Form 0920-18AWP High Risk Follow-up Survey

Using Social Media for Recruitment in Cancer Prevention and Control Survey-based Research (SMFR Study)

Attachment 3d High Risk Follow Up Survey-FINAL ICRO

Adults at High Risk for Cancer Follow-up Survey

OMB: 0920-1272

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Exp. Date 00/00/201X

Attachment 3d:

High Risk Follow-Up Survey

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-XXXX).

HIGH-RISK FOLLOW UP WEB QUESTIONNAIRE16.ll continue to refine the draft questionnaire for submission to CDC by April 13th ulation Survey.


WINTRO_1 Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study!

Please use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to navigate between the questions within the questionnaire. Do not use your browser buttons.

If at any time during the survey, you would like to exit, please use the “Save & Exit” button above. Using this button will save all of the data you have already entered and ensure you are able to return to the same location to complete the survey.



In case you need to exit the survey and complete it at a later time or you get disconnected, please [enter/confirm] your email address so we can send you a link to re-access the survey.

Please enter your email address:

Please reenter your email address:

Prefer not to answer

<Programmer Note: If respondent was recruited by email, please autofill

email address here. If accessing from email, use “confirm” else use “enter” >


<Programmer: If respondent logging back into survey>

WINTRO_2 Welcome Back!

Please use the “Next” and “Back” buttons to navigate between the questions within the questionnaire. Do not use your browser buttons.

If at any time during the survey, you would like to exit, please use the “Save & Exit” button above. Using this button will save all of the data you have already entered and ensure you are able to return to the same location to complete the survey.

Shape4 Continue from where I left off


Section I. General Health

Thank you for your [continued] participation in this important study! For this [follow up] survey, we will start by asking you a few questions about your health.

<Programmer Note: use autofills if respondent recruited by email>

  1. In general, how is your health? Would you say it is…?

Shape6 Excellent

Shape7 Very good

Shape8 Good

Shape9 Fair

Shape10 Poor

Shape11 Prefer not to answer

  1. CANCER (NHIS – CANEV). Have you EVER been told by a doctor or other health professional that you have had cancer or a malignancy of any kind?

Shape12 Yes

Shape13 No

Shape14 Don’t know

Shape15 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: If CANCER = Yes, continue to CANCERTYPE. Else, continue to YNMOM.>

  1. CANCERTYPE (NHIS) What kind of cancer was it?

  1. DIAGNOSIS (NHIS) How old were you when you were first diagnosed?

____ years

Shape16 Section II. Family Communication

The following questions will ask about your communication with family members.

  1. ADOPT. Are you adopted?

Shape17 Yes

Shape18 No

Shape19 Prefer not to answer

  1. Are your biological parents still living? By biological, we mean related by blood.

<Programmer Note: Put two items on same screen>.

YNMOM Mother

Shape20 Living

Shape21 Deceased

Shape22 Don’t Know

Shape23 Prefer not to answer

YNDAD Father

Shape24 Living

Shape25 Deceased

Shape26 Don’t Know

Shape27 Prefer not to answer

  1. RELATLIV2. For the following biological or blood relatives, please enter the number that are living and the number who may have died. If you do not have the relative listed, please mark Not Applicable.

<Programmer Note: Show this list of relatives on a new screen. There should be only one relative at a time on each screen with the three response items>

Living Deceased Not Applicable

Shape29 Shape28


YNSISTER Full Sister(s)

YNHSISTER Half Sister(s)

YNBROTHER Full Brother(s)

YNHBROTHER Half Brother(s)

YNDAUGHTER Daughter(s)

YNSON Son(s)

YNGRANDP Grandparent(s)

YNGRANDC Grandchild(ren)

YNUNCLE Uncle(s)

YNAUNT Aunt(s)

YNCOUSIN Cousin(s)

<Programmer Note: If YNSON living=0, then skip SONSAGE>

  1. SONSAGE. How many biological sons do you have in the following age ranges?








18 or older

Shape35 Don’t know

Shape36 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer Note: If YNDAUGHTER living=0, then skip DAUGHTERSAGE>

  1. DAUGHTERSAGE. How many biological daughters do you have in the following age ranges?








18 or older

Shape41 Don’t know

Shape42 Prefer not to answer


Section III. Genetic Counseling

  1. COUNSELING (NHIS 2015 - GCEVER). These next few questions refer to genetic counseling for cancer risk. Genetic counseling involves a discussion with a specially trained health care provider about your family history of cancer and how likely you are to develop cancer. It may also include a discussion about whether genetic testing is right for you.

Have you ever received genetic counseling for cancer risk?

Shape44 Yes

Shape45 No

Shape46 Don’t know

Shape47 Prefer not to answer


  1. COUNSATISFIED (NIEHS) How satisfied are you with the communication you

have had with your genetic counselor about your cancer risk?

Shape48 Very satisfied

Shape49 Satisfied

Shape50 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Shape51 Dissatisfied

Shape52 Very dissatisfied

Shape53 Prefer not to answer

Shape54 Section IV. Genetic Testing

Now we are going to ask you about your experiences with genetic testing.

  1. FLEARN. How did you hear about genetic testing?



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer

A friend

A family member

A nurse, doctor, or other healthcare provider

Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat

Other social media, online advertisements, Google, or other internet sources

Posters, signs, or billboards

Ads or campaigns in the community

Any other place, specify

  1. DECISONCONFLICT (DECISIONAL CONFLICT SCALE). We would now like for you to think back about your decision to get genetic testing. Please rate your level of agreement with each of the following:

<Programmer Note: Items placed in matrix. Six items on first screen, five items on second, and four on the third.>.

I knew which options were available to me.

I knew the benefits of genetic testing.

I knew the risks of genetic testing.

I was clear about which benefits mattered most to me.

I was clear about which risks mattered most to me.

I was clear about which was more important to me (the benefits or the risks).

I had enough support from others to make a choice.

I was choosing without pressure from others.

I had enough information to make a choice.

I was clear about the best choice for me.

I felt sure about what to choose.

The decision was easy for me to make.

I feel I made an informed choice.

My decision shows what is important to me.

I am satisfied with my decision.

Shape55 Strongly agree

Shape56 Agree

Shape57 Neither agree nor disagree

Shape58 Disagree

Shape59 Strongly disagree

Shape60 Prefer not to answer

  1. DECISION. Who was involved in your decision to get genetic testing? Please check all that apply.



Don’t know

Prefer not to answer



DECSISTER Full Sister(s)

DECHSISTER Half Sister(s)

ECBROTHER Full Brother(s)

DECHBROTHER Half Brother(s)



DECGRANDP Grandparent(s)

DECGRANDC Grandchild(ren)





DECSPOUSE Spouse/Partner

<Programmer Note: Always show Spouse/Partner and friend(s). For relatives, only show those that respondent entered as living in RELATIV AND RELATIV2.>

  1. DECISION2. How involved were each of these relatives in your decision to get genetic testing?

<Programmer Note: Show list of people selected in DECISION>

Shape61 Very involved

Shape62 Somewhat involved

Shape63 Not very involved

Shape64 Don’t Know

Shape65 Prefer not to answer

We previously asked if you ever had genetic testing. Now, we would like to ask you about the type of genetic testing you had.

  1. BRCATEST. Have you ever had genetic testing for a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation for increased breast and ovarian cancer risk?

Shape66 Yes

Shape67 No

Shape68 Don’t know

Shape69 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: If BRCATEST = No, Don’t know or Prefer not to answer, go to LYNCHTEST. Else, go to TESTRESULTBR.>

  1. TESTRESULTBR. What was the result of your BRCA test?

Shape70 I carry a gene mutation that is associated with greater cancer risk for me or my family

Shape71 I was found to have a gene mutation, but it is not clear whether it is associated with cancer risk for me or my family (also known as a variant of unknown significancer or VUS)

Shape72 No gene mutation was found

Shape73 Don’t know

Shape74 Prefer not to answer

  1. BRCARESULT. Were you surprised by the results of your genetic test(s) for the BRCA mutation?

Shape75 Yes

Shape76 No

Shape77 Don’t know

Shape78 Prefer not to answer

  1. LYNCHTEST. Have you ever had genetic testing for Lynch Syndrome or hereditary colorectal cancer?

Shape79 Yes

Shape80 No

Shape81 Don’t know

Shape82 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: If LYNCHTEST = No, Don’t know or Prefer not to answer, go to FINFORM. Else, go to TESTRESULTLYNCH.>

  1. TESTRESULTLYNCH. What was the result of your genetic test for hereditary colorectal cancer?

Shape83 I carry a gene mutation that is associated with greater cancer risk for me or my family

Shape84 I was found to have a gene mutation, but it is not clear whether it is associated with cancer risk for me or my family

Shape85 No gene mutation was found

Shape86 Don’t know

Shape87 Prefer not to answer

  1. LYNCHRESULT. Were you surprised by the results of your genetic test(s) for Lynch Syndrome?

Shape88 Yes

Shape89 No

Shape90 Don’t know

Shape91 Prefer not to answer

Have you ever had genetic testing for any other genetic mutations that may increase your cancer risk?



Don’t Know

[If answered yes to any item on having genetic testing]

Where did you have genetic testing?

Blood test at doctor’s office

Blood test at genetic counselor’s office

Spit in mail kit (like those from 23andme, or Color Genomics)

Other, please specify:

[if had testing through spit in mail kit:]

Which laboratory did you use for your mail in genetic testing?


Color Genomics



Other, please specify:

  1. FINFORM. The following questions refer to [BRCA/Lynch] testing or any other variants related to [breast/colorectal] cancer. How were you FIRST informed of your genetic test results?

[Programmer: If BRCATEST=Yes, autofill BRCA and breast cancer. Else, if BRCATEST=No and LYNCHTEST=Yes, then autofill with Lynch and colorectal cancer. Else if BRCATEST=No and LYNCHTEST=No, then use “…refer to genetic testing for cancer. How were you FIRST informed of your genetic test results?”>

Shape92 Received an email

Shape93 Told on the phone

Shape94 Told in person

Shape95 Received a letter

Shape96 Other method, please specify______

Shape97 Don’t know

Shape98 Prefer not to answer

  1. SATISFAC. How satisfied were you with this form of communication?

Shape99 Very satisfied

Shape100 Somewhat satisfied

Shape101 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

Shape102 Somewhat dissatisfied

Shape103 Very dissatisfied

Shape104 Don’t know

Shape105 Prefer not to answer

  1. LaRocque. How comfortable would you be receiving genetic test results from a healthcare provider via each of the following methods of communication?


RECEIVEVM Personal voicemail

RECEIVEHOM Home voicemail

RECEIVEEM Personal email


RECEIVETEXT Text message

RECEIVEWEB Password-protected website

Shape106 Very comfortable

Shape107 Somewhat comfortable

Shape108 Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable

Shape109 Somewhat uncomfortable

Shape110 Very uncomfortable

Shape111 Don’t know

Shape112 Prefer not to answer

  1. IMPROVERESULT. How could the process for receiving your genetic test results have been improved? Please check all that apply.

Shape113 Receive the results sooner

Shape114 More compassion from provider sharing the results

Shape115 More resources provided with the results

Shape116 Better explanation of the results

Shape117 Better explanation of what results mean for family members

Shape118 Other, please specify____________

Shape119 I do not believe the process could be improved

Shape120 Prefer not to answer

  1. MATERIAL. What materials, if any, were you given to you along with your genetic test results? Please check all that apply.

Shape121 Genetic report

Shape122 Personalized medical report

Shape123 Brochure/pamphlet

Shape124 Fact sheet/Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Shape125 Other, please specify____________

Shape126 No materials were provided

Shape127 Don’t know

Shape128 Prefer not to answer


  1. PROVMAT. Who provided you with these materials? Please check all that apply.

Shape129 Genetic counselor

Shape130 Gastroenterologist

Shape131 Surgeon

Shape132 Primary care provider

Shape133 OB/GYN

Shape134 Oncologist

Shape135 Nurse

Shape136 Laboratory who performed the test

Shape137 Other, please specify_____________

Shape138 Prefer not to answer

  1. SHAREMAT. With whom did you share these materials? Please check all that apply.

Shape139 Family members who have been tested

Shape140 Family members who have not been tested

Shape141 Friends

Shape142 Colleagues

Shape143 Medical provider

Shape144 Other, please specify___________

Shape145 Not applicable, I did not share these materials

Shape146 Prefer not to answer


Section V. Tools and Resources

The following questions ask about resources and information you may have received regarding genetic testing.

  1. PROVIDERRESOURCESFORFAMRISK (ABOUT - Q14). Did your health care provider (genetic counselor, physician, nurse, etc.) provide you resources to help you inform family members about what the results of your genetic test mean for your family? Please check all that apply.

Shape148 Yes, they provided me a template for a letter to family members

Shape149 Yes, they discussed ways of speaking with family members about genetic testing

Shape150 Yes, they provided a brochure or other printed material from the health care provider

Shape151 Yes, they provided material from the laboratory that did the testing

Shape152 Yes, they told me about organization(s) that serve people with hereditary cancer

Shape153 Yes, they provided me a video about genetic testing

Shape154 Yes, they provided me with another type of information, please specify

Shape155 No, I was not provided with any resources

Shape156 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: If No selected, do not allow selection of other response options and skip to ENOUGHINFO>

  1. RESOURCESFORFAMRISK (ABOUT - Q15). Who provided you with resources to help you inform family members about what the results of your genetic test mean for your family? Please check all that apply.

Shape157 Genetic counselor

Shape158 OB/GYN

Shape159 Oncologist

Shape160 Nurse

Shape161 Laboratory who performed the test

Shape162 I was not provided with any resources

Shape163 Prefer not to answer

  1. RESOURCEHELPFUL. Please select how much you agree with the following statement. The resources provided were helpful in my discussions with family members about family cancer history.

Shape164 Strongly agree

Shape165 Somewhat agree

Shape166 Neither agree nor disagree

Shape167 Somewhat disagree

Shape168 Not applicable

Shape169 Prefer not to answer

  1. Shape170 OTHERINFO_O. Thinking back to when you first received your genetic test results. What information or materials do you feel would have been most helpful for discussions about cancer family history?

Shape171 Don’t know

Shape172 Prefer not to answer

  1. OTHERINFO. What other information or materials would be useful for discussions about cancer family history? Please check all that apply.

<Programmer Note: Create three matrices. Four items per screen>.

Shape173 More discussion with genetic counselor

Shape174 Discussions with physician

Shape175 Information pamphlets or FAQs

Shape176 Referral to support group

Shape177 General information about genetic mutations

Shape178 What genetic test results mean for you and your risk

Shape179 How genetic test results might impact future cancer screenings

Shape180 Where and who to go see if you have additional questions

Shape181 Where and who to go see for emotional or psychological support

Shape182 Insurance coverage for genetic testing

Shape183 Understanding choices or options for cancer prevention

Shape184 How to reduce cancer risk

Shape185 What genetic testing results mean for your children, siblings, and other family members

Shape186 None of the above

Shape187 Prefer not to answer

  1. What is your preferred method for receiving genetic testing information? Please check all that apply.

Shape188 Printed materials (e.g., brochures or pamphlets)

Shape189 Online

Shape190 Computer kiosk in a clinic

Shape191 Speaking directly with medical provider

Shape192 Genetic counselor

Shape193 Other, please specify_______

Shape194 Prefer not to answer

  1. (HINTS). Regardless of whether you received information from the following sources, please indicate how much you would trust additional information about genetic risk for cancer from each of the following.

INFOFROMDOCTOR A primary care physician INFOFROMSPEC A healthcare specialist (e.g., OB/GYN,



INFOFROMNEWSPAPERORMAG Newspapers or magazines




INFOFROMGOV Government health agencies

INFOFROMCHARITYORG Charitable organizations

INFOFROMRELIGORG Religious organizations and leaders

<Programmer: The following response categories will be included in 3 item grids>

Shape195 A lot

Shape196 Some

Shape197 A little

Shape198 Not at all

Shape199 Don’t know

Shape200 Prefer not to answer


Section VI: Sharing Genetic Test Results

The next series of questions will ask about your experiences sharing your genetic test results with family members.

Please select how much you agree with the following statement.

  1. ENOUGHINFO. I had enough information about genetics and cancer to speak with family members.

Shape202 Strongly agree

Shape203 Somewhat agree

Shape204 Neither agree nor disagree

Shape205 Somewhat disagree

Shape206 Strongly disagree

Shape207 Prefer not to answer

  1. DESIRETODISCUSSGENTESTRESULTS (Family Communication). For me, talking to my family members about my genetic test result is:

Shape208 Very easy

Shape209 Somewhat easy

Shape210 Neither easy nor difficult

Shape211 Somewhat difficult

Shape212 Very difficult

Shape213 Don’t know

Shape214 Prefer not to answer

  1. (FACTS - Q68). Please indicate if you have shared your most recent genetic test result(s) with any of the following biological or blood relatives.











SHAREDRESULTSOTH Other, please specify

Shape215 Yes

Shape216 I plan to, but not yet

Shape217 No (I do not plan to share the result)

Shape218 I haven’t decided

Shape219 Not applicable

Shape220 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: Display as a 5/4 grid. Only display relatives that respondent indicated they have in RELATLIV and RELATLIV2. If SHARERESULTS for all = I plan to, but not yet, No (I do not plan to share the result), or I haven’t decided, go to NOCONTACT, Else go to SHAREDATE>

  1. SHAREDATE (NHIS 2015). When did you first share your genetic test result(s) with your <SHARERESULTS>?

Shape221 Within a week

Shape222 Within a month

Shape223 Within a year

Shape224 Don’t know

Shape225 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: Ask SHAREDATE for each item where SHARERESULTS = “Yes”. Autofill relationship for SHARERESULTS.>


  1. (McGivern 2004). When you informed FEMALE relatives of your genetic test result, which of the following methods did you use? Please check all that apply.

Shape226 FINFORMEDVIATEXT Sent a text

Shape227 FINFORMEDVIAEMAIL Sent an email

Shape228 FINFORMEDVIAPHONE Told them on the phone

Shape229 FINFORMEDVIAPERSON Told them in person

Shape231 Shape230 FINFORMEDGRAPEVINE I told someone who then told someone else (through the grapevine)

Shape232 FINFORMEDVIAOTHER Other method

FINFORMEDNA Not applicable

Shape233 FINFORMEDDK Don’t know

Shape234 FINFORMEDPREFER Prefer not to answer


  1. (McGivern 2004). When you informed MALE relatives of your genetic test result, which of the following methods did you use? Please check all that apply.

Shape235 MINFORMEDVIATEXT Sent a text

Shape236 MINFORMEDVIAEMAIL Sent an email

Shape237 MINFORMEDVIAPHONE Told them on the phone

Shape238 MINFORMEDVIAPERSON Told them in person

Shape240 Shape239 MINFORMEDGRAPEVINE I told someone who then told someone else (through the grapevine)


Shape241 FINFORMEDNA Not applicable

Shape242 FINFORMEDDK Don’t know

Shape243 FINFORMEDPREFER Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: If SHARERESULTS for any = No (I do not plan to share the result), go to NOCONTACT>

<Programmer: If SHARERESULTS does not = No (I do not plan to share the result) for any but RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING=Yes, go to


  1. WHYSHARE. Why did you share your genetic test result(s) with these family members? Please check all that apply.

Shape244 I felt it was my responsibility

Shape245 It gave my family information that was useful for them

Shape246 My family asked me about my test results

Shape247 My genetic counselor and/or doctor(s) advised me to share the results with my family
Shape248 Other, please specify___________

Shape249 Don’t know

Shape250 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer: Autofill those relatives from SHARERESULTS for Q30-32. Ask series of questions for each relative they told.>

  1. Based on your experiences with sharing the results of your genetic test(s) with your relatives, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

TIMEEFFORT It took a lot of time and effort to share my genetic information with relatives

FRUSTRATED I felt frustrated while sharing my genetic information with relatives.

QUALITY I was concerned about the quality of the information that I shared.

DIFFUND I was concerned that my relatives may have found the information difficult to understand.

Shape251 Strongly agree

Shape252 Somewhat agree

Shape253 Neither agree nor disagree

Shape254 Somewhat disagree

Shape255 Strongly disagree

Shape256 Prefer not to answer

  1. (SunTalk – S3). Now I’d like you to think about those family members you said you didn’t speak with about increased cancer risk. People have many different reasons for speaking with their family members and for not speaking with their family members. Below is a list of some of the reasons people have for not speaking to their family members about cancer risk. Please slide the bar to indicate how much each reason applies to you on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all applicable to you, and 5 is very applicable to you.

NOCONTACT You are not in contact with him/her.

NOTIME You didn’t have the time to tell him/her.

NOCLEAR You were unsure how to explain it clearly.

NOTCLOSE The two of you are not close.

NOTCARE He/she wouldn’t care.

NOTUPSET You didn’t want to upset him/her.

NOTATRISK He/she is not at risk for developing cancer.

WHATTOSAY You didn’t know what to say to him/her.

DIFFCOPING You were having difficulty coping with your own risk for cancer.

TOOYOUNG You feel that he/she is too young to understand.

NOTALKOTH Other (please specify)

[Likert scale ranging from 1 (not at all applicable) to 5 (very applicable)]

Shape257 Not at all applicable

Shape258 2

Shape259 3

Shape260 4

Shape261 Very applicable

Shape262 Don’t know

Shape263 Prefer not to answer

  1. RELATIVESCOUNSELING1-4 (FACTS - adapted). Please indicate which of your relative(s) have undergone genetic counseling. If no one in your family has received genetic counseling fill in the N/A response option.

Shape264 Mother

Shape265 Father

Shape266 Sister

Shape267 Brother

Shape268 Daughter

Shape269 Son

Shape270 Paternal grandmother

Shape271 Paternal grandfather

Shape272 Father’s sister

Shape273 Father’s brother

Shape274 Maternal grandmother

Shape275 Maternal grandfather

Shape276 Mother’s sister

Shape277 Mother’s brother

Shape278 N/A I know of no one in my family who has been tested

Shape279 Don’t know

Shape280 Prefer not to answer

  1. Did you get genetic counseling before or after your <RELATIVESCOUNSELING>.

Shape281 I got genetic testing BEFORE my < RELATIVESCOUNSELING >.

Shape282 I got genetic testing AFTER my < RELATIVESCOUNSELING >.

Shape283 Don’t know

Shape284 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer Note: Ask question for each relative selected in RELATIVESCOUNSELING>.

  1. RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING1-4 (FACTS - adapted). Please indicate which of your relative(s) have undergone genetic testing. If no one in your family has been tested fill in the N/A response option.

Shape285 Mother

Shape286 Father

Shape287 Sister

Shape288 Brother

Shape289 Daughter

Shape290 Son

Shape291 Paternal grandmother

Shape292 Paternal grandfather

Shape293 Father’s sister

Shape294 Father’s brother

Shape295 Maternal grandmother

Shape296 Maternal grandfather

Shape297 Mother’s sister

Shape298 Mother’s brother

Shape299 N/A I know of no one in my family who has been tested

Shape300 Don’t know

Shape301 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer Note: If RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING1-4 in N/A, Don’t Know, Prefer not to answer, skip to MARITALSTATUS>

  1. RELATIVESTESTINGRESULT1-4 (FACTS – adapted). What was the test result for your <RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING>?

Shape302 Test was positive for the mutated gene

Shape303 Test was negative for the mutated gene

Shape304 Test was not informative/indeterminate/of unclear significance

Shape305 I don’t know the test result

Shape306 Prefer not to answer

  1. Did you get genetic testing before or after your <RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING>.

Shape307 I got genetic testing BEFORE my <RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING>.

Shape308 I got genetic testing AFTER my <RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING>.

Shape309 Don’t Know

Shape310 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer Note: Ask question for each relative selected in RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING>.

  1. Who was the first in your family to get genetic testing?

Shape311 Myself




Shape315 Don’t Know

Shape316 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer Note: Autofill all relatives who received genetic testing>.

  1. (McGivern 2004). When you were informed of your <RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING’s> genetic test results, which of the following methods did they use? Please check all that apply.

Shape317 RINFORMVIATEXT Sent a text

Shape318 RINFORMVIAEMAIL Sent an email

Shape319 RINFORMVIAPHONE Told me on the phone

Shape320 RINFORMVIAPERSON Told me in person

Shape321 RINFORMGRAPEVINE Told someone else who

then told me (through the grapevine)

Shape322 RINFORMVIAOTHER Other method

<Programmer Note: Ask question for each relative selected in RELATIVESUNDERGONETESTING>.

  1. AFFECTHEALTH (Closeness Scale). How much has your (or your family’s) experience with genetic testing affected how you think about your health?

Shape323 Not at all

Shape324 A little

Shape325 A lot

Shape326 Prefer not to answer

  1. THINKEXP (Closeness Scale). How often do you think about your experience with genetic testing?

Shape327 Never

Shape328 Some time

Shape329 A lot of the time

Shape330 Prefer not to answer

  1. TALKEXP (Closeness Scale). How much time have you spent talking with friends or family members about any concerns you had about your experience with genetic testing?

Shape331 No time

Shape332 Some time

Shape333 A lot of time

Shape334 Prefer not to answer

Shape335 Section VII. Demographics

Finally, we have a few demographic questions.

  1. MARITALSTATUS (HINTS 4, CYCLE 4 2014 - N5). What is your marital status?

Shape336 Married

Shape337 Living as married

Shape338 Divorced

Shape339 Widowed

Shape340 Separated

Shape341 Single, never been married

Shape342 Prefer not to answer

  1. HEALTHINSUR. Are you covered by any kind of health insurance or some other kind of health care plan?

Shape343 Yes

Shape344 No

Shape345 Don’t know

Shape346 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer instruction: If No, Don’t Know, or Prefer not to answer skip to EDUCATION. Else, continue to INSURTYPE.>

  1. INSURTYPE. What kind of health insurance or health care coverage do you have? Please check all that apply

Exclude private plans that only provide extra cash while hospitalized.

Shape347 Private health insurance, including those obtained through a state or federal exchange or, or through the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare

Shape348 Medicare

Shape349 Medi-Gap

Shape350 Medicaid

Shape351 SCHIP

Shape352 Military health care (TRICARE/VA/CHAMP-VA)

Shape353 Indian Health Service

Shape354 State-sponsored health plan

Shape355 Other government program

Shape356 Single service plan (e.g. dental, vision, prescription)

Shape357 No coverage of any type

Shape358 Prefer not to answer

  1. EDUCATION (HINTS 4, CYCLE 4 2014 - N6). What is the highest grade or level of schooling you completed?

Shape359 Less than 8 years

Shape360 8 through 11 years

Shape361 12 years or completed high school

Shape362 Post high school training other than college (vocational or technical)

Shape363 Some college

Shape364 College graduate

Shape365 Postgraduate

Shape366 Prefer not to answer

<Programmer Note: If respondent recruited by email, skip to OCCUPATIONALSTATUS. Else continue to HISPLATINOSPAN>.

  1. HISPLATINOSPAN (HINTS 4, CYCLE 4 2014 - N10). Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?

Shape367 Yes

Shape368 No

Shape369 Prefer not to answer


  1. HISPLATINOSPANGROUP (GSS 2012). Which group are you from?

Shape370 Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a

Shape371 Puerto Rican

Shape372 Cuban

Shape373 Dominican

Shape374 Central or South American

Shape375 Other Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Shape376 Prefer not to answer

  1. RACE (HINTS 4, CYCLE 4 2014 - N11). What is your race? You may select multiple categories.

Shape377 White

Shape378 Black or African American

Shape379 Asian

Shape380 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Shape381 American Indian or Alaska Native

Shape382 Prefer not to answer

  1. OCCUPATIONALSTATUS (HINTS 4, CYCLE 4 2014 - N2). What is your current occupational status?

Shape383 Employed

Shape384 Unemployed

Shape385 Homemaker

Shape386 Student

Shape387 Retired

Shape388 Disabled

Shape389 Other-Specify

Shape390 Prefer not to answer


  1. OTHEROCCUPATION (GSS 2014 - WRKSPEC). Specify other activity:


  1. HOUSEHOLDINCOME (HINTS 4, CYCLE 4 - N18). Thinking about all the members of your family living in your household, what is your combined annual income, meaning the total pre-tax income from all sources earned in the past year?

Shape392 Less than $20,000

Shape393 $20,000 to $49,999

Shape394 $50,000 to $99,999

Shape395 $100,000 to $199,999

Shape396 $200,000 or more

Shape397 Don’t know

Shape398 Prefer not to answer

  1. What region of the United States do you live in?

Shape399 Northeast

Shape400 Southeast

Shape401 Midwest

Shape402 West

Shape403 Not in the United States

Shape404 Don’t know

Shape405 Prefer not to answer

Shape406 INCENTX

Congratulations, in appreciation for your time and effort completing the survey, we want to send you a $5 Amazon gift card! Please enter your mailing address below so that we can send you the code.

Shape407 Address



This is the end of the survey.

Thank you very much for your time and effort.

If you would like more information about genetic testing for cancer risk, please visit the following resources:

Bring Your Brave (BRCA testing)

Know: BRCA

Talking to family members

NCI Cancer Genetics Services Directory

If you would like more information about the study, please call 1-312-201-4412 or send an email to [email protected]. If you have questions about your rights as a survey participant, you may call the NORC Institutional Review Board Administrator (toll-free) at 1-866-309-0542.


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