30 CFR Part 46 Starter Kit Model Training Plan

PT46 Sample Plan.pdf

Training Plans, New Miner Training, Newly-hired Experienced Miner Training

30 CFR Part 46 Starter Kit Model Training Plan

OMB: 1219-0131

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30 CFR Part 46 Starter Kit
Model Training Plan
U.S. Department of Labor

Mine Safety and Health Administration

National Mine Health and Safety Academy

Instruction Series Guide

IG 36

December 1999

Reprinted 2001

Developing a Training Plan
Your plan may be in any format, so long as it includes all the required information and
describes how the miners will be trained. Training plans can be hand-written, typed, or
generated on a computer. Also, we will have available on our website (www.msha.gov) a
program that will electronically walk you through the steps of developing a training plan.
You can use whatever format works best for your operation.
The sample forms in this section are strictly optional. We are making them available as
just one way you might put together your training plan. You may decide to use the entire
sample plan or you might select certain sections to enhance the program you already have
in place.

This sample training plan covers all the required topics under part 46. If you complete
these materials thoughtfully with regard to your own operation, you will have an approved
training plan. Space is provided for each of the required subjects. We have also provided
options for teaching methods, course materials and evaluation procedures, and a place to
list your estimated teaching time for each subject so that you can customize the plan to
meet your specific needs. If additional pages are needed for other subjects or tasks, you
may make copies from this package. You may use the entire sample plan or selected
portions. If the information you provide is complete and correct, you will be in compliance
with the plan requirements for part 46.
If you need assistance completing the training plan, you may contact Educational Field
Services (see list of educational field services contacts in this starter kit), MSHA District
Offices, or an MSHA State Grants Program (see list of grantees in this starter kit).

If you choose to send a training plan to us, please use the appropriate following address (see
map below):
Eastern Regional Manager

Educational Field Services

1301 Airport Road

Beaver, West Virginia 25813-9426

Phone: 1-800-678-6746

Western Regional Manager

Educational Field Services

P.O. Box 25367

Denver, Colorado 80225-0367

Phone: 1-800-579-2647 

If a plan does not include the required minimum information listed in the rule, you must
submit the plan to the appropriate Regional Manager, Educational Field Services Division,
for approval.

Sample Plan Instructions
Training Programs
Under each subject listed in your plan, check the teaching methods, course materials, and
evaluation procedures that apply. If a subject does not apply to your mine or operation,
indicate this by checking “not applicable” in the block for that subject. Instructions for
completing the subject blocks in all the training programs are as follows:
Indicate the approximate number of hours and/or minutes that will be spent on each
subject within each training program. The time may be a single amount, such as, 45
minutes; or a range of times, such as, 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Teaching Methods
Indicate the method by which each subject is to be taught. Some of the more common
methods include:


Discussion (normally used with other methods)


Demonstration (often used when teaching skills)

Site tour (walk around tours of the work environment)


Games (good for annual refresher and for evaluations)

Practice (used when teaching and evaluating skills)

Course Training Materials

Indicate the materials that will be used for each subject. Some places where you can get
training materials include:

MSHA’s National Mine Health and Safety Academy in Beckley, West Virginia
(refer to the Catalog of Training Products for the Mining Industry)
State grantees
Trade associations
Not-for-profit groups (e.g. National Safety Council; American Society of Safety
Your insurance carrier

Evaluation Procedures
Several procedures are available for evaluating the retention and understanding of the
trainee. Examples of evaluation procedures include:

Oral or written examination

Demonstrated performance

Observation of trainee reactions and understanding

Participation in discussions and activities

Get Form For On-Screen Fill In

General Information (Cover Sheet)

Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

If your company operates more than one mine, there must be one plan for each mine and mine ID number.
Independent contractors should list their three-digit contractor ID number if they have one. Independent
contractors do not need a contractor ID number in order for their plan to be approved.

Item 1. Company and Mine names [Section 46.3(b)(1)]




Company Name:









City, State & Code:



Mine Name:



The individual responsible for safety and health training at the mine is the person MSHA should contact regarding
training related matters.

Item 2. Person responsible for health and safety training at the mine (Name and Position)
[Section 46.3(b)(2)]






Optional Information
Phone Number:





Each training plan must list at least one competent person or organization. The competent person may work for the
company, may be employed by an independent training service, or may be an instructor for a State Grants
Program. If you employ a training organization, you may list the organization name and not the names of each
individual person or instructor. When an organization is listed, all instructors of that organization will be included
by reference and will change as the organization's staffing changes. For each person or organization, list the
subject areas in which they are competent to instruct.

Item 3. Competent persons or organizations and subject areas each is competent to instruct
[Section 46.3(b)(4)]:


















































New Miner Training Program
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Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _ _

New Miner Training Program (Section 46.5)

Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Each new miner must receive no less than 24 hours of training [Section 46.5(a)]. Miners who
have not received the full 24 hours of new miner training must work under the observation of an
experienced miner.
A. Each new miner must receive the following training before the miner begins work. This
training must be no less than 4 hours and must also address site-specific hazards [Section
1. Introduction to work environment [Section 46.5(b)(1)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

New Miner Training Program

2. Recognition and avoidance of electrical hazards and other hazards, such as traffic
patterns and control, mobile equipment, and ground conditions [Section 46.5(b)(2)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

3. Emergency medical procedures; escape and emergency evacuation plans; firewarning
signals and firefighting procedures [Section 46.5(b)(3)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer
œ escape and emergency
evacuation plans

œ firewarning signals and
firefighting procedures
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

New Miner Training Program

4. Health and safety aspects of the tasks to be assigned [Section 46.5(b)(4)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual
œ practice under close observation

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ safe work procedures
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

5. Statutory rights of miners and their representatives [Section 46.5(b)(5)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes


œ computer
œ other


Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ 1977 Mine Act

œ company rules
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

New Miner Training Program

6. Authority and responsibilities of supervisors and miners’ representatives
[Section 46.5(b)(6)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ computer
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ 1977 Mine Act

œ company rules
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

7. Introduction to rules and procedures for reporting hazards [Section 46.5(b)(7)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ computer
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ 1977 Mine Act
œ company rules

œ mine communication system
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

New Miner Training Program

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B. After each new miner begins work, the miner must receive the following training within
60 days [Section 46.5(c)].
1. Self-rescue and respiratory devices [Section 46.5(c)(1)]
This subject is: œ applicable œ not applicable
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ training devices
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback
œ observation

œ fit test
œ other

2. First aid [Section 46.5(c)(2)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ first aid supplies
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

New Miner Training Program

C. After each new miner begins work, the miner must receive the balance, if any, of the 24
hours of training on any other subjects that promote occupational health and safety for
miners at the mine within 90 days [Section 46.5(d)].
If other subjects will be taught based on circumstances or conditions at the mine, the “Yes” box
should be checked and a completed “Other Subject(s)” page for each attached.
œ Yes

œ No

New Miner Training Program

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Section 46.5
C. Other Subject(s)
Subject Title:
[Section 46.5(d)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program

Get Form For On-Screen Fill In

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program
(Section 46.6)

Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Each newly-hired experienced miner must receive the following training [Section 46.6(a)]. As
specified below, some of the training will be given before the miner begins work; while the
balance of the required training must be given no later than 60 days after work begins.
A. Each newly-hired experienced miner must receive the following training before the
miner begins work. This training must also address site-specific hazards [Section 46.6(b)]:
1. Introduction to work environment [Section 46.6(b)(1)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program

2. Recognition and avoidance of electrical hazards and other hazards, such as traffic
patterns and control, mobile equipment, and ground conditions [Section 46.6(b)(2)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ lockout devices
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

3. Emergency medical procedures; escape and emergency evacuation plans; firewarning
signals and firefighting procedures [Section 46.6(b)(3)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer
œ escape and emergency evacuation

œ firewarning signals and
firefighting procedures
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program

4. Health and safety aspects of the tasks to be assigned [Section 46.6(b)(4)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual
œ practice under close observation

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ safe work procedures
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

5. Statutory rights of miners and their representatives [Section 46.6(b)(5)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ computer
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ 1977 Mine Act

œ company rules
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program

6. Authority and responsibilities of supervisors and miners’ representatives [Section
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ computer
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ 1977 Mine Act

œ company rules
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

7. Introduction to rules and procedures for reporting hazards [Section 46.6(b)(7)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ computer
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ 1977 Mine Act
œ company rules

œ mine communication system
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program
Get Form For On-Screen Fill In
B. After each newly-hired experienced miner begins work, the miner must receive the
following training within 60 days [Section 46.6(c)].

1. Self-rescue and respiratory devices [Section 46.6(c)(1)]
This subject is: œ applicable œ not applicable
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ training devices
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback
œ observation

œ fit test
œ other

C. Training may address any other subjects that promote occupational health and safety
for miners [Section 46.6(e)].
If other subjects will be taught based on circumstances or conditions at the mine, the “Yes” box
should be checked and a completed “Other Subject(s)” page for each attached.
œ Yes

œ No

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program

D. When a newly-hired experienced miner returns to the same mine following an absence
of 12 months or less, the miner must receive training on any changes at the mine that
occurred during the miner's absence that could adversely affect the miner's health or
safety. This training must be given before the miner begins work at the mine. If the miner
missed any part of annual refresher training under Section 46.8 during the absence, the
missed training must be given within 90 days after the miner begins work at the mine
[Section 46.6(f)].

Newly-Hired Experienced Miner Training Program

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Section 46.6
C. Other Subject(s)
Subject Title:
[Section 46.6(e)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

New Task Training Program

Get Form For On-Screen Fill In

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

New Task Training Program (Section 46.7)

Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Each miner who is assigned to a new task in which he or she has no previous work experience
must be trained in the health and safety aspects and safe work procedures specific to that new
task. This training must be provided before the miner performs the new task. If a change occurs
in a miner's assigned task that affects the health and safety risks encountered by the miner, the
miner must be given training that addresses the change. Practice under close observation of a
competent person may be used to fulfill the requirement for task training under this section
[Section 46.7(d)].
Each task that will require training is specified below. The competent person who will provide
the training is listed in Item 3 of the General Information section.
1. Health and safety aspects and safe work procedures of the new task
Specify the task: [


Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual
œ practice under close observation

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer
œ operating manuals


Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

safe work procedures
applicable regulations

New Task Training Program

If other tasks require training at the mine, the “Yes” box should be checked and a completed
“Other Task(s)” page for each attached.
œ Yes

œ No

B. When changes occur in a miner's assigned task that affect the health and safety risks
encountered by the miner, the miner must receive training that addresses the change(s)
[Section 46.7(b)].

New Task Training Program

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Section 46.7
A. Other Task(s)
Health and safety aspects and safe work procedures of the new task
Specify the task:
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual
œ practice under close observation

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer
œ operating manuals


Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

safe work procedures
applicable regulations

Get Form For On-Screen Fill In

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Annual Refresher Training Program

Contractor ID _ _ _

Annual Refresher Training Program (Section 46.8)

Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Each miner must receive a minimum of 8 hours of annual refresher training at least once every
12 months. The training must include instruction on changes at the mine that could adversely
affect the miner’s health or safety. The refresher training must also address other health and
safety subjects relevant to the mine.
A. Each miner must receive the following training [Section 46.8(b)]
1. Changes at the mine that affect the miner’s health or safety
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

B. Miners will also receive training in the following recommended subjects and for
hazards that have accounted for the most fatalities and injuries at the mine, where
appropriate [Section 46.8(c)]
If any of the recommended subjects will be taught at the mine, the “Yes” box is checked and a
completed “Recommended Subject(s)” page for each is attached.
œ Yes

œ No

If other subjects will be taught based on circumstances or conditions at the mine, the “Yes” box
should be checked and a completed “Other Subject(s)” page for each attached.
œ Yes

œ No

Annual Refresher Training Program

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Section 46.8

Recommended Subject(s)

(Check one subject from the following:)


Applicable health and safety requirements, including mandatory standards

Transportation controls and communication systems

Escape and emergency evacuation plans; firewarning and firefighting

Ground conditions and control

Working in areas of highwalls

Water hazards, pits, and spoil banks

First aid

Prevention of accidents


Mobile equipment; conveyor systems; cranes; crushers; excavators; and dredges

Maintenance and repair; material handling; fall prevention and protection; and working

around moving objects
Traffic patterns and control
Illumination and night work
Electrical hazards
Respiratory devices

Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Annual Refresher Training Program

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Section 46.8
Other Subject(s)
Subject Title:
[Section 46.8(c)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Get Form For On-Screen Fill In

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Hazard Awareness Training Program

Contractor ID _ _ _

Hazard Awareness Training Program (Section 46.11)

Date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _

Site-specific hazard awareness training must be given before any person specified under this
section is exposed to mine hazards [Section 46.11(a)].
This training must be given to any person who is not a miner as defined by Section 46.2 but is
present at the mine site. Such persons may include, but are not limited to, office personnel,
delivery workers, and customers [Section 46.11(b)]. This training must also be provided to
miners, such as drillers or blasters, who move from one mine to another mine while remaining
employed by the same production-operator or independent contractor [Section 46.11(c)].
Site-specific hazard awareness training is not required for any person who is accompanied at all
times by an experienced miner who is familiar with hazards specific to the mine [Section
The production-operator has primary responsibility for ensuring that hazard awareness training is
given to employees of independent contractors who are required to receive that training. The
production-operator must provide information to each independent contractor who employs a
person at the mine on site-specific mine hazards [Section 46.12(a)]. Also, the independent
contractor must inform the production-operator of any hazards they may create while working at
the mine [Section 46.12(b)(2)].
Each independent contractor who employs a miner (as defined in Section 46.2) at the mine has
primary responsibility for providing new miner training, newly-hired experienced miner training,
new task training, and annual refresher training. Independent contractors will inform the
production-operator of any hazards contractors may create by the performance of their work at
the mine [Section 46.12(b)].

Hazard Awareness Training Program

A. Training must address site-specific health and safety risks. The training will include
the following subjects or other special safety procedures, where appropriate [Section
Independent contractors who will be receiving hazard awareness training from the productionoperator and will not need to provide this training to their own employees or employees of other
independent contractors are not required to complete this part of the training plan.
Contractors may check here when this part is: œ not applicable.
1. Hazards a miner may be exposed to while at the mine, including applicable emergency
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual
œ written warnings

œ demonstration

œ site tour

œ other 

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer
œ company rules/policies


Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation

œ other 


signs and posted warnings

applicable regulations


If other subjects will be taught to cover site-specific health and safety risks at the mine, the
“Yes” box is checked and a completed “Health and Safety Subject(s)” page for each is attached.
œ Yes

œ No

If other subjects will be taught based on circumstances or conditions at the mine, the “Yes” box
should be checked and a completed “Other Subject(s)” page for each attached.
œ Yes

œ No

Hazard Awareness Training Program

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Section 46.11

A. Health and Safety Subject(s)

(Check one subject from the following:)


Unique geologic or environmental conditions

Recognition and avoidance of hazards such as electrical hazards

Powered haulage hazards

Traffic patterns and control, and restricted areas

Warning and evacuation signals

Evacuation and emergency procedures

Other special safety procedures

Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer
œ company rules/policies

œ checklist(s)
œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Hazard Awareness Training Program

Mine ID # _ _ - _ _ _ _ _

Contractor ID _ _ _

Section 46.11
Other Subject(s)
Subject Title:
[Section 46.11(d)]
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual
œ computer

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other

Hazard Awareness Training Program

B. Training must be provided to miners, such as drillers or blasters, who move from one
mine to another mine while remaining employed by the same production-operator or
independent contractor [Section 46.11(c)].
Independent contractors who will be receiving this training from the production-operator and
will not be providing this training to employees of other independent contractors are not
required to complete this part of the training plan.
Contractors may check here when this part is: œ not applicable.
1. Hazards a miner may be exposed to while at the mine, including applicable emergency
Approximate Time(s): _ _ hours _ _ minutes

to _ _ hours _ _ minutes

Teaching Methods:
œ lecture
œ discussion
œ audiovisual
œ computer

œ demonstration
œ site tour
œ other

Course Training Materials:
œ company
œ vendor/manufacturer

œ applicable regulations
œ other

Evaluation Procedures:
œ oral feedback
œ written feedback

œ observation
œ other


You may select the task(s) to include for training from the list below, or write in your own description in
the space provided on the plan.

Auger helper

Auger operator

Barge attendant/boat operator/dredge operator

Beltman/conveyor crew/vulcanizer

Belt/conveyor man/crew

Bobcat operator

Brakeman/rope rider/car dropper

Bulldozer/tractor operator

Car dump/rotary dump/shake-out operator/helper

Car dump/shake-out/roscoe/loaderhead operator

Cement man/mason/bricklayer

Clam shell operator

Cleanup man

Crane operator

Cutting machine helper

Cutting machine operator


Drill helper/chuck tender

Drill operator (wagon/diamond)

Driver jeep/pickup

Dryer/kiln operator/worker


Engineer (electrical/mining)

Forklift operator

Front-end loader/high lift operator

Grader/road roller operator

Hand loader

Highwall drill operator/helper

Hoistman/hoist engineer/helper


Laborer/utility man/bull gang

Loading machine helper

Loading machine/loader operator


Metal/Nonmetal sampler/dust sampler/lab technician


Miner/surface miner

Mucking machine operator




Rock driller

Rotary bucket excavator operator

Scalper/screen/sizing/tipple plant worker

Scoop car/tram/load haul dump operator

Shopman/millwright/machinist/bit sharpener


Shovel operator (stripping/loading)

Silo/train load out operator

Sizing/washing/cleaning plant operator/worker

Stone finishing/sizing personnel


Supplyman/warehouseman/supply driver

Survey crew

Timberman/propman/steel setter/steelworker

Track man/track gang/tamping machine operator


Truck driver

Union official/safety representative

Ventilation man/crew/builder/brattice man


Water attendant



Yard engine engineer/fireman

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title30 CFR 46.3
File Modified2001-06-15
File Created1999-12-07

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