LES-SK Pilot Study Instrument

Fourth National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Thrownaway Children (NISMART-4)

LES-SK Pilot Study Instrument (Appendix 8, Attachment D)

Pilot LES-SK Pilot

OMB: 1121-0370

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Attachment D: LES-SK Instrument

SK1.1 Thank you for participating in the NISMART pilot survey. Please provide your contact information
here so the researchers can reach you later. After your survey is completed and reviewed, we would
like to talk with you about your experience taking the survey. This information will be deleted as soon
as the research team verifies that your survey is complete.
 Name and title (1) ____________________
 Telephone number (2) ____________________
 Email address (3) ____________________
NISMART requirements for SK
SK1.2 Your agency’s case number for this investigation is [number will be provided].
Please confirm that this case involved a child age 17 or younger abducted by someone who was not a
family member AND the child was
• Moved at least 20 feet OR
• Held for at least one hour.
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

If you are not sure what happened to the child, answer based on what
investigators in your agency think is the most likely explanation.

Box 1
If SK1.2=2 (child was not moved 20’ or held for 1 hour) or SK1.2=3 (don’t know) and respondent has no
additional surveys to complete, go to ENDSURVEY1.
If SK1.2=2 or SK1.2=3 and respondent has additional surveys to complete, go to ENDSURVEY2.

NISMART Time Frame
Did this incident occur between [12-month time frame to be established]?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, we cannot ask you to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of
information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to the National Institute of Justice, 810 Seventh Street NW, Washington, DC 20531.

NISMART-4 LES-SK Instrument

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Box 2
If SK1.3=2 (incident not in time frame) or SK1.3=3 (don’t know) and respondent has no additional surveys to
complete, go to ENDSURVEY1.
If SK1.3=2 or SK1.3=3 and respondent has additional surveys to complete, go to ENDSURVEY2.

NISMART definition of SK
SK1.4 Did any of the following happen in this case? (Please respond to all items.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
a. A child was held
overnight OR between
12 midnight & 5am (1)




b. A child was
transported 50 miles or
more (2)




c. A child was held for
ransom (3)




d. A child was killed (4)




e. A perpetrator
apparently intended to
keep a child
permanently (5)




Box 3
If none of the answers to SK1.4 = 1 (Yes) and respondent has no additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY1.
If none of the answers to SK1.4 = 1 and respondent has additional surveys, go to ENDSURVEY2.

SK1.5 Did this case involve more than one perpetrator?
If number of perpetrators is unknown, please enter the number believed to have
been involved if more than one.

 Yes (Enter number of perpetrators) (1) ____________________
 No, 1 perpetrator (2)____________________________________________ SK1.9
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_________________________________ SK1.9

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SK1.6 How did the perpetrators know each other? (Please respond to all items.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
Married or romantic or
sexual partners (1)




Other members of a
family (2)




Members of a gang (3)




Involved together in
selling or buying drugs




Involved together in
sex trafficking (5)




Involved in some other
type of criminal
enterprise (6)




Friends, acquaintances
or schoolmates (7)




Something else (Please
describe) (8)




SK1.7 Did any of the perpetrators have a close relationship with a victim or victim’s family? This could
involve a blood or legal tie to the family, a romantic partnership with a relative of a victim, a
longstanding friendship, or another relationship that would make a perpetrator well-known to a child
victim or their family.
 Yes (1)
 No (2)________________________________________________________SK1.9
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)__________________________________SK1.9
SK1.8 Please describe this close relationship between a perpetrator and child victim or victim’s family.
[TEXT ENTRY]____________________________________________________________________
Box 4
If SK1.5 = 1 (multiple perpetrators) the survey will be programmed to instruct respondents to answer questions
regarding the perpetrator most responsible for the incident.

SK1.9 Did this case involve more than one child victim?
 Yes, 2 child victims (1)
 Yes, 3 or more child victims (Enter number) (2) ______ ________________ SK1.11
 No, 1 child victim (3)_____________________________________________SK1.12
 Don't know/Cannot determine (4)__________________________________SK1.12

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SK1.10 How did the victims know each other?
 Siblings or step-siblings (1)_______________________________________SK1.12
 Related as family some other way, such as cousins (2)_________________ SK1.12
 Friends, acquaintances or schoolmates (3)__________________________ SK1.12
 Something else (Please describe) (4) _______ _______________________SK1.12
 Don't know/Cannot determine (5) ________________________________ SK1.12
SK1.11 How did the victims know each other?
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

Siblings or step-siblings




Related as family some
other way, such as
cousins (2)




Friends, acquaintances
or schoolmates (3)




Something else (Please
describe) (4)




Box 5
If SK1.9 = 1 or SK1.9 = 2 (multiple child victims) the survey will be programmed to refer to plural victims or to
“any” or “each” victim and to provide other related instructions.

NISMART Definition of Stranger
SK1.12 Was the perpetrator [most responsible for this incident] a stranger to [the/any] child victim?
Stranger means a non-family perpetrator whom the child or child's family
did not know OR the perpetrator's identity is unknown but investigators
reasonably believe the perpetrator is a stranger.)

 Yes, a perpetrator was a stranger (1)________________________________SK1.15
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK1.13 Please briefly describe how the [most responsible] perpetrator knew the child victim[s] or
families. [TEXT ENTRY] _______________________________________________________

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NISMART definition of person with limited previous contact
SK1.14 Was the [most responsible] perpetrator a person with limited previous contact with [the/any]
Person with limited previous contact (Slight acquaintance) means that one of
the following statements applies to the [most responsible] perpetrator's
relationship to the [any] child victim or their family. If you are not sure, please
answer based on what investigators in your agency think is most likely about
the perpetrator/victim relationships.

(Please respond to all statements.) The perpetrator was not a family member AND before the abduction:
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
The perpetrator's name
was unknown to the
child or family and the
child or family did not
know the perpetrator
well enough to speak
to. (1)




The child met the
perpetrator on the
Internet but not in
person. (2)




The child or family
knew the perpetrator
for less than 6 months.




The child or family
knew the perpetrator
for longer than 6
months but saw them
less than once a
month. (4)




SK1.17 [Narrative of incident]
Box 6
Please describe
as far
know. How
If all of the
to SK1.14
= 2 in
What did the
to the =child
it end?surveys, go to ENDSURVEY2.
If all
of the answersdo
to SK1.14
2 andvictim[s]?
has did
SK1.15 Were other law enforcement agencies involved in this case?
 Yes (Please specify number of agencies involved) (1) ____________________
 No (2)_________________________________________________________SK1.19
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)__________________________________ SK1.19

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SK1.16 Did your agency receive the first report of this case?
 Yes (1)________________________________________________________ SK1.18
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)__________________________________SK1.18
SK1.17 What agency received the first report? (Please enter the agency name, county and state.)
[TEXT ENTRY]_____________________________________________________
SK1.18 Please list the other agencies involved in this case. Please list each agency by name, county and
[TEXT ENTRY]____________________________________________________________
SK1.19 What is the current status of this case in your agency?
 Open (under active investigation) (1)
 Open (arrest warrant issued) (2)
 Cleared by arrest (3)
 Closed for reasons other than arrest (exceptional clearance) (4)
 Suspended (inactive investigation) (5)
 Some other status (Please describe) (6) ____________________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (7)

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SK2.1 Next are questions about [the/each] child victim in this incident. [Since there is more than one,
please start with the oldest child.] Is this child male or female?
 Male (1)
 Female (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK2.2 How old was this child at the time of the incident? (Please give your best estimate if not sure.)
 Less than 1 year old (1)
 1 year old or older (Please enter age in years) (2) ____________________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK2.3 Is this child Hispanic or Latino/a?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK2.4 What is this child's race? (Please enter all that apply.)
 White (1)
 Black or African American (2)
 American Indian or Alaska Native (3)
 Asian (4)
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (5)
 Other (Please describe) (6) ____________________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (7)
Box 7
If SK1.9 = 3 (one child victim) or SK1.9=4 (don’t know), go to SK2.10
If SK1.9 = 1 or If SK1.9 = 1 (multiple child victims), go to SK2.5.

SK2.5 Was the [most responsible] perpetrator in this incident a stranger to this child or their family?
Stranger means that the child or the child's family did not
know the perpetrator OR the identity of the perpetrator is
unknown but law enforcement reasonably believes it is a

 Yes (1)________________________________________________________ Box 9
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK2.6 Please briefly describe how this child knew the [most responsible] perpetrator.
[TEXT ENTRY]______________________________________________________

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SK2.7 Was the [most responsible] perpetrator a person with limited previous contact (slight acquaintance)
of this child victim?
Person with limited previous contact means that one of the following
statements applies to the [most responsible] perpetrator's relationship to the
[any] child victim or their family. If you are not sure, please answer based on
what investigators in your agency think is most likely about the
perpetrator/victim relationships.

(Please respond to all statements.) The perpetrator was not a family member AND before the abduction:
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
a. The perpetrator's
name was unknown to
the child or family and
the child or family did
not know the
perpetrator well
enough to speak to (1)




b. The child met the
perpetrator on the
Internet but not in
person (2)




c. The child or family
knew the perpetrator
for less than 6 months




d. The child or family
knew the perpetrator
for longer than 6
months but saw them
less than once a month




Box 8
If all of the answers to SK2.7 = 2 (No) and there are additional victims, go to SK2.1.
If all of the answers to SK2.7 = 2 and there are no additional victims, go to SK3.1.
Box 9
If SK1.9 = 1 or If SK1.9 = 2 (multiple child victims) and SK1.4c = 1 (held for ransom), go to SK2.8.
Otherwise go to Box 10.

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SK2.8 Was this child held for ransom?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
Box 10
If SK1.9 = 1 or If SK1.9 = 2 (multiple child victims) and SK1.4e = 1 (intent to keep permanently), go to SK2.9.
Otherwise go to SK.10.

SK2.9 Did [the/a] perpetrator intend to keep this child permanently?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK2.10 How far did the perpetrator move this victim from the beginning of the abduction to the time
the victim was released, found, escaped or killed?
 20 feet or less (1)
 More than 20 feet but less than 1 mile (2)
 1 to 9 miles (3)
 10 to 49 miles (4)
 50 miles or more (5)
 Child was not moved (6)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (7)
SK2.11 How long did the perpetrator keep or detain this victim before he or she was released, found,
escaped or killed?
 Less than 1 hour (1)______________________________________________SK2.13
 1 hour to less than 24 hours (2)
 1 to 3 days (3)__________________________________________________ SK2.13
 4 to 7 days (4)__________________________________________________ SK2.13
 More than 1 week (5)____________________________________________ SK2.13
 Child was not detained (6)________________________________________ SK2.13
 Don't know/Cannot determine (7)__________________________________SK2.13
SK2.12 Was this victim held or detained overnight OR for at least one hour between midnight and 5am?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

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SK2.13 What parents did this child live with when this incident began?
 Two married, biological parents (1)
 Two married parents, one or both not biological, but both having a legal relationship to the child,
such as adoption (2)
 Two unmarried parents, biological or other (3)
 One unmarried parent with a live-in partner who was not the child’s parent) (4)
 A single parent (no live-in partner) (5)
 No parent (6)
 Other situation (Please describe) (9)______________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (10)
SK2.14 What type of housing did this child live in at the time of the incident?
 Single family dwelling (1)
 Multi-family dwelling (duplex, apartment building, for example) (2)
 Other situation such as shelter, institution, etc. (3)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (4)
SK2.15 At the time of the abduction, was this child impaired by any serious or permanent physical or
mental disabilities, life threatening medical conditions or other problems such as drug or alcohol use?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)________________________________________________________Box 11
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_________________________________ Box 11
SK2.16 Please describe the child's disabilities, medical conditions or other impairments at the time of the
[TEXT ENTRY]__________________________________________________________________
SK2.17 Would you say that this child was mentally incompetent at the time of the episode?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

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Box 11
If child is age 10 or older, go to SK2.18. If child is age 9 or younger, go to SK2.19.

SK2.18 Was this child involved in any way in... (Respond to all options.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

The criminal justice
system (past or
current, perpetrator or
victim) (1)




Drugs, using or selling




Alcohol use (3)




SK2.19 Did this child have a parent who was involved in any way in... (Respond to all options.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
The criminal justice
system (past or
current, perpetrator or
victim) (1)




Drugs, using or selling




Definition of Recovery
SK2.20 Was this victim...
 Recovered? (1)
 Killed? (2)
 Still missing? (3)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (4)

Box 12
If SK1.9=1 or SK1.9=2 (multiple child victims), questions SK2.1—SK2.20 will repeat for each child.
After last child, go to SK3.1.

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SK3.1 The next questions ask about the perpetrator. [Please answer about the perpetrator most
responsible for the incident.] Is the identity of this perpetrator known?
 Yes (1)________________________________________________________SK3.3
 No (2)
SK3.2 Do you have any information at all, like sex, race or approximate age?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)_______________________________________________________SK4.1
SK3.3 How old was the [most responsible] perpetrator at the time of the incident.
 Please enter age in years (1) ____________________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (2)
SK3.4 Is the [most responsible] perpetrator male or female?
 Male (1)
 Female (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.5 Is the [most responsible] perpetrator Hispanic or Latino/a?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.6 What is the [most responsible] perpetrator's race? (Enter all that apply.)
 White (1)
 Black or African American (2)
 American Indian or Alaska Native (3)
 Asian (4)
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (5)
 Other (Please describe) (6) ____________________
 Don't know/Cannot determine (7)
Box 13
If SK3.2=1 (some information about unknown perpetrator), go to SK3.7.
If SK3.1=1 (perpetrator’s identity is known), go to SK3.8.

SK3.7 Do you have any information about the perpetrator's life circumstances, like marital status,
employment or involvement with the criminal justice system?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)_________________________________________________________SK4.1

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SK3.8 What was the [most responsible] perpetrator's marital status at the time of the crime?
 Single (1)
 Married (2)
 Separated, divorced or widowed (3)
 Living with a partner (4)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (5)
SK3.9 Was the [most responsible] perpetrator’s employed either full- or part-time at the time of the
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.10 At the time of this crime, did the [most responsible] perpetrator have any active or ongoing
involvement with the legal system or treatment programs?
 Yes (Please describe) (1) ____________________
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.11 At the time of the episode, did the [most responsible] perpetrator have a diagnosed mental illness?
 Yes (Please describe) (1) ____________________
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.12 How would you describe the [most responsible] perpetrator's overall intelligence?
 Above average (1)
 Average (2)
 Below average (3)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (4)
SK3.13 How would you describe the amount of social interaction the [most responsible] perpetrator had
in everyday life?
 Above average (1)
 Average (2)
 Below average (3)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (4)
SK3.14 Is there any indication that the [most responsible] perpetrator has any problems with drugs or
 Yes (Please describe type of problem) (1) ____________________
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

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SK3.15 Did this perpetrator have any prior arrests?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)________________________________________________________SK4.1
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_________________________________ SK4.1
SK3.16 Were any of these arrests for crimes of violence?
 Yes (Please describe) (1) ____________________
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.16.1 Was this perpetrator listed in the National Sex Offender Registry?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.16.2 Was this perpetrator listed in the National Sex Offender Public Website?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK3.17 Did this perpetrator have any prior arrests for crimes against juveniles?
 Yes (1)
 No (2) ________________________________________________________SK4.1
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3) _________________________________ SK4.1
SK3.18 Did any of these prior arrests involve any of the following? (Please answer all options.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
Homicide of a child (1)




A sex crime against a
child (2)




Child abduction (3)




Battery or assault of a
child (4)




Something else (Please
describe) (5)




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SK4.1 Did a parent or other caretaker of a child victim in this case contact the police for help to locate
their missing child?
 Yes, contacted police to locate missing child (1)
 No, contacted police for other reason or did not contact police (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK4.2 Where [was the victim/were the victims] last seen before the abduction occurred?
 Victim's residence or place child was staying at night, includes yard (1)
 Outdoor area with public access (sidewalk, park, street, beach, etc.) (2)
 Indoor area with public access (shopping mall, store, theater, etc.) (3)
 Perpetrator's residence or yard (4)
 Common area of apartment complex (5)
 School or daycare, indoors or outdoors (6)
 Vehicle (7)
 Other place (Please describe) (8) ____________________
 Don't know/Not sure (9)
SK4.3 Was [the/any] victim taken from a group of children?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK4.4 How would you characterize the perpetrator's initial approach? (Please respond to all options.)
Don't know/Cannot
No (1)
Yes (2)
determine (3)
Deceptive or nonthreatening pretext (1)




Surprise (laying in wait,
using stealth) or blitz
(sudden, overwhelming
force) (2)




Other type of approach
(Please describe) (3)




SK4.5 Did [the/any] victim go with the perpetrator voluntarily (even if duped)?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

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SK4.6 During the incident did the perpetrator take or move [the/any] victim in or to any of the
following... (Please answer all options.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
A vehicle? (1)




A building? (2)




The perpetrator's
home? (3)




An outside area, like
woods? (4)




SK4.7 Did the perpetrator use physical force or any kind of threat in taking or moving [the/any] victim
from their original location?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
Box 14
If SK2.11<6 (victim was detained) or SK2.11=7 (don’t know), go to SK4.8.
If SK2.11=6 (not detained), go to Box 15.

SK4.8 Did the perpetrator use any kind of force or threat during the time [the/any] victim was detained?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK4.9 How isolated was the location where the victim was detained?

Very isolated (1)
Probably isolated (2)
Not isolated (3)
Don't know/Cannot determine (4)

NISMART-4 LES-SK Instrument

Isolated means the child was not able to leave on his or
her own and had no opportunity to appeal for help.

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Box 15
If SK4.7=1 (force or threat while taking/moving) or SK4.8=1 (force/threat during detainment), go to SK4.10.
Otherwise go to SK4.11.

SK4.10 Did the perpetrator use force or threaten [the/any] victim in any of the following ways during the
crime? (Please respond to all statements.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
Threaten a child with
or use a weapon? (1)




Harm or threaten to
harm a child's family or
pets? (2)




Force the child to walk
somewhere (3)




Other use of force
(Describe) (4)




SK4.11 During the abduction or detainment, did [any] perpetrator... (Please respond to all statements.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
Physically assault a
child victim? (1)




Neglect a victim's basic
needs (food, water,
shelter, medical
treatment, etc.)? (2)




Sexually assault a child
victim? (3)




Drug a child victim? (4)




Rob a child victim or
damage or destroy
their belongings? (5)




Harm the child some
other way (Please
describe) (6)




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SK4.12 Is there any indication that this crime was connected with ... (Answer all options.)
Don't know/Cannot
Yes (1)
No (2)
determine (3)
Youth gang activity (1)




Drug trafficking (2)




Sex trafficking (3)




Serial killings (4)




Other criminal
networks or
conspiracies (Describe)




SK4.13 Is there any indication that the internet played a role in prior contact between a perpetrator and
victim or in leading up to the abduction encounter?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)________________________________________________________SK5.1
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_________________________________ SK5.1
SK4.14 Please describe the role the internet played.
[TEXT ENTRY]_____________________________________________________________________


SK5.1 Was this case submitted to ... (Please answer all options.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

FBI's Violent Criminal
Apprehension system
(VICAP)? (1)




National Crime
Information Center
(NCIC)? (2)




National Center for
Missing & Exploited
Children (NCMEC)? (3)




SK5.2 Did a NCMEC Project Alert team participate in the investigation?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)

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SK5.3 Was a DNA profile entered into CODIS (Combined DNA Index System)?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)________________________________________________________SK5.5
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_________________________________ SK5.5
SK5.4 Was a match found?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK5.5 Was a telephone hotline established?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK5.6 Was a leads management system established?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)
SK5.7 Was an Amber Alert issued?
 Yes (1)_____________________________________________________SK5.9
 No (2)
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)______________________________SK5.11
SK5.8 Why wasn't an Amber Alert issued? (Please answer all options.)
Yes (1)

No (2)

Don't know/Cannot
determine (3)

Child was quickly
recovered (1)




No reasonable belief an
abduction had
occurred (2)




Child was not in
imminent danger of
serious bodily injury or
death (3)




Insufficient information
about child, vehicle,
etc. to issue Amber
Alert (4)




Other reason (Please
describe) (5)




NISMART-4 LES-SK Instrument

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Box 16
If SK5.7=2 (no Amber Alert), go to SK5.11.

SK5.9 Did the Amber Alert result in any information that helped to locate or recover the child or identify
the perpetrator?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)____________________________________________________SK5.11
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_____________________________SK5.11

NISMART-4 LES-SK Instrument

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SK5.10 Please describe how the Amber Alert helped to locate and recover the child?
[TEXT ENTRY]________________________________________________________
SK5.11 Did electronic devices such as cell phones or computers provide evidence, leads, or other
information that was key to recovering [the/any] victim or identifying the perpetrator?
 Yes (1)
 No (2)______________________________________________________SK5.13
 Don't know/Cannot determine (3)_______________________________ SK5.13
SK5.12 Please describe how electronic devices provided evidence, leads or other information.
[TEXT ENTRY]______________________________________________________________
SK5.13 Is there anything else that would be important to know about this case?
SK.14 If you want to clarify your answers to any of the close-ended responses above, please do so here:

SK.15 If you feel a narrative description of the kidnapping episode would help us better understand
this case, please provide a description here:

NISMART-4 LES-SK Instrument

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Box 17
If respondent has no additional surveys to complete, go to ENDSURVEY3.
If respondent has additional surveys to complete, go to ENDSURVEY4.

ENDSURVEY1 We are only including certain incidents in this study and this case does not qualify.

There are no further questions. Thank you for your time.

ENDSURVEY2 We are only including certain incidents in this study and this case does not qualify.

Please use this link to access questions about your next case that may qualify for this study: [To
be added].

ENDSURVEY3 Thank you for completing this survey. We appreciate your help and your
contribution to understanding the problem of child kidnapping.
ENDSURVEY4 Thank you for completing this survey. We appreciate your help and your
contribution to understanding the problem of child kidnapping. Please use this link to access
questions about your next case that may qualify for this study: [To be added].

NISMART-4 LES-SK Instrument

8 -3 0

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