1625-0065 Stat/Authority


Offshore Supply Vessels -- Title 46 CFR Subchapter L

1625-0065 Stat/Authority

OMB: 1625-0065

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125.100 Applicability.
125.110 Carriage of flammable or combustible liquid cargoes in bulk.
125.120 Carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk.
125.130 Carriage of packaged hazardous materials.
125.140 Loadlines.
125.150 Lifesaving systems.
125.160 Definitions.
125.170 Equivalents.
125.180 Incorporation by reference.
125.190 Right of appeal.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 2103, 3306, 3307; 49
U.S.C. App. 1804; Department of Homeland
Security Delegation No. 0170.1.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49321, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

§ 125.100 Applicability.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(c) of this section, this subchapter applies to each offshore supply vessel
(OSV) of United States flag contracted
for, or the keel of which was laid, on or
after March 15, 1996.
(b) Each OSV contracted for, or the
keel of which was laid, before March 15,
1996, must be constructed and inspected
to comply with—
(1) The regulations in effect until
March 15, 1996 (46
CFR subchapter I or subchapter T, as
appropriate), as they existed at the
time of construction; or
(2) The regulations in this subchapter.
grandfathering under paragraph (b)(1)
of this section must complete construction and have a Certificate of Inspection by March 16, 1998.
(d) Certain regulations in this subchapter apply only to limited categories of OSVs. Specific statements of
applicability appear at the beginnings
of those regulations.
(e) As used in this subchapter, the
term ‘‘vessels contracted for’’ refers
not only to the contracting for the construction of a vessel, but also to the
contracting for a major alteration to a
vessel, the contracting for the conversion of a vessel to an offshore supply

vessel or liftboat, and the changing of
service or route of a vessel if such
changing increases or modifies the general requirements for the vessel or increases the hazards to which it might
be subjected.
NOTE: Navigation and Vessel Inspection
Circular 8–91, ‘‘Initial and Subsequent Inspection of Uncertificated Existing Offshore
Supply Vessels, Including Liftboats’’, contains guidance on how to apply the regulations in 46 CFR subchapters I and T to OSVs.

§ 125.110 Carriage of flammable or
combustible liquid cargoes in bulk.
(a) Except as provided by this section, no OSV may carry flammable or
combustible liquid cargoes in bulk
without the approval of the Commandant (CG–522).
(b) An OSV may carry the following
in integral tanks:
(1) Grade-D combustible liquids listed
by § 30.25–1 of this chapter, in quantities not to exceed 20 percent of the
vessel’s deadweight, except that the
vessel may carry drilling fluids and excess fuel oil, Grade-E as well as GradeD, without limit.
(2) Grade-E combustible liquids listed
by § 30.25–1 of this chapter, in quantities not to exceed 20 percent of the
vessel’s deadweight, except that the
vessel may carry drilling fluids and excess fuel oil, Grade-D as well as GradeE, without limit.
(c) An OSV may carry the following
in fixed independent tanks on deck:
Grade-B and lower-grade flammable
and combustible liquids listed by
§ 30.25–1 of this chapter, in quantities
not to exceed 20 percent of the vessel’s
(d) An OSV may carry hazardous materials in portable tanks, in compliance with part 64 and subpart 98.30 of
this chapter. A portable tank may be
filled or discharged aboard the vessel if
authorized by an endorsement on the
vessel’s Certificate of Inspection.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49321,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2002–
13058, 67 FR 61279, Sept. 30, 2002; USCG–2009–
0702, 74 FR 49234, Sept. 25, 2009]


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 125.160

§ 125.120 Carriage of noxious liquid
substances in bulk.
(a) Except as provided by this section, no OSV may carry a noxious liquid substance (NLS) in bulk without
the approval of the Commandant (CG–
(b) An OSV may carry in integral and
fixed independent tanks NLSs listed by
§ 153.2 of this chapter, in quantities not
to exceed 20 percent of the vessel’s
(c) Each OSV carrying NLSs in bulk
in integral tanks or fixed independent
tanks must—
(1) Meet the definition of oceangoing
in 33 CFR 151.05;
(2) Have a Certificate of Inspection or
NLS Certificate (issued by the Coast
Guard) endorsed with the name of the
NLS cargo; and
(3) Have the Cargo Record Book prescribed in § 153.490(a)(1) of this chapter.
(d) An OSV that does not meet the
equipment requirements in §§ 153.470
through 153.491 of this chapter may not
discharge NLS residues to the sea. The
vessel’s Certificate of Inspection or
NLS Certificate will contain this restriction.
(e) Each OSV that discharges NLS
residues to the sea must meet—
(1) The equipment requirements in
§§ 153.470 through 153.491 of this chapter; and
(2) The operating requirements in
§§ 153.901, 153.903, 153.909, and 153.1100 of
this chapter.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49321,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2009–0702,
74 FR 49234, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 125.130 Carriage of packaged hazardous materials.
An OSV may carry packaged hazardous materials, or hazardous materials in portable tanks, if the materials
are prepared, loaded, and stowed in
compliance with 49 CFR parts 171
through 179, as applicable.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 125.140


For an OSV assigned a loadline, see
subchapter E (Load Lines) of this chapter, for special requirements on
strength, loadline markings, closure of
openings, and the like.

§ 125.150

Lifesaving systems.

Lifesaving appliances and arrangements must comply with part 133 of
this subchapter.
§ 125.160


Each term defined elsewhere in this
chapter for a particular class of vessel
applies to this subchapter unless a different definition is given in this section. As used by this subchapter—
Accommodations includes spaces such
as at least the following:
(1) A space used as a messroom.
(2) A lounge.
(3) A sitting area.
(4) A recreation room.
(5) Quarters.
(6) A toilet space.
(7) A shower room.
Anniversary date means the day and
the month of each year, which corresponds to the date of expiration of
the Certificate of Inspection.
Anti-exposure suit means a protective
suit designed for use by rescue boat
crews and marine evacuation system
Approval series means the first six
digits of a number assigned by the
Coast Guard to approved equipment.
Where approval is based on a subpart of
subchapter Q of this chapter, the approval series corresponds to the number of the subpart. A listing of approved equipment, including all of the
approval series, is published periodically by the Coast Guard in Equipment
Lists (COMDTINST M16714.3 series),
available from the Superintendent of
Approved means approved by the
Commandant, unless otherwise defined.
Bulkhead deck means the uppermost
deck to which transverse watertight
bulkheads and the watertight shell extend.
Coast Guard District Commander or
District Commander means an officer of
the Coast Guard designated by the
Commandant to command activities of
the Coast Guard within a Coast Guard
district described by 33 CFR part 3,
whose duties include the inspection,
enforcement, and administration of
laws for the safety and navigation of


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 125.160

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Coastwise refers to a route not more
than 20 nautical miles offshore on any
of the following waters:
(1) Any ocean.
(2) The Gulf of Mexico.
(3) The Caribbean Sea.
(4) The Gulf of Alaska.
(5) The Bering Sea.
(6) Such other, similar waters as may
be designated by the District Commander.
Combustible liquid means the same as
in subpart 30.10 of this chapter.
Commandant means the Commandant
of the Coast Guard or an authorized
staff officer at Coast Guard headquarters designated by § 1.01–05 of this
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center, means an officer of the Coast
Guard designated by the Commandant
to command activities of the Coast
Guard within the Marine Safety Center, whose duties include review of
plans for commercial vessels to ensure
compliance with applicable laws and
Crane means a revolving, gantrymounted, or other type of fixed lifting
device used for lifting or moving equipment or supplies. It does not include
material handling equipment used for
general ship’s service, such as lifeboat
davits, chain falls, come-alongs, or the
Credential means any or all of the following:
(1) Merchant mariner’s document.
(2) Merchant mariner’s license.
(3) STCW endorsement.
(4) Certificate of registry.
(5) Merchant mariner credential.
Crew means all persons carried on
board the OSV to provide navigation
and maintenance of the OSV, its machinery, systems, and arrangements essential for propulsion and safe navigation or to provide services for other
persons on board.
Deadweight means, when measured in
water of specific gravity 1.025, the difference in long tons between—
(1) The displacement of the vessel on
even trim at ‘‘lightweight’’ as defined
by subpart F of part 170 of this chapter;
(2) The displacement of the vessel on
even trim at the deepest load waterline.

Embarkation ladder means the ladder
provided at survival craft embarkation
stations to permit safe access to survival craft after launching.
Embarkation station means the place
where a survival craft is boarded.
Existing offshore supply vessel is one
contracted for, or the keel of which
was laid, before March 15, 1996.
Flammable liquid means the same as
in § 30.10–22 of this chapter.
Float-free launching means that method of launching a survival craft or lifesaving appliance whereby the craft or
appliance is automatically released
from a sinking vessel and is ready for
Gas-free means free from dangerous
concentrations of flammable or toxic
Hazardous material means the same as
in § 153.2 of this chapter.
Immersion suit means a protective
suit that reduces loss of body heat of a
person wearing it in cold water.
Inflatable appliance means an appliance that depends upon nonrigid, gasfilled chambers for buoyancy and that
is normally kept uninflated until ready
for use.
Inflated appliance means an appliance
that depends upon nonrigid, gas-filled
chambers for buoyancy and that is
kept inflated and ready for use at all
International voyage means a voyage
between a country to which the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS
74/83) applies and a port outside that
Jacking system means any type of mechanical (including hydraulic) or electrical system used for elevating a
Launching appliance or launching arrangement means the method or devices
for transferring a survival craft or rescue boat from its stowed position to
the water. For a launching arrangement using a davit, the term includes
the davit, winch, and falls.
Length, relative to a vessel, means
the length listed on the vessel’s certificate of documentation or the ‘‘registered length’’ as defined by § 69.53 of
this chapter.


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, DHS

§ 125.160

Lifejacket means a flotation device
approved as a life preserver or lifejacket.
Liftboat means an OSV with movable
legs capable of raising its hull above
the surface of the sea.
Major conversion means a conversion
of a vessel that, as determined by the
(1) Substantially changes the dimensions or carrying capacity of the vessel;
(2) Changes the type of vessel;
(3) Substantially prolongs the life of
the vessel; or
(4) Otherwise so changes the vessel
that it is essentially a new vessel.
Marine evacuation system means an
appliance designed to rapidly transfer
large numbers of persons from an embarkation station by means of a passage to a floating platform for subsequent embarkation into associated survival craft, or directly into associated
survival craft.
Marine inspector means any person
authorized by the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection (OCMI), to perform
duties concerning the inspection, enforcement, and administration of laws
for the safety and navigation of vessels.
Muster station means the place where
the crew and offshore workers assemble
before boarding a survival craft.
New offshore supply vessel is one—
(1) Contracted for, or the keel of
which was laid, on or after March 15,
1996; or
(2) Which underwent a major conversion that was initiated on or after
March 15, 1996.
Novel lifesaving appliance or arrangement means one that has new features
not fully covered by the provisions of
this part but that provides an equal or
higher standard of safety.
Noxious liquid substance or NLS means
the same as in § 153.2 of this chapter.
Ocean refers to a route more than 20
nautical miles offshore on any of the
following waters:
(1) Any ocean.
(2) The Gulf of Mexico.
(3) The Caribbean Sea.
(4) The Gulf of Alaska.
(5) The Bering Sea.

(6) Such other, similar waters as may
be designated by the District Commander.
OCMI means the same as Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection.
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
means any person of the Coast Guard
so designated by the Commandant, to
be in charge of an inspection zone for
the performance of duties concerning
the inspection, enforcement, and administration of laws for the safety and
navigation of vessels.
Offshore supply vessel means a vessel
(1) Is propelled by machinery other
than steam;
(2) Does not meet the definition of a
passenger-carrying vessel in 46 U.S.C.
2101(22) or 46 U.S.C. 2101(35);
(3) Is more than 15 but less than 500
gross tons (as measured under the
Standard, Dual, or Simplified Measurement System under part 69, subpart C,
D, or E, of this chapter) or is less than
6,000 gross tons (as measured under the
under part 69, subpart B, of this chapter); and
(4) Regularly carries goods, supplies,
individuals in addition to the crew, or
equipment in support of exploration,
exploitation, or production of offshore
mineral or energy resources.
Offshore worker means an individual
carried aboard an OSV and employed in
a phase of exploration, exploitation, or
production of offshore mineral or energy resources served by the vessel; but
it does not include the master or a
member of the crew engaged in the
business of the vessel, who has contributed no consideration for carriage
aboard and is paid for services aboard.
OSV means the same as offshore supply vessel.
Quarters means any space where
sleeping accommodations are provided.
Rescue boat means a boat designed to
rescue persons in distress and to marshal survival craft.
Restricted service means service in
areas within 12 hours of a harbor of
safe refuge or in areas where a liftboat
may be jacked up to meet the 100-knotwind severe-storm criteria of § 174.255(c)
of this chapter.
Seagoing condition means the operating condition of the OSV with the


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§ 125.170

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

personnel, equipment, fluids, and ballast necessary for safe operation on the
waters where the OSV operates.
Survival craft means a craft capable
of sustaining the lives of persons in distress from the time of abandoning the
OSV on which the persons were originally carried. The term includes lifeboats, liferafts, buoyant apparatus, and
lifefloats, but does not include rescue
Underwater survey means the examination of the vessel’s underwater hull
including all through-hull fittings and
appurtenances, while the vessel is
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49321,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG 1999–4976,
65 FR 6505, Feb. 9, 2000; USCG–2000–6858, 67
FR 21082, Apr. 29, 2002; USCG–2007–29018, 72
FR 53966, Sept. 21, 2007; USCG–2006–24371, 74
FR 11266, Mar. 16, 2009]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 125.170 Equivalents.
A substitution for fittings, materials,
calculations, information, or tests required by
this subchapter may be accepted by the
cognizant OCMI; by the Commanding
Officer, Marine Safety Center; by the
District Commander; or by the Commandant, if the substitution provides
an equivalent level of safety.

§ 125.180

Incorporation by reference.

(a) Certain materials are incorporated by reference into this subchapter with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in compliance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
part 51. To enforce any edition other
than the one listed in paragraph (b) of
this section, the Coast Guard must
publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must
be available to the public. All approved
materials are on file for inspection at
the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Operating and Environmental Standards,
(CG–522) 2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7126,
Washington, DC 20593–7126, or at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
ibrllocations.html. All material are
available from the sources indicated in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The materials approved for incorporation by reference in this subchapter, and the sections affected, are
as follows:

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS):
ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, TX 77060
Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels Under 61 Meters (200 Ft) in Length (1983).
Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (1995) ............
Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels (1975) ....
Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling
Units (1994).
American National Standards Institute (ANSI):
11 West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036
B 31.1–1986, Code for Pressure Piping, Power Piping .............
Z 26.1–1977 (including 1980 Supplement), Safety Code for
Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International:
Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016–5990
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section I, Power Boilers,
July 1989 with 1989 addenda.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959
ASTM D 93–97, Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by
Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester.
American Yacht and Boat Council, Inc. (AYBC):
3069 Solomon’s Island Rd., Edgewater, MD 21037–1416
A–3–1993, Galley Stoves .........................................................
A–7–1970, Recommended Practices and Standards Covering
Boat Heating Systems.
E–1–1972, Bonding of Direct-Current Systems .......................

127.210; 129.360
133.140; 133.150






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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 126

E–8–1994, Alternating-Current (AC) Electrical Systems on
E–9–1990, Direct-Current (DC) Electrical Systems on Boats
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE):
IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855
No. 45–1977, Recommended Practice for Electric Installations on Shipboard.
International Maritime Organization (IMO):
Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1
7SR, United Kingdom
Resolution A.520(13), Code of Practice for the Evaluation,
Testing and Acceptance of Prototype Novel Life-saving
Appliances and Arrangements, dated 17 November 1983.
Resolution A.658(16), ‘‘Use and Fitting of Retro-Reflective
Materials on Life-saving Appliances’’, dated 20 November
Resolution A.760(18), ‘‘Symbols Related to Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements’’, dated 17 November 1993.
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS), Consolidated Edition, 1992.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269–9101
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, 1993 Edition ..................
NFPA 306, Control of Gas Hazards on Vessels, 1993 Edition ..
NFPA 1963, Fire Hose Connections, 1993 Edition ..................
NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers, 1994
NFPA 302—Fire Protection Standard for Pleasure and Commercial Motor Craft, 1994 Edition.
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
12 Laboratory Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709–3995
UL 19–1992, Lined Fire Hose and Hose Assemblies ................
UL 486A–1992, Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use
with Copper Conductors.
UL 489–1995, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and CircuitBreaker Enclosures.
UL 57–1976, Electric Lighting Fixtures .................................
UL 595–1991, Marine-Type Electric Lighting Fixtures ..........
UL 1570–1995, Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures ........................
UL 1571–1995, Incandescent Lighting Fixtures ......................
UL 1572–1995, High Intensity Discharge Lighting Fixtures ...
UL 1573–1995, Stage and Studio Lighting Units ....................
UL 1574–1995, Track Lighting Systems .................................

[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49321,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by CGD 97–057, 62
FR 51047, Sept. 30, 1997; 64 FR 53227, Oct. 1,
1999; USCG 1999–5151, 64 FR 67183, Dec. 1, 1999;
USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58463, Sept. 29, 2000;
USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49234, Sept. 25, 2009]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 125.190

Right of appeal.

Any person directly affected by a decision or action taken under this part,
by or on behalf of the Coast Guard,
may appeal from the decision or action
in compliance with subpart 1.03 of this




131.855; 131.875; 133.70

131.875; 133.70; 133.90

129.320; 129.340; 129.370


Subpart A—General
126.100 Inspector not limited.
126.110 Inspection after accident.
126.120 Permit to proceed to another port
for repairs.
126.130 Cranes.
126.140 Drydocking.
126.150 Repairs and alterations.
126.160 Tests and inspections during repairs
or alterations, or during riveting, welding, burning, or other hot work.
126.170 Carriage of offshore workers.
126.180 Carriage of passengers.


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§ 126.100

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Subpart B—Certificate of Inspection
126.210 When required.
126.220 Description.
126.230 How to obtain or renew.
126.235 Alternate compliance.
126.240 Posting.
126.250 Period of validity for a Certificate of
126.260 Temporary Certificate.
126.270 Amendment.

Subpart C—Initial Inspection
126.310 Prerequisite to Certificate of Inspection.
126.320 When made.
126.330 Plans.
126.340 Scope.
126.350 Specific tests and inspections.

(1) Each time an accident occurs, or a
defect is discovered that affects—
(i) The safety of the vessel; or
(ii) The effectiveness or completeness
of its lifesaving, fire-fighting, or other
equipment; or
(2) Whenever any important repairs
or renewals are made.
(b) The inspection is to ensure that—
(1) The necessary repairs or renewals
have been effectively made;
(2) The material and workmanship
used to accomplish the repairs or renewals are satisfactory; and
(3) The OSV complies with the regulations in this subchapter.
§ 126.120 Permit to proceed to another
port for repairs.

Subpart D—Inspection for Certification
126.410 Prerequisite to reissuance of Certificate of Inspection.
126.420 Application for Certificate of Inspection.
126.430 Scope.
126.440 Lifesaving equipment.
126.450 Fire-extinguishing equipment.
126.460 Tanks for dry bulk cargo.
126.470 Marine-engineering systems.
126.480 Safety Management Certificate.

Subpart E—Annual, Periodic, and
Alternative Annual Inspections
126.510 Annual and periodic inspections.
126.520 Certificate of Inspection: Conditions
of validity.
126.530 Alternative annual inspection for
offshore supply vessels less than 400 gross
tons in foreign ports.
AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C. 3205,
3306, 3307; 46 U.S.C. Chapter 701; Executive
Order 111735, 38 FR 21243, 3 CFR 1971–1975
Comp., p. 793; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49324, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

(a) The cognizant OCMI may issue a
permit to proceed to another port for
repair if in the judgment of this OCMI
the vessel can complete the trip safely
even though the Certificate of Inspection has expired or is about to expire.
(b) A ‘‘Permit to Proceed to another
Port for Repairs’’, Form CG–948, will be
issued by the cognizant OCMI to the
owner, operator, or master of the OSV
and states the conditions under which
the vessel may proceed to another port.
The Permit will be issued only upon
the written application of the owner,
operator, or master, and only after the
surrender of the vessel’s Certificate of
Inspection to the cognizant OCMI.
(c) The Permit will state on its face
the conditions under which it is issued
and whether the OSV may carry cargo,
goods, supplies, equipment, or offshore
(d) The Permit must be readily available aboard the OSV.
§ 126.130

Subpart A—General

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 126.100 Inspector not limited.
Nothing in this part shall be construed as limiting the inspector from
making such tests or inspections as he
deems necessary to be assured of the
safety and seaworthiness of the vessel.
§ 126.110 Inspection after accident.
(a) The owner or operator of an OSV
shall make the vessel available for inspection by a marine inspector—


(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, cranes, if installed,
must comply with §§ 107.258 through
107.260, 108.601, 109.437, 109.439, 109.521,
109.525, and 109.527 of this chapter.
(b) The manufacturer of a crane may
have tests and inspections conducted in
compliance with § 107.259 of this chapter, if the surveyor conducting them
for the American Bureau of Shipping or
the International Cargo Gear Bureau
certifies their conduct as required by
§ 107.259(c) of this chapter.


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Coast Guard, DHS

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§ 126.140

§ 126.150


(a) Unless one or more extensions are
authorized by the Commandant (CG–
543), each OSV must be placed in drydock or hauled out for examination
twice each 5 years with no interval between examinations exceeding 3 years.
(b) The owner or operator shall notify the cognizant OCMI whenever the
OSV is drydocked for any reason. This
OCMI, upon notification, will determine whether to assign a marine inspector to examine the underwater hull
of the vessel.
(c) The internal structural members
of an OSV must be examined at the
same intervals required for drydocking
by paragraph (a) of this section.
(d) At each drydocking required by
paragraph (a) of this section, for an
OSV of 100 or more gross tons, a
tailshaft survey must be conducted as
required by § 61.20–15 of this chapter.
(e) At each drydocking required by
paragraph (a) of this section, for an
OSV of less than 100 gross tons, the
propeller or tailshaft must be drawn
for examination if the cognizant OCMI
deems drawing it necessary.
(f) Vessels less than 15 years of age
(except wooden hull vessels) that are in
salt water service with a twice in 5
year drydock interval may be considered for an underwater survey instead
of alternate drydock examinations,
provided the vessel is fitted with an effective hull protection system. Vessel
owners or operators must apply to the
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
(OCMI), for approval of underwater surveys instead of alternate drydock examinations for each vessel. The application must include the following information:
(1) The procedure to be followed in
carrying out the underwater survey;
(2) The location where the underwater survey will be accomplished;
(3) The method to be used to accurately determine the diver location relative to the hull;
(4) The means that will be provided
for examining through-hull fittings;
(5) The means that will be provided
for taking shaft bearing clearances;
(6) The condition of the vessel, including the anticipated draft of the
vessel at the time of the survey;

(7) A description of the hull protection system; and
(8) The name and qualifications of
any third party examiner.
(g) Vessels otherwise qualifying
under paragraph (f) of this section,
that are 15 years of age or older, may
be considered for continued participation in or entry into the underwater
survey program on a case-by-case basis
(1) Before the vessel’s next scheduled
drydocking, the owner or operator submits a request for participation or continued participation to the cognizant
District Commander;
drydocking, after the request is submitted, no appreciable hull deterioration is indicated as a result of a complete set of hull gaugings; and
(3) The results of the hull gauging
and the results of the Coast Guard drydock examination together with the
recommendation of the OCMI, are submitted to Commandant (CG–543) for
final approval.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49324,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2000–6858,
67 FR 21082, Apr. 29, 2002; USCG–2009–0702, 74
FR 49234, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 126.150

Repairs and alterations.

(a) Except in an emergency, no repairs or alterations to the hull or machinery, or to equipment that affects
the safety of the OSV, may be made
without notice to the cognizant OCMI
in the inspection zone where the repairs or alterations are to be made.
When the repairs or alterations have
been made, notice must be given to
this OCMI as soon as practicable.
(b) When emergency repairs or alterations have been made as permitted
under paragraph (a) of this section, the
master, owner, or operator must notify
this OCMI as soon as practicable after
the emergency.
(c) Except as provided by paragraphs
(b) and (e) of this section, drawings of
repairs or alterations must be approved, before work starts, by the cognizant OCMI or, when necessary, by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center (CO, MSC). Drawings will not be
needed if deemed unnecessary by this
OCMI or by the CO, MSC.


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§ 126.160

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(d) When the cognizant OCMI deems
inspection necessary, the repairs or alterations must be inspected by a marine inspector.
(e) Submission of drawings is not required for repairs in kind, but the applicable drawings approved under subpart A of part 127 of this subchapter
must be made available to the marine
inspector upon request.

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§ 126.160 Tests and inspections during
repairs or alterations, or during riveting, welding, burning, or other
hot work.
(a) NFPA 306 must be used as a guide
in conducting the examinations and
issuances of certificates required by
this section.
(b) Until an examination has determined that work can proceed safely, no
riveting, welding, burning, or other hot
work may commence.
(c) Each examination must be conducted as follows:
(1) At any port or site inside the
United States or its territories and
possessions, a marine chemist certified
by the NFPA must make the examination. If the services of such a chemist
are not reasonably available, the cognizant OCMI, upon the recommendation of the contractor and the owner or
operator of the OSV, may authorize another person to make the examination.
If this indicates that a repair or alteration, or hot work, can be undertaken
safely, the person performing the examination shall issue a certificate, setting forth the spaces covered and any
necessary conditions to be met, before
the work starts. These conditions must
include any requirements necessary to
maintain safe conditions in the spaces
covered and must include any necessary further examinations and certificates. In particular the conditions
must include precautions necessary to
eliminate or minimize hazards caused
by protective coatings or by cargo residues.
(2) At any port or site outside the
United States or its territories and
possessions, where the services of a certified marine chemist or other person
authorized by the cognizant OCMI are
not reasonably available, the master,
owner, or operator of the vessel shall

make the examination and a proper
entry in the OSV’s logbook.
(d) The master shall obtain a copy of
each certificate issued by the person
making the examination described in
paragraph (c)(1) of this section. The
master, through and for the persons
under his control, shall maintain safe
conditions aboard the OSV by full observance of each condition to be met,
listed in the certificate issued under
paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
§ 126.170

Carriage of offshore workers.

(a) Offshore workers may be carried
aboard an OSV in compliance with this
subchapter. The maximum number of
offshore workers authorized for carriage will be endorsed on the vessel’s
Certificate of Inspection; but in no case
will the number of offshore workers authorized for carriage exceed 36.
(b) No more than 12 offshore workers
may be carried aboard an OSV certificated under this subchapter when on
an international voyage, unless the
vessel holds a valid passenger-shipsafety certificate (Form CG–968) issued
in compliance with the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS 74/83).
§ 126.180

Carriage of passengers.

No passengers as defined by 46 U.S.C.
2101(21)(B) may be carried aboard an
OSV except in an emergency.

Subpart B—Certificate of
§ 126.210

When required.

Except as provided by §§ 126.120 and
126.260, no OSV may be operated without a valid Certificate of Inspection.
§ 126.220


The Certificate of Inspection issued
to an OSV specifies the vessel, the
route it may travel, the minimum
manning it requires, the minimum fireextinguishing and lifesaving equipment
it must carry, the maximum number of
offshore workers and of total persons it
may carry, the name of its owner and
operator, and such other conditions as
the cognizant OCMI may determine.


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Coast Guard, DHS
§ 126.230

§ 126.270

How to obtain or renew.

(a) A builder, owner, master, or operator may begin to obtain or to renew a
Certificate of Inspection by submitting
an ‘‘Application for Inspection of U.S.
Vessel,’’ Form CG–3752, to the OCMI of
the marine inspection zone in which
the inspection is to be made. Form CG–
3752 is available from any Marine Safety or Marine Inspection Office of the
U.S. Coast Guard.
(b) The application for initial inspection of an OSV being newly constructed or undergoing a major conversion must be submitted before the start
of construction or conversion.
(c) The construction, arrangement,
and equipment of each OSV must be acceptable to the cognizant OCMI for the
issuance of the initial Certificate of Inspection. Acceptance depends on the
information, specifications, drawings,
and calculations available to this
OCMI, and on the successful completion of the initial inspection for certification.
(d) A Certificate of Inspection is renewed by the issuance of a new Certificate of Inspection.
(e) The condition of the OSV and its
equipment must be acceptable to the
cognizant OCMI for the renewal of the
Certificate of Inspection. Acceptance
depends on the condition of the vessel
as found at the periodic inspection for

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 126.235

Alternate compliance.

(a) In place of compliance with other
applicable provisions of this subchapter, the owner or operator of a vessel subject to plan review and inspection under this subchapter for initial
issuance or renewal of a Certificate of
Inspection (CG–841 rev. 3/85) may comply with the Alternate Compliance
Program provisions of 46 CFR part 8.
(b) For the purposes of this section, a
list of authorized classification societies, including information for ordering copies of approved classification society rules and supplements, is available from Commandant (CG–5212), 2100
2nd St. SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC
20593–7126; telephone (202) 372–1372; or
fax (202) 372–1925. Approved classification society rules and supplements are

incorporated by reference into 46 CFR
[USCG–2001–10164, 66 FR 53544, Oct. 23, 2001,
as amended by USCG–2006–25697, 71 FR 55746,
Sept. 25, 2006; USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49234,
Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 126.240 Posting.
The Certificate of Inspection must be
framed under glass or other suitable
transparent material and posted in a
conspicuous place aboard the OSV so
that each page is visible.
§ 126.250 Period of validity for a Certificate of Inspection.
(a) A Certificate of Inspection is
valid for 5 years.
(b) A Certificate of Inspection may be
suspended and withdrawn or revoked
by the cognizant OCMI at any time for
noncompliance with the requirements
of this subchapter or other applicable
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49324,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG 1999–4976,
65 FR 6505, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 126.260 Temporary Certificate.
If necessary to prevent delay of the
OSV, a ‘‘Temporary Certificate of Inspection,’’ Form CG–854, containing information listed by § 126.220 may be
issued pending the issuance and delivery of the regular Certificate of Inspection. A Temporary Certificate must be
carried in the same manner as the regular Certificate.
§ 126.270 Amendment.
(a) An amended Certificate of Inspection may be issued at any time by any
OCMI. The amended Certificate of Inspection replaces the original, but the
expiration date remains the same as
that of the original. An amended Certificate of Inspection may be issued to
authorize and record a change in the
dimensions, gross tonnage, owner, operator, manning, offshore workers permitted, route permitted, conditions of
operations, equipment, or the like from
that specified in the current Certificate of Inspection.
(b) A request for an amended Certificate of Inspection must be made to the
cognizant OCMI by the owner or operator of the vessel at any time there is
a change in the character of a vessel or


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§ 126.310

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

in its route, equipment, ownership, operation, or similar factors specified in
its current Certificate of Inspection.
(c) The cognizant OCMI may require
an inspection before issuing an amended Certificate of Inspection.

Subpart C—Initial Inspection
§ 126.310 Prerequisite to Certificate of
The initial inspection is a prerequisite to the issuance of the original
Certificate of Inspection.
§ 126.320

When made.

(a) No initial inspection occurs until
after receipt of the written application
of the owner or builder of the vessel to
the OCMI in whose zone the vessel is
located. The application must be on
Form CG–3752, ‘‘Application for Inspection of U.S. Vessel.’’
(b) The initial inspection occurs at a
time and place agreed to by the party
requesting the inspection and by the
cognizant OCMI. The owner or the
builder, or a representative of either,
must be present during the inspection.
§ 126.330


owner, operator, or builder shall develop plans indicating the proposed arrangement and construction of the vessel. (The list of plans to be developed
and the required disposition of these
plans appears in part 127 of this subchapter.)

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§ 126.340


The initial inspection normally consists of a series of inspections conducted during the construction of the
vessel. This inspection determines
whether the vessel was built to comply
with developed plans and in compliance
with applicable law. Items normally included in this inspection are all the
items listed in § 126.430 and in addition
the marine inspector verifies that the
arrangement of the vessel conforms to
the approved plans, that acceptable
material is used in the construction of
the vessel, and that the workmanship
meets required standards for marine
construction. The owner or builder
shall make the vessel available for in-

spection at each stage of construction
specified by the cognizant OCMI.
§ 126.350 Specific



(a) The applicable tests and inspections set forth in subpart D of this part
must be made during the initial inspection.
(b) The following specific tests and
inspections must also be conducted in
the presence of the marine inspector:
(1) Installation of piping for gaseous
fixed fire-extinguishing (see § 95.15–15 of
this chapter).
(2) Hydraulic steering-systems. If
fitted with manual operation, these
systems must be tested in the manual
mode, with the hydraulic pumps secured, for smooth, efficient operation
by one person.

Subpart D—Inspection for
§ 126.410 Prerequisite to reissuance of
Certificate of Inspection.
An inspection for certification is a
prerequisite to the reissuance of a Certificate of Inspection.
§ 126.420 Application for Certificate of
You must submit a written application for an inspection for certification
to the cognizant OCMI. To renew a Certificate of Inspection, you must submit
an application at least 30 days before
the expiration of the tank vessel’s current certificate. You must use Form
CG–3752, Application for Inspection of
U.S. Vessel, and submit it to the OCMI
at, or nearest to, the port where the
vessel is located. When renewing a Certificate of Inspection, you must schedule an inspection for certification
within the 3 months before the expiration date of the current Certificate of
[USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6505, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 126.430


The inspection for certification is
made by a marine inspector to determine whether the vessel is in a safe and
seaworthy condition. The owner or
builder shall make the vessel and its


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 126.510

equipment available for inspection, including the following items:
(a) Structure.
(b) Watertight integrity.
(c) Pressure vessels and their appurtenances.
(d) Piping.
(e) Main and auxiliary machinery.
(f) Steering apparatus.
(g) Electrical installations.
(h) Lifesaving equipment.
(i) Work vests.
(j) Fire-detecting and fire-extinguishing equipment.
(k) Pollution-prevention equipment.
(l) Sanitary condition.
(m) Fire hazards.
(n) Verification of validity of certificates required and issued by the Federal Communications Commission.
(o) Lights and signals as required by
the applicable navigational rules.
(p) Tests and inspections of cranes in
compliance with § 126.130.
§ 126.440 Lifesaving equipment.
At each inspection for certification,
the tests and inspections specified by
§ 91.25–15 of this chapter must occur in
the presence of a marine inspector, or
as otherwise directed by the cognizant
§ 126.450 Fire-extinguishing
At each inspection for certification,
whether the tests and inspections required by § 132.350 of this subchapter
have been performed.
§ 126.460 Tanks for dry bulk cargo.
The owner shall ensure that tanks for
dry bulk cargo that are pressure vessels are inspected for compliance with
§ 61.10–5(b) of this chapter.

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§ 126.470 Marine-engineering systems.
The inspection procedures for marine-engineering systems contained in
subchapter F of this chapter apply.
§ 126.480 Safety Management Certificate.
(a) All offshore supply vessels of 500
gross tons or over to which 33 CFR part
96 applies, on an international voyage
must have a valid Safety Management
Certificate and a copy of their com-

pany’s valid Document of Compliance
certificate on board.
(b) A Safety Management Certificate
is issued for a period of not more than
60 months.
[CGD 95–073, 62 FR 67515, Dec. 24, 1997]

Subpart E—Annual, Periodic, and
Alternative Annual Inspections
SOURCE: USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6505, Feb. 9,
2000, unless otherwise noted.

§ 126.510 Annual and periodic inspections.
(a) Annual inspection. Your vessel
must undergo an annual inspection
within 3 months before or after each
anniversary date, except as required in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(1) You must contact the cognizant
OCMI to schedule an inspection at a
time and place which he or she approves. No written application is required.
(2) The scope of the annual inspection
is the same as the inspection for certification as specified in § 126.430, but in
less detail unless the cognizant marine
inspector finds deficiencies or determines that a major change has occurred since the last inspection. If deficiencies are found or a major change to
the vessel has occurred, the marine inspector will conduct an inspection
more detailed in scope to ensure that
the vessel is in satisfactory condition
and fit for the service for which it is intended. If your vessel passes the annual
inspection, the marine inspector will
endorse your current Certificate of Inspection.
(3) If the annual inspection reveals
deficiencies in your vessel’s maintenance, you must make any or all repairs or improvements within the time
period specified by the OCMI.
(4) Nothing in this subpart limits the
marine inspector from making such
tests or inspections he or she deems
necessary to be assured of the vessel’s
(b) Periodic inspection. Your vessel
must undergo a periodic inspection
within 3 months before or after the second or third anniversary of the date of
your vessel’s Certificate of Inspection.


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§ 126.520

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

This periodic inspection will take the
place of an annual inspection.
(1) You must contact the cognizant
OCMI to schedule an inspection at a
time and place which he or she approves. No written application is required.
(2) The scope of the periodic inspection is the same as that for the inspection for certification, as specified in
§ 126.430. The OCMI will insure that the
vessel is in satisfactory condition and
fit for the service for which it is intended. If your vessel passes the periodic inspection, the marine inspector
will endorse your current Certificate of
(3) If the periodic inspection reveals
deficiencies in your vessel’s maintenance, you must make any or all repairs or improvements within the time
period specified by the OCMI.
(4) Nothing in this subpart limits the
marine inspector from conducting such
tests or inspections he or she deems
necessary to be assured of the vessel’s
§ 126.520 Certificate
Conditions of validity.


To maintain a valid Certificate of Inspection, you must complete your annual and periodic inspections within
the periods specified in § 126.510 (a) and
(b) and your Certificate of Inspection
must be endorsed.

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§ 126.530 Alternative annual inspection for offshore supply vessels less
than 400 gross tons in foreign ports.
(a) The owner, master or operator of
an OSV of less than 400 gross tons may
request authorization to conduct an alternative annual inspection in place of
the annual inspection described in
§ 126.510(a) of this subpart. The request
must go to the cognizant OCMI assigned responsibility for inspections in
the country in which the vessel is operating and will be examined. To qualify
for the alternative annual examination, the vessel must meet the following requirements:
(1) The request must be in writing
and be received by the OCMI not later
than the anniversary date.
(2) The vessel is likely to be continuously employed outside of the United

States during the 3 months before and
after each anniversary date.
(b) In determining whether to authorize the alternative annual inspection, the OCMI considers the following:
(1) Information contained in previous
examination reports on inspection and
drydock, including the recommendation of the then cognizant OCMI for
midperiod program and alternative annual examination.
(2) The nature, number, and severity
of marine casualties or accidents, as
defined in § 4.03–1 of this chapter, involving the vessel in the 3 years preceding the request.
(3) The nature, number, and gravity
of any outstanding inspection requirements for the vessel.
(4) The owner’s or operator’s history
of compliance and cooperation in such
alternative midperiod examinations
and annual inspections, including:
(i) The prompt correction of deficiencies.
(ii) The reliability of previously submitted reports on such alternative
midperiod examinations and annual inspections.
(iii) The reliability of representations that the vessel would be, and was,
employed outside of the United States
during the 3 months before and after
each anniversary date.
(c) This OCMI provides the applicant
with written authorization, if any, to
proceed with the alternative annual inspection, including, when appropriate,
special instructions.
(d) The following conditions must be
met for the alternative annual inspection to be accepted instead of the annual inspection required by § 126.510 of
this subpart:
(1) The alternative annual inspection
must occur within the 3 months before
or after each anniversary date.
(2) The alternative annual inspection
must be of the scope detailed by
§ 126.510(a) of this subchapter and must
be conducted by the master, owner or
operator of the vessel, or by a designated representative of the owner or
(3) Upon completion of the alternative annual inspection, the person or
persons making the examination must


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§ 126.530

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prepare a comprehensive report describing the conditions found. This report must contain sufficient detail to
let the OCMI determine whether the
vessel is fit for the service and route
specified on the Certificate of Inspection. This report must include all reports and receipts documenting the
servicing of lifesaving equipment and
any photographs or sketches necessary
to clarify unusual circumstances. Each
person preparing this report must sign
it and certify that the information contained therein is complete and accurate.
(4) Unless the master of the vessel
participated in the alternative annual
inspection and the preparation of the
comprehensive report, the master will
review the report for completeness and
accuracy. The master must sign the report to indicate his or her review and
validation and must forward it to the
owner or operator of the vessel.
(5) The owner or operator of a vessel
examined under this section must review and submit the comprehensive report, required by paragraph (d)(3) of
this section, to the OCMI. The report
must reach the OCMI before the first
day of the fifth month following the
anniversary date. The forwarding letter or endorsement must be certified to
be true and must contain the following
(i) That the person or persons who
made the alternative annual inspection
acted on behalf of the vessel’s owner or
(ii) That the report was reviewed by
the owner or operator.
(iii) That the discrepancies noted
during the reinspection have been corrected, or will be within a stated time.
(iv) That the owner or operator has
sufficient personal knowledge of conditions aboard the vessel at the time of
the reinspection, or has conducted inquires necessary to justify forming a
belief that the report is complete and
(e) The form of certification required
under this section, for the alternative
annual inspection, is as follows:
I certify that to the best of my knowledge
and belief the information contained in the
report is complete and accurate.

(f) Deficiencies and hazards discovered during the alternative annual in-

spection conducted pursuant to this
section must be corrected or eliminated, if practical, before the examination report is submitted to the OCMI in
accordance with paragraph (d)(5) of
this section. Deficiencies and hazards
that are not corrected or eliminated by
the time the examination report is submitted must be listed in the report as
‘‘outstanding.’’ Upon receipt of an examination
outstanding deficiencies or hazards, the
OCMI must inform the owner or operator in writing of the time period within which to correct or eliminate the deficiencies or hazards and the method
for establishing that the corrections
have been accomplished. Where a deficiency or hazard remains uncorrected
or uneliminated after the expiration of
the time specified for correction or
elimination, the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection must initiate appropriate enforcement measures.
(g) Upon receipt of the report, the
OCMI will evaluate it and determine
the following:
(1) Whether the cognizant OCMI accepts the alternative annual inspection
instead of the annual inspection required by § 126.510(a) of this subpart.
(2) Whether the vessel is in satisfactory condition.
(3) Whether the vessel continues to
be reasonably fit for its intended service and route.
(h) The OCMI may require further information necessary for the determinations required by this section. The
OCMI will inform the owner or operator in writing of these determinations.
(i) If the OCMI, in compliance with
paragraph (g) of this section, does not
accept the alternative annual inspection instead of the annual inspection
required by § 126.510(a) of this subpart,
he or she will require reinspection of
the vessel as soon as practicable. He or
she will inform the vessel owner or operator in writing that the alternative
examination is not acceptable and that
a reinspection is necessary. The owner,
master, or operator must make the
vessel available for the reinspection at
a time and place agreeable to this
(j) If the OCMI determines, in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section,


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Pt. 127

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

that the alternative annual inspection
is accepted in lieu of the annual inspection required by § 126.510(a) of this subpart, the master must complete the applicable COI endorsement.

Subpart A—Plan Approval
127.100 General.
127.110 Plans and specifications required for
new construction.
127.120 Procedure for submittal of plans.

Subpart B—Particular Construction and
127.210 Structural standards.
127.220 General fire protection.
127.230 Subdivision and stability.
127.240 Means of escape.
127.250 Ventilation for enclosed spaces.
127.260 Ventilation for accommodations.
127.270 Location of accommodations and pilothouse.
127.280 Construction and arrangement of
quarters for crew members and accommodations for offshore workers.

Subpart C—Rails and Guards

Where rails required.
Storm rails.
Guards in dangerous places.

Subpart D—Construction of Windows,
Visibility, and Operability of Coverings

Safety-glazing materials.
Visibility from pilothouse.
Operability of window coverings.

AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49328, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—Plan Approval

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 127.100 General.
Plans listed by § 127.110 of this subpart must be submitted for approval
after the owner or builder applies for
inspection in compliance with § 126.320
of this subchapter.
§ 127.110 Plans and specifications required for new construction.
Each applicant for approval of plans
and for an original Certificate of In-

spection shall submit three copies of
the following:
(a) General. (1) Specifications (information only).
(2) General Arrangement Plans.
(3) Safety Plan (Fire-Control Plan),
for OCMI review and approval.
(b) Hull structure. (1) Midship Section.
(2) Booklet of Scantling Plans.
(c) Subdivision and stability. [For
plans required for subdivision and stability, see subchapter S of this chapter.]
(d) Marine engineering. (1) Piping diagrams of each Class I systems.
(2) Piping diagrams of the following
Class II systems (the builder’s certification of Class II non-vital piping systems must accompany the piping diagrams in compliance with § 128.220(c) of
this subchapter):
(i) Systems for fill, transfer, and
service of fuel oil.
(ii) Fire-main and fixed gaseous fireextinguishing systems.
(iii) Bilge systems.
(iv) Ballast systems.
(v) Fluid-driven power and control
(vi) Through-hull penetrations and
shell connections.
(vii) Sanitary systems.
(viii) Vents, sounding tubes, and
(ix) Compressed-air systems.
(3) Steering and steering-control systems.
(4) Propulsion and propulsion-control
(5) Piping diagrams of each system
containing any flammable, combustible, or hazardous liquid including—
(i) Cargo-oil systems;
(ii) Systems for combustible drillingfluid (such as oil-based liquid mud);
(iii) Cargo-transfer systems for fixed
independent or portable tanks.
(e) Electrical engineering. (1) For each
vessel of less than 100 gross tons, the
following plans must be submitted:
(i) Arrangement of electrical equipment (plan and profile) with equipment
identified as necessary to show compliance with this subchapter.
(ii) Electrical one-line diagram that
includes wire types and sizes, overcurrent-device rating and setting, and


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§ 127.240

type of electrical-equipment enclosure
(drip-proof, watertight, or the like).
(iii) Switchboard plans required by
paragraphs (e) and (f) of § 110.25–1 of
this chapter.
(2) For each vessel of 100 or more
gross tons, the plans required by § 110.25
of this chapter must be submitted.
(f) Automation. For each vessel of 100
or more gross tons, where automated
systems are provided to replace specific personnel in the control and observation of the propulsion systems
and machinery spaces, or to reduce the
level of crew associated with the engine department, the following plans
must be submitted:
(1) Plans necessary to demonstrate
compliance with subpart D of part 130
of this subchapter.
(2) Automation-test procedure.
(3) Operations manual.
§ 127.120 Procedure for submittal of
If a vessel is to be constructed, altered, or repaired, the plans, information, and calculations required by this
part must be submitted—
(a) To the OCMI in the zone where
the vessel is to be constructed, altered,
or repaired; or
(b) By visitors to the U.S. Coast
Guard Marine Safety Center, 1900 Half
Street, SW., Suite 1000, Room 525,
Washington, DC 20024, or by mail to:
Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard
Marine Safety Center, 2100 2nd St. SW.,
Stop 7102, Washington, DC 20593–7102, in
a written or electronic format. Information for submitting the VSP electronically can be found at http://
[USCG–2007–29018, 72 FR 53966, Sept. 21, 2007,
as amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49235,
Sept. 25, 2009]

Subpart B—Particular Construction
and Arrangements

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 127.210

(b) The current standards of other
recognized classification societies, or
any other established current standard,
may also be used upon approval by the
Commandant (CG–521).
(c) If no established current standard
for design is used, detailed design calculations must be submitted with the
plans required by § 127.110 of this part.
(d) The plans required by § 127.110 of
this part should specify their standard
for design.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49328,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2009–0702,
74 FR 49235, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 127.220

(a) Each vessel must be designed and
constructed to minimize fire hazards,
as far as reasonable and practicable.
(b) Exhausts of internal-combustion
engines, galley uptakes, and similar
sources of ignition must be kept clear
of and insulated from woodwork and
other combustible matter.
(c) Paint lockers and similar compartments must be constructed of steel
or be wholly lined with steel.
(d) Except as provided by paragraph
(e) of this section, when a compartment containing the emergency source
of electric power, or vital components
of that source, adjoins a space containing either the ship’s service generators or machinery necessary for the
operation of the ship’s service generators, each common bulkhead and deck
must be of ‘‘A–60’’ Class construction
as defined by § 72.05–10 of this chapter.
(e) The ‘‘A–60’’ Class construction required by paragraph (d) of this section
is unnecessary if the emergency source
of electric power is in a ventilated battery locker that—
(1) Is located above the main deck;
(2) Is located in the open; and
(3) Has no boundaries contiguous
with other decks or bulkheads.
§ 127.230

Structural standards.

(a) Except as provided by paragraphs
(b) and (c) of this section, compliance
with the construction and structural
rules established by the American Bureau of Shipping and incorporated by
reference in § 125.180 is acceptable for
the design and construction of an OSV.

General fire protection.

Subdivision and stability.

Each vessel must meet the applicable
requirements in subchapter S of this
§ 127.240

Means of escape.

(a) Except as provided by paragraphs
(l) and (m) of this section, there must


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 127.240

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

be at least two means of escape, exclusive of windows and portholes, from
each of the following spaces:
(1) Each space accessible to offshore
(2) Crew accommodations and each
space where the crew may normally be
(b) At least one of the two means of
escape must—
(1) Be independent of watertight
doors in bulkheads required by part 174
of this chapter to be watertight; and
(2) Lead as directly to the open deck
as practicable.
(c) The two means of escape required
by paragraph (a) of this section must
be widely separated and, if possible, at
opposite ends or sides of the space, to
minimize the possibility that one incident will block both escapes.
(d) Except as provided by paragraph
(e) of this section, a vertical ladder
ending at a deck scuttle may not be either of the means of escape required by
paragraph (a) of this section.
(e) A vertical ladder ending at a deck
scuttle may be the second means of escape if the—
(1) Primary means of escape is a
stairway or passageway;
(2) Installation of another stairway
or passageway is impracticable;
(3) Scuttle is located where stowed
deck cargo could not interfere;
(4) Scuttle is fitted with a quick-acting release, and with a hold-back device to hold it open; and
(5) Scuttle meets the requirements
for location, strength, and height of
coaming in subchapter E of this chapter.
(f) Each vertical ladder must—
(1) Have rungs that are—
(i) At least 410 millimeters (16 inches)
(ii) At most 300 millimeters (12
inches) apart, uniform for the length of
the ladder; and
(iii) At least 180 millimeters (7
inches) from the nearest permanent object in back of the ladder;
(2) Have at least 115 millimeters (41⁄2
inches) of clearance above each rung;
(3) Be made of incombustible materials; and
(4) Have an angle of inclination with
the horizontal, greater than 70 degrees
but not more than 90 degrees.

(g) No means may be provided for
locking any interior door giving access
to either of the two required means of
escape, except that a crash door or
locking-device, capable of being easily
forced in an emergency, may be employed if a permanent and conspicuous
notice to this effect is attached to both
sides of the door. A means may be provided for locking an exterior door to a
deckhouse if the door is—
(1) Locked only by a key under the
control of one of the OSV’s officers;
(2) Always operable from the inside.
(h) Each passageway or stairway
must be wide enough to provide an effective means of escape for the number
of persons having access to it even if
each person is wearing a lifejacket.
There must be no protrusions in the
means of escape that could cause injury, ensnare clothing, or damage lifejackets.
(i) No interior stairway, other than
within the machinery spaces or cargo
holds, may be less than 710 millimeters
(28 inches) wide. The angle of inclination of each stairway with the horizontal must not exceed 50 degrees.
(j) No dead-end passageway, or equivalent, may be more than 13.1 meters (40
feet) in length.
(k) Vertical access must be provided
between the various weather decks by
means of vertical or permanently inclined ladders. The angles of inclination of the inclined ladders with the
horizontal must not exceed 70 degrees,
except that vertical ladders may be
used for access to pilot-house tops and
other house tops used only for weather
(l) Only one means of escape need be
provided from each of the spaces stipulated in paragraph (a) of this section,
provided the maximum area of each
space is less than 28 square meters (300
square feet) and the maximum dimension (length, breadth, or depth) of each
space is less than 6 meters (20 feet).
(m) Alternative means of escape from
spaces may be provided if acceptable to
the cognizant OCMI.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 127.280

§ 127.250 Ventilation
(a) Each enclosed space within the
vessel must be properly vented or ventilated. Means must be provided for
closing each vent and ventilator.
(b) Means must be provided for stopping each fan in a ventilation system
serving machinery and cargo spaces
and for closing, in case of fire, each
doorway, ventilator, and annular space
around funnels and other openings into
such spaces.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 127.260 Ventilation for accommodations.
(a) Each accommodation space must
be adequately ventilated in a manner
suitable for the purpose of the space.
(b) Each vessel of 100 or more gross
tons must be provided with a mechanical ventilation system unless the cognizant OCMI is satisfied that a natural
system, such as opening windows, portholes, or doors, will accomplish adequate ventilation in ordinary weather.
§ 127.270 Location of accommodations
and pilothouse.
(a) Neither quarters for crew members or offshore workers nor the pilothouse may be located forward of the
collision bulkhead required by § 174.190
of this chapter.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, no part of any deck
with accommodations for crew members or offshore workers may be below
the deepest load waterline.
(c) Any deck with accommodations
for crew members or offshore workers
may be below the deepest load waterline if—
(1) The vessel complies with the damage-stability requirements in § 174.205
of this chapter; and
(2) The deck head of the space is not
below the deepest load waterline.
(d) No hawse pipe or chain pipe may
pass through accommodations for crew
members or offshore workers.
(e) There must be no direct access,
except through solid, close-fitted doors
or hatches, between accommodations
and chain lockers, cargo spaces, or machinery spaces.
(f) No sounding tubes, or vents from
fuel-oil or cargo-oil tanks may open
into accommodations for crew mem-

bers or offshore workers, except that
sounding tubes may open into passageways.
(g) No access openings from fuel-oil
or cargo-oil tanks may open into quarters for crew members or offshore
(h) Quarters for crew members must
be separate from and independent of
those for offshore workers unless the
cognizant OCMI approves an alternative arrangement.
§ 127.280 Construction and arrangement of quarters for crew members
and accommodations for offshore
(a) The following requirements apply
to quarters for crew members on each
vessel of 100 or more gross tons:
(1) Quarters for crew members must
be divided into staterooms none of
which berths more than four members.
(2) Each stateroom for use by crew
members must—
(i) Have clear headroom of at least 1.9
meters (6 feet, 3 inches); and
(ii) Contain at least 2.8 square meters
(30 square feet) of deck and at least 6
cubic meters (210 cubic feet) of space
for each member accommodated. The
presence in a stateroom of equipment
for use by the occupants does not diminish the area or volume of the room.
(3) There must be at least one toilet,
one washbasin, and one shower or bathtub for every eight or fewer crew members who do not occupy a stateroom to
which a private or a semiprivate facility is attached.
(b) The following requirements apply
to accommodations for offshore workers on each vessel of 100 or more gross
(1) Each offshore worker aboard must
be provided with adequate fixed seating. The width of each seat should be
at least 460 millimeters (18 inches). The
spacing of fixed seating must be sufficient to allow ready escape in case of
fire or other emergency. The following
are minimal requirements:
(i) Aisles 4.6 meters (15 feet) in length
or less must not be less than 610 millimeters (24 inches) wide.
(ii) Aisles more than 4.6 meters (15
feet) in length must not be less than
760 millimeters (30 inches) wide.
(iii) Where the seating is in rows, the
distance from seat front to seat front


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§ 127.310

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

must not be less than 760 millimeters
(30 inches).
(2) If the intended operation of a vessel is to carry offshore workers aboard
for more than 24 hours, quarters for
them must be provided. Each stateroom for use by them must—
(i) Berth no more than six workers;
(ii) Have clear headroom of at least
1.9 meters (6 feet, 3 inches); and
(iii) Contain at least 1.9 square meters (20 square feet) of deck and at
least 4 cubic meters (140 cubic feet) of
space for each worker accommodated.
The presence in a stateroom of equipment for use by the occupants does not
diminish the area or volume of the
(3) Toilets and washbasins for use by
offshore workers must meet the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this
(c) Each crew member and offshore
worker aboard a vessel of less than 100
gross tons must be provided with accommodations of adequate size and
construction, and with equipment for
his or her protection and convenience
suitable to the size, facilities, and service of the vessel.
(d) For each vessel of 100 or more
gross tons, the bulkheads and decks
separating accommodations for crew
members and offshore workers from
machinery spaces must be of ‘‘A’’ Class
construction as defined by § 92.07–5 of
this chapter.
(e) After reviewing the arrangement
drawings required by § 127.110 of this
part, the cognizant OCMI will determine, and record on the vessel’s Certificate of Inspection, the number of
offshore workers that the vessel may

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Subpart C—Rails and Guards
§ 127.310 Where rails required.
(a) Each vessel must have permanently installed efficient guard rails or
bulwarks on decks and bridges. Each
rail or bulwark must stand at least 1
meter (391⁄2 inches) from the deck except that, where this height would
interfere with the normal operation of
the vessel, the cognizant OCMI may approve a lesser height.
(b) At exposed peripheries of the
freeboard and superstructure decks,

each rail must consist of at least three
courses, including the top. The opening
below the lowest course must be no
more than 230 millimeters (9 inches)
with courses no more than 380 millimeters (15 inches) apart. On other decks
and bridges each rail must consist of at
least two courses, including the top,
approximately evenly spaced.
(c) If satisfied that the installation of
any rail of the required height would
be impracticable, the cognizant OCMI
may accept hand grabs or a rail of a
lesser height in its place.
§ 127.320 Storm rails.
Suitable storm rails must be installed in each passageway and at the
deckhouse sides, including in way of inclined ladders, where persons aboard
have normal access. They must be installed on both sides of passageways
which are more than 1.8 meters (6 feet)
§ 127.330 Guards in dangerous places.
Suitable hand covers, guards, or rails
must be installed on each exposed and
dangerous place, such as gears of rotating machinery, and hot surfaces.

Subpart D—Construction of Windows, Visibility, and Operability of Coverings
§ 127.410 Safety-glazing materials.
Glass and other glazing material used
in windows must be material that will
not break into dangerous fragments if
§ 127.420 Strength.
Each window or porthole, and its
means of attachment to the hull or the
deckhouse, must be capable of withstanding the maximum expected load
from wind and waves, due to its location on the vessel’s and the authorized
route of the vessel.
§ 127.430 Visibility from pilothouse.
(a) Windows and other openings at
the pilothouse must be of sufficient
size and properly located to provide
adequate view for safe operation in any
(b) Glass or other glazing material
used in windows at the pilothouse must


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 128.130

have a light transmission of at least 70
percent according to Test 2 of ANSI
Z26.1, ‘‘Code for Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highways,’’ and must
comply with Test 15 of ANSI Z26.1 for
Class I Optical Deviation.
§ 127.440 Operability of window coverings.
Any covering or protection placed
over a window or porthole that could
be used as a means of escape must be
able to be readily removed or opened.
It must be possible to open or remove
the covering or protection without
anyone’s having to go onto a weather
deck. It may be necessary to break the
glass of a window or porthole before removing or opening the covering or protection.


Equipment and systems.
Plan approval.
Vital systems.

Subpart B—Materials and Pressure Design
128.210 Class II vital systems—materials.
128.220 Class II non-vital systems—materials and pressure design.
128.230 Penetrations of hulls and watertight
bulkheads—materials and pressure design.
128.240 Hydraulic or pneumatic power and
control—materials and pressure design.

Subpart C—Main and Auxiliary Machinery

Exhaust systems.

Subpart D—Design Requirements for
Specific Systems
128.410 Ship’s service refrigeration systems.
128.420 Keel cooler installations.
128.430 Non-integral keel cooler installations.
128.440 Bilge systems.
128.450 Liquid-mud systems.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 128.110

AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49331, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

Equipment and systems.

(a) Except as provided by this part,
the design, installation, testing, and
inspection of materials, machinery,
pressure vessels, and piping must comply with subchapter F of this chapter.
(b) This part contains requirements
for equipment and systems commonly
found on an OSV. If additional or
unique systems, such as for low-temperature cargoes, are to be installed,
they too must comply with subchapter
F of this chapter.
§ 128.120

Plan approval.

The plans required by subchapter F
of this chapter need not be submitted if
the plans required by § 127.110(d) of this
subchapter have been.
§ 128.130

Subpart A—General

Subpart A—General

Vital systems.

(a) Vital systems are those systems
that are vital to a vessel’s survivability and safety. For the purpose of
this subchapter, the following are vital
(1) Systems for fill, transfer, and
service of fuel oil.
(2) Fire-main systems.
(3) Fixed gaseous fire-extinguishing
(4) Bilge systems.
(5) Ballast systems.
(6) Steering systems and steeringcontrol systems.
(7) Propulsion systems and their necessary auxiliaries and control systems.
(8) Systems for transfer and control
of cargo, for integral tanks or fixed
independent tanks, in compliance with
§ 125.110 of this subchapter.
(9) Ship’s service and emergency electrical-generation systems and their
auxiliaries vital to the vessel’s survivability and safety.
(10) Any other marine-engineering
system identified by the cognizant
OCMI as crucial to the survival of the
vessel or to the protection of the personnel aboard.
(b) For the purpose of this subchapter, a system not identified by
paragraph (a) of this section is a nonvital system.


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§ 128.210

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Subpart B—Materials and Pressure

§ 128.240 Hydraulic
power and control—materials and
pressure design.

§ 128.210 Class II vital systems—materials.

(a) Each standard piping component
(such as pipe runs, fittings, flanges,
and standard valves) for hydraulic or
pneumatic power and control systems
must meet the requirements for materials and pressure design of § 128.110,
128.210, or 128.220 of this part, as appropriate.
(b) Any non-standard hydraulic or
pneumatic component (such as control
valves, check valves, relief valves, and
regulators) may be accepted by the
cognizant OCMI or the Commanding
Officer, Marine Safety Center, if the
component is certified by the manufacturer as suitable for marine service and
(1) The component meets each of the
requirements for materials and pressure design of subparts 56.60 and 58.30 of
this chapter and if its service is limited
to the manufacturer’s rated pressure;
(2) The service of the component is
limited to 1⁄2 the manufacturer’s recommended maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) or 1⁄10 the component’s burst pressure. Burst-pressure
testing is described in ANSI B 31.1,
Paragraph 104.7.A, and must be conducted to comply with Paragraph A–22,
Section I, ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code. Written certification of
results of burst-pressure testing must
be submitted with the plans required
by § 127.110(d) of this subchapter.

Except as provided by §§ 128.230 and
128.240 of this subpart, instead of complying with part 56 of this chapter, materials used in Class II vital piping-systems may be accepted by the cognizant
OCMI or the Commanding Officer, Marine Safety Center, if shown to provide
a level of safety equivalent to materials in subpart 56.60 of this chapter.
§ 128.220 Class II non-vital systems—
materials and pressure design.
(a) Except as provided by §§ 128.230,
128.240, and 128.320 of this subpart, a
Class II non-vital piping-system need
not meet the requirements for materials and pressure design of subchapter
F of this chapter.
(b) Piping for salt-water service must
be of a corrosion-resistant material
and, if ferrous, be hot-dip galvanized or
be at least of extra-heavy schedule in
wall thickness.
(c) Each Class II non-vital piping-system must be certified by the builder as
suitable for its intended service. A
written certificate to this effect must
be submitted with the plans required
by § 127.110(d) of this subchapter.
(d) The cognizant OCMI will review
the particular installation of each system for the safety hazards identified in
paragraphs (a), (b)(1), and (c) through
(k) of § 56.50–1 of this chapter, and will
add requirements as appropriate.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 128.230 Penetrations of hulls and watertight bulkheads—materials and
pressure design.
(a) Each piping penetration, in each
bulkhead required by this subchapter
to be watertight, must meet the requirements for materials and pressure
design of subchapter F of this chapter.
(b) Each overboard discharge and
shell connection, up to and including
required shut-off valves, must meet the
requirements for materials and pressure design of subchapter F of this

Subpart C—Main and Auxiliary
§ 128.310


(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, each internal-combustion engine installed on an OSV,
whether for main propulsion or for auxiliaries, must be driven by a fuel having a flashpoint of not lower than 43 °C
(110 °F) as determined by ASTM D 93
§ 125.180).
(b) The use of a fuel with a flashpoint
of lower than 43 °C (110 °F) must be specifically approved by the Commandant


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 128.450

(CG–521), except in an engine for a gasoline-powered rescue boat.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49331,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2000–7790,
65 FR 58463, Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2009–0702, 74
FR 49235, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 128.320 Exhaust systems.
No diesel-engine exhaust system need
meet the material requirements in
§ 58.10–5(d)(1)(i) of this chapter if the installation is certified as required by
§ 128.220(c) of this part.

Subpart D—Design Requirements
for Specific Systems

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 128.410 Ship’s service refrigeration
No self-contained unit either for airconditioning or for refrigerated spaces
for ship’s stores need comply with
§ 58.20–5, 58.20–10, 58.20–15, 58.20–20(a), or
58.20–20(b) of this chapter if—
(a) The unit uses a fluorocarbon refrigerant allowed by part 147 of this
(b) The manufacturer certifies that
the unit is suitable for its intended
purpose; and
(c) Electrical wiring meets the applicable requirements in subchapter J of
this chapter.
§ 128.420 Keel cooler installations.
(a) Except as provided by this section, each keel cooler installation
must comply with § 56.50–96 of this
(b) Approved metallic flexible connections may be located below the
deepest-load waterline if the system is
a closed loop below the waterline and if
its vent is located above the waterline.
(c) Fillet welds may be used in the
attachment of channels and half-round
pipe sections to the bottom of the vessel.
(d) Short lengths of approved nonmetallic flexible hose fixed by metallic
or non-metallic hose-clamps may be
used at machinery connections if—
(1) The clamps are of a corrosion-resistant material;
(2) The clamps do not depend on
spring tension for their holding power;
(3) Two of the clamps are used on
each end of the hose, except that one

clamp may be used on an end expanded
or beaded to provide a positive stop
against hose slippage.
(4) The clamps are resistant to vibration, high temperature, and brittleness.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49331,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2000–7790,
65 FR 58463, Sept. 29, 2000]

§ 128.430 Non-integral keel cooler installations.
(a) Each hull penetration for a nonintegral keel cooler installation must
be made through a cofferdam or at a
seachest and must be provided with
isolation valves fitted as close to the
sea inlet as possible.
(b) Each non-integral keel cooler
must be protected against damage from
debris and grounding by protective
guards or by recessing the cooler into
the hull.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49331,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2000–7790,
65 FR 58463, Sept. 29, 2000]

§ 128.440

Bilge systems.

(a) Except as provided by this section, each bilge system must comply
with §§ 56.50–50 and 56.50–55 of this chapter.
(b) If the steering room, engine room,
centerline passageway, forward machinery space, and compartment containing the dry-mud tanks are the only
below-deck spaces that must be fitted
with bilge suctions, the vessel may be
equipped to the standards of §§ 56.50–50
and 56.50–57 of this chapter applicable
to a dry-cargo vessel of less than 55 meters (180 feet) in length.
§ 128.450

Liquid-mud systems.

(a) Liquid-mud piping systems may
use resiliently seated valves of Category A to comply with §§ 56.20–15 and
56.50–60 of this chapter.
(b) Tanks for oil-based liquid mud
must be fitted with tank vents
equipped with flame screens. Vents
must not discharge to the interior of
the vessel.


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Pt. 129

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)


Subpart A—General Provisions
§ 129.100

Subpart A—General Provisions


This part contains requirements for
the design, construction, and installation of electrical equipment and systems including power sources, lighting,
motors, miscellaneous equipment, and
safety systems.

Alternative standards.

Subpart B—General Requirements
129.200 Design, installation, and maintenance.
129.210 Protection from wet and corrosive
129.220 Basic safety.

Subpart C—Power Sources and Distribution
129.310 Power sources.
129.315 Power sources for OSVs of 100 or
more gross tons.
129.320 Generators and motors.
129.323 Multiple generators.
129.326 Dual-voltage generators.
129.330 Distribution panels and switchboards.
129.340 Cable and wiring.
129.350 Batteries—general.
129.353 Battery categories.
129.356 Battery installations.
129.360 Semiconductor-rectifier systems.
129.370 Equipment grounding.
129.375 System grounding.
129.380 Overcurrent protection.
129.390 Shore power.
129.395 Radio installations.

Subpart D—Lighting Systems
129.410 Lighting fixtures.
129.420 Branch circuits for lighting on OSVs
of 100 or more gross tons.
129.430 Navigational lighting.
129.440 Emergency lighting.
129.450 Portable lighting.

Subpart E—Miscellaneous Electrical

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

129.510 Lifeboat winches.
129.520 Hazardous areas.
129.530 General alarm.
129.540 Remote stopping-systems on OSVs
of 100 or more gross tons.
129.550 Power for cooking and heating.
129.560 Engine-order telegraphs.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49332, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

§ 129.110


Except as specifically provided in
this subchapter, electrical installations on OSVs must comply with subchapter J of this chapter.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49332,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2010–0759,
75 FR 60003, Sept. 29, 2010]

§ 129.120

Alternative standards.

(a) An OSV of 19.8 meters (65 feet) in
length or less may meet the following
requirements of the American Yacht
and Boat Council Projects, where applicable, instead of § 129.340 of this part:
(1) E–1, Bonding of Direct Current
(2) E–8, AC Electrical Systems on
(3) E–9, DC Electrical Systems on
(b) An OSV with an electrical installation operating at a potential of less
than 50 volts may comply with 33 CFR
183.430 instead of § 129.340 of this part.

Subpart B—General Requirements
§ 129.200 Design,


Electrical equipment on a vessel
must be designed, installed, and maintained to—
(a) Provide services necessary for
safety under normal and emergency
(b) Protect crew members, offshore
workers, and the vessel from electrical
hazards, including fire, caused by or
originating in electrical equipment and
electrical shock;
(c) Minimize accidental personal contact with energized parts; and
(d) Prevent electrical ignition of
flammable vapors.


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§ 129.320

§ 129.210 Protection from wet and corrosive environments.
(a) Electrical equipment used in the
following spaces must be drip-proof:
(1) A machinery space.
(2) A space normally exposed to
splashing, water wash-down, or other
wet conditions within a galley, a laundry, or a public washroom or toilet
room that has a bath or shower.
(3) Every other space with similar
wet conditions.
(b) Electrical equipment exposed to
the weather must be watertight.
(c) Electrical equipment exposed to
corrosive environments must be of
suitable construction and must be resistant to corrosion.
§ 129.220

Basic safety.

(a) Electrical equipment and installations must be suitable for the roll,
pitch, and vibration of the vessel under
(b) All equipment, including switches, fuses, and lampholders, must be
suitable for the voltage and current
(c) Receptacle outlets of the type
providing a grounded pole or a specific
direct-current polarity must be of a
configuration that does not permit improper connection.
(d) Electrical equipment and circuits
must be clearly marked and identified.
(e) Any cabinet, panel, box, or other
enclosure containing more than one
source of power must be fitted with a
sign warning persons of this condition
and identifying the circuits to be disconnected.

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Subpart C—Power Sources and
Distribution Systems
§ 129.310 Power sources.
(a)(1) Each vessel that relies on electricity to power the following loads
must be arranged so that the loads can
be energized from at least two sources
of electricity:
(i) Any system identified as a vital
system in § 128.130(a) of this subchapter.
(ii) Interior lights.
(iii) Communication systems.
(iv) Navigational equipment and

(v) Fire-protection equipment.
(2) A vessel with batteries of enough
capacity for 3 hours of continuous operation to supply the loads specified in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section, and
with a generator or alternator driven
by a propulsion engine, complies with
paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(b) Where a generator driven by a
propulsion engine is used as a source of
electrical power, no speed change,
throttle movement, or change in direction of the propeller shaft of the vessel
may interrupt power to any of the
loads specified in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section.
§ 129.315 Power sources for OSVs of
100 or more gross tons.
(a) The requirements of this section
apply instead of those in subpart 111.10
of this chapter.
(b) If a generator provides electrical
power for any system identified as a
vital system by § 128.130(a) of this subchapter, at least two power-generating
sets must be provided. At least one set
must be independent of the main propulsion plant. A generator not independent of the main propulsion plant
must comply with § 111.10–4(d) of this
chapter. With any one generating set
stopped, the remaining set or sets must
provide the power necessary for the
loads required by this section.
§ 129.320 Generators and motors.
(a) Each generator and motor, except
a submersible-pump motor, must be—
(1) In an accessible space, adequately
ventilated and as dry as practicable;
(2) Mounted above the bilges to avoid
damage by splash and to avoid contact
with low-lying vapors.
(b) Each generator and motor must
be designed for an ambient temperature of 50 °C (122 °F), except that—
(1) If the ambient temperature, in the
space where a generator or motor is,
does not exceed 40 °C (104 °F) under normal operating conditions, the generator or motor may be designed for an
ambient temperature of 40 °C (104 °F);
(2) A generator or motor designed for
an ambient temperature of 40 °C (104
°F) may be used in a location where the
ambient temperature is 50 °C (122 °F), if


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§ 129.323

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

the generator or motor is derated to 80
percent of the full-load rating and if
the rating or setting of the overcurrent
devices of the generator or motor is reduced accordingly.
(c) For each generator rated at 50
volts or more, a voltmeter and an ammeter used for measuring voltage and
current while the generator is in operation must be provided. For each alternating-current generator, a means for
measuring frequency must also be provided. To ensure satisfactory operation
of each generator, additional control
equipment and measuring instruments,
if needed, must also be provided.
(d) Each generator must have a
nameplate attached to it indicating—
(1) Name of manufacturer, type of
generator, and designation of frame;
(2) Output in kilowatts, or horsepower rating;
(3) Kind of rating (continuous, overload, or other);
(4) Amperes at rated load, voltage,
and frequency;
(5) Number of phases, if applicable;
(6) Type of windings, if DC;
(7) When intended for connection in a
normally grounded configuration, the
grounding polarity; and
(8) For a generator derated to comply
with paragraph (b)(2) of this section,
the derated capacity.
(e) Each motor must have attached
to it a nameplate containing the information required by Article 430 of NFPA

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§ 129.323

Multiple generators.

If an OSV uses two or more generators to supply electricity for the ship’s
§ 129.310(a) of this subpart, the following requirements must be met:
(a) Each generator must have an
independent prime mover.
(b) The circuit breaker of a generator
to be operated in parallel with another
generator must comply with §§ 111.12–
11(f), 111.30–19(a), and 111.30–25(d) of this
(c) The circuit breaker of a generator
not to be operated in parallel with another generator must be interlocked to
prevent that generator from being connected to the switchboard simultaneously with another.

§ 129.326 Dual-voltage generators.
If a dual-voltage generator is installed on an OSV—
(a) The neutral of the dual-voltage
system must be solidly grounded at the
switchboard’s neutral bus and be accessible for checking the insulation resistance of the generator; and
(b) Ground detection must be provided that—
(1) For an alternating-current system, complies with § 111.05–27 of this
chapter; and
(2) For a direct-current system, complies with § 111.05–29 of this chapter.
§ 129.330 Distribution
(a) Each distribution panel or switchboard must be in a location as dry as
practicable, accessible, adequately ventilated, and protected from falling debris and dripping or splashing water.
(b) Each distribution panel or switchboard must be totally enclosed and of
the dead-front type.
(c) Each switchboard must have nonconductive handrails.
(d) Each switchboard or main distribution panel must be fitted with a
dripshield, unless the switchboard or
distribution panel is of a type mounted
deck-to-overhead and is not subject to
falling objects or liquids from above.
(e) Each distribution panel and
switchboard accessible from the rear
must be constructed to prevent a person’s accidental contact with energized
(f) Working space must be provided
around each main distribution panel
and switchboard of at least 610 millimeters (24 inches) in front of the
switchboard and, of at least 460 millimeters (18 inches) from the nearest
bulkhead, stiffener, or frame behind
the switchboard. Rear access is prohibited when the working space behind the
switchboard is less than 460 millimeters (18 inches).
(g) Nonconductive mats or grating
must be provided on the deck in front
of each switchboard and, if the switchboard is accessible from the rear, on
the deck behind the switchboard.
(h) Each uninsulated current-carrying part must be mounted on noncombustible, nonabsorbent, high-dielectric insulating material.


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§ 129.340

(i) Equipment mounted on a hinged
door of an enclosure must be constructed or shielded so that no person
will come into accidental contact with
energized parts of the door-mounted
equipment when the door is open and
the circuit energized.
(j) Bus capacity of switchboards and
main distribution panels must be sized
in accordance with § 111.30–19(a) of this
chapter. Panelboards must have current rating of not less than the feedercircuit capacity.

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§ 129.340

Cable and wiring.

(a) If individual wires, rather than
cables, are used in systems operating
at a potential of greater than 50 volts,
the wire and associated conduit must
be run in a protected enclosure. The
protected enclosure must have drain
holes to prevent the buildup of condensation.
(b) Each cable and wire must—
(1) Have stranded copper conductors
with sufficient current-carrying capacity for the circuit in which it is used;
(2) Be installed so as to avoid or reduce interference with radio reception
and compass indication;
(3) Be protected from the weather;
(4) Be supported so as to avoid chafing or other damage;
(5) Be installed without sharp bends;
(6) Be protected by metal coverings
or other suitable means, if in areas
subject to mechanical abuse;
(7) Be suitable for low temperature
and high humidity, if installed in refrigerated compartments;
(8) Be located outside a tank, unless
it supplies power to equipment in the
tank; and
(9) Have sheathing or wire insulation
compatible with the fluid in a tank,
when installed to comply with paragraph (b)(8) of this section.
(c) Cable and wire in power and lighting circuits must be #14 AWG or larger.
Cable and wire in control and indicator
circuits must be #22 AWG or larger, or
be ribbon cable or similar, smaller,
conductor-size cable recommended by
the equipment manufacturer for use in
circuits for low-power instrumentation, monitoring, or control.
(d) Cable and wire for power and
lighting circuits must—

(1) Comply with Section 310–13 of the
NEC (NFPA 70), except that no asbestos-insulated cable or dry-location
cable may be used;
(2) Be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. as UL Boat or UL Marine
Shipboard cable; or
(3) Comply with § 111.60–1 of this
chapter for cable, and § 111.60–11 of this
chapter for wire.
(e) Cable and wire serving vital systems listed in § 128.130(a) of this subchapter or serving emergency loads
must be routed as far as practicable
from areas at high risk for fire, such as
galleys, laundries, and machinery
(f) Cable or wire serving duplicated
equipment must be separated so that a
casualty that affects one cable does not
affect the other.
(g) Each connection to a conductor or
a terminal part of a conductor must be
made within an enclosure and—
(1) Have a pressure-type connector on
each conductor;
(2) Have a solder lug on each conductor;
(3) Have a splice made with a pressure-type connector to a flexible lead
or conductor; or
(4) Be splice-soldered, brazed, or
welded to a flexible lead or conductor.
(h) A connector or lug of the setscrew type must not be used with a
stranded conductor smaller than No. 14
AWG, unless there is a nonrotating follower that travels with the set screw
and makes pressure contact with the
(i) Each pressure-type wire connector
and lug must comply with UL 486A. No
wire nuts may be used.
(j) Each terminal block must have
terminal screws 6–32 or larger.
(k) Each wire connector used in conjunction with screw-type terminal
blocks must be of the captive type such
as the ring or the flanged-spade type.
(l) No cable may be spliced in—
(1) A hazardous location; or
(2) Another location, except—
(i) A cable installed in a subassembly
may be spliced to a cable installed in
another subassembly;
(ii) For a vessel receiving alterations,
a cable may be spliced to extend a circuit;


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§ 129.350

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

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(iii) A cable of large diameter or exceptional length may be spliced to facilitate its installation.
(iv) A cable may be spliced to replace
a damaged section of itself if, before replacement of the damaged section, the
insulation resistance of the remainder
of the cable is measured, and the condition of the insulation is unimpaired.
(m) All material in a cable splice
must be chemically compatible with
other material in the splice and with
the materials in the cable.
(n) Ampacities for conductors must
comply with Section 310–15 of the NEC
(NFPA 70), or with IEEE Standard 45,
as appropriate.
(o) Each conductor must be sized so
that the voltage drop at the load terminals does not exceed 10 percent.
(p) Each metallic covering of armored cable must—
(1) Be electrically continuous; and
(2) Be grounded at each end of the
run to the—
(i) Hull (on a metallic vessel); or
(ii) Common ground plate (on a nonmetallic vessel); and
(3) Have final sub-circuits grounded
at the supply end only.
(q) Each portable or temporary electric cord or cable must be constructed
and used in compliance with the requirements of § 111.60–13 of this chapter
for flexible electric cord or cable.
§ 129.350 Batteries—general.
(a) Wherever a battery is charged,
there must be natural or induced ventilation to dissipate the gases generated.
(b) Each battery must be located as
high above the bilge as practicable
within the space the battery is located
in and be secured to protect against
shifting due to roll, pitch, and heave
motions or vibration of the vessel, and
free from exposure to splash or spray of
(c) Each battery must be accessible
for maintenance and removal.
(d) Each connection to a battery terminal must be made with a permanent
connector, rather than with spring
clips or other temporary clamps.
(e) Each battery must be mounted in
a tray lined with, or constructed of,
lead or other material resistant to
damage by the electrolyte.

(f) Each battery charger must have
an ammeter connected in the charging
(g) Unless the battery is adjacent to
its distribution panel or switchboard
that distributes power to the lighting,
motor, and appliance circuits, the battery leads must have fuses in series
with and as close as practicable to the
(h) Each battery used for starting an
engine must be located as close as possible to the engine or engines served.
§ 129.353

Battery categories.

This section applies to batteries installed to meet the requirements of
§ 129.310(a) for secondary sources of
power to vital loads.
(a) Large. A large battery-installation is one connected to a battery
charger having an output of more than
2 kW, computed from the highest possible charging current and rated voltage of the battery installed.
(b) Small. A small battery-installation is one connected to a battery
charger having an output of 2 kW or
less, computed from the highest possible charging current and rated voltage of the battery installed.
§ 129.356

Battery installations.

(a) Large. Each large battery-installation must be located in a locker,
room, or enclosed box dedicated solely
to the storage of batteries. Ventilation
must be provided in accordance with
§ 111.15–10 of this chapter. Electrical
equipment located within the battery
enclosure must be approved by an independent laboratory for hazardous locations of Class I, Division 1, Group B,
and must meet subpart 111.105 of this
(b) Small. Each small battery-installation must be located in a well-ventilated space and protected from falling
objects. No small battery-installation
may be in a closet, storeroom, or similar space.
§ 129.360 Semiconductor-rectifier

(a) Each semiconductor-rectifier system must have an adequate heat-removal system to prevent overheating.


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§ 129.380

(b) If a semiconductor-rectifier system is used in a propulsion system or
in another vital system, it must—
(1) Have a current-limiting circuit;
(2) Have external overcurrent protection; and
(3) Comply with Sections 4/5.84.2 and
4/5.84.4 of the ‘‘Rules for Building and
Classing Steel Vessels’’ of the American Bureau of Shipping.
§ 129.370

Equipment grounding.

(a) On a metallic vessel each metallic
enclosure and frame of electrical equipment must be permanently grounded to
the hull. On a nonmetallic vessel each
enclosure and frame of electrical equipment must be bonded to each other and
to a common ground by a conductor
not normally carrying current.
(b) Each metallic case of instruments
must be grounded. So must each secondary winding of instrument transformers.
(c) Each equipment grounding conductor must be sized to comply with
section 250–95 of NEC (NFPA 70).
(d) Each nonmetallic mast and
topmast must have a lightning-ground

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§ 129.375

System grounding.

(a) If a grounded distribution system
is provided, there must be only one
connection to ground, regardless of the
number of power sources. This connection must be at the main switchboard.
(b) On each metallic vessel, a grounded distribution system must be grounded to the hull. On each nonmetallic
vessel, the neutral of a grounded system must be connected to a common
ground plate, except that no aluminum
grounding conductors may be used.
(c) On each nonmetallic vessel with a
grounded distribution system, the common ground plate must have—
(1) Only one connection to the main
switchboard; and
(2) The connection to itself readily
accessible for checking.
(d) On each nonmetallic vessel with a
ground plate provided for radio equipment, the plate must be connected to
the common ground plate.
(e) Each insulated grounding-conductor of a cable must be identified by
one of the following means:

(1) Wrapping of the cable with green
braid or green insulation.
(2) Stripping of the insulation from
the entire exposed length of the
(3) Marking of the exposed insulation
of the grounding-conductor with green
tape or green adhesive labels.
(f) No vessel’s hull may carry current
as a conductor except for—
(1) An impressed-current cathodicprotection system; or
(2) A battery system to start an engine.
(g) No cable armor may be used to
ground electrical equipment or systems.
(h) Each receptacle outlet and attachment plug, for a portable lamp,
tool, or similar apparatus operating at
100 or more volts, must have a grounding-pole and a grounding-conductor in
the portable cord.
§ 129.380

Overcurrent protection.

(a) Overcurrent protection must be
provided for each ungrounded conductor, to open the electric circuit if
the current reaches a value that causes
an excessive or dangerous temperature
in the conductor or its insulation.
(b) Each conductor of a control,
interlock, or indicator circuit, such as
a conductor for an instrument, pilot
light, ground-detector light, or potential transformer, must be protected by
an overcurrent device.
(c) Each generator must be protected
by an overcurrent device set at a value
not exceeding 115 percent of the generator’s full-load rating.
(d) Circuits of control systems for
steering gear must be protected
against short circuit.
(e) Each feeder circuit for steering
gear must be protected by a circuit
breaker that complies with §§ 58.25–
55(a) and (b) of this chapter.
(f) Each branch circuit for lighting
must be protected against overcurrent
by either fuses or circuit breakers. Neither the fuses nor the circuit breakers
may be rated at more than 30 amperes.
(g) Each conductor must be protected
in accordance with its current-carrying
capacity. If the allowable current-carrying capacity does not correspond to a
standard size of device, the next larger


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§ 129.390

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

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overcurrent device may be used, provided it is less than 150 percent of the
conductor’s current-carrying capacity.
(h) An overcurrent device must be installed to protect each motor conductor and control apparatus against
overcurrent due to short circuit or
ground fault. Each overcurrent device
must be capable of carrying the starting current of the motor.
(i) An emergency switch must be provided in each normally ungrounded
main supply conductor from a battery.
The switch must be accessible from the
battery and located as close as practicable to it.
(j) No grounded conductor of a circuit
may be disconnected by a switch or circuit breaker unless the ungrounded
conductors are all simultaneously disconnected.
(k) A means of disconnect must be
provided on the supply side of and adjacent to each fuse, to de-energize the
fuse for inspection and maintenance.
(l) A way for locking the means of
disconnect open must be provided unless the means of disconnect for a fused
circuit is within sight of the equipment
that the circuit supplies.
(m) Each fuse must be of the cartridge type and be listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or another
independent laboratory recognized by
the Commandant.
(n) Each circuit breaker must meet
UL 489 and be of the manually-reset
type designed for—
(1) Inverse delay;
(2) Instantaneous short-circuit protection; and
(3) Switching duty if the breaker is
used as a switch.
(o) Each circuit breaker must indicate whether it is open or closed.
§ 129.390 Shore power.
Each vessel that has an electrical
system operating at more than 50 volts
and has provisions for receiving shore
power must meet the requirements of
this section:
(a) A shore-power-connection box or
receptacle must be permanently installed at a convenient location.
(b) A cable connecting the shorepower-connection box or receptacle to
the switchboard or main distribution
panel must be permanently installed.

(c) A circuit breaker must be provided at the switchboard or main distribution panel for the shore-power
(d) The circuit breaker, required by
paragraph (c) of this section, must be
interlocked with the feeder circuit
breakers for the vessel’s power sources
to preclude the vessel’s power sources
and shore power from energizing the
vessel’s switchboard simultaneously,
except in cases where system devices
permit safe momentary paralleling of
OSV power with shore power.
§ 129.395

Radio installations.

A separate circuit, with overcurrent
protection at the switchboard, must be
provided for at least one radio installation. Additional radios, if installed,
may be powered from a local lighting
power source, such as the pilothouse
lighting panel, provided each radio
power source has a separate overcurrent protection device.

Subpart D—Lighting Systems
§ 129.410

Lighting fixtures.

(a) Each globe, lens, or diffuser of a
lighting fixture must have a highstrength guard or be made of highstrength material, except in accommodations, the pilothouse, the galley,
or similar locations where the fixture
is not subject to damage.
(b) No lighting fixture may be used as
a connection box for a circuit other
than the branch circuit supplying the
(c) Each lighting fixture must be installed as follows:
lampholder must be fixed. No fixture
may be supported by the screw shell of
a lampholder.
(2) Each pendant-type lighting fixture must be suspended by and supplied
through a threaded rigid-conduit stem.
floorlamp, or similar equipment must
be so secured in place that it cannot be
displaced by the roll, pitch, or heave or
by the vibration of the vessel.
(d) Each lighting fixture in an electrical system operating at more than
50 volts must comply with UL 595,


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§ 129.530

‘‘Marine Type Electric Lighting Fixtures.’’ A lighting fixture in an accommodation space, radio room, galley, or
similar interior space may comply
with UL 57, ‘‘Electric Lighting Fixtures,’’ UL 1570, ‘‘Fluorescent Lighting
Fixtures,’’ UL 1571, ‘‘Incandescent
Lighting Fixtures,’’ UL 1572, ‘‘High Intensity Discharge Lighting Fixtures,’’
UL 1573, ‘‘Stage and Studio Lighting
Units,’’ or UL 1574, ‘‘Track Lighting
Systems,’’ as long as the general marine requirements of UL 595 are satisfied.
§ 129.420 Branch circuits for lighting
on OSVs of 100 or more gross tons.
On each vessel of 100 or more gross
tons, each branch circuit for lighting
must comply with § 111.75–5 of this
chapter, except that—
(a) Appliance loads, electric-heater
loads, and isolated small-motor loads
may be connected to a lighting-distribution panelboard; and
(b) Branch circuits, other than for
lighting, connected to the lighting-distribution panelboard permitted by
paragraph (a) of this section may have
fuses or circuit breakers rated at more
than 30 amperes.
§ 129.430

Navigational lighting.

(a) Each vessel of less than 100 gross
tons and less than 19.8 meters (65 feet)
in length must have navigational lighting in compliance with the applicable
navigation rules.
(b) Each vessel of 100 or more gross
tons, or 19.8 meters (65 feet) or more in
length, must have navigational lighting in compliance with the applicable
navigation rules and with § 111.75–17(d)
of this chapter.

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§ 129.440

Emergency lighting.

(a) A vessel of less than 100 gross tons
must have adequate emergency lighting fitted along the line of escape to
the main deck from accommodations
and working (machinery) spaces below
the main deck.
(b) The emergency lighting required
by paragraph (a) of this section must
automatically actuate upon failure of
the main lighting. Unless a vessel is
equipped with a single source of power
for emergency lighting, it must have

individual battery-powered lighting
that is—
(1) Automatically actuated upon loss
of normal power;
(2) Not readily portable;
(3) Connected to an automatic battery-charger; and
(4) Of enough capacity for 6 hours of
continuous operation.
§ 129.450 Portable lighting.
Each vessel must be equipped with at
least two operable, portable, batterypowered lights. One of these lights
must be located in the pilothouse, another at the access to the engine room.

Subpart E—Miscellaneous
Electrical Systems
§ 129.510 Lifeboat winches.
Each lifeboat winch operated by electric power must comply with subparts
111.95 and be approved under approval
series in subparts 160.015 or 160.151 of
this chapter.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49332,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2011–0618,
76 FR 60754, Sept. 30, 2011]

§ 129.520 Hazardous areas.
(a) No OSV that carries flammable or
combustible liquid with a flashpoint of
below 140 °F (60 °C), or carries hazardous cargoes on deck or in integral
tanks, or is involved in servicing wells,
may have electrical equipment installed in pump rooms, in hose-storage
spaces, or within 3 meters (10 feet) of a
source of vapor on a weather deck unless the equipment is explosion-proof
or intrinsically safe under § 111.105–9 or
111.105–11 of this chapter.
(b) No electrical equipment may be
installed in any locker used to store
paint, oil, turpentine, or other flammable liquid unless the equipment is
explosion-proof or intrinsically safe
under § 111.105–9 or § 111.105–11 of this
(c) Equipment that is explosion-proof
and intrinsically safe must comply
with subpart 111.105 of this chapter.
§ 129.530 General alarm.
Each vessel must be fitted with a
general alarm that complies with subpart 113.25 of this chapter.


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§ 129.540

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

§ 129.540 Remote stopping-systems on
OSVs of 100 or more gross tons.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, each vessel must be
fitted with remote stopping-systems
that comply with subpart 111.103 of this
(b) The following remote stoppingsystems may substitute for remote
stopping-systems that must comply
with subpart 111.103 of this chapter:
(1) For each propulsion unit, in the
(2) For each discharge pump for bilge
slop or dirty oil, at the deck discharge.
(3) For each powered ventilation system, outside the space ventilated.
(4) For each fuel-oil pump, outside
the space containing the pump.
(5) For each cargo-transfer pump for
combustible and flammable liquid, at
each transfer-control station.
(c) Remote stopping-systems required by this section may be combined.
§ 129.550

Power for cooking and heat-

(a) Equipment for cooking and heating must be suitable for marine use.
Equipment designed and installed to
comply with ABYC Standards A–3 and
A–7 or Chapter 6 of NFPA 302 meets
this requirement.
(b) The use of gasoline for cooking,
heating, or lighting is prohibited.
(c) The use of liquefied petroleum gas
for cooking, heating, or other purposes
must comply with subpart 58.16 of this
(d) Each electric space-heater must
be provided with a thermal cut-out to
prevent overheating.
(e) Each element of an electric spaceheater must be enclosed, and the case
or jacket of the element made of a corrosion-resistant material.
(f) Each electrical connection for a
cooking appliance must be drip-proof.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 129.560

Engine-order telegraphs.

No OSV need carry an engine-order
telegraph, provided the vessel meets
the requirements of § 113.35–3(d) of this

Subpart A—Vessel Control
130.110 Internal communications on OSVs of
less than 100 gross tons.
130.120 Propulsion control.
130.130 Steering on OSVs of less than 100
gross tons.
130.140 Steering on OSVs of 100 or more
gross tons.

Subpart B—Miscellaneous Equipment and
130.210 Radiotelegraph and radiotelephone.
130.220 Design of equipment for cooking and
130.230 Protection from refrigerants.
130.240 Anchors and chains for OSVs of 100
or more gross tons.
130.250 Mooring and towing equipment for
OSVs of less than 100 gross tons.

Subpart C—Navigational Equipment

Electronic position-fixing device.
Charts and nautical publications.

Subpart D—Automation of Unattended
Machinery Spaces

Pilothouse control.
Communications system.
Machinery alarms.
Placement of machinery alarms.
Fire alarms.
Test procedure and operations man-

AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306; Department of
Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49337, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—Vessel Control
§ 130.110 Internal communications on
OSVs of less than 100 gross tons.
Each vessel of less than 100 gross tons
equipped with an independent auxiliary
means of steering, as required by
§ 130.130(b) of this subpart, must have a
fixed means of communication between
the pilothouse and the place where the
auxiliary means of steering is controlled.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 130.130

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 130.120 Propulsion control.
(a) Each vessel must have—
(1) A propulsion-control system operable from the pilothouse; and
(2) A means at each propulsion engine of readily disabling the propulsion-control system to permit local operation.
(b) Each propulsion-control system
operable from the pilothouse must enable—
(1) Control of the speed of each propulsion engine;
(2) Control of the direction of propeller-shaft rotation;
(3) Control of propeller pitch, if a
controllable-pitch propeller is fitted;
(4) Shutdown of each propulsion engine.
(c) The propulsion-control system operable from the pilothouse may constitute the remote stopping-system required by § 129.540 of this subchapter.
(d) Each propulsion-control system,
including one operable from the pilothouse, must be designed so that no one
complete or partial failure of an easily
replaceable component of the system
allows the propulsion engine to overspeed or the pitch of the propeller to
§ 130.130 Steering on OSVs of less than
100 gross tons.
(a) Each OSV of less than 100 gross
tons must have a steering system that
complies with—
(1) Section 130.140 of this subpart; or
(2) This section.
(b) Except as provided by paragraph
(i) of this section, each vessel must
have a main and an independent auxiliary means of steering.
(c) The main means of steering (main
steering gear) must be—
(1) Of adequate strength for, and capable of, steering the OSV at each service speed;
(2) Designed to operate at maximum
astern speed without being damaged;
(3) Capable of moving the rudder
from 35 degrees on one side to 30 degrees on the other side in no more than
28 seconds with the vessel moving
ahead at maximum service speed.
(d) Control of the main steering gear
must be available from the pilothouse,

including control of any necessary ancillary device (motor, pump, valve, or
the like). If a power-driven main steering gear is used, a pilot light must be
installed in the pilothouse to indicate
operation of the power units.
(e) The auxiliary means of steering
(auxiliary steering gear) must be—
(1) Of adequate strength for steering
the OSV at navigable speed;
(2) Capable of steering the vessel at
navigable speed; and
(3) Controlled from a place that—
(i) Can communicate with the pilothouse; or
(ii) Enables the master to safely maneuver the vessel.
(f) The steering gear must be designed so that transfer from the main
steering gear or its control to the auxiliary steering gear or its control can
be achieved rapidly. Any tools or
equipment necessary for transfer must
be readily available. Instructions for
transfer must be posted.
(g) Each vessel must have instantaneous protection against short circuit
for electrical-power circuits and control circuits, the protection sized and
located to comply with §§ 58.25–55 (d)
and (e) of this chapter.
(h) A rudder-angle indicator independent of the control of the main
steering gear must be installed at the
steering-control station in the pilothouse.
(i) No auxiliary steering gear need be
installed if—
(1) The main steering gear, including
power systems, is installed in duplicate; or
(2) Multiple-screw propulsion—with
independent control of propulsion from
the pilothouse for each screw and with
a means to restrain and center the rudder—is installed, and if that control is
capable of steering the OSV.
(j) Each vessel with duplicate (parallel but cross-connected) power systems for the main steering gear by way
of compliance with paragraph (i)(1) of
this section may use one of the systems for other purposes if—
(1) Control of the subordinate parallel system is located at the steeringcontrol station in the pilothouse;


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§ 130.140

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(2) Full power is available to the
main steering gear when the subordinate parallel system is not in operation;
(3) The subordinate parallel system
can be isolated from the means of
steering, and instructions on procedures for isolating it are posted; and
(4) The subordinate parallel system is
materially equivalent to the steering

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 130.140 Steering on OSVs of 100 or
more gross tons.
(a) Each OSV of 100 or more gross
tons must have a means of steering
that meets the—
(1) Applicable requirements of subchapters F and J of this chapter; or
(2) Requirements for a hydraulichelm steering-system in paragraph (b)
of this section.
(b) Each hydraulic-helm steering-system must have the following:
(1) A main steering gear of adequate
strength for, and capable of, steering
the vessel at every service speed without being damaged at maximum astern
(2) A hydraulic system with a maximum allowable working pressure of
not more than 12,411 kPa (1,800 psi),
dedicated to steering.
(3) Piping materials that comply
with subchapter F of this chapter, and
piping thickness of at least schedule 80.
(4) Each fore-and-aft run of piping located as far inboard as practicable.
(5) Rudder stops.
(6) Either—
(i) Two steering pumps in accordance
with § 130.130(c)(3) of this part; or
(ii) A single hydraulic sump of the
‘‘cascading overflow’’ type with a centerline bulkhead open only at the top,
if each half has enough capacity to operate the system.
(7) Control of the main steering gear
from the pilothouse, including—
(i) Control from the helm;
(ii) Control of any necessary ancillary device (motor, pump, valve, or the
like); and
(iii) Adequate visibility when going
(8) Multiple-screw propulsion with
independent control of propulsion from
the pilothouse, complying with § 130.120

of this part and being capable of steering the vessel.
(9) Dual hydraulic cylinders arranged
so that either cylinder can be readily
isolated, permitting the other cylinder
to remain in service and move each
(10) The steering alarms and indicators required by § 58.25–25 of this chapter, located in the pilothouse.
(11) Instantaneous protection against
short circuit for electrical power, and
control circuits sized and located as required by §§ 58.25–55 (d) and (e) of this
(12) A rudder-angle indicator, at the
steering-control station in the pilothouse, that is independent of the control of the main steering gear.
(13) Means to locally start and stop
the steering pumps.
(14) Means to isolate any auxiliary
means of steering so as not to impair
the reliability and availability of the
control required by paragraph (b)(7) of
this section.
(15) Manual capability to center and
steady the rudder if the vessel loses
normal steering power.
(c) For compliance with paragraph
(b) of this section, a common piping
system for pumps, helm, and cylinders
is acceptable.

Subpart B—Miscellaneous
Equipment and Systems
§ 130.210 Radiotelegraph and radiotelephone.
Each vessel must comply with 47
CFR part 80 as applicable.
§ 130.220 Design of equipment for
cooking and heating.
(a) Doors on each cooking appliance
must be provided with heavy-duty
hinges and locking-devices to prevent
accidental opening in heavy weather.
(b) Each cooking appliance must be
installed so as to prevent its movement
in heavy weather.
(c) Each grill or similar cooking appliance must have means to collect
grease or fat and to prevent its spillage
onto wiring or the deck.
(d) On each cooking appliance, grab
rails must be installed when determined by the cognizant OCMI to be
necessary for safety.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 130.330

(e) On each cooking appliance, sea
rails, with suitable barriers to prevent
accidental movement of cooking pots,
must be installed.
(f) Each heater must be constructed
and installed so as to prevent the hanging from it of items such as towels and

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 130.230 Protection from refrigerants.
(a) For each refrigeration system
that exceeds 0.6 cubic meters (20 cubic
feet) of storage capacity if using ammonia or other hazardous gas, or exceeds 28.3 cubic meters (1,000 cubic feet)
of storage capacity if using a fluorocarbon, as a refrigerant, there must be
available one pressure-demand, opencircuit, self-contained breathing apparatus, approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) and having at a minimum a 30-minute air supply, and a full
(b) Each self-contained breathing apparatus must be stowed convenient to,
but outside, the space containing the
refrigeration equipment.
(c) A complete recharge in the form
of a spare charge must be carried for
each self-contained breathing apparatus. The spare charge must be stowed
with the equipment it is to reactivate.
(d) The self-contained breathing apparatus in a fireman’s outfit, if fitted,
complies with this section.
§ 130.240 Anchors and chains for OSVs
of 100 or more gross tons.
(a) Each OSV of 100 or more gross
tons must be fitted with anchors and
chains meeting the applicable standards set by the ABS for classed vessels,
including equipment, except as permitted by paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
(b) As well as the standards incorporated by paragraph (a) of this section, each vessel of under 61 meters (200
feet) in length and with an equipment
number from the ABS of less than 150
may be equipped with either—
(1) One anchor of the tabular weight
and one-half the tabulated length of
anchor chain listed in the applicable
standard; or
(2) Two anchors of one-half the tabular weight with the total length of anchor chain listed in the applicable

standard, if both anchors are ready for
use at any time and if the windlass is
capable of heaving in either anchor.
(c) Standards of classification societies other than the ABS may be used,
upon approval of the Commandant.
§ 130.250 Mooring and towing equipment for OSVs of less than 100
gross tons.
Each OSV of less than 100 gross tons
must be fitted with mooring and towing equipment meeting the applicable
requirements for small passenger vessels in § 184.300 of this chapter.

Subpart C—Navigational
§ 130.310 Radar.
Each vessel of 100 or more gross tons
must be fitted with a general marine
radar in the pilothouse.
§ 130.320 Electronic position-fixing device.
Each vessel must be equipped with an
electronic position-fixing device satisfactory for the area in which the vessel
§ 130.330 Charts and nautical publications.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) or (c) of this section, as appropriate
for the intended voyage, each vessel
must carry adequate and up-to-date—
(1) Charts of large enough scale to
make safe navigation possible;
(2) U.S. Coast Pilot or similar publication;
(3) Coast Guard Light List;
(4) Tide Tables published by the National Ocean Service;
(5) Local Notice or Notices to Mariners; and
(6) Current Tables published by the
National Ocean Service, or a river-current publication issued by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers or by a river
authority, or both.
(b) Any vessel may carry, instead of
the complete publications listed in
paragraph (a) of this section, extracts
from them for areas it will transit.
(c) When operating in foreign waters,
a vessel may carry an appropriate foreign equivalent of any item required by
paragraph (a) of this section.


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§ 130.340
§ 130.340

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Each vessel must be fitted with a
compass suitable for the intended service of the vessel. Except aboard a vessel
limited to daytime operation, the compass must be illuminated.

Subpart D—Automation of
Unattended Machinery Spaces
§ 130.400


This subpart applies to each vessel of
100 or more gross tons where automated systems either replace specific
personnel in the control and observation of the propulsion system and machinery spaces or reduce the level of
crew associated with the vessel’s engine department.
§ 130.410


(a) Arrangements must be such that
under any operating condition, including maneuvering, the safety of the vessel is equivalent to that of the same
vessel with the machinery spaces fully
tended and under direct manual supervision.
(b) Acceptance by the Coast Guard of
automated systems to replace specific
crew members or to reduce overall requirements for crew members depends
upon the—
(1) Capabilities of the automated system;
(2) Combination of crew members,
equipment, and systems necessary to
ensure the safety of the vessel, personnel, and environment in each operating condition, including maneuvering; and
(3) Ability of the crew members to
perform each operational evolution, including to cope with emergencies such
as fire and failure of control or monitoring systems.
§ 130.420


Each piece of machinery under automatic control must have an alternative
manual means of control.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 130.430

Pilothouse control.

Each OSV must have, at the pilothouse, controls to start a fire pump,
charge the fire main, and monitor the
pressure in the fire main.

§ 130.440 Communications system.
(a) Each OSV must have a communications system to immediately summon a crew member to the machinery
space wherever one of the alarms required by § 130.460 of this subpart is activated.
(b) The communications system must
be either—
(1) An alarm that—
(i) Is dedicated for this purpose;
(ii) Sounds in the crew accommodations and the normally manned spaces;
(iii) Is operable from the pilothouse;
(2) A telephone operated from the pilothouse that reaches the master’s
stateroom, engineer’s stateroom, engine room, and crew accommodations
that either—
(i) Is a sound-powered telephone; or
(ii) Gets its power from the emergency switchboard or from an independent battery continuously charged
by its own charger.
§ 130.450 Machinery alarms.
(a) Each alarm required by § 130.460 of
this subpart must be of the self-monitoring type that will both show visibly
and sound audibly upon an opening or
break in the sensing circuit.
(b) The visible alarm must show until
it is manually acknowledged and the
condition is corrected.
(c) The audible alarm must sound
until it is manually silenced.
(d) No silenced alarm may prevent
any other audible alarm from sounding.
(e) Each OSV must be provided with
means for testing each visible and audible alarm.
(f) Each OSV must provide battery
power for the alarm required by
§ 130.460(a)(8) of this subpart.
§ 130.460 Placement
(a) Visible and audible alarms must
be installed at the pilothouse to indicate the following:
(1) Loss of power for propulsion control.
(2) Loss of power to the steering
motor or for control of the main steering gear.
(3) Engine-room fire.


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Coast Guard, DHS

Pt. 131

(4) High bilge-level.
(5) Low lube-oil pressure for each
main propulsion engine and each prime
mover of a generator.
(6) For each main propulsion engine
and each prime mover of a generator—
(i) High lube-oil temperature; and
(ii) High jacket-water temperature.
(7) For each reduction gear and each
turbocharger with a pressurized oil system—
(i) Low lube-oil pressure; and
(ii) High lube-oil temperature.
(8) Loss of normal power for the
alarms listed in paragraphs (a)(1)
through (a)(7) of this section.
(b) Sensors for the high-bilge-level
alarm required by paragraph (a)(4) of
this section must be installed in—
(1) Each space below the deepest load
waterline that contains pumps, motors,
or electrical equipment; and
(2) The compartment that contains
the rudder post.
(c) Centralized displays must be installed in the machinery spaces to
allow rapid evaluation of each problem
detected by the alarms required by
paragraph (a) of this section. Equipment-mounted gauges or meters are acceptable for this purpose, if they are
grouped at a central site.
§ 130.470 Fire alarms.
(a) Each fire detector and control
unit must be of a type specifically approved by the Commandant (CG–521).
(b) No fire-alarm circuit for the engine room may contain a fire detector
for any other space.
(c) The number and placement of fire
detectors must be approved by the cognizant OCMI.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49337,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2009–0702,
74 FR 49235, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 130.480 Test procedure and operations manual.
(a) A procedure for tests to be conducted on automated equipment by the
operator and the Coast Guard must be
submitted to comply with § 127.110 of
this subchapter.
(b) The procedure for tests must—
(1) Be in a sequential-checkoff format;
(2) Include the required alarms, controls, and communications; and

(3) Set forth details of the tests.
(c) Details of the tests must specify
status of equipment, functions necessary to complete the tests, and expected results.
(d) No tests may simulate conditions
by misadjustments, artificial signals,
or improper wiring.
(e) A detailed operations manual that
describes the operation and indicates
the location of each system installed to
comply with this part must be submitted to comply with § 127.110 of this

Subpart A—Notice of Casualty and
Records of Voyage

Notice and records.

Subpart B—Markings on Vessels

Loadlines and decklines.

Subpart C—Preparations for Emergencies
131.310 List of crew members and offshore
131.320 Safety orientation for offshore workers.
131.330 Emergency instructions.
131.340 Recommended placard for emergency instructions.
131.350 Station bill.
131.360 Responsibilities of licensed or certificated individuals.

Subpart D—Sufficiency and Supervision of
Crew of Survival Craft

Certificate of proficiency.
Manning and supervision.

Subpart E—Tests, Drills, and Inspections
131.505 Steering gear, whistle, and means of
131.510 Draft and loadline markings.
131.513 Verification of compliance with applicable stability requirements.
131.515 Periodic sanitary inspections.
131.520 Hatches and other openings.
131.525 Emergency lighting and power.
131.530 Abandon-ship training and drills.
131.535 Firefighting training and drills.
131.540 Operational readiness.
131.545 Maintenance in general.
131.550 Maintenance of falls.
131.555 Spare parts and repair equipment.
131.560 Weekly tests and inspections.


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§ 131.110

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

131.565 Monthly tests and inspections.
131.570 Quarterly inspections.
131.575 Yearly inspections and repair.
131.580 Servicing of inflatable liferafts, inflatable lifejackets, inflatable buoyant
apparatus, and inflatable rescue boats.
131.585 Periodic servicing of hydrostatic-release units.
131.590 Firefighting equipment.

Subpart F—Logs

AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1321(j); 46 U.S.C. 3306,
6101, 10104; E.O. 12234, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p.
277; E.O. 12777, 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351; Department of Homeland Security Delegation
No. 0170.1.

Logbooks and records.
Matters that must be logged.
Entries in official logbooks.

Subpart G—Work Vests

SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49340, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

Approved work vests.
Shipboard stowage.
Shipboard inspections.

Subpart A—Notice of Casualty
and Records of Voyage

Subpart H—Markings for Fire Equipment
and Emergency Equipment
131.800 General.
131.805 General alarm bell, switch.
131.810 General alarm bell.
131.815 Alarm for fixed gaseous fire-extinguishing systems.
131.820 Branch lines of fire-extinguishing
131.825 Controls of fire-extinguishing system.
131.830 Fire-hose stations.
131.835 Portable fire extinguishers.
131.840 Emergency lighting.
131.845 Instructions for shift of steering
131.850 Rudder orders.
131.855 Lifeboats and rescue boats.
131.860 Rigid liferafts.
131.865 Inflatable liferafts and inflatable
buoyant apparatus.
131.870 Life floats and buoyant apparatus.
131.875 Lifejackets, immersion suits, and
ring buoys.
131.880 Fire hoses and axes.
131.890 EPIRBs and SARTs.
131.893 Watertight doors and watertight
131.896 Remote stopping-systems.
131.899 Fire dampers.

Subpart I—Miscellaneous

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

131.945 Display of plans.
131.950 Placard on lifesaving signals and
helicopter recovery.
131.955 Display of merchant mariner credential.
131.960 Use of auto-pilot.
131.965 Sounding of whistle.
131.970 Unauthorized lighting.
131.975 Searchlights.
131.980 Lookouts and watches.

131.905 Statutory penalties.
131.910 Notices to mariners and aids to navigation.
131.915 Persons allowed in pilothouse and on
navigational bridge.
131.920 Level of manning.
131.925 Compliance with provisions of Certificate of Inspection.
131.930 Display of stability letter.
131.935 Prevention of oil pollution.
131.940 Marine sanitation device.

§ 131.110 Notice and records.
Each vessel must meet the requirements of part 4 of this chapter for reporting marine casualties and retaining voyage records.

Subpart B—Markings on Vessels
§ 131.210 Hulls.
The hull of each vessel must be
marked as required by parts 67 and 69
of this chapter.
§ 131.220 Drafts.
(a) Each vessel must have the drafts
of the vessel plainly and legibly
marked upon the stem and upon the
sternpost or rudderpost, or at any
place at the stern of the vessel that
may be necessary for easy observance.
The bottom of each mark must indicate the draft.
(b) Each draft must be taken from
the bottom of the keel to the surface of
the water at the location of the marks.
(c) When, because of raked stem or
cutaway skeg, the keel does not extend
forward or aft to the draft markings,
the datum line from which the draft is
taken must be the line of the bottom of
the keel projected forward or aft, as
the case may be, to where the line
meets that of the draft markings projected downward.
(d) When a skeg or other appendage
extends below the line of the keel, the
draft at the end of the vessel adjacent
to that appendage must be measured to


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 131.340

a line tangent to the lowest part of the
appendage and parallel to the line of
the bottom of the keel.
(e) Drafts must be separated so that
the projections of the marks onto a
vertical plane are of uniform height,
equal to the vertical spacing between
consecutive marks.
(f) Marks must be painted in a color
contrasting with that of the hull.
(g) Where marks are obscured because of operational constraints or by
protrusions, the vessel must be fitted
with a reliable draft-indicating system
from which the drafts at bow and stern
can be determined.
§ 131.230 Loadlines and decklines.
Each vessel assigned a loadline must
have loadline markings and deck-line
markings permanently scribed or embossed as required by subchapter E of
this chapter.

Subpart C—Preparations for

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 131.310 List of crew members and
offshore workers.
(a) The master of each vessel shall
keep a correct list containing the name
of each person that embarks upon and
disembarks from the vessel.
(b) The list required by paragraph (a)
of this section must be prepared before
the vessel’s departure on a voyage, and
deposited ashore—
(1) At the facility from which the
crew members and offshore workers
(2) In a well-marked place at the vessel’s normal berth; or
(3) With a representative of the
owner or managing operator of the vessel.
§ 131.320 Safety orientation for offshore workers.
(a) Before a vessel gets under way on
a voyage, the master shall ensure that
suitable public announcements are
made informing each offshore worker
(1) In general terms, emergency and
evacuation procedures;
(2) Locations of emergency exits and
of embarkation areas for survival craft;
(3) Locations of stowage of lifejackets and immersion suits;

(4) With demonstration, proper method or methods of donning and adjusting
lifejackets and immersion suits of the
type or types carried on the vessel;
(5) Locations of the instruction placards for lifejackets and other lifesaving
(6) Explanation that each offshore
worker shall don an immersion suit
and a lifejacket when the master determines that hazardous conditions do or
might exist but that offshore workers
may don lifejackets whenever they feel
it necessary;
(7) Which hazardous conditions might
require the donning of lifejackets and
immersion suits;
(8) Types and locations of any other
lifesaving device carried on the vessel;
(9) Locations and contents of the
‘‘Emergency Instructions’’ required by
§ 131.330;
(10) Survival craft to which assigned;
(11) Any hazardous materials on the
vessel; and
(12) Any conditions or circumstances
that constitute a risk to safety.
(b) The master of each vessel shall
ensure that each offshore worker
boarding the vessel on a voyage after
the initial public announcement has
been made, as required by paragraph
(a) of this section, also hears the information in paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 131.330

Emergency instructions.

(a) Except as otherwise provided by
this section, the master of each vessel
shall prepare and post durable emergency-instruction placards in conspicuous locations accessible to the
crew members and offshore workers.
(b) The instruction placards must
contain the recommended ‘‘Emergency
Instructions’’ listed in § 131.340 that, in
the judgment of the cognizant OCMI,
apply. The placards must be further designed to address the equipment, arrangement, and operation peculiar to
each vessel.
§ 131.340 Recommended placard
emergency instructions.

The following are the recommended
format and content of the placard for
emergency instructions:


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§ 131.350

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(a) Rough weather at sea, crossing of
hazardous bars, or flooding. (1) Close
each watertight and weathertight door,
hatch, and air-port to prevent taking
water aboard or further flooding in the
(2) Keep bilges dry to prevent loss of
stability from water in bilges. Use
power-driven bilge pump, hand pump,
and buckets to dewater.
(3) Align fire pumps to serve as bilge
pumps if possible.
(4) Check, for leakage, each intake
and discharge line that penetrates the
(5) Offshore workers remain seated
and evenly distributed.
(6) Offshore workers don immersion
suits (if required aboard) or lifejackets
if the going becomes very rough, if the
vessel is about to cross a hazardous
bar, if flooding begins, or when ordered
to by the master.
(7) Never abandon the vessel unless
actually forced to, or ordered to by the
(8) Prepare survival craft—life floats,
(inflatable) rafts, (inflatable) buoyant
apparatus, and boats—for launching.
(b) ‘‘Man overboard’’. (1) Throw a ring
buoy into the water as close to the person overboard as possible.
(2) Post a lookout to keep the person
overboard in sight.
(3) Launch the rescue boat and maneuver it to pick up the person overboard, or maneuver the vessel to pick
up the person.
(4) Have a crew member put on an
immersion suit or lifejacket, have a
safety line made fast to the crew member, and have the crew member stand
by to jump into the water to assist the
person overboard if necessary.
(5) If the person overboard is not immediately located—
(i) Notify other vessels in the vicinity, and the Coast Guard; and
(ii) Continue searching until released
by the Coast Guard.
(c) Fire. (1) Cut off air to the fire:
close hatches, ports, doors, manual
ventilators, and the like and shut off
the ventilation system.
(2) De-energize electrical systems
supplying the affected compartment.
(3) Immediately use a portable fire
extinguisher aimed at the base of the

flames. Never use water on electrical
(4) If the fire is in machinery spaces,
shut off the fuel supply and ventilation
system and activate any fixed extinguishing-system.
(5) Maneuver the vessel to minimize
the effect of wind on the fire.
(6) If unable to control the fire, notify other vessels in the vicinity, and
the Coast Guard.
(7) Move offshore workers away from
fire; have them don lifejackets and, if
necessary, prepare to abandon the vessel.
§ 131.350 Station bill.
(a) The master of each vessel shall
post a station bill if the vessel’s Certificate of Inspection requires more
than four crew members, including the
(b) The station bill must be posted in
the pilothouse and in conspicuous
places in crew members’ and offshore
workers’ accommodations.
(c) The station bill must set forth the
special duties and duty stations of each
crew member for various emergencies.
The duties must, as far as possible, be
comparable to and compatible with the
regular work of the member. The duties must include at least the following
and should comprise any other duties
necessary for the proper handling of a
particular emergency:
(1) The closing of hatches, air-ports,
watertight doors, vents, and scuppers,
and of intake valves and discharge
lines that penetrate the hull; the stopping of fans and ventilating systems;
and the operating of safety equipment.
(2) The preparing and launching of
survival craft and rescue boats.
(3) The extinguishing of fire.
(4) The mustering of offshore workers, which includes—
(i) Assembling them and seeing that
they are properly dressed and have
donned their immersion suits and lifejackets; and
(ii) Directing them to their appointed
§ 131.360 Responsibilities of licensed
or certificated individuals.
Nothing in the emergency instructions or in any station bill required by
this subpart exempts any licensed or


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 131.510

certificated individual from the exercise of good judgment in an emergency.

Subpart D—Sufficiency and Supervision of Crew of Survival
§ 131.410

Certificate of proficiency.

A merchant mariner credential or
merchant mariner’s document with an
endorsement of lifeboatman or another
inclusive rating under part 12 of this
title is evidence of training in survival
craft and serves as a certificate of proficiency. For this subpart, a ‘‘certificated’’ person is a person holding a
merchant mariner credential or merchant mariner’s document with such
an endorsement.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49340,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2006–
24371, 74 FR 11266, Mar. 16, 2009]

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§ 131.420

Manning and supervision.

(a) There must be enough trained
persons aboard each survival craft to
muster and assist untrained persons.
(b) Except as permitted by paragraph
(c)(2) of this section, there must be
enough deck officers, able seamen, or
other certificated persons aboard each
survival craft to manage the launching
and handling of the survival craft.
(c) One person must be placed in
charge of each survival craft to be
(1) Except as permitted by paragraph
(c)(2) of this section, the person in command must be a deck officer, able seaman, or other certificated person.
(2) Considering the nature of the voyage, the number of persons permitted
aboard, and the characteristics of the
vessel, including gross tonnage, the
cognizant OCMI may permit persons
practiced in the handling of liferafts to
be placed in charge of liferafts instead
of persons required under paragraph
(c)(1) of this section.
(3) A deck officer, able seaman, or
other certificated person shall serve as
second-in-command for each lifeboat
(i) Carried on a vessel in ocean service; or
(ii) Permitted to carry more than 40

(d) The person in charge and the second-in-command of each survival craft
shall have a list of crew members and
offshore workers assigned to the craft
and shall see that the crew members
are acquainted with their duties.
(e) Each motorized survival craft
must have assigned a person capable of
operating the engine and carrying out
minor adjustments.
(f) The master shall ensure that the
persons required under paragraphs (a),
(b), and (c) of this section are equitably
distributed among the vessel’s survival

Subpart E—Tests, Drills, and
§ 131.505 Steering gear, whistle, and
means of communication.
(a) On each vessel expected to be
away from shore for more than 48
hours, the master shall examine and
test the steering gear, the whistle, and
the means of communication between
the pilothouse and the engine room 12
or fewer hours before departure. On
every other vessel, the master shall do
the same at least once a week.
(b) The date of each test and examination and the condition of the equipment must be noted in the vessel’s logbook.
§ 131.510

Draft and loadline markings.

(a) The master of each vessel on an
ocean or coastwise voyage shall enter
in the vessel’s logbook the drafts of the
vessel, forward and aft, when leaving
(b) The master of each vessel subject
to the requirements of subchapter E of
this chapter shall, upon departure from
port on an ocean or coastwise voyage,
enter in the vessel’s logbook a statement of the position of the loadline
markings, port and starboard, relative
to the surface of the water in which the
vessel is then floating.
(c) If the master, when recording
drafts, compensates for the density of
the water in which the vessel is floating, he or she shall note this density in
the vessel’s logbook.


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§ 131.513

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

§ 131.513 Verification of compliance
with applicable stability requirements.
(a) After loading but before departure, and at other times necessary to
assure the safety of the vessel, the
master shall verify that the vessel
complies with requirements in its
trim-and-stability book, stability letter, Certificate of Inspection, and
Loadline Certificate, whichever apply,
and then enter a statement of the
verification in the log book. The vessel
may not leave port until it is in compliance with these requirements.
(b) When determining compliance
with applicable stability requirements,
the master shall ascertain the vessel’s
draft, trim, and stability as necessary;
and any stability calculations made in
support of the determination must remain aboard the vessel for the duration
of the voyage.
§ 131.515 Periodic
(a) The master shall make periodic
inspections of the quarters, toilet and
washing spaces, serving pantries, galleys, and the like, to ensure that those
spaces are maintained in a sanitary
(b) The master shall enter in the vessel’s logbook the results of these inspections.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 131.520 Hatches and other openings.
Before any vessel leaves protected
waters, the master shall ensure that
the vessel’s exposed cargo hatches and
other openings in the hull are closed;
made properly watertight by the use of
tarpaulins, gaskets, or similar devices;
and properly secured for sea.
§ 131.525 Emergency
(a) The master of each vessel shall
ensure that the emergency lighting and
power systems are tested at least once
each week that the vessel is operated,
to verify that they work.
(b) The master shall ensure that
emergency generators driven by internal-combustion engines run under load
for at least 2 hours at least once each
month that the vessel is operated.
(c) The master shall ensure that storage batteries driving fitted systems for

emergency lighting and power are tested at least once each 6 months that the
vessel is operated, to demonstrate the
ability of the batteries to supply the
emergency loads for the period specified by Table 112.05–5(a) of this chapter
for cargo vessels.
(d) The date of each test and the condition and performance of the apparatus must be noted in the vessel’s logbook.
§ 131.530 Abandon-ship


(a) Material for abandon-ship training must be aboard each vessel. The
material must consist of a manual of
one or more volumes, or audiovisual
training aids, or both.
(1) The material must contain instructions and information about the
lifesaving appliances aboard the vessel
and about the best methods of survival.
Any manual must be written in easily
understood terms, illustrated wherever
(2) If a manual is used, there must be
a copy in each messroom and recreation room for crew members or in
each stateroom for them. If audiovisual
aids are used, they must be incorporated in the training sessions aboard
under paragraph (d) of this section.
(3) The material must explain the—
(i) Method of donning immersion
suits and lifejackets carried aboard;
(ii) Mustering at assigned stations;
(iii) Proper boarding, launching, and
clearing of survival craft and rescue
(iv) Method of launching survival
craft by people within them;
(v) Method of releasing survival craft
from launching-appliances;
(vi) Use of devices for protecting survival craft in launching-areas, where
(vii) Illumination of launching-areas;
(viii) Use of each item of survival
(ix) Instructions for emergency repair of lifesaving appliances;
(x) Use of radio lifesaving-appliances,
with illustrations;
(xi) Use of sea anchors;
(xii) Use of engine and accessories,
where appropriate;


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 131.530

(xiii) Recovery of survival craft and
rescue boats, including stowage and securing;
(xiv) Hazards of exposure and need
for warm clothing;
(xv) Best use of survival craft for survival; and
(xvi) Methods of retrieving personnel,
including use of helicopter-mounted
rescue gear (slings, baskets, stretchers)
and vessel’s line-throwing apparatus.
(b) An abandon-ship drill must be
held on each vessel in alternate weeks.
If none can be held during the appointed week, because of bad weather
or other unavoidable constraint, one
must be held at the first opportunity
afterward. If the crew changes more
than once in any 2 weeks, one must be
held as soon after the arrival of each
crew as practicable.
(1) Any crew member excused from
an abandon-ship drill must participate
in the next one, so that each member
participates in at least one each
month. Unless more than 25 percent of
the members have participated in one
on that particular vessel in the previous month, one must be held before
the vessel leaves port if reasonable and
practicable; but, unless the Commandant (CG–543) accepts alternative
arrangements as at least equivalent,
one must be held not later than 24
hours after the vessel leaves port in
any event.
(2)(i) On a voyage likely to take more
than 24 hours to complete, a muster of
offshore workers must be held on departure. The master shall ensure that
each worker is assigned to a survival
craft and is directed to its location.
Each person in charge of such a craft
shall maintain a list of workers assigned to the craft.
(ii) On a voyage likely to take 24
hours or less to complete, the master
shall call the attention of each offshore
worker to the emergency instructions
required by § 131.330.
(3) Each abandon-ship drill must include—
(i) Summoning of crew members and
offshore workers to survival craft with
the general alarm;
(ii) Simulation of an abandon-ship
emergency that varies from drill to

(iii) Reporting of crew members and
offshore workers to survival craft, and
preparing for, and demonstrating the
duties assigned under the procedure described in the station bill for, the particular abandon-ship emergency being
(iv) Checking to see that crew members and offshore workers are suitably
(v) Checking to see that immersion
suits and lifejackets are correctly
(vi) Lowering of at least one lifeboat
(far enough that the davit head has
completed its travel and the fall wire
of the lifeboat has begun to pay out)
or, if no lifeboats are required, lowering of one rescue boat, after any necessary preparation for launching;
(vii) Starting and operating of the
engine of the lifeboat or rescue boat;
(viii) Operation of davits used for
launching liferafts.
(4) As far as practicable, at successive drills different lifeboats must be
lowered to meet the requirements of
paragraph (b)(3)(vi) of this section.
(5) As far as practicable, each abandon-ship drill must be conducted as if
there were an actual emergency.
(6) Each lifeboat must be launched
with its assigned crew aboard during
an abandon-ship drill, and be maneuvered in the water, at least once each 3
months that the vessel is operated.
(7) Each rescue boat must be
launched with its assigned crew aboard
and be maneuvered in the water—
(i) Once each month that the vessel is
operated, if reasonable and practicable;
(ii) In any event, at least once each 3
months that the vessel is operated.
(8) If drills for launching lifeboats
and rescue boats are carried out with
the vessel making headway, the drills
must, because of the danger involved,
be practiced only in waters where the
drills are safe, under the supervision of
an officer experienced in such drills.
(9) At least one abandon-ship drill
each 3 months must be held at night,
unless the master determines it unsafe.
(10) Emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment must be tested at each abandon-ship drill.


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 131.535

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(c) The master of each vessel carrying immersion suits shall ensure
(1) Each crew member either—
(i) Wears an immersion suit in at
least one abandon-ship drill a month
unless it is impracticable because of
warm weather; or
(ii) Participates in at least one immersion-suit drill a month that includes donning an immersion suit and
being instructed in its use;
(2) In each abandon-ship drill, each
offshore worker aboard is instructed in
the use of immersion suits; and
(3) Each offshore worker is told at
the beginning of the voyage where immersion suits are stowed aboard and is
encouraged to read the instructions for
donning and using the suits.
(d) Each crew member aboard the
vessel must be given training in the
use of lifesaving appliances and in the
duties assigned by the station bill.
(1) Except as provided by paragraph
(d)(2) of this section, training aboard in
the use of the vessel’s lifesaving appliances, including equipment on survival
craft, must be given to each crew member as soon as possible but not later
than 2 weeks after the member joins
the vessel.
(2) If a crew member is on a regularly
scheduled rotating assignment to a
vessel, training aboard in the use of the
vessel’s lifesaving appliances, including
equipment on survival craft, must be
given to the member not later than 2
weeks after the member first joins the
(3) Each crew member must be instructed in the use of the vessel’s lifesaving equipment and appliances and
in survival at sea during alternate
weeks, normally in the weeks when
abandon-ship drills are not held. If individual instructional sessions cover
different parts of the vessel’s lifesaving
system, they must cover each part of
the vessel’s lifesaving equipment and
appliances each 2 months. Each member must be instructed in at least—
(i) Operation and use of the vessel’s
inflatable liferafts;
(ii) Problems of hypothermia, first
aid for hypothermia, and other appropriate procedures; and

(iii) Special procedures necessary for
use of the vessel’s lifesaving equipment
and appliances in heavy weather.
(4) Training in the use of davitlaunched inflatable liferafts must take
place at intervals of not more than 4
months on each vessel with such liferafts. Whenever practicable this must
include the inflation and lowering of a
liferaft. If this liferaft is a special one
intended for training only, and is not
part of the vessel’s lifesaving system,
it must be conspicuously so marked.
(e) Dates when musters are held, details of abandon-ship drills, drills on
other lifesaving equipment and appliances, and training aboard must be entered in the vessel’s official logbook.
Each logbook entry must include the
following, as applicable:
(1) Time and date.
(2) Length of drill or training session.
(3) Identification of survival craft
used in drills.
(4) Subject of training session.
(5) Statement on the condition of the
equipment used.
(6) Unless a full muster, drill, or
training session is held at the appointed time, the circumstances and
the extent of the muster, drill, or
training session held.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49340,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2009–0702,
74 FR 49235, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 131.535 Firefighting
(a) A fire drill must be held on each
vessel, normally on alternate weeks. It
must not be held as part of the abandon-ship drill, nor immediately before
or after the abandon-ship drill. If none
can be held on schedule, because of bad
weather or other unavoidable constraint, one must be held at the next
(b) Any crew member excused from a
fire drill must participate in the next
one, so that each member participates
in at least one each month. Unless
more than 25 percent of the members
have participated in one on that particular vessel in the previous month,
one must be held before the vessel
leaves port if reasonable and practicable; but, unless the Commandant
(CG–543) accepts alternative arrangements as at least equivalent, one must


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 131.545

be held not later than 24 hours after
the vessel leaves port in any event.
(c) Each fire drill must include—
(1) Summoning of crew members and
offshore workers to their stations with
the general alarm;
(2) Simulation of a fire emergency
that varies from drill to drill;
(3) Reporting of crew members and
offshore workers to stations, and preparing for, and demonstrating of the
duties assigned under the procedure described in the station bill for, the particular fire emergency being simulated;
(4) Starting of fire pumps and use of
a sufficient number of outlets to determine that the system is working properly;
(5) Bringing out each breathing apparatus and other item of rescue and
safety equipment from the emergencyequipment lockers, and demonstrating
of the use of each item by the person or
persons that will make use of it;
(6) Operation of each watertight door;
(7) Operation of each self-closing fire
(8) Closing of each fire door and each
door within the fire boundary; and
(9) Closing of each ventilation closure of each space protected by a fixed
fire-extinguishing system.
(d) Each fire drill must, as far as
practicable, be conducted as if there
were an actual emergency.
(e) The dates when fire drills are
held, and details of training in fire
fighting and of fire drills, must be entered in the vessel’s official logbook.
Each logbook entry must include the
following, as applicable:
(1) Time and date.
(2) Length of drill or training session.
(3) Number and lengths of hose used.
(4) Subject of training session.
(5) Statement on the condition of the
equipment used.
(6) Unless a full drill or training session is held at the appointed time, the
circumstances and the extent of the
drill or training session held.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49340,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2009–0702,
74 FR 49235, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 131.540 Operational readiness.
(a) Except as provided by § 131.545(e)
of this subpart, ach lifesaving appliance and each item of equipment for a

lifeboat, liferaft, survival craft, rescue
boat, life float, or buoyant apparatus
must be in good working order and
ready for immediate use before the vessel leaves port and at any time when
the vessel is away from port.
(b) Each deck where a lifeboat, liferaft, survival craft, rescue boat, life
float, or buoyant apparatus is stowed,
launched, or boarded must be kept
clear of obstructions that would interfere with the breaking out, launching,
or boarding of the lifesaving appliance.
§ 131.545

Maintenance in general.

(a) For each lifesaving appliance, the
manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance of the appliances aboard must
be aboard and must include the following:
(1) Checklists for use in the inspections required by § 131.565(a) of this subpart.
(2) Instructions for maintenance and
(3) A schedule of periodic maintenance.
(4) A diagram of lubrication points
with the recommended lubricants.
(5) A list of replaceable parts.
(6) A list of sources of spare parts.
(7) A log for records of inspections,
maintenance, and repair.
(b) The master shall ensure that
maintenance is carried out to comply
with the instructions required by paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) For lifesaving appliances constructed on or before July 1, 1986, paragraph (a) of this section need be complied with only to the extent that appliances’ manufacturers’ instructions
are available.
(d) The cognizant OCMI may accept,
instead of the instructions required by
paragraph (a) of this section, a program for planned shipboard maintenance that includes the items listed in
that paragraph.
(e) If lifeboats and rigid liferafts are
maintained and repaired on the vessel
while the vessel is under way, there
must be enough lifeboats and liferafts
available for use on the vessel to accommodate each person aboard the
(f) Except in an emergency, no extensive repairs or alterations may be made


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§ 131.550

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

to any lifesaving appliance without advance notice to the cognizant OCMI. As
far as possible, each repair or alteration must be made to comply with the
requirements for the appliance in subchapter Q of this chapter. This OCMI
may require each appliance that has
been extensively repaired or in any
way altered to undergo each pertinent
test in subchapter Q of this chapter.
(g) The master shall report each
emergency repair or alteration to a
lifesaving appliance, as soon as practicable, either to the OCMI in the next
port in the United States where the
vessel calls or, if the vessel does not
regularly call at ports in the United
States, to the OCMI responsible for the
next foreign port where the vessel
(h) No lifeboat or rigid liferaft may
be repaired or reconditioned for use on
a vessel other than the one it was
originally built for, unless specifically
permitted by the cognizant OCMI. The
lifeboat or rigid liferaft must be so repaired or reconditioned under the supervision of this OCMI, unless he or she
specifically allows otherwise.
§ 131.550

Maintenance of falls.

(a) Each fall used with a launching
appliance must be turned end for end
at intervals of not more than 30
(b) Each fall used with a launching
appliance must be renewed either when
necessary because of deterioration or
after the passage of not more than 5
years, whichever occurs earlier.
(c) Each fall used with a launching
appliance must have a corrosion-resistant tag permanently marked with—
(1) The date the new fall was installed; and
(2) The last date, if any, the fall was
turned end for end.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 131.555 Spare parts and repair equipment.
Spare parts and repair equipment
must be provided for each lifesaving
appliance and component that either is
subject to excessive wear or consumption or needs to be replaced regularly.
These parts and equipment must be
kept aboard the OSV, except that, if
the vessel operates daily out of the

same shore base, they may be kept at
that base.
§ 131.560

Weekly tests and inspections.

The following tests and inspections
must be carried out weekly:
(a) Each lifesaving appliance and
launching appliance must be visually
inspected to ensure that it is ready for
(b) Each engine of a lifeboat or a rescue boat must be run ahead and astern
for not less than 3 minutes, unless the
ambient temperature is below the
minimal temperature required for
starting the engine.
(c) The general alarm system must be
(d) Each battery for starting the engine of a lifeboat or a rescue boat, or
for energizing a searchlight, a fixed installation of a radio in a lifeboat, or a
portable radio, must be brought up to
full charge at least once a week if the
battery is—
(1) Of a type that requires recharging; and
(2) Not connected to a device that
keeps it continuously charged.
(e) The transmitter of each fixed installation of a radio in a lifeboat and
that of each portable radio must be
tried out at least once a week with a
dummy antenna load.
§ 131.565 Monthly



(a) Each lifesaving appliance, including lifeboat equipment, must be inspected monthly against the checklist
required by § 131.545(a)(1) of this subpart to ensure that it is aboard and in
good order. A report of the inspection,
including a statement on the condition
of the appliance, must be entered in
the vessel’s logbook.
(b) Each Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) and each
(SART), other than an EPIRB or SART
in an inflatable liferaft, must be tested
monthly. The EPIRB must be tested
using the integrated test circuit and
the output indicator (test button) to
determine that it works.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 131.585

§ 131.570 Quarterly inspections.
(a) Each apparatus that controls a
lifeboat winch, including motor controllers, emergency switches, master
switches, and limit switches, must be
inspected once each 3 months.
(b) The inspection must involve the
removal of drain plugs and the opening
of drain valves to ensure that enclosures are free of water.
(c) The date of the inspection required by this section and the condition of the equipment must be entered
in the vessel’s logbook.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 131.575 Yearly inspections and repair.
(a) Each lifeboat, rescue boat, rigid
liferaft, buoyant apparatus, and life
float must be stripped, cleaned, and
thoroughly inspected and repaired as
needed at least once a year. This procedure includes emptying and cleaning
each fuel tank and refilling it with
fresh fuel.
(b) Each davit, winch, fall, and other
launching-appliance must be thoroughly inspected at least once a year,
and repaired as needed.
(c) Each item of survival equipment
with an expiration date must be replaced during the annual inspection
and repair if this date has passed.
(d) Each battery used in an item of
survival equipment and clearly marked
with an expiration date must be replaced during the annual inspection
and repair if this date has passed.
(e) Except a storage battery used in a
lifeboat or in a rescue boat, each battery used in an item of survival equipment and not clearly marked with an
expiration date must be replaced during the annual inspection and repair.
(f) Compliance with the requirements
of this section does not relieve the
master or person in charge of the duty
of compliance with requirements in
§ 131.540(a) of this subpart to keep the
equipment ready for immediate use
when the vessel is under way.
§ 131.580 Servicing of inflatable liferafts, inflatable lifejackets, inflatable buoyant apparatus, and inflated rescue boats.
(a) An inflatable liferaft or inflatable
buoyant apparatus must be serviced at
a facility specifically approved by the

Commandant for the particular brand,
and in accordance with servicing procedures meeting the requirements of part
160, subpart 160.151, of this chapter—
(1) No later than the month and year
on its servicing sticker affixed under 46
CFR 160.151–57(n), except that servicing
may be delayed until the next scheduled inspection of the vessel, provided
that the delay does not exceed 5
months; and
(2) Whenever the container is damaged or the container straps or seals
are broken.
(b) Each inflatable lifejacket and hybrid inflatable lifejacket or work vest
must be serviced:
(1) Within 12 months of its initial
packing; and
(2) Within 12 months of each subsequent servicing, except that servicing
may be delayed until the next scheduled inspection of the OSV, provided
that the delay does not exceed 5
(c) Each inflatable lifejacket must be
serviced in compliance with subpart
160.176 of this chapter.
(d) Each hybrid inflatable lifejacket
or work vest must be serviced in accordance with the manual provided
under § 160.077–29 of this chapter.
(e) Repair and maintenance of inflatable rescue boats must follow the manufacturers’ instructions. Each repair,
except an emergency repair made
aboard the vessel, must be made at a
servicing facility approved by the Commandant (CG–521).
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49340,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2002–
11118, 67 FR 58541, Sept. 17, 2002; USCG–2009–
0702, 74 FR 49235, Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 131.585 Periodic servicing of hydrostatic-release units.
(a) Except a disposable hydrostaticrelease unit with an expiration date,
each hydrostatic-release unit must be
(1) Within 12 months of its manufacture and within 12 months of each subsequent servicing, except when a servicing due after 12 months is delayed
not more than 5 months until the next
scheduled inspection of the vessel; and
(2) In compliance with subpart 160.062
of this chapter.


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§ 131.590

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(b) The springs of each spring-tensioned gripe used with a hydrostaticrelease unit must be renewed when the
unit is serviced and tested.
§ 131.590 Firefighting equipment.
(a) The master shall ensure that the
vessel’s required firefighting equipment is on board in the prescribed location and always ready for use, other
than when the equipment is being serviced.
(b) The master shall, at least once
each 12 months, nsure the performance
of the tests and inspections of each
semiportable fire extinguisher, and
fixed fire-extinguishing system aboard
described by Table 132.350 of this subchapter.
(c) The master shall keep records of
these tests and inspections, showing
the dates of their performance, the
number or other identification of each
unit undergoing them, and the name of
the person or company conducting
them. The records must be made available to the marine inspector upon request and must be kept for the period
of validity of the vessel’s current Certificate of Inspection.
(d) The conducting of tests and inspections required by this section does
not relieve the master of his or her responsibility to maintain the prescribed
firefighting equipment in working
order for use at any time when the vessel is under way.

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Subpart F—Logs
§ 131.610 Logbooks and records.
(a) Each OSV must by statute, or by
regulations in this subchapter, have
certain logbooks or records. The master shall make all entries required by
statute, or by regulations in this subchapter.
(b) 46 U.S.C. 11301 states that a vessel
of the United States, except one on a
voyage from a port in the United
States to a port in Canada, shall have
an official logbook if the vessel is—
(1) On a voyage from a port in the
United States to a foreign port; or
(2) Of at least 100 gross tons and on a
voyage between a port in the United
States on the Atlantic Ocean and one
on the Pacific Ocean.

(c) The Coast Guard gratuitously furnishes to masters of vessels of the
United States the official logbook as
Form CG–706B or CG–706C, depending
upon the number of persons employed
as crew. The first several pages of this
logbook list various acts of Congress
governing logbooks and the entries required in them.
(d) When a voyage is completed, or
after a specified time has elapsed, the
master shall file the official logbook
containing required entries with the
OCMI at or nearest the port where the
vessel may be.
(e) Unless an official logbook is required, the owner, operator, or master
shall supply an alternative log or
record for making entries required by
law, including regulations in this subchapter. This log or record need not be
filed with this OCMI, but must be kept
available for review by a marine inspector for a year after the date that
the latest entry concerns.
§ 131.620

Matters that must be logged.

The following matters must be entered in each vessel’s logbook:
(a) Safety Orientation for Offshore
Workers. As held. See § 131.320.
(b) Tests and inspection of Steering
Gear, Whistle, and Means of Communication.
§ 131.505.
(c) Draft and Loadline Markings. Before leaving port. Ocean and coastwise
voyages only. See § 131.510.
(d) Verification of Compliance with
Applicable Stability Requirements. See
§ 131.513.
(e) Periodic Sanitary Inspections.
After periodic sanitary inspections
made by the master. See § 131.515.
(f) Hatches and Other Openings. Each
opening and closing, or departure from
port without closing (except by vessels
on protected waters). See § 131.520.
(g) Tests of Emergency Lighting and
Power. Weekly, monthly, and twiceyearly. See § 131.525.
Drills, and Firefighting Training and
Drills. As held. See §§ 131.530 and
(i) Inspection of Lifeboat Winches.
Once each 3 months. See § 131.570.


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Coast Guard, DHS
§ 131.630

§ 131.830

Entries in official logbooks.

On each vessel required to have an
Official Logbook, the items required by
46 U.S.C. 11301, as well as the items required by § 131.620, must be entered in
the logbook.

Subpart G—Work Vests
§ 131.710

Approved work vests.

Each buoyant work vest carried
aboard must be approved under subpart
160.053 of this chapter or, as a commercial hybrid personal flotation device,
under subpart 160.077 of this chapter.
§ 131.720


(a) An approved buoyant work vest is
an item of safety apparel and may be
carried aboard for wear by a crew member when working near or over the
(b) The vest may not count towards
the vessel’s complement of lifejackets.
(c) The vest may not be worn instead
of a lifejacket during a drill.
§ 131.730

Shipboard stowage.

The master shall ensure that no work
vest is stowed where any lifejacket is
§ 131.740

Shipboard inspections.

Each buoyant work vest must be subject to examination by a marine inspector, to determine its serviceability. If found serviceable, it may
continue in service; but no buoyant
work vest is stamped as inspected. If
not found serviceable, and if determined irreparable by the inspector, a
buoyant work vest must be destroyed
in the presence of the inspector.

Subpart H—Markings for Fire
Equipment and Emergency

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 131.800


(a) This section prescribes markings
necessary for the guidance of persons
aboard in case of an emergency. The
markings may be modified or omitted
if they are unnecessary, because either
the vessel is small or particular circumstances warrant, and if the cognizant OCMI approves.

(b) Each stateroom notice, directional sign, and the like must be printed in English and in other languages
appropriate to the service of the vessel.
(c) Where this subpart specifies red
letters, letters of a contrasting color
on a red background are acceptable.
§ 131.805 General alarm bell, switch.
The switch in the pilothouse that activates the general alarm bell must be
clearly and permanently identified either by letters on a metal plate or with
a sign in red letters on a suitable background that state the following:
§ 131.810 General alarm bell.
Each general alarm bell must be
identified by red letters at least 13 millimeters (1⁄2-inch) high that state the
§ 131.815 Alarm for fixed gaseous fireextinguishing system.
Each alarm for a fixed gaseous fireextinguishing system must be conspicuously identified, using the following statement: ‘‘WHEN ALARM
§ 131.820 Branch lines of fire-extinguishing system.
The valves of each branch line in the
fire extinguishing system must be
plainly and permanently marked, indicating the spaces served.
§ 131.825 Controls of fire-extinguishing
Each control cabinet or space containing a valve or manifold for a fire
extinguishing system must be distinctly marked in conspicuous red letters at least 50 millimeters (2 inches)
high that state the following: ‘‘FIRE
§ 131.830 Fire-hose stations.
Each fire station must be identified
in red letters and figures at least 50
millimeters (2 inches) high that state
the following: ‘‘FIRE STATION #1,’’
‘‘* * * 2,’’ ‘‘* * * 3,’’ and so on. Where


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§ 131.835

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

the hose is not so stowed in the open or
behind glass as to be readily seen, this
identification must be so placed as to
be readily seen from a distance.
§ 131.835 Portable fire extinguishers.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, ach portable fire extinguisher must be marked with a
number, and the site of its stowage
must be marked with a corresponding
number at least 13 millimeters (1⁄2inch) high.
(b) If only one type and size of portable fire extinguisher is carried, the
number may be omitted.
§ 131.840 Emergency lighting.
Emergency lighting must be marked
with a letter ‘‘E’’ at least 13 millimeters (1⁄2-inch) high.

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§ 131.845 Instructions for shift of steering gear.
(a) Instructions, including diagrams,
for a shift of steering gear and for a
shift to the alternative steering stations must be on water-resistant material and posted at each steering station
and in the steering-engine room, relating, in order, the different steps to
take in either shift.
(b) The instructions must indicate
each clutch or pin to be ‘‘in’’ or ‘‘out’’
and each valve or switch to be ‘‘open’’
or ‘‘closed’’ in a shift to any means of
steering for which the vessel is
(c) The instructions must specify
that each steering wheel or lever, and
each rudder, must be amidships before
any shift of steering gear or steering
(d) Each clutch, gear, wheel, lever,
valve, or switch used during any shift
of steering gear or steering stations
must be numbered or lettered on a
metal plate or painted so that the
numbers or letters are recognizable at
a reasonable distance.
§ 131.850 Rudder orders.
At each steering station there must
be installed a suitable notice on the
wheel or lever, or in some other place
directly in the helmsman’s line of
sight, to indicate the direction in
which to turn the wheel or lever for
‘‘right rudder’’ and for ‘‘left rudder.’’

§ 131.855 Lifeboats and rescue boats.
(a) The following must be plainly
marked or painted on each side of the
bow of each lifeboat and rescue boat in
block capital letters and numbers:
(1) The name of the vessel.
(2) The number of the boat. (The
boats on each side of the vessel must be
numbered from forward to aft. If there
are boats on both sides of the vessel,
the odd numbers must be on the starboard side.)
(3) For each vessel in ocean service,
the name of the port whose marking on
the stern is required by § 67.123 of this
(b) The following must be plainly
marked or painted on each side of the
bow of each lifeboat and rescue boat in
block capital letters and numbers:
(1) The length and beam of the boat.
(2) The number of persons the boat
will hold. This number must—
(i) Be the number of persons the boat
is equipped for; and
(ii) Not be greater than the number
of persons the boat is approved for, as
shown on its nameplate.
(c) The following must be plainly
marked or painted on each lifeboat and
rescue boat, visible from above the
(1) The number of the boat.
(2) The name of the vessel.
(d) Each lifeboat and rescue boat
must be marked with Type II retro-reflective material approved under subpart 164.018 of this chapter. The arrangement of the retro-reflective material must comply with IMO Resolution
§ 131.860 Rigid liferafts.
(a) The following must be plainly
marked or painted, near one entrance
of each rigid liferaft:
(1) The name of the vessel.
(2) For each vessel in ocean service,
the name of the port whose marking on
the stern is required by § 67.123 of this
(b) The length of the painter must be
plainly marked or painted, near one entrance of each rigid liferaft.
(c) The number of persons the rigid
liferaft is approved for must be plainly
marked or painted, over each entrance
to each raft, in letters and numbers at
least 102 millimeters (4 inches) high


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 131.893

and in a color contrasting to that of
the raft. This number must—
(1) Be the number of persons the rigid
liferaft is equipped for; and
(2) Not be greater than the number of
persons the rigid liferaft is approved
for, as shown on its nameplate.
(d) The rigid liferaft must be marked
with the words ‘‘SOLAS A pack’’ or
‘‘SOLAS B pack’’, to reflect the pack
§ 131.865 Inflatable liferafts and inflatable buoyant apparatus.
The number of the inflatable liferaft
or inflatable buoyant apparatus and
the number of persons it is approved
for must be marked or painted, in a
conspicuous place in the immediate vicinity of each raft and each apparatus,
in letters and numbers at least 38 millimeters (1–1⁄2 inches) high and in a color
contrasting to that of the raft or apparatus. Each raft or apparatus stowed on
the side of a vessel must be numbered
like a liferaft in compliance with
§ 199.178 (c) and (d) of this chapter. No
letters or numbers may go on the liferaft or on the container of the apparatus.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 131.870 Life floats and buoyant apparatus.
(a) The name of the vessel must be
plainly marked or painted on each life
float or buoyant apparatus, and on
each oar and paddle.
(b) The number of persons each life
float or buoyant apparatus is approved
for must be plainly marked or painted
on each float or apparatus in letters
and numbers at least 38 millimeters (1–
1⁄2 inches) high and in a color contrasting to that of the float or apparatus. This number must—
(1) Be the number of persons the float
or apparatus is equipped for; and
(2) Not be greater than the number of
persons the float or apparatus is approved for, as shown on its nameplate.
§ 131.875 Lifejackets, immersion suits,
and ring buoys.
(a) Each lifejacket, immersion suit,
and ring life buoy must be marked in
block capital letters with the vessel’s
(b) Each container for lifejackets and
immersion suits must be marked in let-

ters and numbers at least 50 millimeters (2 inches) high with the number,
identity, or IMO symbol specified by
IMO Resolution A.760(18), and size of
the items stowed inside.
(c) Each ring buoy on a vessel in
ocean service must be marked in block
capital letters with the name of the
port whose marking on the stern of the
vessel is required by § 67.123 of this
(d) Each stowage site for a ring buoy
must be marked ‘‘LIFE BUOY’’ or
marked with the IMO symbol.
(e) Each lifejacket must be marked
with Type I retro-reflective material
approved under subpart 164.018 of this
chapter. The arrangement of the retroreflective material must comply with
IMO Resolution A.658(16).
(f) Each ring life buoy must be
marked with Type I or II retro-reflective material approved under subpart
164.018 of this chapter. The arrangement of the retro-reflective material
must comply with IMO Resolution
§ 131.880 Fire hoses and axes.
Each fire hose and axe must be
marked with the vessel’s name.
§ 131.890 EPIRBs and SARTs.
The name of the vessel must be plainly marked or painted on each Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) and on each Search and
Rescue Transmitter (SART), except on
(a) In an inflatable liferaft; or
(b) Permanently installed in a survival craft.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49340,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2010–0759,
75 FR 60003, Sept. 29, 2010]

§ 131.893 Watertight doors and watertight hatches.
Each watertight door in a bulkhead
that must be watertight in compliance
with the requirements in part 174 of
this chapter, and each watertight
hatch, must be marked on both sides in
letters at least 50 millimeters (2
inches) high that state the following:


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§ 131.896
§ 131.896

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
Remote stopping-systems.

The remote stopping-systems required by § 129.540 of this subchapter
must be clearly marked to show what
system each controls.
§ 131.899

Fire dampers.

Each fire damper installed within the
boundary of a space protected by a
fixed fire extinguishing system must be
fitted with an indicator showing
whether the damper is open or closed
and must be marked with red letters at
least 13 millimeters (1⁄2-inch) high stating ‘‘FIRE DAMPER’’ and, as otherwise appropriate, identifying the space
served by the fire damper.

Subpart I—Miscellaneous
§ 131.905

Statutory penalties.

(a) The marine-safety statutes and
other statutes impose criminal and
civil penalties for violating the applicable provisions of this subchapter.
Possible sanctions include:
(1) Assessment and collection of civil
monetary penalty.
(2) Criminal prosecution, where no
loss of life results.
(3) Criminal prosecution for manslaughter, where loss of life results
from violating marine-safety statutes
or regulations or from misconduct,
negligence, or inattention to duty.
(4) Libel against vessel.
(b) 46 U.S.C. Chapter 77 allows, in addition to the foregoing, the suspension
or revocation of credentials licenses,
certificates, or documents issued by
the Coast Guard, for incompetence,
misconduct, or negligence or for violating marine-safety statutes or regulations.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49340,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2006–
24371, 74 FR 11266, Mar. 16, 2009]

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§ 131.910 Notices to mariners and aids
to navigation.
Each master and mate shall acquaint
himself or herself with the latest information published by the Coast Guard
and the National Imagery and Mapping

Agency regarding aids to navigation in
the area in which the vessel operates.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49340,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2001–
10224, 66 FR 48620, Sept. 21, 2001]

§ 131.915 Persons allowed in pilothouse and on navigational bridge.
No person may be in the pilothouse
while the vessel is under way, unless
connected with the navigation of the
vessel or authorized for good cause by
the master or mate on watch.
§ 131.920

Level of manning.

Each vessel must carry the personnel
required by the Certificate of Inspection, as determined by the cognizant
OCMI, based on an evaluation under
part 15 of this chapter.
§ 131.925 Compliance with provisions
of Certificate of Inspection.
The master of the vessel shall ensure
compliance with each provision of the
Certificate of Inspection. Nothing in
this subchapter prevents the master’s
diverting the vessel from the route prescribed in the Certificate, or taking
other steps necessary and prudent to
assist vessels in distress or to handle
similar emergencies.
§ 131.930

Display of stability letter.

If the Coast Guard issues a stability
letter under § 170.120 of this chapter,
the letter must be readily available to
the person on watch in the pilothouse
of the vessel.
§ 131.935

Prevention of oil pollution.

Each vessel must be operated in compliance with—
(a) Section 311 of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act, as amended (33
U.S.C. 1321); and
(b) 33 CFR parts 151, 155, and 156.
§ 131.940

Marine sanitation device.

Each vessel with installed toilet facilities must have a marine sanitation
device in compliance with 33 CFR part


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Coast Guard, DHS
§ 131.945

Pt. 132

Display of plans.

Each vessel must have a permanently
exhibited, for the guidance of the master and crew members, general arrangement plans showing, for each
deck, the various fire-retardant bulkheads together with particulars of
(a) Fire-detection systems;
(b) Manual-alarm systems;
(c) Fire-extinguishing systems;
(d) Fire doors;
(e) Means of ingress to the different
compartments; and
(f) Ventilating-systems, including
(1) Positions of the dampers;
(2) Site of the remote means of stopping the fans; and
(3) Identification of the fans serving
each section.
§ 131.950 Placard on lifesaving signals
and helicopter recovery.
(a) Each vessel must have readily
available to the person on watch in the
pilothouse a placard (Form CG–811)
containing instructions—
(1) For the use of lifesaving signals
set forth in Regulation 16, Chapter V,
of SOLAS 74/83; and
(2) In helicopter recovery.
(b) The signals must be employed by
vessels or persons in distress when
communicating with lifesaving stations and maritime rescue units.
§ 131.955 Display of merchant mariner
Each officer on a vessel must conspicuously display his or her license or
officer endorsements as required by 46
U.S.C. 7110.

(c) The changeover from automatic
to manual control of the vessel’s steering and the reverse is made by, or
under the supervision of, the master or
officer of the watch.
§ 131.965

§ 131.970

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Unauthorized lighting.

No master of a vessel may authorize
or permit the vessel’s carrying of any
lighting not required by law that will
interfere in any way with any other
vessel’s ability to distinguish the vessel’s navigation lighting.
§ 131.975


No person may flash, or cause to be
flashed, the rays of a searchlight or
other blinding light onto the bridge or
into the pilothouse of any vessel, OSV
or other, under way.
§ 131.980

Lookouts and watches.

Nothing in this part exonerates any
master or officer of the watch from the
consequences of any neglect to keep a
proper lookout or to maintain a proper
fire watch, or of any neglect of any precaution that may be required by the
ordinary practice of seamen, by general
prudence, or by the special circumstances of the case. Each master
shall set added watches when necessary
to guard against fire or other danger
and to give an alarm in case of accident or disaster.


[USCG–2006–24371, 74 FR 11266, Mar. 16, 2009]

§ 131.960

Sounding of whistle.

No vessel may sound its whistle within any harbor limits of the United
States unless it needs to.

Subpart A—Fire Main

Use of auto-pilot.

When the automatic pilot is used in
areas of high traffic density, conditions
of restricted visibility, or any other
hazardous navigational situations, the
master shall ensure that—
(a) It is possible to immediately establish manual control of the vessel’s
(b) A competent person is ready at all
times to take over steering control;


Fire pumps.
Fire stations.

Subpart B—Portable and Semiportable Fire
132.210 Classification.
132.220 Installation.
132.230 Spare charges.
132.240 Stowage of semiportable fire extinguishers.


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§ 132.100

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Subpart C—Miscellaneous
132.310 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems for
paint lockers.
132.320 Helicopter-landing decks.
132.330 Fire monitors.
132.340 Equipment installed although not
132.350 Tests and inspections of fire-extinguishing equipment.
132.360 Fire axes.
132.370 Added requirements for fixed independent and portable tanks.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3307; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No.
SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49348, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—Fire Main
§ 132.100


(a) Except as provided by paragraphs
(b) and (c) of this section, each vessel
must be equipped with a fire main that
complies with this subpart.
(b) Each vessel of less than 100 gross
tons and not more than 19.8 meters (65
feet) in length may have, instead of a
fire main that complies with this subpart, a hand-operated pump and a hose
capable of providing an effective
stream of water to each part of the vessel.
(c) A garden hose of nominal inside
diameter of at least 16 millimeters (5/8inch) complies with paragraph (b) of
this section if the hose is—
(1) Of good commercial grade and is
constructed of an inner rubber tube,
plies of braided-fabric reinforcement,
and an outer cover made of rubber or
equivalent fire-resistant material; and
(2) Fitted with a commercial gardenhose nozzle of high-grade bronze or
equivalent metal capable of providing a
solid stream and a spray pattern.

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§ 132.110


(a) Except as provided for liftboats by
§ 134.180 of this subchapter, each fitting, flange, valve, and run of piping
must meet the applicable requirements
of part 128 of this subchapter. Piping
must be—
(1) Hot-dip galvanized;
(2) At least extra-heavy schedule; or
(3) Of a suitable corrosion-resistant

(b) Each distribution cut-off valve
must be marked in compliance with
§ 131.820 of this subchapter.
§ 132.120 Fire pumps.
(a) Except as provided by § 132.100(b)
of this subpart, each vessel must be
equipped with one self-priming powerdriven fire pump capable of delivering
a single stream of water from the highest hydrant, through the hose and nozzle at a Pitot-tube pressure of at least
345 kPa (50 psi [pounds per square
(b) Each fire pump must be fitted on
the discharge side with a pressure
(c) Each fire pump must be fitted on
the discharge side with a relief valve
set to relieve at either 172 kPa (25 psi)
in excess of the pressure necessary to
maintain the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section or 862 kPa (125
psi), whichever is greater. The relief
valve is optional if the pump is not capable of developing pressure exceeding
the greater amount.
(d) If two propulsion engines are installed, the pump required by paragraph (a) of this section may be driven
by one of the engines. If only one propulsion engine is installed, the pump
must be driven by a source of power
independent of the engine.
(e) If two fire pumps are installed,
and if one pump remains available for
service on the fire main at any time,
the other pump may be used for other
(f) Each fire pump must be capable of
providing the quantity of water required to comply with paragraph (a) of
this section while meeting any other
demands placed on it, as by a branch
line connected to the fire main for
washing the anchor or the deck.
(g) No branch line may be directly
connected to the fire main except for
fighting fires or for washing the anchor
or the deck. Each discharge line for
any other purpose must be clearly
marked and must lead from a discharge
manifold near the fire pump.
(h) When a fire monitor is connected
to the fire main system, it must lead
from a discharge manifold near the fire
(i) The total cross-sectional area of
piping leading from a fire pump may


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 132.210

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not be less than that of the pump-discharge outlet.
(j) In no case may a pump connected
to a line for flammable or combustible
liquid be used as a fire pump.
(k) A fire pump must be capable of
both manual operation at the pump
and, if a remote operating station is
fitted, operation at that station.
§ 132.130 Fire stations.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, ire stations must be
so numerous and so placed that each
part of the vessel accessible to persons
aboard while the vessel is being operated, and each cargo hold, are reachable by at least two effective spray patterns of water. At least two such patterns must come from separate hydrants. At least one must come from a
single length of hose.
(b) Each part of the main machinery
space, including the shaft alley if it
contains space assigned for the stowage
of combustibles, must be reachable by
at least two streams of water. Each
stream must come from a single length
of hose, from a separate fire station.
(c) Each fire station must be numbered in compliance with § 131.830 of
this subchapter.
(d) Each part of the fire main on a
weather deck must be either protected
against freezing or fitted with cut-out
valves and drain valves so that exposed
parts of the piping may be shut off and
drained in freezing weather. Except
when closed against freezing, the cutout valves must be sealed open.
(e) Each outlet at a fire hydrant
must be at least 38 millimeters (11⁄2
inch) in diameter and, to minimize the
possibility of kinking, must be fitted
so that no hose leads upward from it.
(f) Each fire station must be equipped
with a spanner suitable for use on the
hose there.
(g) Each fire station must have at
least one length of fire hose. Each hose
on the station must have a fire nozzle
approved under subpart 162.027 of this
chapter that can discharge both solid
stream and water spray.
(h) Each pipe and fire hydrant must
be placed so that the fire hose may be
easily coupled to them. Each station
must be readily accessible. No deck
cargo may interfere with access to the

stations; each pipe must run as far
away from this cargo as practicable, to
avoid risk of damage by the cargo.
(i) Each fire hydrant or ‘‘Y’’ branch
must be equipped with a valve such
that the fire hose may be removed
while there is pressure on the fire
(j) Each fire hydrant connection
must be of brass, bronze, or equivalent
metal. The threads of fire hose couplings must be of brass or other suitable corrosion-resistant material and
comply with NFPA 1963.
(k) Each fire hydrant must have a
fire hose 15.2 meters (50 feet) in length,
with a minimum diameter of 38 millimeters (11⁄2 inches), connected to an
outlet, for use at any time.
(l) No fire hose, when part of the fire
equipment, may be used for any purpose except fire-fighting, fire drills,
and testing.
(m) A suitable hose rack or other device must be provided for each fire
hose. Each rack on a weather deck
must be placed so as to protect its hose
from heavy weather.
(n) Each section of fire hose must be
lined commercial fire hose, or lined fire
hose that meets Standard 19 of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL). Hose
that bears the UL label as lined fire
hose complies with this section.

Subpart B—Portable and
Semiportable Fire Extinguishers
§ 132.210


(a) Each portable fire extinguisher
and semiportable fire extinguisher is
classified by a symbol combining letter
and number. The letter indicates the
type of fire that the unit should extinguish; the number indicates the relative size of the unit.
(b) The types of fire are the following:
(1) ‘‘A’’—fires in ordinary combustible materials, where the quenching
and cooling effect of quantities of either water or solutions containing
large percentages of water is essential.
(2) ‘‘B’’—fires in flammable liquids,
greases, and the like, where the blanketing effect of a smothering-agent is


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§ 132.220

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(3) ‘‘C’’—fires in electrical equipment, where the use of nonconducting
extinguishing-agent is essential.
(c) The sizes of units run from ‘‘I’’ for
the smallest to ‘‘V’’ for the largest.
Sizes I and II are portable fire extinguishers; sizes III, IV, and V, which exceed 25 kilograms (55 pounds) in gross

weight, are semiportable fire extinguishers and must be fitted with suitable hose and nozzle or other practicable means to cover any part of the
space involved. Typical portable and
semiportable fire extinguishers are set
forth by Table 132.210 of this section.

TABLE 132.210


Foam, liters (gallons)


Halon 1211, 1301, and
1211–1301 mixtures
kgs. (lbs.)

Carbon dioxide, kgs.

II ................
I .................
II ................
III ...............
IV ...............
V ................
I .................
II ................

1.13 (21⁄2) .....................
4.5 (10) .........................
1.13 (21⁄2) .....................
4.5 (10) .........................

9.46 (21⁄2) .....................
9.46 (21⁄2) .....................
45.4 (12) .......................
75.7 (20) .......................
151.4 (40) .....................

1.8 (4) ...........................
6.8 (15) .........................
15.9 (35) .......................
22.6 (50) .......................
453 (100) ......................
1.8 (4) ...........................
6.8 (15) .........................

(d) Each portable fire extinguisher
and semiportable fire extinguisher
must have permanently attached an
identification plate that gives the
name of the extinguishing-agent, the
capacity of the agent in liters (gallons)
or kilograms (pounds), the classification of the extinguisher expressed by
letter or letters indicating the type or
types of fire for which it is intended,
and the identifying mark of the manufacturer.

Dry chemicals,
kgs. (lbs.)

0.91 (2)
4.5 (10)
9 (20)
13.6 (30)
22.6 (50)
.91 (2)
4.5 (10)

§ 132.220 Installation.
(a) Each portable fire extinguisher
approved under subpart 162.028 of this
chapter and each semiportable fire extinguisher approved under subpart
162.039 of this chapter must be installed
in compliance with Table 132.220 of this
section. The placement of each extinguisher must satisfy the cognizant
OCMI, who may also deem added extinguishers necessary for the proper protection of the vessel.


Number and placement

A-II .......................................

B-III ......................................
C-II .......................................

1. In each main passageway, not more than 45.7 meters (150 feet) apart (permissible in stairways).
2. In vicinity of exit.
1. For each 230 square meters (2,500 feet2) or fraction
thereof, suitable for hazards involved.
1. Outside space, in vicinity of exit.
1. For each 230 square meters (2,500 feet2) or fraction
thereof, located in vicinity of exits, either inside or
outside spaces.
1. Outside space in vicinity of exit.
1. For each 1,000 brake horsepower, but not fewer
than 2 nor more than 6.
1. Required. (1), (2)
1. For each propulsion motor or generator unit.

B-II .......................................
C-II .......................................

1. Outside space in vicinity of exit. (2)
1. Outside space in vicinity of exit. (2)

Safety areas: Communicating passageways
Pilothouse ...............................................
Service spaces: Galleys .........................

C-I ........................................
B-II or C–11 .........................

Paint lockers ...........................................
Accessible baggage and storerooms .....

B-II .......................................
A-II .......................................

Work shops and similar spaces .............
Machinery spaces: Internal-combustion

A-II .......................................
B-II .......................................

Electric propulsion motors or generators
of open type.
Auxiliary spaces: Internal combustion ....
Electric motors and emergency generators.
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Classification (see
§ 132.210)

(1) Not required where a fixed gaseous fire-extinguishing system is installed.
(2) Not required on vessels of less than 300 gross tons.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 132.350

(b) Each semiportable fire extinguisher must be mounted or otherwise
placed in the open so as to be readily
(c) Except as provided by paragraph
(d) of this section, each portable fire
extinguisher must be mounted or otherwise placed in the open or behind
glass so as to be readily visible.
(d) A portable fire extinguisher may
be mounted or otherwise placed in an
enclosure together with the fire hose, if
the enclosure is marked in compliance
with § 131.830 of this subchapter.
(e) Each portable fire extinguisher
and its station must be numbered to
comply with § 131.835 of this subchapter.
(f) No portable or semiportable fire
extinguisher with a nameplate indicating that it needs protection from
freezing may be mounted or otherwise
placed where freezing temperatures are
§ 132.230

Spare charges.

(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) or (c) of this section, each vessel
must carry spare charges for 50 percent
of the portable fire extinguishers required by § 132.220 of this subpart.
(b) Rather than comply with paragraph (a) of this section, a vessel may
carry one extra portable extinguisher
of the same classification.
(c) If extinguishers of a particular
classification cannot be readily recharged by crew members, a vessel
must—rather than comply with paragraph (a) of this section—carry one
more extinguisher of that classification.
(d) Each spare charge must be packaged so as to minimize the hazards to
personnel recharging the extinguishers.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 132.240 Stowage of semiportable fire
The frame or support of each
semiportable fire extinguisher of size
III, IV, or V must be secured to prevent
the extinguisher from shifting in heavy

Subpart C—Miscellaneous
§ 132.310 Fixed fire-extinguishing systems for paint lockers.
(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, a fixed gaseous fireextinguishing system or another approved fixed fire-extinguishing system
must be installed in each paint locker.
(b) No fixed fire-extinguishing system need be installed in a paint locker
that is—
(1) Less than 1.7 cubic meters (60
cubic feet) in volume;
(2) Accessible only from the weather
deck; and
(3) Not adjacent to a tank for flammable or combustible liquid.
(c) Each fixed fire-extinguishing system installed must comply with part 95
of this chapter or be approved by the
Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
§ 132.320 Helicopter-landing decks.
Each vessel with a helicopter-landing
deck must meet the fire fighting requirements of part 108 of this chapter.
§ 132.330 Fire monitors.
(a) Each fire monitor of the fire main
system must be fitted with a shut-off
valve at the monitor and at the connection to the fire main discharge
manifold required by § 132.120(h) of this
(b) Fire monitor piping must comply
with § 132.110 of this part.
(c) Each fire monitor must be protected against over-pressure.
§ 132.340 Equipment
although not required.
A vessel may install equipment for
detection of and protection against
fires beyond that required by this subchapter, unless the excess equipment in
any way endangers the vessel or the
persons aboard. This equipment must
be listed and labeled by a nationally
recognized testing laboratory.
§ 132.350 Tests and inspections of fireextinguishing equipment.
(a) Each master of a vessel shall ensure that the tests and inspections, of
described by paragraph (b) of this section
are performed—


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§ 132.350

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(1) Every 12 months; or
(2) Not later than the next inspection
for certification and periodic inspection, unless the total time from the
date of the last tests and inspections
exceeds 15 months.
(b) The master shall provide satisfactory evidence of the servicing of fireextinguishing equipment, required by
paragraph (c) of this section, to the
marine inspector. If any of the equipment or records have not been properly
maintained, a qualified servicing facility may be required to perform the required inspections, maintenance, and
hydrostatic tests.
(c) The following tests and inspections of fire-extinguishing equipment
must be performed by the owner, operator, or master, or by a qualified servicing facility, to verify compliance
with paragraph (a) of this section:
(1) Each portable fire extinguisher
must be inspected, maintained, and
hydrostatically tested as required by
Chapter 4 of NFPA 10 with the frequency specified by NFPA 10. Carbon-

dioxide and halon portable fire extinguishers must be refilled when the
weight loss of net content exceeds that
specified for fixed systems by Table
132.350. Further, each must be examined for excessive corrosion and for
general condition. A tag issued by a
qualified servicing facility, and attached to each extinguisher, will be acceptable evidence that the necessary
maintenance has been conducted.
(2) Each semiportable fire extinguisher and each fixed fire-extinguishing system must be—
(i) Inspected and tested as required
by Table 132.350 of this subpart;
(ii) Inspected, tested, and marked as
required by §§ 147.60 and 147.65 of this
(iii) Inspected to ensure that piping,
controls, and valves are in good general
condition with no excessive corrosion;
(iv) Inspected and tested to determine that alarms and ventilation shutdowns for each fire-extinguishing system operate properly.

Type of system


Carbon dioxide ..............................................

Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight loss exceeds 10% of weight of charge. Test
time delays, alarms, and ventilation shutdowns with carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or
other nonflammable gas as stated in the manufacturer’s instruction manual. Inspect hoses and nozzles to be sure they are clean.
Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight loss exceeds 5% of weight of charge. If the
system has a pressure gauge, also recharge if pressure loss (adjusted for temperature) exceeds 10%. Test time delays, alarms, and ventilation shutdowns
with carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or other nonflammable gas as stated in the manufacturer’s instruction manual. Inspect hoses and nozzles to be sure they are
Examine pressure cartridge and replace if end is punctured or if cartridge has
leaked or is in unsuitable condition. Inspect hose and nozzle to see that they
are clear. Insert charged cartridge. Ensure that dry chemical is free-flowing (not
caked) and that extinguisher contains full charge.
See that pressure gauge is in opera ting range. If not, or if seal is broken, weigh
or otherwise determine that extinguisher is fully charged with dry chemical. Recharge if pressure is low or if dry chemical is needed.
See that pressure gauge, if there is one, is in operating range. If it is not, or if
seal is broken, weigh or otherwise determine that extinguisher is fully charged
with foam. Recharge if pressure is low or if foam is needed. Replace premixed
agent every 3 years.

Halon .............................................................

Dry chemical (cartridge-operated) .................

Dry chemical (stored pressure) .....................

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Foam (stored pressure) .................................

(3) The fire-main system must be operated, and the pressure checked at the
remotest and highest outlets. Each fire
hose must be subjected to a test pressure, equivalent either to the maximal
pressure to which it may be subjected
in service or to 690 kPa (100 psi), whichever is greater.

(4) All systems for detecting smoke
and fire, including sensors and alarms,
must be inspected and tested.
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49348,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG 1999–4976,
65 FR 6507, Feb. 9, 2000]


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 133.09

§ 132.360 Fire axes.
(a) Each vessel of less than 100 gross
tons must carry one fire axe.
(b) Each vessel of 100 or more gross
tons must carry two fire axes.
(c) Each fire axe must be so placed as
to be readily available in an emergency.
(d) Each fire axe must be so placed in
the open or behind glass that it is readily visible, except that, if the enclosure
is marked in compliance with § 131.830
of this subchapter, the axe may be
placed in an enclosure together with
the fire hose.
§ 132.370 Added requirements for fixed
independent and portable tanks.
(a) When carrying fixed independent
tanks on deck or portable tanks in
compliance with § 125.110 of this subchapter, each vessel must also comply
with §§ 98.30–37 and 98.30–39 of this chapter.
(b) When carrying portable tanks in
compliance with § 125.120 of this subchapter, each vessel must also comply
with 49 CFR 176.315.

Subpart A—General
133.03 Relationship to international standards.
133.07 Additional equipment and requirements.
133.09 Equivalents.
133.10 Applicability.
133.20 Exemptions.
133.40 Evaluation, testing and approval of
lifesaving appliances and arrangements.
133.45 Tests and inspections of lifesaving
equipment and arrangements.

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Subpart B—Requirements for All OSVs
133.60 Communications.
133.70 Personal lifesaving appliances.
133.80 Emergency instructions.
133.90 Operating instructions.
133.105 Survival craft.
133.110 Survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements.
133.120 Launching stations.
133.130 Stowage of survival craft.
133.135 Rescue boats.
133.140 Stowage of rescue boats.
133.145 Marine evacuation system launching
133.150 Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements: General.

133.153 Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements using falls and a
133.160 Rescue boat embarkation, launching
and recovery arrangements.
133.170 Line-throwing appliance.
133.175 Survival craft and rescue boat equipment.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3307; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No.
SOURCE: CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20,
1996, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General
§ 133.03 Relationship to international
This subpart and subpart B of this
part are based on Chapter III, SOLAS.
Section numbers in this subpart and
subpart B of this part are generally related to the regulation numbers in
Chapter III, SOLAS, but paragraph designations are not related to the numbering in Chapter III, SOLAS. To find
the corresponding Chapter III, SOLAS
regulation for this subpart and subpart
B of this part, beginning with § 133.10,
divide the section number following
the decimal point by 10.
§ 133.07 Additional equipment and requirements.
The OCMI may require an OSV to
carry specialized or additional lifesaving equipment other than as required in this part if the OCMI determines that the conditions of a voyage
circumstances which are not adequately
addressed by existing requirements.
§ 133.09 Equivalents.
When this part requires a particular
fitting, material, or lifesaving appliance or arrangement, the Commandant
(CG–521) may accept any other fitting,
material, or lifesaving appliance or arrangement that is at least as effective
as that required by this part. The Commandant may require engineering evaluations and tests to determine the
equivalent effectiveness of the substitute fitting, material, or lifesaving
appliance or arrangement.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49235,
Sept. 25, 2009]


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§ 133.10
§ 133.10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(a) Unless expressly provided otherwise in this part, this part applies to
all inspected OSVs of the United States
flag, including liftboats.
(b) Offshore supply vessels which
were constructed prior to October 1,
1996, must—
(1) By October 1, 1997, meet the requirements of §§ 133.60(a), 133.80, and
(2) By October 1, 1997, fit retro-reflective material on all floating appliances, lifejackets, and immersion suits;
(3) Offshore supply vessels may retain
the arrangement of lifeboats, lifeboat
davits, winches, inflatable liferafts,
liferaft launching equipment, rescue
boats, lifefloats, and buoyant apparatus previously required and approved
for the OSV, as long as the arrangement or appliance is maintained in
good condition to the satisfaction of
the OCMI.
(c) When any lifesaving appliance or
arrangement on an OSV subject to this
part is replaced, or when the OSV undergoes repairs, alterations, or modifications of a major character involving replacement of, or any addition to,
the existing lifesaving appliances or arrangements, each new lifesaving appliance and arrangement must meet the
requirements of this part, unless the
OCMI determines that the OSV cannot
accommodate the new appliance or arrangement.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996; 61 FR
40281, Aug. 1, 1996]

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§ 133.20


(a) If a District Commander determines that the overall safety of the
persons on board an OSV will not be
significantly reduced, the District
Commander may grant an exemption
from compliance with a provision of
this part to a specific OSV for a specified geographic area within the boundaries of the Coast Guard District. This
exemption may be limited to certain
periods of the year.
(b) Requests for exemption under this
section must be in writing to the OCMI
for transmission to the District Commander in the area in which the OSV is
in service or will be in service.

(c) If the exemption is granted by the
District Commander, the OCMI will endorse the OSV’s Certificate of Inspection with a statement describing the
§ 133.40 Evaluation, testing and approval of lifesaving appliances and
(a) Each item of lifesaving equipment
required by this part to be carried on
board the OSV must be approved.
(b) Each item of lifesaving equipment
carried on board the OSV in addition to
those required by this part must—
(1) Be approved; or
(2) Be accepted by the cognizant
OCMI for use on the OSV.
(c) The Commandant (CG–521) may
accept a novel lifesaving appliance or
arrangement if it provides a level of
safety equivalent the requirements of
this part and if the appliance or arrangement—
(1) Is evaluated and tested in accordance with IMO Resolution A.520(13),
Code of Practice for the Evaluation,
Testing and Acceptance of Prototype
Novel Life-saving Appliances and Arrangements; or
(2) Has successfully undergone evaluation and tests that are substantially
equivalent to those recommendations.
(d) During an OSV’s construction,
and when any modification to the lifesaving arrangement is done after construction, a OSV owner must obtain
acceptance of lifesaving arrangements
from the Commandant (Marine Safety
(e) The OCMI may accept substitute
lifesaving appliances other than those
required by this part, except for—
(1) Survival craft and rescue boats;
(2) Survival craft and rescue boat
launching and embarkation appliances.
(f) Acceptance of lifesaving appliances and arrangements will remain in
effect unless—
(1) The OCMI deems their condition
to be unsatisfactory or unfit for the
service intended; or
(2) The OCMI deems the crew’s ability to use and assist others in the use


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 133.60

of the lifesaving appliances or arrangements to be inadequate.

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[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended by USCG–2009–0702, 74 FR 49235,
Sept. 25, 2009]

§ 133.45 Tests and inspections of lifesaving equipment and arrangements.
(a) Initial inspection. The initial inspection of lifesaving appliances and
arrangements for certification includes
a demonstration of—
(1) The proper condition and operation of the survival craft and rescue
boat launching appliances at loads
ranging from light load to 10 percent
(2) The proper condition and operation of rescue boats, including engines
and release mechanisms;
(3) The proper condition of flotation
equipment such as lifebuoys, lifejackets, immersion suits, work vests,
lifefloats, buoyant apparatus, and associated equipment;
(4) The proper condition of distress
signaling equipment, including EPIRB
and pyrotechnic signaling devices;
(5) The proper condition of linethrowing appliances;
(6) The proper condition and operation of embarkation appliances, including embarkation ladders and marine evacuation systems;
(7) The ability of the crew to effectively carry out abandon-ship procedures; and
(8) The ability to meet the egress and
survival craft launching requirements
of this part.
(b) Reinspections. Tests and inspections of lifesaving equipment shall be
carried out during each inspection for
renewal of certification and periodic
inspection, and shall demonstrate, as
(1) The proper condition and operation of the survival craft and rescue
boat launching appliances at loads
ranging from light load to full load;
(2) The proper condition and operation of rescue boats including engines
and release mechanisms;
(3) The proper condition of flotation
equipment such as lifebuoys, lifejackets, immersion suits, work vests,
lifefloats, buoyant apparatus, and associated equipment;

(4) That each inflatable liferaft and
inflatable lifejacket has been serviced
as required under this chapter;
(5) That each hydrostatic release
unit, other than a disposable hydrostatic release unit, has been serviced as
required under this chapter; and
(6) That the crew has the ability to
effectively carry out abandon-ship procedures.
(c) Other inspections. Lifesaving appliances and arrangements are subject to
tests and inspections described in paragraph (b) of this section during OSV
boardings to ensure that the appliances
and arrangements comply with applicable requirements, are in satisfactory
condition, and remain fit for service.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended by USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6507, Feb.
9, 2000]

Subpart B—Requirements for All
§ 133.60 Communications.
(a) Emergency position indicating
radiobeacons (EPIRB). (1) Each OSV
must carry a category 1 406 MHz satellite EPIRB meeting the requirements
of 47 CFR part 80.
(2) When the OSV is underway, the
EPIRB must be stowed in its float-free
bracket with the controls set for automatic activation and mounted in a
manner so that it will float free if the
OSV sinks.
(3) Each EPIRB should have the
name of the OSV plainly marked or
painted on its label, except for EPIRBs
in an inflatable liferaft or permanently
installed in a survival craft.
(b) Distress flares. Each OSV must—
(1) Carry not less than 12 rocket
parachute flares approved under approval series 160.136; and
(2) Stow the flares on or near the
OSV’s navigating bridge.
(c) Onboard communications and alarm
systems. Each OSV must meet the requirements for onboard communications between emergency control stations, muster and embarkation stations, and strategic positions on board,
and the emergency alarm system requirements in part J of this chapter,
and be supplemented by either a public
address system or other suitable means
of communication.


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§ 133.70

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(d) Emergency position indicating radiobeacon alternative. OSVs, as an alternative to the requirements in paragraph (a) of this section, may until
February 1, 1999, have a Coast Guardapproved class A EPIRB, if the EPIRB
(1) Manufactured after October 1,
1988; and
(2) Installed on the OSV on or before
July 5, 1996.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended by USCG 1998–4442, 63 FR 52191,
Sept. 30, 1998]

§ 133.70 Personal
(a) Lifebuoys. Each OSV must carry
lifebuoys approved under approval series 160.150 or 160.050 as follows:
(1) Number. The number of lifebuoys
carried must be as prescribed in table
133.70 of this section.
TABLE 133.70
Minimum number of
ring lifebuoys
Length of vessel in meters

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Under 30 (98) ....................................
30 (98) and under 60 (196) ...............
60 (196) and under 100 (328) ...........
100 (328) and over ............................



(2) Stowage. Lifebuoys must be
stowed as follows:
(i) Each lifebuoy must be capable of
being rapidly cast loose.
(ii) Each lifebuoy must not be permanently secured to the OSV in any way.
(iii) Each lifebuoy stowage position
must be marked with either the words
‘‘LIFEBUOY’’ or ‘‘LIFE BUOY’’, or
with the appropriate symbol from IMO
Resolution A.760(18).
(iv) Lifebuoys must be so distributed
as to be readily available on each side
of the OSV and, as far as practicable,
on each open deck extending to the
side of the OSV. At least one lifebuoy
must be located near the stern of the
OSV. The lifebuoys with attached selfigniting lights must be equally distributed on both sides of the OSV.
(3) Color and markings. Lifebuoys
must be colored and marked as follows:
(i) Each lifebuoy must be orange.
(ii) Each lifebuoy must be marked in
block capital letters with the name of

the OSV and the name of the port required to be marked on the stern of the
OSV under subpart 67.123 of this chapter.
(4) Attachments and fittings. Lifebuoys
must have the following attachments
and fittings:
(i) At least one lifebuoy on each side
of the OSV fitted with a buoyant lifeline that is—
(A) At least as long as twice the
height where it is stowed above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition, or 30 meters (100 feet), whichever
is the greater;
(B) Non-kinking;
(C) Not less than 8 millimeters (5⁄16
inch) in diameter;
(D) Of a breaking strength which is
not less than 5 kiloNewtons (1,124
pounds-force); and
(E) Resistant to deterioration from
ultraviolent light. Line that is certified by the manufacturer or is synthetic and a dark color meets this requirement.
(ii) Except for an OSV in coastwise
service and under 30 meters (99 feet) in
length, at least one-half the total number of lifebuoys, but not less than two,
must each be fitted with a self-igniting
light approved under approval series
161.010. The self-igniting light must not
be attached to the lifebuoys required
by this section to be fitted with lifelines. However, if the OSV carries less
than four lifebuoys, a buoyant lifeline
can be fitted to one of the lifebuoys
with a self-igniting light.
(b) Lifejackets. Each OSV must carry
lifejackets approved under approval series 160.002, 160.005, 160.055, 160.077,
160.155, 160.176, or 160.177. If the OSV
carries inflatable lifejackets, they
must be of the same or similar design
and have the same method of operation.
(1) General. Each OSV must carry a
lifejacket for each person on board and
in addition, a sufficient number of lifejackets must be carried for persons on
watch and for use at remotely located
survival craft stations.
(2) Stowage. Lifejackets must be
stowed as follows:
(i) The lifejackets must be readily accessible.
(ii) The lifejacket stowage positions
must be marked with either the word


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, DHS

§ 133.80

‘‘LIFEJACKETS’’ or with the appropriate symbol from IMO Resolution
(iii) The additional lifejackets required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be stowed on the bridge, in
the engine control room, and at other
manned watch stations.
(3) Markings. Each lifejacket must be
(i) In block capital letters with the
name of the OSV; and.
(ii) With type I retro-reflective material approved under approval series
164.018. The arrangement of the retroreflective material must meet IMO
Resolution A.658(16).
(4) Lifejacket lights. Each lifejacket
must have a lifejacket light approved
under approval series 161.112 or 161.012
securely attached to the front shoulder
area of the lifejacket. However, lifejacket lights bearing Coast Guard approval number 161.012/2/1 are not permitted on OSVs certificated to operate
on waters where water temperature
may drop below 10 °C (50 °F).
(c) Immersion suits or anti-exposure
suits. Immersion suits must be approved under approval series 160.171,
and anti-exposure suits must be approved under approval series 160.153.
(1) General. Each OSV, except OSVs
operating in the Gulf of Mexico or on
other routes between 32 degrees north
latitude and 32 degrees south latitude,
must carry—
(i) An immersion suit or anti-exposure suit of suitable size for each person assigned to the rescue boat crew;
(ii) An immersion suit of the appropriate size for each person on board.
The immersion suits required under
this paragraph count toward meeting
the requirements of paragraph (c)(1)(i)
of this section.
(2) Stowage. Immersion suits and
anti-exposure suits must be stowed as
(i) Immersion suits and anti-exposure
suits must be stowed so they are readily accessible, and the stowage positions must be marked with the words
‘‘IMMERSION SUITS’’ or ‘‘ANTI-EXPOSURE SUITS’’ as appropriate, or
with the appropriate symbol from IMO
Resolution A.760(18).

(ii) If watch stations, work stations,
or work sites are remote from cabins,
staterooms, or berthing areas and the
immersion suits are stowed in those locations, there must be, in addition to
the immersion suits required under
paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section,
enough immersion suits stowed at the
watch stations, work stations, or work
sites to equal the number of persons
normally on watch in, or assigned to,
those locations at any time.
(3) Markings. Each immersion suit or
anti-exposure suit must be marked in
such a way as to identify the person or
OSV to which it belongs.
(4) Lights for immersion suits or anti-exposure suits. Each immersion suit or
anti-exposure suit must have a lifejacket light approved under approval
series 161.112 or 161.012 securely attached to the front shoulder area of the
immersion suit or anti-exposure suit.
However, lifejacket lights bearing
Coast Guard approval number 161.012/2/
1 are not permitted on OSVs certificated to operate on waters where water
temperature may drop below 10 °C (50
(d) Lifejacket, immersion suit, and antiexposure suit containers. Each lifejacket, immersion suit, and anti-exposure suit container must be marked in
block capital letters and numbers with
the quantity, identity, and size of the
equipment stowed inside the container.
The equipment may be identified in
words, or with the appropriate symbol
from IMO Resolution A.760(18).
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996; 61 FR
40281, Aug. 1, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 52816,
Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 133.80 Emergency instructions.
(a) General. Copies of clear instructions must be provided on the OSV, detailing the actions that each person on
board should follow in the event of an
(b) Emergency instructions. Illustrations and instructions in English and
any other appropriate language, as determined by the OCMI, must be conspicuously displayed at each muster
station and in spaces where offshore
workers are carried, to inform offshore
workers of—
(1) The fire and emergency signal;
(2) Their muster station;


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§ 133.90

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(3) The essential actions they must
take in an emergency;
(4) The location of lifejackets; and
(5) The method of donning lifejackets.
§ 133.90

Operating instructions.

Each OSV must have posters or signs
displayed in the vicinity of each survival craft and the survival craft’s
launching controls that—
(a) Illustrate the purpose of controls;
(b) Illustrate the procedures for operating the launching device;
(c) Give relevant instructions or
(d) Can be easily seen under emergency lighting conditions; and
(e) Display symbols in accordance
with IMO Resolution A.760(18).

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 133.105

Survival craft.

(a) Each survival craft must be approved and equipped as follows:
(1) Each inflatable liferaft—
(i) On an OSV on an unlimited oceans
route, must be approved under approval series 160.151 and be equipped
with a SOLAS A pack;
(ii) On an OSV on an oceans route
limited to within 50 nautical miles of
the shore, must be approved under approval series 160.151 and be equipped
with either a SOLAS A pack or SOLAS
B pack; and
(iii) On an OSV on a coastwise route,
must be approved under approval series
160.051 or 160.151, with any approved
equipment pack.
(2) Each rigid liferaft must be approved under approval series 160.118
and be equipped as specified in table
133.175 of this part.
(3) Each inflatable buoyant apparatus
must be approved under approval series
(4) Each lifefloat must be approved
under approval series 160.027 and be
equipped with the following:
(i) One boathook.
(ii) Two paddles. Each paddle must be
at least 1.2 meters (4 feet) long and
(iii) One painter. The painter must—
(A) Be at least 30 meters (100 feet)
long, but not less than three times the
distance between the deck where the
lifefloats are stowed and to the OSV’s

waterline in the lightest seagoing condition;
(B) Have a breaking strength of at
least 6.7 kiloNewtons (1,500 poundsforce), except that if the capacity of
the lifefloat is 50 persons or more, the
breaking strength must be at least 13.4
kiloNewtons (3,000 pounds-force);
(C) If made of a synthetic material,
be dark in color or certified by the
manufacturer to be resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet light;
(D) Be stowed in such a way that it
runs out freely when the buoyant apparatus, inflatable buoyant apparatus, or
lifefloat floats away from the sinking
OSV; and
(E) Have a float-free link meeting the
requirements of part 160, subpart
160.073 of this chapter, connecting the
painter to the OSV.
(iv) One self-igniting light. The self-igniting light must be approved under
approval series 161.010, and must be attached to the buoyant apparatus, inflatable buoyant apparatus, or lifefloat
by a 12-thread manila or equivalent
lanyard, at least 5.5 meters (18 feet)
long. The self-igniting light is not required on a lifefloat with a capacity of
24 persons or less.
(5) Each marine evacuation system
must be approved under approval series
(6) Lifeboats may be substituted for
liferafts. If lifeboats are installed on an
OSV, their installation and arrangement must meet the applicable requirements of subchapter W of this
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, OSVs must carry
one or more liferafts with an aggregate
capacity that will accommodate the
total number of persons on board. The
liferafts must be—
(1) Stowed in a position providing for
easy side-to-side transfer at a single
open deck level; or
(2) Additional liferafts must be provided to bring the total capacity available on each side to at least 100 percent
of the total number of persons on
board. If additional liferafts are provided and the rescue boat required
under § 133.135 is also a lifeboat, it may
be included in the aggregate capacity


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 133.130

(c) Each OSV operating in the Gulf of
Mexico, as an alternative to the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, may carry a sufficient number of
inflatable buoyant apparatus or a sufficient number of lifefloats, having an
aggregate capacity that, together with
any lifeboats, rescue boats, and liferafts, will accommodate the total number of persons on board.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996; 61 FR
40281, Aug. 1, 1996]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 133.110 Survival craft muster
embarkation arrangements.


(a) Each OSV must have muster stations that—
(1) Are near the embarkation stations, unless the muster station is the
embarkation station;
(2) Permit ready access for the offshore workers to the embarkation station, unless the muster station is the
embarkation station; and
(3) Have sufficient room to marshal
and instruct the offshore workers.
(b) Each muster station must have
sufficient space to accommodate all
persons assigned to muster at that station. One or more muster stations
must be close to each embarkation station.
(c) Each muster station and embarkation station must be readily accessible to accommodation and work
(d) Each muster station and embarkation station must be adequately illuminated by lighting supplied from the
emergency source of electrical power.
(e) Each davit-launched survival
craft muster station and embarkation
station must be arranged to enable
stretcher cases to be placed in the survival craft.
(f) Each launching station or each
two adjacent launching stations with
an embarkation position more than 3
meters (10 feet) above the waterline in
the lightest seagoing condition, must
have an embarkation ladder as follows:
(1) Each embarkation ladder must be
approved under approval series 160.117
or approval series 160.017.
(2) Each embarkation ladder must extend in a single length, from the deck
to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition under unfavorable con-

ditions of trim and with the OSV listed
not less than 15 degrees either way.
(3) Each embarkation ladder may be
replaced by a device approved to provide safe and rapid access to survival
craft in the water, if the OCMI permits
the device, provided that there is at
least one embarkation ladder on each
side of the OSV.
(g) Each davit-launched liferaft must
be arranged to be boarded and launched
from a position immediately adjacent
to the stowed position or from a position to where, under § 133.130, the liferaft is transferred before launching.
(h) If a davit-launched survival craft
is embarked over the edge of the deck,
the craft must be provide with a means
for bringing it against the side of the
OSV and holding it alongside the OSV
to allow persons to safely embark.
(i) If a davit-launched survival craft
or rescue boat is not intended to be
moved to the stowed position with persons on board, the craft must be provided with a means for bringing it
against the side of the OSV and holding
it alongside the OSV to allow persons
to safely disembark after a drill.
§ 133.120

Launching stations.

(a) Each launching station must be
positioned to ensure safe launching
with clearance from—
(1) The propeller; and
(2) The steeply overhanging portions
of the hull.
(b) Each survival craft must be
launched down the straight side of the
(c) Each launching station in the forward part of the OSV must—
(1) Be located aft of the collision
bulkhead in a sheltered position; and
(2) Have a launching appliance approved as being of sufficient strength
for forward installation.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996; 61 FR
40281, Aug. 1, 1996]

§ 133.130

Stowage of survival craft.

(a) General. Each survival craft must
be stowed as follows:
(1) Each survival craft must be as
close to the accommodation and service spaces as possible.


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 133.130

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(2) Each survival craft must be
stowed in a way that neither the survival craft nor its stowage arrangements will interfere with the embarkation and operation of any other survival craft or rescue boat at any other
launching station.
(3) Each survival craft must be as
near the water surface as is safe and
(4) Other than liferafts intended for
throw-overboard launching, each survival craft must be not less than 2 meters above the waterline with the
(i) In the fully loaded condition;
(ii) Under unfavorable conditions of
trim; and
(iii) Listed up to 20 degrees either
way, or to the angle where the OSV’s
weatherdeck edge becomes submerged,
whichever is less.
(5) Each survival craft must be sufficiently ready for use so that two crew
members can complete preparations for
embarkation and launching in less
than 5 minutes.
(6) Each survival craft must be fully
equipped as required under this part.
(7) Each survival craft must be in a
secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire and explosion, as far as practicable.
(8) Each survival craft must not require lifting from its stowed position in
order to launch, except that—
(i) A davit-launched liferaft may be
lifted by a manually powered winch
from its stowed position to its embarkation position; or
(ii) A survival craft that weights 185
kilograms (407.8 pounds) or less, may
require lifting of not more than 300
millimeters (1 foot).
(b) Additional liferaft stowage requirements. In addition to meeting the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, each liferaft must be stowed as
(1) Each liferaft must be stowed to
permit manual release from its securing arrangements.
(2) Each liferaft must be stowed at a
height above the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition not greater than
the maximum stowage height indicated
on the liferaft container. Each liferaft
without an indicated maximum stowage height must be stowed not more

than 18 meters (59 feet) above the waterline in the OSV’s lightest seagoing
(3) Each liferaft must be arranged to
permit it to drop into the water from
the deck on which it is stowed. A liferaft stowage arrangement meets this
requirement if it—
(i) Is outboard of the rail or bulwark;
(ii) Is on stanchions or on a platform
adjacent to the rail or bulwark; or
(iii) Has a gate or other suitable
opening to allow the liferaft to be
pushed directly overboard and—
(A) Each gate or opening must be
large enough to allow the liferaft to be
pushed overboard; and
(B) If the liferaft is intended to be
available for use on either side of the
OSV, a gate or opening must be provided on each side.
(4) Each davit-launched liferaft must
be stowed within reach of its lifting
hook, unless some means of transfer is
provided that is not rendered inoperable—
(i) Within the limits of trim and list
(a)(4)(iii) of this section;
(ii) By OSV motion; or
(iii) By power failure.
(5) Each rigid container for an inflatable liferaft to be launched by a
launching appliance must be secured in
a way that the container or parts of it
are prevented from falling into the
water during and after inflation and
launching of the contained liferaft.
(6) Each liferaft must have a painter
system providing a connection between
the OSV and the liferaft.
(7) Each liferaft or group of liferafts
must be arranged for float-free launching. The arrangement must ensure that
the liferaft or liferafts when released
and inflated, are not dragged under by
the sinking OSV. A hydrostatic release
unit used in a float-free arrangement
must be approved under approval series
(c) Additional lifefloat stowage requirements. Each lifefloat must be capable of
float-free launching and be arranged as
(1) Lifefloats must be secured to the
OSV by—
(i) A hydrostatic release unit approved under approval series 160.062 or
160.162 and that is appropriate for the


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 133.145

size and number of the lifefloats attached to them; or
(ii) Lashings that can be easily
(2) A painter must be secured to the
lifefloat by—
(i) The attachment fitting provided
by the manufacturer; or
(ii) A wire or line that encircles the
body of the lifefloat and will not slip
off, and meets the requirements of
§ 133.105(a)(4)(iii).
(3) If lifefloats are arranged in groups
with each group secured by a single
(i) The combined weight of each
group must not exceed 185 kilograms
(407.8 pounds);
(ii) Each lifefloat must be individually attached to the group’s single
painter by its own painter which must
be long enough to allow floating without contact with any other lifefloat in
the group;
(iii) The strength of the float-free
link and the strength of the group’s
single painter must be appropriate for
the combined capacity of the group of
(iv) The group of lifefloats must not
be stowed in more than four tiers.
When stowed in tiers, the separate
units must be kept apart by spacers;
(v) The group of lifefloats must be
stowed to prevent shifting with easily
detached lashings.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52816, Oct. 1, 1998]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 133.135

Rescue boats.

(a) Each OSV must carry at least one
rescue boat. Each rescue boat must be
approved under approval series 160.156
and equipped as specified in table
133.175 of this part.
(b) Offshore supply vessels, as an alternative to the requirement in paragraph (a) of this section, may carry a
motor-propelled workboat or a launch
if the workboat or launch must meet
the embarkation, launching, and recovery arrangement requirements in
§ 133.160(a), (c), (d), (e), and (f).
(c) A rescue boat is not required for a
vessel operating on the continental
shelf of the United States, if—

(1) The OCMI determines the vessel is
arranged to allow a helpless person to
be recovered from the water;
(2) The recovery of the helpless person can be observed from the navigating bridge; and
(3) The vessel does not regularly engage in operations that restrict its maneuverability.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended by USCG–2000–7790, 65 FR 58463,
Sept. 29, 2000; USCG–2011–0618, 76 FR 60754,
Sept. 30, 2011]

§ 133.140

Stowage of rescue boats.

(a) Rescue boats must be stowed as
(1) Each rescue boat must be ready
for launching in not more than 5 minutes.
(2) Each rescue boat must be in a position suitable for launching and recovery.
(3) Each rescue boat must be stowed
in a way that neither the rescue boat
nor its stowage arrangements will
interfere with the operation of any survival craft at any other launching station.
(b) Each rescue boat must be provided a means for recharging the rescue boat batteries from the OSV’s
power supply at a supply voltage not
exceeding 50 volts.
(c) Each inflated rescue boat must be
kept fully inflated at all times.
§ 133.145 Marine evacuation
launching arrangements.

(a) Arrangements. Each marine evacuation system must have the following
(1) Each marine evacuation system
must be capable of being deployed by
one person.
(2) Each marine evacuation system
must enable the total number of persons for which it is designed, to be
transferred from the OSV into the inflated liferafts within a period of 10
minutes from the time an abandon-ship
signal is given.
(3) Each marine evacuation system
must be arranged so that liferafts may
be securely attached to the platform
and released from the platform by a
person either in the liferaft or on the


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 133.150

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(4) Each marine evacuation system
must be capable of being deployed from
the OSV under unfavorable conditions
of trim of up to 10 degrees either way
and of list of up to 20 degrees either
(5) If the marine evacuation system
has an inclined slide, the angle of the
slide from horizontal must be within a
range of 30 to 35 degrees when the OSV
is upright and in the lightest seagoing
(6) Each marine evacuation system
platform must be capable of being restrained by a bowsing line or other positioning system that is designed to deploy automatically, and if necessary,
be capable of being adjusted to the position required for evacuation.
(b) Stowage. Each marine evacuation
system must be stowed as follows:
(1) There must not be any openings
between the marine evacuation system’s embarkation station and the
OSV’s side at the OSV’s waterline in
the lightest seagoing condition.
(2) The marine evacuation system’s
launching positions must be arranged,
as far as practicable, to be straight
down the OSV’s side and safely clear
the propeller and any steeply overhanging positions of the hull.
(3) The marine evacuation system
must be protected from any projections
of the OSV’s structure or equipment.
(4) The marine evacuation system’s
passage and platform, when deployed;
its stowage container; and its operational arrangement must not interfere with the operation of any other
lifesaving appliance at any other
launching station.
(5) Where appropriate, the marine
evacuation system’s stowage area must
be protected from damage by heavy
(c) Stowage of associated liferafts. Inflatable liferafts used in conjunction
with the marine evacuation system
must be stowed as follows:
(1) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be close to the system container, but capable of dropping
clear of the deployed chute and boarding platform.
(2) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacu-

ation system must be capable of individual release from its stowage rack.
(3) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be stowed in accordance with § 133.130.
(4) Each inflatable liferaft used in
conjunction with the marine evacuation system must be provided with
preconnected or easily connected retrieving lines to the platform.
§ 133.150 Survival craft launching and
recovery arrangements: General.
(a) All survival craft required for
abandonment by the total number of
persons on board must be capable of
being launched with their full complement of persons and equipment
within 10 minutes from the time the
abandon-ship signal is given.
(b) Each launching appliance for a
davit-launched liferaft must be approved under approval series 160.163,
with an automatic disengaging apparatus approved under approval series
(c) Unless expressly provided otherwise, each survival craft must be provided launching appliances or marine
evacuation systems, except—
(1) Those survival craft that can be
boarded from a position on deck less
than 4.5 meters (14.75 feet) above the
waterline in the lightest seagoing condition and that have a mass of not
more than 185 kilograms (407 pounds);
(2) Those survival craft that can be
boarded from a position on deck less
than 4.5 meters (14.75 feet) above the
waterline in the lightest seagoing condition and that are stowed for launching directly from the stowed position,
under unfavorable conditions of trim of
10 degrees and list of 20 degrees either
(3) Those survival craft that are carried in excess of the survival craft for
200 percent of the total number of persons on board the OSV, and that have
a mass of not more than 185 kilograms
(407 pounds);
(4) Those survival craft carried in excess of the survival craft for 200 percent of the total number of persons on
board the OSV, and are stowed for
launching directly from the stowed position under unfavorable conditions of


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

Coast Guard, DHS

§ 133.153

trim of 10 degrees and list of 20 degrees
either way;
(5) Those survival craft that are provided for use in conjunction with a marine evacuation system, and stowed for
launching directly from the stowed position under unfavorable conditions of
trim of 10 degrees and list of 20 degrees
either way; or
(6) Liferafts installed on liftboats.
(d) Each launching appliance must be
arranged so that the fully equipped
survival craft the launching appliance
serves can be safely launched against
unfavorable conditions of trim of up to
10 degrees either way and of list of up
to 20 degrees either way,—
(1) When the survival craft is loaded
with its full complement of persons;
(2) When not more than the required
operating crew is on board.
(e) A launching appliance must not
depend on any means other than gravity or stored mechanical power, independent of the OSV’s power supplies, to
launch the survival craft the launching
appliance serves, in the fully loaded
and equipped condition, and also in the
light condition.
(f) Each launching appliance’s structural attachment to the OSV must be
designed to be at least 4.5 times—
(1) The load imparted on the attachment by the launching appliance and
its fully loaded survival craft under the
most adverse combination of list and
trim as required under paragraph (b) of
this section; and
(2) The ultimate strength of the construction material.
(g) Each launching appliance must be
arranged so that—
(1) All parts requiring regular maintenance by the OSV’s crew are readily
accessible and easily maintained;
(2) The launching appliance remains
effective under conditions of icing;
(3) The same type of release mechanism is used for each similar survival
craft carried on board the OSV;
(4) The preparation and handling of
each survival craft at any one launching station does not interfere with the
prompt preparation and handling of
any other survival craft at any other

(5) The persons on board the OSV can
safely and rapidly board the survival
(6) Each davit-launched liferaft can
be boarded by its full complement of
persons within 3 minutes from the time
the instruction to board is given: and
(7) During preparation and launching,
the survival craft, its launching appliance, and the area of water into which
it is to be launched is illuminated by
lighting supplied from the emergency
source of electrical power.
(h) Each launching mechanism must
be arranged so it may be actuated by
one person, both from a position on the
OSV’s deck, and from a position within
the survival craft. Each launching and
recovery arrangement must allow the
operator on the deck to observe the
survival craft at all times during
(i) Means must be provided outside
the machinery space to prevent any
discharge of water onto survival craft
during abandonment.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52816, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 133.153 Survival craft launching and
recovery arrangements using falls
and a winch.
Survival craft launching and recovery arrangements, in addition to meeting the requirements in § 133.150, must
meet the following requirements:
(a) Each fall wire must be of rotation-resistant and corrosion-resistant
steel wire rope.
(b) The breaking strength of each fall
wire and each attachment used on the
fall must be at least six times the load
imparted on the fall by the fully-loaded
survival craft.
(c) Each fall must be long enough for
the survival craft to reach the water
with the OSV in its lightest seagoing
condition, under unfavorable conditions of trim and with the OSV listed
not less than 20 degrees either way.
(d) Each unguarded fall must not
pass near any operating position of the
winch, such as hand cranks, pay-out
wheels, and brake levers.
(e) Each winch drum must be arranged so the fall wire winds onto the
drum in a level wrap. A multiple drum
winch must be arranged so that the
falls wind off at the same rate when


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wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 133.160

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

lowering, and onto the drums at the
same rate when hoisting.
(f) Each fall, where exposed to damage or fouling, must have guards or
equivalent protection. Each fall that
leads along a deck must be covered
with a guard that is not more than 300
millimeters (1 foot) above the deck.
(g) The lowering speed for a fully
loaded survival craft must be not less
than that obtained from the following
(1) S=0.4+(0.02 H), where S is the
speed of lowering in meters per second,
and H is the height in meters from the
davit head to the waterline at the
lightest seagoing condition.
(2) S=79+(1.2 H), where S is the speed
of lowering in feet per minute, and H is
the height in feet.
(h) The lowering speed for a survival
craft loaded with all of its equipment
must be not less than 70 percent of the
speed required under paragraph (g) of
this section.
(i) The lowering speed for a fully
loaded survival craft must be not more
than 1.3 meters per second (256 feet per
(j) If a survival craft is recovered by
electric power, the electrical installation, including the electric power-operated boat winch, must meet the requirements in part 129 of this chapter.
If a survival craft is recovered by any
means of power, including a portable
power source, safety devices must be
provided which automatically cut off
the power before the davit arms or falls
reach the stops in order to avoid overstressing the falls or davits, unless the
motor is designed to prevent such overstressing.
(k) Each launching appliance must be
fitted with brakes that meet the following requirements:
(1) The brakes must be capable of
stopping the descent of the survival
craft or rescue boat and holding it securely when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.
(2) The brake pads must, where necessary, be protected from water and
(3) Manual brakes must be arranged
so that the brake is always applied unless the operator, or a mechanism acti-

vated by the operator, holds the brake
control in the off position.
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996; 61 FR
40281, Aug. 1, 1996]

§ 133.160 Rescue boat embarkation,
launching and recovery arrangements.
(a) Each davit for a rescue boat must
be approved under approval series
160.132 with a winch approved under approval series 160.115. If the launching
arrangement uses a single fall, the
davit may be of a type which is turned
out manually, and the release mechanism may be an automatic disengaging
apparatus approved under approval series 160.170 instead of a lifeboat release
mechanism. Each rescue boat must be
able to be boarded and launched directly from the stowed position with
the number of persons assigned to crew
the rescue boat on board. If the rescue
boat is also a lifeboat and the other
lifeboats are boarded and launched
from an embarkation deck, the arrangements must be such that the rescue boat can also be boarded and
launched from the embarkation deck.
(b) Each rescue boat must be capable
of being launched with the OSV making headway of 5 knots in calm water.
A painter may be used to meet this requirement.
(c) Each rescue boat embarkation
and launching arrangement must permit the rescue boat to be boarded and
launched in the shortest possible time.
(d) Rapid recovery of the rescue boat
must be possible when loaded with its
full complement of persons and equipment.
(e) Each rescue boat launching appliance must be fitted with a powered
winch motor.
(f) Each rescue boat launching appliance must be capable of hoisting the
rescue boat when loaded with its full
rescue boat complement of persons and
equipment at a rate of not less than 0.3
meters per second (59 feet per minute).
[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as
amended at 63 FR 52816, Oct. 1, 1998]

§ 133.170 Line-throwing appliance.
(a) General. Each OSV must have a
line-throwing appliance that is approved under approval series 160.031 or


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 133.175

(b) Stowage. The line-throwing appliance and its equipment must be readily
accessible for use.
(c) Additional equipment. Each OSV
must carry the following equipment for
the line-throwing appliance:
(1) The equipment on the list provided by the manufacturer with the approved appliance.
(2) An auxiliary line that—
(i) For an appliance approved under
approval series 160.040, is at least 450
meters (1,500 feet) long;
(ii) For an appliance approved under
approval series 160.031, is at least 150
meters (500 feet) long;
(iii) Has a breaking strength of at
least 40 kiloNewtons (9,000 poundsforce); and
(iv) Is, if synthetic, a dark color or
certified by the manufacturer to be resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet light.
§ 133.175 Survival craft
boat equipment.



(a) All rescue boat equipment must
be as follows:
(1) The equipment must be secured
within the boat by lashings, storage in

lockers or compartments, storage in
brackets or similar mounting arrangements, or other suitable means.
(2) The equipment must be secured in
such a manner as not to interfere with
any abandonment procedures or reduce
seating capacity.
(3) The equipment must be as small
and of as little mass as possible.
(4) The equipment must be packed in
a suitable and compact form.
(5) The equipment should be stowed
so the items do not—
(i) Reduce the seating capacity;
(ii) Adversely affect the seaworthiness of the survival craft or rescue
boat; or
(iii) Overload the launching appliance.
(b) Each rigid liferaft and rescue
boat, unless otherwise stated in this
paragraph, must carry the equipment
specified for it in table 133.175 of this
section. Each item in the table has the
same description as in § 199.175 of this
NOTE: Item numbers in the first column of
Table 133.175 are not consecutive because not
all of the items listed in section 199.175 are
required on OSVs.


wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR



Rigid liferaft
A Pack)

Bailer 1 ....................................................................................................
Boathook ................................................................................................
Bucket 2 ..................................................................................................
Can opener ............................................................................................
Compass ................................................................................................
Drinking cup ...........................................................................................
Fire extinguisher ....................................................................................
First-aid kit .............................................................................................
Fishing kit ...............................................................................................
Flashlight ................................................................................................
Heaving line ...........................................................................................
Instruction card ......................................................................................
Knife 1,3 ...................................................................................................
Ladder ....................................................................................................
Mirror, signalling .....................................................................................
Oars, units 4 ............................................................................................
Paddles ..................................................................................................
Painter ....................................................................................................
Provisions (units per person) .................................................................
Pump 5 ....................................................................................................
Radar reflector .......................................................................................
Repair kit 5 ..............................................................................................
Sea anchor .............................................................................................
Searchlight .............................................................................................
Seasickness kit (units per person) ........................................................
Signal, smoke ........................................................................................
Signal, hand flare ...................................................................................
Signal, parachute flare ...........................................................................




Rigid liferaft
B Pack)






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Pt. 134

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)




Rigid liferaft
A Pack)

Sponge 5 .................................................................................................
Survival instructions ...............................................................................
Table of lifesaving signals .....................................................................
Thermal protective aids (percent of persons) 6 ......................................
Towline ...................................................................................................
Water (liters per person) ........................................................................
Whistle ...................................................................................................




Rigid liferaft
B Pack)





1 Each liferaft equipped for 13 persons or more must carry two of these items.
2 Not required for inflated or rigid-inflated rescue boats.
3 A hatchet counts towards this requirement in rigid rescue boats.
4 Oars are not required on a free-fall lifeboat; a unit of oars means the number of oars specified by the boat manufacturer.
5 Not required for a rigid rescue boat.
6 Sufficient thermal protective aids are required for at least 10% of the persons the survival craft is equipped to carry, but not
less than two.

[CGD 84–069, 61 FR 25304, May 20, 1996, as amended by USCG–1999–6216, 64 FR 53227, Oct. 1, 1999]


§ 134.120

Liftboat jacking systems, liftboat
legs, liftboat leg pads, and arrangements for supply of water to fire
mains, as well as the items listed by
§ 126.430 of this subchapter, will normally be inspected during an inspection for certification and periodic inspection to determine whether the
liftboat is in satisfactory condition and
fit for the service intended.

134.100 Applicability.
134.110 Initial inspection.
134.120 Inspection for certification.
134.130 New construction.
134.140 Structural standards.
134.150 Liftboat-jacking systems.
134.160 Freeboard markings.
134.170 Operating manual.
134.180 Piping for fire-main suction.
AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3307; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No.
SOURCE: CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR
49352, Sept. 19, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

§ 134.100


This part, as well as parts 125
through 133 of this subchapter, applies
to each liftboat of United States flag to
which this subchapter applies.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 134.110

Inspection for certification.

[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49352,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG 1999–4976,
65 FR 6507, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 134.130

New construction.

Each applicant for an original Certificate of Inspection and for approval
of plans must submit, as well as three
copies of those required by § 127.110 of
this subchapter, three copies of the following plans:
(a) Operating Manual for Liftboats.
(b) Legs, details of supporting structure, and structural calculations.

Initial inspection.

Liftboat jacking systems, liftboat
legs, liftboat leg pads, and arrangements for supply of water to fire
mains, as well as the items listed by
§ 126.340 of this subchapter, will normally be inspected during the initial
inspection to determine whether the
liftboat was built in compliance with
developed plans and meets applicable

§ 134.140

Structural standards.

(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, each liftboat must
comply with the ABS’s ‘‘Rules for
Building and Classing Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units’’, assuming a steady
wind speed of 100 knots for liftboats in
unrestricted service, and 70 knots for
liftboats in restricted service under
normal operating conditions and 100


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 134.170

knots under severe storm conditions,
as follows:
(1) The main hull structure, legs, and
supporting structure must comply with
Section 3/4.3 of the Rules.
(2) The calculations required by Section 3/4.3 of the Rules must assume the
vessel to be in the most adverse loading conditions described by Sections 3/
2.1 and 3/4.1 of the Rules.
(3) Unless otherwise agreed upon by
the Commandant (CG–521), the calculations on column-buckling required by
Section 3/4.3 of the Rules, must employ
an effective-length factor, ‘‘K’’, of not
less than 2.0.
(4) The calculations on single-rack
jacking systems required by Sections 3/
2.1 and 3/4.1 of the Rules must include
an extra bending moment caused by
the most adverse eccentric loading of
the legs.
(b) Standards of classification societies other than the ABS, and other established standards acceptable to the
Commandant (CG–521), may be used.
(c) Upon submittal of the plans required by §§ 127.110 and 133.130 of this
subchapter, the standard used in the
design must be specified.
(d) If no established standard is used
in the design, detailed design calculations must be submitted with the plans
required by §§ 127.110 and 133.130 of this
[CGD 82–004 and CGD 86–074, 62 FR 49352,
Sept. 19, 1997, as amended by USCG–2007–
29018, 72 FR 53966, Sept. 21, 2007; USCG–2009–
0702, 74 FR 49235, Sept. 25, 2009]

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 134.150

Liftboat-jacking systems.

(a) For this subchapter, liftboat jacking systems are vital systems and must
comply with Sections 4/1.13.1 through 4/
1.13.3 of the ABS’s ‘‘Rules for Building
and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling
Units’’ as well as meet the applicable
requirements of part 128 of this subchapter.
(b) Each control system for a liftboat
jacking system must be designed so
that loss of power, loss of pressure in
the hydraulic system, or low hydraulicfluid level will activate a visible and
audible alarm at the operating station
and will not result in the liftboat’s uncontrolled descent.

§ 134.160 Freeboard markings.
Freeboard markings required by
§ 174.260 of this subchapter must be
both permanently scribed or embossed
and painted white or yellow on a dark
§ 134.170 Operating manual.
(a) Each liftboat must have aboard
an operating manual approved by the
Coast Guard as complying with this
(b) The operating manual must be
available to, and written so as to be
easily understood by, the crew members of the liftboat and must include
the following:
(1) A table of contents and general
(2) A general description of the vessel, including—
(i) Major dimensions;
(ii) Tonnages; and
(iii) Load capacities for—
(A) Various cargoes;
(B) Crane hook; and
(C) Helicopter-landing deck.
(3) Designed limits for each mode of
operation, including—
(i) Draft;
(ii) Air gap;
(iii) Wave height;
(iv) Wave period;
(v) Wind;
(vi) Current;
(vii) Temperatures; and
(viii) Other environmental factors.
(4) The heaviest loads allowable on
(5) Information on the use of any special cross-flooding fittings and on the
location of valves that may require closure to prevent progressive flooding.
(6) Guidance on preparing the vessel
for heavy weather and on what to do
when heavy weather is forecast, including when critical decisions or acts—
such as leaving the area and heading
for a harbor of safe refuge, or evacuating the vessel—should be accomplished.
(7) Guidance on operating the vessel
while changing mode and while preparing the vessel to make a move, and
information on how to avoid structural
damage from shifting loads during
heavy weather.
(8) Information on inherent operational limitations for each mode and


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§ 134.180

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

on changing modes, including preloading instructions.
(9) Guidance on the proper procedures
for discovering the flooding of a normally buoyant leg or leg pad, precautionary information concerning the
effects on stability of flooded legs, and
what to do upon discovering the flooding of a normally buoyant leg or leg
(10) A description, a diagram, operating guidance for the bilge system,
(11) A general arrangement diagram
showing the locations of—
(i) Watertight and weathertight compartments;
(ii) Openings in the hull and structure;
(iii) Vents and closures;
(iv) Shutdowns for mechanical and
electrical emergencies, and for emergencies affecting ventilation;
(v) Alarms for flooding and for toohigh and too-low levels;
(vi) Fire and gas detectors; and
(vii) Access to different compartments and decks.
(12) A list of shutdown locations for
emergencies and guidance on restarting mechanical and electrical equipment and equipment for ventilation
after shutdowns.

(13) A diagram of the hazardous locations (if applicable).
(14) A diagram of the emergencypower system.
(15) Stability information setting
forth the maximum allowable height of
the center of gravity in relation to
draft data, displacement, and other applicable parameters unique to the design of the unit to determine compliance with the intact and damage stability criteria, under §§ 174.250 and
174.255 of this chapter.
(16) Curves of form as required under
§ 170.075(a)(3) of this chapter.
§ 134.180

Piping for fire-main suction.

(a) Except as provided by paragraph
(b) of this section, suction lines must
comply with § 132.110 of this subchapter.
(b) Suction lines that extend below
the main deck outside the hull plating
and that supply the fire pump with the
liftboat in the elevated mode must be
metallic, unless they comply with
§ 56.60–25(c) of this chapter for vital
fresh-water and salt-water service, except that they may be of unlimited



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