2022 National Household Education Survey (NHES) Web Usability Testing

NCES System Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot, and Field Test Studies 2019-2022

Att 1 NHES 2022 Usability Testing Communication Materials

2022 National Household Education Survey (NHES) Web Usability Testing

OMB: 1850-0803

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2022 National Household Education Survey (NHES) Web Usability Testing

Attachment 1

Contact, Consent, and Receipt Acknowledgment Materials

OMB# 1850-0803 v.265

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

April 2020

Recruiting for participants

Participants will be recruited using all of the materials provided in this document.

Parent and Family Involvement in Education (PFI) Survey

For the PFI participants, we will attempt to recruit two parent/guardian households where students are homeschooled.

Early Childhood Program Participation (ECPP) ECPP Survey

For the ECPP participants we will attempt to recruit households with at least one child:

  • not yet enrolled in Kindergarten and in a single care arrangement or

  • not yet enrolled in Kindergarten and in more than one type of non-parental childcare arrangement (e.g., relative, non-relative, or center based childcare arrangements);

  • AND (one of the following three conditions)

  • has a diagnosed developmental delay (e.g., speech/language impairment, autism or on the autistic spectrum, attention disorder (ADD, ADHD), at risk for development delay) or

  • does not have a diagnosed delay but parents are concerned that their child might have a developmental delay or

  • does not have a diagnosed delay and parents have no concerns about a delay.

Email text for personal and professional contacts


Dear [contact]:

The U.S. Census Bureau is assisting with a study for the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. In an effort to improve a web survey, we are specifically looking for parents of children homeschooled in the equivalent grades of K-12 to participate in a one-time voluntary web survey and provide feedback after taking it. Please note: This study is only for parents who homeschooled their children prior to the COVID19 pandemic. If you are currently homeschooling your child because your child’s typical school is closed due to COVID19, we are unable to use your participation in this study. If you are eligible and participate in the study, you will receive $40 as a thank you for your participation.

What will I be doing in this study?

You will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will also be asked questions about your experience and perceptions of the web survey.

How long is a session? 60 minutes

When and where?

The study will be held [DAYS, DATES]. You will be asked to participate [in person at our office in Suitland, MD.] OR [at a local library or community center.] OR [at your home using Skype for Business to share your computer screen with a Census Bureau researcher].

Interested in participating?

Please reply to this email with your contact information or call me at [ADD PHONE]. I’ll ask you some questions to help us determine if you are eligible for the study.

If someone you know is interested in participating, please contact [contact info].

Thank you for your time and help with this important study.


[Recruitment Contact Info]


Dear [contact]:

The U.S. Census Bureau is assisting with a study for National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. In an effort to improve a web survey, we are specifically looking for parents or grandparents living with children (under age 6) who are not yet enrolled in kindergarten but who are in some type of childcare (e.g., in-home care provided by a relative, care in a non-relative’s home, care at a day care center or preschool) on a regular basis. We know that during COVID-19 some children are no longer in their typical childcare arrangement. We are looking for parents whose children were in some type of childcare arrangement prior to COVID-19, even if those young children are no longer in childcare outside your home. We are also looking for parents or grandparents living with a young child with a developmental delay or suspected developmental delay who is in childcare. Participants will assist in a one-time voluntary web survey and provide feedback after taking it. If you are eligible and participate in the study, you will receive $40 as a thank you for your participation.

What will I be doing in this study?

You will be asked to complete a brief survey. You will also be asked questions about your experience and perceptions of the web survey.

How long is a session? 60 minutes

When and where?

The study will be held [DAYS, DATES]. You will be asked to participate [in person at our office in Suitland, MD.] OR [at a local library or community center.] OR [at your home using Skype for Business to share your computer screen with a Census Bureau researcher].

Interested in participating?

Please reply to this email with your contact information or call me at [ADD PHONE]. I’ll ask you some questions to help us determine if you are eligible for the study.

If someone you know is interested in participating, please contact [contact info].

Thank you for your time and help with this important study.


[Recruitment Contact Info]

Text for advertisements on social media and/or craigslist

Education Research Study –Participants Needed

The U.S. Census Bureau is looking for participants to help evaluate a new web survey developed for the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education. This survey is part of NCES’s National Household Education Survey, a study that helps educators, researchers, and policy-makers better understand children’s care and schooling.

We are looking for the following types of participants:

  • Parents or grandparents who live with children under age 6 who are (or were prior to COVID-19) in some form of childcare (e.g., cared for by a relative; cared for by a neighbor, nanny, or au pair; cared for in a pre-school or childcare center)

  • Parents or grandparents who live with children under age 6 who are (or were prior to COVID-19) in more than one type of childcare arrangement (e.g., watched in morning by a relative and in the afternoon goes to a preschool)

  • Parents or grandparents who live with children under age 6 who are (or were prior to COVID-19) in childcare and where the parent has developmental concerns about the child

  • Parents or grandparents who live with children under age 6 who are (or were prior to COVID-19) in childcare and where the child has been diagnosed with a developmental delay

  • Parents or grandparents who live with children homeschooled in grades equivalent to Kindergarten through 12. (Please Note: We are looking for parents who have been homeschooling their children prior to the COVID19)

You will be asked to complete a brief web survey. You will also be asked questions about your experience and perceptions of the web survey. Interviews will be 60 minutes and will take place at your home using Skype for Business to remotely connect to Census Bureau staff, at the Census Bureau headquarters in Suitland, Maryland, or at a community library if the libraries are open. Study sessions will begin on [DATE] and conclude on [DATE].

Eligibility to Participate:

If interested, contact the Census Bureau at (301) 763-4979 and mention Education or by email at [email protected] and enter “Education” in the subject line of the email. We will then contact you to complete a brief telephone screening in order to determine if you are eligible. The telephone screening will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. If eligible, the U.S. Census Bureau will schedule an interview at your convenience. If you are eligible and participate in the study, you will receive $40 as a thank you for your participation.

Shape1 R ecruiting Flyer PFI

Shape4 Shape5 Shape3 Shape2

You can participate if you are a:

  • Parent or grandparent living with a child who is homeschooled in grades equivalent to Kindergarten through 12

  • Please Note: We are looking for parents who have been homeschooling their children prior to the COVID19 pandemic

[email protected]




[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]



————————- [email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education

————————- [email protected]


Subject = Education

————————- [email protected]


Subject = Education

Call Kevin at: 301-763-4979 and mention “Education” or email [email protected] with “Education” in subject line

The U.S. Census Bureau is looking for

Participants for an Education Research Study

$40 for a 60-minute session

Aug 2016 - Sept 2016

Shape6 R ecruiting Flyer ECPP

Shape8 Shape10 Shape9 Shape7

[email protected]




[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]



————————- [email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education


[email protected]


Subject = Education

————————- [email protected]


Subject = Education

————————- [email protected]


Subject = Education

Call Kevin at: 301-763-4979 and mention “Education”

You can participate in this study if you are a parent or grandparent living with a child under age 6 who is in childcare.

Preference is given for parents or grandparents living with a child in childcare (or who was in childcare prior to COVID-19) AND:

  • parent has concerns about the child’s development OR

  • child has a developmental delay, ADHD, autism, or is on the autism spectrum OR

  • child is in multiple childcare arrangements

The U.S. Census Bureau is looking for

Participants for an Education Research Study

$40 for a 60-minute session

Aug 2016 - Sept 2016

Broadcast Email Announcement1

Subject: Parents/guardians of children needed for research study

From the Desk of Paul Beatty (Chief, Center for Behavioral Science Methods)

The Center for Behavioral Science Methods is seeking parents or grandparents living with one or more children ages 20 or younger to test a web survey on children’s education and care arrangements. This research is to test the National Household Education Survey. Participants will receive $40.

Participants must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Parent or grandparent living with a child who is homeschooled in grades equivalent to Kindergarten through 12 (Please Note: We are looking for parents who have been homeschooling their children prior to the COVID19 Pandemic)

  • Parent or grandparent living with a child under age 6 who is not yet enrolled in school but who is in childcare (or was prior to COVID-19)

  • Parent or grandparent living with a child under age 6 who is (or was prior to COVID-19) in more than one childcare arrangement (e.g., watched in morning by a relative and in the afternoon goes to a preschool)

  • Parent or grandparent living with a child under age 6 in (or was prior to COVID-19) childcare and where the child has been diagnosed with a developmental delay

  • Parent or grandparent living with a child under age 6 in (or was prior to COVID-19) childcare and where the parent has concerns about the child’s development

If you know anyone in the Washington, D.C. area who meets these criteria we would appreciate it if you let them know of this research opportunity.

Interviews will be 60 minutes and will take place at through Skype for Business to remotely connect the participant’s computer to Census Bureau staff, at the Census Bureau headquarters in Suitland, Maryland, or at a community library if the libraries are open. Study sessions will begin on [DATE] and conclude on [DATE].

While current federal employees are allowed to participate in off-duty time, they are not eligible to receive the incentive payment. Please have interested participants contact us at (301) 763-4979 and mention Education or by email at [email protected] and enter “Education” in the subject line of the email.

Informed Consent

Consent Form

For Individual Participants

Usability Testing of 2022 NHES

The Census Bureau routinely tests the wording, layout and performance of its products, such as web sites and online surveys and questionnaires, in order to obtain the best information possible. These “usability tests” rely on the voluntary participation of individuals like you.

You have volunteered to take part in a usability test of the National Household and Education Survey (NHES). The Census Bureau is administering the NHES usability testing on behalf of the National Center of Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education. NCES is authorized to conduct this study by the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C., § 9543).

In order to have a complete record of your comments, your usability session will be audio and video-recorded. The video-recording will be only of your device, not you. We plan to use the recordings to improve the design of the survey. Only staff directly involved in the research project will have access to the recordings. Your participation is voluntary and all of the information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). The OMB control number for this study is 1850-0803.

I have volunteered to participate in this usability study, and I give permission for my recordings to be used for the purposes stated above.

Participant’s Name: ______________________________________

Participant's Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ­­­­­__________

Researcher’s Name: _____________________________________

Researcher's Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________

Payment Procedure

This is the procedure for obtaining proof that we have given the participant the $40 for their participation in our study. There are three different ways that a participant could receive the payment, which we plan to pay in cash:

1. In-person session (if stay at home orders are lifted and session is conducted in person)

We have the participant sign the voucher at the end of the session and we hand the cash to the participant.

2. Remote session: If stay at home orders are still in place and sessions are conducted remotely, we will have a phone conversation with the participant and tell them there are two different ways for how they can receive payment. They will have to choose one of the next two options:

A. Send voucher to participant and participant sends back a signed voucher prior to user session. If the participant has a way to print the voucher we will email the voucher prior to the session (at the same time we email the consent form). The respondent signs the voucher and sends it back to us via email prior to the start of the session. If participant does not have a printer we could send the voucher through the mail. They will still need to sign it, take a picture or scan it, and email it back to us prior to the session.

At the end of the session, the test administrator sends the money using USPS Priority mail.


B. Remote: Use Certified mail for sending the money after the session. At the end of the session, the test administrator sends the money using certified mail and return receipt. This requires the participant to answer the door and sign the certified mail that the postal worker hands them. It is also possible that the USPS requires an ID to verify their identity and/or have the participant come to their local post office to pick up the certified mail piece.

Email wording:

Greetings XXXXX,

We are looking forward to working with you on the upcoming education usability study. Attached find the documents you will need for participating in the session. You will also need to have Skype for Business installed on your computer prior to our user session. If you do not yet have Skype for Business installed on your computer, you will need to download it. Please go to the following URL to download Skype for Business: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/install-skype-for-business-8a0d4da8-9d58-44f9-9759-5c8f340cb3fb

If you have any questions please contact me.

[email protected] or 571.594.3480



Incentive Receipt Acknowledgement Form

Standard Form 1034

September 1973

Treasury FRM 2000





U.S. Department of Commerce

Bureau of the Census

Washington, DC 20233-9100





















(Enter description, item number of contract or Federal supply schedule,

and other information deemed necessary)






For participating in a usability test as part of research on the NHES.

Center for Behavioral Science Methods

Received by:______________________

Date: ________________________________________


(Use continuation sheet(s) if necessary) (Payee must NOT use the space below) TOTAL










= $1.00




Amount verified correct for


(Signature or initials)

Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that this voucher is correct and proper for payment

_____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Social Science Analyst

(Date) (Authorized Certifying Officer) (Title)


Project/Task: 0939000; Organizational Code: 11-09-0098-20-20-00-00; Obj. Class: 25-20-04-02


CHECK NUMBER ON (Name of Bank)





1 This email will also go to all Census Bureau staff. We have found it useful to have staff forward research opportunities to their own contacts and neighborhood listservs.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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