Application Stage

TIGER/BUILD Discretionary Grant Program and National Infrastructure Investments


Application Stage

OMB: 2105-0563

Document [pdf]
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TIGER II Discretionary Grant Pre-Application Instructions
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(F5 on MS Internet Explorer).
Website Access, Registration, & Navigation:
Any party wishing to submit a pre-application(s) for TIGER II Discretionary Grants may access the TIGER II
Discretionary Grant Pre-Application by placing into a web
browser. Once you have accessed the website, you will be presented with six options:
(1) Login, (2) Change Your Password, (3) New User Registration, (4) Forgotten Your Password, (5) Enter a
New Pre-Application, and (6) Edit or View Existing TIGER II Pre-Application. You must self register in
order to submit a pre-application. You do not need to register again in order to submit additional preapplications.
To register, click the “New User Registration” link. You will then be presented with a window where you
will provide your registration information. You are first asked to provide your “User Name.” This can be
anything you choose although it is recommended that you choose something that you can easily
remember and keep it relatively short (e.g. “johndoe” if your e-mail is “[email protected]”).
Following that, you are asked to enter your first name, last name, and e-mail address. For security
purposes, you will also be asked to type in a set of six characters that are presented as a picture. If you
are unable to discern the characters, you can click the “Can’t see the word?” link to be given a new set
of characters. You may do this as many times as you wish in order to obtain a legible set of characters.
Once all of your information has been entered and you are satisfied with your entry, click “Create User”
to complete the self-registration process. You are then taken to the confirmation screen, clicking the
“Continue” button will return you to the home page.
Once your registration is approved, you will receive two different e-mails containing your login
information. The first e-mail you receive will be a “Welcome to the SharePoint Group” e-mail and will
contain your user ID. Subsequently, you will receive a password e-mail that is used to log into the site.
It will take at least one business day to receive your user name and password. Also, you must register
as a new user by COB on July 16th in order to ensure that you will receive your password in time to
submit your pre-application(s). Once you login, you may change your password by clicking on “Change
Your Password” or you can request that your password be reset to a computer generated password by
clicking on “Forgotten Your Password.”
Once you have completed the self-registration process, have received your user name and password,
and have logged in, you can submit a pre-application by clicking the “Enter a New TIGER II PreApplication” link from the links menu on the homepage. You will then be presented with the fields

identified below that you must complete in order to have a complete pre-application. Remember that
you must click the “OK” button that appears at the top or bottom of the list in order to create a preapplication record. Detailed instruction on exactly how to enter, edit, and view pre-applications follows

Field Level Instruction
Please find the field level instructions in the following table. Required fields will be noted with a red
asterisk (*). If you attempt to enter a pre-application without the requisite information supplied in all of
the required fields by clicking “OK”, you will be returned to the open pre-application and red text stating
“You must specify a value for this required field” will appear below the fields that are missing
information. Once you have supplied all of the requisite information and clicked “OK” to save your preapplication, you will be returned to the view of your pre-application(s) that allows you to edit or enter
new items.
Field #

Field Name
Project Name *
Was a TIGER I application
submitted for this project?


Applicant / Organization
Name *
Applicant / Organization
Contact Person *



Applicant / Organization
Contact Business Phone
Number *


Applicant / Organization
Contact Business E-mail *


Applicant / Organization
Contact Business Street
Address *


Applicant / Organization
Contact City *
Applicant / Organization
Contact State *
Applicant / Organization
Contact Zip *
Primary Applicant Type *


Enter a descriptive title for the project.
Please use the drop down list provided to identify whether or not an
application was previously submitted for this project under the TIGER I
Discretionary Grant program, and, if so, whether the TIGER II
Discretionary Grant application is expected to be substantially similar or
materially different from the previous application.
Please enter your 9-digit DUNS number
Please enter the name of the Applicant/Organization
Please enter the business contact information for the
Applicant/Organization. This will be the person that the DOT will
communicate with in regard to the project identified in this preapplication.
Please enter a 10-digit phone number XXX-XXX-XXXX. This will be the
phone number that the DOT will use in order to communicate with the
Applicant/Organization with regard to the project identified in this preapplication.
Please enter a business e-mail address. This will be the e-mail address
that the DOT will use in order to communicate with the
Applicant/Organization with regard to the project identified in this preapplication.
Please enter business street address information. This will be the
address that the DOT will use in order to communicate with the
Applicant/Organization with regard to the project identified in this preapplication.
Please enter the City associated with the street address.
Please select the state or territory.
Please enter the 5-digit zip code.
Select the applicant type for the “Primary” or “Lead” applicant the drop
down list.


Field #

Field Name
Co-Applicant Type



Is the Project Multimodal?
(If yes, select "Yes" as well
as identify the relevant
modes in the following
three fields. If no, select
"No" and make a selection
in only the "Primary Project
Type" field). *
Primary Project Type *


Secondary Project Type


Additional Project Type


Is this pre-application for a
Planning Grant? *


If Planning Grant, please
select the related funding
Primary Planning Grant



Secondary Planning Grant


Additional Planning Grant
Additional Planning Grant
Project Description *


Select the applicant type for the co-applicant, if applicable, from the
drop down list.
If the project encompasses more than one mode of transportation,
please answer “Yes.” You will have the opportunity to identify these
modes in additional fields.

Please identify the “Primary” mode of the project. Applicants that are
only applying for either TIGER II Planning or HUD Community Challenge
Planning Grants should enter N/A as they will have the opportunity to
identify planning grant type(s) in later fields.
Please identify the “Secondary” mode of the project. Applicants that are
only applying for either TIGER II Planning or HUD Community Challenge
Planning Grants should enter N/A as they will have the opportunity to
identify planning grant type(s) in later fields.
Please identify any additional mode that is not encompassed by the
“Primary” and “Secondary” project types. Applicants that are only
applying for either TIGER II Planning or HUD Community Challenge
Planning Grants should enter N/A as they will have the opportunity to
identify planning grant type(s) in later fields.
Please select yes if this pre-application is for a “Planning Grant.”

Please select whether this pre- application is for a “TIGER II Planning
Grant,” a “HUD Community Challenge Planning Grant,” or a combination
of both.
Please identify the “Primary” mode/type of the planning activity.
Applicants that are only applying for TIGER II discretionary grants for
capital investments should enter N/A as they will have entered the
mode in previous fields.
Please identify the “Secondary” mode/type of the planning activity.
Applicants that are only applying for TIGER II discretionary grants for
capital investments should enter N/A as they will have entered the
mode in previous fields.
Please identify any additional mode/type that is not encompassed by
the “Primary” and “Secondary” planning grant types.
If necessary, please briefly enter any additional information about the
type of planning grant to be requested.
Describe the project in plain English terms that would be generally
understood by the public, using no more than 50 words. For example,
“The project will replace the existing bridge over the W river on
Interstate-X between the cities of Y and Z” or “the TIGER II Planning
Grant will fund planning activities for streetcar service from location X to
location Y.” Please do not describe the project’s benefits, background,
or alignment with the selection criteria in this description field.


Field #

Field Name
Total Amount Requested
from TIGER II Funds *


Total Project Cost *
Cities Impacted by
Proposed Project *
Counties Impacted by
Proposed Project *
Primary Proposed Project
State *
Additional Project State (1)
Additional Project State (2)
Additional Project State (3)
Additional Project State (4)
Additional Project State (5)
Additional Project State (6)
Primary Congressional
District *
Additional Congressional
District (1)
Additional Congressional
District (2)
Additional Congressional
District (3)
Additional Congressional
District (4)
Additional Congressional
District (5)
Additional Congressional
District (6)
Additional Congressional
District (7)
Additional Congressional
District (8)
Additional Congressional
District (9)
Additional Congressional
District (10)
Type of Jurisdiction *


Enter the total amount of TIGER II discretionary funds being requested
by the project represented in this pre-application in whole US dollars.
For example, 3,000,000 would represent three million. Dollar signs are
not necessary.
Enter the total cost of the project.
Enter the cities in which the project is located. Please separate by
comma if more than one.
Enter the counties in which the project is located. Please separate by
comma if more than one.
Select the State/Territory that is the primary or lead location for the
Select any additional affected State/Territory.
Select any additional affected State/Territory.
Select any additional affected State/Territory.
Select any additional affected State/Territory.
Select any additional affected State/Territory.
Select any additional affected State/Territory.
Select the congressional district that is the primary or lead location for
the project.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Select any additional affected congressional district.
Please select “urban” if the project is located in an Urbanized Area, as
such term is defined by the Census Bureau, and “rural” if the project is
not located in an Urbanized Area, as such term is defined by the Census
Bureau. If a portion of the project is in an Urbanized Area and a portion
of the project is not in an Urbanized Area, please select “urban/rural”.
For Census 2000, the Census Bureau defined an Urbanized Area (UA) as
an area that consists of densely settled territory that contains 50,000 or
more people. Updated lists of UAs are available on the Census Bureau
Web site. Urban Clusters (UCs) will be considered rural areas for
purposes of the TIGER II Discretionary Grant program.


Field #

Field Name
Economically Distressed
Area *


Federal Wage Rate
Certificate *


Payment *
NEPA Status *


NEPA Comment


Project has secured 20%
matching funds *


20% matching funds

Please select “yes” if all or a material portion of the project is located in
an Economically Distressed Area as defined by section 301 of the Public
Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended (42 U.S.C.
3161). While Economically Distressed Areas are typically identified
under the Public Works and Economic Development Act at the county
level, for the purposes of this program DOT will consider regions,
municipalities, smaller areas within larger communities, or other
geographic areas to be Economically Distressed Areas if an applicant can
demonstrate that any such area otherwise meets the requirements of an
Economically Distressed Area as defined in section 301 of the Public
Works and Economic Development Act of 1965. Please select “no” if the
project is not located in an Economically Distressed Area.
Please select “yes” if the application will include the required
certification, signed by the applicant, stating that it will comply with the
requirements of subchapter IV of chapter 31 of title 40, United States
Code (Federal wage rate requirements), as required by the FY 2010
Appropriations Act), and “no” if the application will not provide this
Please select “yes” if the application will be for a TIGER II TIFIA Payment
and “no” if the application will not be for a TIGER II TIFIA Payment.
Please select from the drop down menu the status of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Review for your project. If NEPA has
not been completed, please indicate what NEPA document is expected
and provide a brief summary in the NEPA comment box below detailing
the progress of the NEPA review and anticipated completion date.
As stated in the instructions for the NEPA Status field, if NEPA has not
been completed (any selection other that “NEPA Complete” was
chosen), please indicate what NEPA document is expected and provide a
brief summary in the NEPA comment box detailing the progress of the
NEPA review and note the anticipated completion date.
Please provide an assurance that local matching funds to support 20
percent or more of the costs of the project are identified and committed
by selecting yes or no from the drop down.
Please describe, in 50 words or less, the sources of such matching funds.
Applicants for projects located in rural areas do not need to provide
matching funds, but should respond to this request to the extent
matching funds would be provided.

Editing an Existing Record
If you wish to edit a pre-application after it is created, you can do this by clicking on the “Edit or View
Existing Tiger II Pre-Application” link from the home page. After you have clicked on the link (and you
have already created a pre-application), you will taken to a view of all of the pre-applications that have
been created under your account. To edit the application, you must first click on the project name that
you wish to edit (this appears in blue text).


After you click on the project name, you will be taken to a window that provides a view of the entire
record. In order to edit the record, you will need to select “Edit Item” as shown in the picture below.

You will then be taken to a view of the pre-application record that will allow you to change the values of
the fields and enter new changes to descriptions or additional information. Remember, you must click
“OK” to save your changes.

Application ID
As stated in the Federal Register notice of funding availability for the TIGER II Discretionary Grant
program, published on June 1, 2010, your full application must be submitted through
As the notice explained, a unique pre-application is required for each and every grant application that
is to be submitted. The DOT will be tracking all of the pre-applications and applications through the use
of “Application IDs.” A unique Application ID will be provided to each and every pre-application that is
created. The Application ID is a combination of your User Name and the record number that is
automatically created by the pre-application tool (username-xxxx). The Application ID is created only
after a pre-application record has been completed by successfully completing the entry of the preapplication fields as instructed below.
Once you have completed a record or have returned to the site, logged in, and clicked “Edit or View
Existing TIGER Pre-Application”, you will see your list of pre-application records. The unique Application

ID is presented as the second item in the list going from left to right. The Application ID(s) will be
required when you submit your final application(s) through As such, the Application ID
will need to be entered exactly as it appears in the pre-application record, so the final application
package submitted through by Aug 23rd matches up with a pre-application record. No
application will be considered complete unless a pre-application was completed and a matching
Application ID is provided with the application. You will be able to access the submitted pre-application
information until August 24th. You will be unable to edit you pre-applications after July 26th. Lastly,
please remember that you need to have registered as a new user by COB on July 16th in order to
ensure that you will receive your password for logging into the site. To easily view any and all of the
pre-applications and associated “Application IDs”, please click on the “Edit or View Existing TIGER PreApplication” link from the home page. Upon clicking this link, you will be shown a view of all of your
pre-application records. The application ID for a specific project will be located directly to the right of
the “Project Name” field as shown here.


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMerritt, Charles Kevin
File Modified2010-06-23
File Created2010-06-23

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