Footnotes for OMB

Footnotes for OMB.docx

Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Veterans Medallion Program

Footnotes for OMB

OMB: 1293-0015

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HIRE Vets Medallion Application Mockup Footnotes

Error Messages appear conditionally based on user input.

Tool Tip Text is always present next to the related question.

  1. Instructions

When the user clicks on the “Instructions” link, they will be shown a PDF that contains the instructions pages for each form.

  1. FAQ

When the user clicks on the “FAQ page” link, the user will be redirected to, where they will see FAQ content.

  1. FAQ in the Questions Box

When the user clicks on the “FAQ Page” link, the user will be redirected to, where they will see FAQ content.

  1. Contact Us in the Questions Box

When the user clicks on the “Contact Us” button, the user will be redirected to, where they will be able to complete a Contact Us form.

  1. Error Message for Employer Name

Employer Name is required

  1. Error Messages for EIN

  • EIN must contain nine digits (appears when user types in a non-nine digit response)

  • An application with this EIN already exists (appears when user types in a previously used nine digit response)

  • The employer must enter its EIN unless the employer uses an agent designated pursuant 26 CFR § 31.3504-1, a payor designated pursuant to 26 CFR § 31.3504-2, or a Certified Professional Employer Organization recognized pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 7705 to furnish the IRS Forms W-2 to its employees. If you are an employer that falls under one of these exceptions, you may leave this field blank. Otherwise, an EIN is required. (appears when user does not type in any response)

  1. Error Message for DUNS

  • DUNS must contain nine digits (appears when user types in a non-nine-digit response)

  • An application with this DUNS already exists (appears when user types in a previously used nine digit response)

  1. Error Message for Street Address

Street Address is required

  1. Error Message for City or Town

City or Town is required

  1. Error Messages for State or Province

    • State or Province is required (appears when user does not enter value)

    • State is required (appears when user selects United States and does not enter value)

    • Province is required (appears when user selects other country and does not enter value)

  1. Error Message for Zip Code or Postal Code

A zip code or postal code is required

  1. Dropdown List for State

The user will see a comprehensive list of all States in the United States, including the District of Columbia, listed alphabetically.

If a country other than the United States is selected from the Country dropdown list, the State dropdown list will change to collect a Province name.

  1. Error Message for Country

Country is required

  1. Dropdown List of Countries

The user will see a comprehensive list of countries (United States/territories listed first, alphabetically for the rest) – no abbreviations.

  1. Tool Tip Text for Employer Size

Employee means any individual for whom the employer furnishes an IRS Form W-2, excluding temporary workers.

Temporary Worker means any worker hired with the intention that the worker be retained for less than one year and who is actually retained for less than one year.

Veteran has the meaning given such term under 38 U.S.C. 101. VETS recognizes that most employers determine which employees are veterans according to the employee’s self-identification. VETS does not expect employer-applicants to change these practices in order to guarantee that every employee who self-identifies as a veteran meets the definition of veteran at 38 U.S.C. 101.

  1. Error Message for Employer Size

Employer Size Acknowledgement is required

  1. Error Message for Medallion Level

Award Level Acknowledgement is required

  1. Tool Tip Text for Definitions

Employee means any individual for whom the employer furnishes an IRS Form W-2, excluding temporary workers.

Temporary Worker means any worker hired with the intention that the worker be retained for less than one year and who is actually retained for less than one year.

Veteran has the meaning given such term under 38 U.S.C. 101. VETS recognizes that most employers determine which employees are veterans according to the employee’s self-identification. VETS does not expect employer-applicants to change these practices in order to guarantee that every employee who self-identifies as a veteran meets the definition of veteran at 38 U.S.C. 101.

  1. Error Message for Number of Veterans Hired

Number of Veterans Hired in the Preceding CY is required

  1. Error Message for Total Number of Employees

Total Number of Employees Hired in the Preceding CY is required

  1. Error Message for Veteran Hiring Percentage

Veteran Hiring Percentage in the Preceding CY does not meet the minimum threshold for this award (appears if user fills out preceding two values and percentage does not meet award criteria)

  1. Error Message for Number of Veterans Hired

Number of Veterans Hired in the CY Preceding the Preceding CY is required

  1. Error Message for Number of Veterans Hired and Retained

Number of Veterans Hired in the CY Preceding the Preceding CY Who Remained with the Employer for At Least 12 Months is required

  1. Error Message for Percentage of Veterans Retained

Percentage of Veterans Retained for 12 Months does not meet the minimum threshold for this award (appears if user fills out preceding two values and percentage does not meet award criteria)

  1. Tool Tip Text for Employee Veteran Organization or Resource Group

To satisfy this criterion, the employer’s Organization/Resource Group must:

      • assist new veteran employees with integration, including coaching and mentoring;

      • be a distinct organization or group (although admirable, an employer would not satisfy this criterion if the employer provided coaching and mentoring to veteran employees but did so without having established an organization or group);

      • still be in existence as of December 31 of the year prior to the calendar year in which the employer applies for the award. For example, if an employer applies for an award in 2020, the organization or group must still be in existence on December 31, 2019.

  1. Error Message for Employee Veteran Organization or Resource Group

A description of the Employer’s Organization/Resource Group is required

  1. Tool Tip Text for Leadership Program

To satisfy this criterion, the employer’s Leadership Program must:

      • enhance the leadership skills of veteran employees during their employment.

      • still be in existence as of December 31 of the year prior to the calendar year in which the employer applies for the award. For example, if an employer applies for an award in 2020, the leadership program must still be in existence on December 31, 2019.

A leadership program does not need to be exclusively for veterans so long as veteran employees may participate in the leadership program.

  1. Error Message for Leadership Program

A description of the Employer’s Leadership Program is required

  1. Tool Tip Text for Dedicated Human Resources Professional

To satisfy this criterion, the employer’s dedicated human resources professional(s) must:

      • provide support in all three of the following areas: hiring, training, and retention;

      • still be employed as of December 31 of the year prior to the calendar year in which the employer applies for the award. For example, if an employer applies for an award in 2020, the professional(s) must be employed on December 31, 2019.

Dedicated human resources professional(s) means either a full-time professional or the equivalent of a full-time professional dedicated exclusively to supporting the hiring, training, and retention of veteran employees. Two half-time professionals, for example, are equivalent to one full-time professional. Additionally, three full-time employees who devote fifty percent, thirty percent, and twenty percent of their time, respectively, to supporting the hiring, training, and retention of veteran employees would satisfy this criterion.

Dedicated human resources professional(s) need not be employees of the applicant. An applicant can satisfy this criterion by contracting out these services so long as those contracted services otherwise meet this definition.

  1. Error Message for Dedicated Human Resources Professional

A description of the Employer’s Dedicated Human Resources Professional(s) is required

  1. Tool Tip Text for Pay Differential

To satisfy this criterion, employers must:

      • provide each of its employees serving on active duty in the United States National Guard or Reserve with compensation sufficient, in combination with the employee’s active duty pay, to achieve a combined level of income commensurate with the employee’s salary prior to undertaking active duty;

      • provide the differential for as long as the employee is on active duty;

      • ensure that this pay differential is still in existence as of December 31 of the year prior to the calendar year in which the employer applies for the award. For example, if an employer applies for an award in 2020, the pay differential must still be in existence on December 31, 2019.

Active Duty means active duty as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101(d)(1).

Salary means an employee’s base pay. This means that employers need not provide overtime, shift differential, bonuses, tips, commissions, vacation and holiday pay, retirement and other related benefits, stock options, etc., as part of their pay differential to qualify for the award. Additionally, the method for calculating salary can be determined by the employer so long as that determination is reasonable and applied consistently across all employees.

  1. Error Message for Pay Differential

A description of the Employer’s Pay Differential Program is required

  1. Tool Tip Text for Tuition Assistance

To satisfy this criterion, employers must:

      • have a tuition assistance program to support veteran employees’ attendance in post-secondary education during the term of their employment;

      • ensure that the tuition assistance program is still in existence as of December 31 of the year prior to the calendar year in which the employer applies for the award. For example, if an employer applies for an award in 2020, the tuition assistance program must still be in existence on December 31, 2019.

Post-Secondary Education means post-secondary level education or training courses that would be acceptable for credit toward at least one of the following: associate's or bachelor’s degree or higher, any other recognized post-secondary credential, or an apprenticeship.

  1. Error Message for Tuition Assistance

A description of the Employer’s Tuition Assistance Program is required

  1. Tool Tip Text for Labor Law Violations

Employers cannot receive a HIRE Vets Medallion Award if they have any of the labor law violations identified in 20 CFR § 1011.120. The applicable language at 20 CFR § 1011.120 reads as follows:

(a) Any employer with an adverse labor law decision, stipulated agreement, contract debarment, or contract termination, as defined in paragraphs (b) through (e), pursuant to either of the following labor laws, as amended, will not be eligible to receive an award:

1. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA);

2. Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA);

(b) For purposes of this application, an adverse labor law decision means any of the following, issued in the calendar year prior to year in which applications are solicited or the calendar year in which applications are solicited up until the issuance of the award, in which a violation of any of the laws in paragraph (a) is found:

1. a civil or criminal judgment;

2. a final administrative merits determination of an administrative adjudicative board or commission; or

3. a decision of an administrative law judge or other administrative judge that is not appealed and that becomes the final agency action.

(c) For purposes of this application, a stipulated agreement means any agreement (including a settlement agreement, conciliation agreement, consent decree, or other similar document) to which the employer is a party, entered into in the calendar year prior to year in which applications are solicited or the calendar year in which applications are solicited up until the issuance of the award, that contains an admission that the employer violated any of the laws in paragraph (a).

(d) For purposes of this application, a contract debarment means any order or voluntary agreement, pursuant to the laws listed in paragraph (a), that debars the employer from receiving any future Federal contract. Employers shall be ineligible for an award for the duration of time that the contract debarment is in effect.

(e) For purposes of this application, a contract termination means any order or voluntary agreement, pursuant to the laws listed in paragraph (a), that terminates an existing Federal contract prior to its completion. Employers shall be ineligible for the award if this termination occurred in the calendar year prior to year in which applications are solicited or the calendar year in which applications are solicited up until the issuance of the award.

To receive a HIRE Vets Medallion Award, the employer must not have any violations identified in the above regulatory text during the time periods identified in the regulation.

Additionally, per 20 CFR § 1011.120(f), if VETS has credible information that a significant violation of one of the laws in paragraph (a) may have occurred that could lead to an employer being disqualified pursuant to any of paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section, VETS may delay issuing an award.

  1. Error Message for Labor Law Violations

Labor Law Violation Agreement is required

  1. Error Message for Attestation Name

Attestation Name is required

  1. Error Message for Attestation Title

Attestation Title is required

  1. Error Messages for Attestation Email

  • Attestation Email is required (appears when user does not include an email address)

  • Attestation Email is not valid (appears when an email address is in an invalid format)

  1. Error Message for Attestation Phone

Attestation Phone is required

  1. Error Message for Attestation Acknowledgement

Attestation Acknowledgement is required

  1. Error Message for Application Fee Payment Acknowledgement

Application Fee Payment Acknowledgement is required

  1. Error Message for Proportion of Veteran Employees

The proportion of veteran employees does not meet the minimum threshold for this award (appears if user fills out preceding two values and proportion does not meet award criteria)

  1. Tool Tip Text for Human Resources Veterans’ Initiative

To satisfy this criterion, the employer’s human resources veterans’ initiative must:

      • provide support in all three of the following areas: hiring, training, and retention;

      • still be in existence as of December 31 of the year prior to the calendar year in which the employer applies for the award. For example, if an employer applies for an award in 2020, the initiative must be in existence on December 31, 2019.

Human Resources Veterans’ Initiative: means an initiative through which an employer provides support for hiring, training, and retention of veteran employees.

This definition does not require that this support be provided by employees of the applicant. An applicant can satisfy this criterion by contracting out or partnering with a third-party that provides this support so long as the support provided otherwise meets this definition. For example, an employer may work with an American Job Center that is part of the nationwide workforce development system, as defined in section 3(67) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, in satisfying this criterion.

  1. Tool Tip for Item 2 Enter the Employer EIN

The employer must enter its EIN unless the employer uses an agent designated pursuant 26 CFR § 31.3504-1, a payor designated pursuant to 26 CFR § 31.3504-2, or a Certified Professional Employer Organization recognized pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 7705 to furnish the IRS Forms W-2 to its employees. If you are an employer that falls under one of these exceptions, you may leave this field blank. Otherwise, an EIN is required.

  1. Tool Tip for Province
    If your country does not have a province, please enter the equivalent information.

  2. "the HIRE Vets program" link
    A link which points to

  3. "read the Act and program rule" link
    A link which points to

  4. Error Message for Hiring and Retention criteria
    An applicant must satisfy either the hiring requirement OR the retention AND employee veteran percentage requirements

  5. Error Message for Employer Programs Medium Employer Platinum Award
    An applicant must satisfy ONE of the following three criteria: Item 23, 24, or25.

  6. Error message for Employer Programs Medium Gold Award
    An applicant must satisfy ONE of the following two criteria: Item 21 or Item 22

  7. Error message for Employer Programs Small Platinum Award
    An applicant must satisfy TWO of the following criteria: Items 21-25)

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBlidarescu, Diana [USA]
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-20

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