Study Participation via GfK Knowledge Panel Survey Items

Assessment of Real Warriors Campaign’s Impact on Negative Perceptions about Mental Health Conditions and Treatment and Awareness of Resources

0720-AAVF_MediaCampaignEfficacySurvey_SurveyItems 23Aug18.xlsx

Study Participation via GfK Knowledge Panel Survey Items

OMB: 0720-0065

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Item # Screening, Pre, or Post Item Response options Note
0 Screening Are you the person whose name was included in the email invitation for this survey? If users select YES, they will proceed. If users select NO, the survey will be terminated.
1 Screening Do you currently or have you previously served in the United States military? 1) No; 2) Yes, I am currently on full-time active duty. (Active duty includes serving in the United States Armed Forces as well as activation from the National Guard or Reserve.); 3) Yes, I am in the National Guard or Reserve but am not activated.; 4) Yes, I have previously served in the United States military or am a veteran.
2 Screening (If respond 2 to Q2) Are you currently an active duty service member or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve? 1) Active duty service member; 2)Activated National Guard or Reserve member
3 Screening (If respond 4 to Q2) Please indicate your current military status. 1) Retired (medical); 2) Retired (non-medical); 3) Separated or discharged
3a Screening (If respond 4 to Q1) Please indicate the eras in which you served. 1) OEF/OIF/OND (2001 - present); 2) Desert (1990 - 2000); 3) Post-Vietnam War (1976-1989); 4) Vietnam War (1960-1975); 5) Post-Korean War (1954-1959); 6) WWII through Korean War (1941-1953)
3b Screening (If respond 3 to Q3) What is your discharge status? 1) honorable discharge; 2) general discharge (under honorable conditions; 3) other than honorable discharge; 4) entry-level separation; 5) bad conduct discharge; 6) dismissal; 7) dishonorable discharge
4 Screening In what branch of service are you or have you served? (If you have served in more than one branch, please select the one you served in for the longest period of time.) 1) Air Force 2) Army 3) Coast Guard 4) Marine Corps 5) Navy
5 Screening What was [is] your highest military pay grade? (only if in service member or veteran conditions) E1-E4, E5-E8, W1-W5, O1-O3, O4 and above
6 Screening Do you have an immediate family member who is currently serving in the United States military? Immediate family members include spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, great grandparent, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepsibling, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or first cousin (that is, a child of an aunt or uncle). 1) No 2) Yes
6a Screening Do you have an immediate family member who previously served in the United States military or is a veteran? Immediate family members include spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, great grandparent, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepsibling, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or first cousin (that is, a child of an aunt or uncle). 1) No 2) Yes
7a Screening Are you close friends with someone who previously served in the U.S. military (active duty, National Guard, or Reserve) or is a veteran?
A close friend is someone with whom one can really communicate and confide about feelings and personal problems.
1) No 2) Yes
7b Screening Have you used health care provided by the Veterans Health Administration (VA)?. 1) No 2) Yes
7c Screening (If respond 2 to Q7a) When was the last time you received health care provided by the Veterans Health Administration (VA)? 1) In the past 6 months; 2)6 months to 1 year ago; 3) More than one year ago
8 Pre & Post Thinking about the average person with a mental health problem, how willing or unwilling would you be to do the following? Move next door to someone who has a mental health problem Definitely unwilling, probably un willing, probably willing, definitely willing
8a Pre & Post Spend an evening socializing with someone who has a mental health problem Definitely unwilling, probably un willing, probably willing, definitely willing
8b Pre & Post Start working closely on a job with someone who has a mental health problem Definitely unwilling, probably un willing, probably willing, definitely willing
9 Pre & Post In general, would you say that your physical health is… Excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor
10 Pre & Post In general, would you say that your mental health is… Excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor
10a Pre & Post In general, would you say that your overall health is… Excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor
11 Pre & Post In general, do you think it would damage a person's military career if the person were to seek counseling or mental health treatment through the military, regardless of the reason for seeking help? No, Yes
12 Pre & Post A person with a mental health condition is a danger to others Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
13 Pre & Post People who have had a mental health condition are never going to be able to contribute much to society. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
14 Pre & Post Imagine that you had a problem that needed to be treated by a mental health professional. Which of the following would you do?
Would go for professional help for a serious emotional problem
Definitely not go, Probably not go, Probably go, Definitely go
15 Pre & Post Would put off seeking treatment for fear of letting others know about your mental health problem Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
16 Pre & Post Would delay seeking treatment for fear of being told that you have a serious mental health problem Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
17 Pre & Post Would try to hide your mental health problem from family or friends Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
18 Pre & Post Would try to hide your mental health problem from co-workers or classmates Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
19 Pre & Post I know how I could be supportive of people with a mental health problem Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
20 Pre & Post I plan to take action to prevent discrimination against people with mental health problems Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
20a Pre & Post I am confident that I could seek help for a mental health concern if I had one. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
21 Pre & Post If I believed I was having a mental health problem or crisis, my first inclination would be to get professional attention. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
22 Pre & Post The idea of talking about problems with a psychologist strikes me as a poor way to get rid of emotional conflicts. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
23 Pre & Post If I were experiencing a serious emotional crisis at this point in my life, I would be confident that I could find relief in psychotherapy (such as counseling). Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
24 Pre & Post There is something admirable in the attitude of a person who is willing to cope with his or her conflicts and fears without resorting to professional help. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
25 Pre & Post I would want to get psychological help if I were worried or upset for a long period of time. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
26 Pre & Post I want to have psychological counseling in the future. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
27 Pre & Post A person with an emotional problem is not likely to solve it alone; he or she is likely to solve it with professional help. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
28 Pre & Post Considering the time and expense involved in psychotherapy (such as counseling), it would have doubtful value for a person like me. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
29 Pre & Post A person should work out his or her own problems; getting psychological counseling would be a last resort. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
30 Pre & Post Personal and emotional troubles, like many things, tend to work out by themselves. Agree, partly agree, partly disagree, disagree
31 Pre & Post If you [a friend or family member that is in the military or is a veteran] wanted help for an emotional problem, which of the following would make it difficult?” a. Family or friends would be more helpful than a mental health professional. Yes/No
32 Pre & Post It could harm [my/my friend or family member's] career. Yes/No
33 Pre & Post My [friend or family member's] co-workers would have less confidence in me [him/her] if they found out. Yes/No
34 Pre & Post My [friend or family' members] commander or supervisor might respect me [him/her] less. Yes/No
35 Pre & Post [My/My friend or family member's] treatment would be kept confidential. Yes/No
36 Pre & Post [I/My friend or family member] would not know where to get help or whom to see. Yes/No
37 Pre & Post Even good mental health care is not very effective. Yes/No
38 Pre & Post Religious counseling would be more helpful than mental health treatment. Yes/No
38a Pre & Post If you were having a personal or emotional problem, how likely is it that you would seek help from the following people? Intimate partner (e.g., girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, domestic partner) Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38b Pre & Post Friend (not related to you) Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38c Pre & Post Parent Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38d Pre & Post Other relative/family member Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38e Pre & Post Mental health professional (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, counselor, etc.) Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38f Pre & Post Phone helpline (e.g., National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Veterans Crisis Line) Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38g Pre & Post Doctor/primary care physician Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38h Pre & Post Minister or religious leader (e.g., priest, rabbi, chaplain) Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38i Pre & Post I would not seek help from anyone. Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38j Pre & Post I would seek help from another source not listed above. Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
38k Pre & Post (if respond likely or unlikely) What source? Open-ended
39 Pre & Post Thinking about the average person with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), how willing or unwilling would you be to do the following? Move next door to someone who is diagnosed as HIV positive. Definitely unwilling, probably un willing, probably willing, definitely willing
40 Pre & Post Spend an evening socializing with someone who is diagnosed as HIV positive Definitely unwilling, probably un willing, probably willing, definitely willing
41 Pre & Post Start working closely on a job with someone who is diagnosed as HIV positive Definitely unwilling, probably un willing, probably willing, definitely willing
42 Pre & Post Would go for professional help if you thought you might be HIV positive. Definitely not go, Probably not go, Probably go, Definitely go
43 Pre & Post Would put off getting tested for HIV for fear of letting others know. Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
44 Pre & Post Would delay getting tested for HIV for fear of being told that you have HIV . Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
45 Pre & Post A person diagnosed as HIV positive is a danger to others. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
46 Pre & Post People diagnosed as HIV positive are never going to be able to contribute much to society. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
47 Pre & Post Would try to hide your positive HIV status from family or friends Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
48 Pre & Post Would try to hide your positive HIV status from co-workers or classmates Definitely would not, Probably would not, Probable would, Definitely would
49 Pre & Post I know how I could be supportive of people diagnosed as HIV positive if I wanted to be . Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
50 Pre & Post I plan to take action to prevent discrimination against people diagnosed as HIV positive. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
51 Pre & Post During the past 12 months, was there any time when you needed mental health treatment or counseling for yourself but didn't get it? No, Yes
52 Pre & Post During the past 12 months, was there any time when you needed treatment or counseling for yourself for drug or alcohol use (not counting cigarettes) but didn’t get it? No, Yes
53 Pre & Post I feel confident that I can... Recognize the signs that someone may be dealing with a mental health problem or crisis. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
54 Pre & Post Reach out to someone who may be dealing with a mental health problem or crisis. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
55 Pre & Post Ask a person whether he/she is considering taking his/her life. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
56 Pre & Post Actively and compassionately listen to someone in distress. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
57 Pre & Post Offer a distressed person basic information and reassurance about mental health problems Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
58 Pre & Post Assist a person who may be dealing with a mental health problem or crisis to seek professional help. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
59 Pre & Post Assist a person who may be dealing with a mental health problem or crisis to connect with community, peer, and personal supports. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
60 Pre & Post Be aware of my own views and feelings about mental health problems and disorders. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
61 Pre & Post Recognize and correct misconceptions about mental health problems as I encounter them. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree

Pre & Post If you are in crisis or know someone who is, confidential support can be found at:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Phone Number: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)

Military and Veterans Crisis Line
Phone Number: 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)

Additional resources can be found here:
Military OneSource:

More information on the campaigns referenced in this survey can be found here:
Real Warriors:
Make the Connection:
National Recovery Month:
No response necessary
62 Post These campaign materials are worth remembering Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
63 Post These campaign materials grabbed my attention Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
64 Post These campaign materials were powerful Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
65 Post These campaign materials were informative Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
66 Post These campaign materials were meaningful Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
67 Post These campaign materials were convincing Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
67a Post If a family member or friend were dealing with an emotional or personal problem, I would share these campaign materials with them. Strongly disagree, Moderately disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, moderately agree, strongly agree
67b Post Prior to participating in this study, have you seen, read, or heard any messages or advertising for getting service members or veterans help for mental health problems? Yes, No
67c Post [If yes to Q67a] What were the names of the campaign or campaigns that you have heard? Open-ended
68 Post Prior to participating in this study, had you ever seen, read, or heard anything about [CAMPAIGN NAME]? Not at all; Once; 2 to 4 times; 5 to 10 times; More than 10 times; Don't know
69 Post In recent months, how many times have you ever seen, read, or heard any of the [CAMPAIGN NAME] materials you viewed today? Not at all; Once; 2 to 4 times; 5 to 10 times; More than 10 times
69a Post How likely are you to seek more information about mental health? Extremely unlikely, unlikely, likely, extremely likely
70 Post Have you ever had a mental health problem? No, Yes
70a Post Have you ever had a substance use problem? No, Yes
71 Post (If yes to 70), have you ever sought treatment for a mental health problem? No, Yes
71a Post (If yes to 70a), have you ever sought treatment or counseling for your use of alcohol or any drug, not counting cigarettes? No, Yes
72 Post Do you have a family member who has or has had a mental health problem? No, Yes
72a Post Do you have a family member who has gotten treatment or counseling for his or her use of alcohol or any drug, not counting cigarettes? No, Yes
73 Post During the past 30 days, how often did you feel: nervous None of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time
74 Post Hopeless None of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time
75 Post Restless or fidgety None of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time
76 Post So depressed that nothing could cheer you up None of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time
77 Post That everything was an effort None of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time
78 Post Worthless None of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time
79 Post The last six questions asked about feelings that might have occurred during the past 30 days. Taking them altogether, did these feelings occur… Less often than usual, about the the same as usual, more often in the past 30 days than is usual for you
80 Post The next few questions are about how these feelings may have affected you in the past 30 days. You need not answer any questions if you answered "none of the time" to all six questions about your feelings. During the past 30 days, how many days out of 30 were you totally unable to work or carry out your normal activities because of these feelings? Open-ended
81 Post Not counting the days you reported in response to the previous question, how many days in the past 30 were you able to do only half or less of what you would normally have been able to do, because of these feelings? Open-ended
82 Post During the past 30 days, how many times did you see a doctor or other health professional about these feelings? Open-ended
83 Post During the past 30 days, how often have physical health problems been the main cause of these feelings? None of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time
84 Post If you have additional thoughts on the materials you viewed or the survey, please write them in the box below. Open-ended
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