TCEO Post-course Evaluation

Application for Training

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TCEO Post-Course Evaluation

OMB: 0920-0017

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CDC Course Evaluation
Live and Enduring Educational Activity

Form Approved
OMB No. 0920 – 0017
Expiration Date: 06/30/2019

WB3888 – CDC Course Evaluation
Please take a moment to give us your honest feedback about this course. Your comments will help us improve future
educational activities.
Knowledge, Competence, Practice
1. How relevant is this course to your current work?
☐ Not at all relevant
☐ Slightly relevant
☐ Moderately relevant
☐ Very relevant
☐ Extremely relevant
2. Will you use what you learned from this course in your work?
☐ Definitely not
☐ Probably not
☐ Possibly
☐ Probably will
☐ Definitely will
☐ Not applicable, I did not learn anything from this course
The public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average10 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing
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not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to - CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta,
Georgia 30333 ATTN: PRA (0920-0017).

CDC Course Evaluation
Live and Enduring Educational Activity

3. How will you use what you learned from this course? I will: (select all that apply)
☐ maintain my competence
☐ increase my competence
☐ improve my performance
☐ provide clinical interventions in practice
☐ develop strategies I can use in practice
☐ other (please specify)
☐ not applicable, I did not learn from this course
☐ not applicable, I do not plan to use anything from this course
4. What do you plan to use from this course? (if it applies)
5. How will your team benefit as a result of what you learned? I will: (select all that apply)
☐ provide better communication across my interprofessional team(s)
☐ share information with colleagues to improve patient education
☐ identify changes needed in practice
☐ increase participation in shared decision making across my interprofessional team(s)
☐ other (please specify)
☐ not applicable, I did not learn from the course and/or it will not benefit my team
6. What factors will keep you from using what you learned from this course in your work? (select all that apply)
☐ None, I will use what I learned in my work
☐ I need additional training in the subject matter
☐ I will not have the resources I need
☐ I will not be provided opportunities to use what I learned
☐ I will not have time to use what I learned
☐ My supervisor will not support me in using what I learned
☐ My colleagues will not support me in using what I learned
☐ What I learned is not relevant to my current work
☐ Other (please specify):

CDC Course Evaluation
Live and Enduring Educational Activity

7. What is your opinion of the balance of lecture and interactivity in this course?
☐ Too much lecture and not enough interactive learning
☐ Right amount of both lecture and interactive learning
☐ Too much interactive learning and not enough lecture
8. The instructional strategies (lecture, case scenarios, figures, tables, media, etc.) helped me learn.
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Disagree
☐ Neither/Undecided
☐ Agree
☐ Strongly agree
9. Presenter 1 presented the content effectively.
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Disagree
☐ Neither/Undecided
☐ Agree
☐ Strongly agree
10. Presenter 2 (if necessary) presented the content effectively.
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Disagree
☐ Neither/Undecided
☐ Agree
☐ Strongly agree
11. Presenter 3 (if necessary) presented the content effectively.
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Disagree
☐ Neither/Undecided
☐ Agree
☐ Strongly agree

Note: The following
questions 9-11 may be
duplicated for
additional presenters.
In this example we
have 3 presenters

CDC Course Evaluation
Live and Enduring Educational Activity

Content and Learning objectives
12. What part of this course was most helpful to your learning?
13. How could this course be improved to make it a more effective learning experience?
14. After completing this course I can __________Learning Objective 1 ______________
☐ Yes
☐ No
15. After completing this course I can __________Learning Objective 2 (if necessary) _________
☐ Yes
☐ No
16. After completing this course I can __________Learning Objective 3 (if necessary) _________
☐ Yes
☐ No
17. Was the content relevant to the learning objectives?
☐ Yes
☐ No
18. Did the content address an educational need or practice gap?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Not sure
19. Was the learning environment conducive to learning?
☐ Yes
☐ No

Note: The following
questions 14-16
may be duplicated
for additional
In this example we
have listed 3

CDC Course Evaluation
Live and Enduring Educational Activity

20a. Do you believe this course was influenced by commercial interests?
☐ Yes
☐ No
b. If yes, please explain.
21. What are your recommendations for improvements to the CDC’s Training and Continuing Education
Online (TCEO) system?

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLee, Courtney D. (CDC/OPHSS/CSELS/DSEPD)
File Modified2018-09-25
File Created2018-09-25

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