NonSub Change Memo - Updates to Wave 1 Survey

OMB MEMO.Nonsubstantive Changes_OHS TTA Survey.Wave 1_to ACF_10.15.2019_FINAL.docx

[OPRE Descriptive Study] Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance

NonSub Change Memo - Updates to Wave 1 Survey

OMB: 0970-0532

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TO: Josh Brammer and Daniel Cline

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

FROM: Ann Rivera, PhD

Office of Planning Research and Evaluation (OPRE)

Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

DATE: October 17, 2019

SUBJECT: Request for Non-Substantive Change: Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Wave 1 (OMB# 0970-0532)

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) submitted a package for the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) for review by the Office of Management and Budget on June 18, 2019, with approval received on July 24, 2019. This memo documents non-substantive changes proposed for the Wave 1 Survey of Head Start Grantees on T/TA since the initial submission date. These changes come primarily from: 1) feedback from partner agencies regarding questionnaire content, 2) recent analyses of OHS administrative data in development of the sampling frame to support survey administration, and 3) review of questionnaire once programmed as a web-based survey.

Our request is only for changes to the survey that would allow us to collect high quality data that can support the research objectives of the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA). This memorandum and the tables below describe the specific non-substantive changes made to the survey since receiving OMB approval. The updated Wave 1 Survey is also provided. These revisions have no impact on estimated burden.

Table 1. Summary of proposed modifications to T/TA Wave 1 instrument


Modification proposed


Revised the description and introduction text to clarify what T/TA should support. Provided definitions for commonly used terms in the survey.

Section I

No new questions. Minor revisions to text and re-ordering of grid questions to appear in alphabetical order.

Section II

No new questions. Minor revisions to text and re-ordering of grid questions to appear in alphabetical order.

Section III

Minor revisions to text and re-ordering of grid questions to appear in alphabetical order. New questions ask respondent for their preferences on mode of receiving their honorarium.

Table 2. Proposed revisions to the Survey of Head Start Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Wave 1

Questionnaire Section

Summary of Revision

Specific Questions and Text Edits

Throughout Questionnaire

T/TA abbreviations

General change from “training and/or technical assistance” to “T/TA” after first occurrence.

Changed in every section.

Last program year mentions

The last program year defined as (2018-2019)

Changed in Section II and Section III. Year range added.

Current program year mentions

The current program year defined as (2019-2020)

Changed in Section II and Section III. Year range added.

Program Management

General change from “Program Management” to “Fiscal Operations”

Changed in every section.

Early Childhood Development and Education

General change from “Early Childhood” to “Early Childhood Development and Education”

Changed in every section.

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement

Added contact information for the respondent to reach out to Principal Investigator, Carol Hafford, Ph.D. Also added the OMB number and expiration date.

The described collection of information is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB number for the described information collection is 0970-0532 and the expiration date is 07/31/2020. If you have questions about this data collection, please contact Carol Hafford, Ph.D. at 877-324-4157 or at [email protected].


Deleted: Previoius purpose of survey description.

Added: Description of what T/TA should support in delivering high-quality Head Start services and updated statement about purpose of survey.

Added: Honorarium information.

Instructions clarified for selecting grants that are familiar to the respondent.


The purpose of the survey is to inform ACF about three aspects of Head Start grantees’ T/TA experience: 1) search and selection of T/TA; 2) receipt of T/TA; 3) and potential relationships between T/TA received and perceived changes in practice.


T/TA should support programs in delivering high-quality Head Start services. The purpose of this survey is to inform ACF and the Office of Head Start (OHS) about how Head Start programs use and experience T/TA services offered by various providers. Your responses will help OHS and ACF ensure that the OHS T/TA system meets program needs.


You will receive a $25 honorarium for your participation in this survey. You will be able to choose between an Amazon gift code (sent immediately via email), or a gift card (sent within two-three weeks via regular mail) to thank you for your time.

Please indicate which of these check the box next to the grants you are familiar with, even if you are not responsible for them.

How long it will take

Reduced overlap in activities listed contributing to burden.

The survey will take about 45 minutes to complete. This includes time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the survey. If you are unable to complete the survey in one sitting, please click the "Save & Exit" button to save your progress. You can return to this page and re-enter your PIN to continue the survey where you left off.

Survey directions and definitions

Added definitions of terms and references. Minor text edits.

Throughout this survey, please respond to questions for to reflect all of your Head Start-funded programs, including Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, and Early Head Start Child Care Partnership programs (throughout this survey we refer to these programs collectively as “Head Start programs”).

A note about terms.

As noted above, T/TA is meant to support programs in delivering high-quality Head Start services. It has two components.

Training is instruction or professional development to teach key concepts. It is delivered in small or large group settings, in-person or online.

Technical Assistance is targeted consulting for an individual or program. It is delivered in-person or online, and can include targeted resources.

Section I

Corrected typo

Directions: In this section, we ask about the key characteristics of your overall agency. Note that, throughout this survey, “agency” refers to the larger organization of which your Head Start program is a part. Please respond keeping the overall agency in mind. Also, when we ask about your “Head Start program(s),” please include Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership programs.

Specified ‘in all programs’ to indicate that respondent should not answer only for Head Start program.

1. In total, how many children age 5 and under does your agency serve in all programs? Please include children funded by Head Start as well as those funded by other sources or privately paid.

Corrected typos

2. We are interested in training and technical assistance (T/TA) practices throughout your agency’s OHS-funded activities. Please tell us how your agency manages its different Head Start grants, program options and programs, such as Head Start and Early Head Start.

  1. Does the same person direct all of the OHS grants your agency has, or are there multiple people directing the grants?

Same person directs all OHS grants

More than one person directs OHS grants

We have only one OHS grant

Revised response options to better distinguish between categories and align with other data sources.

3. In addition to Head Start funding, which of the following are additional

sources of funds that your program receives to provide services to children

and families?

Child care fees paid by parents

Child care fees paid by Funds from state government (e.g., CCDF or TANF subsidies, State Pre-K funding, voucher/certificates, state contracts or grants)

Local, state or tribal government funds (e.g., Pre-K funding from local school board or other agency, grants from city or county government)

Federal government funds other than Head Start

Funds from non-government community organizations or other grants from foundations and corporations (e.g., United Way, local charities, or religious organizations)

Funds from fund raising activities, cash contributions, gifts, bequests, special event

Not applicable

Re-ordered items on response grid alphabetically.

Removed text to minimize respondent burden.

Added instruction text for clarification.

Corrected time frame to better reflect practice.

4. How many staff members or consultants currently work in or support your Head Start program in each of these roles?

Please enter the number of staff or consultants who currently work in or support your Head Start program.

4_1. [if > 0, ask:] What proportion of your agency’s current staff have been in their roles for less than 1224 months? Please enter “0” if you have no staff in a category

a. Center directors

b. Managers/Supervisors/Coordinators

c. Disability Coordinator(s)

d. Coaches who provide T/TA

e. Education/child development staff (i.e., teachers, co-teachers, assistant teachers, home visitors, family child care providers, or other direct service staff)

f. Family and community services staff

g. Health services staff

h. Mental health consultants

i. All other staff

Section II

Reduced repetition of question stem.

5. In general, how does your Head Start program assess its T/TA needs? Please respond to each of the questions below, either Yes, No or Not Applicable (N/A).

a. Does your Head Start program use a standardized process to assess T/TA needs (such as using a protocol or checklist, or structured observation)?

b. Does your Head Start program assess T/TA needs differently for different program grants you have? (HS, EHS, EHS-CCP, MSHS)?

c. Does your Head Start program assess T/TA needs differently for different key areas (such as teaching practices, parent/family engagement,)?

Removed response choice to better reflect program structure.

Revised text on response options to be consistent with other items.

6. After your Head Start program’s T/TA plan is developed who is usually responsible for implementing the plan? Select all that apply.

EHS/HS Program Director Head Start program director

 Individual center directors

 Education managers/coordinators

 Family and community services managers/coordinators

 Coaches

 Health, mental health, and safety managers/coordinators

 Program management/human resources/fiscal operations managers

Regional T/TA specialist

 Mental health consultants

 Individual family services staff

 Disability coordinators

 Professional development coordinator (not specific to education)

 Education staff (individual teachers, home visitors or other direct service staff)

 Someone else

Revised text to improve consistency across items.

9. When you make decisions about which staff and stakeholders will receive T/TAand/or professional development, which of the following sources of information do you usually take into consideration?

a. Your Five-year program goals

b. Needs analyses (across the program)

c. Specific staff needs or requests

d. Input from the Board of Directors

e. Input from the Policy Council members

f. Input from directors and/or senior leadership Input from content managers/coordinators, including coaches and child development specialists

g. Input from content managers/coordinators, including coaches and child development specialists Input from directors and/or senior leadership

h. Input from consultants (i.e., mental health/child care health consultants)

i. OHS priorities

Revised text to clarify focus of the question.

Revised text in response options.

Removed a response choice.

10. Which of your staff and stakeholders receive T/TA? Do you decide which staff and stakeholders will receive T/TA based on any of the following objectives?

a. To help all staff need to build capacity in an area(s)

b. To help some staff need to build capacity in an area(s)

c. To introduce new policies or practices

d. To improve existing policies or practices

e. To meet individual staff professional development needs

f. To meet Head Start program need for specific expertise (HSPPS)

g. To meet agency goals

g. Other (specify)

Revised sub-items to reduce overlap

11. Does your agency do any of the following to help staff obtain T/TA?

a. Pay fees or tuition

b. Pay travel and lodging

c. Reimburse for T/TA training expenses and travel

d. Pay for preparation/planning time

e. Provide incentives for T/TA participation

f. Pay for substitute staffing

g. Other (specify)

Corrected references to OHS funds

12. Which of the following sources does your agency use to pay for T/TA? Please include paying for direct costs as well as for staff time.

a. HS/EHS OHS discretionary funds for T/TA (PA20, PA21)

b. HS/EHS OHS operational funds (PA22, PA23 PA25)

c. Other federal funding sources

d. Regional, local and/or tribal funding sources

e. Private funding sources (i.e., foundations, individual donations)

f. Other (specify)

Corrected fund references

Revised options to better reflect program activities

Reordered response choices.

Removed several response options.

13. What program activities are supported by discretionary OHS T/TA funds (e.g., PA20, PA21, PA25)?

a. Consultants for onsite professional development

b. Individual mentoring or coaching

c. MentoringRegistration for conferences or coachingworkshops

d. Staff wellness/employee recognition

e. Supports that enable staff to attend workshops/training by other organizationsprofessional development events

f. Visits to other childcare centers Travel for conference or classroomsworkshops

g. A community of learners facilitated by an expert

g. Tuition assistance for degree coursework

i. On-site associate’s or bachelor’s degree courses

j. Incentives for training/technical assistance participation (e.g., gift cards)

k. Travel to off-site free training

l. E-learning modules

h. Other (specify)

Revised options to better match other items with similar code frame. Corrected references to program funds.

14. Who is most responsible for deciding how your agency’s discretionary OHS T/TA funds are used (including all discretionary dollars, such as PA20, PA21 or PA25)? Please select one only.

a. Board of Directors

b. Policy Council

c. Executive Director

c. EHS/HS Program Director

d. Fiscal Officer

e. Coordinators/Managers

f. Center director(s)

g. Human Resources Staff

h. Education Staff (i.e., teachers, coaches, home visitors)

i. Parents

j. Other (specify)

More clearly introduced key terms in questionnaire. Alphabetized the order of response categories and revised to better reflect practice.

T/TA needs can vary across different parts of an agency and different types of activities. Throughout this questionnaire, we will sometimes ask questions about four content areas (Fiscal Operations, Early Childhood Development and Education, Family and Community Services, and Health, Mental Health and Safety) within the work of your agency. These may not cover all of the work that your agency does, but we are focusing on them to understand how T/TA needs can vary within Head Start programs.

15. For each of the four content areas, indicate which strategies and resources does your Head Start program uses to share knowledge and build skills throughout your agency.

a. Technology-basedCommunities of practice or learning webinarscohorts

b. Conferences or workshops

c. Coursework for certificate or credit

d. Group discussion/peer learning

e. Individual coaching/mentoring

f. Coursework (in person or online)Online modules

g. Reviewing resource materials/staff discussionswritten resources

h. In-person workshops and trainingWebinars

i. Use a train the trainer approach

Revised text to clarify Head Start program vs agency.

16. Please list any other strategies that your Head Start program uses to share knowledge and build skills throughout your agency.

Clarified response options.

17. Would you say that knowledge-sharing and skill-building tends to be done uniformly across centers in the following content areas? Please indicate for each of the four content areas below whether or not the sharing of knowledge and building of skills tends to be done uniformly across centers you operate.

  1. Yes Uniformly

  2. No Not Uniformly

  3. N/A

Revised text and alphabetized the order of grid question appearance. Added additional response choices. Removed extra text from screen to minimize respondent burden.

NOTE: The next set of questions ask about your approach to T/TA during the past program year (2018-2019).

18. During In the last program year, what types of external providers (2018-2019), did your program use…which resource (listed below) did your program use for T/TA?

Did your program use this resource for T/TA in In the last program year (2018-2019) did your program use this type of provider forT/TA in the last program year from…

Approximately how much did your program pay for this resource in In 2018-19 approximately how much did your program pay this type of provider in 2018-19 for T/TA? from… Please enter amount and then proceed to the next question on-screen. Note: If not free or >$0, then you will be asked two follow-up questions

$ ____________

FreeNo payments made

Not sure □

(IF > $0 PAID, ASK:) Were any OHS T/TA discretionary dollars used to pay this type of provider?for T/TA fromthis resource?

(IF > $0 PAID, ASK:) Were any OHS operational dollars used to pay this type of provider?for T/TA from this resource?

Did the T/TA received from this typeWhich of the following content areas did this T/TA resource address? Please select all that apply.

  • Fiscal Operations

  • Early Childhood Development and Education

  • Family and Community Services

  • Health, Mental Health, Safety

  • Another content area

Specified years explicitly, and revised structure of question to insert staff types into question wording.

19_1. During the last program year, (2018-2019), in which content areas did [TYPE OF STAFF] the following Head Start program staff and stakeholders participate in T/TA led by providers from outside of your agency? Select all that apply.

  • Fiscal Operations

  • Early Childhood Development and Education

  • Family and Community Services

  • Health, Mental Health, Safety

  • Other

  • None

  • Don’t Know

Specified years explicitly, and revised structure of question to insert staff types into question wording.

19_2. During the last program year, (2018-2019), in which content areas did [TYPE OF STAFF] the following Head Start program staff and stakeholders participate in T/TA led by providers who are on staff within your agency? Select all that apply.

  • Fiscal Operations

  • Early Childhood Development and Education

  • Family and Community Services

  • Health, Mental Health, Safety

  • Other

  • None

  • Don’t Know

Section III

Clarified full agency vs. only Head Start program, and removed multiple definitions for clarity.

20. In the last program year, (2018-2019), for which of the following areas did you have Head Start program goals? please select theyour agency’s the three highest areas to which you gave priority (on which you spent the most time working.) Head Start program goal areas.

Removed term ‘providers’ which stakeholders and reviewers found confusing and edited some response options.

22. In the last program year (2018-2019), did T/TA from what training and technical assistance providers, if any helped each of the following help your Head Start program make progress in meeting the [XXX ] goal?

a. Associations or professional associations (e.g., NHSA, NAEYC)

b. Child care resource and referral agencies

c. Conferences and workshops (offsite or virtual)

d. Consultants or onsite trainers (includes mental health and child care health consultants)

e. Courses for certificate or credit)

f. Curriculum and/product vendors

g. Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (OHS website)

h. Local T/TA resources or offsite community partners

i. Non-Head Start federally funded T/TA

j. OHS National T/TA Centers

k. OHS Regional T/TA Specialists

l. Online learning networks

m. State/County/City Offices or Departments offices (e.g., ECE, education, health, social services)

n. State Quality Rating and Improvement System

k. Other (specify)

Expanded number of challenges collected and revised categories to be more distinctive.

23. In the last program year (2018-2019), which of the following challenges hindered your efforts to achieve your Head Start program’s key goals? Please select the top three five challenges you faced in the last program year.

a. Time constraints (not enough hours in the day)

b. Too many conflicting demands

b. Staff salaries not high enough for the job demands

c. Lack of support staff

d. Not enough T/TA options for professional development building staff capacity

e. Not enough support and communication from administration/agency leadership

f. Not enough support and communication from key stakeholders (such as parent advisory councils, external funders, other authorities outside of the agency)

g. Not enough funds for supplies and activities

h. Dealing with a challenging population

i. Staff turnover

j. Lack of parent support

k. Lack of qualified education staff

l. Lack of bilingual staff

m. Other (please specify): _______________

Revised text to remove reference to ‘resources’, which stakeholders and reviewers found a confusing term. Alphabetized the order of response options, and reduced the list of options.

25. For this program year (2019-2020), which of the following,what resources have you identified to assist your Head Start program in meeting its goals?

a. Associations or professional associations (e.g., NHSA, NAEYC)

b. Child care resource and referral agencies

c. Conferences and workshops (offsite or virtual)

d. Consultants or onsite trainers (includes mental health and child care health consultants)

e. Courses for certificate or credit)

f. Curriculum and/product vendors

g. Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (OHS website)

h. Local T/TA resources or offsite community partners

i. Non-Head Start federally funded T/TA

j. OHS National T/TA Centers

k. OHS Regional T/TA Specialists

l. Online learning networks

m. State/County/City Offices or Departments offices (e.g., ECE, education, health, social services)

n. State Quality Rating and Improvement System

f. OHS T/TA system (regional T/TA Specialists, National Centers, Early Childhood Knowledge and Learning Center website)

g. Professional organizations

h. Peer-learning communities

i. Other federally-funded T/TA centers

Removed items at program request.

Revised text and alphabetized the order of grid question appearance.

27. Please rate each type of provider of the following type on three dimensions: how much you view them as trusted sources of T/TA, how knowledgeable they are the quality of the T/TA they provide.

a. Associations or professional associations (e.g., NHSA, NAEYC)

b. Child care resource and referral agencies

a. Conferences and workshops (offsite or virtual)

d. Consultants or onsite trainers (includes mental health and child care health consultants)

e. Courses for certificate or credit

f. Curriculum/product vendors

g. Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (OHS website)

h. Local T/TA or offsite community partners

i. Non-Head Start federally funded T/TA

j. OHS National T/TA Centers

k. OHS Regional T/TA Specialists

l. Online learning networks

m. State/County/City offices (e.g., ECE, education, health, social services)

n. State Quality Rating and Improvement System

Are they trusted sources?

  • Very much

  • Somewhat

  • Not at all

How knowledgeable are they?

  • Very much

  • Somewhat

  • Not at all

Revised one sub-item to better reflect program practice. Edited response category to be consistent with other items.

28. How useful are the following types of communications is [TEXTFILL GRID ITEM] from OHS for you and your staff to learn best practices, program requirements, and how to meet your program goals?

a. Learning about best practices

  • Very much

  • Somewhat

  • Not at all

b. Learning about program requirements

  • Very much

  • Somewhat

  • Not at all

c. Meeting program goals

  • Very much

  • Somewhat

  • Not at all

Revision of sub-item (Q28):

ECLKC resource materials (such as the coaching companion, curriculum, handbooks and guides) print resources (e.g., checklists, activity sheets, documents)

Included ‘families’ in category c for consistency with other sub-items. Renamed top category for clarity.

29. To what extent has any T/TA from the OHS T/TA system helped your agency:

a. provide more culturally and linguistically responsive services to children and families?

b. support the full and effective participation of children who are dual language learners and their families?

c. provide services for children with disabilities and their families?

  1. Not at All

  2. A little

  3. Some

  4. Very A Great Deal

Revised text to meet program preferences for input.

30. How can OHS T/TA improve to support your program? In general, what suggestions do you have for improving OHS T/TA services?

Revised text for consistency with terms used elsewhere in instrument.

31. We will be conducting a follow-up survey to learn about your agency’s T/TA experiences in one of the topical four content areas listed below — Fiscal Operations, Early Childhood Development and Education, Family and Community Services, and Health, Mental Health and Safety. Please identify the person in your agency most knowledgeable about your agency’s practices and use of T/TA for each of these the topical content areas below. (The same person may be listed for multiple areas, including yourself.)

OUTRO section updated with honorarium selection questions to collect respondent preferences for receiving a giftcode or giftcard (or neither) and mode of delivery

OUTRO. Thank you very much for your participation in the Survey of OHS Grantees on Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA). We appreciate your attention to this important topic. You will receive a $25 honorarium for your participation in this survey.

Please let us know if you would prefer your honorarium delivered to you via email or mail. Please note that the delivery times differ between the Giftcode (Amazon) and Giftcard (Visa):

[Programming: Single selection from the choices below]

  1. Giftcode from Amazon: This will be emailed to you immediately.

  2. Visa Giftcard: This will be mailed to you within two-three weeks.

  3. I would prefer not to receive an honorarium.

[if Visa Giftcard selected on OUTRO]

Please provide your mailing address to receive the Visa Giftcard honorarium within two-three weeks:

First and Last Name: ______________________

Street 1: ________________________

Street 2: ________________________

City: ___________________________

State: __________________________

Zipcode: ________________________

[if Amazon Giftcode selected on OUTRO]

Please provide your preferred email address to receive the Amazon Giftcode honorarium:

Email address: ___________________

Below is your Amazon gift code number for your $25 honorarium. You will also receive this giftcode via email.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCarol Hafford
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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