULUM] is an effective way to encourage sexually active students to avoid sex in future romantic relationships.

  1. Delaying sex is important even if a person doesn’t delay sex until marriage.

  1. Sex education curricula should clearly communicate to adolescents that waiting for sex is the healthiest choice for them.

  1. The key messages of the [CURRICULUM] are in alignment with my own beliefs.

  1. The [CURRICULUM] reinforces optimal outcomes for youth’s sexual health and wellness.

  1. [The CURRICULUM] promotes a realistic approach for supporting youth’s physical and emotional health.

  1. In your opinion, does the [CURRICULUM] provide adequate information to cause lasting change in students’ sexual knowledge, values, and behaviors?

    • Yes

    • No


  1. If not, how should the curriculum be changed?


  1. What was the most effective component of the curriculum for increasing students' understanding of sexual risk avoidance?


  1. What was the least effective component of the curriculum for increasing students' understanding of sexual risk avoidance?


  1. In hindsight, what, if anything, would you change or do differently to improve the [CURRICULUM]?


  1. About what proportion of the class, on average, was engaged in the lessons? 🌟

  • All or most

  • About three quarters

  • About half

  • About one quarter

  • None or almost none

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Strongly agree



Strongly Disagree

Not applicable

  1. Students were reluctant to discuss their personal values and beliefs in the presence of their peers.

  1. Students understood the lesson material.

  1. Students participated in the group discussions.

  1. Students had difficulty participating in the role-plays.

  1. Students were willing to discuss the content of the curriculum with their parents.

  1. Students completed the homework assignments.

  1. Students were glad they took the course.

  1. The students did not think the culture reflected in the course material was like their own.

  1. Of the total number of lessons included in the [CURRICULUM], what proportion were you able to implement? 🌟

  • All or most

  • About three quarters

  • About half

  • About one quarter

  • None or almost none

  1. Sometimes instructors add lessons to a curriculum to cover additional topics or add new content. Did you find it necessary to add lessons to the curriculum [IO NAME] provided you? 🌟



  1. What additional topics did the lessons cover?


  1. Did you find it necessary to use any other materials that were not from the [CURRICULUM]? 🌟

    • Yes

    • No


  1. What additional materials did you use? What topics were the materials about?


  1. Did you find it necessary to use any other activities that were not from the [CURRICULUM]? 🌟

    • Yes

    • No


  1. What additional activities did you use? __________________

  1. Please list THREE things that most helped you in delivering the [CURRICULUM] to 9th and 10th graders.

  1. ______________________________________________________________________________

  2. ______________________________________________________________________________

  3. ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Please list THREE things that would help you most in improving the delivery of the [CURRICULUM] to 9th and 10th graders.

  1. ______________________________________________________________________________

  2. ______________________________________________________________________________

  3. ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. You may have experienced both positive and negative factors that affected your teaching of the [CURRICULUM]. The statements below describe possible barriers or facilitators within your educational environment.

Please state the degree to which you agree or disagree regarding your personal situation and experience.

Strongly agree



Strongly Disagree

  1. Classroom management issues detracted from my ability to teach the lessons as written. 🌟

  1. Facilitation of group work was challenging. 🌟

  1. I felt confident delivering these lessons. 🌟

  1. I had the full support of the school administration to meet the sex education needs of my students. 🌟

  1. Parents generally supported my efforts to meet the sex education needs of my students. 🌟

  1. Faith-based organizations in this community support my efforts to meet the sex education needs of my students. 🌟

  1. Students didn’t feel comfortable talking with me in class about sexuality. 🌟

  1. I had access to the right training to provide the sex education needed. 🌟

  1. There was insufficient time in each session to teach the lessons. 🌟

  1. Parents in this community are generally supportive of school-based sex education. 🌟

  1. Parents in this community are generally supportive of the SRA approach. 🌟

  1. Personnel in the school/organization are generally supportive of the SRA approach. 🌟

  1. Personnel in the school/organization are generally supportive of me coming into the school to teach the curriculum. 🌟

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree that events outside the classroom impaired your ability to deliver the lessons.

  • Strongly agree

  • Agree

  • Disagree

  • Strongly disagree


  1. Please explain: _____________________________________________________ 🌟

  1. What is your experience, if any, as a school teacher?

  • I am currently employed as a teacher on a full-time basis

  • I am a substitute teacher

  • I used to be a teacher but now do something else

  • I am a retired teacher

  • I have no experience as a school teacher [IF CHECKED, SKIP TO Q38]

  1. Counting this year as a full year, how many years have you been (or were you) a teacher? 🌟

___ ___

  1. IF YOU ARE OR HAVE BEEN A TEACHER: What subject area do/did you teach? (Please check all that apply.) 🌟

  • Language arts/English

  • Science

  • Physical education

  • Health education

  • Social studies

  • Math

  • Computers

  • Other (PLEASE SPECIFY):______________________________

  1. What other experience prepared you for this position as an educator for this [CURRICULUM]?


  1. How old are you? 🌟

___ ___

  1. What is your biological sex? 🌟

  • Male

  • Female

  1. Are you Hispanic or Latino/a? 🌟

    • Yes

    • No

    • Refused

  1. What is your race? (Mark all that apply) 🌟

  • American Indian or Alaskan Native

  • Asian

  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

  • Black or African American

  • White

  • Other

  • Refused

  1. What is your highest level of education? 🌟

  • High school or equivalent

  • Associate degree

  • Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science

  • Master of Arts/Master of Science

  • Master’s degree plus 15 or more additional course hours

  • EdD/PhD

  • Other (Please specify: ___________________________)

The End

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Please give this completed questionnaire to the RTI data collector assigned to your class.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorPeterson, K. Kristina
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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