2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS 2020-21) Teacher and Principal Follow Up Survey Cognitive Testing

NCES System Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot, and Field Test Studies 2019-2022

Attachment 2 Survey Questions

2020-21 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS 2020-21) Teacher and Principal Follow Up Survey Cognitive Testing

OMB: 1850-0803

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2020 National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS) Teacher and Principal Follow Up Survey

Cognitive Testing

Attachment 2: Survey Questions

OMB# 1850-0803 v. 278

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

October 2020

School Items to be administered by a web instrument to principals:

Q1 During the 2019-20 school year, how did the coronavirus pandemic affect instruction in this school?

  • Please select all that apply.

[Check Box] There was no change in how classes were taught because of the coronavirus pandemic

[Check Box] All or some of the classes normally taught in person at the school were canceled

[Check Box] All or some of the classes normally taught in person moved to a distance-learning format using online resources, either self-paced or real-time

[Check Box] All or some of the classes normally taught in person moved into a distance-learning format using paper materials sent home with students

[Check Box] All or some of the classes normally taught in person changed in some other way – please specify [50 Character Response Box]

Details: If ‘There was no change in how classes were taught because of the coronavirus pandemic’ is selected, gray out the other response options.

Q2 Excluding prekindergarten, postsecondary, and adult education students, around October 1, 2020, how many students were enrolled in this school?

[5 Digit Response Box] Enrolled students

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response box


Hard Edits:

  • If the numeric response to question 1-2 is not > 0, display ‘EnrollError1’ message

Q3 For this school year (2020–21), what is the Average Daily Attendance (ADA) percentage at this school?

  • Round to the nearest whole PERCENT.

[3 Digit Response Box] % Average Daily Attendance

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response box


Soft Edits:

  • If the numeric response to question 1-3 is not within {0:100}, display ‘EnrollError2’ message

Q4 What is the official start and end time for MOST students at this school?

  • If the start and end times vary by day, record the start and end time for the longest day of the week.

  • Do NOT include prekindergarten or transitional first grade programs.

Start time o am End time o am

[_ _] : [_ _] o pm to [_ _] : [_ _] o pm


Soft Edits:

  • If the response for hour is not within {1:12}, display ‘TimeError1’ message above the row (start time or end time) with an error.

If the response for minute is not within {00:59

Q5 How many days are in a TYPICAL SCHOOL WEEK for students in this school?

  • Do NOT include prekindergarten or transitional first grade programs.

[1 Digit Response Box] Days per TYPICAL SCHOOL WEEK

Q6 How many days are in the SCHOOL YEAR for students in this school [or program]?

[3 Digit Response Box] Days per SCHOOL YEAR


Soft Edit:

  • If the response to question 1-10c is not within {1:7}, display ‘DaysError1’ message

Q7 Around October 1, 2020, how many staff held full-time or part-time positions or assignments in this school in each of the following categories?

  • Employees who hold more than one position in this school should be counted as part-time staff for each position held. FOR EXAMPLE: if your school’s vice principal also serves as a data coach, you would count this person as 1 part-time vice principal and 1 part-time data coach, even if this person works full-time across the two positions.

  • Employees shared with other schools [or the district office] should be counted as part-time employees.

    • If no FULL-TIME or PART-TIME staff members exist, please enter ‘0’ in the box under full-time and/or part-time.

The following sub-questions will be presented in a table format with three columns. The first column will list the sub-question, and the remaining columns will be labeled with the following headings: Full-time, Part-time. The headings will not be included as a row in the table, but will instead be bolded and appear above the first response row in the table. “Sticky Headers” should be used if possible and when the full table is too long to view without scrolling down page. If not possible, headings will repeat following ‘Student support services professional staff, including guidance counselors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, speech therapists, and other staff.’ Each cell within these columns will have a [2 Digit Response Box], and every other row will be shaded. Shading should alternate between two colors that are both darker than the background color, but in the same color family. All grid lines should also be removed from the table, as well as numbering or lettering to denote sub-items.



Principals [or school heads]

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Vice principals and assistant principals [or school heads]

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Librarians or library media specialists

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Technology specialists

[Response box ]

[Response box ]



Student support services professional staff--

School/guidance counselors, excluding psychologists and social workers

[Response box ]

[Response box ]


[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Social workers

[Response box ]

[Response box ]


[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Speech therapists or pathologists

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Other student support services staff

[Response box ]

[Response box ]






Secretaries and other clerical support staff

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Food service personnel

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Custodial and maintenance personnel

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Security guards or security personnel (not law enforcement)

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

School Resource Officers (include all career law enforcement officers with arrest authority, who have specialized training and are assigned to work in collaboration with school organizations)

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Sworn law enforcement officers who are not School Resource Officers

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Other employees not reported above

[Response box ]

[Response box ]

Q8 For high school graduates of the class of 2021, does this school [or district] have a community service requirement for a standard diploma?

      1. Yes

      2. No

Q9 Of the students enrolled in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels in this school, do any have an IEP or formally recognized disability?

      • Yes

      • No

Q10 Does this school PRIMARILY SERVE students with disabilities?

  • If you selected "SPECIAL EDUCATION school - primarily serves students with disabilities" for item [FILL], please mark "Yes" for this item.

Two radio buttons

      • Yes

      • No

“Previous” and “Next” buttons


If PUB_PRIV = 1, include “1-7” in the instruction text [FILL].

• If PUB_PRIV = 2, include “1-9” in the instruction text [FILL].

Edits: None


  • If ‘Yes’ is selected or no response is provided for question 4-2a, skip to Item 4-3a

  • If ‘No’ is selected for question 4-2a, go to Item 4-2b

Q11 How many students with IEPs or formally recognized disabilities are in each of the following instructional settings?

  • Enter ‘0’ if no student with an IEP or formally recognized disability is in a particular instructional setting.

The following sub-questions will be presented in a table format with two columns. The first column will list the sub-question, and the second column will be labeled with the following heading: Students. The heading will not be included as a row in the table, but will instead be bolded and appear above the first response row in the table. “Sticky Headers” should be used if possible and when the full table is too long to view without scrolling down page. Each cell within this column will contain a [4 Digit Response Box]. Every other row will be shaded, and shading will alternate between two colors that are both darker than the background color, but in the same color family. All grid lines will be removed from the table, as well as numbering or lettering to denote sub-items.

Note: A running total will appear separately under the last response row of the table. This row will contain a label with ‘Total Students’ on the left and the column total on the right.


100 % of the school day in a regular classroom

[Response box]

80–99 % of the school day in a regular classroom

[Response box]

40–79 % of the school day in a regular classroom

[Response box]

0–39 % of the school day in a regular classroom

[Response box]

Total Students

[Running Total]


  • Only allow non-negative integers in the response box

Soft Edits:

  • If the sum of the responses to question 4-2b do not equal the response to question 4-1b, display ‘IEPError2’ message if PUB_PRIV = 1 or ‘DisabilityError2’ message if PUB_PRIV = 2

Q12 Of the students enrolled in this school as of October 1, 2020, have any been identified as English language learners (ELLs), also known as limited-English proficient (LEP)?

(“English language learners (ELLs)” or “limited-English proficient (LEP)” refers to students whose native or dominant language is other than English and who have sufficient difficulty speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language as to deny them the opportunity to learn successfully in an English-speaking-only classroom.)

  • Do NOT include prekindergarten, postsecondary, or adult education students.

      • Yes

      • No

“Previous” and “Next” buttons

Edits: None


  • If ‘No’ is selected for question 4-3a, skip to Item 4-7

  • If ‘Yes’ is selected or no response is provided for question 4-3a, go to Item 4-4

Q13 Does this school have instruction specifically designed to address the needs of ELL or LEP students?

      • Yes

      • No

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response box

Edits: None


  • If ‘Yes’ is selected or no response is provided for question 4-4, go to Item 4-5b

  • If ‘No’ is selected for question 4-4, skip to Item 4-7

Q14 Are ELL or LEP students taught English in regular English-speaking classrooms?

      1. Yes

      2. No

Q15 Around October 1, 2020, did any students enrolled in this school receive Title I services at this school or at any other location?

(“Title I” is a federally funded program that provides educational services, such as remedial reading or remedial math, to children who live in areas with high concentrations of low-income families.)

      1. Yes

      2. No

Teacher items to be administered by web instrument to teachers:

Q1 The coronavirus pandemic has affected the way many schools provide instruction. To help us understand your responses to this survey, please select the option that best describes the current effect of the coronavirus pandemic on your teaching at THIS school:

  1. I am currently only teaching with distance-learning instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic

  2. I am currently teaching with a hybrid of in-person and distance-learning instruction (some students or classes may be remote, while others are in person) because of the coronavirus pandemic

  3. I am currently teaching only in-person with additional safety precautions because of the coronavirus pandemic

  4. There is currently no effect on how I deliver instruction because of the coronavirus pandemic

  5. I am not currently teaching because of the coronavirus pandemic

Q2 Do you currently have any of the below types of debt from your undergraduate or graduate education?

Please select all that apply

I do not currently have debt from my undergraduate or graduate education [skip out of question series]

Federal student loans

Private student loans

State student loans

Loans from family or friends for undergraduate or graduate education

Credit card debt for undergraduate or graduate education

Other debt for undergraduate or graduate education - Please specify

Q3-(Stayer) Have you ever seriously considered leaving your current job for a higher paying job to help pay off debt from your undergraduate or graduate education?



Q3 (Leaver/Mover) Was finding a higher paying job to help pay off debt from your undergraduate or graduate education at least one of the reasons why you left your previous teaching job?



All questions below are being test for NTPS, they are not being considered for TFS

Q4 How do you feel about the amount of debt you have remaining from your undergraduate and graduate education?

Not at all worried

A little worried

Somewhat worried

Very worried

Extremely worried

Q5 Are you aware of any student debt forgiveness programs for teachers?


No [Skip out of series]

[If yes or blank]

Q6 Are you currently, or have you ever been, enrolled in any student debt forgiveness programs for teachers?



[If no]

Q7 Why have you not enrolled in any student debt forgiveness program for teachers?

Please select one

I applied to a program(s)but did not qualify

I do not expect to qualify for any program(s)

I have not had a chance to apply yet

I am not sure how to apply

I have not decided which program(s) to apply to

I do not think applying would be worth it

[If yes]

Q8 What type of student debt forgiveness program are you currently enrolled in or have you ever been enrolled in?

Please select all that apply

A federal program

A state or county program

A program through my school or school district

A program through another entity Please Specify

Q9 Do you currently teach students in any of these grades at THIS school?

  • Please select all that apply.

[Check Box] Prekindergarten

[Check Box] Kindergarten

[Check Box] 1st

[Check Box] 2nd

[Check Box] 3rd

[Check Box] 4th

[Check Box] 5th

[Check Box] 6th

[Check Box] 7th

[Check Box] 8th

[Check Box] 9th

[Check Box] 10th

[Check Box] 11th

[Check Box] 12th

[Check Box] Ungraded

Q10 Which statement best describes the way YOUR classes at THIS school are organized?

a. You instruct several classes of different students most or all of the day in one or more subjects.

b. You are an elementary school teacher who teaches only one subject to different classes of students.

c. You instruct the same group of students all or most of the day in multiple subjects.

d. You are one of two or more teachers, in the same class, at the same time, and are jointly responsible for teaching the same group of students all or most of the day.

e. You instruct a small number of selected students released from or in their regular classes in specific skills or to address specific needs.


  • If the ‘You instruct several classes… ‘ or ‘You are an elementary school teacher…’ radio button is selected, skip to Q14

  • If the ‘You instruct the same group…’ or ‘You are one of two or more…’ radio button is selected, go to Q11

  • If the ‘You instruct a small number…’ radio button is selected, skip to Q12

Q11 During your most recent FULL WEEK of teaching at THIS school, what is the total number of students enrolled in the class you taught?

  • If you teach more than one self-contained class, report the number from your class with the most students.

[2 Digit Response Box] Students

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response box

Skips: Skip to Q13

Q12 During your most recent FULL WEEK of teaching at THIS school, what is the average number of students you taught at any one time?

[2 Digit Response Box] Students

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response box

Q13 During your most recent FULL WEEK of teaching, approximately how many minutes did YOU spend teaching each of the following subjects at THIS school?

  • If you taught two or more subjects at the same time, divide the time between each subject the best you can.

  • Enter ‘0’ in the “Minutes per day” box if you did not teach a particular subject during the week.

  1. English, reading, or language arts (including reading and writing)

Minutes per day [3 Digit Response Box] for Days per week [1 Digit Response Box]

  1. Of these English, reading, or language arts (including reading and writing) minutes, how many were designated for reading instruction?

Minutes per day [3 Digit Response Box] for Days per week [1 Digit Response Box]

  1. Arithmetic or mathematics

Minutes per day [3 Digit Response Box] for Days per week [1 Digit Response Box]

  1. Social studies or history

Minutes per day [3 Digit Response Box] for Days per week [1 Digit Response Box]

  1. Science

Minutes per day [3 Digit Response Box] for Days per week [1 Digit Response Box]

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response box

Q14 How many separate class periods or sections do you currently teach at THIS school?

  • Do NOT include homeroom periods or study halls.

  • (Example: If you teach 2 classes or sections of chemistry I, a class or section of physics I, and a class or section of physics II, you would report 4 classes or sections.)

[2 Digit Response Box] Number of classes or sections

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response box

Skips: If the response to Q14 is ‘0,’ skip to Q16; otherwise, go to Q15

Q15 For EACH of the [if not blank, fill number from Q14] class periods or sections that you reported in item Q14, record the subject name, grade level, and number of students.

  • If you teach a class or section with more than one grade level, list the grade level with the most students in column B and record the total number of students in column C.

  • [If you reported more than 10 periods or sections in item 2-12, report only 10 of those periods or sections.]

  1. Subject Name, one for EACH class period

B. Grade Level

C. Number

of Students

Clear Row

Class Period 1

Drop-down menu

Drop-down menu

[3 Digit Response Box]


Class Period 2

Drop-down menu

Drop-down menu

[3 Digit Response Box]


Class Period 3

Drop-down menu

Drop-down menu

[3 Digit Response Box]


Class Period 4

Drop-down menu

Drop-down menu

[3 Digit Response Box]


“Click here to add another class period or section” link

When the respondent clicks the drop-down menu under ‘Select Subject Name,’ a drop-down should appear with the “Main Teaching Assignment Table” from question 2-4 (org_main) and a scroll bar so the respondent can locate the correct subject. Once a subject has been selected, the drop-down will close. The selected subject will appear in the ‘Subject Name’ response box. The user will be able to change the response by clicking on the ‘Subject Name’ drop-down again. Clicking the button under ‘Clear Row’ will clear the row.

The drop down menu in the Grade Level column should include the following grade levels:

  • Select Grade Level (default)

  • Prekindergarten

  • Kindergarten

  • 1st grade

  • 2nd grade

  • 3rd grade

  • 4th grade

  • 5th grade

  • 6th grade

  • 7th grade

  • 8th grade

  • 9th grade

  • 10th grade

  • 11th grade

  • 12th grade

  • Ungraded


  • Only allow non-negative integers in the response box

  • The bracketed instruction text “If you reported more than 10 periods or sections in item 2-12, report only 10 of those periods or sections” should only appear if the number of classes entered for question 2-12 is greater than 10.

  • If the number of classes entered for question 2-12 is greater than 10, the question text should read “For 10 of the [FILL] class periods or sections that you reported in item 2-12, record the subject name, grade level, and number of students”.

Q16 How many hours does your contract require you to work during a typical FULL WEEK at THIS school?

  • This would be base contract hours, or the equivalent, NOT including stipends or extra pay for extra duty.

  • Report to the nearest whole hour.

[2 Digit Response Box] Total WEEKLY hours required to work

Q17 Of the hours you are CONTRACTED to work, excluding time spent on planning, lunch, break/recess, arrival/dismissal of students, and otherwise NOT delivering instruction, how many hours during a typical full week do you DELIVER INSTRUCTION to students in THIS school?

  • This number should be less than the reported number of hours in 6-1.

  • PULL-OUT” or “PUSH-IN” TEACHERS: Please include the number of hours you instruct individual students or small groups of students.

  • Report to the nearest whole hour.

[2 Digit Response Box] Total WEEKLY hours delivering instruction

Details: Only allow non-negative integers in the response boxes

Q18 During the 2019–20 school year, how did the coronavirus pandemic affect how you delivered instruction in this school?

  • Please select all that apply.

[Check Box] I was not a teacher at this school during the 2019-20 school year

[Check Box] There was no change in how my classes were taught because of the coronavirus pandemic

[Check Box] All or some of my classes normally taught in person at the school were canceled

[Check Box] All or some of my classes normally taught in person moved to a distance-learning format using online resources, either self-paced or real-time

[Check Box] All or some of my classes normally taught in person moved to a distance-learning format using paper materials sent home with students

[Check Box] All or some of my classes normally taught in person changed in some other way – please specify [50 Character Response Box]

Skips: If ‘I was not a teacher at this school during the 2019-20 school year’ is selected for Q18, skip to END; otherwise, go to Q19

Q19 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: I had the support and resources I needed to be effective as a teacher at this school during the coronavirus pandemic in the 2019–20 school year.

a. Strongly disagree

b. Somewhat disagree

c. Somewhat agree

d. Strongly agree

Q20 During the coronavirus pandemic in the 2019–20 school year, what kinds of real-time interactions, if any, did you have with your students at this school?

  • Please select all that apply.

[Check Box] I had no real-time interactions with students during the coronavirus pandemic in the 2019-20 school year

[Check Box] I taught scheduled real-time lessons to classes who could ask questions during the lesson through a video or audio call

[Check Box] I held scheduled sessions with groups of students to provide support through a video or audio call

[Check Box] I held scheduled one-on-one sessions with individual students to teach lessons or provide support through a video or audio call

[Check Box] I held scheduled office hours where students could ask questions through a video or audio call

[Check Box] I had unscheduled sessions with students as needed through a video or audio call

Details: If ‘I had no real-time interactions with students during the coronavirus pandemic in the 2019-20 school year’ is selected, gray out the other response options.

Skips: If ‘I had no real-time interactions with students during the coronavirus pandemic in the 2019-20 school year’ is selected, skip to END, otherwise, go to Q21.

Q21 What percentage of your students at this school did you have any real-time interaction with during the coronavirus pandemic in the 2019–20 school year?

  1. 1-25%

  2. 26-50%

  3. 51-75%

  4. 76-100%

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJonathan M Katz (CENSUS/CBSM FED)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-12

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