HUD 92910 Housing Counseling Training Charts

Housing Counseling Training Program

HUD-92910 -All Charts CLEAN for PRA TNOFA (FINAL) 5-8-19.xlsx

Housing Counseling Training Program

OMB: 2502-0567

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Public Reporting Information
Instruction Page
Chart A - Past Performance
Chart B - Proposed Performance
Chart C - Budget
Chart D - Leveraging
Chart E - Training Partners

Sheet 1: Public Reporting Information

OMB Approval #: 2502-0567

Exp Date: xx/xx/xxxx

I certify that the information provided on this form and in any accompanying documentation is true and accurate. I acknowledge that making, presenting, or submitting a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement, representation, or certification may result in criminal, civil, and/or administrative sanctions, including fines, penalties, and imprisonment.
“The Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 102 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Policies and Systems, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (2502-0567), Washington, DC 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of the above addresses.
“HUD’s Office of Housing Counseling will use the information collected to evaluate and rank applications. The housing counseling training grant program provides training for housing counselors on a nation-wide basis. This information is required to be eligible for the grant award as authorized by Section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701x) and Section 4 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3533) as amended by Subtitle D – Office of Housing Counseling of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. There are no assurances of confidentiality. HUD may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.”

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Sheet 2: Instruction Page

General Instructions for HUD-92910
Applicants must provide completed Housing Counseling Training Charts as a required part of their application submission. There are six charts in this spreadsheet that must be completed in their entirety in order for applicants to receive full points. The completed charts and exhibits along with the narratives will constitute the basis for evaluating the application.

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Sheet 3: Chart A - Past Performance

Chart A - Past Performance

Applicant Name:

• List each housing counseling training course that you and your applicant partners provided between June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. If the same course was provided multiple times during this time period, list the course name in Column B and the number of times it was provided in Column D. Do not create a separate entry for each time the course was provided. If the course was on-line, list the number of class offerings as 1.
• If the same course was provided using multiple delivery methods (in person, online / web based), create a separate entry for each delivery method. For purposes of completing this chart, use the following definitions for the three delivery methods:
1. In-Person: The course is provided to counselors in a face-to-face classroom setting. This includes place based training and national institute training.
2. Web-Based: a. Online Non-Interactive: The course is provided to counselors electronically and does NOT allow for realtime instructor-counselor interaction.
b. Online / Interactive / Web-Based: The course is provided to counselors electronically and allows for realtime instructor-counselor interaction.
• Core Topic Components Included (Column F): Indicate which courses include at least one of the six core components listed below: o Financial Management
o Property Maintenance
o Responsibilities of homeownership and tenancy
o Fair housing laws and requirements
o Housing affordability
o Avoidance of, and responses to, rental and mortgage delinquency and avoidance of eviction and mortgage default
• Learning Checks Including an Examination (Column J): Indicate if learning checks and an examination were required to pass the course • Course Duration (Column M): For online courses, if there is no standard course duration, provide the average time required for counselors to complete the course (in hours). *Definition of Scholarships: Full Scholarships: Travel (Including lodging, transportation, and per diem) + Tuition

See above for Instructions for completing this Past Performance chart

Course Name Delivery Method (Choose One):
Web-Based - •Online Non-Interactive • Online / Interactive
Number of Courses Provided from 6-1-16 to 5-31-17 Total # of Counselors Trained Core Topic Components Included

Measured Student Satisfaction? Learning Checks Including an Examination Number of Counselors from Rural/Underserved Areas Course provided in multiple languages? Course Duration (In Hours) Number of Scholarships Anticipated (See definition above)* Cost per Student (see NOFA definition) Course used for housing counselor certification? Brief Course Description
(If the course is used for a housing counseling certification, include a description of how it is used in the certification process.)

HECM Default Courses Offered Disaster Courses Offered Travel Only Full Scholarships Tuition Only

Example Course A In-Person 5 125 X 15 2 X 25 X X 8 25 100 75 $750 X 1 - 3 sentence course description.

Example Course B Online / Interactive 3 60 X 5 3 X 15 X X 6 n/a n/a 20 $150 X 1 - 3 sentence course description.

Example Course C Online Non-Interactive 7 240 X 4 1 X 10 X X 3 n/a n/a 40 $75 X 1 - 3 sentence course description.


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Sheet 4: Chart B - Proposed Performance

Chart B - Proposed Performance

Applicant Name:

• List each housing counseling training course that you and your applicant partners intend to provide between July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. If the same course will be provided multiple times during this time period, list the course name in Column B and the number of times it will be provided in Column D. Do not create a separate entry for each time the course was provided. If the course was on-line, list the number of class offerings as 1.
• If the same course was provided using multiple delivery methods (in person/web based), create a separate entry for each delivery method. For purposes of completing this chart, use the following definitions for the three delivery methods:
1. In-Person: The course is provided to counselors in a face-to-face classroom setting. This includes place based training and national institute training.
2. Web-Based: a. Online Non-Interactive: The course is provided to counselors electronically and does NOT allow for realtime instructor-counselor interaction.
b. Online / Interactive / Web-Based: The course is provided to counselors electronically and allows for realtime instructor-counselor interaction.
• Core Topic Components Included (Column F): Indicate which courses include the six core components listed below: o Financial Management
o Property Maintenance
o Responsibilities of homeownership and tenancy
o Fair housing laws and requirements
o Housing affordability
o Avoidance of, and responses to, rental and mortgage delinquency and avoidance of eviction and mortgage default • Performance Learning Checks Including an Examination (Column J): Indicate if learning checks and an examination will be required to pass the course • Course Duration (Column M): For online courses, if there is no standard course duration, provide the average time required for counselors to complete the course (in hours). *Definition of Scholarships: Full Scholarships: Travel (Including lodging, transportation, and per diem) + Tuition

See above Instructions for completing this Proposed Performance Chart

Course Name Delivery Method (Choose One):
Web-Based - •Online Non-Interactive • Online / Interactive
Number of Courses Proposed in 7-1-18 to 6-30-19 Total # of Counselors to be Trained Core Topic Components Included

Will Student Satisfaction be Measured? Learning Checks Including an Examination Number of Counselors from Rural/Underserved Areas Course provided in multiple languages? Course Duration (In Hours) Number of Scholarships Anticipated (See definition above)* Cost per Student (see NOFA definition) Course used for housing counselor certification? Course includes Information on Managing Stress Brief Course Description
(If the course is used for a housing counseling certification, include a description of how it is used in the certification process.)

HECM Default Courses Offered Disaster Courses Offered Travel Only Full Scholarships Tuition Only

Example Course A In-Person 5 125 X 15 2 X X 25 X 8 25 100 75 $750 X X 1 - 3 sentence course description.

Example Course B Online / Interactive 3 60 X 5 3 X X 15 X 6 n/a n/a 20 $150 X X 1 - 3 sentence course description.

Example Course C Online Non-Interactive 7 240 X 4 1 X X 10 X 3 n/a n/a 40 $75 X X 1 - 3 sentence course description.


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Sheet 5: Chart C - Budget

Chart C - Budget

Applicant Name:

Instructions: Complete all applicable sections below with your actual expenditures

Actual Expenditures for June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017 Training Grant****

Expense Items Actual Expenditures - grant funds Actual Expenditures - all sources

Staff Salaries

Staff Fringe Benefits

Consultant/Trainer Fees


Rent/Training Venues



Full Scholarships*

Tuition Scholarships

Travel Scholarships**



Delivery Services

Printing / Production of Class Materials

Other Expenses (describe)*** or add lines if needed

Training Partners

Sub-grantee disbursments

Indirect Costs (indirect cost rate: )


Percent of HUD Grant Spent on Scholarships: #DIV/0!


* Full Scholarship includes travel (lodging, transportation and perdiem) + Tuition

** Travel (lodging, transportation and perdiem)

***Add budget items not listed in the "Other Expenses" line and describe in detail in the comments box.

**** Applicants who did not receive a training grant should provide expendidtures from all other sources.


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Sheet 6: Chart D - Leveraging

Chart D - Leveraging

Applicant Name:

Instructions: Identify all non-federal leveraged resources available for the proposed work plan including subgrantee resources, if applicable.

Organization Providing Leveraged Funds/In-kind Contributions (include fees/program income) and Point of Contact Type of Contribution (Cash, In-kind, fees) Time Period Funds are Available Commitment Letter in Hand (Not Pending) Use of Funds Amount of Funds


ABC Intermediary Fees 10/1/17 - 9/30/18
Pre-purchase education/certification class $50,000

Jane Dough Foundation/ John Dough (719) 222-3232 Cash 1/1/17 - 1/1/18
on-line testing development $10,000

Chase Bank Foundation/ Sally Clams (719) 224-7676 Cash 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 x Hsg Counselor Education Program $7,500

City of Siever/ Pat Culver (719) 236-4565 In-Kind 1/1/18 - 8/31/18 x Space for in-person classes $12,000

Housing Resources Materials 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 x Copy training materials/Handouts $5,000


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Sheet 7: Chart E - Training Partners

Chart E - Training Partners

Applicant Name:

Instructions: In this section, provide a list of partners you worked with from June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017 to provide place based training. This can be lenders, local non profit organizations, state housing finance agencies, etc. The amount of partner contribution will be used in your agency leveraging. Definition of Training Partners: Agencies and organizations that have at least two years of experience providing housing counseling training services to housing counselors employed by housing counseling agencies participating in HUD’s Housing Counseling Program. They may be governmental agencies, non-profit organization or for-profit organizations. Examples of training partners include state housing finance agencies, state, local and tribal government agencies, housing counseling coalitions and networks, housing industry associations, HUD approved housing counseling agencies and other housing industry partners.

Partner Name Type of Entity Name of Contact at Entity Contact Phone Number Number of Events Proposed amount of Training Partner contribution for 7-1-18 to 9-30-19 Past amount of Training Partner contribution from 6-1-16 to 5-31-17


ABC Org Local NP


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