OMB Control No: 2060-0528
ICR Reference No:
Status: Received in OIRA
Previous ICR Reference No: 201512-2060-007
Agency/Subagency: EPA/OAR
Agency Tracking No: 2078.07
Title: EPA's ENERGY STAR Product
Labeling (Renewal)
Type of Information Collection:
Extension without change of a currently approved collection
Common Form ICR: No
Type of Review Request: Regular
Date Submitted to OIRA:
Previously Approved
Expiration Date
36 Months From Approved
Time Burden (Hours)
Cost Burden (Dollars)
Abstract: ENERGY STAR is a voluntary program
developed in collaboration with industry to create a
self-sustaining market for energy efficient products. The center
piece of the program is the ENERGY STAR label, a registered
certification label that helps consumers identify products that
save energy, save money, and help protect the environment without
sacrificing quality or performance. In order to protect the
integrity of the label and enhance its effectiveness in the
marketplace, EPA must ensure that products carrying the label meet
program requirements.
Authorizing Statute(s): US Code:
USC 7403g. Name of Law: Clean Air Act
US Code: 42
USC 6294a. Name of Law: Energy Policy Act
Citations for New Statutory
Requirements: None
Associated Rulemaking
Stage of Rulemaking:
Federal Register Citation:
Not associated with rulemaking
Federal Register Notices &
60-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
84 FR
30-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
84 FR
Did the Agency receive public comments on
this ICR? No
Number of Information Collection (IC) in this
ICR: 7
IC Title
Form No.
Form Name
Unit Shipment Data for
ENERGY STAR Product Labeling
5900-210, 5900-37, 5900-35, 5900-42, 5900-208, 5900-41,
5900-168, 5900-28, 5900-39, 5900-165, 5900-166, 5900-224, 5900-51,
5900-48, 5900-49, 5900-163, 5900-235, 5900-348, 5900-35, 5900-206,
5900-349, 5900-54, 5900-55, 5900-47, 5900-56, 5900-57, 5900-228,
5900-38, 5900-388, 5900-227, 5900-415, 5900-164, 5900-44, 5900-351,
5900-207, 5900-416, 5900-350, 5900-43, 5900-229, 5900-417, 5900-50,
5900-230, 5900-234, 5900-226, 5900-58, 5900-438
Audio/Video Unit Shipment Data Collecti , ENERGY STAR Boilers Unit
Shipment Data Collection F , ENERGY STAR Central Air
Conditioners and Air-Source , ENERGY STAR Commercial Fryers
Unit Shipment Data Co , ENERGY STAR Commercial Griddles
Unit Shipment Data , ENERGY STAR Commercial Hot Food
Holding Cabinet Uni , ENERGY STAR Commercial Ice
Machines Unit Shipment D , ENERGY STAR Commercial Ovens
Unit Shipment Data Col , ENERGY STAR Commercial
Refrigerators/Freezers Unit , ENERGY STAR Computers Unit
Shipment Data Collection , ENERGY STAR Decorative Light
Strings Unit Shipment , ENERGY STAR Dishwashers Unit
Shipment Data Collecti , ENERGY STAR Displays Unit
Shipment Data Collection , ENERGY STAR Furnaces Unit
Shipment Data Collection , ENERGY STAR Geothermal Heat
Pump Unit Shipment Data , ENERGY STAR Imaging Equipment
Unit Shipment Data Co , ENERGY STAR Luminaires Unit
Shipment Data Collectio , ENERGY STAR Pool Pumps Unit
Shipment Data Collectio , ENERGY STAR Room Air Cleaners
Unit Shipment Data Co , ENERGY STAR Set-Top Boxes Unit
Shipment Data Collec , ENERGY STAR Small Network
Equipment Unit Shipment D , ENERGY STAR Telephony Unit
Shipment Data Collection , ENERGY STAR Televisions Unit
Shipment Data Collecti , ENERGY STAR Uninterruptible
Power Supplies Unit Shi , ENERGY STAR Vending Machines
Unit Shipment Data Col , ENERGY STAR Ventilating Fans
Unit Shipment Data Col , ENERGY STAR Water Heaters Unit
Shipment Data Collec , ENERGY STAR Ceiling Fans Unit
Shipment Data Collect , ENERGY STAR Clothes Dryers Unit
Shipment Data Colle , ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers
Unit Shipment Data Coll , ENERGY STAR Commercial Boilers
Unit Shipment Data C , ENERGY STAR Commercial
Dishwashers Unit Shipment Da , ENERGY STAR Commercial Steam
Cookers Unit Shipment , ENERGY STAR Commercial Water
Heaters Unit Shipment , ENERGY STAR Computer Servers
Unit Shipment Data Col , ENERGY STAR Connected
Thermostats Unit Shipment Dat , ENERGY STAR Data Center Storage
Unit Shipment Data , ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers Unit
Shipment Data Collec , ENERGY STAR Lamps Unit Shipment
Data Collection For , ENERGY STAR Laboratory Grade
Refrigerators and Free , ENERGY STAR Light Commercial
HVAC Unit Shipment Dat , ENERGY STAR Refrigerators and
Freezers Unit Shipmen , ENERGY STAR Room Air
Conditioners Unit Shipment Dat , ENERGY STAR Set-Top Box Service
Provider Unit Shipm , ENERGY STAR Water Coolers Unit
Shipment Data Collec , ENERGY STAR Electric Vehicle
Supply Equipment Unit
Third Party Certified
Product Information
5900-253, 5900-252, 5900-251
List of Products
not eligible for ENERGY STAR , ENERGY STAR Failure Report
Verification Testing Summary Report
Partner of the Year
Award Applicaiton
5900-34, 5900-34, 5900-34, 5900-34, 5900-34, 5900-34,
Instructions and Executive Summary , Product Brand Owner ,
Product Brand
Owner Windows, Doors, and Skylights , ENERGY STAR Promotion ,
Innovation/Product Design , Energy Efficiency Program
Delivery , Retailer
5900-33, 5900-34, 5900-35, 5900-33
Partnership Agreement , ENERGY STAR Participation Form
- Retailer , ENERGY STAR Participation Form
- EEPS , ENERGY STAR Participation Form
- Product Brand Owne
Application for AB,
CB, Lab, and W/SMTL Recognition and Scope Expansion
5900-218, 5900-255, 5900-216, 5900-217
Application for
Recognition of Certification Bodies , Application for Witnessed or
Supervised Testing Lab , Application for Recognition of
Accreditation Bodies , Application for Recognition of
Accredited Laborator
Partner Response Forms
5900-254, 5900-254, 5900-254, 5900-254
Partner Response Form , Disputable Partner Response
Form , Certification Error Partner
Response Form , Lighting Disputable Partner
Response Form
5900-439, 5900-440
Most Efficient HVAC
Narrative Guide , Most Efficient Windows
ICR Summary of Burden
Total Request
Previously Approved
Change Due to New Statute
Change Due to Agency Discretion
Change Due to Adjustment in
Change Due to Potential Violation of
the PRA
Annual Number of Responses
Annual Time Burden (Hours)
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars)
Burden increases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: No
Burden Increase Due to:
Burden decreases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: No
Burden Reduction Due to:
Short Statement: There is a decrease in the
total estimated hour burden compared with the ICR currently
approved by OMB. This decrease results from EPAs adjustments to the
number of respondents based on analysis of the programs historical
data and trends on respondent activity and submissions. The O&M
and capital costs in this ICR have been eliminated based on
industry consultations and a recognition that all collections have
become electronic, eliminating the need for postage, binders and
other O&M or capital.
Annual Cost to Federal Government: $482,308
Does this IC contain surveys, censuses, or employ
statistical methods? No
Does this ICR request any personally identifiable
information (see OMB Circular No. A-130 for an
explanation of this term)? Please consult with your agency's
privacy program when making this determination.
Does this ICR include a form that requires a Privacy Act
Statement (see 5
U.S.C. §552a(e)(3) )? Please consult with your agency's privacy
program when making this determination.
Is this ICR related to the Affordable Care Act [Pub. L.
111-148 & 111-152]? No
Is this ICR related to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act, [Pub. L. 111-203]? No
Is this ICR related to the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)? No
Is this ICR related to the Pandemic Response?
Agency Contact: James Kwon 202 564-8538
[email protected]