30-day Notice

(2019) 0080 30-day Notice.pdf

Annual Report for Chief Compliance Officer of Registrants

30-day Notice

OMB: 3038-0080

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Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 119 / Thursday, June 20, 2019 / Notices
minutes or less, but commenters may
submit written statements for the
Contact Person for Further Information
Hillary Cohen, Communications
Manager, at [email protected] or (202)
446–8094. Further information about
this public meeting can be found on the
CSB website at: www.csb.gov.
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552b; 40 CFR part
Dated: June 17, 2019.
Ray Porfiri,
Deputy General Counsel, Chemical Safety and
Hazard Investigation Board.
[FR Doc. 2019–13144 Filed 6–18–19; 11:15 am]


Dated: June 11, 2019.
Jeffrey I. Kessler,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
Compliance Alternate Chairman, ForeignTrade Zones Board.

Foreign-Trade Zones Board
[Order No. 2083]

jbell on DSK3GLQ082PROD with NOTICES

Reorganization and Expansion of
Foreign-Trade Zone 142 under
Alternative Site Framework Salem/
Millville, New Jersey

[FR Doc. 2019–13125 Filed 6–19–19; 8:45 am]

Pursuant to its authority under the
Foreign-Trade Zones Act of June 18,
1934, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u),
the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the
Board) adopts the following Order:
Whereas, the Foreign-Trade Zones
(FTZ) Act provides for ‘‘. . . the
establishment . . . of foreign-trade
zones in ports of entry of the United
States, to expedite and encourage
foreign commerce, and for other
purposes,’’ and authorizes the Board to
grant to qualified corporations the
privilege of establishing foreign-trade
zones in or adjacent to U.S. Customs
and Border Protection ports of entry;
Whereas, the Board adopted the
alternative site framework (ASF) (15
CFR Sec. 400.2(c)) as an option for the
establishment or reorganization of
Whereas, the South Jersey Port
Corporation, grantee of Foreign-Trade
Zone 142, submitted an application to
the Board (FTZ Docket B–63–2018,
docketed October 11, 2018) for authority
to reorganize and expand under the ASF
with a service area of Burlington,
Camden, Cape May, Cumberland,
Gloucester, Mercer and Salem Counties,
New Jersey, within and adjacent to the
Philadelphia U.S. Customs and Border
Protection port of entry, and FTZ 142’s
existing Sites 1, 2 and 3 and proposed
Site 4 would be categorized as magnet
Whereas, notice inviting public
comment was given in the Federal

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Register (83 FR 52382, October 17,
2018) and the application has been
processed pursuant to the FTZ Act and
the Board’s regulations; and,
Whereas, the Board adopts the
findings and recommendations of the
examiner’s report, and finds that the
requirements of the FTZ Act and the
Board’s regulations are satisfied;
Now, Therefore, the Board hereby
The application to reorganize and
expand FTZ 142 under the ASF is
approved, subject to the FTZ Act and
the Board’s regulations, including
Section 400.13, to the Board’s standard
2,000-acre activation limit for the zone,
and to an ASF sunset provision for
magnet sites that would terminate
authority for Sites 1, 2, 3 and 4 if not
activated within five years from the
month of approval.

Agency Information Collection
Activities Under OMB Review
Commodity Futures Trading
ACTION: Notice.

In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), this notice announces that the
Information Collection Request (ICR)
abstracted below has been forwarded to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and comment. The
ICR describes the nature of the
information collection and its expected
costs and burden.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before July 22, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Comments regarding the
burden estimated or any other aspect of
the information collection, including
suggestions for reducing the burden,
may be submitted directly to the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs
(OIRA) in OMB, within 30 days of the
notice’s publication, by either of the
following methods. Please identify the
comments by OMB Control No. 3038–
• By email addressed to:
[email protected] or
• By mail addressed to: the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,

PO 00000

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Office of Management and Budget,
Attention Desk Officer for the
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, 725 17th Street NW,
Washington DC 20503.
A copy of all comments submitted to
OIRA should be sent to the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission (the
‘‘Commission’’) by either of the
following methods. The copies should
refer to ‘‘OMB Control No. 3038–0080.’’
• Through the Commission’s website
at http://comments.cftc.gov/. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
through the website.
• By mail addressed to: Christopher
Kirkpatrick, Secretary of the
Commission, Commodity Futures
Trading Commission, Three Lafayette
Centre, 1155 21st Street NW,
Washington, DC 20581; or
• By Hand Delivery/Courier to the
same address.
Please submit your comments using
only one method. All comments must be
submitted in English, or if not,
accompanied by an English translation.
Comments will be posted as received to
http://www.cftc.gov. You should submit
only information that you wish to make
available publicly. If you wish the
Commission to consider information
that you believe is exempt from
disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act, a petition for
confidential treatment of the exempt
information may be submitted according
to the procedures established in § 145.9
of the Commission’s regulations.1 The
Commission reserves the right, but shall
have no obligation, to review, prescreen, filter, redact, refuse or remove
any or all of your submission from
http://www.cftc.gov that it may deem to
be inappropriate for publication, such as
obscene language. All submissions that
have been redacted or removed that
contain comments on the merits of the
ICR will be retained in the public
comment file and will be considered as
required under the Administrative
Procedure Act and other applicable
laws, and may be accessible under the
Freedom of Information Act.
A copy of the supporting statements
for the collection of information
discussed herein may be obtained by
visiting http://RegInfo.gov.
Pamela M. Geraghty, Special Counsel,
Division of Swap Dealer and
Intermediary Oversight, Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, (202)
418–5634, email: [email protected],
and refer to OMB Control No. 3038–
1 17


CFR 145.9.



Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 119 / Thursday, June 20, 2019 / Notices


Title: Annual Report for Chief
Compliance Officer of Registrants (OMB
Control No. 3038–0080). This is a
request for an extension of a currently
approved information collection.
Abstract: On April 3, 2012, the
Commission adopted Commission
regulation 3.3 (Chief Compliance
Officer) 2 under sections 4d(d) and
4s(k) 3 of the Commodity Exchange Act
(‘‘CEA’’). Commission regulation 3.3
requires each futures commission
merchant (‘‘FCM’’),4 swap dealer
(‘‘SD’’),5 and major swap participant
(‘‘MSP’’) 6 to designate, by filing a form
8–R, a chief compliance officer who is
responsible for developing and
administering policies and procedures
that fulfill certain duties of the FCM,
SD, or MSP and that are reasonably
designed to ensure the registrant’s
compliance with the CEA and
Commission regulations; establishing
procedures for the remediation of
noncompliance issues identified by the
chief compliance officer; establishing
procedures for the handling,
management response, remediation,
retesting, and closing of noncompliance
issues; preparing, signing, certifying and
filing with the Commission an annual
compliance report that contains the
information specified in the regulations;
amending the annual report if material
errors or omissions are identified; and
maintaining records of the registrant’s
compliance policies and procedures and
records related to the annual report. The
information collection obligations
imposed by Commission regulation 3.3
are essential to ensuring that FCMs,
SDs, and MSPs maintain comprehensive
policies and procedures that promote
compliance with the CEA and
Commission regulations. In particular,
the Commission believes that, among
other things, these obligations (i)
promote compliance behavior through
periodic self-evaluation, (ii) inform the
Commission of possible compliance
weaknesses, (iii) assist the Commission
in determining whether the registrant
remains in compliance with the CEA
and Commission regulations, and (iv)
help the Commission to assess whether
the registrant has mechanisms in place
to adequately address compliance
2 17

CFR 3.3.
U.S.C. 6d(d) and 6s(k).
4 For the definition of FCM, see section 1a(28) of
the CEA and Commission regulation 1.3(p). 7 U.S.C.
1a(28) and 17 CFR 1.3(p).
5 For the definition of SD, see section 1a(49) of
the CEA and Commission regulation 1.3(ggg). 7
U.S.C. 1a(49) and 17 CFR 1.3(ggg).
6 For the definitions of MSP, see section 1a(33) of
the CEA and Commission regulation 1.3(hhh). 7
U.S.C. 1a(33) and 17 CFR 1.3(hhh).

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problems that could lead to a failure of
the registrant.
Burden Statement: In light of the
current number of Commissionregistered FCMs, SDs, and MSPs, the
Commission revised its estimate of the
burden for this collection. Accordingly,
the respondent burden for this
collection is estimated to be as follows:
Number of Registrants: 171.
Estimated Average Burden Hours per
Registrant: 1,006.
Estimated Aggregate Burden Hours:
Frequency of Recordkeeping/Thirdparty Disclosure: Annually or on
There are no capital or operating and
maintenance costs associated with this
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
Dated: June 14, 2019.
Robert Sidman,
Deputy Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2019–13083 Filed 6–19–19; 8:45 am]

Agency Information Collection
Activities Under OMB Review
Commodity Futures Trading
ACTION: Notice.

In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), this notice announces that the
Information Collection Request (‘‘ICR’’)
abstracted below has been forwarded to
the Office of Management and Budget
(‘‘OMB’’) for review and comment. The
ICR describes the nature of the
information collection and its expected
costs and burdens.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before July 22, 2019.
ADDRESSES: Comments regarding the
burden estimate or any other aspect of
the information collection, including
suggestions for reducing the burden,
may be submitted directly to the Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs
(‘‘OIRA’’) in OMB within 30 days of
publication of this notice by either of
the methods specified below. Please
identify the comments by ‘‘OMB Control
Numbers 3038–0023 and 3038–0072;
Adoption of Revised Registration Form
• By email addressed to:
[email protected]; or
• By mail addressed to: Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget,

PO 00000

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Attention Desk Officer for the
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission, 725 17th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20503.
A copy of all comments submitted to
OIRA should be sent to the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) by any of the following
methods. The copies should refer to
‘‘OMB Control Numbers 3038–0023 and
• By mail addressed to: Christopher
Kirkpatrick, Secretary of the
Commission, Commodity Futures
Trading Commission, Three Lafayette
Centre, 1155 21st Street NW,
Washington, DC 20581;
• By Hand Delivery/Courier to the
same address; or
• Through the Commission’s website
at http://comments.cftc.gov. Please
follow the instructions for submitting
comments through the website.
Please submit your comments using
only one method. All comments must be
submitted in English, or if not,
accompanied by an English translation.
Comments will be posted as received to
http://www.cftc.gov. You should submit
only information that you wish to make
available publicly. If you wish the
Commission to consider information
that you believe is exempt from
disclosure under the Freedom of
Information Act, a petition for
confidential treatment of the exempt
information may be submitted according
to the procedures established in § 145.9
of the Commission’s regulations.1 The
Commission reserves the right, but shall
have no obligation, to review, prescreen, filter, redact, refuse or remove
any or all of your submission from
http://www.cftc.gov that it may deem to
be inappropriate for publication, such as
obscene language. All submissions that
have been redacted or removed that
contain comments on the merits of the
ICR will be retained in the public
comment file and will be considered as
required under the Administrative
Procedure Act and other applicable
laws, and may be accessible under the
Freedom of Information Act.
A copy of the supporting statements
for the collections of information
discussed herein may be obtained by
visiting http://RegInfo.gov.
Matthew Kulkin, Director, (202) 418–
5213, [email protected]; or Christopher
W. Cummings, Special Counsel, (202)
418–5445, [email protected],
Division of Swap Dealer and
Intermediary Oversight, Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st
Street NW, Washington, DC 20581, and
1 17


CFR 145.9.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2019-06-20
File Created2019-06-20

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