National Center for Education Statistics
February 4, 2020
To: Robert Sivinski, OMB
From: Rachel Hansen, NCES
Through: Kashka Kubzdela, NCES
Re: School Survey of Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Incident Count Check Cognitive Interviews Update (OMB# 1850-0803 v.262 – revised v.250)
The School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) is a nationally representative survey of public elementary and secondary schools and is one of the nation’s primary sources of school-level data on crime and safety in public schools. Conducted by NCES, within the U.S. Department of Education (ED), SSOCS has been administered seven times starting in the 1999–2000 school year. Other federal surveys obtain information about school crime from individuals other than those who have the school-level perspective of principals. One such survey is the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The CRDC is administered by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and has collected data on education and civil rights issues in U.S. public schools since 1968. The CRDC collects a variety of information from superintendents and staff at local education agencies (LEAs), most of which is disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability.
Between SSOCS and the CRDC, there is overlap in the counts of crime incidents reported, disciplinary actions, and harassment/bullying data. When SSOCS experienced a lapse in funding after the 2009–10 data collection, ED deemed it crucial to continue collecting counts of the key metrics traditionally collected in the SSOCS, and they were incorporated into the CRDC. When SSOCS resumed in 2015–16, incident counts remained in both SSOCS and the CRDC. Consequently, there are incident counts in both SSOCS and the CRDC for the 2015–16 and 2017–18 school years. This was intentional to assess how the counts obtained through both data collections compare.
Initial analyses show discrepancies in the information reported for schools that participated in both SSOCS and the CRDC. To gain a better understanding of the context around the differences in the reporting of the items in the two surveys, there was a request to conduct a two-phase cognitive interview study to explore respondents’ understanding of the incident count questions—in particular, what respondents include in, and exclude from, their calculations and what records respondents reference to answer the questions—in order to determine whether respondents are providing the intended information. NCES contracted the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to carry out the SSOCS Incident Count Check Cognitive Interviews.
The SSOCS Incident Count Check Cognitive Interviews were approved in June 2019 (OMB #1850-0803 v.250). This request is to make updates to the recruitment and data collection procedures for Phase 2 of the interview study. The updates listed below reflect results from Phase 1 of the interview study.
Originally, NCES planned to execute Phase 2 of the interview study using the same recruitment and data collection procedures as Phase 1, unless the results of Phase 1 indicated that these procedures would not lead to the successful execution of Phase 2 interviews. During Phase 1, AIR attempted to recruit approximately 10 “interview pairs” (20 respondents total)—SSOCS and CRDC respondents that represented the same school and provided incident data in both surveys during the 2017-18 school year—and offered a $50 incentive. Over the course of
Phase 1 recruitment, 120 principals and four district administrators were contacted to participate in an hour-long interview. Recruitment efforts during Phase 1 resulted in a high number of ineligible respondents and nonrespondents; this was partly due to high principal turnover in the last two school years and that principals expressed reservations with whether approval was needed from the district level to participate in the study, given the mention of the paired CRDC district respondent interview. Due to these recruitment challenges, AIR was required to release additional sample members on two separate occasions but was still unable to increase participation during Phase 1. After eight weeks of recruitment, only one SSOCS respondent and one CRDC respondent were interviewed; the two were unaffiliated.
Based on the efforts and challenges faced during Phase 1 of the interview study, this request is to update the recruitment and data collection procedures for Phase 2 to increase the recruitment timeline, to pursue interviews with SSOCS respondents and CRDC respondents separately—rather than as interview pairs representing the same school—and to increase the incentive from $50 to $75.
Changes discussed in this request consist of revisions to: (1) Volume 1 (study design, recruitment procedures and incentive amount), (2) recruitment materials in Appendix A (deletion of references to the paired survey/interview), and (3) protocols in Appendix B (deletion of reference to the paired survey/interview and the reorganization of items within the protocols). This request involves an increase to the estimated respondent burden due to the minor tweaks to the recruitment timeline and estimated sample for phase 2; the low response rate in Phase 1 suggests that the conversion rate for respondents may be lower than anticipated, so the burden increase comes entirely from an anticipated enlarged recruitment pool. In addition, this package includes the discontinuation of the use of the affidavit of nondisclosure with districts in Phase 2 because SSOCS school data will no longer be shared with the district respondent. This request does not involve any changes to the estimated cost to the federal government for this study.
The approved versions of Volume 1 as well as the recruitment materials and the protocols have been revised to reflect the updates to the Phase 2 data collection. Appendix A - Recruitment Materials and Appendix B - Protocols provides the approved Phase 1 documents and the revised Phase 2 documents. The noteworthy changes to the approved clearance package documents are listed below. Text added since the last approved version of each document is marked burgundy font color, all text deleted since the last approved version is marked in crossed-out burgundy font color, and all unchanged text is shown in black font.
The following updates were made to Vol I:
The following was added on p. 1:
The request to conduct Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the School Survey of Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Incident Count Check Cognitive Interviews 2018 was approved in June 2019 (OMB #1850-0803 v.250). Based on the results of Phase 1, which was conducted from October to December of 2019, this request includes updates for Phase 2 data collection and includes revisions to: (1) recruitment procedures, (2) communication materials, and (3) Phase 2 protocols.
The following revision was made on p. 2:
The sample will be
composed of public schools and districts; interview respondents will
be the staff who were responsible for filling out the school crime
incident counts in the 2017-18
and 2017-18
CRDC 2017–18
questionnaires (per the contact
information provided in each data submission). SSOCS respondents will
include elementary, middle, and high school principals or other
school personnel designated by the principal as the person who is
“most knowledgeable about school crime and policies to provide
a safe environment.” The CRDC respondents will be the staff at
the respective LEA for that school. For each school in the sample,
the SSOCS and CRDC respondents will create an “interview pair”,
but each respondent will be interviewed individually. On behalf of
NCES, AIR will recruit respondents, administer interviews, and
provide to NCES reports and recommendations based on analyses of
findings for both phases of this study. A brief description of the
sample characteristics and objectives is provided below.
Phase 1
1 will
was designed
of approximately 10 interview pairs―one SSOCS respondent and
one CRDC respondent, for a total of approximately 20 interviews—in
July and August of 2019. These pairs will
would represent
a range of: (a) incident types, (b) which data collection(s) the
incidents were reported on, and (c) school level. A purposive sample
would be
drawn to ensure appropriate coverage of possible scenarios and school
interviews in Phase 1 will
were designed to
the feasibility of scaling up the study methods and materials to
conduct Phase 2 of the study. The Phase 1 interviews will
would allow
us to assess the success of the recruitment tactics and to test the
interview protocols to determine if the questions produce the
information necessary to be able to determine validation
issues/discrepancies across the two surveys. The findings from Phase
1 will
would provide
recommendations for revisions to the study materials for Phase 2. A
summary of the results from Phase 1 and recommendations for Phase 2
would be
developed by late August 2019. If revisions are
were needed
materials for Phase 2, a revised request with the revised materials
a memo listing the changes will
would be
submitted to OMB at that time for approval before Phase 2 begins.
The following was added on p. 2-3:
Phase 1 of the cognitive interview study launched on October 16, 2019 and lasted for eight weeks, ending on December 13, 2019. AIR staff invited 120 principals and four district administrators to participate in an hour-long interview. Recruitment efforts encountered a number of challenges, and after eight weeks of recruitment, only one SSOCS respondent and one CRDC respondent were interviewed.
Central goals of Phase 1 were to determine the ease of pinpointing the correct contacts for both surveys and provide a better idea of the time frame required to successfully recruit both contacts. Locating the correct respondent who completed 2017-18 SSOCS had implications on operational activities and study eligibility. Given high principal turnover in the last two academic years among the sampled schools, AIR had limited success in reaching 2017-18 SSOCS respondents. During recruitment, AIR reviewed automatic email bounce backs and verbal communication with gatekeepers and determined that at least 38 of 120 (about 32 percent) SSOCS respondents are no longer with the school. Additionally, some SSOCS respondents who AIR was able to reach were interested in participating, however, they expressed reservations with how the SSOCS interview related to the paired CRDC district respondent interview and whether they needed approval from the district level to participate in the study. These cases ended up resulting in no interviews because of district nonresponse to communication about the study (originating from both the SSOCS respondent and AIR). Of the remaining sample members, the majority were nonrespondents after the full recruitment cycle of six outreach attempts (four emails and two phone calls) was completed. Due to the number of ineligible respondents and nonrespondents, AIR was required to release additional sample members on two separate occasions but was still unable to increase participation during Phase 1.
The following revisions were made on p. 3:
Phase 2
2 will consist of up to 100
interview pairs (for a total of approximately
in fall
2020. Based on the results of conducting Phase 1, Phase 2 will pursue
interviews with SSOCS respondents and CRDC respondents separately;
they will not consist of interview pairs representing the same
school. Respondents These
pairs will
represent a range of school and
including schools in different locales, schools serving different
grade levels, and schools with varying enrollment sizes. Note that
while the sample will include a mix of characteristics, the results
will not explicitly measure differences by these characteristics.
3. Data Collection:
3.1 Recruitment:
both phases of the study, recruitment is anticipated to last
approximately 4 weeks and the recruitment process is expected to take
5 to 20 minutes per entity. A central goal of Phase 1 is
to determine the ease of pinpointing the correct contacts for both
surveys and provide a better idea of the time frame required to
successfully recruit both contacts. AIR
will develop
developed and
maintained a
detailed tracking sheet of recruitment efforts for each sampled
district and school; this will aid in understanding the true level of
effort required for recruitment prior to Phase 2 of the study.
The following revisions were made on p. 3:
to the start of recruitment, OCR will
provided AIR
with a list of the points of contact for the 2017–18 CRDC.
Recruitment will begin once a sample of linked SSOCS schools and CRDC
districts has been drawn. After the sample of schools has been
selected, a notification letter from NCES will be e-mailed
to the schools and their districts informing them of the study
activities and inviting them to participate. Each
pair of sSchool
and district contacts will be assigned an AIR staff member who will
serve as their main point of contact and who will administer the
interviews with the respondents.
The following revisions were made on p. 3:
During recruitment, if the SSOCS or CRDC contact indicates they were not responsible for filling out the school’s incident count data, AIR will request contact information for the correct school or district staff member and then reach out accordingly. Once an interview has been scheduled, AIR staff will send a meeting invite via e-mail to confirm the interview date and time. A consent form and non-disclosure agreement (for district administrators only, during Phase 1 only) will be attached for their signature.
The following revisions were made on p. 4:
AIR will use multiple outreach methods and resources to recruit participants. SSOCS and CRDC respondents will be contacted by e-mail and phone during recruitment, and AIR will confirm that interested individuals are eligible to participate. Our recruitment experience with cognitive interviews for 2017-18 SSOCS and the 2017–18 CRDC indicated that these respondents are a hard-to-reach population, and increased time and effort will be dedicated to meeting recruitment targets.
began by
contacting the staff member listed as the 2017-18
of contact for each school to determine whether that person filled in
the incident data and is the appropriate person for the interview.
Once the SSOCS respondent has agreed to participate in an interview,
they will
were asked
to sign a consent form that requests permission for the following:
to share information from the school’s participation in SSOCS with the district contact.
to participate in the interview.
the SSOCS respondent has
to participate in an interview, a similar outreach process was
used to contact the listed CRDC 2017–18 point of contact for
that school’s district. If the school has
to share their responses on SSOCS with their district, the CRDC
respondent will
was asked
to sign a non-disclosure affidavit (NDA) and a consent form that they
agreed to participate in the interview. If the school did
consent to share their responses on SSOCS, the interview will
would be
adjusted so that this information is not shared with the district and
a non-disclosure affidavit would not be required. For more
information about consent and non-disclosure procedures, see the
“Assurance of Confidentiality” section below.
a SSOCS respondent agrees
agreed to
an interview, but AIR is
unable to schedule an interview with the CRDC district
respondent―either AIR is
was unable
to reach the correct respondent or the respondent declines
to be interviewed―AIR will
proceeded with
interviewing the school only.
The following revisions were made on p. 4-5:
Phase 2 will closely follow the same recruitment process as Phase 1; however, based on the challenges faced during Phase 1 recruitment the following changes to recruitment strategies will be made for Phase 2. These changes reflect the decision to pursue interviews with SSOCS and CRDC respondents independently (rather than as an interview pair):
AIR will no longer need to contact a SSOCS respondent prior to reaching out to the CRDC respondent. A similar outreach process will be used to contact both 2017-18 SSOCS and 2017-18 CRDC respondents simultaneously throughout the recruitment period.
SSOCS data will no longer be shared with CRDC respondents. Schools will no longer be asked to consent to sharing their data and CRDC respondents will no longer be required to sign a non-disclosure affidavit (NDA).
Recruitment for Phase 2 will last for approximately 8 weeks. The increased recruitment window is based on the limited success in recruiting participants during the shorter window in Phase 1 and the higher number of target interviews for Phase 2. This timeframe will provide AIR the opportunity to recruit from a larger sample of schools and will allow for additional follow-up outreach to be conducted with each potential participant over a longer window.
Appendix A contains the full set of recruitment materials, including a visual representation of the recruitment process (see figure 1 in Appendix A). Screening and recruiting participants for qualitative studies such as this one is a dynamic process. The recruitment email templates and scripts will be used in Phase 11. Materials for Phase 2 were adapted based on feedback received during Phase 1. The contact materials in Appendix A are grouped separately for each phase: Phase 1 and Phase 2.
3.2 Qualitative Interview Methods:
The following revisions were made on p. 5:
The questions in the protocol will directly address the study’s research questions by gathering data on: how districts receive incident data from schools to report for the CRDC (and what processes they use to verify these data); what formats districts and schools use to store these data; and how district and school respondents understand and respond to the incident items in the two surveys, including any cognitive issues with definitions or question format. In order to compare the reporting processes between schools and districts for the same incident count items on the two surveys, the protocols include some questions that refer to estimates for specific incident count items that the school or district respondent provided in their respective survey (SSOCS or CRDC; Phase 1 only). For example, questions in the protocol for school interviews will discuss the incident counts from SSOCS and whether certain counts were higher, lower, or equal to the counts provided on the CRDC. Given time constraints, questions comparing reporting on SSOCS and the CRDC will only focus on the most serious incident for which the school or district reported data. No exact counts reported by the school on SSOCS will be shared with the district respondent. See the “Assurance of Confidentiality” section below for additional details. Given the decision to pursue interviews with SSOCS and CRDC respondents independently (rather than as interview pairs) during Phase 2, protocols for CRDC interviews will not include any school specific incident count data from the CRDC or SSOCS.
The following was added on p. 6:
Phase 1
the time of recruiting SSOCS participants, AIR staff will
also sought to
consent from the school to be able to share minimal information
regarding the school’s participation in SSOCS during the
interview with the school’s district. This would include
identifying the school that responded to the survey and providing
limited information about the school’s responses to select
incident items. No exact counts reported by the school on SSOCS will
shared with the district respondent. Consent to share the school’s
responses on SSOCS will
collected at the time of recruitment and prior to the interview with
the CRDC respondent. If written consent is
received from the SSOCS respondent prior to the interview with the
CRDC respondent, information on the school’s responses on SSOCS
will was
not be
during the district interview.
CRDC district respondents will
be were
asked to
sign a non-disclosure affidavit prior to the interview to affirm that
they will would
not reveal
any identifiable information or responses from the SSOCS school(s) in
their district that may be shared with them as part of the interview.
If the district respondent does
not sign
the non-disclosure affidavit, information on the school’s
responses on SSOCS will
not be shared during the district interview. See Appendix A for
recruitment materials, including the consent form and the
non-disclosure affidavit.
The following was added on p. 6-7:
During Phase 2, AIR staff will no longer attempt to share minimal information regarding the school’s participation in SSOCS during the interview with the school’s district. As a result of this change, it will not be necessary to obtain consent from the school to share their information and CRDC district respondents will not be asked to sign a non-disclosure affidavit prior to their interview. Both SSOCS and CRDC respondents in Phase 2 will still be required to sign the basic form to consent to participating in the interview. See Appendix A for updated Phase 2 recruitment materials, including the consent form.
The following revisions were made on p. 7:
and school-level participation are vital to the success of this
study, and from prior experience we expect that it will be
challenging to gain district- and school-level administrators’
cooperation to participate. It has been identified in similar
projects that incentives are an effective approach to district- and
school-level administrator recruitment – they communicate
appreciation of a respondent’s time and participation, and this
may be especially important for districts and schools at the very
busy time of the school year during which the study will be fielded.
To encourage participation in the interviews and to thank
participants for their time and effort, during
Phase 1, we
will offer offered
each a $50 gift card that will
be was sent
with a thank-you note via mail within 10 business days of completion
of the interview. We offered a $50 gift card for 2018 SSOCS cognitive
interviews conducted remotely with this population (OMB# 1850-0803
v.171) and were able to successfully reach acceptable levels of
The following was added on p. 7:
Low response rates during Phase 1 recruitment indicate that the incentive did not outweigh the anticipated burden of participation for respondents. In an effort to increase participation in Phase 2, we will offer each participant a $75 gift card. We offered a $75 gift card for past cognitive interviews with this population (OMB# 1850-0803 v.171) and were able to successfully reach acceptable levels of participation within planned recruitment timelines.
The following revisions were made on p. 7:
We aimed to recruit 10
interview pairs (approximately 20 participants) will
be recruited
the qualitative interviews in Phase 1, and up to 100 interview pairs
(approximately 200 participants) will be recruited for the
qualitative interviews in Phase 2. Each interview will take
approximately 60 minutes. The initial contact and screening of
potential participants is estimated at an average of 10 minutes, or
0.16 hours. On average, three recruiting attempts are expected to be
needed for each SSOCS participant (thus, an estimated 30 attempts to
yield up to 10 SSOCS participants for Phase 1 and
300 attempts to yield up to 100 SSOCS participants for Phase 2)
and five recruiting attempts for each CRDC participant (thus, an
estimated 50 attempts to yield up to 10 CRDC participants for Phase 1
Based on the results of recruitment in Phase 1, we anticipate
additional attempts will be needed to obtain participants during
Phase 2 – approximately 10 recruiting attempts for each SSOCS
and CRDC participant (thus 1000 attempts to yield up to 100 SSOCS
participants and 1000 attempts
to yield up to 100 CRDC participants for Phase 2). Table
1 shows burden estimates for (a) recruiting participants (the initial
contact and screening); and (b) conducting the qualitative interviews
by each Phase of the study.
The following revisions were made on p. 8:
Table 1. Estimate of hourly burden for SSOCS qualitative interviews: Phase 1 and Phase 2
Activity |
Number of Respondents* |
Number of Responses |
Burden Hours per Respondent |
Total Burden Hours |
Phase 1 |
SSOCS Recruitment |
Recruitment (initial contact and screening) |
30 |
30 |
0.16 |
5 |
Qualitative Interviews |
10 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
CRDC Recruitment |
Recruitment (initial contact and screening) |
50 |
50 |
0.16 |
8 |
Qualitative interviews |
10 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
Phase 1 Subtotal |
80 |
100 |
- |
33 |
Phase 2 |
SSOCS Recruitment |
Recruitment (initial contact and screening) |
1000 |
0.16 |
Qualitative Interviews |
100 |
100 |
1 |
100 |
CRDC Recruitment |
Recruitment (initial contact and screening) |
0.16 |
Qualitative Interviews |
100 |
100 |
1 |
100 |
Phase 2 Subtotal |
- |
Total |
- |
The following revisions were made on p. 8:
Recruitment for the
cognitive interview study will
was scheduled to begin
in June 2019, pending the availability of CRDC 2017–18 data for
matching analyses and sampling. The
data collection of Phase 1 is
was scheduled to begin in early July
2019, with a summary of results and recommendations for Phase 2
developed by late August 2019. Phase 2 is
was scheduled to begin in October 2019.
Tables 2 and
3 below provides
provide the overall schedule for Phase 1
and Phase 2.
The following revisions were made on p. 8:
2. Schedule
Initial proposed schedule of high-level activities for 2017-18
cognitive interviews study, Phase 1
Activity |
Start Date |
End Date |
Phase 1 |
Training |
June 24 |
June 26 |
SSOCS Recruitment |
June 26 |
August 9 |
CRDC Recruitment |
July 10 |
August 21 |
Interviews |
July 11 |
August 22 |
Analysis |
August 19 |
September 13 |
Reporting |
August 26 |
September 29 |
The following was added on p. 8-9:
Due to delays in the availability of 2017-18 CRDC data, Phase 1 was conducted from October to December 2019 and Phase 2 is scheduled to begin in February 2020. Based on recruitment challenges faced during Phase 1, an additional 4 weeks of recruitment efforts will be added to Phase 2, and the data collection period will be 8 weeks total.
Table 3. Schedule of high-level activities for 2017-18 SSOCS cognitive interviews study, Phase 2
Activity |
Start Date |
End Date |
Phase 2 |
Training |
February 10 |
February 12 |
SSOCS Recruitment |
February 17 |
April 10 |
CRDC Recruitment |
February 17 |
April 10 |
Interviews |
February 24 |
April 17 |
Analysis |
March 23 |
May 1 |
Reporting |
April 24 |
July 20 |
The following revisions were made on p. 9:
The estimated cost to prepare for, administer, and report the results of these cognitive interviews is approximately $364,000. The cost includes salaried labor for contractor staff and other direct costs associated with the organization of the interviews.
2 Given the increased recruitment efforts and incentive costs associated with Phase 2; AIR will monitor the total cost of the cognitive interviews to ensure costs do not exceed the funded amount. If necessary, to maintain costs, Phase 2 will consist of fewer than the 200 interviews originally planned.
The following updates were made to Appendix A – Recruitment Materials:
Title Page:
The following was added on title page:
School Survey of Crime and Safety (SSOCS) Incident Count Check Cognitive Interviews
Appendix A
and revised versions)
#1850-0803 v.250262
The following was added on p. 1:
All Phase 1 letters have been approved (OMB #1850-0803 v.250) and all Phase 2 materials will be updated and provided to OMB as a change request in February 2020.
NCES Introduction Email
The following was added to p. 3:
Upon evaluation of the methods and materials used during Phase 1, the letter and email templates were reworded to appeal more to the sample members. This includes updating the language and shortening the length of the main email/letter content; with supplemental information included in text below the main message. Both original and revised, email templates and letters are provided in this appendix.
Revised Items for Phase 2
The following page was added on p. 40:
The following was updated on p. 41:
SSOCS Revised Recruitment Materials
NCES Introduction Email
The following revisions were made on p. 42:
Thank you for
your response to the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) during
the 2017–18 school year. As a follow up to the SSOCS data
collection, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of
the U.S. Department of Education would like to conduct an interview
with your school to better understand the process involved in
reporting crime incidents on SSOCS. You
are part of a select number of previous SSOCS respondents that have
been sampled to participate in this important study. Therefore, your
input will be used to represent similar schools across the country.
We hope that you will help
us by participating in a one-hour interview (by video or phone
conference) for which participants
you will receive a $50
75 gift card as a “thank
you” for their
your time and input.
addition to interviewing your school, NCES plans to conduct a
separate interview with your district, which provided similar data on
crime incidents as part of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), a
district-level Department of Education survey. In
order for us to fully understand the process, it is critical for us
to hear from both schools and districts to understand any differences
in how crime incidents are reported in the two surveys.
and foremost, please know this is not
an evaluation of your school or district, and reports of our findings
will not identify participating schools, districts, or staff.
Your feedback will inform
potential improvements to future data collections and will not impact
your current or prior responses to SSOCS. This
is not an evaluation of your school or district, and reports of our
findings will not identify participating schools, districts, or
staff. The results from
your school and
will be combined with
others to help inform decisions to limit
overlap betweenimprove
questions on school crime and safety across the
surveys, which will reduce
the amount of time required to complete the surveys. Although
participation in the interview is voluntary, the success of this
research depends on the willingness of selected schools and
their districts
to participate.
NCES has
contracted with the American Institutes for Research (AIR), a
research companyorganization,
to facilitate the
interviews and analyze results. A member of the AIR team will contact
you via email within the next few days to schedule your interview. If
you would like to discuss this request further or if you believe
another district
school staff member would
be in a better position to provide information about the SOCSS data
collection process, please feel free to contact me
at [email protected]
or 202-245-7082 or the AIR
project lead, Sidney
Kaleem at
or 202-403-6137385,
or the NCES project officer, Rachel Hansen, at [email protected]
or 202-245-7082..
Rachel Hansen James (Lynn) Woodworth, Ph. D.
NCES Project Officer Commissioner
National Center for Education Statistics National Center for Education Statistics
Department of Education U.S.
Department of Education
L. Woodworth
Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
AIR Initial Email
The following revisions were made on p 43:
My name is
[Insert District and School Leader
Name] and I am a researcher at the
American Institutes for Research (AIR). Dr.
James L. Woodworth, Commissioner of the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), and Rachel Hansen, the project officer for the
School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS),
informed you that you have been selected to participate in a
follow-up interview to discuss the
process of reporting crimecrime
incidents for your school on
Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)SSOCS
during the 2017–18 school year. AIR has been contracted by NCES
to conduct the
interviews with schools and .
hope that
you will help us by participating in a one-hour interview (by video
or phone conference) for which participantsyou
will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank you” for theiryour
time and input.
have been contracted by the National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES) to follow up with you on your school’s participation in
the 2017–18 School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS) and to
gather additional information on your experiences responding to
survey questions about incidents of school crime
The purpose
of this follow-up interview is to understand
the process schools use to collect and report data on SSOCS.the
differences in how schools and districts reported data in SSOCS and
the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), a district-level Department
of Education survey. We are asking schools and districts that
participated inthese surveys during the 2017–18 school year to
answer some questionsabout how they prepared their responses to the
Your feedback will assist NCES develop a complete picture of the
reporting process and burden involved with completing SSOCS. For more
information on this study, please see the Frequently Asked Questions
below. In
order to have a complete picture of the reporting process and burden
involved with completing these items, it
is important that we interview SSOCS as well as CRDC participants. We
plan to reach out to your district to schedule a separate interview
with them to discuss the data on crime incidents they provided on the
2017–18 CRDC,
and we need your participation to fulfill this two-part interview
operation. We can schedule an interview at your convenience between
Start Date]
and [Insert
End Date].
session can
be scheduled at your convenience between [Insert
Start Date]
and [Insert
End Date].
information on these interviews can be found below.
I will call you within the
next few days to answer any questions you may have and to schedule
your interview. Alternatively, you may email [Insert
AIR email] or call [Insert
AIR telephone number] for
additional information and to schedule an interview (or
to let us know if you are not the correct person to respond to this
Telephone Follow-up
The following revision was made on p. 44:
following scripts should NOT
be read verbatim. Interviewers should familiarize themselves with the
content in advance. The text highlighted
and in
brackets represent
instructions and possible scenarios for the interviewerfields
to personalize the conversation or instructions and possible
scenarios for the interviewer.
My name is [Insert Name] from the American Institutes for Research. May I speak with [Insert School Administrator Name]?
May I speak with [Insert School Administrator Name]?
Can you please connect me to [Insert School Administrator Name] voicemail so that I could leave a message?
asked why you are calling…]
I am calling to speak with [Insert
School Administrator Name] about
an invitation that the National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES) sent to [her/him]
to participate in an interview on
about their participation in the School Survey on Crime and Safety
during the 2017-18 school yearschool
crime data.
The following revision was made on p. 44:
We are
conducting follow-up interviews to learn more about the process that
schools go through to fill out SSOCS as
well as how their districts provide answers to the Civil Rights Data
Collection (CRDC).
We want to learn about your experiences with responding to questions
about incidents of school crime that are included in SSOCS. In
order to have a complete picture of the reporting process and burden
involved with completing these items, it is critical for us to hear
from both schools and districts to understand any differences in how
items on school crime data are reported in the two surveys. We plan
to reach out to your district to schedule a separate interview with
them to discuss the data on crime incidents they provided on the
2017–18 CRDC, and we need your participation to fulfill this
two-part interview operation.
We hope that
you will help by participating in a one-hour interview (by video or
phone conference) for which you will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank
you” for your time and input. We can schedule an interview at
your convenience between [Insert
Start Date] and [Insert
End Date].
The following revision was made on p. 44-45:
We are
conducting follow-up
interviews to learn more
about the process schools go through to fill out the
School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS),
as well as how districts provide answers to the Office for Civil
Rights’ Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC).
We want to learn about your experiences with responding to questions
about incidents of school crime that are included in SSOCS. In
order to have a complete picture of the reporting process and burden
involved with completing these items, it is critical for us to hear
from both schools and districts to understand any differences in how
items on school crime data are reported in the two surveys. We plan
to reach out to your district to schedule a separate interview with
to discuss the data on crime incidents they provided on the 2017–18
and we need your participation to fulfill this two-part interview
We hope that
you will help by participating in a one-hour interview (by video or
phone conference) for which you will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank you” for your time and input.
During the interview, we will ask you to share some information on
how you report crime incidents on SSOCS. The
results from your school and
your district
will help inform decisions
to improve
questions on school crime and limit
overlap between the
surveys, which will reduce
the amount of time required to complete the surveys.
We can schedule an interview at your convenience between [Insert Start Date] and [Insert End Date].
Do you have any questions?
you be willing to participate in the interview?
asked how sample member was selected…]
You were selected because your
school provided data to
for the 2017–18 SSOCS
district provided data to CRDC.
We would like to follow up on some
of the responses your
school provided in
that survey. to
the 2017–18 SSOCS.
Would you be willing to participate in the interview?
[If yes] Fantastic! I have a few quick questions just to make sure you are eligible for the interview:
Did you have primary responsibility for completing the questions on counts of crime incidents that occurred at school in the 2017–18 SSOCS?
Yes (Respondent is eligible for the study. SCHEDULE INTERVIEW.)
No (Respondent is not eligible for the study but PROCEED TO #2.)
Do you know who was responsible for completing this section of the 2017–18 SSOCS data collection?
What was their name? __________________________________
What was their position? ________________________________
No, can you recommend someone who may know who filled out this section?
What is their name? ______________
What is their position? ________________________________
them. END OF SCREENER. Contact Jana/Korantema/SidneyKathryn.)
Are they still employed in your school?
Yes, could you provide their contact information? _________________________
(Thank them. END OF SCREENER.)
No (Thank
them. END OF SCREENER. Contact Jana/Korantema/SidneyKathryn.)
The following revision was made on p. 45:
school administrator IS eligible for the study]
we finish scheduling your interview, we want to ask you for
permission to discuss your school’s participation in SSOCS with
your district during the separate interview we plan to schedule with
them. When you responded to the 2017–18 SSOCS, you were assured
that your school’s responses would not be shared with your
district. Your district provided some overlapping counts as part of
the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) and as part of these
interviews we would like to share limited information about your
responses to select incident items in SSOCS. No exact counts will be
shared, and the district respondent will be required to sign a
non-disclosure affidavit. Do you consent to us sharing this limited
information about your school’s responses in SSOCS as part of
the district interview?
soft no or sample member demonstrates concerns] We
realize that data on school crime are highly sensitive
and we want to ensure you that your responses are protected. We will
not share the actual counts your school reported on SSOCS and all
district participants will have to sign a non-disclosure form. We
also want to ensure you that this is not an evaluation of your
answers to SSOCS or information you have provided to your district or
that your district has provided in CRDC.
hard no]
understand. We will not share any information about your school’s
responses in SSOCS 2017–18 with your district. We would still
like to hear about your reporting process. If it is alright with you,
I’d like to schedule an interview with you at this time.
The following revision was made on p. 45:
you; we can now schedule your interview.
Would you be available to
participate in the interview on [Insert
day] at [Insert
time and time zone, if needed]?
The following revision was made on p. 46:
soft no or sample member demonstrates concerns] We
realize that data on school crime are highly sensitive
and we want to ensure you your responses are protected. We also want
to ensure you this is not an evaluation of your answers to SSOCS. We
are hoping to gain information about your processes of reporting and
gathering information.
The following revision was made on p. 46:
To improve
federal surveys, we need
your help. We realize that data
on school crime are highly sensitive, so we want to remind you that
the information provided as part of this interview may be used only
for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in
identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law
[if requested: 20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151].
Reports of the findings from the survey will not identify
participating districts, schools, or staff. Individual responses
will be combined with those from other participants to produce
summary reports.
you may or may not be aware, questions on crime incidents that
appear in SSOCS are also included in the Civil Rights Data
Collection (CRDC), a district-level survey conducted by the
Department of Education. We are exploring the context around the
reporting of incident items in SSOCS and CRDC with the goal of
removing the questions from one of these surveys and reducing the
burden on responding schools and districts.
While your
decision to participate is voluntary, we do hope that you will
participate in the interview. The data you provide will be combined
with the information provided by others and will help NCES to
improve the
CRDC surveys.
The following revision was made on p. 48:
This is not
an evaluation of your answers to SSOCS. In order for us to advise
NCES on which
survey is best suitedthe
best methods to collect
this information, we need to hear your thoughtful and honest
feedback. I want you to know that your participation is voluntary,
and your responses will not be disclosed. They will only be used to
improve future data collections.
We want you to feel like you can speak freely, and what you say here
will not be repeated outside of the research team.
Nonresponse Follow-up Email
The following revisions were made on p. 47:
I am
writing to follow up about an email I sent [Insert
date] informing you that the
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is seeking feedback
from schools who participated in the 2017–18 School
Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)
to gain a better understanding of the process involved in reporting
crime incidents. Your feedback
will help improve federal surveys—including
the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC),
a district-level Department of Education survey—as
well as reduce
the burden of future data collections and ensure that the resulting
data are more helpful to you, other schools, districts, states, and
data users. To accomplish these
goals, we need your help. We
hope that you will participate in a one-hour interview (by video or
phone conference) for which school
will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank
you” for their
your time and input.
You will be
asked to answer questions about how your
school collects data on crime incidents that have occurred at school,
and how you understand the questions on the SSOCS questionnaire and
report crime incidents there. We
realize that data on school crime are highly sensitive, so we want to
remind you that your responses will not be disclosed, and this
interview is not
an evaluation of your school
or your district.
The information you provide may be used only for statistical purposes
and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other
purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C.
§151). You
are part of a select number of schools that have been sampled to
participate in an interview. Therefore, your input will be used to
represent similar schools across the country.
While your
decision to participate is voluntary, your participation is crucial
to improve the data collection process for schools and
and to ensure that data on
crime and
safety issuesincidents
in in
schools in the United States are
of high quality. We hope that you will participate in the
an interview.
An interview
session can be scheduled at your
convenience between [Insert Start
Date] and [Insert
End Date]. More information on
these interviews can be found below. You can contact me at [Insert
AIR Email] or call [Insert
AIR Telephone Number] to
any questions you may have
and to schedule your interview today.
Telephone Follow-up #2
The following revision was made on p. 48:
step in the recruitment process will use the same materials as the
prior telephone follow-up step on page 445]
2nd Nonresponse Follow-up Email
The following revisions were made on p. 49:
We need your
help to improve the collection of school crime data. We understand
that this is a busy time of year, so we wanted to send you this
friendly reminder about participating in a follow-up interview about
experiences with school
crime questions in the 2017–18 School Survey on Crime and
Safety (SSOCS). We hope that you will participate in a one-hour
interview (by video or phone conference) for which participants
you will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank
for their
your time and input.
are also seeking the participation of your district in a separate
interview to discuss the data on crime incidents that was provided as
part of the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), a district-level
Department of Education survey. It is critical for us to hear from
schools and their districts to understand any differences in how
incidents of crime are reported in the two surveys, so we need your
participation to fulfill this two-part interview operation.
The following was added on p. 50:
Telephone Follow-Up #3
[This step in the recruitment process will use the same materials as the prior telephone follow-up step on page 44]
Screener Email
The following revisions were made on p. 51:
Did you have the primary responsibility for completing the section of the 2017–18 SSOCS questionnaire reporting counts of crime incidents that occurred at your school?
If not, do you know who was responsible for completing the incident count questions in the 2017–18 SSOCS questionnaire (or can you recommend who we should contact who might know)?
The following revisions were made on p. 52:
[If original sample member provides new contact] Thank you for providing the contact information for the person who completed the 2017–18 SSOCS. We will follow up with him/her. We appreciate your assistance.
school administrator is eligible for the study] You
are eligible to participate in an interview. As a reminder the
interview will take approximately one-hour (by video or phone
conference) for which you will receive a $7550
gift card as a thank you for your participation.
we have mentioned in a previous email, we will also reach out to your
district to request their participation in a separate interview about
the incident counts they provided for your school as part of the
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). It is critical for us to hear
from both schools and districts to understand any differences in how
these items are reported in the two surveys.
you responded to the 2017–18 SSOCS, you were assured that your
school’s responses would not be shared with your district. Your
district provided some overlapping counts as part of the Civil Rights
Data Collection (CRDC) and as part of this interview we would like to
share with your district limited information about your responses to
select incident items in SSOCS. No exact counts will be shared, and
the district respondent will be required to sign a non-disclosure
Please reply
to this email with your consent to us sharing this limited
information about your school’s responses in SSOCS as part of
the district interview and
let me know if you will be
available to participate in an interview on [Insert
day] at [Insert
time and time zone]? If this day
and/or time does not work for you, please provide a day and/or
time that will work for you between [Insert
Date] to [Insert
original sample member provides new contact]
you for providing the contact information for the person who
completed the 2017-18 SSOCS. We will follow up with him/her. We
appreciate your assistance.
Confirmation Email (Outlook Invite Text)
The following revisions were made on p. 53:
Thank you
again for agreeing to participate in an interview about the School
Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS). I look forward to speaking with
you on [Insert day of the week, month, day, 202019]
at [Insert Time] [Insert Time Zone].
Please review, sign, and return the attached consent form to me via email at [Insert AIR email] by [INSERT DATE]. This form must be completed for us to conduct your interview as scheduled.
a note, you may find it helpful to have access to information about
incident crime reports in your school from the 2017-18 school year
during the interview. We have attached a copy of the incident count
questions in SSOCS (“[FILE
for your reference.
interview will be conducted through a simple-to-use
web-conferencing software,
participate in the interview, which will be conducted using
GoToMeeting—a simple web-based conferencing software that
may need to be installed on your computer.
on the link below and you will instantly join the GoToMeeting
session. You will have the option to call in using a phone number or
use computer audio through the program.You
will need to join the meeting by clicking the link below;
you will have the option to use your computer audio or dial in using
your phone:
As a note, you may find it helpful to have access to information about incident crime reports in your school from the 2017-18 school year during the interview. We have attached a copy of the incident count questions on SSOCS (“[FILE NAME].pdf”) for your reference.
You will receive a $75 gift card as a thank-you for your time and participation. The gift card will be mailed to you within two business days after your completed interview.
Should a
scheduling conflict arise with the above interview date and time,
please let me know as soon as possible so that we can reschedule your
interview at your earliest convenience. You can reach me at [Insert
AIR Telephone Number] (weekdays
from 9 am to 5 pm ESDT)
or via email at [insert AIR
The following revisions were made on p. 54:
You are
invited to participate voluntarily in this interview, which is being
administered by the American Institutes for Research, a contract
research firm, on behalf of the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education.
The purpose of this interview is to help NCES learn
about experiences schools and
have with questions on
crime incidents that were included in the
2017–18 administration of the
School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)
and Civil
Rights Data Collection (CRDC).2
The interview
and discussion will take approximately 60 minutes. During the
interview, you will be asked about your processes for collecting and
reporting crime data. There are no right or wrong answers to the
and this is not an evaluation of your school
or district. We
just want to hear about your experience with the surveys
and gain an understanding of the processes you follow to answer the
survey questions.
There is no
physical risk to participating and, because we use strict protocols
to protect your information, only minimal risk exists associated with
data protection. You may refuse to answer any question, and you may
take a break at any time. The information you provide may be used
only for statistical purposes, and may not be disclosed, or used, in
identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law (20
U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). Although the interview
session will be audio-recorded,
the information collected will be used only for research purposes and
recordings will be destroyed following the completion of the
interviews. The information you give us will be combined with the
responses of others in a summary report that does not identify you as
an individual, your districtschool,
or schools
your district.
interviews will help us improve
the data collection process for schools and districts and ensure that
data on crime incidents in U.S. schools are of high quality.
Upon completing the interview, you will receive a $750
gift card in appreciation for your time and input.
If you have
questions about this interview, please
feel free to contact the AIR project lead, Sidney
Kaleem, via
phone at 202-403-6385
or email at
or the NCES project officer, Rachel Hansen, at [email protected]
or 202-245-7082.
to share school information with district:
you responded to the 2017–18 SSOCS, you were assured that your
school’s responses would not
with your district. Your
district provided some overlapping counts as part of the Civil Rights
Data Collection (CRDC)
and as part of this interview
we would like to share limited information about your responses to
select incident items
in SSOCS with
your district. No exact counts will be shared, and the district
respondent will be required to sign a non-disclosure affidavit.
select one box to indict your affirmation or refusal of consent:
I consent to
the sharing of information on my school’s participation in
SSOCS with my district.
I do
consent to the sharing of information on my school’s
participation in SSOCS with my district.
Reminder Email
The following revisions were made on p. 55:
Thank you
again for agreeing to participate in an interview about school crime
data. I am looking forward to speaking with you [tomorrow
or day], [month and date],
at [Insert time and time
As a reminder, the interview will last approximately one hour,
and we will send you a $7550
gift card to thank you for your participation.
You will need to join the meeting by clicking the link below; you will have the option to use your computer audio or dial in using your phone:
You can use computer audio or dial in using your phone.
States: +1 (XXX)
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/XXXXXXXXX
Should you
need to reach me in
regard toregarding
your interview session,
please call [Insert AIR Telephone
Number] weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm
or email me at [Insert AIR email].
Thank you Letter to Schools (Mailed)
The following paragraph was updated on p. 56:
Thank you for
your participation in the interview on school crime data on [Insert
Date]. As a respondent to the
School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), we appreciate you taking
time out of your busy schedule to provide firsthand feedback on your
experience. The
results from your school
Your feedback will help improve federal surveys—including
well as
the burden of future data collections and ensure that
the resulting data are more helpful to you, other schools, districts,
states, and data users. help
inform decisions on how to limit overlap between SSOCS and the Civil
Rights Data Collection (CRDC), which will reduce the amount of time
required to complete the surveys. As
a token of our appreciation for your participation, we have included
a $7550
gift card with
this letter.
Confirmation of Receipt of Gift Card Email
The following revision was made on p. 57:
hope this email finds you well. Thank you again for taking the time
to provide valuable feedback about school crime data. I’m
writing to request confirmation that you received the $7550
card that [I/my colleague] mailed to your [home/school] address on
[Insert Date]. Please reply to this email to confirm that you
received the gift card.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following revision was made on p. 58:
is the Civil
Rights Data Collection (CRDC)?
is a biennial (i.e., every other school year) survey conducted since
1968 and required by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office
for Civil Rights (OCR).
collects data from public local educational agencies (LEAs) and
schools on leading civil rights indicators related to access and
barriers to educational opportunity at the early childhood through
grade 12 levels.
The following revisions were made on p. 58:
Will I be
paid for participating? As a
token of our appreciation for your participation, you will receive a
gift card within 10 business days of completing your interview.
was my school selected?
Schools that participated in the
whose district also reported data in the 2017–18 CRDC were
identified using a random sampling procedure.
I participate if my district does not participate?
Yes! You can still provide valuable information by answering
questions on your school’s processes for reporting crime
incidents on SSOCS.
The following revisions were made on p. 58:
Will my
participation affect my responses to SSOCS?
No. While the interview will follow up on your school’s
participation in the 2017–18
SSOCS, your feedback will be used only to inform potential
improvements in future data collections and will not impact your
current or prior responses to SSOCS. Your responses will be used by
NCES to gain a better understanding of the process involved for
respondents to report crime incidents on SSOCS and
and will not change any
previous responses you have provided as part of SSOCS.
The following revisions were made on p. 58:
When and
where will the interview be conducted?
The interview will be held in summer
2020 (February-April). All
interviews will be conducted through a simple-to-use web conferencing
The following revisions were made on p. 58:
Who can I
contact to participate or for more information? If
you would like to discuss the interview further, please feel free to
contact the AIR project lead, Sidney
Kaleem, at
or 202-403-6385, or the NCES project officer, Rachel Hansen, at
[email protected]
or 202-245-7082.
CRDC Recruitment Materials (Cover page)
The following was added on p. 59:
CRDC Revised Recruitment Materials
NCES Introduction Email
The following revisions were made on p. 60:
Thank you for
your recent
response to the U.S.
Department of Education’s
Civil Rights Data
Collection (CRDC) for
the 2017–18 school year.
As a follow up to the CRDC data collection
for the 2017–18 school year,
the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the U.S.
Department of Education would like to conduct an interview with your
district to better understand the process involved in reporting crime
incidents on CRDC. You
are part of a select number of previous CRDC respondents that have
been sampled to participate in this important study. Therefore, your
input will be used to represent similar districts across the country.
We hope that you will help
us by participating in a one-hour interview (by video or phone
conference) for which participants
you will receive a $7550
gift card as a
“thank you” for their
your time and input.
addition to interviewing your district, NCES will conduct a separate
interview with one or more schools in your district that provided
similar data on crime incidents as part of a school-level survey
conducted by NCES, the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS). It
is critical for us to hear from both districts and their schools to
understand any differences in how crime incidents are reported in the
two surveys. A school from your district has already agreed to
participate in an interview and we need your help to fulfil this
two-part interview operation by agreeing to participate in an
interview to share information on the district’s reporting in
know this is not an evaluation of your district, and reports of our
findings will not identify participating districts or staff.
Your feedback will inform potential improvements to future data
collections and will not impact your current or prior responses to
CRDC. This is not an
evaluation of your district or
schools, and reports of our
findings will not identify participating districts or staff. The
results from your district will be combined with others to help
inform decisions to improve questions on school crime and safety
across federal surveys, which will reduce the amount of time required
to complete the surveys.
and foremost, please know this is not an evaluation of your district
or your schools, and reports of our findings will not identify
participating schools, districts, or staff. Your feedback will inform
potential improvements to future data collections and will not impact
your current or prior responses to CRDC. The results from your
district and school(s) will be combined with others to help inform
decisions to limit overlap between the two surveys, which will reduce
the amount of time required to complete the surveys.
Although participation in
the interview is voluntary, the success of this interview
depends on the willingness of selected districts and
their schools
to participate.
NCES has
contracted with the American Institutes for Research (AIR), a
research companyorganization,
to facilitate the interviews and analyze results. A member of the AIR
team will contact you via email within the next few days to schedule
your interview. If you would like to discuss this request further or
if you believe another district staff member would be in a better
position to provide information about the CRDC data collection
process, please feel free to contact me
at [email protected]
or 202-245-7082 or the AIR
project lead, Sidney
Kaleem, at
or 202-403-6137385,
or the NCES project officer, Rachel Hansen, at [email protected]
or 202-245-7082.
We thank you in advance for your assistance and support.
Rachel Hansen James (Lynn) Woodworth, Ph. D.
NCES project officer Commissioner
National Center for Education Statistics National Center for Education Statistics
Department of Education U.S. Department of Education James
L. Woodworth
Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
AIR Initial Email
The following revisions were made on p. 61:
My name is
[Insert District and School Leader
Name] and I am a researcher at the
American Institutes for Research (AIR). We
have been contracted by the National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES) to follow up with you on your district’s recent
participation in the 2017–18 Civil Rights Data Collection
(CRDC) and to gather additional information on your experiences
responding to survey questions about incidents of school crime.
Dr. James L.
Woodworth, Commissioner of the
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES),
and Rachel
Hansen, the project officer for school crime surveys,
recently informed you that you have been selected to participate in a
follow-up interview to discuss the process of reporting crime
for your district on the
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) during the 2017–18 school
has been contracted by NCES to conduct these interviews with
districts and wWe
hope that you will help us by participating in a one-hour interview
(by video or phone conference) for which participants
you will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank you” for their
your time and input.
The purpose
of this follow-up interview is to understand the
process districts use to collect and report data oin
the CRDC. the
differences in how districts and schools reported data in CRDC and
the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), a school-level survey
conducted by NCES. We are asking districts and schools that responded
to these surveys and provided data for the 2017–18 school year
to answer some questions about how they prepared their responses to
the survey. In order to have a complete picture of the reporting
process and burden involved with completing these items, we need to
be able to interview both the school and the district. A school in
your district has already agreed to participate in a separate
interview, and we need your participation to fulfill this two-part
interview operation. Your
responses will assist NCES develop a complete picture of the
reporting process and burden involved with completing the CRDC. For
more information on this study, please see the Frequently Asked
Questions below.
can schedule anYour
interview session
can be scheduled at your
convenience between
Start Date]
[Insert End Date].
information on these interviews can be found below.
I will call you within the
next few days to answer any questions you may have and to schedule
your interview. Alternatively, you may email [Insert
AIR email] or call [Insert
AIR telephone number] for
additional information and to schedule an interview (or to let us
know if you are not the correct person to respond to this request).
Telephone Follow-up
The following revision was made on p. 62:
following scripts should NOT
be read verbatim. Interviewers should familiarize themselves with the
content in advance. The text highlighted
and in
brackets [
fields to personalize the conversation or instructions
and possible scenarios for the interviewer.
The following revision was made on ps. 62:
asked why you are calling…]
I am calling to speak with [Insert
District Administrator Name]
about an invitation that the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES) sent to [her/him]
to participate in an interview on
school crime dataabout
their participation in the Civil Rights Data Collection during the
2017-18 school year.
May I leave a message for [Insert District Administrator Name] with you?
I am following up with [Insert District Administrator Name] regarding a message that I left on [Insert date].
I am returning [Insert District Administrator Name]’s phone call. May I speak with [her/him]?
[IF NEEDED, see above for information on why you are calling]
The following revision was made on p. 62:
Hello [Insert
District Administrator Name], my
name is [Insert Your Name].
I am calling from the American Institutes for Research on behalf of
the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S.
Department of Education. We would like to follow up with you about an
invitation you received inviting you to participate in an interview
about your recent
participation in the Civil
Rights Data Collection (CRDC) during
the 2017-18 school year.
We are
conducting follow-up interviews to
learn more about the process that districts go through to fill out
the (CRDC)
as well as how schools within districts provide answers to the NCES
School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS).
We want to learn about your experiences with responding to questions
about incidents of school crime that are included in CRDC. In
order to have a complete picture of the reporting process and burden
involved with completing these items
is critical for us to hear from both schools and districts to
understand any differences in how items on school crime data are
reported in the two surveys. A school in your district has already
agreed to participate in a separate interview to discuss the data on
crime incidents they provided on the 2017-18 SSOCS,
and we need your participation to fulfill this two-part interview
We hope that
you will help by participating in a one-hour interview (by video or
phone conference) for which you will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank you” for your time and input. We
can schedule an interview at your convenience between [Insert
Start Date] and [Insert
End Date].
The following revision was made on p. 68-69:
I am calling
from the American Institutes for Research on behalf of the National
Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department
of Education, to follow up on a
recent invitation they sent [Insert
You/District Administrator]you
to partake in an interview
about your recent
participation in the
Civil Rights Data
Collection (CRDC).
We are
conducting interviews to learn more about the process that
districts go through to
fill out CRDC.
well as how schools within districts provide answers to the NCES
School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS). We
want to learn about your experiences with responding to questions
about incidents of school crime that are included in CRDC.
order to have a complete picture of the reporting process and burden
involved with completing items on school crime incidents, it is
critical for us to hear from both schools and districts. to
understand any differences in how these items are reported in the two
surveys. A school in your district has already agreed to participate
in a separate interview to discuss the data on crime incidents they
provided on the 2017-18 SSOCS
and we need your participation to fulfill this two-part interview
operation.We hope
that you will help by participating in a one-hour interview (by video
or phone conference) for which you will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank you” for your time and input.
During the interview, we will ask
you to share some information on how you report crime incidents on
CRDC. The results from your
district and
the schools within your district
will help inform decisions
to improve
questions on school crime and limit
overlap between the
surveys, which will reduce the amount of time required to complete
the surveys.
The following revision was made on p. 63:
[If asked how Sample Member was selected…] You were selected because your district provided data for 2017-18 CRDC. We would like to follow up on some of the responses your district provided in that survey.
Would you be willing to participate in the interview?
asked how Sample Member was selected…]
You were selected because your district provides data for CRDC, and
one or more schools in your district also provided data for SSOCS.
Since one or more schools in your district has already agreed to
participate in a separate interview to discuss their responses on the
2017-18 SSOCS, we would like to follow up on the responses your
district provided for CRDC during the 2017–18 school year.
The following revision was made on p. 63:
Do you know who was responsible for completing this section of the 2017–18 CRDC data collection?
What was their name: __________________________________
What was their position: ________________________________
No, can you recommend someone who may know who filled out this section?
What is their name: __________________________________
What is their position: ________________________________
them. END OF SCREENER. Contact Jana/Korantema/SidneyKathryn.)
Are they still employed in your district?
Yes, could you provide their contact information? _________________________
(Thank them. END OF SCREENER.)
No (Thank
them. END OF SCREENER. Contact Jana/Korantema/SidneyKathryn.)
The following revision was made on p. 63:
Great, you
are eligible to participate in this study. Your input will help
improve the data collection and
reporting of crime incidents in schools
districts in the United
States. Would you be available to
schedule the interview on [Insert
at [tInsert
time and time zone,
if needed]?
[If not
available] iIs
there a different time that day or week that would work for you?
Please suggest a time/date between [Insert
a timeframe and time zone] that
will work for you.
Great! I will
send an email shortly confirming your participation on [Insert
day of the week, month, day and time zone and time of scheduled
interview], which will include the
log-in information to participate in the web-based interview session.
The email will also include a consent form
and affidavit of non-disclosure,
which we ask that you read, sign, and return to us by [INSERT
DATE]. Thiese
must be completed for us to conduct your interview as scheduled.
The following revision was made on p. 64:
soft no or sample member demonstrates concerns] We
realize that data on school crime are highly sensitive
and we want to ensure you your responses are protected. We also want
to ensure you this is not an evaluation of your answers to the CRDC.
We are hoping to gain information about your processes of reporting
and gathering information.
The following revisions were made on p. 64:
To improve
federal surveys, we need
your help. We realize that data
on school crime are highly sensitive, so we want to remind you that
the information provided as part of this interview may be used only
for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in
identifiable form for any other purpose except as required by law
[if requested: 20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151].
Reports of the findings from the survey will not identify
participating districts, schools, or staff. Individual responses
will be combined with those from other participants to produce
summary reports.
you may or may not be aware, questions on crime incidents that
appear in CRDC are also included in the School Survey on Crime and
Safety (SSOCS), a school-level survey conducted by the National
Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the Department of
Education. We are exploring the context around the reporting of
incident items in SSOCS and CRDC with the goal of removing the
questions from one of these surveys and reducing the burden on
responding schools and districts.
While your
decision to participate is voluntary, we do hope that you will
participate in the interview. The data you provide will be combined
with the information provided by others and will help NCES to
improve the
and SSOCS.
We recognize
that everyone has different experiences with regard to reporting
information oin
the CRDC
and we want to stress that there are no right or wrong answers. This
interview is not
an evaluation of your district or schools.
This is not
an evaluation of your answers ion
CRDC. In order for us to
advise NCES on which
survey isthe
best methods
to collect this
information, we need to hear your thoughtful and honest feedback. I
want you to know that your participation is voluntary, and your
responses will not be disclosed. They will only be used to improve
future data collections.
We want you to feel like you can speak freely, and what you say here
will not be repeated outside of the research team.
Nonresponse Follow-up Email
The following revisions were made on p. 65:
I am
writing to follow up about an email I sent [Insert
date] informing you that the
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is seeking feedback
from school districts who participated in the 2017–18 Civil
Rights Data Collection (CRDC) to gain a better understanding of the
process involved in reporting
crime incidents. Your feedback
will help improve federal surveys—including
and the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS),
a school-level survey conducted by NCES—as
well as reduce the burden of future data collections and ensure that
the resulting data are more helpful to you, other districts, schools,
states, and data users. To
accomplish these goals, we need your help.
We hope that you will participate
in a one-hour interview (by video or phone conference) for which
will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank you” for their
your time and input.
You will be
asked to answer questions about how your
district collects data on crime incidents that have occurred at
schools within your district, as
well as onand
how you understand the
questions on the CRDC questionnaire and report crime incidents there.
We realize that data on school
crime are highly sensitive, so we want to remind you that your
responses will not be disclosed, and this
interview is not
an evaluation of your district or your schools. The information you
provide may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be
disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for any other purpose except
as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573 and 6 U.S.C. §151). You
are part of a select number of districts that have been sampled to
participate in an interview. Therefore, your input will be used to
represent similar districts across the country.
While your
decision to participate is voluntary, your participation is crucial
to improve the data collection process for districts and
their schools
and to ensure that data on
crime incidents
safety issues in schools in
the United States are of high quality. We hope that you will
participate in the
an interview.
An interview session can be
scheduled at your convenience between [Insert
Start Date] and [Insert
End Date]. More information on
these interviews can be found below. You can contact me at [Insert
AIR email]
or call [Insert
AIR Telephone Number] to
any questions you may have
and to schedule your interview today.
The following revision was made on p. 66:
step in the recruitment process will use the same materials as the
prior telephone follow-up step on page 6224]
2nd Nonresponse Follow-up Email
The following revisions were made on p. 67:
We need your
help to improve the collection of school crime data. We understand
that this is a busy time of year, so we wanted to send you this
friendly reminder about participating in a follow-up interview about
experiences with school
crime questions in the 2017–18 Civil Rights Data Collection
(CRDC). We hope that you will participate in a one-hour interview (by
video or phone conference) for which participants
you will receive a $7550
gift card as a “thank you” for their
your time and input.
or more schools in your district has agreed to separately participate
in an interview to discuss the data on crime incidents they provided
as part of a school-level Department of Education survey, the School
Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS). It
is critical for us to hear from districts and their schools to
understand any differences in how incidents of crime are reported in
the two surveys,
so we need your participation to fulfill this two-part interview
The following was added on p. 68:
Telephone Follow-Up #3
[This step in the recruitment process will use the same materials as the prior telephone follow-up step on page 62]
Eligibility/Scheduling Email
The following revision was made on p. 70:
Thank you for
returning your responses. Our
team has reviewed your responses.
The following revision was made on p. 70:
Please let me know if you willyou
be available to participate
in an interview on [Insert day]
at [Insert time and time zone]?
If this day and/or time does not work for you, please provide a day
and/or time that will work for you between [Insert
Date] to [Insert
Confirmation Email (Outlook Invite Text)
The following paragraphs were updated on p. 71:
Thank you
again for agreeing to participate in an interview about the
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC).
I look forward to speaking with
you on [Insert
day of the week, month, day, 202019]
at [Insert Time]
Time Zone].
school has agreed to share their data] Since
we are separately interviewing one or more schools in your district
regarding their responses to school crime questions on the School
Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), we may share some information
about a school’s participation in SSOCS with you as part of
your interview. We have received consent from the school to share
this information, but we also need you to sign an affidavit of
non-disclosure form to confirm you will not disclose this information
outside of the interview.
review, sign, and return the attached affidavit
of non-disclosure form and
consent form to me
via email at [Insert AIR
email] by [INSERT
must be completed for us to
conduct your interview as scheduled.
school has NOT agreed to share their data] Please
review, sign, and return the attached consent form to me via email at
AIR email]
This form must be completed for us to conduct your interview as
a note, you may find it helpful to have access to information about
incident crime reports in your district from the 2017-18 school year
during the interview. We have attached a copy of the incident count
questions in CRDC (“[FILE
for your reference.
participate in tThe
will be conducted using
through a simple-to-use web-conferencing software, GoToMeeting,—a
simple web-based conferencing software
that may need to be
installed on your computer—click
on the link below and you will instantly join the GoToMeeting
session. You
need to join the meeting by clicking the link below;
you will have the option to
in using a phone number or
use your
computer audio through
the programor
dial in using your phone.:
You can use computer audio or dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (XXX) XXX-XXX
Access Code: XXX-XXX-XXX
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/XXXXXXXXX
As a note, you may find it helpful to have access to information about incident crime reports in your district from the 2017-18 school year during the interview. We have attached a copy of the incident count questions in CRDC (“[FILE NAME].pdf”) for your reference.
You will receive a $75 gift card as a thank-you for your time and participation. The gift card will be mailed to you within two business days after your completed interview.
Should a
scheduling conflict arise with the above interview date and time,
please let me know as soon as possible so that we can reschedule your
interview at your earliest convenience. You can reach me at [Insert
AIR Telephone Number] (weekdays
from 9 am to 5 pm ESDT)
or via email at [insert AIR
The following revisions were made on p. 72:
You are
invited to participate voluntarily in this interview, which is being
administered by the American Institutes for Research, a contract
research firm, on behalf of the National Center for Education
Statistics (NCES), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education.
The purpose of this interview is to help NCES learn
about experiences schools
and districts have
with questions on crime incidents that were included in the
2017–18 administration of the
Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)
and Civil Rights
Data Collection (CRDC).3
The interview
and discussion will take approximately 60 minutes. During the
interview, you will be asked about your processes for collecting and
reporting crime data. There are no right or wrong answers to the
and this is not an evaluation of your school
district or
We just want to hear about your experience with the surveys
and gain an
understanding of the processes you follow to answer the survey
The following revisions were made on p. 80:
interviews will help us improve
the data collection process for districts and schools and ensure that
data on crime incidents in U.S. schools are of high quality.
Upon completing the interview, you will receive a $7550
gift card in appreciation for your time and input.
If you have
questions about this interview, please
feel free to contact the AIR project lead, Sidney
Kaleem, via
phone at 202-403-63856137
or email at
[email protected][email protected],
or the NCES project officer, Rachel Hansen, at [email protected]
or 202-245-7082.
The following was deleted on p. 73:
of Non-disclosure
____________________________________ __________________________
State or Local Agency Name) (Organization or Agency Address)
Survey on Crime and Safety
Database, File, or Project Providing Access to Individually
Identifiable Information)
, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that when given access to information
on schools that participated in the 2018–School Survey on Crime
and Safety (SSOCS), I will not:
use or reveal any individually identifiable information furnished,
acquired, retrieved, or assembled by me or others, under the
provisions of the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (20 U.S.C.
§9573) and Foundations of Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of
2018, Title III, Part B, Confidential Information Protection for any
purpose other than the statistical purposes specified in the NCES
survey, project, or agreement;
publish or disclose any information whereby a sample unit or survey
respondent (including principals, teachers, and schools) could be
identified or the data furnished by or related to any particular
person or school under these sections could be identified; or
permit anyone other than the individuals authorized by the
Commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
to examine the individual reports.
penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of not more than $250,000
(under 18 U.S.C. 3571) or imprisonment for not more than five years
(under 18 U.S.C. 3559), or both. The word "swear" should be
stricken out when a person elects to affirm the affidavit rather than
to swear to it.]
Reminder Email
The following revisions were made on p. 73:
Thank you
again for agreeing to participate in an interview about school crime
data. I am looking forward to speaking with you [tomorrow
or day], [month and date],
at [Insert time and time
As a reminder, the interview will last approximately one hour and we
will send you a $7550
gift card to thank you for your participation.
RETURNED]. We have not
received your signed [NDA/Cconsent
which must be completed before the start of the interview.
Please review, sign,
and return the attached [consent
to me via email at [Insert AIR
email address] prior
to your interviewby
You will need to join the meeting by clicking the link below; you will have the option to use your computer audio or dial in using your phone:
You can use computer audio or dial in using your phone.
States: +1 (XXX)
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first
meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/XXXXXXXXX
Should you
need to reach me regarding your interview session, please call
[Insert AIR Telephone Number]
weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm (ESDT)
or email me at [Insert AIR email].
Thank-You Letter to Districts (Mailed)
The following revisions were made on p. 74:
Thank you for
your participation in the interview on school crime data on [Insert
Date]. As a respondent to the
Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), we appreciate you taking time
out of your busy schedule to provide firsthand feedback on your
experience. Your
feedback will help improve federal surveys—including CRDC—as
well as
the burden of future data collections and ensure that
resulting data are more helpful to you, other schools, districts,
states, and data users. The
results from your district and school(s) will help inform decisions
on how to limit overlap betweenCRDC
and the School
Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS), which
will reduce the amount of time required to complete the surveys.
As a token of our
appreciation for your participation, we have included a $7550
gift card with this letter.
Confirmation of Receipt of Gift Card Email
The following revision was made on p. 75:
writing to request confirmation that you received the $750
gift card that [I/my colleague]
mailed to your [home/school]
address on [Insert Date].
Please reply to this email to confirm that you received the gift
Frequently Asked Questions
The following revision was made on p. 76:
is the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS)?
is a recurring survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Education’s
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) that focuses on the
frequency of crime and violence in public schools and the programs
and practices schools have developed to provide a safe school
environment. SSOCS collects data from a sample of K–12 public
The following revisions were made on p. 76:
Will I be
paid for participating? As a
token of our appreciation for your participation, you will receive a
gift card within 10 business days of completing your interview.
was my district selected?
Districts that participated in
the 2017–18 CRDC and
that also had a school that participated in the 2018 SSOCS were
identified using a random sampling procedure.
I participate if schools in my district do not participate?
We have contacted you because one or more schools in your district
have already agreed to participate in a separate interview to discuss
the data on crime incidents they provided in the 2017–18
SSOCS data collection. It
is critical for us to hear from districts and their schools to
understand any differences in how incidents of crime are reported in
the two surveys and we need your participation to fulfill this
two-part interview operation.
will I need to do? You
will be asked to answer questions on how your district collects data
on crime incidents that have occurred at schools in your district, as
well as on how you understand the questions on the CRDC questionnaire
and report crime incidents in CRDC. You will be asked to sign and
return a consent form and
an Affidavit of Non-disclosure in
order to participate. All personal identifying information will be
destroyed at the conclusion of all of the interviews.
Will my
participation affect my responses to CRDC?
No. While the interview will follow up on your district’s
participation in CRDC during the 2017–18 school year, your
feedback will be used only to inform potential improvements in future
data collections and will not impact your current or prior responses
to CRDC. Your responses will be used by NCES to gain a better
understanding of the process involved for respondents to report crime
incidents on CRDC and SSOCS
will not change any current
previous responses you have
provided as part of CRDC.
The following revision was made on p. p. 76:
When and
where will the interview be conducted?
The interview will be held in summer
early 2020 (February-April)2019.
All interviews will be conducted through a simple-to-use web
conferencing software.
The following revision was made on p. 76:
Who can I
contact to participate or for more information? If
you would like to discuss the interview further, please feel free to
contact the AIR project lead, Sidney
at swilkinson-flickerkkaleem@air.org
or 202-403-63856137,
or the NCES project officer, Rachel Hansen, at [email protected]
or 202-245-7082.
Recruitment Flowchart
business days
week later:Send 2nd
follow-upPHONE follow-up #3
Recruitment/Interview Scenarios and Steps
The following was deleted from p 79:
Scenarios and Steps
The following updates were made to Appendix B – Protocols:
Interview Protocols
The following was added on p. 15:
Revised Interview Protocols for Phase 2
SSOCS Interview Protocol
Interview Introduction
The following revisions were made on p.16:
We are conducting
interviews to learn more about the process schools go through to fill
out the School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS). We have been hired
by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to administer
these interviews, with the goal of learning about your experiences
with reporting information focused on school crime incidents that are
required to be filled out as part of SSOCS. As
you may or may not be aware, similar questions are also included on
the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), another Department of
Education data collection, which is completed at the district level.
We are exploring the context around the reporting of incident
items on SSOCS and CRDC
with the goal of removing the
streamlining questions from one
of theseon crime incidents
across various federal surveys
in order to reduceing
burden on responding schools and
You were chosen to participate in this
interview because your school participated in the SSOCS data
collection during the 2017–18 school year. As a principal, we
value your opinion and would like to hear your perspective on
providing counts of crime incidents at your school on surveys such as
SSOCS. We recognize that everyone has different experiences or
procedures when it comes to reporting information for SSOCS, as well
as how school crime and safety incidents are tracked and recorded,
and we want to stress that there are no right or wrong answers. Your
responses during this interview will be used by NCES to gain a better
understanding of the process involved for respondents to report crime
incidents on SSOCS and CRDC.
Nothing you say will change any previous responses you have provided
as part of SSOCS. This is not an evaluation of your answers on SSOCS.
The interview should take about an hour.
I will be asking the questions, and
[INERT NAME OF NOTETAKER_______________ will be taking notes. We
would like to record audio from our conversation to
make sure that weI
catch all of the important information that
you will
share with ustoday
and to serve as our
a back up to the notes that
_______________ will taken
today. This recording will only be used for
note-taking purposes, will be stored securely, and will be destroyed
after the project is over. Is it okay for me to record you?
The following revisions were made on p. 17:
Before we get started, we have a few background questions about your role at your school and your experience with SSOCS.
How would you describe your overall role at your school?
What are your day-to-day activities?
Please describe your involvement in school safety and discipline at your school.
Did you complete any special training or certification for data collection and/or data entry procedures for tracking school crime incidents? If so, what was it?
This school participated in the 2017–18
SSOCS data collection during the
2017-18 school year. and wWhen
we spoke previously you indicated that you had the primary
responsibility for completing the section reporting counts of crime
incidents that occurred at school. Is this correct?
If yes, were there other staff who assisted you in completing the section reporting counts of crime incidents that occurred at your school, and those that were reported to police?
If yes, what positions did these staff hold?”
If no, proceed to the questions on the last page of the protocol for situations where the respondent was not primarily responsible for completing SSOCS.
Are you familiar with any
other federal surveys that may collect crime incident datathe
Civil Rights Data Collection, also known as CRDC?
(If yes, ask respondent to elaborate if necessary.)
2017–18 Incident Count Questions:
The following revision was made on p. 18:
At this time, you should refer to the
SSOCS Incidents Count Sheet for questions 16 through 23
which will ask about the 2017–18 Specific Item Data
Collection and
CRDC Comparison. Do not share
this sheet with the respondent.
Current Data Collection Process:
The following revision was made on p. 18:
If respondent has already answered the following questions during the process of answering the previous questions, skip ahead.
How doDo
you currently report data on incident counts to your district?
[If yes,
probe] Is this required of all schools in
your district?
[Suggested probe] Can you tell me more about this system/process?
[Suggested probe] Do you report incidents to the district on a rolling basis as they occur or at periodic intervals (like at the end of the semester or school year)?
The following revision was made on p. 19:
For situations where the respondent was NOT primarily responsible for completing SSOCS
My apologies! I was under the impression from our prior conversation that you were primarily responsible for completing the 2017–18 SSOCS questionnaire. [Pause and see if respondent offers an explanation.]
Thank you so much! I appreciate your time today. [END
OF INTERVIEW; do not mention the gift card; let
SSOCS Incident Count Sheet
The following revision was made on p.20:
[FORMATTING NOTE: All highlighted
portions are examples; data will be pulled from the SSOCS &
CRDC data files and will be linked to each
other automatically generating the entire document.]
The following revisions were made on p.21:
Federal Survey CRDC
NOTE: This incident type discussed in this section will not be
consistent across schools. Instead it will be dependent upon the most
serious offense reported for that school.]
Your district may
also reported
counts of crime incidents for
your school on CRDC for the same 2017–18 school yearon
other federal surveys. In reviewing
their response for the number of incidents of rape
or attempted rape,
we found that the district reported a higher/lower/the
same number of
incidents on CRDC than your school reported on SSOCSsome
instances, incident counts reported may vary from those the school
reported on SSOCS.
Do you know how counts of incidents from your district are aggregated?
probe] Could you tell me more
about that process?
are some reasons you can think of for why counts
reported by the district the
CRDC count may
differ from what was reported by
schools onfor SSOCS?
What are some reasons you can think of for why the CRDC count may be
the same as that reported for SSOCS?
Do you know
how the district acquires counts of incidents from your school?
probe] Could you
tell me more about that process?
CRDC Interview Protocol
The following revisions were made on p. 22:
School: |
District: |
State: |
Respondent’s Name: |
Date: |
Interviewers: |
Consent Form: |
☐Signed copy received |
☐ Waiting on signed copy |
CRDC Offenses Section Handout (respondent should have as well)
Incident Counts Sheet – With School Info [for
districts where school(s) has given consent]
(not shared with
CRDC Incident Counts Sheet –
No School Info [for
districts where school(s) DID NOT give consent, or district
respondent has NOT signed NDA]
(not shared with district)
Interview Introduction:
The following revisions were made on p. 23:
We are conducting
interviews to learn more about the process districts go through to
fill out the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). We have been hired
by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to administer
these interviews, with the goal of learning about your experiences
with reporting information focused on school crime incidents that are
required to be filled out as part of CRDC. As
you may or may not be aware, similar questions are also included on
other federal surveysthe School Survey on Crime and Safety (SSOCS),
another Department of Education data collection, which is completed
at the school level. We are exploring the context
around the reporting of incident items on CRDC and
SSOCS with the goal of
removing the
streamlining questions from one
of theseon crime incidents
across various federal surveys
in order to reduceing
burden on responding schools and districts.
You were chosen to participate in this
interview because your district provided crime incident data for the
2017–18 CRDC and one or more
schools in your district also provided similar data on SSOCS.
As a district representative, we value your opinion and would like to
hear your perspective on providing counts of crime incidents at
schools in your district on surveys such as CRDC. We recognize that
everyone has different experiences or procedures when it comes to
reporting information for CRDC and want to stress that there are no
right or wrong answers. Your responses during this interview will be
used by NCES to gain a better understanding of the process involved
for respondents to report crime incidents on CRDC
and SSOCS. Nothing you say will change any previous
responses you have provided as part of CRDC. This is not an
evaluation of your answers on CRDC.
The following revisions were made on p. 23:
The interview should take about an hour.
I will be asking the questions, and
_______________ will be taking notes. We
would like to record audio from our conversation to make sure
that weI
catch all of the important information that
you will
share with ustoday
and to serve as our
a back up to the notes that
_______________ will taken
Background Questions:
The following revision was made on p. 24:
Are you familiar with the
School Survey on Crime and Safety, also known as SSOCSany
other federal surveys that may collect crime incident data?
(If they just say yes, ask them to elaborate.)
Incident Count Questions:
The following Incident Count questions were updated on p. 24:
How did you gather the information required to answer these incident count items?
probe] Can you
tell me more about this system/process?
Are schools required to provide this information to the district?
[Suggested probe] Can you tell me more about this system/process?
[Suggested probe] Do schools report incidents to the district on a rolling basis as they occur or at periodic intervals (like at the end of the semester or school year)?
The following Incident Count questions were updated on p. 25:
the school provided consent to share their information and the
district respondent signed the NDA]
At this time, you should refer to the CRDC
Incidents Count Sheet – With School Info
for questions 18
through 25 which will ask about the 2017–18
Specific CRDC Item Data Collection and
SSOCS Comparison.
Do not share this
sheet with the respondent.
the school did not provide consent to share their information OR the
district respondent did not sign the NDA]
At this time, you should refer to the CRDC
Incidents Count Sheet – No
School Info for
questions 1819
through 2526
which will ask about the 2017–18 Specific CRDC Item Data
Collection. Do not share this sheet with the respondent.
Current Data Collection Process:
The following was deleted on p. 25:
schools required to provide this information to the district?
The following updates were made on p. 25-26:
For situations where the respondent was NOT primarily responsible for completing CRDC
My apologies! I was under the impression from our prior conversation that you were primarily responsible for completing the 2017–18 CRDC questionnaire. [Pause and see if respondent offers an explanation.]
Thank you so much! I appreciate your time today. [END
OF INTERVIEW; do not mention the gift card; let
The following were deleted on p. 27-28:
NOTE: All highlighted portions are examples; data will be pulled from
the SSOCS & CRDC data files and will be linked to each other
automatically generating the entire document.]
School: [SCHOOL
District: ________________________________________________
Process Questions
NOTE: The incident types discussed in questions 18, 20, and 22 will
be consistent across all interviews and chosen based on frequency
across all schools.]
Based on
your district’s response to the 2017–18
incident(s) of rape
or attempted rape
was reported for [SCHOOL NAME]. Could you tell me how you arrived at
this answer?
probe] Tell me
more about why you answered 1.
probe] Can you
tell me more about that?
Did your
process for reporting counts of homicide and shootings differ from
that you took to report rape or attempted rape?
If yes:
Could you describe how the process differed in reporting these
different types of incidents?
Based on
your district’s response to the 2017–18
incident(s) of physical
attacks or fights with a weapon
were reported for [SCHOOL NAME]. Could you tell me how you arrived
at this answer?
probe] Tell me
more about why you answered 8.
probe] Can you
tell me more about that?
Did your
process for reporting counts of sexual assault, robbery with or
without a weapon, or threat of physical attack or fight with a
weapon differ from the process that you took to report physical
attack or fight with a weapon?
If yes:
Could you describe how the process differed in reporting these
different types of incidents?
Based on
your district’s response to the 2017–18
CRDC, 68
incident(s) of threat
of physical attack without a weapon
were reported for [SCHOOL NAME]. Could you tell me how you arrived
at this answer?
probe] Tell me
more about why you answered 68.
probe] Can you
tell me more about that?
Did your
process for reporting counts of physical attack or fight without a
weapon or possession of a firearm or explosive device differ from
the process that you took to report threat of physical attack
without a weapon?
If yes:
Could you describe how the process differed in reporting these
different types of incidents?
NOTE: This incident type discussed in this section will not be
consistent across schools. Instead it will be dependent upon the
incident type that is chosen for that school.]
NAME] also
reported counts of crime incidents on SSOCS for the same 2017–18
school year. In reviewing their response for the number of incidents
of rape or attempted
rape, we found that
the school reported a higher/lower/the
same number of
incidents on SSOCS than the district reported on CRDC.
are some reasons you can think of for why the SSOCS count may differ
from what was reported for CRDC?
EQUAL: What are
some reasons you can think of for why the SSOCS count may be the same
as that reported for CRDC?
Do you
know how the district acquires counts of incidents from [SCHOOL
probe] Could you
tell me more about that process?
CRDC Incident Count Sheet
The following revision was made on p. 27:
Incident Count Sheet
The following revision was made on p. 27:
Other Federal Survey Comparison
Schools in your district may
also reported
counts of crime incidents on other federal
surveysSSOCS for the same
2017–18 school year. In some
instances, incident counts reported by schools on
SSOCS may be higher or lower thanmay
vary from those the district reported on
the CRDC.
What are some reasons you can think of
for why these counts may differ from what was reported for
on the CRDC?
If respondent has already answered the following questions during the process of answering previous questions, skip ahead.
1 In all phases of the study, in cases when an email or a phone call follow a prior interaction with the addressee, short personalized statements may be interwoven into the email and/or phone script, adjusted to the tone and subjects of prior communications with the respondents.
NCES is authorized to conduct
study on school crime and safety datathe
[study (abr)] by
the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA 2002, 20 U.S.C.
§9543), and this study has been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB# 1850-0803 v.250XXX).
The information you provide may be used only for statistical
purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for
any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).
NCES is authorized to conduct
the [study
school crime and safety data (abr)]
by the
Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002 (ESRA
2002, 20 U.S.C.
§9543), and this study has been approved by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB# 1850-0803
The information you provide may be used only for statistical
purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in identifiable form for
any other purpose except as required by law (20 U.S.C. §9573
and 6 U.S.C. §151).
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Kaleem, Korantema |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-14 |