5 Oral Health

Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT) Telehealth Outcome Measures

SB TNGP - DED - Module for Oral Health

Performance Improvement Measurement System for the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth

OMB: 0915-0311

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0915-XXXX XX/XX/20XX

Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP)

Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT)

Telehealth Network Grant Program (TNGP)


This module will be used if the SB-TNGP offers oral health services.

The information in this section is collected for each student receiving oral health services via telehealth during the measurement period.

Data Element Dictionary

The data element dictionary documents definitions, allowable values, sources for information, and instructions for abstraction.

The data elements are designed to provide the necessary data to calculate the measures. A data collection tool will be used for data entry.

Throughout this document there are references to “the measurement period.” There will be two measurement periods, each six months in duration. These will be January 1 – June 30 and July 1 – December 31.

Public Burden Statement:  An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.  The OMB control number for this project is 0915-XXXX.  Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average XX hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N39, Rockville, Maryland, 20857

Data element number:

Oral Health - 1

Variable name:

Referral source

Variable definition:

Indicates the referral source for this student receiving telehealth oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP

Data collection level:



Students who received telehealth oral health services through the SB-TNGP during the measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Student self-referred

Student was referred by their parent/guardian

Student was referred by a teacher at the school

Student was referred by a guidance counselor at the school

Student was referred by an administrator at the school

Student was referred by SBHC staff or the school nurse

Student was part of a registry indicating services were needed

Other – please specify:__________________________________________

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

Note for abstractions:

  • If student had multiple encounters or multiple referral sources, indicate the first referral source for this student for telehealth oral health services.

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 2

Variable name:

Student received a school-based oral health evaluation/screening

Variable definition:

Indicates whether or not the student received a school-based oral health evaluation/screening

Data collection level:



Students who received telehealth oral health services through the SB-TNGP during the measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Yes: Indicates the student received a school-based oral health evaluation/screening during the measurement period

No: Indicates the student did NOT receive a school-based oral health evaluation/screening during the measurement period

Note for abstractions:

  • This measure refers only to those evaluation/screening services delivered through the SB-TNGP.

  • Oral health evaluation/screening is recommended to take place semi-annually; so date of evaluation/screening should be within last 6 months

Source for definitions:

NQF-endorsed measure.

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). http://www.aapd.org/media/policies_guidelines/g_periodicity.pdf

An example of a school-based oral health evaluation/screening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHO-Wp6dFuM

Data element number:

Oral Health - 3

Variable name:

Student received a school-based dental screening and were diagnosed with tooth decay

Variable definition:

Indicates whether or not the student was diagnosed with tooth decay during a school-based dental screening

Data collection level:



Students who received telehealth oral health services through the SB-TNGP during the measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Student had school-based dental screening and did NOT have tooth decay

Student had school-based dental screening and was diagnosed with tooth decay

Student did NOT have school-based dental screening capable of diagnosing tooth decay

Note for abstractions:

  • This measure is designed to assess outcomes of dental health services

Source for definitions:

California School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA affiliate). Key Performance Measures for School-Based Health Centers. Oakland, CA.

Data element number:

Oral Health - 4

Variable name:

Student was referred for follow-up oral health services

Variable definition:

Indicates whether or not the student was referred for follow-up oral health services

Data collection level:



Students who received telehealth oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Yes: Indicates the student was referred for follow-up oral health services

No: Indicates the student was NOT referred for follow-up oral health services

Note for abstractions:

  • This measure will only apply to students who were diagnosed with tooth decay from a school-based dental screening

Source for definitions:

California School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA affiliate). Key Performance Measures for School-Based Health Centers. Oakland, CA.

CHIPRA (Percentage of eligible patients that receive dental treatment services)

Data element number:

Oral Health - 5

Variable name:

Eligible students who received a sealant on a permanent molar tooth as a school-based dental service

Variable definition:

Indicates whether or not the eligible student received a sealant on a permanent molar tooth as a school-based dental service

Data collection level:



Students who received telehealth oral health service as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Yes: Indicates the eligible student received a sealant on a permanent molar tooth as a school-based dental service

No: Indicates the eligible student did NOT receive a sealant on a permanent molar tooth as a school-based dental service

Not eligible: Indicates that the student was not eligible to receive a sealant

Note for abstractions:

  • Eligibility for sealants is ultimately determined by a dentist

  • Indications of eligibility are the student having one of the following CDT codes that indicate elevated risk: D0602, D0603, D2140, D2394, D2630, D2720, D2791, D3110, D2150, D2410, D2642, D2721, D2792, D3120, D2160, D2420, D2643, D2722, D2794, D3220, D2161, D2430, D2644, D2740, D2799, D3221, D2330, D2510, D2650, D2750, D2930, D3222, D2331, D2520, D2651, D2751, D2931, D3230, D2332, D2530, D2652, D2752, D2932, D3240, D2335, D2542, D2662, D2780, D2933 D3310, D2390, D2543, D2663, D2781, D2934, D3320, D2391, D2544, D2664, D2782, D2940, D3330, D2392, D2610, D2710, D2783, D2941, D2393, D2620, D2712, D2790, D2950

  • Information about elevated risk is available at https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/Committees-Councils-Sections/Oral-Health/Pages/Risk-Assessment-Tool.aspx

Source for definitions:

Combination of two NQF endorsed measures: receiving a sealant on a permanent first molar tooth for ages 6 to 9 and receiving a sealant on a permanent second molar tooth for ages 10 to 14. AHRQ National Quality Measures Clearinghouse https://www.qualitymeasures.ahrq.gov/search?q=molar+sealants

Data element number:

Oral Health - 6

Variable name:

Number of telehealth encounters that the student received for oral health

Variable definition:

Indicates how many encounters for oral health services that the student received that involved telehealth

Data collection level:



Students who received telehealth oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Skip logic:

NOTE that the response to this question will be used to determine the extent of ENCOUNTER level data collection. In particular, a high number of oral health visits will trigger instructions to only complete ENCOUNTER level data collection for the first visit each month.

Valid (allowable) values:

Any numeric character

Note for abstractions:

  • An encounter can be of any duration, and it can be scheduled or impromptu.

Source for definitions:


Data element number:

Oral Health - 7

Variable name:

Number of non-telehealth encounters that the student received for oral health in the school setting

Variable definition:

Indicates how many encounters for oral health services that the student received in the school setting that did not involve telehealth

Data collection level:



Students who received telehealth oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Any numeric character or NA indicating that the data are “Not Available”

Note for abstractions:

  • We understand that this information will not be available in many schools, in which case enter NA.

  • An encounter can be of any duration, and it can be scheduled or impromptu.

  • Complete only for students who had telehealth behavioral oral services.

  • The school setting means the setting where the SB-TNGP operates.

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data elements that are collected at the ENCOUNTER level

The information in this section will be collected for SB-TNGP telehealth oral health encounters.


NOTE the following questions are to be answered for each telehealth oral health ENCOUNTER if the number of telehealth oral health encounters for the student during the measurement period is less than 6. If the number of telehealth oral health encounters during the measurement period is more than 6, then answer the following questions for each ENCOUNTER that was the first encounter of the month.

Data element number:

Oral Health - 8

Variable name:

Type of oral health provider seen via telehealth

Variable definition:

Indicates the type of licensed provider the student saw for telehealth oral health services during this encounter

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services via telehealth as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check ALL that apply. Options for response are:


Dental hygienist

Dental therapist

Other – please specify:__________________________________________

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

Note for abstractions:

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 9

Variable name:

Type of oral health service provided via telehealth

Variable definition:

Indicates the type of telehealth oral health services the student received during this encounter

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services via telehealth as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check ALL that apply. Options for response are:



Sealant placement

Service or assessment for crisis or emergent oral health need

Other – please specify:__________________________________________

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

Note for abstractions:

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 10

Variable name:

Telehealth technical success

Variable definition:

Indicates whether or not telehealth technology was administered successfully

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services via telehealth as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Successful: The telehealth encounter was technologically successful

Unsuccessful: The telehealth encounter was technologically NOT successful

NA: Not Applicable

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

Note for abstractions:

  • Successful administration means that voice and video quality were sufficient to complete the consultation. Technical drop-outs of the telemedicine system did not occur.

  • Unsuccessful administration means that the voice and/or video quality were not of sufficient quality to complete the consultation (e.g. unreachable network, poor image quality, poor audio signal quality).

  • If unable to determine whether the telehealth consultation was technically successful, select ‘Unknown.’

Source for definitions:

Modified PIMS; Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 11

Variable name:

Immediate disposition

Variable definition:

Indicates the student’s immediate disposition at the conclusion of this encounter

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Student was released to resume regular school schedule

Student was released from school to parent/guardian’s care

Student was transferred to other health care

Other – please specify:__________________________________________

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

Note for abstractions:

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 12

Variable name:

Follow-up referral

Variable definition:

Indicates whether or not the student was referred for follow-up care at the end of the encounter

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Student was determined to NOT need referral for follow-up care

Student was referred for follow-up return visit to SB-TNGP WITH telehealth

Student was referred for follow-up return visit to SB-TNGP WITHOUT telehealth

Student was referred to primary care provider outside of school

Student was referred to specialty care outside of school

Student was referred for other care outside of school

Other – please specify:__________________________________________

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

Note for abstractions:

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 13

Variable name:

Avoided travel

Variable definition:

Indicates whether or not the student avoided travel for care because of this encounter

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Skip logic:

NOTE the response to this question will be used for skip logic for the next two questions.

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:

Avoided travel for this encounter: The student received services through the SB-TNGP and if they had not received those services during this visit then the student would have had to see a provider elsewhere

Did not avoid travel for this encounter: The student received services through the SB-TNGP but if they had not received those services during this visit then the student would NOT have had to see and travel to a provider elsewhere

NA: Not Applicable

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

Note for abstractions:

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 14

Variable name:

Provider if travel was avoided

Variable definition:

Indicates the type of provider the student would have seen if travel was avoided because of this encounter

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period where travel was avoided

Skip logic:

NOTE that if the response to the previous question indicates that travel was avoided then this question will follow.

Valid (allowable) values:

Check only one of the following. Options for response are:


Dental hygienist

Dental therapist

Emergency Department or Urgent Care

Other – please specify:__________________________________________

Unknown: Unable to determine from telehealth log or student visit record

NA: Not Applicable

Note for abstractions:

Source for definitions:

Rural Telehealth Research Center

Data element number:

Oral Health - 15

Variable name:

Patient travel miles to likely source of care

Variable definition:

Indicates the number of miles from the school to the type of provider the student would have likely seen if travel was avoided because of this encounter

Data collection level:



Students who received oral health services as part of the SB-TNGP during this measurement period

Skip logic:

NOTE that if the response to the previous question indicates that travel was avoided then this question will follow.

Valid (allowable) values:

Any numeric character

Note for abstractions:

  • Enter miles from the School to student’s likely provider as specified in the previous question.

  • Use Google maps or similar program to determine travel miles by car one way.

Source for definitions:

Modified PIMS

SB TNGP Data Element Dictionary – Version 0.4

Page 0

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSB TNGP Data Element Dictionary – Version 0.4
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-20

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