Attachment D. Sources and Justification

Attachment D. Sources and Justification_5.4.15.docx

OPRE Evaluation - National and Tribal Evaluation of the 2nd Generation of the Health Profession Opportunity Grants [descriptive evaluation, impact evaluation, cost-benefit analysis study, pilot study]

Attachment D. Sources and Justification

OMB: 0970-0462

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Attachment D: Sources and Justification for PAGES Grantee- and Participant-Level Data

The HPOG Next Gen’s PAGES will collect both grantee- and participant-level data elements from all HPOG grantees that will contribute to grantee performance monitoring, the impact evaluation, the federal evaluation of Tribal grantees, and future studies. Where possible, data elements have also been aligned with other key related ACF data collection efforts, particularly the HPOG ISO, HPOG NIE, HPOG Impact, and PACE project data collection activities that are ongoing and have been approved by OMB (see Attachment F). The sources and justification for new data items are presented here. See Instrument 1 for the complete list of data items with response fields/formats and value descriptions.

Grantee-Level Data Elements

Data Item / Question


Justification (if new or updated)

Grantee Information

Program Name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

HPOG number

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

DUNS number

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

EIN number

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Federal grant number

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grant Director last name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grant Director first name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grant Director telephone

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grant Director email

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Authorized Certifying Official last name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Authorized Certifying Official first name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Authorized Certifying Official telephone

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Authorized Certifying Official email

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grantee address 1

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grantee address 2

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grantee city

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grantee state

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Grantee zip code

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


Vendor name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Vendor ID

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Vendor contact information

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Vendor contact information

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Vendor contact information

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Type of organization


We would like to gather this one-time entry information on vendors that would be useful in describing them in an implementation study.

Type of partnership

Basic Skills Training


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Type of Training


We would like to gather this one-time entry information on available trainings that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Narrative description


Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

Program length metric (choose one)


Proposed method of collecting training course length to get more accurate data than how it was collected in the PRS (clearance number 0970-0394). We would like to gather usual number of weeks for both credits and hours/week reports to have at least one comparable length metric across all courses.

If credits, number of credits for completion

If hours per week chosen, hours per week

Usual number of weeks of program length value



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on available trainings that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Delivery Mode


We would like to gather this one-time entry information on innovative approaches to delivering basic skills training that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study. Additionally, innovative approaches to delivering basic skills training may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.



Healthcare Occupational Training Activities


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Training ID

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Training location

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Training occupational code

Taken from a list of occupational codes. After initial review of grantee applications, we may add subcodes to the SOC/O*NET codes to more precisely identify trainings.

Our experience from the PRS using SOC found they were not detailed enough to capture variations in healthcare occupational training offered by grantees. We would like to add subcodes to capture more detailed variations.

Professional, state, or industry certification or license

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Career pathway level

Specific definitions of these levels would be determined by ACF/evaluation team and grantee would assign trainings to the levels using these definitions.

We would like to categorize trainings into levels (based on wages of the associated occupation) to be able to report on movement forward on a career pathway.

Interim milestone training


We would like to create this indicator of longer training courses (more than one semester or 12 weeks) for which grantees can indicate enrolled participants are making progress.

Training type


We would like to know if the training type is credit or non-credit to be able to ask the appropriate length questions below.

If credits, number of credits for completion

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Proposed method of collecting training course length to get more accurate data than how it was collected in the PRS (clearance number 0970-0394). We would like to gather usual number of weeks for both credits and hours/week reports to have at least one comparable length metric across all courses.

If non-credit, total hours


Number of weeks of program length

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Integrated basic skills and healthcare training


We would like to gather this one-time entry information on innovative approaches to delivering basic skills training that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study. Additionally, innovative approaches to delivering basic skills training may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.

Blended learning model


We would like to gather this one-time entry information on innovative approaches to delivering healthcare training that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study. Additionally, innovative approaches to delivering healthcare training may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.


Employer name


We would like to gather this one-time entry information on employer partners that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Employer location

Healthcare employer

Employer ID


Academic Supports

Academic supports offered: academic advising, tutoring, mentoring, peer support, post-eligibility assessments, training related costs assistance (other than tuition), laptop for blended training and internet access for blended training

Mostly from PRS (clearance number 0970-0394), some new

Laptop for blended training and internet access for blended training are added as supports that can go along with the new blended training offering.



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on academic supports that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.



Narrative Description


Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

Case Management only

Program required frequency for case management contact


We would like to gather this one-time entry information on case management supports that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

If other, how frequently


Participants have assigned case manager

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Narrative Description


Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

Personal/Logistical Supports

Personal/Logistical supports offered: Emergency assistance, Non-emergency Food Assistance, Child/dependent care assistance, Transportation assistance, Housing support/assistance, Other

Mostly from PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

We consolidated some of the services included in the PRS. For example, we consolidated home heating assistance, security deposit, first month’s rent, funds for housing program, short-term/temporary housing program, and other housing support services into “housing support/assistance.”



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on academic supports that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Narrative Description


Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

Other skill development activities (non-occupational)

Other skill development activities offered: Introduction to Healthcare Career Workshop, Work Readiness , College Readiness, Digital Literacy,

CPR training, Mandatory Work Readiness with peer support, Other

Mostly from PRS (clearance number 0970-0394), some new

Added digital literacy, CPR training, and Mandatory work readiness with peer support to better capture available skill development activities and the possible enhancement



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on other skills development activities that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Narrative Description


Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

Employment assistance supports

Employment assistance supports offered: Job search assistance, Job retention services, Job placement assistance

From PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on employment assistance activities that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Narrative Description


Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

Work-based learning opportunities

Work-based learning opportunities offer: On-the-Job training, Work experience, Job shadowing, Unpaid Internship or externship

From PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on work-based learning opportunities that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Narrative Description


Narrative description of each service that populates to PPR

Possible Enhancements (if applicable)

Mandatory work readiness training combined with peer support

Program length metric (choose one)


Proposed method of collecting training course length to get more accurate data than how it was collected in the PRS (clearance number 0970-0394). We would like to gather usual number of weeks for both credits and hours/week reports to have at least one comparable length metric across all courses. Additionally, innovative approaches to delivering work readiness training and peer support may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.

If credits, number of credits for completion

If hours per week chosen, hours per week

Usual number of weeks of program length value



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on innovative approaches to delivering work readiness training and peer support that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study and may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.

Acceleration, contextualization, and/or integration of basic skills and postsecondary education and training



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on innovative approaches to delivering basic skills training that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study and may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.


Blended learning combined with in-home access to laptops and the Internet



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on innovative approaches to delivering healthcare training that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study and may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.


On-the-Job Training (OJT)



We would like to gather this one-time entry information on innovative approaches to delivering OJT that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study and may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.


Participant-Level Baseline Data Elements

Data Item / Question


Justification (if new or updated)

Participant Information

First name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Last name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Middle initial

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Date of birth

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Informed consent

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Social Security Number

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Personal Characteristics

Ethnicity of participant is Hispanic or Latino

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

United States Citizen

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

HPOG Qualification (if not citizen of the U.S.)

From Survey Data Elements to Unpack Diversity of Hispanic Populations, OPRE Report #2014-31

OPRE suggestion of promising approaches to serving diverse children and families in the measuring diversity brief.

Relationship status: never married, reside with unmarried partner, divorced, separated, widowed, married

American Community Survey

Previously approved marital status under PRS (clearance number 0970-0394); we would like to add living with unmarried partner as an answer choice

Head of household

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Number of people living in household at least half of the year

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Number of children under age 18 who live in household at least half the year

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

For each child in above question:


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

For each child in above question:

Date of birth

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant or participant’s spouse/partner pregnant and/or expectant

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Special characteristics/status:

  1. Refugee

  2. Veteran

  3. Individual with disability

  4. Current Foster care youth

  5. Homeless individual

  6. Limited English proficiency

  7. Formerly incarcerated

  8. WIA/WIOA eligible

  9. Has a child with special needs

  10. Trouble with stable housing

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394), for all except special needs child and trouble with stable housing

We would like to add have a child with special needs as an additional challenge or need for support for those in training.

We would like to add trouble with stable housing indicator of a challenge that may impact a participant’s need for support services.

Tribal Member

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Tribal Affiliation

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Lives on reservation

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Spouse of tribal member

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Current employee of a tribal organization

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Income and benefits

Approximate total earnings for individual participant from work, including tips and overtime pay during the past 12 months

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

TOTAL household income including participant's earnings and other income and earnings and other income of all household members for the past 12 months

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant is receiving public benefits at intake (for each):

  1. TANF Cash Assistance

  2. Medicaid

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Anyone in household including participant is receiving public benefits at intake (for each):

  1. TANF

  2. SNAP

  3. WIC

  4. Free/Reduced Price School Lunch

  5. Supplemental Security Income

  6. Social Security and/or Social Security Disability Insurance

  7. Medicaid

  8. Subsidized Child Care / Voucher

  9. Section 8 / Public Housing

  10. Low-Income Heating Emergency Assistance Program

  11. Refugee Cash Assistance

  12. Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance

m. Alaska Permanent Fund

HPOG-Impact Supplemental Baseline Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

No longer asking for public benefit amounts because of data quality concerns with the HPOG-Impact data collection efforts. Added “Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance” and “Alaska Permanent Fund” options because these are sources of income that are potentially important for participants in tribal grantees.

Other sources of financial support received by anyone in household (for each):

  1. Alimony

  2. Child Support

  3. Workers compensation

  4. Support from family and friends not living in household

  5. Grants or loans for school

Updated from the HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

We added alimony as another potential non-public source of income.

Unemployment Insurance compensation recipient

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


Highest level of education completed

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Ever received a professional, state, or industry certification or license?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Received an occupational certificate or diploma, excluding any state, professional, or industry certification or license?

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Currently in school or training

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If yes to above, currently in a healthcare occupational training course

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

If no or skipped above, ever taken classes to prepare for work in a particular occupation?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If yes to above, ever taken classes to prepare for work in a healthcare occupation?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Ever participated in following classes/educational programs? (ask each)

  1. Classes to improve basic reading/writing/ skills or prepare for a high school equivalency or college placement test

  2. English as Second Language

  3. Classes for college credit

  4. Occupational training not for college credit

  5. Classes in how to succeed at work class/workshop

  6. Classes in how to succeed at school

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Literacy assessed at 8th grade level or higher?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Numeracy assessed at 8th grade level or higher?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


Ever worked for pay?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If ever worked, ever worked in a healthcare occupation?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If yes to above, specify most recent healthcare occupation?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If ever worked, are you currently employed?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If currently employed, participant employment in healthcare occupation?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If yes to above, identify healthcare occupation

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If currently employed, the usual number of hours worked per week

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If currently employed, current hourly wage

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If currently employed, receives health insurance from your employer?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Expectations (Answered only by impact study participants)

Highest level of education expected to complete?

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Expect to receive a professional, state, or industry certification or license?

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Expect to receive an occupational certificate or diploma, excluding any state, professional, or industry certification or license?

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

During HPOG, does the participant expect to be going to school full-time or part-time?

HPOG-Impact Supplemental Baseline Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Does the participant expect to be working for pay in the next six months?

HPOG-Impact Supplemental Baseline Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

If yes to above, how many hours does the participant expect to be working in a typical week?

HPOG-Impact Supplemental Baseline Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

In the past 12 months, please note how often each of the following situations interfered with the participant’s school, work, job search, or family responsibilities:

  1. Child care arrangements?

  2. Transportation?

  3. Personal illness or health condition?

  4. Alcohol or drug use?

  5. Another situation?

HPOG-Impact 15-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

When it comes to careers, some people are more certain than others that they know where they are headed and how to get there. How strongly does the participant agree/disagree that the following statements reflect his/her career situation:

a. I’m not sure how to accurately assess my abilities and challenges.

b. I know how to make a plan that will help me achieve my goals for the next 5 years.

c. I know how to get help from staff and teachers with any issues that might arise when I am at school.

d. I’m not sure what type of job is best for me.

e. I know the type of employer I want to work for.

f. I know the occupation I want to be in.

g. I’m not sure what kind of education and training program is best for me.

HPOG-Impact 36-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

In general, some people have an easier or harder time with problems or difficulties. How true does the participant think are the following statements:

a. I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough.

b. It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals.

c. I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events.

d. Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen situations.

e. I can solve most problems if I invest the necessary effort.

f. I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my coping abilities.

g. When I am confronted with a problem, I can usually find several solutions.

h. If I am in trouble, I can usually think of a solution.

i. I can usually handle whatever comes my way.

HPOG-Impact 15-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

How strongly does the participant agree/disagree with the following statements about his/her work preferences:

a. I will take any job even if the pay is low?

b. I only want the kind of job that is related to my education or training?

HPOG-Impact Supplemental Baseline Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

How much must a job pay a participant per hour for it to make sense for him/her to take it?

HPOG-Impact Supplemental Baseline Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

If participant is not selected to participate in HPOG, what are his/her plans for education and work? Does he/she plan to:

a. Enroll in another occupational training program?

b. Enroll in basic skills education training program?

c. Complete a regular high school diploma?

d. Enroll in a four-year or community college?

e. Seek employment?

f. If yes, in healthcare field?

HPOG-Impact Supplemental Baseline Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Contact Information

Participant contact address 1

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant contact address 2

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant contact city

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant contact state

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant contact zip code

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant Contact Phone 1

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Type of phone 1

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant Contact Phone 2

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Type of phone 2

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Can we contact you via text message?


Added to improve researchers’ ability to contact participants for follow-up surveys.

Participant contact e-mail address

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Facebook account name or email address associated with account


Added to improve researchers’ ability to contact participants for follow-up surveys.

Twitter handle

Alternative contact first name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact last name

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact relationship to participant

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact primary phone number

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact address1

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact address2

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact city

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact state

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact zip code

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Alternative contact e-mail address

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant-Level Ongoing Data Items

Data Item / Question


Justification (if new or updated)

Eligibility Screenings and Assessments


Career inventory

We would like grantees to be able to record the assessments they carry out as part of eligibility process. This is optional.

Literacy test score

Name of literacy test

If Other, specify:

Numeracy test score

Name of numeracy test

If Other, specify:

English Language Proficiency test

English Language Proficiency test score

Name of English Language Proficiency test

If Other, specify:


Screenings completed

(answer each):

  1. Drug screening

  2. Background check

  3. Physical

  4. Immunizations

  5. Other

We would like grantees to be able to record the assessments they carry out as part of eligibility process. This is optional.

If Other, specify:

Basic and Other Skills Development Activities (non-occupational)

Basic Skills Training

Basic skills training course

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

HPOG funds used to support tuition/training payment


We would like to gather information on basic skills training that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Begin date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Projected Completion Date


We would ask grantees to record an expected date of completion for activities in order to facilitate system notifications that it may be time to check in with participant as to activity completion. We expect this will help with data quality and completeness, and assist grantees with case management.

End date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Basic skills training completion

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Self-directed basic skills training


We would like to collect information on innovative approaches to delivering basic skills training that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study and may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study. We added this item because self-directed basic skills training is distinct from other forms of basic skills trainings.

Other Skill Development Activities

Select a type

Updated PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

We added “Mandatory work readiness with peer support” as a possible choice because it may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.

Begin date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Projected Completion Date


We would ask grantees to record an expected date of completion for activities in order to facilitate system notifications that it may be time to check in with participant as to activity completion. We expect this will help with data quality and completeness, and assist grantees with case management.

End date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Other skill development activity completion

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394), with some modification to answer categories

Healthcare Occupational Training

Prerequisites for healthcare training

Begin Date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Projected Completion Date


We would ask grantees to record an expected date of completion for activities in order to facilitate system notifications that it may be time to check in with participant as to activity completion. We expect this will help with data quality and completeness, and assist grantees with case management.

End Date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Health Occupation Training

Training Vendor

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Code for healthcare occupational training type

Codes based on SOC/O*NET with additional subcodes as necessary for more detailed occupational specification

HPOG funds used to support tuition/training payment

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Collecting whether specific training course was funded by HPOG, tuition/training payment was waived by provider, or funded by another source.

Was this specific course of training in progress at the time of intake into HPOG?


Added to clarify random assignment dare for current students. For those who answer yes, the begin date should be the date of random assignment or date when intake to HPOG program was completed in order to have enrollment date be at or after eligible for HPOG.

Begin date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Projected Completion Date


We would ask grantees to record an expected date of completion for activities in order to facilitate system notifications that it may be time to check in with participant as to activity completion. We expect this will help with data quality and completeness, and assist grantees with case management.

End date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Occupational training completion

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394), with some modification to answer categories.

We would like to ask explicitly whether grantee failed or dropped out, rather than the PRS method of asking a separate question on whether the participant successfully completed training.

Professional, state, or industry certification or license

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Completed half of required course of training


We would like grantees to have the opportunity to note that a participant has completed half the course of training in order to show participant progress in longer trainings and not only completions.

Enrolled in postsecondary education or attending training in a program that is not a part of HPOG


We would like to add an item that would capture movement to higher education as an outcome in addition to employment.


Job type

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Job title

HPOG-Impact 15-Month Follow-Up Survey (clearance number 0970-0394)

Job start date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Job end date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Employer name


We would like to allow grantees the ability to record employer names in order to do tracking and reporting by employer.

Employment in healthcare occupation

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

If yes, healthcare occupation code

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Job is one of following: Part of Registered Apprenticeship program

Cooperative education placement

Paid internship or externship

Work study job


Would like to capture if a particular job is part of these activities instead of tracking these activities separately to avoid need for double entry and confusion.

Current wage per hour

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Usual hours worked per week

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Participant provided health insurance through job?

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Program Supports

Academic Supports

Type of Support


Justification (if new or updated)

Case management

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Academic advising

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Peer support

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Post-eligibility assessments

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Training-related costs assistance (other than tuition)

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Laptop for blended training participants


Blended learning may be a program enhancement of interest for the impact study.

Internet service access for participants in blended training

Data Item / Question


Justification (if new or updated)

First date of support receipt

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Receipt in specific six-month period

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Funding Source


We would like to gather this information on program supports that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Participant has assigned case manager

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Name of case manager

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Case Management (Optional)

Case Management Meeting Date


We would like to add these optional items to help address tracking and organization questions regarding case manager work-flow.

Case Manager

Mode of contact

If other, specify:

Who initiated contact

Personal/Logistical Supports

Type of Support


Justification (if new or updated)

Emergency assistance

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Non-emergency Food Assistance

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Child/dependent care assistance

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Transportation assistance

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Housing support/assistance

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)


PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Data Item / Question


Justification (if new or updated)

Receipt in specific six-month period

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Funding Source


We would like to gather this information on program supports that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

First date of support receipt

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Employment Assistance Supports

Type of Activity


Justification (if new or updated)

Job search assistance

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Job retention services

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Job placement assistance

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Data Item / Question


Justification (if new or updated)

Receipt in specific six-month period

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Funding Source


We would like to gather this information on program supports that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

First date of support receipt

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Work-Based Learning Opportunities

Type of Activity


Justification (if new or updated)

On-the-Job training

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Work experience

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Job shadowing

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Unpaid Internship or externship

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Data Item / Question


Justification (if new or updated)

Begin Date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

End Date

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Activity Completion

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Usual Number of Hours per week

PRS (clearance number 0970-0394)

Occupation code of job


We would like to track the occupational code for on-the-job training, work experience, or unpaid internship positions.

Funding Source


We would like to gather this information on program supports that would be useful in describing the grantee program design in an implementation study.

Hourly payment


We would like to track the payment amount for on-the-job training positions.

1 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2014). Survey Data Elements to Unpack Diversity of Hispanic Populations, OPRE Report #2014-30, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Attachment D: Sources and Justification for PAGES Grantee- and Participant-Level Data Items pg. 15

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