SMARTool Pilot Replication Project

OMB 0937-0207

OMB 0937-0207

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is requesting approval by OMB of a new information collection request. OASH is updating the Center for Relationship Education's Systematic Method for Assessing Risk-Avoidance Tool (SMARTool), a tool for sexual risk avoidance (SRA) curriculum developers and implementing organizations (IOs) to ensure that their SRA curricula are grounded in evidence. In an effort to assess the SMARTool's impact, OASH aims to conduct a formative evaluation to (1) provide preliminary evidence on the effectiveness of SRA curricula that are aligned with the SMARTool, (2) derive lessons learned to improve the implementation of SRA curricula, and (3) develop and test baseline and follow-up questionnaires that assess SRA program effects on the key SMARTool constructs. The evaluation will be conducted with an estimated four IOs. The evaluation will use quantitative and qualitative methods and will include both a process evaluation and an outcome evaluation.

The latest form for SMARTool Pilot Replication Project expires 2022-06-30 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Parental consent

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Consumer Health and Safety

Form 1Parental Conset FormPaper OnlyForm and instruction
Form 1Appendix A Parental Consent FormsPaper OnlyForm and instruction

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