2020 CPS School Enrollment Cognitive Testing

NCES System Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot, and Field Test Studies 2019-2022

Att 3 CPS 2020 Cognitive Testing Protocol

2020 CPS School Enrollment Cognitive Testing

OMB: 1850-0803

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2020 CPS School Enrollment Cognitive Testing

Attachment 3

Cognitive Protocol

OMB# 1850-0803 v.269

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

May 2020


Participant ID #: ________________________

Interview Date: ______/______/___________ (mm/dd/yyyy)

Interview Time: ____________ AM / PM

Interviewer Initials: _________

Section 1: Introduction

Hello, my name is ________________, and I work for the Census Bureau. Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study. [IF OBSERVER PRESENT: I also want to let you know that this interview is being observed by [DESCRIBE OBSERVER’S ROLE: e.g., someone who works on the CPS Supplement]. They are observing the interview because they are also interested in how the questions work for people like you.]

We are working with the U.S. Department of Education, to develop and refine questions for a survey about education. Before surveys are conducted, it’s important to try out questions with the help of people such as yourself.

The survey asks questions about your household, yourself, and other people who live with you.

It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. If you agree to take part in this study, I will read you the questions as if I were an interviewer contacting you at your home. After I ask you the survey questions, I will ask some follow-up questions about your answers and what you understood the questions to mean. There are no right or wrong answers. Our purpose is not to compile information about you. Instead, your interview, along with those of others, will show us how to improve these questions for the survey.

Informed Consent

  • If they did sign before the interview:

Before we start, I just wanted to thank you for signing the document in the link I sent before the interview. Just as a quick reminder that document explained a little bit about this interview and provided information about your rights as a participant, such as that all information you provide is confidential and we won’t use your name or specific circumstances in any report. The link had a signature line to acknowledge the $40 you will receive by mail for participating. It also asked for your permission to have this session audio recorded so that I can concentrate on what you are saying rather than having to take extensive notes. We would like to take an audio recording from this session to get an accurate record of your feedback. Your name will not be associated with the recording or any of the other data collected during the session. May I turn on the recorder? [If they say yes turn on recorder] For our purposes, we need to capture your consent orally on the recording. Please state, “I give consent to be audio recorded.”


Thank you for that.

Do you have any other questions about the document or the interview?

  • If they did NOT sign before the interview:

Before we start, I noticed that you had not yet signed the document in the link we e-mailed to you; I just wanted to check did you receive that e-mail? [If yes] Did you have any issues opening the link or with signing the document? [if they say yes tell them you will help at end of interview by sending link again and/or talking them through it] Ok well for our purposes today I can actually go over what is in that document and obtain consent orally. However, the document also contains an acknowledgement that you will receive $40 by mail for participating in this research. You can still participate right now, but you will need to sign that document before we can send the $40.

The document explained a little bit about the purpose of this study, which is to test questions for the Current Population Survey School Enrollment supplement. The document provided information about your rights as a participant, such as that all information you provide is confidential and we won’t use your name or specific circumstances in any report. It also asks for your permission to have this session audio recorded so that I can concentrate on what you are saying rather than having to take extensive notes. May I turn on the recorder? [If they say yes turn on recorder] For our purposes, we need to capture your consent orally on the recording. Please state, “I give consent to participate in this research and to be audio recorded.”


Thank you for that.

Do you have any other questions about the document or the interview?

Your participation in this interview is very important because it will help the Census Bureau with improving these questions. Your participation in this interview is voluntary, and you may decline to answer any question, or stop the interview at any time. We are scheduled to be here for about 60 minutes, and I won’t keep you any longer.

  • IF RESPONDENT IS NOT A FEDERAL EMPLOYEE: As a thank you for your help, we will give you $40 after the interview is completed.

Thank you! Do you have any questions before we begin? Ok now I am going to ask you some questions from the survey.

Current Population Survey - Demographics


(What are the names of all persons living or staying here, starting with yourself? / What is the name of the next person)

  • ________________________________

  • D

  • R


  • Ask only if necessary

What is (name of person talking about)’s sex?

  1. Male

  2. Female

  3. D

  4. R


I have listed . . . READ NAMES

Have I missed any babies or small children?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


Have I missed anyone who usually lives here but is away now - traveling, at school, or in a hospital?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


Have I missed any lodgers, boarders, or persons you employ who live here?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


Have I missed anyone else staying here?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


How is (name) related to (you)?

  1. Opposite-sex Spouse (Husband/Wife)

  2. Opposite-sex Unmarried Partner

  3. Same-sex Spouse (Husband/Wife)

  4. Same-sex Unmarried Partner

  5. Child

  6. Grandchild

  7. Parent (Mother/Father)

  8. Brother/Sister

  9. Other relative (Aunt, Cousin, Nephew, Mother-in-law, etc.)

  10. Foster Child

  11. Housemate/Roommate

  12. Roomer/Boarder

  13. Other nonrelative

  14. D

  15. R


What is (name's/your) date of birth?

  • _____________________________

  • D

  • R


Even though you don’t know (name's/your) exact birthdate, what is your best guess as to how old (you/he/she) (was/were) on (your/his/her) last birthday?



What is the highest level of school (you) (have) completed or the highest degree (you) (have) received?

  1. Less than 1st grade

  2. 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade

  3. 5th or 6th grade

  4. 7th or 8th grade

  5. 9th grade

  6. 10th grade

  7. 11th grade

  8. 12th grade NO DIPLOMA

  9. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE- high school DIPLOMA or the equivalent (For example: GED)

  10. Some college but no degree

  11. Associate degree in college - Occupational/vocational program

  12. Associate degree in college -- Academic program

  13. Bachelor's degree (For example: BA, AB, BS)

  14. Master's degree (For example: MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA)

  15. Professional School Degree (For example: MD,DDS,DVM,LLB,JD)

  16. Doctorate degree (For example: PhD, EdD)

  17. D

  18. R


(Are / Is) (name/you) of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


I am going to read you a list of five race categories. You may choose one or more races. For this survey, Hispanic origin is not a race. (Are/Is) (NAME/you) White; Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; OR Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander?

  • Do not probe unless response is Hispanic or a Hispanic origin

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

  1. White

  2. Black or African American

  3. American Indian or Alaska Native

  4. Asian

  5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  6. Other - DO NOT READ

  7. D

  8. R



School Enrollment - Adult's Items


This month I am asking some additional questions concerning school enrollment.

[These sections are only for household members that are 3 years old or older. If the hh member is younger than 3, you can skip them.
If [NAME] is 15+, ASK SSCHOL below.
Else, SKIP to School Enrollment Supplement - Children's Items on pg 9]


(Are/Is) (Name/You) attending or enrolled in regular school even if school was cancelled due to COVID-19?

(Regular school includes elementary school, high school, and schooling that leads to a college or professional school degree)

  1. Yes

  2. No -> Skip to VOCA on pg 7

  3. D

  4. R


(Are/Is) (Name/You) enrolled in public or private school?

  1. Public

  2. Private

  3. D

  4. R


What grade or year (are/is) (name/you) attending?

  1. Grades 1 through 5 – Elementary -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  1. 6th Grade -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  2. 7th Grade -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  3. 8th Grade -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  4. 9th Grade -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  5. 10th Grade -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  6. 11th Grade -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  7. 12th Grade -> Skip to LASTYR on pg 7

  1. 1st year of college (freshman)

  2. 2nd year of college (sophomore)

  3. 3rd year of college (junior)

  4. 4th year of college (senior)

  5. 1st year of graduate school

  6. 2nd year or higher of graduate school

  1. College, no year reported

  2. D -> Skip to VOCA on pg 7

  3. R -> Skip to VOCA on pg 7


(Are/Is) (name/you) attending college full-time or part-time?

  1. Full-time

  2. Part-time

  3. D

  4. R


Is this a 2-year or a 4-year college or university?

  1. 2-year college (community or junior college)

  2. 4-year college or university

  3. D

  4. R


Excluding ([if GRADE=21-30] regular college courses and) on-the-job training, (are/is) (name/you) taking any business, vocational, technical, secretarial, trade, or correspondence courses?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


(Were/Was) (name/you) attending or enrolled in a regular school or college in October 2019 that is, October of last year?

  1. Yes

  2. No -> Skip to YRATT

  3. D

  4. R


What grade or year (was/were) (name/you) attending last year?

  1. Grades 1 through 4 – Elementary

  1. 5th Grade

  2. 6th Grade

  3. 7th Grade

  4. 8th Grade

  5. 9th Grade

  6. 10th Grade

  7. 11th Grade

  8. 12th Grade

  1. 1st year of college (freshman)

  2. 2nd year of college (sophomore)

  3. 3rd year of college (junior)

  4. 4th year of college (senior)

  5. 1st year of graduate school

  6. 2nd year or higher of graduate school

  1. College, no year reported

  2. D

  3. R

[If [NAME] answered LASTGD, cycle back to School Enrollment - Adult's Items on pg 6 for next HH member.

Else If [NAME] has an EDUCA = 41-46, SKIP to YRDEG.

Else If [NAME] has an EDUCA = 39-40, SKIP to YRDIP.

Else, ASK YRATT below.]


In what calendar year did (name/you) last attend regular school?

  1. 2020

  2. 2019 or before

  3. Never attended -> Skip to GED1

  4. D

  5. R

[If EDUCA = 41-46, ask]


In what calendar year did (name/you) receive (your/his/her) most recent degree?

  1. 2020

  2. 2019 or before

  3. D

  4. R

[If EDUCA = 39-40, ask]


In what calendar year did (name/you) complete high school?

  1. 2020

  2. 2019 or before

  3. D

  4. R

[If [NAME] has an EDUCA = 39-40, ASK GED1

Else If [NAME] has an EDUCA = 31-38, SKIP to GED2.

Else, IF [NAME] could not answer EDUCA, SKIP to GED3.]


People can get their high school diploma in a variety of ways, such as graduation from high school or by getting a GED or other equivalent. How did (name/you) get (your/his/her) high school diploma?

  1. Graduation from high school

  2. GED or other equivalent

  3. D

  4. R


Earlier you said that the highest level (name/you) had completed was

[EDUCA VALUE]. Did (name/you) complete high school by getting a GED or other equivalent?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


Earlier you were unable to tell us the highest level of education (name/you) had completed. Did (name/you) complete high school by getting a GED or other equivalent?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R

School Enrollment Supplement - Children's Items

[Again, if [NAME] is younger than 3, skip them.

If [NAME] IS 3-5, ASK SCH35 below

If [NAME] IS 6-14, ASK SCH614 on pg 10]


(Are/Is) (name/you) attending or enrolled in nursery school, kindergarten or elementary school even if school was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic?

  1. Yes –> Skip to CHPUB

  2. No -> Cycle back to start of School Enrollment Supplement - Children's Items for next hh member. Else skip to Think Aloud on pg 11

  3. D

  4. R

[IF [NAME] IS 6-14, ASK SCH614]


(Are/Is) (name/you) attending or enrolled in regular school even if school was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic?

(Regular school includes nursery school, kindergarten, elementary school and schooling which leads to a high school diploma or college degree.)

  1. Yes

  2. No -> Cycle back to start of School Enrollment Supplement - Children's Items for next hh member. Else skip to Think Aloud on pg 11

  3. D

  4. R


(Are/Is) (name/you) enrolled in public or private school?

  1. Public

  2. Private

  3. D

  4. R


What grade or year (are/is) (name/you) attending?

(If nursery school or kindergarten, ask if full-day or part-day)

  1. Nursery (pre-school, pre-kindergarten) full-day

  2. Nursery (pre-school, pre-kindergarten) part-day

  3. Kindergarten full-day

  4. Kindergarten part-day

  1. Grade 1 – Elementary

  2. Grade 2 – Elementary

  3. Grade 3 – Elementary

  4. Grade 4 – Elementary

  5. Grade 5 – Elementary

  6. Grade 6 – Elementary

  7. Grade 7 – Elementary

  8. Grade 8 – Elementary

  9. Grade 9 – High School

  10. Grade 10 – High School

  11. Grade 11– High School

  12. Grade 12 – High School

  13. D

  14. R


(Were/Was) (name/you) attending or enrolled in a regular school in October 2019 that is, October of last year?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. D

  4. R


What grade (was/were) (name/you) attending last year?

  1. Nursery (pre-school, pre-kindergarten) full-day

  1. Kindergarten

  1. Grade 1 – Elementary

  2. Grade 2 – Elementary

  3. Grade 3 – Elementary

  4. Grade 4 – Elementary

  5. Grade 5 – Elementary

  6. Grade 6 – Elementary

  7. Grade 7 – Elementary

  8. Grade 8 – Elementary

  9. Grade 9 – High School

  10. Grade 10 – High School

  11. Grade 11– High School

  12. Grade 12 – High School

  13. D

  14. R

Think Aloud (Beginning of Cognitive Testing for New Materials)

Before we continue with the survey, I would like to mention one more thing we would like for you to do while answering these questions. I would also like you to think aloud as you answer the questions. While I am interested in your answers, I am even more interested in the process you go through when you answer the questions. So, as much as possible, I’d like you to think aloud for me; meaning, talk me through your thought process as you answer each question in the questionnaire. From time to time, I may also ask you what you are thinking to remind you to do this.

I find it helps people to get the idea of thinking aloud while they are answering a question if they do a practice question first. Let’s begin with a practice question. Remember to think aloud as you answer.

How many windows are there in the house or apartment where you live?

_____________ WINDOWS

[IF NEEDED: Try to visualize the place where you live, and think about how many windows there are in that place. As you count up the windows, tell me what you are seeing and thinking about.


  • How did you come up with that answer?

  • Tell me more about that. Why did you say [ANSWER]?

  • I noticed that you hesitated. Tell me what you were thinking.]

School Enrollment Supplement – COVID Items

[For ALL children ages 4 – 18, with EDUCA values of 12th grade or lower, ask for each child, then cycle back.]


How did the coronavirus pandemic affect how [CHILD] received education during the spring of 2020? [Read all and mark Yes/No]

  1. Were his/her classes that are normally taught in person at the school cancelled?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Were his/her classes that are normally taught in person moved to a distance-learning format using online resources, either self-paced or in real time?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Were his/her classes that are normally taught in person moved to a distance-learning format using paper materials sent home with [CHILD]?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Were his/her classes that are normally taught in person changed in some other way? [If yes] In what way did the classes change?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. [Only read if answer No to 1-4] Were there no changes to his/her classes in the spring of 2020 because school did not close due to the coronavirus pandemic?

    1. Yes –> Skip to PROBES

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

These next questions ask about [CHILD]’s education after changes were made in response to the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020.


During the spring of 2020, how often was a computer or other digital device available to [CHILD] for educational purposes? Would you say it was always available, usually available, sometimes available, rarely available, or never available?

  1. Always available;

  2. Usually available;

  3. Sometimes available;

  4. Rarely available;

  5. Never available -> Skip to COVID4

  6. D

  7. R


[If option 1-4 selected] Was the computer or other digital device …? [Read each and mark yes/no for each]

  1. Provided by [CHILD]’s school or school district to use outside of school?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. [Was it] provided by someone in the household or family, or is it the child’s?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. [Was it] provided by another source? [If yes] What was that source?

    1. Yes ___________________________

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R


During the spring of 2020 how often was the Internet available to [CHILD] for educational purposes? Would you say it was always available, usually available, sometimes available, rarely available, or never available?

  1. Always available;

  2. Usually available;

  3. Sometimes available;

  4. Rarely available;

  5. Never available -> Skip to COVID6

  6. D

  7. R


Were Internet services …? [Read each and mark yes/no for each]

  1. Paid for by [CHILD]’s school or school district?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. [Were Internet services] Paid for by someone in the household or family?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. [Were Internet services] Paid for by another source? [If yes] What was that source?

    1. Yes ___________________________________

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

For these next questions, please continue to think about [CHILD]’s education after changes were made in response to the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020.


During the spring of 2020, about how many hours [in a typical week] did [CHILD] have live contact either by phone or video with their teachers?

  • [Enter number of hours.]

  • D

  • R


Including hours spent during weekdays and weekends, about how many hours did household members spend on ALL teaching activities with [CHILD] during a typical week in the spring of 2020?

  • [Enter number of hours.]

  • D

  • R

Alternative COVID7

After changes were made in response to the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020, about how much time did [CHILD] typically spend on all educational activities relative to a normal school day before the coronavirus pandemic? Would you say less than a normal school day, about the same as a normal school day, or more than a normal school day?

  1. Less than a normal school day

  2. About the same as a normal school day

  3. More than a normal school day

  4. D

  5. R


Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does [CHILD] have an individualized educational plan (IEP) or another form of educational accommodation?

  1. Yes

  2. No [skip to COVID10]

  3. D

  4. R


[If YES to COVID8]: Did [CHILD] receive any of the following resources or services after changes were made in response to the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020? [Read each and mark yes or no for each]:

  1. Did she/he receive one-on-one or group meetings with special education teachers or aides by phone or video?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did she/he receive lessons or assignments adapted to fit his/her needs?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did she/ he receive instructions on how to continue accommodations at home that the school would normally provide?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did she/he receive anything else? [If yes] What other resources or services did [CHILD] receive?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R


For this question, we are interested in learning about any educational materials that you may have used for [CHILD] after changes were made in response to the coronavirus pandemic . Materials could be online, virtual, or physical (for example, worksheets, textbooks, fiction/nonfiction books, DVDs, or videos). During the spring of 2020,...? [Ask each and mark yes/no]

  1. Did (you/name) use materials for [CHILD] from [CHILD]’s school or school district?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did you use any materials from a public library?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did you use any materials from a catalog, publisher, store, private school, or individual that specializes in providing educational materials to homeschooling families?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did you use anything from an exchange of materials with other families?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did you use any materials from free websites (such as YouTube or Wikipedia)?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did you use any materials from organized online, virtual, or cyber educational resources (such as Khan Academy or edX)?

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R

  1. Did you use any other materials from any other source? [If yes] –Where were other materials you used from?

    1. Yes __________________________

    2. No

    3. D

    4. R


Interviewers probe only after COVID questions are asked for every child in the household. If only one child use the child’s name where indicated.

Thank you very much for answering those questions, now I’d like to ask you a few more questions about how you came up with your answers.

Do “coronavirus” and “COVID-19” mean the same thing to you?

Some people use the term “coronavirus,” other people use “COVID-19,” and some people may call it something else. What word do you hear most often?"

COVID1 Research Questions:

Does the participant indicate any situation that was not captured by the question? Does what they say during probing seem to contradict what they indicated in the question?

I asked you “How did the coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic affect how [CHILD/each of your children] received education during the spring of 2020?”

Please tell me about how things changed throughout spring 2020 for your child/children’s education? If needed: Did it change from month to month?

COVID2 Research Questions:

Did each child have their own device or did they all share a device? Did the question accurately capture what kind of device they had, if any, and the availability of it?

Then I asked “During this time in the spring of 2020, how often was a computer or other digital device available to [CHILD/each of your children] for educational purposes?” Please tell me more about what devices were available and when they were available.

COVID4 Research Questions:

Only ask if they say internet was only sometimes, rarely, or never available, we want to know more about why there was a limitation on their internet.

I asked “During this time in the spring of 2020, how often was the Internet available to [CHILD] for educational purposes?” You said it was [read answer] Please tell me more about your answer.

COVID6 Research Questions:

If they indicated any children had live contact with teachers, are they able to answer this item or are they unaware of what happened? Are they having recall issues?

I also askedDuring this time in the spring of 2020, about how many hours [in a typical week] did [CHILD] have live contact either by phone or video with their teachers?” Please tell me more about your children’s live interactions with teachers? How confident do you feel in your answers?

[If needed] How did they contact teachers? Was it for regularly scheduled lessons or just to answer students’ questions as needed?

COVID7 Research Questions:

Are they able to answer one version more accurately and easily than another? Which version?

I asked you [COVID7 version they received in interview] Please tell me more about how you came up with your answers? How confident did you feel in your answers? [If needed] What types of activities did you include?

We are interested in trying out a different version of this question. If I had asked you [COVID7 they did not receive in the interview], what would your answer have been for each of your children? Which question was easier to answer? Which question did you feel more confident in your answer for?

[COVID7 Version 1] Including hours spent during weekdays and weekends, about how many hours did household members spend on ALL teaching activities with [each of your children] during a typical week in the spring of 2020?”

[COVID 7 Version 2] Relative to a normal school day prior to the coronavirus pandemic, about how much time did [CHILD] typically spend on all educational activities during the spring of 2020? Would you say less than a normal school day, about the same as a normal school day, or more than a normal school day?

  1. Less than a normal school day

  2. About the same as a normal school day

  3. More than a normal school day

  4. D

  5. R

Please tell me more about what you included as a “teaching activity” ?

COVID8 Research Questions:

For participants who said “no” for all of their children we want to verify we didn’t have false negatives. If we did, we need to make sure that the disability does NOT cause them to have an IEP.

I just wanted to verify that (your child has not/none of your children have) ever been diagnosed with any kind of emotional, physical, or mental condition?

[If they say a child was diagnosed with something] Please tell me more about how you came up with your answer to the question “Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does [CHILD] have an individualized educational plan (IEP) or another form of educational accommodation?”

COVID9 Research Questions:

Does the participant indicate any situation that was not captured by the question? Does what they say during probing seem to contradict what they indicated in the question? Does it seem like their child with an IEP had different accommodations than mainstream students?

[If they indicated any children had an IEP or special accommodation in COVID8] I asked you “Did [CHILD/CHILDREN who has/have an IEP] receive any of the following resources or services after changes were made in response to the coronavirus pandemic in spring 2020?”, then you indicated the types of resources or services they received. Please tell me more about a typical school day for [CHILD or children who has/have an IEP] during the spring of 2020. [If needed] Are these services different from what you heard about or saw children without IEPs or special accommodations receiving?

COVID10 Research Questions:

Does the participant include resources the kids used on their own with school staff or only materials they as parents used with the kids?

I asked you “During the spring of 2020 (your/name) did (you/name) use materials from ...” and I listed a lot of possible places you may have gotten educational materials. Were there any educational materials you used that were not listed here? [If yes] Please tell me more about those materials and where you got them from.

Did you include resources that [CHILD/ the children] used with school staff as well as with you or on their own?

I asked you “During the spring of 2020 (your/name) did (you/name) use materials from ...” Could you tell me about the kinds of schooling experiences that your child/children had with you and other adults in your home while schools were closed with coronavirus?

Would you say that you were homeschooling?

When I asked “Did you use any materials from a public library?” were you thinking of only physical materials or online resources as well?

What months were you thinking of when you were answering these questions?

[If needed] Were you only thinking about the time after there were changes to the [child/children]’s education?

Interviewers these probes can be cut if running out of time

Is there anyone who normally lives in your household who is currently living somewhere else temporarily for work or reasons related to COVID-19? [If yes] Did you include them in the list of people who you listed as living here? [If no] Please tell me more about that situation.

I asked “(Are/Is) (name/you) enrolled in public or private school?” For [CHILD/each of the Children] just to clarify what school year were you thinking of when I asked that question? [If needed] The 2019-20 or the 2018-19 school year?

Interviewers ask everything below

Was there anything else you would like to mention that you feel you haven’t had a chance to yet?

If signed consent/voucher before interview

Thank you very much for your time today and we will be mailing out that $40 incentive in the next few days.

If did not sign consent/voucher form before interview

Just as a reminder, you need to sign the document in the link before we can send the $40 incentive. Would you like me to send the link again and/or talk you through any problems you may be having with it?

[If send again] Just to confirm, what e-mail address would you like me to send that to?

Thank you very much for your time today we will be mailing out that $40 incentive as soon as you sign that document.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJasmine Luck (CENSUS/CBSM FED)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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