Survey of Head Start Grantees on
Training and Technical
Table of Contents
Advance Email Invitation to Head Start Director E-1
Follow-up Invitation to Head Start Director E-7
Advance Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator F-1
Reminder Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator F-7
330 C Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20201 |
We are pleased to announce that your organization has been selected to participate in an important national Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. The Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation in the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) sponsors the study. The goal of the study is to provide a better understanding of the types of training and technical assistance used by Head Start grantees to help achieve their goals for children and families. We recognize that grantees have multiple options when choosing training and technical assistance, including local, regional, or federal resources. The survey gives Head Start grantees an opportunity to share their T/TA needs and experiences with ACF. It will also produce knowledge and insights about T/TA for Head Start grantees and stakeholders in the early care and education field more broadly.
The Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance is being conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago (NORC), an objective, non-partisan research institution with more than 75 years of experience conducting surveys and social science research.
The survey will begin in late 2019 and continue into early 2020. It is a statistically representative survey of Head Start directors and managers/coordinators from grantee organizations. The purpose of the data collection is to inform ACF about grantees’ experience accessing training and technical assistance (T/TA) from any source. The survey addresses three topics: 1) search and selection of T/TA by grantees; 2) receipt and use of T/TA; and 3) potential relationships between T/TA received and perceived changes in practice. Data from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
The web-based survey will be conducted in two parts, referred to as “waves.” During the first wave in late 2019, NORC will survey Head Start grantee directors. As part of this survey, the directors will be asked to identify managers/coordinators or the staff persons most knowledgeable about specific practice areas. These practice areas are: 1) fiscal operations; 2) early childhood development and education; 3) family and community services; and 4) health, mental health, and safety. During the second wave in early 2020, NORC will reach out to a sample of managers/coordinators to complete a survey focused on one of these four practice areas. Each survey will take about 45 minutes to complete.
All information collected for the survey will be private. The Administration for Children and Families, including the Office of Head Start, will not be able to identify your grantee organization, and all data will be anonymous. All research staff are trained in privacy procedures and abide by NORC’s privacy and data security procedures as a condition of their employment. Grantee organizations, programs, and staff will not be identified by name in any reports of the study’s findings. Participation in the survey is voluntary.
In the weeks ahead, NORC will email you with more details about how to access the web-based survey. NORC will also provide contact information for the study directors (if you have questions about the survey) and information about a Help Desk (if you have technical questions). The Office of Head Start fully supports this study and encourages your participation.
On behalf of the Office of Head Start, we would like to thank you in advance for your participation in this important study. Should you have any concerns about your organization’s participation in the study, please contact the study’s project officer, Ann Rivera (202-401-5506) in the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
APPENDIX E-1: Advance Email Invitation
APPENDIX E-2: Worksheet
APPENDIX E-3: Reminder email
APPENDIX E-4: Reminder call script
APPENDIX E-5: Postcard
APPENDIX E-6: Follow-up Letter
APPENDIX E-7: Thank you
Head Start Director Survey |
Purpose |
Advance Email Invitation to Head Start Director |
Format |
Subject |
Invitation to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. We are excited about the study, and we hope you are too. NORC at the University of Chicago, a non-profit social science research organization, is conducting the survey. The Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sponsors the study. The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
About the survey. As part of the study, we would like you to complete a short 45-minute web survey. In this survey we ask about:
Overall agency characteristics
Approach to training and technical assistance from a variety of sources (e.g., local, regional, and national sources);
Organization goals and reflections on training and technical assistance efforts.
The survey includes questions about four Head Start practice areas: 1) fiscal operations; 2) early childhood development and education; 3) health, mental health, and safety; and 4) family and community services.
Benefits of participating. The survey provides a unique opportunity to provide feedback about your agency and Head Start programs, beyond what is available from the Program Information Report (PIR). The information from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
Protecting your information. All information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. Only selected members of the study team will see your responses. No one from your Head Start agency will see your individual responses, and your name or the organization’s name will never be associated with or identified in study reports. Please know that your participation is voluntary. You may decline to answer certain questions and still remain in the study. You may also stop the survey at any time without penalty. There are no known risks associated with participation.
Getting started. Attached please find a worksheet to help you gather some information in advance of the survey. To begin the survey, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
Questions? NORC will answer any questions about the survey and help you in any way you need. You can contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL]. If you have questions about your rights as a research volunteer, please call the NORC Institutional Review Board toll free at 1-866-309-0542.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Director Survey |
Purpose |
Worksheet |
Format |
Attachment to advance email |
Subject |
Worksheet for the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
Worksheet for the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance
QUESTIONS 4, 18 and 31
For several questions on this survey, we ask about specific information that you may not have easily on-hand. Before you begin the survey, looking up the information listed below may make completing the survey easier and faster. Thank you.
One question asks you to provide the approximate number of staff or consultants who currently work or support your head start program, for the following types of staff, and what proportion of these staff have been in their roles less than 24 months (almost none/none, less than half, half or more, almost all/all). You may want to assemble this information prior to beginning the survey.
Number of Staff |
Proportion in role less than 24 months |
a. Managers/Supervisors/Coordinators |
b. Disability Coordinator(s) |
c. Center directors |
d. Education/child development staff (i.e., teachers, co-teachers, assistant teachers, home visitors, family child care providers, coaches, or other direct service staff) |
d. Family and community services staff |
f. Mental health consultants |
g. Coaches who provide T/TA/PD |
h. Health services staff |
i. All other staff |
One survey question asks you about how much your Head Start program spent during
the past program year for training and/or technical assistance from different types of vendors. Before you begin the survey, you may wish to assemble the information requested below, for ease of reference.
Type of Provider |
Approximate T/TA Expenditures |
Curriculum and product vendors |
Child care resource and referral agencies |
Local T/TA resources or community partners |
State/County/City offices or departments (ECE, education, health, social services) |
State Quality Rating and Improvement System |
Regional T/TA specialists |
OHS T/TA: National Centers |
OHS T/TA: Peer networks |
Professional organizations |
Non-Head Start federally-funded T/TA centers |
Mental health and child care health consultants |
Conferences and Onsite Training |
For a follow-up survey, we will need to contact someone knowledgeable, such as a manager or coordinator, about of one of the topical areas listed below. Before you begin the survey, you may wish to assemble the email address and/or phone number for staff knowledgeable about the areas listed below.
Topical areas |
Name of Manager/ Coordinator |
Staff Title(s) |
Contact Information |
email address |
phone number |
Head Start |
Early Head Start |
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Director Survey |
Purpose |
Reminder email |
Format |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
I am following-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. This is a friendly reminder to log in and complete the web survey of Head Start directors. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
Your input will provide ACF with important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. In this survey we ask about:
Overall agency characteristics
Approach to training and technical assistance from a variety of sources (e.g., local, regional, and national sources);
Organization goals and reflections on training and technical assistance efforts.
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. Your participation is extremely important to us and we greatly appreciate your time and the information you can provide.
You may save your responses at any point and return to the survey later. If you have any questions or need help with the survey, please contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL].
Thank you in advance for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Director Survey |
Purpose |
Reminder call script |
Format |
Phone |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
My name is [Name] and I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. As a reminder, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. In this survey we ask about:
Overall agency characteristics
Approach to training and technical assistance from a variety of sources (e.g., local, regional, and national sources);
Organization goals and reflections on training and technical assistance efforts.
To date, we have not received a response from you to this survey. Have you received a letter or email from us asking for your participation?
[If no]: Would you mind giving me your email address so I can update our information and send you a link to the survey? You can also access the survey through: (provide URL) using your specific username and password. Could I give that information to you now? (Provide username and password).
[If yes]: Great. Are there any questions I can answer for you about the study?
[All:] While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. Your participation is extremely important to us and we really appreciate your time. We will give you a call back in a week or so just to follow up and see if you have any questions. Thank you for your time. Good-bye.
Head Start Director Survey |
Purpose |
Follow-up Invitation to Head Start Director |
Format |
Letter |
Subject |
F |
We recently contacted you to ask for your participation the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success. To thank you for your participation, we will send you a $25 honorarium for completing the survey.
NORC at the University of Chicago is conducting the study on the behalf of the Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
We would like you to complete a short 45-minute web survey. Participation is voluntary, and your responses will be kept private. You have the option to end the survey at any time, or skip any question.
This survey provides a unique opportunity to provide feedback about your organization and Head Start programs, beyond what is available from the Program Information Report (PIR). The information from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
You can call us toll free at 1-800-xxx-xxxx or email us at [email protected] if you have questions or need assistance.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is XXXX-XXXX and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Director Survey |
Purpose |
Thank you |
Format |
Letter |
Subject |
Thank letter to acknowledge participation in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
APPENDIX F-1: Advance Email Invitation
a. Fiscal Operations
b. Early Childhood Development and Education
c. Family and Community Services
d. Health, Mental Health, and Safety
APPENDIX F-2: Reminder email
a. Fiscal Operations
b. Early Childhood Development and Education
c. Family and Community Services
d. Health, Mental Health, and Safety
APPENDIX F-3: Reminder call scripts
APPENDIX F-4: Postcard
APPENDIX F-5: Follow-up Letter
APPENDIX F-6: Thank you
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Advance Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Invitation to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. We are excited about the study, and we hope you are too. NORC at the University of Chicago, a non-profit social science research organization, is conducting the survey. The Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sponsors the study. The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
About the survey. As part of the study, we would like you to complete a short 45-minute web survey. In this survey we ask about FISCAL OPERATIONS. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for fiscal operations
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in fiscal operations
Selected Practice Area: Strengthening Financial Management Systems
Training/technical assistance needs in fiscal operations
Benefits of participating. The survey provides a unique opportunity to provide feedback about your organization and Head Start programs, beyond what is available from the Program Information Report (PIR). The information from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
Protecting your information. All information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. Only selected members of the study team will see your responses. No one from your Head Start organization will see your individual responses, and your name or the organization’s name will never be associated with or identified in study reports. Please know that your participation is voluntary. You may decline to answer certain questions and still remain in the study. You may also stop the survey at any time without penalty. There are no known risks associated with participation.
Getting started. To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
Questions? NORC will answer any questions about the survey and help you in any way you need. You can contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL]. If you have questions about your rights as a research volunteer, please call the NORC Institutional Review Board toll free at 1-866-309-0542.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Advance Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Invitation to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. We are excited about the study, and we hope you are too. NORC at the University of Chicago, a non-profit social science research organization, is conducting the survey. The Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sponsors the study. The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
About the survey. As part of the study, we would like you to complete a short 45-minute web survey. In this survey we ask about EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for early childhood development and education
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in early childhood development and education
Selected Practice Area: Teaching practices/Early Learning Outcomes Framework
Training/technical assistance needs in early childhood development and education
Benefits of participating. The survey provides a unique opportunity to provide feedback about your organization and Head Start programs, beyond what is available from the Program Information Report (PIR). The information from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
Protecting your information. All information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. Only selected members of the study team will see your responses. No one from your Head Start organization will see your individual responses, and your name or the organization’s name will never be associated with or identified in study reports. Please know that your participation is voluntary. You may decline to answer certain questions and still remain in the study. You may also stop the survey at any time without penalty. There are no known risks associated with participation.
Getting started. To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
Questions? NORC will answer any questions about the survey and help you in any way you need. You can contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL]. If you have questions about your rights as a research volunteer, please call the NORC Institutional Review Board toll free at 1-866-309-0542.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Advance Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Invitation to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. We are excited about the study, and we hope you are too. NORC at the University of Chicago, a non-profit social science research organization, is conducting the survey. The Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sponsors the study. The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
About the survey. As part of the study, we would like you to complete a short 45-minute web survey. In this survey we ask about FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for family and community services
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in family and community services
Selected Practice Area: Family support and goal setting
Training/technical assistance needs in family and community services
Benefits of participating. The survey provides a unique opportunity to provide feedback about your organization and Head Start programs, beyond what is available from the Program Information Report (PIR). The information from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
Protecting your information. All information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. Only selected members of the study team will see your responses. No one from your Head Start organization will see your individual responses, and your name or the organization’s name will never be associated with or identified in study reports. Please know that your participation is voluntary. You may decline to answer certain questions and still remain in the study. You may also stop the survey at any time without penalty. There are no known risks associated with participation.
Getting started. To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
Questions? NORC will answer any questions about the survey and help you in any way you need. You can contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL]. If you have questions about your rights as a research volunteer, please call the NORC Institutional Review Board toll free at 1-866-309-0542.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Advance Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Invitation to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
We are pleased to invite you to take part in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. We are excited about the study, and we hope you are too. NORC at the University of Chicago, a non-profit social science research organization, is conducting the survey. The Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, sponsors the study. The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
About the survey. As part of the study, we would like you to complete a short 45-minute web survey. In this survey we ask about HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH, AND SAFETY. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for health, mental health, and safety
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in health, mental health, and safety
Selected Practice Area: Mental Health Consultation
Training/technical assistance needs in health, mental health, and safety
Benefits of participating. The survey provides a unique opportunity to provide feedback about your organization and Head Start programs, beyond what is available from the Program Information Report (PIR). The information from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
Protecting your information. All information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. Only selected members of the study team will see your responses. No one from your Head Start organization will see your individual responses, and your name or the organization’s name will never be associated with or identified in study reports. Please know that your participation is voluntary. You may decline to answer certain questions and still remain in the study. You may also stop the survey at any time without penalty. There are no known risks associated with participation.
Getting started. To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
Questions? NORC will answer any questions about the survey and help you in any way you need. You can contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL]. If you have questions about your rights as a research volunteer, please call the NORC Institutional Review Board toll free at 1-866-309-0542.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
I am following-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. This is a friendly reminder to log in and complete the web survey of Head Start managers/coordinators. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
In this survey we ask about FISCAL OPERATIONS, including questions about:
Structure and Staffing for fiscal operations
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in fiscal operations
Selected Practice Area: Strengthening Financial Management Systems
Training/technical assistance needs in fiscal operations
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. You may save your responses at any point and return to the survey later. Your participation is extremely important to us and we greatly appreciate your time and the information you can provide.
If you have any questions or need help with the survey, please contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL].
Thank you in advance for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
I am following-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. This is a friendly reminder to log in and complete the web survey of Head Start managers/coordinators. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
In this survey we ask about EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION, including questions about:
Structure and Staffing for early childhood development and education
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in early childhood development and education
Selected Practice Area: Teaching practices/Early Learning Outcomes Framework
Training/technical assistance needs in early childhood development and education
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. You may save your responses at any point and return to the survey later. Your participation is extremely important to us and we greatly appreciate your time and the information you can provide.
If you have any questions or need help with the survey, please contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL].
Thank you in advance for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
I am following-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. This is a friendly reminder to log in and complete the web survey of Head Start managers/coordinators. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
In this survey we ask about FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, including questions about:
Structure and Staffing for family and community services
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in family and community services
Selected Practice Area: Family support and goal setting
Training/technical assistance needs in family and community services
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. You may save your responses at any point and return to the survey later. Your participation is extremely important to us and we greatly appreciate your time and the information you can provide.
If you have any questions or need help with the survey, please contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL].
Thank you in advance for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder Email Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
I am following-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. This is a friendly reminder to log in and complete the web survey of Head Start managers/coordinators. The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between training and technical assistance received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success.
In this survey we ask about HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH, AND SAFETY, including questions about:
Structure and Staffing for health, mental health, and safety
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in health, mental health, and safety
Selected Practice Area: Mental Health Consultation
Training/technical assistance needs in health, mental health, and safety
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. You may save your responses at any point and return to the survey later. Your participation is extremely important to us and we greatly appreciate your time and the information you can provide.
If you have any questions or need help with the survey, please contact [LIAISON] at [LIAISON PHONE or LIAISON EMAIL].
Thank you in advance for your help with this important research!
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder call script |
Format |
Phone |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
My name is [Name] and I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. As a reminder, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. In this survey we ask about FISCAL OPERATIONS. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for fiscal operations
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in fiscal operations
Selected Practice Area: Strengthening Financial Management Systems.
Training/technical assistance needs in fiscal operations
To date, we have not received a response from you to this survey. Have you received a letter or email from us asking for your participation?
[If no]: Would you mind giving me your email address so I can update our information and send you a link to the survey? You can also access the survey through: (provide URL) using your specific username and password. Could I give that information to you now? (Provide username and password).
[If yes]: Great. Are there any questions I can answer for you about the study?
[All:] While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. Your participation is extremely important to us and we really appreciate your time. We will give you a call back in a week or so just to follow up and see if you have any questions. Thank you for your time. Good-bye.
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder call script |
Format |
Phone |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
My name is [Name] and I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. As a reminder, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. In this survey we ask about EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for early childhood development and education
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in early childhood development and education
Selected Practice Area: Teaching practices/Early Learning Outcomes Framework
Training/technical assistance needs in early childhood development and education
To date, we have not received a response from you to this survey. Have you received a letter or email from us asking for your participation?
[If no]: Would you mind giving me your email address so I can update our information and send you a link to the survey? You can also access the survey through: (provide URL) using your specific username and password. Could I give that information to you now? (Provide username and password).
[If yes]: Great. Are there any questions I can answer for you about the study?
[All:] While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. Your participation is extremely important to us and we really appreciate your time. We will give you a call back in a week or so just to follow up and see if you have any questions. Thank you for your time. Good-bye.
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder call script |
Format |
Phone |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
My name is [Name] and I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. As a reminder, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. In this survey we ask about FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for family and community services
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in family and community services
Selected Practice Area: Family support and goal setting
training/technical assistance needs in family and community services
To date, we have not received a response from you to this survey. Have you received a letter or email from us asking for your participation?
[If no]: Would you mind giving me your email address so I can update our information and send you a link to the survey? You can also access the survey through: (provide URL) using your specific username and password. Could I give that information to you now? (Provide username and password).
[If yes]: Great. Are there any questions I can answer for you about the study?
[All:] While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. Your participation is extremely important to us and we really appreciate your time. We will give you a call back in a week or so just to follow up and see if you have any questions. Thank you for your time. Good-bye.
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
Purpose |
Reminder call script |
Format |
Phone |
Subject |
Reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
My name is [Name] and I am calling from NORC at the University of Chicago to follow-up with you about participating in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. As a reminder, the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has contracted with NORC to conduct this study.
The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. In this survey we ask about HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH, AND SAFETY. Your Director recently completed the first part of this study and identified you as the person most knowledgeable about this practice area in your program.
The survey includes questions about:
Structure and Staffing for Structure and Staffing for health, mental health, and safety
Recent Training/Technical Assistance Experiences in health, mental health, and safety
Selected Practice Area: Mental Health Consultation
Training/technical assistance needs in health, mental health, safety
To date, we have not received a response from you to this survey. Have you received a letter or email from us asking for your participation?
[If no]: Would you mind giving me your email address so I can update our information and send you a link to the survey? You can also access the survey through: (provide URL) using your specific username and password. Could I give that information to you now? (Provide username and password).
[If yes]: Great. Are there any questions I can answer for you about the study?
[All:] While your participation is voluntary, we do hope you will decide to contribute to this important study. It will take about 45 minutes of your time. Your participation is extremely important to us and we really appreciate your time. We will give you a call back in a week or so just to follow up and see if you have any questions. Thank you for your time. Good-bye.
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
All domains |
Purpose |
Reminder |
Format |
Postcard |
Subject |
Postcard reminder to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
All domains |
Purpose |
Follow-up Invitation to Head Start Manager/Coordinator |
Format |
Subject |
Follow-up prompt letter to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
We recently contacted you to ask for your participation the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance. The survey is designed to provide important information about Head Start grantees’ use of training and technical assistance from multiple sources and potential relationships between T/TA received and changes in practice. Your help is vital to the study’s success. To thank you for your participation, we will send you a $25 honorarium for completing the survey.
NORC at the University of Chicago is conducting the study on the behalf of the Administration for Children and Families, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
We would like you to complete a short 45-minute web survey. Participation is voluntary, and your responses will be kept private. You have the option to end the survey at any time, or skip any question.
This survey provides a unique opportunity to provide feedback about your organization and Head Start programs, beyond what is available from the Program Information Report (PIR). The information from the survey will be used for research purposes and program improvement purposes only.
To begin, please type the secure URL into any computer or mobile device’s web browser and enter the unique PIN and Password. These are secure and will not be shared with anyone. The survey does not have to be completed all at once; you can save your responses and return to the survey later.
URL address: https:xxxxxxx
PIN: [WEBPIN] Password: [WEBPWD]
You can call us toll free at 1-800-xxx-xxxx or email us at [email protected] if you have questions or need assistance.
Thank you for your help with this important research!
[NAME] and [NAME]
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0000-0000 and the expiration date is XX/XX/XXXX. |
Head Start Manager/Coordinator Survey |
Domain |
All domains |
Purpose |
Thank you |
Format |
Letter |
Subject |
Follow-up prompt letter to participate in the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |