Form C Event Record Form 2016

HRSA AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs) Evaluation Activities

C_ Event Record Form 2016_Revised10.12.18.Clean

Event Record (ER) Form

OMB: 0915-0281

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Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0915-0281. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .14 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N39, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

HRSA AIDS Education and Training Centers


Instructions: This form should be completed by the program office or trainer that sponsored the training event.

Name of Event: ________________________________________________

1. AETC Number:

2. Local Partner number:

3. Were Minority AIDS Initiative funds used to support this event?

Yes No

4. Which of the following sources of funds was also used to support this event. (Select one)

Core Training and Technical Assistance (Skip to question 7)

Practice Transformation (Skip to question 5)

Interprofessional Education (Skip to question 6)

None, MAI only (Skip to 7)

5. Clinic ID# (for Practice Transformation Project only)

6. Health Professional Program ID# (for Interprofessional Education Project only)

7. Event Date:









8. Is this training part of a multi-session event?

Yes No (Skip to question 11)

9. How many sessions are planned?

10. What session number is this training event?

11. State where event occurred: (for live online events, use state where event was hosted):

12. ZIP code where event occurred (for live online events, use state where event was hosted):

13. Program ID Number: The program ID number is a unique number generated by the AETC to identify the event.

14. List the unique identifiers (email addresses) for all event participants.

15. Check the one topic that best describes the content covered by this training.

HIV prevention

HIV testing and diagnosis

Linkage/referral to HIV care

Engagement and retention in HIV care

Antiretroviral treatment and adherence

Management of co-morbid conditions

Other, please specify: __________________

For questions 16 through 20, check to indicate whether each topic was covered for 15 minutes or longer during in the event.

16. HIV prevention

Behavioral prevention

Harm reduction / safe injection

HIV transmission risk assessment

Postexposure prophylaxis (PEP, occupational and nonoccupational)

Preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

Prevention of perinatal or mother-to-child transmission

Other biomedical prevention

17. HIV background and management

Acute HIV

Adult and adolescent antiretroviral treatment

Aging and HIV

Antiretroviral treatment adherence, including viral load suppression

Basic Science

Clinical manifestations of HIV disease

HIV diagnosis (i.e. HIV testing)

HIV epidemiology

HIV monitoring lab tests (i.e. CD4 and viral load)

HIV resistance testing and interpretation

Linkage to care

Pediatric HIV management

Retention and/or re-engagement in care

18. Primary Care and Co-morbidities

Cervical cancer screening, including HPV

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C




Medication-assisted therapy for substance use disorders (i.e., buprenorphine, methadone, and/or naltrexone)

Mental health disorders

Non-infection comorbidities of HIV or viral hepatitis (i.e. cardiovascular, neurologic, renal disease)


Opportunistic infections

Oral health


Pain management

Palliative care

Primary care screenings

Reproductive health, including preconception planning

Sexually transmitted infections

Substance use disorders, not including opioid use

Opioid use disorder

Tobacco cessation


19. Issues related to care of people living with HIV

Cultural competence

Health literacy

Motivational interviewing

Stigma or discrimination

Low English proficiency

20. Health care organization or systems issues

Billing for services and payment models

Case management

Community linkages

Confidentiality / HIPAA

Coordination of care

Funding or resource allocation

Health insurance coverage (i.e. Affordable Care Act, health insurance exchanges, managed care)

Legal issues

Organizational infrastructure

Organizational needs assessment

Patient-centered medical home

Practice Transformation

Quality Improvement

Team-based care (i.e. interprofessional training)

Use of technology for patient care (i.e. electronic health records)

21. Did the event address any of the following target populations? Check all that apply.

Children (ages 0 to 12)

Adolescents (ages 13 to 17)

Young adults (ages 18 to 24)

Older adults (ages 50 and over)

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Hispanic or Latino

Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Other race / ethnicity (specify: __________________)


Gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender

Homeless or unstably housed

Incarcerated or recently released


U.S.-Mexico border population

Rural populations

Other special population (specify: ________________)

22. Which other AETCs collaborate to organize the event? Check all that apply.

New England AETC

Northeast/Caribbean AETC

Mid-Atlantic AETC

Southeast AETC

Midwest AETC

South Central AETC

Mountain West AETC

Pacific AETC

AETC National Clinicians’ Consultation Center

AETC National Coordinating Resource Center

23. Which other federally-funded training centers collaborate to organize the event? Check all that apply.

Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)

Area Health Education Center (AHEC)

Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) Provider

STD Clinical Prevention Training Center (PTC)

TB Regional Training and Medical Consultation Center

Viral Hepatitis Education and Training Project

Public Health Training Center (PHTC)

Family Planning National Training Center

24. Did any other organizations collaborate to organize this event? (Select all that apply)

AIDS services organization

Other community-based organization

Health professions school

Faith-based organization

Community health center, including federally qualified health center (FQHC) funded by HRSA

Historically Black College or University

Hispanic-Serving Institution

Tribal College or University

Hospital or hospital-based clinic

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program-funded organization, including subrecipients

Tribal health organization

Correctional institution

Other (specify: ____________________________)

25. Number of hours for each type of training or technical assistance modality for the event. Enter hours rounded to the nearest ¼ hour in each cell (.25 = ¼, .50 = ½ hour, .75 = ¾ hour). Do not enter data into cells that contain “not applicable.”

Training and TA Modality


Distance-based (live)

Distance-based (archived)

Didactic presentations

Interactive presentations

Not applicable

Communities of practice

Not applicable

Clinical preceptorships

Not applicable

Clinical consultation

Not applicable

Coaching for organizational capacity building

Start date:__/___/____ MM/DD/YYYY

End date:__/___._____ MM/DD/YYYY

Number of Sessions During this Period: _______(#)

Not applicable

26. Were continuing education credits made available to trainees?

Yes No

OMB Number: 0915-0281 Expiration date (07/31/2019).

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