exp. date xx/xx/XXXX
State Apprenticeship Expansion Survey
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.5 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to [email protected] and reference the 0MB Control Number XXXX-XXXX. Comments can also be mailed to: U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Attention: Departmental Clearance Officer, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N-1301, Washington, DC 20210. Note: Please do not return the completed survey to the email or mailing address |
The U.S. Department of Labor is conducting an evaluation of State Apprenticeship Expansion efforts and has asked Mathematica Policy Research and its partners, the Urban Institute and Social Policy Research Associates to assist with the study. As part of the evaluation, we are conducting a national survey of efforts to expand registered apprenticeship and asking states and territories to complete this brief survey about their current and planned efforts. Your participation will help DOL better understand how the registered apprenticeship system is being administered across the country.
The survey has four topic areas covering registered apprenticeships in your state: (1) administration and management, (2) apprenticeship activities, (3) apprenticeship expansion efforts, and (4) lessons learned. We know that the apprenticeship structure varies by state and may involve multiple agencies and organizations, but for the purpose of this survey, we are asking about your state agency’s experience specifically.
Please note that the focus of this survey is on REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIPS in your state.
Individual responses to this survey will not be attributed to specific individuals or organizations. Responses to this data collection will be used only for research purposes. The reports prepared from the information provided as a part of this survey will be summarized across all respondents, and individual forms will not be available to DOL or anyone outside the study team, except as required by law.
The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. If there are questions you are not able to answer please feel free to draw on the expertise and knowledge of others within your state. If quantitative data is requested, your best estimate is fine. You may also want to refer to program documentation, such as grant applications or yearly reports. If you have any questions as you complete this questionnaire or about the evaluation, please contact Alicia Harrington at Mathematica Policy Research at 1-609-945-3350 or [email protected].
Section A: Administration and Management
Q1 |
Please complete the following background information on the agency leading registered apprenticeship in the state: |
Lead Agency |
Lead Office/Division |
Q2 |
What are the [LEAD AGENCY FROM Q1]’s responsibilities in the state for registered apprenticeship? |
mark one for each row |
Main responsibility |
Some responsibility |
None at all |
Administration & Management: |
a. Program compliance and auditing |
b. Fiscal monitoring |
c. Performance reporting |
d. Data analysis |
e. Program registration/approval |
f. Certification of training providers |
Program Development: |
g. Outreach to sectors/employers/potential apprentices |
h. Convening of sectors/employers/potential apprentices |
i. Identifying employer needs |
j. Designing programs and developing occupational standards |
k. Working with training providers (in the workplace/Related and Supplemental Instruction (RSI)/Related Technical Instruction (RTI)) |
l. Tracking skills development/competency attainment |
m. Tracking completion |
Technical Assistance: |
n. Helping stakeholders navigate the registered apprenticeship process and policy |
o. Providing training on establishing or managing registered apprenticeship programs |
p. Coordinating with workforce programs/partners |
q. Other (specify) |
Q3 |
What is the total number of full time equivalent staff (FTEs) that perform the roles listed above in the [LEAD AGENCY FROM Q1]? |
Total number of ftes |
Q4 |
By how much has the number of FTEs grown in the past 2 years? |
Number of FTEs ADDED in the past 2 years |
Number of FTEs has not grown in the past 2 years |
Number of FTEs has decreased in the past 2 years |
Q5 |
How often does the [LEAD AGENCY FROM Q1] conduct a review of the quality of registered apprenticeship programs? If programs are reviewed upon renewal, please indicate how often renewals occur. |
mark one only |
Weekly |
Bi-weekly |
Monthly |
Quarterly |
Yearly |
Every 1-2 years |
Every 3-5 years |
Other (specify) |
Never |
Q6 |
Who are the [LEAD AGENCY FROM Q1]’s main partners for registered apprenticeships in the state? Please consider a partner group to be major if at least one member of the group is a major partner. |
mark one for each row |
Major partner |
Minor partner |
Not a partner |
a. Other state entities (including State Workforce Board) |
b. Community colleges |
c. Local Workforce Development Boards |
d. School districts/high schools |
e. Unions |
f. Professional associations |
g. Employer associations |
h. Other intermediaries |
i. Other (specify) |
Section B: Apprenticeship Activities
Q7 |
What are the state’s main priorities for apprenticeship? |
mark all that apply |
Increase number of sponsors for registered apprenticeships |
Increase retention of apprentices |
Increase apprentice pipeline (e.g. pre-apprenticeship or youth apprenticeship) |
Build apprenticeship in non-traditional industries or occupations (industries or occupations that traditionally do not have a registered apprenticeship presence) |
Increasing industry-sponsored or intermediary-sponsored apprenticeship |
Participation of women |
Participation of racial and ethnic minorities |
Participation of youth |
Participation of justice-involved individuals |
Participation of individuals with disabilities |
Participation of veterans |
Other (specify) |
Q8 |
In the state, what incentives are available now to employers who sponsor registered apprenticeships? Of those available now, which are newly available in the past two years? |
mark one for each row |
Available now |
[ONLY SHOW IF AVAILABLE NOW SELECTED] New in the past two years |
Not available |
a. Tax cuts |
b. State wage subsidies |
c. Local wage subsidies |
d. State funding for workforce training and education |
e. State funding for apprenticeship related technical instruction (RTI) |
f. Locally-subsidized RTI |
g. RTI through public education system |
h. Other (specify) |
Q9 |
Which type of sponsor employs the most registered apprentices in the state? Your best estimate is fine. |
mark one only |
Single business |
Consortium of businesses |
Industry or professional association |
Joint labor-management organization |
Community college or other institution of higher education |
Community-based organization or nonprofit |
Other (specify) |
Q10 |
What changes to the registered apprenticeship system in your state have come about because of the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)? |
mark all that apply |
RA now represented on state board |
RA now represented on local boards |
More WIOA funding for apprenticeship |
New RA programs now on state’s eligible training provider list (ETPL) |
Other (specify) |
None |
Q11 |
Since 2016, how has direct or indirect financial support for registered apprenticeship from the following sources changed in your state? |
mark one for each row |
Increased |
Decreased |
No change |
Never available |
a. State budget allocation |
b. Funding from Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) and On-the-Job Training (OJT) through WIOA |
c. Funding from the community college system |
d. Other (specify) |
Section C: Apprenticeship Expansion
Q12 |
What were the state’s primary activities under the State Apprenticeship Expansion Grant? //Question only appears for states with SAE grant// |
mark all that apply |
Conduct outreach to potential sponsors |
Create standards for new apprenticable occupations |
Establish new registered apprenticeship programs |
Strengthen state infrastructure for apprenticeship |
Provide subsidies to apprenticeship sponsors |
Increase access for underrepresented groups |
Develop pre-apprenticeship programs |
Improve visibility and branding of apprenticeship |
Other (specify) |
Q13 |
What were the state’s primary activities under the State Accelerator grant? //Question only appears for states with Accelerator grant// |
mark all that apply |
Conduct outreach to potential sponsors |
Establish new registered apprenticeship programs |
Create standards for new apprenticable occupations |
Strengthen state infrastructure for apprenticeship |
Provide subsidies to apprenticeship sponsors |
Increase access for underrepresented groups |
Develop pre-apprenticeship programs |
Improve visibility and branding of apprenticeship |
Other (specify) |
Q14 |
Have there been any major changes in your state’s apprenticeship regulation or related legislation in the past 3 years? |
Yes GO TO Q14A |
No GO TO Q15 |
Q14A |
What changes were made in the state to apprenticeship regulation or related legislation in the past 3 years? |
Q15 |
Is there other state legislation that has been proposed and has strong support? |
Yes GO TO Q15A |
Q15A |
Please provide the name or number of the proposed state legislation: |
Section D: Assessing Apprenticeships
Q16 |
What have been the major barriers to expanding registered apprenticeship in your state? |
mark one for each row |
Major barrier |
Minor barrier |
Not a barrier |
a. Delays in registering programs with the federal or state apprenticeship entities |
b. Lack of communication with the federal Office of Apprenticeship |
c. Lack of guidance or roadmaps for establishing apprenticeships |
d. Availability of developed occupational frameworks |
e. Limited availability of data on apprenticeship |
f. Lack of knowledge among employers about apprenticeship |
g. Challenge of collaboration between siloed agencies or divisions |
h. Lack of industry relationships |
i. Lack of champions or leaders |
j. Lack of interest among training providers |
k. Lack of understanding of how to enter the apprenticeship system in the broader public |
l. Challenge of recruiting qualified applicants |
m. Negative reputation for apprenticeship |
n. Lack of funding and capacity for marketing to employers or other potential sponsors |
o. Complications around access to tax credits or subsidies |
p. Lack of resources to support RSI/RTI or wages |
q. Low state staff knowledge/capacity |
r. Other (specify) |
Q17 |
Has growth in registered apprenticeship over the past two years met the state’s expectations? |
Growth exceeded expectations |
Growth met expectations |
Growth occurred, but did not meet expectations |
No growth GO TO Q18 |
Q17A |
What are the main factors responsible for the growth in registered apprenticeship in your state? Please select or provide up to 5 answers. |
Mark up to 5 |
Strategic use of federal funding |
Federal support and technical assistance |
Financial backing from state budget |
Political support of Governor |
Political support of state legislature |
Strong collaboration with educational sector |
Outreach to non-traditional industries (industries that traditionally do not have a registered apprenticeship presence) |
New intermediary or industry association support |
New occupational standards developed |
High level of standardization across apprenticeships |
Leadership from business sector |
Increasing demand from employers (for example, due to skills gaps) |
Improved process to speed registrations |
Other (specify) |
Q18 |
In what areas would you benefit from further technical assistance or guidance? After selecting the areas, please rank your selections in order of importance. |
mark all that apply |
Ranking |
Navigating the apprenticeship registration process |
_____________ |
Developing occupational standards and frameworks |
_____________ |
Expanding the number of instructors/trainers for RSI/RTI |
_____________ |
Reaching out to and networking with industries and employers |
_____________ |
Developing partnerships for apprenticeship |
_____________ |
Increasing access to tax credits and other subsidies |
_____________ |
Identifying funding opportunities |
_____________ |
Reaching out to underserved populations |
_____________ |
Expanding to non-traditional industries or occupations |
_____________ |
Developing marketing strategies to advance registered apprenticeship |
_____________ |
Understanding federal oversight of the apprenticeship system |
_____________ |
Guidance on available data to assist in program development and monitoring |
_____________ |
m. Other (specify) |
_____________ |
n. Other (specify) |
_____________ |
Q19 |
What kind of data management system(s) does the state use for tracking data on registered apprenticeship programs and apprentices? |
mark all that apply |
A state-specific system used exclusively for registered apprenticeship programs and apprentices |
A state or other system used by multiple offices or agencies for tracking information in addition to registered apprenticeship programs and apprentices |
Other (specify) |
None |
Q20 |
Does the state track data on the outcomes of registered apprentices after they leave the program? |
Yes GO TO Q20A |
No GO TO Q21 |
Q20A |
What are the sources of outcomes of registered apprentices? |
mark all that apply |
Wage records data |
Employer reported data |
Intermediary reported data |
Survey of apprentices |
Other (specify) |
Q21 |
Do you have any other comments to share about registered apprenticeships in your state? Specifically, how would you improve the system to promote apprenticeships and increase the scale of apprenticeships? |
Q22 |
Who was primarily responsible for completing this form? This information will only be used if we need to contact you about your responses. |
Agency |
Division/Office |
phone number |
Email address |
THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE SURVEY. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Alicia Harrington at 1-609-945-3350 or [email protected].
File Type | application/msword |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |